INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER PROJECT REPORT ON ‘INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER’ B.S.PATEL POLYTECHNIC,KHERVA PROJECT GROUP: (1) Patel Kaushal 126440319030 (2) Patel Utkarsh 126440319031 (3) Patel Ravi 126440319032 (4) Patel Vishal 126440319038 (5) Patel Pasavin 126440319042 INTRNAL GUIDE- Mr.A.M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 1 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Patel Kaushal A. having Enrolment No : 126440319030 has completed Part-I UDP Project work having title Induced Draft Cooling Tower. He has undergone the process of shodh yatra, literature survey and problem definition. He is supposed to carry out the residue UDP Part-II work on same problem during Semester-V for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering. Guide – Mr.Alpesh M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 2 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Patel Utkarsh R. Having Enrolment No : 126440319031 has completed Part-I UDP Project work having title Induced Draft Cooling Tower. He has undergone the process of shodh yatra, literature survey and problem definition. He is supposed to carry out the residue UDP Part-II work on same problem during Semester-V for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering. Guide – Mr.A.M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 3 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Patel Ravi S. having Enrolment No : 126440319032 has completed Part-I UDP Project work having title Induced Draft Cooling Tower . He has undergone the process of shodh yatra, literature survey and problem definition. He is supposed to carry out the residue UDP Part-II work on same problem during Semester-V for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering. Guide – Mr.A.M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 4 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Patel Vishal P. having Enrolment No : 126440319038 has completed Part-I UDP Project work having title Induced Draft Cooling Tower . He has undergone the process of shodh yatra, literature survey and problem definition. He is supposed to carry out the residue UDP Part-II work on same problem during Semester-V for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering. Guide – Mr.A.M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 5 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr.Patel Pasavin H. having Enrolment No : 126440319042 has completed Part-I UDP Project work having title Induced Draft Cooling Tower . He has undergone the process of shodh yatra, literature survey and problem definition. He is supposed to carry out the residue UDP Part-II work on same problem during Semester-V for the final fulfillment of the UDP work which is prerequisite to complete Diploma Engineering. Guide – Mr.A.M.Patel B.S.P.P. 2014-15 H.O.D:-Mr.K.P.Patel Page 6 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEM/PROJECT (IDP) STATEMENT FORM STUDENT PARTICULARS-1 FIRST NAME KAUSHAL LAST NAME PATEL MOBILE NO. 1 EMAIL 2 8154887042 9924972429 ENROLLMENT NO:-126440319030 COLLEGE NAME B.S.PATEL POLYTECNIC, GANPAT UNIVERSITY. AT:SHER ADDRESS TA:MANDAL DIST:AHEMEDABAD BRANCH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER 5th SEM. TEAM NAME G-6 YEAR 2014-2015 SIGNATURE OF STUDENT B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 7 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEM/PROJECT (IDP) STATEMENT FORM STUDENT PARTICULARS-2 FIRST NAME UTKARSH LAST NAME PATEL MOBILE NO. 1. EMAIL 2. 9998385986 7600083413 ENROLLMENT NO:-126440319031 COLLEGE NAME B.S.PATEL POLYTECNIC, GANPAT UNIVERSITY. AT:KIMBUVA ADDRESS TA:PATAN DIST:PATAN BRANCH SEMESTER 5th SEM. TEAM NAME G-6 YEAR 2014-2015 SIGNATURE OF STUDENT B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 8 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEM/PROJECT (IDP) STATEMENT FORM STUDENT PARTICULARS-3 FIRST NAME RAVI LAST NAME PATEL MOBILE NO. 1. EMAIL 2. 7874697626 ENROLLMENT NO:-126440319032 COLLEGE NAME B.S.PATEL POLYTECNIC, GANPAT UNIVERSITY. AT:MOTAP ADDRESS TA:BECHARAJI DIST:MEHSANA BRANCH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER 5th SEM. TEAM NAME G-6 YEAR 2014-2015 SIGNATURE OF STUDENT B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 9 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEM/PROJECT (IDP) STATEMENT FORM STUDENT PARTICULARS-4 FIRST NAME VISHAL LAST NAME PATEL MOBILE NO. 1. EMAIL 2. 9924392268 9033335659 ENROLLMENT NO:-126440319038 COLLEGE NAME B.S.PATEL POLYTECNIC, GANPAT UNIVERSITY. 35-YOGESHWAR PARK SOCIETY, ADDRESS WONDERPOINT,CTM, AMRAIVADI,AHMEDABAD BRANCH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER 5th SEM. TEAM NAME G-6 YEAR 2014-2015 SIGNATURE OF STUDENT B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 10 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDUSTRY DEFINED PROBLEM/PROJECT (IDP) STATEMENT FORM STUDENT PARTICULARS-5 FIRST NAME PASAVIN LAST NAME PATEL MOBILE NO. 1. EMAIL 2. 8734830193 9537149323 ENROLLMENT NO:-126440319042 COLLEGE NAME B.S.PATEL POLYTECNIC, GANPAT UNIVERSITY. AT: MANDRISANA ADDRESS TA:DETROJ DIST: AHMEDABAD BRANCH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER 5th SEM. TEAM NAME G-6 YEAR 2014-2015 SIGNATURE OF STUDENT B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 11 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are feeling pleasure introducing our project “INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER” result of our new radical ideas to significant windup our studies during in course “DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL ENGG.” B.S.Patel Polytechnic,Kherva,Mehsana. Suggestion to improve quality of product are always well come many hands have given their active support & contributed for design& development of “INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER” We would like to thank our Prof.A.M.Patel, we would also like to thank our respected principal B.S.Patel &our head of the department Prof. K.P.Patel. And special thank to Prof. A.M.Patel (Induced draft cooling Tower designer) for their kind co-operation & excellent help in making of project. Your Truly :Kaushal Utkarsh Ravi Vishal Pasavin B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 12 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INDEX Topics Name Sr. No. Page No. 01 SUMMERY 14 02 SELECTION OF PROJECT 15 03 MARKET SURVEY 16 04 INTRODUCTION 17 05 DEFINITION OF A PROJECT 18 06 AIM OF PROJECT 19 07 BASIC ELEMENTS OF PROJECT 20 08 WORKING PRINCIPLE 21 09 CLASSIFICATION OF COOLING TOWER 22 10 PARTS OF COOLING TOWER 23 11 MECHANICAL &THERMAL DESIGN PARAMETERS 26 OF COOLING TOWER 27 12 DESIGN CALCULATION 13 PROCEDURE FOR THE EXPERIMENT 28 14 PLANNING OF PROJECT WORK 29 15 REQUIRED MACHINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS 30 16 OPERATION PROCESS CHART & FLOW PROCESS 31 CHART 17 COSTING & CALCULATION 35 18 ADVANTAGES & DISADVATAGES 37 19 CONCLUSIONS 38 20 REFERENCES 39 B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 13 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER SUMMARY We can see many projects in our work shop like furnace, speed reduction gear box, Rolling mill, Thermal Power Plant, Glass cutter machine etc. But finally we decided to select the Induced draft cooling tower. As a project. For that first we collected all the required material like MS sheet, PVC pipes, Fins, Wire mesh, exhaust fan, Stand, Nut and bolts and some other material for cooling tower. After this all and after some operations like cutting, bending, welding and fitting. Finally we assembled the parts of our project with final testing. In this project of Induced draft cooling tower, we are clever students is participate are as follow. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 14 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER SELECTION OF PROJECT Before selecting a project, survey has to be done regarding demand & market value of the product feasibility of the available resources & facilities. RESOURCES OF PROJECT Resources of project, which are very useful for doing project work are given below : • Tool room • Machine shop • Fabrication Industries • Discussion with project guide • Market survey • Industrial support LITERATURE SURVEY We have survey following literature or books for selection of project. • Thermal engineering • Powerplant engineering • • • Autocad 2014& application. Selection of Projection • Resource utilized • Entrepreneurship • Liberty • Discuss with student group • Market survey. • Discuss with project in charge • Magazine B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 15 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER MARKET SURVEY Before you launch the product you need to check your self-market product for the product selected by you A comprehension market study in must be specific advantages of such study are as under. • It makes it possible for you to estimate scale & utilization of installed capacity with reference to proposed enterprise. • You can judge weather the proposed capacity is one the higher or lower size. • It enables you to evaluated the viability of an enterprise by arcing at a years estimate of seals. • It provides a preliminary input for the marketing strategy & process formulation or the enterprise (A market program is set of decision required in respect of various markets related to issues it influences the market.) Market survey is usually focused on gross market demand present & future. It typically highlights the gap between expected market demand & supply in respect offer given product. Such a gap could be positive & therefore favorably. The gap could also negative. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 16 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER INTRODUCTION Over heating of machine elements is common problem in industry. It is caused due to continuous operation of machine and atmospheric conditions of the surroundings. Operation cannot be stopped or in other words the machine cannot be given time to be cooled down and therefore there has to be provision for cooling. Water is the best cooling medium as it is cheap and available in abundance. However it has to be noted that continuous flow of fresh water to the machine is not advisable as it creates great waste. Cooling tower is used to fulfil the purpose of cooling with minimum usage of fresh water. It circulates fresh water for cooling to the machine and uses least make up water that is lost due to evaporation. Apart from industry cooled water is needed for, for example, air conditioners, or power generation. A cooling tower is the equipment used to reduce the temperature of a water stream by extracting heat from water and emitting it to the atmosphere. Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly as shown in the figure. Cooling towers are able to lower the water temperatures more than devices that use only air to reject heat, like the radiator in a car, and are therefore more cost-effective and energy efficient. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 17 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER DEFINITIONS WHAT IS A COOLING TOWER? A cooling tower is a heat rejection device, which extracts waste heat to the atmosphere though the cooling of a water stream to a lower temperature. Common applications for cooling towers are providing cooled water for air-conditioning, manufacturing and electric power generation. The generic term "cooling tower" is used to describe both direct (open circuit) and indirect (closed circuit) heat rejection equipment. A direct, or open-circuit cooling tower is an enclosed structure with internal means to distribute the warm water fed to it over a labyrinth-like packing or "fill." The fill may consist of multiple, mainly vertical, wetted surfaces upon which a thin film of water spreads. An indirect, or closed circuit cooling tower involves no direct contact of the air and the fluid, usually water or a glycol mixture, being cooled. In a counter-flow cooling tower air travels upward through the fill or tube bundles, opposite to the downward motion of the water. In a cross-flow cooling tower air moves horizontally through the fill as the water moves downward. Cooling towers are also characterized by the means by which air is moved. Because evaporation consists of pure water, the concentration of dissolved minerals and other solids in circulating water will tend to increase unless some means of dissolved-solids control, such as blow-down, is provided. Some water is also lost by droplets being carried out with the exhaust air (drift) B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 18 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER AIM OF PROJECT • To developed attitude of inquiry • To work as leader & as a member if a team • To measure physical phenomenon. • To developed problem solving ability. • To developed ability of report writing. • To developed planning & disciplinary studies • To give students an opportunities to learn of to keep good record. • To present students an excising and demanding challenges. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 19 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER BASIC ELEMENTS OF PROJECT 1. Operation : These are to carried out in particular sequence to order it would still better, if the method of performing each operation may also be established. It may be kept in mind that for carrying out each. Actually there is always an expenditure of resources may be in terms of coast, time etc. 2. Resources : For the purpose of carrying out the activities, the resources meet are in term of manpower, material, machines, money & time. The competitions of any activity or for that matter the future project can not be said to be over values required resources are made available at the appropriate time. In other word man has to be prepared co-ordination these resources. 3. Conditions : The activities are carries out under specified conditions of restrictions which we have a direct bearing on the competition of the involving the factor. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 20 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER WORKING PRINCIPLE OF INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER Cooling tower is essentially a heat and mass transfer device. It removes heat from the water and loses a fraction of water during heat transfer to the air. When air is blown from downwards it came in contact with upcoming water the enthalpy of which is higher and at the time of contact this air causes evaporation of water droplet. It is known that in order to get evaporated water requires to gain certain amount of latent heat. It does so from nearby droplet and evaporates into vapour form. Due to removal of sensible heat, remaining water droplets loses temperature and cools down. Due to higher surface area in packing heat transfer rate increases and water is further cooled to the require temperature. Air moving upward takes away certain amount of water content in (vapour form) with it which is not desirable. In order to recover lost water drift eliminators are provided. Upcoming air loses their velocity and causes certain amount of vapour to be converted into water. The water falls downward and collected in the basin. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 21 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CLASSIFICATION OF COOLING TOWER Classification of cooling tower Natural Draft Cooling Tower Spray Type Packed Type B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower Hyperbolic Draft Forced Draft Induced Draft Page 22 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER PARTS OF INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER FILLS : Our honey combed PVC fills are high performance heavy duty, law weight, excellent resistance to corrosion. These offer a striking balance between maximum heat transfer surface area vis-à-vis minimum restriction to air flow. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 23 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER FAN : The Axial flow fan consists of cast Aluminum or FRP variable pitch aerofoil blades fitted on a M.S. hot dip galvanized hub with S.S. 304 "U" bolts & nuts. The balanced fan assembly is mounted directly on the shaft of weather proof, flanged motor. WATER DISTRIBUTION These spray water to wet the fill. Uniform water distribution at the top of the fill is essential to achieve proper wetting of the entire fill surface. Nozzles can either be fixed and spray in a round or square patterns, or they can be part of a rotating assembly as found in some circular cross-section towers. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 24 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER DRIFT ELIMINATORS: These capture water droplets entrapped in the air stream that otherwise would be lost to the atmosphere. Air inlet: This is the point of entry for the air entering a tower. The inlet may take up an entire side of a tower (cross-flow design) or be located low on the side or the bottom of the tower (counter-flow design). B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 25 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER MECHANICAL AND THERMAL DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR COOLING TOWER power consumption by 7.5 tr cooling tower In order to initiate cooling tower design the following parameters have been considered, Technical Parameter Volume of circulating water (L) Inlet temperature of water (T 1 ) Outlet temperature of water (T 2 ) Wet bulb temperature (WBT) Height of the cooling tower (H) Inlet temperature of air (T a1 ) Outlet temperature of air (T a2 ) Design relative humidity (ɸ) Allowable losses through Evaporation Thermal parameters Enthalpy of air at inlet temperature (H a1 ) Enthalpy of air at outlet temperature (H a2 ) Specific Humidity of air at inlet temperature (W 1 ) Specific humidity of air at outlet temperature (W 2 ) Specific Volume of air at inlet temperature (V a1 ) Specific volume of air at outlet temperature (V a2 ) Enthalpy of water at inlet temperature (H w1 ) Enthalpy of water at outlet temperature (H w2 ) B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Quantity 3.8 m3/h 38 0C 32 0C 290C 1.2 m 200C 270C 80% 1.44% Quantity 50 KJ/Kg 73 KJ/Kg 0.0118 Kg/Kg of air 0.018 Kg/Kg of air 0.842 m3/Kg 0.875 m3/Kg 159.10 KJ/Kg 134 KJ/Kg Page 26 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER DESIGN CALCULATION • Cooling tower approach (cta) CTA = T2 – WBT = 32 – 29 = 3 0C • Cooling tower range (ctr) CTR = T1 – T2 = 38 – 32 = 6 0C • Mass of water circulated in cooling tower Mw1 = Volume of circulating water x Mass density of water Mw1 = 3.8 x 1000 Mw1 = 3800 Kg / hr • Heat loss by water (HL) HL = Mw1 x Cpw x (T 1 – T 2 ) HL = 3800 x 4.186 x (38 - 32) HL = 99440.8 KJ / hr • Volume of air required (G) G = (HL x Gs1) / [(Ha2 – Ha1) - (W2 – W1) x Cpw x T2] G = (99440.8 x 0.842) / [(73 - 50) – (0.018 – 0.0118) x 4.186 x 32] G = 3776.69 m3 / hr • Mass of air required (Ma) Ma = Volume of air required / Specific volume of air at inlet temperature Ma = G / Gs1 Ma = 4485 Kg / hr Based on above data power calculation can be calculated as follows, Fan power = Air Volume (in ACFM) X Total Pressure in inch / 6356 =2223X0.6434/6356 =0.25 HP =0.25 X 746 watts =186.5 watts B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 27 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER PROCEDURE FOR THE EXPERIMENT Initially tower performance will be determined by considering anonymous range and later on it will be compared with the experimental one. Range considered for the cooling tower is 38-32=6 c; where 38 is inlet temperature and 32 is outlet temperature. Following equation is used to determine cooling tower efficiency which is known as the merkel equation. KaV/L = [(T1 – T2) / 4] x {(1 /Δ h1) + (1 / Δ h2) + (1 / Δ h3) + (1 / Δ h4)} Where, K = Mass transfer co-efficient (Kg / hr m2); V = Active cooling volume (m3); T 1 = water temperature entering the cooling tower, 0C; T 2 = water temperature leaving the cooling tower, 0C; h w = enthalpy of saturated air at water temperature, kJ/(kg of dry air); h a = enthalpy of air, kJ/(kg of dry air); a = total area of wetted surface includes the surface area of water drops as well as wetted slats or other fill material, m2; L = water mass flow rate, kg/s; Now, Δ h1 = Value of Hw - Ha at T2 + 0.1 (T1 – T2) Δ h2 = Value of Hw - Ha at T2 + 0.4 (T1 – T2) Δ h3 = Value of Hw - Ha at T1 - 0.4 (T1 – T2) Δ h4 = Value of Hw - Ha at T1 - 0.1 (T1 – T2) Calculation gives the following value for cooling tower performance KaV / L = 0.1540 EFFICIENCY OF COOLING TOWER N = (T1 – T2) / (T1 – WBT) N = (38 - 32) / (38 - 29) N = 66.67 % EFFECTIVENESS OF COOLING TOWER P = (T1 – T2) / (T1 – Ta1) P = (38 - 32) / (38 - 20) P=0.33 B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 28 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER PLANNING OF PROJECT WORK In the planning we have to select a project for our team has continue for give members for this we added our past memory with a view of final a project that we must write to us. We visited in many industries, visited library, read various books pertaining to technical side made tentative collection of these all the project. Among these all the project we compared the feasibility of project and reached at the decision to manufacture “Induce draft cooling tower”. Because at the fact that it was available in our college workshop and second during manufacture of this stall it should be easy for us to read and study the thoughts to prevail difficulties. In the planning stage we have also to analyze and study the different components and part by dismantling the “Induce draft Cooling tower” and model list. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 29 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER REQUIRED MACHINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS The tools & equipment, which are needed for project Induced draft cooling tower. We must required different machines for different operations like. • Sheet cutting machine (Hand shearing machine) • Sheet banding machine • Welding machine • Drilling machine • Hand grinder And also some equipments like • Measuring tape (500 mm) • Venier caliper (200 mm) • Marker (Standard quality) • Hand hacksaw (300 mm) • Drill bit (3 mm to 15 mm) • Right (single) point cutting tool. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 30 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 31 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER FLOW PROCESS CHART B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 32 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 33 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 34 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER COSTING • • There are three elements of any products are : • Material • Labor • Expenses Material : • Direct material : Material which is processed for final product but it is a part of the product is direct material cost is this material is called direct from market. • In – direct material : Material which does not forms part of the final product but it is a must be for processing direct material is called in-direct material e.g. – Cotton waste, oil, etc. • Labor : • Direct labor : The worked who actually performed the work on the directly material rather mechanically of by machine is called direct labor. • In-direct labor : It supervised the activity of the direct labor. Expenses : • Direct Expenses : The expenses, which can be directly changed on the particular product, are called expenses. • In – Direct Expenses : The expenses that can not be directly or confidently changed on particular products are called in-direct expenses. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 35 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CALCULATION Prime cost • Direct material + Direct labour = 6000 + 1,495 = 7,495 Rs. • Overhead cost : 15% Prime Cost = 1,124.25 Rs. • Production cost : = 7,495 + 1,124.25 = 8,619.25 Rs. • Net Desired Profit 15% of production cost = 1,292.88 Rs. • Selling Price : Production + Profit = 8,619.25 + 1,292.88 = 9,912.13 Rs. • Selling price of Cooling Tower is 9,912.13 Rs. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 36 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGE Advantages:The main advantage is that coldest water comes in contact with the direct air & warmest water comes in contact with most humid air. • The re-circulation is seldom a problem with this tower as outlet a discharge the heated & humidity away from air enters below the tower. • The size of 20 in diameter can be used. • Claims are made that the ID fan tower has the advantage of tower first cool, requires less space, and is capable of cooling through a wide range. • The first cost is lower due to the reduction in pump capacity required & smallest length of water pipes. The power consumption per kg. of water cooled is less compared with FD fan system Disadvantages:• The static pressure loss is higher as restricted are at base tends to above off the flow of high velocity air. This requires higher HPmotor to drive the fan compared with forced draft handling equipment. • The air velocities through the packing are contently distributed & it has very little movement near the walls & center of the tower. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 37 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER CONCLUSIONS The described study allows site-specific scenario calculations for the possible development of water temperatures and the related impacts on the power plant cooling system: these are e.g. cooling water temperature, heat discharge to the river or additional operation costs due to high temperatures and low water levels. Therefore, the model will provide a basis for site-specific adaptation measures. Temperature inversions reduce a particular natural draft wetcooling tower heat rejection by approximately 20% in winter and by approximately 8% in summer. The reduction in tower performance due to the adversely affected pressure differential (draft equation) on the outside of the tower, during temperature inversions, accounts for approximately 20% of the total loss and the increased effective inlet temperature (transfer process) for approximately 80% of the reduction in tower performance. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 38 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER REFERENCES Thermal Design Of Cooling Tower.pdf, Authors: Ronak Shah & Trupti Rathod, LDRP institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar, India Cooling Tower Design.pdf, Karachi Workshop Exercise - Cooling Tower.pdf, , UNEP (Asia) Cooling Tower Basics And Common Misconceptions.pdf, Jalal Engineering, Karachi Cooling Tower, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (India) Cooling Tower Thermal Design Manual, page 6-21, Technical site of Daeil Aquaco. LTD, USA For experiment outlet temperature will be measured using thermometer and cooling tower performance will be found using above mentioned equation. B.S.P.P. 2014-15 Page 39
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