Gluten Sugar Dairy Free Presents 5 Ingredients~5 Recipes ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. Gluten Sugar Dairy Free 5 Ingredients~5 Recipes My Gift To You Whether you are gluten, sugar and/or dairy free by choice, allergies or was told to eliminate one or all from you diet, it can be overwhelming. them up on my website and I send out a newsletter every Wednesday with the new recipes, expert articles, guest bloggers and more. This book is my gift to you to help you with some dinner ideas, pantry and freezer checklists and some shortcuts that you learned in the GSDF Made Easy Pantry and Freezer Class. I also have created a Kitchen Table Community where I teach live stream cooking classes, bring in other chefs to teach, a private chat area and so much more. On my journey of eliminating all three from my diet I began to embrace lots of flavor, balanced meals and began to try many new spices and vegetables. I did this because when I started my own personal GSDF journey, I felt alone, unsure, upset and frustrated by the changes in my diet. I wanted to create a community where we could have live calls where I answer any of your gsdf questions, create connection and give you meal ideas! I always challenge my clients to choose one new item when they do the weekly grocery shopping. Whether it is a new spice, herb or vegetable, pick it and bring it home. Then use it. We have many recipes on my site that help you try new things or email me and I will suggest ways to cook or use that product. I am constantly adding new classes, bringing expert speakers, doctors and more into the GSDF LifeStyle community. If there is a topic that you would like to learn more about or something that you would like to learn, please email us at and let us know! To find out more about this community go here: From My Kitchen Table to Yours, Michelle and The GSDF Team I have spent the last years re-writing my cookbooks so that they are gluten sugar and dairy free. As I re-write the recipes, I put ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 2 Stock ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 3 Chicken ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 4 Organic Chicken Lets discuss what an organic chicken really means. A lot of people go out their way to buy chicken that is labeled “organic”, yet some chickens are also labeled free range, natural, cage free, anti-biotic free, farm raised, and hormone free. What does it all really mean? ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 5 " •" In order to be certified as organic by the government a chicken not only needs to be fed a completely vegetarian feed, this feed cannot be GMO or ever been treated with pesticides. The chicken can never be treated with hormones or antibiotics, except for medical reasons. " •" Cage free and free range. These terms are loosely used. Cage free means the chicken is not raised in a cage, but they do not have access to the outside and there are no specifics on how big the indoor facility needs to be. Free range just means that the chickens are allowed outside, but again, there are no specifications to the size of the yard they are allowed out into. cur. If this is true then why is an organically raised chicken so much smaller and even a different color? Food for thought. You be the judge. Even thought organic chicken is much more expensive, it may be worth the extra cost to be purchasing a chicken that is not treated inhumanely or pumped on drugs who’s use is denied to the public. " •" GMO’s. A chicken that is labeled no GMO means that the GMO ingredients in the feed is less than .09% and it needs to be verified before it can be labeled. " •" Natural means it’s really chicken, nothing more. " •" No antibiotic means that the chicken was not treated by antibiotics before or after hatching. However, there is not verification process. " •" No hormones. This subject is somewhat controversial. According to the US government, treating chickens with hormones is not legal, so no chicken has been treated. However, during research, this writer has discovered websites that SELL hormones to treat chickens. If this practice is illegal then how can someone but those hormones openly? All of the sites that were found say that hormone use in chicken is illegal and does not oc©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 6 Lemon ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 7 Health Benefits of Lemon Some think that the lemon is just for flavoring in your food and to make a tart drink, but the amazing lemon can do so much more for your health. Lemons provide you with vitamins, minerals and cancer fighting agents. Many people drink lemon water in the morning to aid in digestion and help detox the body. Other Health Benefits of Lemons are: • Helps relieve constipation. • Reduce fever. • Weight loss. • Fight throat infection. • Reduce high blood pressure. • Relieve sore aching feet. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 8 Garlic ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 9 Health Benefits of Garlic Known as the King of Herbs, garlic boosts your immune system and helps your liver function. A high level of sulfur is found in garlic, which not only helps detox your body, but it works as a natural antibiotic as well. So not only does it detox your body, but it heals it as well. The great thing about garlic is that you can’t eat too much, no chance of over dosing. Other Health Benefits of Garlic are: • Lowers Blood Sugar • Cures Toothaches • Helps Digestion. • Reduces Inflammation • Inhibits Cancer • Prevents High Blood Pressure ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 10 Onion ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 11 Onions Those wonderful, smelly bulbs are great at absorbing lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and tin in contaminated foods, such as some fish. Onions not only help flush toxins from the body, but it is another great way to boost your immune system. They also inhibit the production of certain white blood cells which trigger inflammation. Other Health Benefits of Onions: • Prevent Heart Disease • Help Dissolve Blood Clots • Lowers Cancer Risk • Fights Infection • Reduces Blood Pressure • Improves Lung Function In Asthmatics. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 12 Classic Roast Chicken Prep Time: 5 minutes Marinade Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 45 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients: 1 chicken breast bone in 5 garlic cloves smashed ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 lemon juiced 1 sprig of fresh rosemary ¼ teaspoon salt 2 Tbsp. of olive oil ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 13 Instructions: 1." Wash and dry chicken breast leaving skin intact. 2." Place in a plastic zip bag. 3." In a bowl mix the lemon juice, olive oil, smashed garlic cloves, rosemary, salt and pepper. 4." Pour over chicken breasts in plastic bag and seal. 5." Refrigerate for 1 hour, turning the bag over once after 30 minutes. 6." Remove chicken from marinade and place on a small cookie sheet or a small baking dish. 7." Bake 350˚ for 45 minutes. 8." The chicken is done when the juices run clear or it reaches 165˚ internally. 9." Serving Suggestion: If fresh rosemary is not available use ½ teaspoon dried rosemary. Cooking the chicken on the bone keeps the breast juicy and gives more flavor. For a more intense lemon flavor zest the lemon and add the zest to the marinade. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 14 Easy Chicken Piccata Serves: 4 Prep Time: 15 Cook: 20 Ingredients: 1 Lb. of chicken tenders 1 lemon 2 Tbsp. Coconut oil 1-cup coconut flour or gluten free flour mix ⅓ cup lemon juice (1-2 lemons) ½ cup chicken stock 3 Tbsp. capers 2 Tbsp. chopped parsley Salt Pepper ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 15 Instructions: 1." Heat coconut oil in large frying pan over medium heat. 11." Add the chicken back to the pan to warm through. 23 minutes. 12." Serve the chicken pouring the sauce over the chicken and topping with chopped parsley. 2." Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the chicken tenders. 3." Dredge the tenders in flour and shaking off the excess. 4." Juice the lemons. 5." Add the chicken to the skillet not crowding it and doing it in two batches. 6." When the side is brown flip and cook other side about 5 minutes total. 7." Remove from the pan and put on plate covered with foil to keep warm. 8." Do the second batch of chicken tenders. 9." In the pan add the lemon juice, stock and capers. 10." Stir and scrape up any brown bits. Cook over low heat at a simmer for 5 min. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 16 Easy Lemon Chicken Serves: 4 Prep Time: 5 Cook Time: 40 Ingredients: 4 boneless, skinless, chicken breast 1 Tsp. coconut oil Salt Pepper ½ cup good mayo 1 lemon ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 17 Instructions: 1." Preheat oven to 350 degrees 2." Coat the inside of a baking dish with the coconut oil 3." Sprinkle salt and pepper over both sides of the chicken breasts lightly 4." Place chicken breasts into baking dish 5." Mix the juice of the lemon and the lemon zest from the lemon into the mayo. 6." Using a spoon coat each breast of chicken with the mayo mixture 7." Bake uncovered 35-40 minutes until juices run clear. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 18 Roast Chicken Salad with Apple and Celery Serves 4 Prep time: 15 Cook time: 45 Ingredients: 2 breasts of chicken, bone in 1 apple 3 stalks of celery 1 lemon 1/4 Tsp. salt ¼ Tsp. fresh black pepper 2 Tbsp. chopped parsley ½ cup mayo ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 19 Instructions: 1." Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the chicken breasts on both sides. 2." Cover a baking sheet with foil and pre-heat oven to 350 degrees 3." Put chicken skin side up on cookie sheet and bake for 45 minutes 4." Let chicken cool, cut off the bone and dice into bite size pieces. 5." Chop the apple and the celery into very small pieces. 6." In a large mixing bowl add the mayo, chopped parsley, lemon juice, lemon zest and black pepper together. 7." Add the celery, apple and chicken to the mayo mix and stir well. 8." Put in refrigerator for at least an hour to chill. 9." Serve over mixed greens. ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 20 Roast Garlic Chicken Serves: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 90 minutes Ingredients: 1 whole chicken cut into pieces ½ Tsp. salt ¼ Tsp. black pepper 3 Tbsp. coconut oil 3 sprigs of parsley 5 sprigs of thyme 1 sprig of rosemary 1 whole head of garlic peeled ½ cup good white wine (stock can be substituted) ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 21 Instructions: 12." Pour sauce and garlic cloves over chicken pieces 1." In large frying pan heat coconut oil. 2." Heat oven to 350 degrees. *Note: If you don’t have fresh herbs, even though they are best in this recipe do this: 3." Rinse chicken under cold water and dry . 4." Sprinkle chicken pieces with salt and pepper. 5." Place in frying pan to brown on each side taking care not to crowd the pan about 10 minutes ¼ tea thyme ¼ tea rosemary Mix the dried herbs and sprinkle over chicken pieces before baking. 6." Tie herbs together with kitchen string (note if you don’t have fresh herbs see note below recipe)* 7." In the bottom of a baking dish place the garlic cloves and the herbs. 8." Place chicken pieces on top of garlic, skin side up do not cover 9." Bake in oven 1 hour 20 minutes (until juices run clear) 10." Baste the chicken twice for best flavor 11." When done put chicken on plate to rest ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. 22 A Little More of My Why... In the beginning this journey for me was lonely and it felt isolated. I was frustrated, hungry and angry that I could not eat what I had become use to. Along the way, I began to recreate my menus and enjoy food again, I met more and more people with food allergies or who needed to become GSD Free for other health reasons. I began to attract more and more like minded friends and a new community began to grow naturally. And what I realized is, as I started developing this website and community, many of the women who decided to join and become part of this life transforming foodie community, did so NOT just because they wanted to lose weight more naturally... No, not at all! Many of the women who joined this community did so because they had many various health reasons that had them eliminating gluten, sugar or dairy out of their lives and they were looking for simple solutions to improve the quality of their lives. And then we have women who decide to join the Kitchen Table Community because they want to eat and live healthier, to enjoy an overall better quality of life. You see, because I have a real passion for helping people and I want to make sure that virtually anyone who has a strong desire to become part of our community, can do so... Find out more here: ©1995-2015 Gluten Sugar Dairy Free LifeStyle. All Rights Reserved. xxiii
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