// // // // // // // // // File i2c_sender.vhd translated with vhd2vl v2.0 VHDL to Verilog RTL translator Copyright (C) 2001 Vincenzo Liguori - Ocean Logic Pty Ltd - http://www.ocean-logic.com Modifications (C) 2006 Mark Gonzales - PMC Sierra Inc vhd2vl comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY ALWAYS RUN A FORMAL VERIFICATION TOOL TO COMPARE VHDL INPUT TO VERILOG OUTPUT This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the license file license.txt included with the source for details. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Engineer: Mike Field <hamster@snap.net.nz> // // Module Name: i2c_sender h- Behavioral // // Description: Send register writes over an I2C-like interface // // Feel free to use this how you see fit, and fix any errors you find :-) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------module i2c_sender( clk, resend, sioc, siod ); input clk; input resend; output sioc; //inout siod; output siod; wire wire reg reg clk; resend; sioc; siod; reg [8:0] divider = 0; // this value gives nearly 200ms cycles before the first register is written reg [7:0] initial_pause = 0; reg finished = 0; reg [7:0] address = 0; reg [28:0] clk_first_quarter = 29'h1FFFFFFF; // := (others => '1'); reg [28:0] clk_last_quarter = 29'h1FFFFFFF; // := (others => '1'); reg [28:0] busy_sr = 29'h1FFFFFFF; // := (others => '1'); reg [28:0] data_sr = 29'h1FFFFFFF; // := (others => '1'); reg [28:0] tristate_sr = 0; reg [15:0] reg_value = 0; parameter i2c_wr_addr = 8'h72; //type reg_value_pair is ARRAY(0 TO 63) OF std_logic_vector(15 DOWNTO 0); parameter [0:0] array = 0; wire [15:0] reg_value_pairs [0:63] = { // initial // begin // ------------------// -- Powerup please! // ------------------//reg_value_pairs[0] = 16'h4110; 16'h4110, // --------------------------------------// -- These valuse must be set as follows // --------------------------------------16'h9803, 16'h9AE0, 16'h9C30, 16'h9D61, 16'hA2A4, 16'hA3A4, 16'hE0D0, 16'h5512, 16'hF900, //reg_value_pairs[1] = 16'h9803; //reg_value_pairs[2] = 16'h9AE0; // // --------------// -- Input mode // --------------16'h1506, // YCbCr 422, DDR, External sync 16'h4810, // Left justified data (D23 downto 8) // according to documenation, style 2 should be 16'h1637 but it isn't. ARGH! 16'h1637, // 444 output, 8 bit style 2, 1st half on rising edge - YCrCb clipping 16'h1700, // output asp ect ratio 16:9, external DE 16'hD03C, // auto sync data - must be set for DDR modes. No DDR clock delay ---------------- Output mode --------------16'hAF04, // DVI mode 16'h4c04, // Deep colour off (HDMI only?) - not needed 16'h4000, // Turn off additional data packets - not needed // // // // // // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the YCrCb => RGB conversion, as per programming guide -- This is table 57 - HDTV YCbCr (16 to 255) to RGB (0 to 255) --------------------------------------------------------------- (Cr * A1 + Y * A2 + Cb * A3)/4096 + A4 = Red 16'h18E7, 16'h1934, 16'h1A04, 16'h1BAD, 16'h1C00, 16'h1D00, 16'h1E1C, 16'h1F1B, -- (Cr * B1 + Y * B2 + Cb * B3)/4096 + B4 = Green 16'h201D, 16'h21DC, 16'h2204, 16'h23AD, 16'h241F, 16'h2524, 16'h2601, 16'h2735, -- (Cr * C1 + Y * C2 + Cb * C3)/4096 + C4 = Blue 16'h2800, 16'h2900, 16'h2A04, 16'h2BAD, 16'h2C08, 16'h2D7C, 16'h2E1B, 16'h2F77, // // // // // }; -- Extra space filled with FFFFs to signify end 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, ); always @(posedge clk) begin reg_value <= reg_value_pairs[address] ; end always @(data_sr or tristate_sr) begin if(tristate_sr[28] == 1'b 0) begin siod <= data_sr[28] ; end else begin siod <= 1'bz; end end of data 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF, 16'hFFFF always @(*) begin case(divider[8:7] ) 2'b 00 : sioc <= clk_first_quarter[28] ; 2'b 11 : sioc <= clk_last_quarter[28] ; default : sioc <= 1'b 1; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin if(resend == 1'b 1) begin address <= {8{1'b0}}; clk_first_quarter <= {29{1'b1}}; clk_last_quarter <= {29{1'b1}}; busy_sr <= {29{1'b0}}; divider <= {9{1'b0}}; initial_pause <= {8{1'b0}}; finished <= 1'b 0; end if(busy_sr[28] == 1'b 0) begin if(initial_pause[7] == 1'b 0) begin initial_pause <= initial_pause + 1; end else if(finished == 1'b 0) begin if(divider == 8'b 11111111) begin divider <= {9{1'b0}}; if(reg_value[15:8] == 8'b 11111111) begin finished <= 1'b 1; end else begin // move the new data into the shift registers clk_first_quarter <= {29{1'b0}}; clk_first_quarter[28] <= 1'b 1; clk_last_quarter <= {29{1'b0}}; clk_last_quarter[0] <= 1'b 1; // Start Address Ack Register Ack Value Stop tristate_sr <= {1'b 0,8'b 00000000,1'b 1,8'b 00000000,1'b 1,8'b 00000000,1'b 1,1'b 0}; data_sr <= {1'b 0,i2c_wr_addr,1'b 1,reg_value[15:8] ,1'b 1,reg_value[7:0] ,1'b 1,1'b 0}; Ack busy_sr <= {29{1'b1}}; address <= (address + 1); end end else begin divider <= divider + 1; end end end else begin if(divider == 8'b 11111111) begin // divide clkin by 256 for I2C tristate_sr <= {tristate_sr[27:0] ,1'b 0}; busy_sr <= {busy_sr[27:0] ,1'b 0}; data_sr <= {data_sr[27:0] ,1'b 1}; clk_first_quarter <= {clk_first_quarter[27:0] ,1'b 1}; clk_last_quarter <= {clk_last_quarter[27:0] ,1'b 1}; divider <= {9{1'b0}}; end else begin divider <= divider + 1; end end end endmodule
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