Ph. D. Programme

Admission Process
Entry into the GLS University research programmes is competitive and the applicants who are successful usually exceed the minimum
entry requirements. Applicants are assessed for their knowledge of their chosen discipline and their ability to complete a rigorous
research project. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. Download the Admission form from Alternatively, you may collect the form from the School of Doctoral
Research and Innovation, GLS University.
Academic achievement
2. Fill up the form, attach necessary documents and submit the form with a fees of Rs. 500 to the office. The form may be submitted
in person, or by post/courier.
Relevance of your previous qualification to your intended research
Evidence of research ability
3. You will get an acknowledgement on your mail and get further details regarding the schedule of the GReAT and your interaction
with the Research Degree Committee.
Current knowledge of the discipline.
4. Appear for the test, if applicable. You will be intimated the outcome within 7 days of the test.
JJ ©m²æ ¼}¢S¢: ÐçÚ JJ
Promoted By Gujarat Law Society Since 1927
5. Appear for the interaction with Research Degree Committee and discuss your research area and topic with them.
Ph.D Programme
6. You will be given an opportunity to interact with your allocated guide/supervisor as well.
Typically, to be successful, you should have:
7. You will receive an offer of admission by email, giving you details about payment of fees and other formalities.
Bachelor Degree with C.A / C.S. / I.C.W.A completed
8. Accept the offer, pay the fees within the stipulated time.
You must have a Masters degree with minimum 55% score and 50% for SC, ST and others.
You must have appeared for our GReAT (GLS Research and Aptitude Test) and reached the cutoff score. Alternatively, you may be
exempt from appearing for the test if:
9. You are admitted as a doctoral student or M. Phil student at the university. You can begin your studies towards the research degree
you have cleared NET/SLET/UGC JRF/M. Phil
you are holding any fellowship for research from national bodies.
You have appeared in the latest GATE/CAT Examination / /Any other management entrance test as approved by the university
and scored more than 50 percentile
Appeared for GMAT/GRE and scored more than 50 percentile.
You must discuss your research area and topic with the RDC (Research Development Committee) to finalize your research
You must then do a short interaction with the allocated guide/supervisor and agree on common research agenda.
JJ ©m²æ ¼}¢S¢: ÐçÚ JJ
M.Phil Programme
You must have a Masters degree with minimum 55% score and 50% for SC, ST and others.
You must have appeared for our GReAT (GLS Research and Aptitude Test) and reached the cutoff score. Alternatively, you may be
exempt from appearing for the test if:
you have cleared NET/SLET/UGC JRF
you are holding any fellowship for research from national bodies.
You have appeared in the latest GATE/CAT/ Any other management entrance test as approved by the university and scored
more than 50 percentile
Appeared for GMAT/GRE and scored more than 50 percentile.
Promoted By Gujarat Law Society Since 1927
For further information, please contact:
School of Doctoral Research and Innovation
GLS University,
1st Floor, Above Auditorium, Gujarat Law Society Campus,
Opp. Law Garden, Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad – 380059
Phone: 91 79 65222758 ; 9879260096
email: • website:
School of Doctoral Research and Innovation
About GLS University
GLS University is a statutory state private university established by the Act of Gujarat State Assembly. Gujarat Law Society, the parent
body of the university, is a premier educational group, offering courses in multiple disciplines. It stands as a synonym for contemporary
education in the region with its state-of-the-art infrastructure which houses nearly 30 institutes in various spheres. There are over
24,000 students at the campus who are assisted in meticulously crafting their careers and leading them to the path of success. GLS has
a particularly expansive alumni group too which echoes the values that it has imparted, right since its inception. Being a part of some
of the most distinguished corporations, across the globe, these members of the it's alumni have carved out a niche identity for
themselves, that of being responsible, pragmatic and proactive.
GLS University is set up with a vision to benchmark the global standards of education and create path breaking programmes in the
areas of strategic importance not only to the country but across the world. The university is all set to initiate various innovative
programmes in diverse areas of management, information technology, communications, social sciences and commerce.
GLS is poised to become Gujarat's first globally relevant university, delivering quality education at affordable costs.
About School of Doctoral Research
and Innovation (SDRI)
The School of Doctoral Research and Innovation has responsibility for
leadership, oversight and policy advice in relation to the research
degrees including Ph. D. And M. Phil as well as responsibility for
providing appropriate support and guidance to the research candidates
and their supervisors.
The School promotes innovation and excellence in research education
and researcher development across the University. It provides a range of
services to support and develop our research students, supervisors and
early career researchers including research education programs, policy
development, advice and guidance and scholarships.
The school aims to enhance the quality of the research experience and
culture at GLS University by providing face-to-face and online training,
seminars, academic events and social activities. It also promotes high
quality in research training through clear policies, procedures,
information and support processes. The school also fosters good
practice in supervision through the provision of training and compliance
procedures for supervisory staff.
Our Research Focus
At the GLS University, we offer outstanding research training and professional development opportunities for our researchers, at all
stages of candidature. These include Orientation events, Course work, research skills workshops and seminars, online collaborative
research resources, thesis mentoring, leadership programs, desk research courses and much more.
These valuable, highly sought after opportunities have been designed and are managed by leading research training academic and
professional staff at the School of Doctoral Research and Innovation and other departments of the university. Participating in these
opportunities not only supports you throughout your candidature, but allows you to get your degree off to a flying start, maintain
momentum throughout your candidature, complete successfully and reach beyond your research degree.
About the Research Degrees at GLS University
A research degree enables you to quench that thirst for knowledge in the
research area that most interests you. Research degrees are intensive
allowing you to delve deeply into your subject area and contribute distinct
knowledge to your field.
GLS University offers outstanding opportunities for postgraduates to
pursue their research careers by offering the following degrees:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
The PhD is typically 3 years with an 80 000 – 100 000 word thesis. The
programme is available on full time basis (for JRF and fellowship holders)
and part time basis for all other applicants.
The student needs to complete one semester of course work (included in
the duration of 3 years), and then periodically appear before the Research
and Development Committee, which monitors his progress.
Benefits of completing a Ph. D. Degree
Our school provides programmes in most major disciplines including:
Undertaking a doctoral research degree has many benefits. It gives you the
opportunity to:
Business and Management
Make an original, distinct contribution to knowledge
Information Technology and Computer Sciences
Learn to communicate research findings effectively within the academia,
to industry and internationally
Economics and Social Sciences
Collaborate with world-class, leading experts in your field
Develop key transferable skills highly sought by employers
Interdisciplinary studies
Grow personally and professionally
Join the community of scholars in your discipline
Here you will undertake research in your chosen field while working
alongside international leaders. We value our graduate researchers and
assist in every way to ensure your research is well supported. We
Dedicated research centres staffed by world class researchers and
Access to some of the world’s most advanced research resources and
Generous scholarship programs
Unique professional development programs
Comprehensive student support networks.
The MPhil is typically 1 year study with a 30 000 – 40 000 word thesis
followed by the study period. The classes of M. Phil will be conducted
during Morning/ Evening hours for a duration of 2 to 3 hours a day,
followed by research mentoring.
Upon completion of M. Phil you are eligible to direct admission in the Ph.
D. Programme of GLS University. You will then be exempt from the
semester on coursework, giving you an opportunity to complete your
doctorate fast track (2.5 years) by building upon your existing M. Phil
JJ ©m²æ ¼}¢S¢: ÐçÚ JJ
School of Doctoral
Research & Innovation
Promoted By Gujarat Law Society Since 1927
For further information, please contact:
School of Doctoral Research and Innovation
GLS University,
1st Floor, Above Auditorium,
Gujarat Law Society Campus,
Opp. Law Garden, Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad – 380059
Phone: 91 79 65222758 ; 9879260096
About GLS University
About School of Doctoral Research and Innovation (SDRI)
GLS University is a statutory state private university established by the Act of Gujarat State Assembly. Gujarat
Law Society, the parent body of the university,
The School of Doctoral Research and Innovation has responsibility for leadership, oversight and policy advice
in relation to the research degrees including Ph. D. And M. Phil as well as responsibility for providing
appropriate support and guidance to graduate research candidates and their supervisors.
is a premier educational group, offering courses in multiple disciplines. It stands as a synonym for
contemporary education in the region with its state-of-the-art infrastructure which houses nearly 30 institutes
in various spheres. There are over 24,000 students who are assisted in meticulously crafting their careers and
leading them to the path of success. The society has a particularly expansive alumni group too which echoes
the values that GLS has imparted, right since its inception. Being a part of some of the most distinguished
corporations, across the globe, these members of the society's alumni have carved out a niche identity for
themselves, that of being responsible, pragmatic and proactive.
GLS University is set up with a vision to benchmark the global standards of education and create path
breaking programmes in the areas of strategic importance not only to the country but across the world. The
university is all set to initiate various path breaking programmes in diverse areas of management, information
technology, communications, social sciences and commerce.
The University is all poised to become Gujarat's first globally benchmarked educational setup, delivering
quality education at affordable costs.
Our Research Focus
At the GLS University, we offer outstanding research training and professional development opportunities for
our researchers, at all stages of candidature. These include Orientation events, Course work, research skills
workshops and seminars, online collaborative research resources, thesis mentoring, leadership programs, desk
research courses and much more.
These valuable, highly sought after opportunities have been designed and are managed by leading research
training academic and professional staff at the School of Doctoral Research and Innovation and other
departments of the university. Participating in these opportunities not only supports you throughout your
candidature, but allows you to get your degree off to a flying start, maintain momentum throughout your
candidature, complete successfully and reach beyond your research degree.
The School promotes innovation and excellence in research education and researcher development across the
University. It provides a range of services to support and develop our research students, supervisors and early
career researchers including research education programs, policy development, advice and guidance and
The school aims to enhance the quality of the research experience and culture at GLS University by providing
face-to-face and online training, seminars, academic events and social activities. It also promotes high quality
in research training through clear policies, procedures, information and support processes. The school also
fosters good practice in supervision through the provision of training and compliance procedures for
supervisory staff.
Our school provides programmes in most major disciplines including:
Business and Management
Information Technology and Computer Sciences
Economics and Social Sciences
Here you will undertake research in your chosen field while working alongside international leaders. We value
our graduate researchers and assist in every way to ensure your research is well supported. We provide:
Dedicated research centres staffed by world class researchers and teachers
Access to some of the world’s most advanced research resources and facilities
Generous scholarship programs
Unique professional development programs
Comprehensive student support networks.
About the Research Degrees at GLS University
Research Support
A research degree enables you to quench that thirst for knowledge in the research area that most interests
you. Research degrees are intensive allowing you to delve deeply into your subject area and contribute
distinct knowledge to your field.
The University is taking several initiatives to support you in doing ground breaking research by offering
comprehensive, diverse and innovative support to assist you in becoming an effective researcher.
GLS University offers outstanding opportunities for postgraduates to pursue their research careers by offering
the following degrees:
There are a broad range of professional development programs, which seek to successfully support you
through all stages of research candidature and in planning for your future career. Beginning with a
comprehensive orientation program, the opportunities include:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Free workshops and seminars on research communication, research skills, thesis writing, IT, conferences
and career development.
Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Sponsored research assistance to Senior Executives from different sectors pursuing their research
programmes at GLS University.
The PhD is typically 3 years with an 80 000 – 100 000 word thesis. The programme is available on full time
basis (for JRF and fellowship holders) and part time basis for all other applicants.
Programme to develop your Research ePortfolio
The student needs to complete one semester of course work (included in the duration of 3 years), and then
periodically appear before the Research and Development Committee, which monitors his progress.
Online support in form of Research databases, e journals, and web subscriptions
Benefits of completing a Ph. D. Degree
Present your research idea in thirty minutes for a chance to win research travel scholarships and prizes to
attend international conferences.
Leadership programme for Corporate: An advanced interdisciplinary leadership program
exclusively for doctoral candidates.
Thesis Enhancement Programme: Gets you over that final hurdle or kick-starts your writing if it has stalled.
Also helps you identify the gaps in your research and take actions real time.
Practical advice on academic career planning, grant seeking, research communication and publishing
within the international Journals.
Undertaking a doctoral research degree has many benefits. It gives you the opportunity to:
Make an original, distinct contribution to knowledge
Learn to communicate research findings effectively within the academy, to industry and
Collaborate with world-class, leading experts in your field
Develop key transferable skills highly sought by employers
Grow personally and professionally
Join the community of scholars in your discipline
The MPhil is typically 1 year study with a 30 000 – 40 000 word thesis followed by the study period. The
classes of M. Phil will be conducted during Morning/ Evening hours for a duration of 2 to 3 hours a day,
followed by research mentoring.
Upon completion of M. Phil you are eligible to direct admission in the Ph. D. Programme of GLS University. You
will then be exempt from the semester on coursework, giving you an opportunity to complete your doctorate
fast track (2.5 years) by building upon your existing M. Phil thesis.
Centres within the School of Doctoral Research and Innovation:
The Writing and Drafting Centre for Researchers works with publishers, editors and literary agents to help you
communicate your research to a wider audience. It also gives you assistance in writing the thesis, proof
reading and binding services.
The Centre for Data Management: The Centre works closely with you to help you in gathering your primary
data, designing your questionnaires, developing a plan for analysis, and giving you access to Statistical
software like SPSS, SAS, AMOS etc. The centre also provides assistance in data cleansing and authentication.
The Centre for Innovation and Intellectual Property : The centre works on commercializing your innovations,
registering your patents, trademarks and copyrights. The centre would also assist you in getting government
assistance in filing your intellectual property.
Admission Process
Entry into the GLS University research programmes is competitive and the applicants who are successful
usually exceed the minimum entry requirements. Applicants are assessed for
1. Download the Admission form from . Alternatively, you may collect the form from the
Office of Dean, School of Doctoral Research and Innovation.
their knowledge of their chosen discipline and their ability to complete a rigorous research project.
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
2. Fill up the form, attach necessary documents and submit the form with a fees of Rs. 1000 to the office. The
form may be submitted in person, or by post/courier.
Academic achievement
Relevance of your previous qualification to your intended research
3. You will get an acknowledgement on your mail and get further details regarding the schedule of the GRAT
and your interaction with the RDC.
Evidence of research ability
Current knowledge of the discipline.
PH. D programme
Typically, to be successful, you should have:
You must have a Masters degree with minimum 55% score (50% for SC, ST)
• You must have appeared for our GRAT (GLS Research and Aptitude Test) and reached the cutoff score.
Alternatively, you may be exempt from appearing for the test if:
o you have cleared NET/SLET/UGC JRF/M. Phil
4. Appear for the test, if applicable. You will be intimated the outcome within 7 days of the test.
5. Appear for the interaction with Research Development Committee and discuss your research area and
topic with them.
6. On the same day, you will be given an opportunity to interact with your allocated guide/supervisor as well.
7. You will receive an offer of admission by email, giving you details about payment of fees and other
8. Accept the offer, pay the fees within the stipulated time.
9. You are admitted as a doctoral student or M. Phil student at the university. You can begin your studies
towards the research degree now.
o you are holding any fellowship for research from national bodies.
o You have appeared in the latest GATE/CAT Examination and scored more than 50 percentile
About GLS Research and Aptitude Test (GRAT)
o Appeared for GMAT and scored more than 50 percentile.
All those who are not exempted from the entrance test will be required to take GRAT. The test would be
structured as below:
• You must discuss your research area and topic with the RDC (Research Development Committee) to finalize
your research
• You must then do a short interaction with the allocated guide/supervisor and agree on common research
M. Phil programme
You must have a Masters degree with minimum 55% score (50% for SC, ST)
• You must have appeared for our GRAT (GLS Research and Aptitude Test) and reached the cutoff score.
Alternatively, you may be exempt from appearing for the test if:
o you have cleared NET/SLET/UGC JRF
Type of Questions
General Analytical skill / mental ability
including reasoning
Multiple Choice
No of Questions
Total Marks
o you are holding any fellowship for research from national bodies.
English Communication skill
(upto 12th Standard)
o You have appeared in the latest GATE/CAT Examination and scored more than 50 percentile
Foundation of the relevant subjects
Research Methodology
General Awareness
Total Questions and Marks
o Appeared for GMAT and scored more than 50 percentile.
The total duration of the test would be 2 hours and there would not be any negative marking.
1. General analytical skill/ mental ability including reasoning ( 15 Multiple Choice questions)
2. English Communication (up to 12th Standard level)
Research Studies at
GLS University
Research Opportunities
Am I Eligible
Support & Development Opportunities
JJ ©m²æ ¼}¢S¢: ÐçÚ JJ
Promoted By Gujarat Law Society Since 1927
Last date of application : 22nd April, 2015
For Application Form and further information visit:
Gujarat Law Society Campus, Opp. Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad
Contact: 079-65222758 • Email:
A statutory University created by Act of Gujarat State Assembly, Approved by UGC