Reg. No. G-2/RNP/GOA/32/2015-2017 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 SERIES III No. 7 Panaji, 14th May, 2015 (Vaisakha 24, 1937) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Note:- There is one Supplementary issue to the Official Gazette, Series III No. 6 dated 7-5-2015 namely, Supplement dated 11-5-2015 from pages 169 to 200 regarding Notifications from Department of Finance [Directorate of Small Savings & Lotteries (Goa State Lotteries)]. Mamlatdar that during the break period he/she was in Goa and he/she fulfilled requirement of continuous residence in Goa for required period. GOVERNMENT OF GOA ———¡¡¡——— Department of Revenue Department of Transport ___ Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District Secretariat, Porvorim, 5th May, 2015.— The Under Secretary (Revenue-I) (Link), Anju S. Kerkar. Circular ___ No. 38/1/2006-RD Notification Subject: Residence Certificate for Educational Institutions. The Government vide order No. DPG/Committee/ /2014/1191 dated 11-7-2014 has constituted a Committee on Simplification of Procedures for Effective Delivery of Public Service. The Committee in its interim report recommended that students establish that they are continuous resident of the State of Goa for the required years vide their academic record, hence Educational Institutions may not insist for production of Residence Certificate issued by Mamlatdar for the purpose of admission, etc. The Government is pleased to accept the recommendation and has decided that for the purpose of admission in Educational Institutions, the student who has studied continuously in the State of Goa for the required period and it is established from the school record that he/she is continuously resident of State of Goa, is not required to produce a Residence Certificate from the Mamlatdar of the Taluka. However he/she has to produce copy of School record and any other document to support claim of residence. In case there is any major break in the education, however the residence is continued in the State of Goa, the student is required to produce the documentary evidence or certificate from the No. 23/5/2014/MAG/TIS/2135 Read: 1. Letter No. GU/9/F.26/2014/EST. DIV/553 dated 10-11-2014 of the Registrar, Goa University, Taleigao-Goa. 2. Letter No. DYSP/TRF/PAN/321/2015 dated 05-03-2015 of the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic (North), Panaji. In exercise of the powers conferred on me under Section 112 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rule 264A of the Motor Vehicles Rules, 1991 as amended in 2005 and as recommended by the Dy. Superintendent of Police, Traffic (North), Panaji, I, Nila Mohanan, IAS, District Magistrate, North Goa District, hereby order the construction of seven Hump type “Speed Breakers” at the places mentioned in Column No. 2 of the Schedule below in the jurisdiction of Village Panchayat Taleigao and St. Cruz in Tiswadi Talukas. SCHEDULE Sr. No. Location Traffic Signboards 1 2 3 1. Seven Speed Breakers on internal road and Dona Paula to Bambolim MDR road in University Campus: Suggestions are welcome on e-mail: Speed Breaker 201 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 1 14TH MAY, 2015 2 3 1. The first Speed Breaker on the internal road leading to Science Block of Goa University at the distance of 5 mts. away from the main road 2. The second Speed Breaker on the internal road leading to Library Block of Goa University at the distance of 5 mts. away from the main road Panaji, 5th May, 2015.— The District Magistrate, North Goa, Nila Mohanan, IAS. ———¡——— 3. The third Speed Breaker on the main road 20 mts. before the Rotary which is existing near Goa University Administrative Block on the road leading from Dona Paula towards GMC, Bambolim Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa ___ Corrigendum No. 37/27/93-MAG/4534 4. The fourth Speed Breaker on the main road 20 mts. before the Rotary which is existing near Goa University Administrative Block on the road leading from GMC, Bambolim towards Dona Paula 5. The fifth Speed Breaker on the internal road leading to Jubilee Hall of Goa University at the distance of 5 mts. away from the main road 6. The sixth Speed Breaker on the internal road leading to International Guest House of Goa University at the distance of 5 mts. away from the main road 7. The seventh Speed Breaker on the internal road to State Bank of India, Goa University Branch at the distance of 5 mts. away from the main road 2. Pedestrian Crossing: on either side of the main road near the rotary existing near Goa University Administrative Block Pedestrian Crossing The above SPEED BREAKERS & PEDESTRIAN CROSSING shall be painted with white thermoplastic fluorescent paint and fixed with blinkers for better visibility. Further, in exercise of the powers conferred on me under Section 116 of the above Act, I also authorise the erection of cautionary signboards “SPEED BREAKER AHEAD” at about 40 mts. on either side of the Speed Breaker in advance of the Speed Breaker and traffic signboard showing the sign “SPEED BREAKER” at the placement of the Speed Breaker in order to regulate the motor vehicular traffic. The Secretary, Village Panchayat Taleigao & St. Cruz, Tiswadi and P.W.D. (Engineering Cell), is directed to publish this notification through the 202 Director of Information and Publicity in newspapers and to make necessary arrangements to erect the signboards at the places indicated above as per the specification laid down by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and as published in the Official Gazette by the Government of Goa and report compliance within fifteen days time. Read: 1. Notification No. 37/27/93-MAG/9175 dated 12-09-2012. 2. Letter No. 7/5(133)/12/DT/2225 dated 12-12-2014 from the Director of Tourism, Department of Tourism, Panaji-Goa. In modification of the notification referred at Sr. No. 1, the words used in the fifth line of the notification “Prohibit the movement of all kinds of motor vehicles on the beaches within the jurisdiction of South Goa District except for the vehicles for the lifeguarding services of M/s Drishti Special Response Services Pvt. Ltd. and vehicles of Tourist Security Force” should be substituted to read as “Prohibit the movement of all kinds of motor vehicles on the beaches except vehicles of M/s Ram Cleansers & Developers Pvt. Ltd. and Beach lifeguarding and Water Safety Services which was awarded to M/s Drishti Lifesaving Pvt. Ltd.”. Remaining contents of the notification is unchanged. Margao, 30th April, 2015.— The District Magistrate, South Goa District, Sachin Shinde, IAS. ———¡¡¡——— Advertisements ___ In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division at Bicholim Matrimonial Petition No.:- 1/2013/A Mrs. Sanam Shaikh, daughter of Mr. Sukur Shaikh, wife of Mr. Sarfaraz Shaikh, 24 years of age, service, r/o H. No. 98/A, Velus Sudarwada, near Electricity Department, Valpoi-Goa. .... Petitioner. OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 V/s Mr. Sarfaraz Shaikh, son of Mr. Mohammed Hassan Shaikh, alias Mohammad Hassan Shaikh, 28 years of age, service, r/o H. No. 95, Velus, Sudarwada, near Electricity Department, Valpoi-Goa. .... Respondent. Notice It is hereby made known to the public that by Order and Decree dated 10th October, 2014 passed by the Hon’ble Ad hoc District Judge, -1 (FTC) North Goa at Panaji in Regular Civil Appeal No. 7/2014, whereby the marriage of the Petitioner Mrs. Sanam Shaikh, daughter of Mr. Sukur Shaikh, wife of Mr. Sarfaraz Shaikh, 24 years of age, service, r/o H. No. 98/A, Velus Sudarwada, near Electricity Department, Valpoi-Goa, with the Respondent Mr. Sarfaraz Shaikh, son of Mr. Mohammad Hassan Shaikh alias Mohammad Hassan Shaikh, 28 years of age, service, r/o H. No. 95, Velus, Sudarwada, near Electricity Department, Valpoi-Goa, is hereby decreed. ORDER The Regular Civil Appeal is allowed with no cost. The impugned Judgement and Decree dated 9-12-2013 passed by the Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division, Bicholim in Marriage Petition No. 1/2013 is quashed and set aside. As a result, the marriage Petitioner filed by the Petitioner is allowed on the ground of illtreatment and adultery committed by the respondent. The marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent stands dissolved by Divorce with all legal effects and consequently the Civil Registration of the marriage of the Petitioner and the Respondent against entry No. 178 of the Marriage Registration Book for the year 2008 dated 28-4-2008 stands cancelled. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 8th day of May, 2015. Kalpana V. Gavas, Civil Judge, Senior Division, Bicholim. V. No. A-9940/2015. ———¡——— In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, ‘A’ Court at Mapusa-Goa Matrimonial Petition No. - 34/2014/A Mr. Vinod Vasant Bhonsle, major, married, r/o House No. 268/A, Hali wada, Britona, Bardez-Goa. .... Petitioner. V/s Mrs. Siya Vinod Bhonsle alias Supriya Ravindra Volvoikar, major, r/o House No. 96, near Gajant Laxmi Temple, Deulwaddo Volvoi, Ponda-Goa. .... Respondent. Notice 2. It is hereby made known to the public that by Order dated 26th day of March, 2015 passed by this Court in the above Matrimonial Petition No. - 34/2014/A, the marriage between the Mr. Vinod Vasant Bhonsle and Respondent Mrs. Siya Vinod Bhonsle registered in the Office of the Civil Registrar of Bardez at Mapusa-Goa, registered against entry No. 595/2012 of the Marriage Registration Book of the year 2012 stands dissolved by divorce. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 2nd day of May, 2015. Dvijple V. Patkar, Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division, “A” Court, Mapusa-Goa. V. No. A-9914/2015. ———¡——— In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, ‘C’ Court at Mapusa-Goa Matrimonial Petition No. 116/2013/C Mr. Maneck Sohrab Contractor, major, business, resident of H. No. 286, Arradi Xir, Parra, Bardez-Goa. .... Petitioner No. 1. V/s Mrs. Pyal Contractor, major, business, r/o 401, C Building, Devashri Gardens, near Corporation Bank, Porvorim, Socorro, Bardez-Goa. .... Petitioner No. 2. Notice 3. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement (Final Divorce) dated 30-01-2015, passed by this Court the marriage between the Petitioner No. 1 Mr. Maneck Sohrab Contractor, major, business, resident of H. No. 286, Arradi Xir, Parra, Bardez-Goa and the Petitioner No. 2 Mrs. Pyal Contractor, major, business, r/o 401, C Building, Devashri Gardens, near Corporation Bank, Porvorim, Socorro, Bardez-Goa, registered before the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar of Bardez-Goa on 21-08-2001, against entry No. 857/2001 of the 203 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Marriage Registration Book for the year 2001, stands dissolved by granting them final divorce. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 22nd day of April, 2015. N. S. Amonkar, Civil Judge, Senior Division, “C” Court, Mapusa. V. No. A-9916/2015. ———¡——— In the Court of the Ist Addl. Civil Judge, Senior Division at Margao Marriage Petition No. 82/2014/I Mrs. Rohinni Anand Naik, changed to Rohini Mahendra Naik, d/o Mr. Anand Naik, aged about 19 years, occupation student, r/o 2nd Palvem, Chinchinim-Goa. .... Petitioner. V/s Dr. Shri Rohan Ghanashyam Mardolkar, son of Dr. Ghanashyam Mardolkar, aged 31 years, service, r/o H. No. 355, at & Post Mardol, Ponda-Goa 403 404. .... Respondent. Notice 5. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement and Decree dated 22nd December, 2014 passed by this Court, it is ordered that the marriage petition filed by the Petitioner stands allowed. The marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent stands dissolved by decree of divorce. The Civil Registrar of Margao is directed to cancel the marriage registered between the Petitioner and the Respondent under entry No. 832/2009 in the Marriage Registration Book for the year 2009. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 27th day of April, 2015. V/s Mr. Mahendra Naik, s/o Mr. Santosh Naik, aged about 25 years, occupation business, r/o H. No. 333/1, Tolleawado, Gudi, Paroda-Goa. .... Respondent. Notice 4. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement and Decree dated 4th November, 2014 passed by this Court, it is ordered that the marriage petition filed by the Petitioner stands allowed. The marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent stands dissolved by decree of divorce. The Civil Registrar of Margao is directed to cancel the marriage registered between the Petitioner and the Respondent under entry No. 2619/13 in the Marriage Registration Book for the year 2013. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 27th day of April, 2015. Pooja C. Kavlekar, Ist Addl. Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao. V. No. A-1229/2015. __________ Marriage Petition No. 122/2014/I Dr. Gayatri Gokuldas Jadhav alias Smt. Gayatri Rohan Mardolkar, wife of Dr. Rohan Mardolkar, aged 31 years, service, r/o H. No. 568, Birondi, Benaulim, Salcete-Goa. 204 .... Petitioner. Pooja C. Kavlekar, Ist Addl. Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao. V. No. A-9919/2015. ———¡——— In the Court of the IInd Addl. Civil Judge, Senior Division at Margao Marriage Petition No. 135/2014/II Mrs. Aastha Atul Patil alias Priyanka Ulhas Naik, age 26 years, service, resident of House No. Ourem, Palolem, Canacona, Goa. .... Petitioner. V/s Mr. Atul Patil, son of Parshuram Patil, age 26 years, service, resident of House No. Karashirmoll, Canacona-Goa. .... Respondent. Notice 6. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement Order and Decree dated 5-1-2015, the marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent dated 3-8-2012 is declared null and void on the ground of coercion and is hereby annulled, consequently, entry No. 393/2012 of the Marriage Registration Book for the year 2012 in the Office of the Civil Registrar, Canacona is hereby directed to be cancelled. OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 29th day of April, 2015. Bosco G. F. Roberts, IInd Addl. Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao. V. No. A-1230/2015. ———¡——— In the Court of the Ad hoc Civil Judge, Senior Division at Margao Marriage Petition No. 136/14/III Mrs. Neonita Margrada Fernandes, aged 34 years, married, service, r/o c/o Mrs. Aurora Fernandes, H. No. 6A, Olvado, Carmona, Salcete-Goa. .... Petitioner. V/s Mr. Vicentino Rodrigues, aged 43 years, married, service, r/o H. No. 172, 2nd Ward, Colva, Salcete-Goa. .... Respondent. Notice 7. It is hereby made known to all concerned that by virtue of Judgement and Decree passed by this Court on 2nd day of December, 2014 in the above mentioned petition, the marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent stands dissolved by way of divorce. The Civil Registrar of Salcete is directed to cancel the entry No. 287/08 of the Marriage Registration Book for the year 2008. Accordingly the marriage between the Petitioner and the Respondent stands dissolved by way of divorce. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 21st day of April, 2015. Vijayalaxmi R. Shivolkar, Ad hoc Addl. Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao (III). V. No. A-9918/2015. of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 16-04-2015 drawn by and before me Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at page 19v Notarial Book No. 849 of this office the following is recorded:– That the declarants stated that on 5th June, 1993 expired at Mapusa, Bardez-Goa, Mr. Francisco Sylvester Carvalho alias Lucas Carvalho without leaving behind any Will or other disposition of his last wish, leaving behind his moiety holder his widow Mrs. Anastasia Elisa Carvalho alias Anastasia Elisa Pinto alias Elisa Anastasia Pinto alias Anastazai Elisa Pinto, who also subsequently expired on 23rd October, 2007 at Mapusa, without leaving behind any Will or other disposition of her last wish leaving behind as their sole and universal heirs their children namely, (One) Mr. Lourenco Sebastiao Carvalho, married to Matias Ana Carvalho, (Two) Mr. Caetano Nelson Carvalho, married to Cirila Maria Lucinda Campos. In view of the above declarants hereby declare, confirm and affirm for all legal purposes that the above named Mr. Lourenco Sebastiao Carvalho and Mr. Caetano Nelson Carvalho are the sole and universal heirs of their deceased presents namely Francisco Sylvester Carvalho alias Lucas Carvalho and Mrs. Anastasia Elisa Carvalho alias Anastasia Elisa Pinto alias Elisa Anastasia Pinto alias Anastasia Elisa Pinto and there are no other person or persons who as per the prevailing law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred to the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the inheritance or may have a better claim to the estate as their legitimate heirs and successors. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have a legal right of succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased persons. Bardez, Mapusa, 22nd April, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Mr. Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9915/2015. ———¡——— __________ Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in this Judicial Division of Bardez, Mapusa-Goa Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. ___ Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. 8. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose 9. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 24-4-2015 drawn by and before me Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and 205 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at pages 34 to 35 Book No. 849 of this office the following is recorded:– That the said Alex Fernandes, son of Exequiel Fernandes died on 12-12-2003 at Kuwait, without leaving any Will or any other testamentary disposition of his last wish leaving behind his wife Doris Juliana Fernandes alias Doris Juliana D’Souza alias Doris J. D’Souza e Fernandes as his moiety holder of half sharer and his legal heir his only son namely Melroy William Fernandes, 18 years, unmarried, son of Alex Fernandes, resident of Anjuna, Bardez, Goa, being the sole heirs are entitled to inherit the estate of the deceased Alex Ferandes. That the said Declarants are perfectly aware of all the facts stated by them above as they are not relatives who could succeed the said deceased person nor they have any intention in the present deed than to testify the truth and therefore they affirm, confirm and declare for all purpose and intent that the aforesaid are the sole and universal heirs of the deceased and there is no other person or persons who as per the prevailing law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred to the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the inheritance or may have a better claim to the estate as their legitimate heirs and successors. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have a legal right of Succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased person. Bardez, Mapusa, 6th May, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Shri Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9917/2015. __________ Mr. Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. 10. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 08-05-2015 drawn by and before me Mr. Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at page 48 Notarial Book No. 849 of this office, the following is recorded:– That on 14-12-2012 died at Ansabhat, Mapusa, Goa, Shri Ulhas Prabhakar Kamat, without any Will or any other disposition of his last wishes leaving behind his wife-widow, (1) Mrs. Anjali Ulhas Kamat 206 alias Anjali Pundalik Korgaonkar, aged 61 years as moiety holder or a half sharer and his children (2) Ms. Anupa Ulhas Kamat, daughter of Ulhas Kamat, aged 35 years, married, Indian National, (3) Mr. Rohan Ulhas Kamat, son of Ulhas Kamat, aged 29 years, married to Shradha Rohan Kamat alias Shradha Yeshwant Pai Bir both resident of Mapusa, Bardez-Goa, as his universal heirs. That the said Declarants are perfectly aware of all the facts stated by them above as they are in close contact with the family of the deceased person and they are not relatives who could succeed the said deceased person nor they have any intention in the present deed than to testify the truth and therefore, they affirm and declare for all purposes and intent that the aforesaid are the universal heirs of the deceased and there is no other person or persons who as per the prevailing law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred to the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the inheritance or may have a better claim to the estate as their legitimate heirs and successors. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have a legal right of Succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased persons. Bardez, Mapusa, 11th May, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Mr. Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9927/2015. __________ Shri Arjun Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. 11. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Relinquishment of Rights and Succession dated 22-04-2015 drawn by and before me Shri Arjun Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at page F1 28 of Notarial Book No. 849 of this office the following is recorded:– That (1) Mrs. Shobha Chandrakant Satardekar @ Varshali Vasudev Patre married to late Vassudev Krishna Patre alias Vassudeva Patro 2.a) Mrs. Sneha Vasudev Patre alias Sneha Kishor Naik married to (2.b) Mr. Kishore Krishna Naik alias Kishor Krishna Naik (3) Smt. Geeta Chandrakant Satardekar alias Guita Chandrakant Satordekar alias Geeta Pravin Naik, married to (4) Shri Pravin Ankush Naik alias Pravin Ancush Naik, (5) Smt. Manika Chandrakant Satardekar alias Manica Satardencar alias Daya OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Devidas Agarwadekar alias Daya Devadas Agarvadecar married to (6) Shri Devidas Pundalik Agarwadekar alias Devadas Pundolica Agarvadecar, (7) Smt. Manisha Chandrakant Satardekar alias Manisha Chandrakant Satordekar alias Manisha Govind Naik Chodankar, married to (8) Shri Govind Rama Naik Chodankar, do hereby release relinquish and renounce under Article 2029 in favour of other co-heirs all their rights, title and interest to the inheritance left behind by their deceased parents/parents in law/grandparents/ /grandparents in law Mr. Chandrakant Ladu Satardekar alias Chandrakant Satordekar and Mrs. Amrutbai Satardekar alias Amrutbai Chandrakant Satardekar alias Chandravaty C. Satordekar alias Chandravati Satordekar alias, Amrutabai Chandrakant Satardekar alias Amrutem Chandrakant Satordekar. That on 07-11-1985 expired Smt. Amrutbai Satrdekar at Mapusa, Clinic, Mapusa, Goa, in the status of married, under the General Communion of assets and subsequently on 11-06-1991 expired her husband Mr. Chandrakant Ladu Satrdekar at Asilo Hospital, Mapusa, Goa, in the status of widower, without Will or any other disposition of their last wish leaving behind their children as their sole and universal heirs at Sr. No. (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) and Mrs. Sapna Chandrakant Satardekar alias Sapna Mohan Gaonkar married to Shri Mohan Chandrakant Gaonkar. That on 24-11-2007 expired said Vassudev Krishna Patre alias Vassudeva Patro at Asilo Hospital Mapusa, Goa, in the status of married under the General Communion of assets without Will or any other disposition of his last wish leaving behind his widow and moiety holder or half sharer the party at Sr. No. 1 and as his sole and universal heir daughter/son in law at Sr. No. (2.a) and (2.b). That Mrs. Sapna Chandrakant Satardekar alias Sapna Mohan Gaonkar married to Shri Mohan Chandrakant Gaonkar affirms and declared as sole universal legal heirs and successor, herein situation obtained as a consequence of the relinquishment of rights made hereinabove by the deceased persons above mentioned heirs. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have legal right of succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased persons. Bardez, Mapusa, 11th May, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Mr. Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9930/2015. Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. 12. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 08-05-2015 drawn by and before me Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at Notarial Book No. 849 fl 49V of this office the following is recorded:That Mr. Joaquim Paskal Ribeiro alias Joaquim Pascoal Ribeiro, s/o late Antonio Domingos Ribeiro, expired at Mumbai on 2nd March, 1964 and his wife Mrs. Maria Piedade Ribeiro alias Maria Piedade Fernandes alias Maria Lina Ribeiro, daughter of Aleixo Fernandes, expired on 14th February, 1994 at Mumbai, without any Will or testamentary disposition of their last wish but leaving behind there legal heirs (one) Mrs. Sebastiana Ribeiro, daughter of late Joaquim Pascoal Ribeiro, 65 years, married to Mr. Irenio Vaz, (two) Mrs. Luisa Maria Lucia Ribeiro, daughter of late Mr. Joaquim Pascoal Ribeiro, 62 years, housewife, married to Mr. Caetano Maria Fernandes, (three) Mrs. Ana Maria Fatima Ribeiro, d/o late Joaquim Pascoal Ribeiro, 55 years, housewife, married to Mr. Casmiro Salvador Fernandes, (four) Ana Severina Joanita Ribeiro alias Ana Severina Joanita Ribeiro e Fernandes, daughter of late Mr. Joaquim Pascoal Ribeiro, 57 years, housewife, married to Mr. Conceicao Fernandes, as his sole and universal heirs. That the said Declarants are perfectly aware of all the facts stated by them above as they are in close contact with the family of the deceased person and they are not relatives who could succeed the said deceased person nor they have any intention in the present deed than to testify the truth and therefore they affirm, confirm and declare for all purposes and intent that the aforesaid are the sole and universal heirs of the deceased and there is no other person or persons who as per the prevailing law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the inheritance or may have a better claim to the estate as their legitimate heirs and successors. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have a legal right of succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased persons. Bardez, Mapusa, 12th May, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Mr. Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9932/2015. 207 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division. 13. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article, it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 05-05-2015 drawn by and before me Shri Arjun S. Shetye, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Bardez at Mapusa at 42V Book No. 849 of this office the following is recorded:That Mr. Mathias Libanio Pires and Mrs. Eddy alias Eudocia Thimotina Noronha Pires, who hailed from H. No. P.30, Portaish, Reis-Magos, Bardez-Goa, expired on 12-06-1999 and 16-03-2009 respectively without executing any Will or any other testamentary disposition of their property but leaving behind their legal heirs namely (1) Mr. Aureliano Gabble Succour Pires, son of late Mathias Libanio Pires, 62 years of age, married to (2) Mrs. Ivone Pires, wife of Mr. Aureliano Gabble Succor Pires, 62 years of age, (3) Fr. Loddy Zenon Soccor Pires, son of late Mathias Libanio Pires, 67 years of age, (4) Mr. Pius Dominicus Savio Jose Do Carmo Pires, son of late Mathias Libanio Pires, 46 years of age, married to (5) Mrs. Charmaine Fernandes e Pires, wife of Mr. Pius Domnicus Pires, 41 years of age, (6) Mrs. Julitta Margaret Philomena Josepha De Vailankanni Pires Fernandes, daughter of late Mathias Libanio Pires, married, 48 years of age, married to (7) Mr. Manuel Jude Fernandes, aged 47 years, as their universal heirs. That the said Declarants are perfectly aware of all the facts stated by them above as they are in close contact with family of the deceased persons and they are not relatives who could succeed the said deceased persons nor they have any intention in the present deed than to testify the truth and therefore they affirm, confirm and declare for all purposes and intent that the aforesaid are universal heirs of the deceased and there is no other person or persons who as per the prevailing law in force in this State of Goa, may be preferred to the aforesaid heirs or who can concur in the heritance or may have a better claim to the estate as their legitimate heirs and Successors. And that besides them no other heirs or persons who according to law may have a legal right of succession or would concur with the said qualified heirs to the estate or inheritance left by the said deceased persons. Bardez, Mapusa, 6th May, 2015.— The Notary Ex Officio, Mr. Arjun S. Shetye. V. No. A-9934/2015. 208 14TH MAY, 2015 Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar & Notary Ex Officio, Salcete ____ Shri Suraj Vernekar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao. 14. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Declaration of Succession and Qualification of heirs (Habilitacao) dated 30-4-2015, drawn by and before me, Shri Suraj Vernekar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Salcete at page 98 onwards of Notarial Book No. 1610 of this office is recorded:That Jose Costa died on twentieth December, two thousand fourteen at Hospicio Hospital, Margao, Goa, died intestate, without executing Will or any other disposition of his last wish, but leaving behind his wife Sarita Rebelo as his “moiety sharer” and his children namely (one) Remlon Costa, bachelor and Frenzy Costa, spinster as his sole and universal heirs. There being no other person or heir who in terms of law of succession prevailing in the State of Goa, may prefer the said qualified heir in the succession of the deceased person or could concur with them to the estate and inheritance left by the deceased person. Margao, Salcete, 6th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Suraj Vernekar. ___________ V. No. A-1232/2015. Shri Suraj Vernekar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio in the said Judicial Division of Salcete, Margao. 15. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 06-08-1951 and for the purpose of 2nd para of the same Article it is hereby made public that by a Notarial Deed of Declaration of Succession and Qualification of heirs (Habilitacao) dated 30-4-2015, drawn by and before me, Shri Suraj Vernekar, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex Officio, Salcete at page 90V onwards of Notarial Book No. 1610 of this office is recorded:That Sudhan S. Kamat alias Sudhan Xensguiri Camotim died on twelfth December, two thousand thirteen at Comba, Margao, Goa died intestate, without executing Will or any other disposition of his last wish but leaving behind his wife Vidha Ganexa Naique Batcar alias Vidya S. Kamat as his “moiety sharer” and his “sole and universal heir” OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 his son namely Snehal Sudan Kamat alias Sheshgiri Sudhan Kamat bachelor. There being no other person or heir who in terms of law of succession prevailing in the State of Goa, may prefer the said qualified heir in the succession of the deceased person or could concur with them to the estate and inheritance left by the deceased person. Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Pernem, 5th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Soniya S. Halarnkar. Margao, Salcete, 6th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Suraj Vernekar. V. No. A-9925/2015. V. No. A-1234/2015. ———¡——— Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Pernem-Goa ___ Notices 16. Whereas Manohar Govinda Madlecar, resident of Mardiwada, Morjim, Pernem-Goa, desires to change his surname from “Manohar Govinda Madlecar” to “Manohar Govinda Shetye” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Pernem, 5th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Soniya S. Halarnkar. V. No. A-9923/2015. __________ 17. Whereas Fotu Govinda Madlecar, resident of Mardiwada, Morjim, Pernem-Goa, desires to change his name/surname from “Fotu Govinda Madlecar” to “Fati Govinda Shetye” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Pernem, 5th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Soniya S. Halarnkar. ___________ V. No. A-9924/2015. 18. Whereas Ashok Govind Morajkar, resident of Mardiwada, Morjim, Pernem-Goa, desires to change his surname from “Ashok Govind Morajkar” to “Ashok Govind Shetye” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). ———¡——— Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Bicholim-Goa ___ Notices 19. Whereas Mr. Naresh Arjun Gawde, resident of H. No. 166, Gaonkarwada, Narva, Bicholim-Goa, has applied to change his surname from “Naresh Arjun Gawde” to “Naresh Arjun Narvekar”. Any person having objection, if any, may file the same in this office within thirty days from the publication of this notice as required under Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990. Bicholim, 29th April, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Soniya S. Halarnkar. V. No. A-9929/2015. ___________ 20. Whereas Mr. Prabhakar Saba Jadhav and Mrs. Pranali Prabhakar Jadhav, resident of Flat No. 3/8, Jivaji Smruti Sankul ‘B’, near Dattamandir, Dattawadi, Sanquelim, Bicholim-Goa, has applied to change their son’s name from “Saba Prabhakar Jadhav” to “Shreyash Prabhakar Jadhav”. Any person having objection, if any, may file the same in this office within thirty days from the publication of this notice as required under Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990. Bicholim, 11th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Shubha H. Dessai. V. No. A-9935/2015. ———¡——— Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Ilhas, Panaji-Goa ___ Notices 21. Whereas Shri Solin Andrade, resident of H. No. 103, Bandh, Santa Cruz, Tiswadi-Goa, desires to change his name/surname from “Solin Andrade” to “Sunil Murgaonkar” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). 209 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Panaji, 8th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar. 25. Whereas Shri Pramod Gopinath Naik, resident of F-1, Dias Apartment, Block D, Altinho, Panaji-Goa, desires to change his minor daughter’s surname from “Purva Pramod Naik” to “Purva Pramod Naik Sardesai” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). V. No. A-9920/2015. Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. __________ 22. Whereas Shri Janu Andrade, resident of H. No. 103, Bandh, Santa Cruz, Tiswadi-Goa, desires to change his name/surname from “Janu Andrade” to “Jayesh Murgaonkar” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Panaji, 8th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar. V. No. A-9921/2015. __________ 23. Whereas Kum. Ahmad Bi, resident of H. No. 205, near A1 Building, GRP Quarters, Altinho, Panaji-Goa, desires to change her name/surname from “Ahmad Bi” to “Yasmin Hubli” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Panaji, 16th April, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar. V. No. A-9922/2015. Panaji, 11th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar. V. No. A-9939/2015. ———¡——— Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar & Notary Ex Officio, Salcete ___ Notice 26. Whereas, Harishchandra Ashok Ivalle, s/o Ashok Sidhappa Ivalle, major of age, resident of H. No. 282C, Combavaddo, Curtorim, Salcete-Goa, desires to change his name/surname from “Harishchandra Ashok Ivalle” to “Harrison Ashok Diniz”. Therefore, any person having any objection is hereby invited to file the same in this office as per sub-section (2) of Section (3) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. 8 of 1990) within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice. Margao, 8th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Suraj R. Vernekar. __________ 24. Whereas Shri Pramod Gopinath Naik, resident of F-1, Dias Apartment, Block D, Altinho, Panaji-Goa, desires to change his minor son’s surname from “Prithvi Pramod Naik” to “Prithvi Pramod Naik Sardesai” under the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name & Surname Act, 1990 in force. Panaji, 11th May, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Tushan Kunkolikar. V. No. A-9938/2015. 210 V. No. A-1231/2015. ———¡——— Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Quepem-Goa ___ Notice 27. Whereas Giddappa Satyappa Dangalker, resident of H. No. 871, Vodlemol Kakoda, Curchorem, Quepem-Goa, desires to change his name/ /surname from “Giddappa Satyappa Dangalker” to “Maruti Satyappa Dhangalkar” under the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 Any person having objection, if any, may file the same in this office within thirty days from the publication of this notice, as required under Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in force. “Comunidade” Quepem, 27th February, 2015.— The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Smt. Sujata Raut Dessai. V. No. A-9928/2015. 29. The Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the Comunidade of Nachinola of all the Components of the Comunidade of Nachinola will be held on 7th June, 2015 at 10.30 a.m. at the Comunidade of Nachinola premises in order to discuss and decide and take the approval on the following agenda: ———¡——— Administration Office of the Comunidades North Zone, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa ____ ___ Notice NACHINOLA Agenda 1. Notice 28. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house. 1. Name of the applicant: Shri Naresh M. Parulekar, r/o Vasco-Goa. 2. Land named: _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 211/1, Plot No. 71, situated at Pilerne village and belonging to the Comunidade of Pilerne, admeasuring 264 square metres. 3. Boundaries: East : by remaining portion of land bearing Sy. No. 211/1; West : by 6.00 mtrs. wide road of the same sub-division; North : by 6.00 mtrs. wide road of the same sub-division; South : by plot No. 72 of the same sub-division. File No. 1-32-2015-ACNZ/2015. If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of North Zone, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. Mapusa, 12th May, 2015.— The Acting Secretary, Dilip D. Morajkar. V. No. A-9933/2015. File No. 3/01/2015ACNZ/2015 Mr. Camilo X. Alvaris, Survey No. 9/17 (part) admeasuring an area 15.00 sq. mt. for the purpose of access in Survey No. 19/17, situated at Nachinola Village. Therefore all the Components/Gaonkars of above Comunidade are hereby requested to be present on the day, time and place for the above purpose. Nachinola, 29th April, 2015.— The President, Mr. Francis M. C. D’Cruz. V. No. A-9926/2015. ———¡——— “Devalaias” SHREE VITHAL MANDIR Comba, Margao-Goa ____ 30. An Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the Mahajans of Devalaya Shree Vithal Mandir has been convened as per Article No. 38(4) of Regulamento--Das-Mazanias on Sunday the 7th June, 2015, at 10.30 a.m., in the premises of the Devalaya Shree Vithal Mandir, Comba, Margao, to transact the following business. 1. To read and confirm the minutes of previous General Body Meeting. 2. To discuss the renovation of the back portion of the Devalaya. 3. Any other subject with the permission of the Chair. N. B. : In case there is no quorum at 10.00 a.m., the meeting will be adjourned, the adjourned meeting will be held at the same place & date at 10.30 a.m. & decisions taken will be abide to all. Margao, 4th May, 2015.— The Secretary, Bramhanand Mhapsekar. V. No. A-1233/2015. 211 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 7 14TH MAY, 2015 SHREE SAPTAKOTESHWAR DEVASTHAN Morpirla, Quepem-Goa ____ 31. A Special General Body Meeting of Mahajans of Shree Saptakoteshwar Saunsthan of Morpirla is hereby convened on Sunday, the 24th May, 2015 at 10.00 a.m. in the premises of this Devasthan in order to decide on the following agenda: Agenda 1. Amendments to the present bye-laws of the Saunsthan. All Mahajans are therefore kindly requested to remain present for the said meeting. Morpirla-Quepem, 12th May, 2015.— The Secretary, Shri Bhiso Fondu Velip. V. No. A-9936/2015. ———¡——— Private Advertisement ___ 2. I say that on my Election Card my name is recorded as “Ramavtar C. Gupta”. 3. I say that on LIC Policy, bearing Policy No. 930409212 my name is recorded as “Ramawtar Jayswal”. 4. I say that all these names i.e. “Ramawtar Jayswal”, “Ramavtar Chottelal Gupta” and “Ramavtar C. Gupta” are one and the same person i.e. me. 5. I say that I am swearing this affidavit to produce it in Office of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, 93P Branch, Panaji, Goa. The said is required for the purpose to publish in Official Gazette. 6. I say that the contents of the affidavit are true as per my say, nothing therein misstated or/and misrepresented. Solemnly affirmed at Panaji this 12th day of May, 2015. Affidavit 32. I, Ramavtar Chottelal Gupta, son of Chottelal Gupta, major of age 29 years, Indian National and resident of House No. 270, behind Tanuja Store, St. Inez, Panaji, Goa, do hereby state on oath as under: 1. I have changed my name in the Corporation of the City of Panaji from Ramawtar Jayswal to Ramavtar Chottelal Gupta. Sd/-. Deponent. Adv. Shashikant V. Nabar, Notary. V. No. A-9931/2015. ______________________________ Published and Printed by the Director, Printing & Stationery, Government Printing Press, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Panaji-Goa 403 001. Price–Rs. 12.00 PRINTED AT GOVERNMENT PRINTING PRESS, PANAJI-GOA—43/380—5/2015. 212
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