Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission Exhibit K Financial Statement Initial Application Renewal Application Name of Institution Address Ending Date for Institution's Fiscal Year Date Financial Statement Submitted to NPEC Name of Person Completing Financial Statement Each institution must submit a financial statement with its application for, or renewal of, a Certificate of Authorization, using the Exhibit K Financial Statement form (see instructions for exceptions). The financial statement is to cover the institution's twelve-month fiscal year. Accounts and financial records of the institution must be established separately from the personal finances of the owners. The Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission may also require an independent compilation, review, or audit by a certified public accountant if the institution is a branch or subsidiary of a corporation with other campuses, programs, or business activities, an annual corporate financial statement is to be submitted in addition to the Exhibit K form. Further information is provided in "Instructions for Exhibit K Financial Statement." Revised April 2015 1 1. INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT For the Fiscal Year Beginning 20 20 and Ending INCOME: 1. Gross Tuition Received (Before refunds) $ 2. Gross Application Fees Received (Before refunds) 3. GrossTuition Plus Application Fees (Total of lines 1 through 2) 4. Less: Refunds of Tuition or Fees on Lines 1 and 2 (Enter Minus Sign) 5. Net Tuition and Fees (subtract line 4 from line 3) 6. Other Fees (List all other fees which are charged separately from tuition.): 6a. 6b. 6c. 7. Other Charges: 7a. 7b. 8. Dormitory Income 9. Bookstore Income 10. Interest/Dividend Income 11. Other Income: 11a. 11b. 12. TOTAL INCOME (Total of lines 5 through 11b) OPERATING EXPENSES: (All expenses must be preceeded by a minus sign to calculate) 13. Instructional Salaries and Benefits: Number of Instructional Staff: Full-Time Part-Time 13a. Instructional Staff Salaries 13b. Employer-Paid Health Insurance for Instructional Staff 13c. Employer-Paid Retirement for Instructional Staff 13d. Other Employer-Paid Benefits for Instructors (Describe in attached note.) __________________ 14. Administrative Salaries and Benefits 15. Officer Salaries and Benefits* 16. Agent Salaries and Benefits 17. Other Salaries/Wages and Benefits (Personnel not Included on lines 13-16) * In an attached note, list each officer receiving a salary, identify the amount of the salary, and the amount paid by the institution for benefits for each officer. Revised April 2015 2 OPERATING EXPENSES (Continued): 18. Textbook Expenses $ 19. Instructional Expenses (Instructional publications, materials, supplies, etc.) ... 20. Library Expenses Other than Salaries and Benefits 21. Student Recruitment Expenses Other Than Salaries and Benefits (Advertising costs. Promotional literature, etc.) 22. Depreciation Of Facilities and/or Equipment 23. Occupancy Expenses: 23a. Rent 23b. Mortgage Interest 23c. Utilities 23d. Other Occupancy Expenses ... 24. Administrative Expenses* 25. Student Services Expenses* 26. Dormitory Expenses 27. Bookstore Expenses 28. Interest Expenses (Except mortgage interest included on line 23b above) ... 29. Other Operating Expenses: 29a. 29b. 30. TOTAL EXPENSES (Total of lines 13a through 29b) 31. NET INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES (Subtract line 30 from line 12)** 32. Less: Federal and State Income Taxes (if applicable) 33. TOTAL INCOME AFTER TAXES (Subtract line 32 from line 31) * In an attached note, provide a list of the major categories of expense items included in the amounts reported here. Show the expense amount for each category listed. ** If line 31 is a negative number, see Instructions for required statement ***************************************************************** II. RETAINED EARNINGS HISTORY Enter the requested information for the three immediate past fiscal years (prior to the fiscal Year Identified on page 1): , 20 Fiscal Year Ending: A. Beginning Balance B. Add: Earnings for Year C. Minus: Withdrawals and Dividends(-) D. Other Retained Earnings Charges(-) E. ENDING BALANCE (Net total of A through D above) Revised April 2015 $ , 20 $ , 20 $ 3 III. BALANCE SHEET as of A. , 20 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: 34. Cash on Hand In Banks - Unrestricted 35. Cash - Restricted 36. Accounts Receivable, Students - Net (Current) 37. Accounts Receivable, Students - Net (Old) (Note: List only those overdue amounts which have not been written off as bad debt).... 38. Accounts Receivable, Other - Net: 38a. 38b. 39. Notes Receivable* 40. Inventory - Books and Supplies 41. Temporary Investments* 42. Other Current Assets: 42a. 42b. 42c. 43. TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (Total of lines 34 through 42c) FIXED ASSETS: 44. Buildings 45. Less: Accumulated Depreciation - Buildings** 46. Furniture and Equipment 47. Less: Accumulated Depreciation - Furniture and Equipment** 48. Leasehold Improvements 49. Less: Accumulated Amortization of Leasehold Improvements 50. Library 51. Less: Accumulated Depreciation - Library** 52. Vehicles Owned by the Institution 53. Less: Accumulated Depreciation - Vehicles** 54. Land * In an attached note provide lists of assets and amounts reported for these items. Show the amount for each item listed. * * List depreciation methods on page 6, lines 94-98. Revised April 2015 4 FIXED ASSETS (Continued) 55. Other Fixed Assets: 55a. $ 55b. 56. Less: Accumulated Depreciation - Other Fixed Assets* 57. TOTAL FIXED ASSETS (Net total of lines 44 through 56) OTHER ASSETS: 58. Deposits 59. Prepaid Expenses 60. Revolving Book Account 61. Perkins, NDSL, or Other Loan Program Matching Funds (Net) 62. Other Assets: 62a. 62b. 63. TOTAL OTHER ASSETS (Total of lines 58 through 62b) 64. TOTAL ASSETS (Total of lines 43, 57, and 63) ***************************************************************** B. LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S / OWNER'S EQUITY LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: 65. Accounts Payable - Trade 66. Notes Payable - Equipment* 67. Notes Payable - Other* 68. Tuition Refunds Payable 69. Current Portion - Long Term Debt 70. Payroll Taxes Payable 71. Income Taxes Payable 72. Accrued Salaries and Wages 73. Unearned Tuition 74. Unearned Dormitory Fees * List depreciation method on page 6. * * In an attached note, provide lists of notes payable which are included in the amounts reported here. Show the principal balance, term, and regular payment for each Item listed. Revised April 2015 5 CURRENT LIABILITIES (Continued) 75. Other Unearned Revenue: $ 76. Other Current Liabilities: 76a. 76b. 76c. 77. TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (total of lines 65 through 76c) LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: 78. Notes or Bonds Payable* 79. Mortgages Payable* 80. Other Long-Term Liabilities:* 80 a. 80 b. 81. TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (Total of lines 78 through 80 b) 82. TOTAL LIABILITIES (total of lines 77 and 81) STOCKHOLDER'S / OWNER'S EQUITY: 83. Preferred Stock 84. Common Stock or Owner's Investment 85. Other Equity Retained Earnings: 86. Beginning Balance 87. Add: Earnings for Year (From line 33 on page 2) 88. Deduct: Withdrawals and Dividends** 89. Less Other Retained Earnings Charges** 90. ENDING BALANCE (Net total of lines 86 through 89) 91. TOTAL STOCKHOLDER'S / OWNER'S EQUITY (Total of lines 83, 84, 85, and 90) 92. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY (Total lines 82 & 91; must equal line 64 page 4) * In an attached note, provide lists of notes payable which are included in the amounts reported here. Show the principal balance, term, and regular payment for each Item listed. * * In an attached note, provide descriptions of withdrawals, dividends, and retained earnings charges. Revised April 2015 6 IV. DISCLOSURES METHODS USED TO DETERMINE: 93. Inventory - Books and Supplies 94. Depreciation - Buildings 95. Depreciation - Furniture and Equipment 96. Depreciation - Library 97. Depreciation - Vehicles 98. Depreciation - Other-Fixed Assets 99. Unearned Tuition 100. Unearned Dormitory Fees 101. BASIS FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: 102. STATUS OF INSTITUTION: Non-Profit Cash For-Profit: Individual Owner Accrual For-Profit: For-Profit: "C" Corporation For-Profit: "S" Corporation Partnership 103. STOCKHOLDERS List stockholders, if any, who hold at least 10 percent of issued and outstanding shares: OTHER DISCLOSURES (include any other pertinent information In attached supplemental notes.) 104. Has the institution, its parent company (if any), or any owner ever entered into bankruptcy proceedings? Yes No If yes, state the entity and/or individual(s), type of proceeding and date(s) in an attached note. 105. Does the institution participate In any federal, state, or other student loan or grant programs? Yes No If yes, list the loan or grant program(s) in an attached note, and indicate the institution's default rate for each of the most recent three years. 106. Was the institution ever terminated from participation in a federal, state, or other student loan or grant program? Yes No If yes, indicate in an attached note the loan or grant program(s), the date(s) of termination from participation, and the reason(s) for the termination. 107. Is the Institution the defendant in any civil action, or has it been held liable as a result of recent litigation for monetary damages to students, former students, or other plaintiffs? Yes No If yes, describe the litigation, provide date(s), and indicate monetary judgments or settlements. Identify and describe any insurance held by the institution to cover such liability. STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION I hereby affirm that I am an officer, partner, or owner of the above-named institution, that this financial statement has been prepared from the original records of the institution, and that financial records of the institution are maintained according to accepted accounting principles. I attest that all information provided herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name Title Signature Date Revised April 2015
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