FACULTY Dr. E.M. Moshokoa G-MEA Head of Urology Department Steve Biko Academic Hospital Pretoria Southafrica Georgis Gakis MD. University Hospital Tübingen, Germany Birgit Sandhöffner ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH En Bloc Resection of Bladder tumors Hands-on workshop Germany 21/22 July 2015 Pretoria Southafrica www.g-mea.com MAXIMUM 20 PARTICIPANTS For registration or more information, please contact: Phone: +961 9 644 777 Fax: +961 9 644 254 Email: info@G-MEA.com WITH KIND SUPPORT FROM: DEAR COLLEAGUES IN UROLOGY En bloc resection of tumors of the bladder using HybridKnife is a new surgical procedure that allows recently discovered cancer of the bladder to be effectively treated. As the tumor is not dissected in the bladder, this procedure enables a precise pathological diagnosis of the tumor margin as well as deep infiltration of the tumor. Accordingly, resection using the HybridKnife enables: complete resection of the entire carcinoma with a reduced risk of cancerous cells remaining behind in the bladder so that follow-up procedures are avoided and the risk of injury to the bladder is minimized. We are pleased to offer you a workshop about this new state of the art technique and looking forward to welcoming you in Southafrica! Tuesday 21/07/2015 Wednesday 22/07/2015 09:00 Welcoming 09:00 Welcoming 09:15 Introduction of new Instrumentation in Urology (Principle of Waterjet) Mrs. Birgit Sandhoeffner 09:30 Live Transmission from the Operation room to the lecture hall 09:45 State of the Art in Partial Nephrectomy with Waterjet Technology Georgios Gakis, M.D. 10:15 Coffee break 10:45 En Bloc Resection of Bladder Tumors using the Waterjet Technology (Advantages, Indication, Procedure) Georgios Gakis, M.D. 11:15 Hands-on session - En Bloc Resection - Bipolar Resection - Open Surgery 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Hands-on session - En Bloc Resection - Bipolar Resection - Open Surgery 16:00 End of the workshop
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