GUJARAT MEDICAL SERVICES CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of Gujarat Undertaking) Regd. Office: Block No. 14/1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector-10, Gandhinagar 079-23250767, 23250766, 23257696 Pre-Bid Meeting No. 02/2015-16 A Pre-Bid meeting for specification of following item is organized in the Committee room of this Organization. Manufacturers, Authorized representatives / Dealers of this item is invited to attend this meeting. No. (1) Name of item Sanitary Napkin – 10,00,000 Pkts. : Date & Time 30/04/2015 at 11.00 Hrs. Specifications of above item can be downloaded free from web site: Specifications are also available on this office's notice board. INFMANAGING DIRECTOR U]HZFT D[0LS, ;lJ";L; SM5M"Z[XG ,LDL8[04 UF\WLGUZ a,MS G\P !$q!4 0F"P HLJZFH DC[TF EJG4 UF\WLGUZP _*)vZ#Z5*&)& [ l5|vAL0 DL8L\U G\P ZqZ_!5v!& GLR[ NXF"J[, VF.8DGF :5[XLOLS[XG DF8[ l5|vAL0 DL8L\U VF T\+GF SlD8L ~DDF\ ZFBJFDF\ VFJ[, K[P VF VF.8DGF pt5FNSM4 VMYMZF.h0 5|lTlGlWVM q 0L,ZMG[ DL8L\UDF\ p5l:YT ZC[JF VFD\l+T SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P G\P ! ;FWGG] GFD TFZLB VG[ ;DI ;[G[8ZL G[5SLG v !_4__4___ 5[S[8; o #_q_$qZ_!5 !!o__ S,FS[ p5ZMST VF.8DGF :5[XLOLS[XG J[A ;F.8 o 5ZYL lJGF D]<I[ D[/JL XSFX[4 :5[XLOLS[XG VF SR[ZLGF GM8L; AM0" 5Z 56 p5,aW K[P DFlCTL o D[G[HL\U 0LZ[S8Z 1 PRE-BID T.E. NO.: Name of Item : GMSCL/EQUIPMENT PURCHASE/D-219/2014-15 # 219.01 Sanitary Napkins DATE: 30/04/2015 TIME: 11.00 HRS. [A] Required Specifications [1] 1.1 MATERIALS Absorbent filler:-The filler material should be celloulose pulp and shall be free from lumps, oil sports dirt of foreign materal. Covering:- The covering of the absorbent filler shall be of a good quality cotton non-woven knitted with sufficient porosity to permit the assembled pad to meet the absorbency requirements. SIZES The size of sanitary napkin shall be as follows. Sizes Pad Length mm Width mm Thickness mm Regular 200 ± 20 60 to 75 15 ± 2 The thickness shall be measured by stacking 10 complete pads and measuring the stack height. The average thickness for the 10 pads shall be used as the pad thickness. Weight :- Cellulose Pulp- minimum 8 gm Total weight of sanitary Napkin:- minimum 10 gm Backstrip:- A backstrip for sticking the sanitary napkin onto the underwear should be there using good quality adhesive material MANUFACTURE,WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH The abson bent filler shall be arranged and neatly cut to the required size at the pad and form a uniform thickness throughout without any wrinkles. It shall be placed in the covering in such a way that it does not cause lump formation with the effect of sudden pressure. The covering fabric shall cover the filler completely, and in case of napkins with tabs, extend beyond the length of the filler to form tabs or loops at each end for securing the pad in use. In case of tabless napkins, and an adhesive system or other suitable method may be introduced for holding the napkin securely in position. The sanitary napkins shall have a non-absorbent barrier on one side which shall have an identifying thread on marking indicating clearly the side of the barrier. When the sanitary napkins are claimed as disposable, they shall be manufactured from disposable material. The sanitary napkins shall have a very soft feel and when worn shall not chafe or give any uncomfortable feeling. They shall be free from all sorts of foreign matter. REQUIREMENTS Absorbency and ability to Withstand pressure after Absorption:- The sanitary napkins shall absorb 30 ml of coloured water or oxalated sheep or goat blood or test fluid when flowed on to the center of the pankin(at the rate of 15 ml per minute) and it shall not show up at the bottom or sides of the sanitary napkins. Disposability:- A disposable sanitary napkin with the covering removed, shall be immersed in 15 liters of water and stirred. The pad shall disintegrate in the water in not mor than 5 minutes. pH Value:- The sanitary napkins shall be free from acids and alkali and the pH of the absorbent material shall be 6 to 8.5. 1.2 [2] 2.1 2.1.1 2.2 2.2 [3] 3.1 3.2 3.3 [4] 4.1 4.2 4.3 1 Specifications available in offered Model PRE - BID T.E. NO.: Name of Item : 4.4 a) b) c) [5] 5.1 5.2 [6] 6.1 GMSCL/EQUIPMENT PURCHASE/D-219/2014-15 # 219.01 Sanitary Napkins DATE: 30/04/2015 TIME: 11.00 HRS. Instructions:- Following instructions shall be included in every packet of sanitary napkins: Method of use; Indication as to which side is a absorbent; and Disposal insturctions, such as that the napkins without covering can be disposed off in water closets. . PACKING Sanitary napkins shall be packed in polythylene lined carton or polyethylene bag. The carton shall have the insturctions printed on the outside of the polythlene bag or carton. Pack of 6 sanitary napkins MARKING The carton may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark. 2
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