JUNE/JULY 2015 - Immanuel Lutheran Church

2913 John Moore Rd. Brandon, FL 33511
Inside this issue:
From the Pastor
Bible Studies /Military
Note to College Students
Sunday School
Funeral Reception Coordinator
Thrivent Choice Participation
VBC /Hurricane Policy Reminder
FLM Info/Youth
June Stewardship Article
Odds & Ends / Summer Music
Summer Sermon Series
ILC Softball Team/Church Library
Magnify the Mission / Let’s Visit
ILS Footstep Fund
Social Concerns - ECHO
Adopt a Bill
Dear Faithful Members
Wed Warrior Pictures / Nursery
Sowing the Seed Report /
The Mission Statement of Immanuel Lutheran Church:
Through Word and Sacrament ministry we share the love,
joy and peace of Christ among ourselves and with
those around us.
Confirmation 2015
Lutheran Confirmation is a public profession
of faith prepared for by long and careful instruction.
In England, the ceremony of Confirmation is an
affirmation of baptism, a mature and public
profession of faith which “marks the completion of
the congregation’s program of confirmation ministry.”
On May 17th at the 11am service, nine young people came
before the Immanuel congregation to profess their faith in
Jesus Christ.
Sarah Grace Daven
Natalie Virginia Sciesinski
Kaylee Ann Grice
Katarina Samra Shield
Community News
LSF / Many Hands /
Areas of Stewardship /FSU Alumni 12
Jacob Aaron Hofman
Kolton Riley Smith
Kevin Andrew Nilsen
Jacob Stephen Woollard
Finance Report / Official Acts
Daily Bible Readings /
Wednesday Warriors
Caroline Elizabeth Proeschel
Two Big Guys/ Pastor Pick
Children’s Activity Bags /
Men’s Group & Men’s Nights
Extended Care Director Needed
School News
More School News /Preschool
Ladies Guild / Nifty 50’s /
Pairs & Spares
New Member Class
Blood Drive
Is there life after Confirmation? You bet there is! There is
Abundant Life and we should celebrate it!!! Every communicant
member has been confirmed. We are alive in Christ; the Holy Spirit
is active in us. We have the opportunity to respond with gratitude
to God for His gift of eternal life and to set the example for our
young people. Out of 168 hours each week, let us willingly give one
or more back to Christ by attending worship. Out of the 1440
minutes in a day, use at least 15 minutes for prayer. Look around at
the many people or organizations in need and share your time and
talents. Grow in your knowledge and love of Christ by participating
in Bible Studies, joining ministry groups such as choir, Christ
Chimes, Ladies Guild, Altar Guild, Ushers. Jesus invites us into a
better relationship with Him and with each other every day.
How will YOU respond?
From the Pastor
To the Saints at Immanuel Lutheran Church and beyond:
As we look forward to a couple months of rest from running children to and from school we need to
remember that learning never stops; or at least that it should never stop. As Christians we should always
be learning and want to learn what God has done for us through His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. The
place where we learn the grace of God from is? You got it, the Bible. I've always loved the words from the
prayer know as the "Collect for the Word," where we used to pray that we "read, mark, learn and inwardly
digest" God's Word. Now we pray "take to heart" instead of "inwardly digest." I prefer the image of
chomping on the Word of God like I would a beloved cookie.
Throughout the summer we will continue to preach and teach God's Word at Immanuel. In fact we'll be
doing a summer series on "Revelation." That should at least peak your interest to stay in God's Word
through Sunday morning worship.
Also during the week of July 13-17 we will host our annual Vacation Bible Camp. This year Scruffy
and I will be time traveling back to see events that took place in the Bible. We'll time travel back to
Noah and the Flood; the parting of the Red Sea; David and Goliath; just to name a few Biblical accounts.
Scruffy and I are really looking forward to VBC this year.
Below I've included a short article of the LCMS website on teaching and learning and the constant need
for remaining in God's Word. In a world we think is falling apart around us we can cling to the fact that, as
the article mentions, "The Word of the Lord endures."
A blest summer to you all and, kids we'll see you at VBC!!
Pastor B.
Stay the course: teach, learn, live
The headline was eye-catching: “Christians lose ground, ‘nones’ soar in new portrait of US religion.” The
article’s first line was even more alarming: “The United States is a significantly less Christian country than it
was seven years ago.”
That Religion News Service article, reporting on a recent Pew Research Center report regarding the state of
religion in America today, was meant to shock and awe. And it did, because the numbers don’t lie. The
percentage of atheists and agnostics in the United States is growing. Persecution of Christians is on the rise.
Christian morals and values are increasingly denounced in the public square. This shouldn’t scare us, and
frankly, it shouldn’t surprise us. The Church has always been in the minority, because the Word of God has
always been a stumbling block to those who don’t believe it. We are witnessing today what the apostles, the
church fathers, the reformer and our LCMS forefathers all observed in their lifetimes as well.
The good news? The Word of the Lord endures, regardless of public opinion and irrespective of cultural whims.
Our Lord is timeless and unchanging. His love endures, despite polls and statistics.
That’s why it’s important for Lutheran Christians to continue focusing on parish education, on teaching the faith
in our homes, schools and churches — regardless of what the popular culture says.
It’s important that we set aside time each day — as families or singles, grandparents or Confirmand's — to
spend in God’s Word and to pray. It’s important that we know our catechisms, our hymnals and, most
importantly, our Scriptures. It’s important that we commit Bible verses and hymns and prayers to heart. It’s
important that we teach. It’s important that we study.
This month, let’s rediscover together the rhythm of that learning and teaching, of ordering our days around
Christ and His Word, despite the world’s distractions.
Let’s focus again on daily devotions, whether done alone, in your congregation or with your family. Let’s
recognize that our Lord has given us the ability to share His Gospel with “nones” and with all others, putting His
Word in our hearts and on our lips.
And let’s study together what He has to say, so that we aren’t scared or surprised. Instead, let’s live in and by
His mercy and forgiveness, day in and day out.
Opportunities for Christian Education (Catechesis) at
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School — Weekly:
* 10:00am Adult Study— Revelations with Pastor Farnsworth
* 10:00am PITS group “People into the Scriptures” Coffee Talk with Pastor Brammeier
* 10:00am Sunday School (two year olds through High School)
Pastor Brammeier’s Bible study at 9:30 am — St. Peter in New Testament
10:00am Pastor Farnsworth at The Bridges—Good News Magazine “Holy Spirit”
Pastor Farnsworth’s Study at 9:30 am——“Book of Proverbs”
Elder Study the 3rd Saturday of every month at 8am.
Family Life Ministry; Youth; Nifty Fifties; Ladies Guild; Pairs & Spares all give opportunities for devotion and Bible study during
regular meetings. Also periodic Starbuck’s Bible Studies—check your PlowSharing regularly.
10am in the Youth Room
Cross Explorations Studies
(These will go along with the lessons of
the Sunday School students)
with Pastor Farnsworth
10:00am in the Sanctuary
A Testament of Hope
Come join us Wednesday mornings
at 9:30 with Pastor Farnsworth
The Study of Proverbs
Wednesday morning Bible class at 9:30am began the study of the Book
of Proverbs on March 4th. We are referring to the Concordia
commentary series on Proverbs. The author has this explanation of the
study of this book: "the Gospel of course is not limited in his power to any
situation. As the truth of God, it contains the power of the Almighty to
reconcile to himself all people, to build up the faithful, and to comfort all
who grieve. That power of the Gospel is what has made Proverbs a loved
and cherished book amongst God’s people for generations. Come join us
on Wednesdays at 9:30 in the Youth Room for prayer, and this
interesting study of select sections of the Book of Proverbs and good
Christian companionship.
Sunday, June 7th Pastor F will be preaching at
Holy Trinity so join the
PITS Bible Study in the Youth Room
Sunday, June 14th come to the Sanctuary to
see the DVD.
You will need the Good News Magazine for
this Bible Study—Cost is $4.
Please see Irene or someone in the church
office to purchase one of these.
11210 Bloomingdale Ave.
The church office would like to have a list of all church members that
are or have been in the military.
Please email Bev Lowe at beverlyl@godsoloved.org with your name,
years of service and branch of military.
We still have very few of our many military members listed in our records.
If anyone has any pictures, past or present of our military
members in uniform and you have not sent it to me in the past,
please do so as soon as possible. A brief biography of the person
will also be welcomed.
Everyone is welcome to join us at
10am every Tuesday
for a study from Good News Magazine
“Holy Spirit”
With Pastor Brammeier
A study of the life of St. Peter, the Apostle
Pastors monthly letter to college students of Immanuel
Motivated by questions from one of our members who is off at college,
Pastor Farnsworth will be beginning a monthly letter to all Immanuel
members who are off at college. In order to facilitate this we need their
addresses. Please get these to the church office, or email
beverlyl@godsoloved.org so they can receive the first letter.
Greetings to our Sunday School
WHY? Because every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. (beginning on
June 7th) we will have our VEGGIE Tales! Kids of all ages are welcome to come
to the Sunday School Theater to enjoy movies about our favorite Bible
It's VEGGIE TALES movie time again this summer. ALL AGES of children are welcome to sit and relax while
enjoying the antics of Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the rest of the gang. They are a silly bunch but
they always have an important message for us.
Let's meet in the Breezeway at 10:00 a.m. and go to our little theater while the rest of our family goes to
Bible Class with the Pastors.
This is a good time to invite your friends, your cousins, or anyone who doesn't have a Sunday School or Church to
attend. Here's an idea...have a Saturday night sleepover with your friends and then bring them to Sunday School in
the morning. The time just flies by and at 10:45 the kids look for their parents.
Jesus loves them and wants them close by learning more about Him “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he
is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
& His promises.
All are encouraged to bring Sunday School offerings.
Remind your child to bring their coins for the spinning well.
If you have questions or comments please contact Pastor Brammeier or call Beverly at the church office or email
neoda.rae@gmail.com or Danielle at dfarnsworth5@tampabay.rr.com.
Nursery is not available during Sunday School hour so children under 2 are welcome to
stay with their parents in the PITS group (we are trying to get more Nursery volunteers so we can have this
available during Bible Study hour also)
Church and Sunday School is a family event and a great way to start the week!
Bring a friend! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Young SS children are released at 10:45—2nd grade & under not released without a parent
Sunday School children love Jesus and have so much fun making new friends!
Funeral Reception Coordinator needed
We need a person(s) that is willing to be the “organizer(s)” of Funeral Receptions when requested. This job
entails setting up the Youth Room before hand and getting volunteers to help out with this, bringing food and being
there at the time of reception to put out food & drinks, to serve and clean-up. This could be a team effort—if you
want to co-partner with someone and take turns organizing, that would be great also. A sign up sheet for
volunteers will be put out soon, of people that the coordinator can call upon. If you are interested in doing this
please call Beverly at the church office at 689-1787
By Phone:
Step 1
Call 1-800-847-4836 and say, “Thrivent Choice.” Follow the prompt and you will reach a “live” Thrivent representative who will assist you.
Step 2
Be sure to specify who you want to designate funds to. We are listed in the Thrivent Choice records as “Immanuel Lutheran School” or “Immanuel
Lutheran Church”
Step 3 Consider setting up the recurring option, so that Thrivent will automatically forward your Choice Dollars to ILS or ILC without any further action from you.
Step 1
Visit www.Thrivent.com/choicedollars. If you have not already registered in Thrivent’s Lutherans Online, you will need to register by setting up a username and password.
Step 2
Search for “Immanuel Lutheran School or Church” in “Brandon, Florida” to be taken right to our listing.
Step 3
Select the option to direct your Choice Dollars now.
Step 4
Consider setting up the recurring option, so that Thrivent will automatically forward your Choice Dollars to us without any further action.
Thank you for supporting Immanuel Lutheran School or Church through Thrivent Choice Dollars.
Your gifts help Immanuel Lutheran School continue to provide quality Christian Education where the Love, Joy and Peace of Jesus Christ is shared with students
and their families every day. Your gifts help support the ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church
July 13th to 17th from 9:00am to Noon
Leaders & Volunteers needed.
Please see Pastor Brammeier if you can help out
and stay tuned to Plowsharing for the
next Volunteer meeting.
Registration forms are on the Sunday School counter in the
breezeway—please register your child now.
This year we will be time traveling back to see events that took place in the Bible. We'll time
travel back to Noah and the Flood; Moses & the parting of the Red Sea; David and Goliath; the
Battle of Jericho and Zacchaeus in a tree.
FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY (FLM) is a group here at Immanuel
Lutheran Church/School that brings families together for fellowship and fun.
We have many ideas of activities our families can participate in. Some may
have a cost associated, but many will not. Family: Board games w/potluck.
Bible study w/desserts. Pictionary w/snacks. Picnic at park w/hiking/outdoor
activities. BBQ w/bonfire. Beach day. Movie night w/pizza.
Skating rink. Needing families to help plan events.
This year we would like to be more active with our middle and high school youth. We have many
ideas, but would love to hear from our youth as to what you would like to see happen with FLM.
Youth: Lock in w/games/bounce house. Zip lining. Canoeing, Bowling/arcade.
Laser tag. Rafting. Swim w/manatees. Devotionals/coffeehouse. We would also like
to start planning some local mission trips and talk more about the National Youth
Gathering being held in New Orleans, LA from July 16-20, 2016.
Please check out the website @ http://www.lcmsgathering.com.
It has been suggested that each family with Youth in Middle School or High School volunteer to
coordinate an event for 1 month out of the year. This way full responsibility doesn’t fall onto one
person/family all year. If you are interested in taking one month (or willing to do two) to plan an
event for our Youth please contact Pastor Brammeier or the church office. We would love to
give our Youth this opportunity of Christian fellowship and building lasting memories of their church.
The Youth are excited to start fund raisers to help finance this
trip to the National Youth Gathering
The Youth are available to do yard work and odd jobs around
your house starting NOW—please contact Pastor Brammeier or
Chelsea Eaton at 863-399-2646 or notaec@verizon.net to schedule days/times.
It’s that time of year again where we watch the weather for the possibility of tropical storms or hurricanes.
Immanuel Church and School has a hurricane policy.
If Hillsborough County cancels school or any school activities, we will also cancel Immanuel Lutheran School
and any scheduled events. If a hurricane does force us to cancel Sunday morning worship services, we will hold the worship
service the following Wednesday at 7 p.m. unless there is still an imminent threat from a hurricane. We will make every effort
to keep you informed by using a group email and the church voice messaging system. If in doubt call us at 689-1787.
Stewardship Newsletter Article for June 2015
We give Thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gift may be;
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
May we Thy bounties thus
As stewards true receive
And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
To Thee our first-fruits give! (LSB 781:1–2).
In many congregations these stanzas are sung every Sunday when the offerings of God’s faithful people are
received. It’s a sung reminder of who God is and who we are in relation to Him, of what God does for us and
gives to us, and how we respond to His generosity.
We are stewards of God’s varied grace to us. As stewards we acknowledge that God owns all things and that everything in
heaven and on earth belongs to Him (1 Chron 29:14; Ps 24:1; Ps 100:3; 1 Cor 4:7; 1 Cor 6:19). Even we ourselves—all that we
are and all that we have—are His. We are His because He created us, preserves us, redeemed us, and sanctifies us. As the
stewards of what He has done for us and given to us, we give of our first fruits to Him and His Church.
And the Lord receives them and presses them into a use all His own. He sanctifies it. He hallows it. He uses it to ensure that the
Word of God is still preached among us. He uses it to ensure that there is water for Baptism, bread and wine for His Holy
Supper. He uses what He gives to you and what you give back to Him for your good. Everything that happens in the church is
purchased with the giving of the saints from what God has provided them. Holy giving from holy people pressed into holy service.
But there’s more. For our giving does not just make the liturgical life of the church possible. It’s not just the necessary means by
which the vessels and sacramental elements, the hymn books and pastors are made available. The giving of God’s stewards is
part of the liturgy itself, part of the Divine Service. It is one of our responses within the liturgy where we, not just with words
spoken or sung, but with deeds declare, live out and live in, the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His
marvelous light (1 Pet 2:9). Our offerings are part of God’s sanctifying work that He has us do in the Divine Service for the life of
the world.
That’s what makes our stewardship so precious and significant. God hallows what we give and employs it to sanctify us and
others. And that is why we sing: “And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first-fruits give!”
Share your talent with Immanuel to the Glory of the Lord with Praise and
Thankfulness. We are looking for Men, Women and/or Children who would like to share
their talent with the congregation what they enjoy doing. Please prayerfully consider...Dates open would be to August 30th. Instruments, trios, duets and solos will all be
welcome!! If any help is needed please feel free to
contact Kathy Hogue. Home: 813-657-5406 or Cell:
417-1005. Kathy would also LOVE to do Piano/Organ or any other duets! Sign up today!
This summer we will be using your favorite hymns for morning services.
Fill out your favorite hymns on the forms provided and place in
the offering plate.
+ Flowers on the Altar:
Just a reminder that flowers can be put on the altar in honor of birthdays and anniversaries or in
memory of loved ones. The cost is $20 per arrangement and the sign-up chart is in the breezeway.
The Flower Arrangements can be picked up after the 6pm service.
+ Always in need of Volunteers: for Ushering, Nursery, Altar Guild, Choir and Greeters.
+If you have moved or have any new phone numbers for family members please call or email the church office
with this information.
+If you would like to save the church some money you can sign up in the breezeway to receive an electronic form of
the Newsletter instead of a paper copy
+Photographs—If you have any pictures taken at any of the many school or church events during the year, please email
to the church office-beverlyl@godsoloved.org
Revelation: Jesus is Coming Soon
Sunday, June 7th
"Eschatology" (Revelation 1:1-8)
The Study of End Times: What Revelation Is and Is Not
Sunday, June 14th
Revelation: Chapters 1-3
Jesus Speaks to John: "Churches Be Warned"
Sunday, June 21st
Revelation: Chapters 4-5
"Worthy is the Lamb"
Sunday, June 28th
Revelation: Chapters 6:1-8:5
FIRST SCENE of the End Times: Opening the Seven Seals
Sunday, July 5th
Revelation: Chapters 8:6-11:19
SECOND SCENE of the End Times: Blowing of the Seven Trumpets
Sunday, July 12th
Revelation: Chapters 12:1-14:20
THIRD SCENE of the End Times: Battle between the Triune God and the Anti-trinity
Sunday, July 19th
Revelation: Chapters 15-19
FOURTH AND FIFTH scenes of the End Times:
Pouring of the seven bowls of wrath and Babylon the Prostitute Overthrown
Sunday, July 26th
Revelation: Chapters 20:1-21:8
THE SIXTH scene of the End Times: The Final Judgment
Sunday, August 2nd
Revelation: Chapters 21:9-22:21
THE FINAL SCENE: The New Jerusalem as the Bride of Christ
Immanuel Lutheran does still have a
softball team.
If you are male, and over 18 years old, you are
eligible to play on what is a combined church
team of members from Immanuel, Lamb of God, and some
friends of some of the members.
We play on Thursday evenings at William Owens Park in Dover.
Game times vary from 7pm, 8pm and/or 9pm.
If interested, contact: Billy Ballans, Mgr. (from Lamb of God) at:
813-716-6289, or e-mail at seektrth21@gmail.com or Pat
McMullen (Immanuel) at: 813-626-4239, e-mail
or see him at church.
Do you know we have a
church library?
Many of the Pastors picks that are published in the
monthly newsletter are available in our Church Resource Room.
The Resource Room is located between the Youth
Room and the entryway or breezeway of Immanuel
Lutheran Church. It is a place where you can
research other religions, perhaps as a student or
just for your own knowledge. There are areas for
High School, younger youth and for parents with
toddlers and babies. Please take time to take a
peruse through this room which is intended to be
the church library and realize also when there aren’t
scheduled meetings in there it can be
used a reading room.
Magnify the Mission
Witness ministry goal number one:
Promote Next event is Back to Church Sunday in September
Needs to be done: Distribution of door hanger bags at that time
Witness ministry goal number two:
Promote increased exposure of school families, engaging them in worship opportunities.
Needs to be done: Engage in specific social time before or after services targeted to these families.
Develop formal follow up with un-churched school families.
Witness ministry goal number three:
Educate Laity in evangelism to family and friends with opportunities to invite friends.
Attain Klement Preus, author of "What They Need to Hear" as future speaker for evangelism training.
Mercy ministry goals:
We continue to revive the Haiti mission. So far, we have collected $15,150 for Mary Howard-Schmidt Haitian Student Fund and
more funds are on their way, much in thanks to Angie Laatsch & Chelsea Eaton.
Our collections for Lutheran Bible Translators collections total $808 as of May 28th, thanks to Pat Cook for her leading this
Life Together Ministry
Confirmation questioning preparation & practice for our CCP-4’s was successful
Immanuel Men’s Paella Night took place on Friday night, April 17th at home of Phil Morrissey
Stay tuned for Compassionate Stewards in the fall
Life together ministry goal number two: Create awareness of financial stewardship.
For the Stewardship committee to put together workshops on financial planning while challenging the congregation to pledge
funds for our "footsteps fund” to help fund Immanuel Lutheran schools non-funded scholarships.
Life together ministry goal number three: Formalize Family Life and Youth Ministry goals as a part of Magnify the Mission.
Did you know there is a very important list in the church office??? It's a list of people who
physically are not able to attend church, or Bible class, or Pairs and Spares, or Nifty Fifties.
So...who cares? WE DO! We can spend a bit of time each week to show them the love of Jesus by
simply stopping in for a short visit. It's so enjoyable to bring them a little "sunshine" by letting
them know we care and telling them about the latest ILC news. Who wants to go with me?
My email is neoda.rae@gmail.com. (We can also stop at Starbucks after our visit.)
Immanuel Lutheran School Footstep Fund
Following in HIS footsteps
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples”
John 8:31
Footstep Fund is a new tuition assistance program designed to
close the gap of the shortfall we have in the operating expenses of the school. Please note the following points:
As of November 2014 voters meeting we are projecting a $65,000 shortfall for the 2014-2015 School year.
Officers of the congregation, school board members, and staff are working diligently to close that gap for the 2015-2016 school year.
Families indicate an interest in enrollment at Immanuel Lutheran School, but may not be able to afford the full tuition and may apply for
tuition assistance.
The ILS Tuition Assistance Team reviews the detailed and summary reports from a professional company and sets the amount of tuition
assistance granted.
The tuition assistance granted for 2014- 2015 amounted to $60,726.
Revenue from those families granted tuition assistance is $79,679.
Footsteps funding for what once was a non-funded program (included in the budget) we can close the gap for the operating cost shortfall
for the 2014-2015 school year.
We are simply asking you this: Please consider funding the Footsteps Fund on a regular basis as opportunities will be presented
in the future. But for now we are asking Immanuel Lutheran Church and School members to consider a Footsteps Fund gift for
the Christ Child in order to enable us to get started in addressing this year’s shortfall. There are three ways to give:
Use the Footsteps Fund envelope and give directly to Immanuel Lutheran School with “Footsteps Fund” on memo line
Go to http://ilsbrandon.com and press the donate button.
If you wish to have credit for giving on your Immanuel statement, you may:
(1) Issue check to Immanuel Lutheran Church with “Footsteps Fund” in the memo section.
(2) Use your envelopes and designate “Footsteps Fund” in OTHER on the lower right hand corner of your envelope, with the
amount indicated.
Thanks to everyone for the great job you have been doing
responding to our ECHO challenge in May. Now, as I mentioned
in my preview of what is to come in the May article, we are
planning to go with pasta in June. We will continue with pasta in
July and than go with breakfast cereal in August to prepare for back to school. You can start
planning for those challenges now.
As always, keep ECHO in your prayers.
If you have any questions, please contact Therese at 813-681-3881
Discover ECHO and all they offer:
Let us schedule a private group tour for 10-25 people. Group tours available Monday through Friday from 8am to 7pm
or Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Check out the website at www.echofl.org or call at 813-685-0935 for more info on what we offer:
 Clothing & Food Distribution
 Healthy Living Classes
 Free GED classes
 Gift of Hope
 Staying Healthy for Moms to be courses
 Career Transitions
 Basic Computers Class
 Free Vision Screenings
 Homeless Assistance
Did you know that ECHO, our community's emergency help agency for those in need, has a YARD SALE every 2
weeks at their location on 507 N. Parsons Ave. You will be surprised at the quality of merchandise
offered for sale. They even have a boutique shop where many of the items still have the price tags on them but are
sold at much less. It's important that we support this event because the money is used to buy perishable groceries like
milk, meat, etc. for the needy families. You will also have the opportunity to see behind-the-scenes facilities and ask
questions of the many volunteers who are on duty.
DVD's of each Sunday service are available for anyone who has need of them. They can be useful for
those who are ill, the elderly who cannot make it to church, or those who have to work on Sundays. If you
or someone you know would like to receive one please contact the church office or Neoda Dumke—
Please prayerfully consider the list of bills we have and decide if you could donate above your
regular giving to pay all or a portion of one of the bills or several if possible. Please see the list of bills in
choose a bill and indicate the bill number on your envelope. If no number is indicated, funds will be
credited to Concordia Benefits.
God’s timing is awesome!
Kory’s travels take him all over the U.S. and to many places around the world as
he recruits new missionaries for the field, trains and mentors and then follows up
with them. Consequently, he has many interesting stories. Kory related this one
in a recent email:
Recently, Josh and Ruthie Wagner, missionaries with LBT, were speaking at the
AFLC Seminary in MN. One person came up to them after the presentation and
introduced himself and shared his interest in Bible translation work and his
family’s background in missions. Days later, Josh and Ruthie were sharing with
him updates from Mike Rodewald, LBT’s Executive Director, and Rich
Rudowske’s, LBT’s International Program Director, exploratory trip to Tanzania to investigate a church invitation to
do translation with one language on an island in Lake Victoria. Immediately upon seeing this, the guy shared how he
and his fiancé had been praying about doing a project in this area because he knows Swahili, the language of wider
communication there, and his fiancé’s family serves in missions across Lake Victoria in Uganda. They are now
passionately pursuing the possibility of serving in this context.
Kory relays that he never ceases to be amazed that he is in this position to see how God is at work finding people that
fit these needs in order to continue the spread of the Gospel to those still waiting to hear it in their own language.
Immanuel has the unique opportunity to share in this ministry! Our DOLLAR-PER-PERSON-PER-MONTH
campaign is an on-going, year-round event that allows all family members, from the very young to the very
elderly, to be personally involved in getting God’s Word to all people in their own language! So far this year
41 Immanuel members have signed up to be part of this special experience. Their donations along with a
special door offering collected May 3rd, and Pastor Brammeier’s Tuesday morning Bible Class enable us to
send a check for $864 to support Kory in his work with LBT.
Join the DOLLAR-PER-PERSON-PER-MONTH Campaign today! Include your donation with your weekly
giving and place it in the offering plate once a month or once a year. Or place your donation separately in
the Blue Box marked LBT/FAY in the breezeway.
Remember: Just $12 for each family member covers the whole year!
Don’t forget to include Kory & Cara in your prayers for travel mercies…for good health…wise decisions…the
furthering of God’s Word throughout the world through the work of LBT.
“If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of…my disciples, he will certainly not lose his reward.” (Matthew 10:42)
“Dear Faithful Member— Thank You”
“Joyful joyful we are adore thee, God of glory Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, praising thee, their
sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the gloom of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us
with the light of day.” (LSC p. 803)
The music of the church should teach the faith. Whether it's a Hymn being sung by the congregation, or an anthem
being sung by a choir, the musical sound of the church teaches Christ.
More this year than any other year, participation in the music program of the church and school in divine service has
been joyous, diverse and frequent. From the sound of the new bells, to soloists, tone chimes, school brass, special
instrumentalists, School choirs, and the adult choir the sharing of the message of Christ has been inspiring.
I’d like to personally thank all of you for Magnifying the Mission by sharing the love joy and peace of Jesus in such a
special way. May God bless you as you continue to share the word of God with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pastor Ken Farnsworth
Nursery is available at the
8:30 and 11am services.
Immanuel Lutheran
is in need of Volunteers!
(Especially 11am service)
Our nursery still is looking for all those, 18 and above,
who are willing and able to help staff the nursery during our 8:30 and 11:00 Sunday services. The Nursery is
now in the Cry Room (Off of Sanctuary) & gives parents with young children a chance to absorb more
of Sunday's Worship.
We need two volunteers for each service. Please take
a minute to prayerfully consider helping out in this
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am
your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous hand." Isaiah 41:10
Please contact Chelsea Eaton at
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is continuing its grant program called Thrivent Choice Dollars. Please consider
directing your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Brandon, FL. Keep in mind that there may be
more than one eligible member in your household and each person individually needs to direct the distribution of their own
Choice Dollars. See Page 4 on how to participate.
RECEIVED TO DATE: $252,679.26
$ 22,653.67
$ 22,228.99
$ 118,022.98
$ 117,398.38
$ 112,002.61
$ 91,719.45
Mission and Evangelism - 10% of the gifts will be allocated to outreach for our church and our school.
This will allow us to be more effective in public relations to the community around us.
Debt Reduction - a portion of the gifts will be allocated to reduce our debt of approximately $100,000 in
the designated fund accounts.
Phase II School Building Startup Cost - as was the case with Phase I, architect and engineering fees are
needed before acquiring a building loan. A portion of the gifts will be allocated to pay approximately $100,000 in fees.
Mortgage Reduction - a portion of the gifts will be allocated for Phase I and future Phase II mortgage payments. This removed financial pressure from the ongoing ministry of the church and school.
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctant or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Habitat for Humanity Report:
If you are interested in helping with the building of homes for Habitat for Humanity off Hwy 301 go on
the Habitat for Humanity website. There you can follow the procedures to volunteer at your convenience. Just arrange to go with a friend or a family member and you will get on-the-job training to work
an area where you are most comfortable. The people that you meet there are welcoming and helpful.
It's a great experience!
MANY HANDS, INC.—A Home and Auto Repair Ministry
Providing no cost or low cost minor repairs for seniors, single parent
households, limited income families, widows, the disabled, and other at risk individuals in the
E. Hillsborough County area.
To apply for assistance please email or call : Phone# 813-679-1365
Email: info@many-hands.org
We are a volunteer driven community outreach ministry and need more volunteers.
We are seeing a steady increase in needs. Volunteers assist with minor repairs, and limit their availability to match their life
style. Seeking: Volunteers, Ministry Partners, Business Partners, and Financial Partners.
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” Galatians 6:20
“Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and truth” 1 John 3:18
For more info on the ministry go to http://many-hands.org or call Deb at 813-679-1365, email deb@many-hands.org If you have been
blessed with auto or home repair skills, please consider blessing others by joining hands with us!
Lutheran Services —
In recent weeks the media has finally focused some attention on the plight of Christians living in places like Somalia, Syria,
and Iraq. Their terror and persecution is just the tip of a huge world-wide iceberg. These families are forced to renounce
their faith, face death, or flee. Those that flee are filling the refugee camps and navigating their way through the legal
system. Some will eventually make their way to Florida and when they do Lutheran Services Florida will be ready. We are
expanding our refugee resettlement programs to embrace these families as they arrive. If you would like to become more
involved with this ministry please contact Steve Cecchetti at scecchetti@lsfnet.org or 407-878-8397.
Blessings, Steve
University Lutheran, the campus ministry at Florida State University is seeking to develop an alumni network that is
specifically focused on helping new graduates from FSU become acclimated to the new cities they find themselves
in after graduation including helping them find new home churches. If you're an FSU alumni at a Lutheran church,
you are a “LutherNole” and we want to give you the opportunity to help other young “LutherNoles”. To get
involved or find out more, please send An email to matt@universitylutheranchurch.org.
We are in great need of more volunteers for all of these areas—
Please pick up descriptions of duties in the breezeway along side the sign-up sheets
NURSERY — for one hour once a month you can help the parents at Immanuel enjoy the sermon knowing their precious gifts are
being kept safe and happy in our lovely nursery. Only requires a love of children
USHERS — can be any confirmed member of this congregation who is willing to serve God in His House. Need to be at
service 15-20 minutes before start of service. Duties include passing out bulletins, taking head count, collecting the offering, directing Parishioners up to Communion and going through each pew after service and collecting attendance sheets and any trash
or personal belongings left behind. Usually serve once every 5 weeks and special holiday services.
ALTAR GUILD — The Altar Guild serves by maintaining and changing the altar paraments for the church seasons, preparing and
setting out the elements for Holy Communion, and cleaning up the vessels and linens after the service.
GREETERS — arrive at least 20 minutes prior to service. Know what type of service we are having and greet people entering
and make them feel welcome and ask them to sign the visitor register.
PRAYER CHAIN —call the next person on the list and pass on information of person needing prayer and say a prayer for that
person in your own time.
Choir—have a love of music and love to sing. No prior experience necessary. Time frame—September thru May
Christ Chimes—have a love of music. Practice once a week. Some training required.
There are also many other areas to help out and be a volunteer. If you have artistic talent you could help out with special
bulletin boards and flyers. There are Work-days where there is always a lot to do to spruce up the church and school grounds
and buildings. And then the special events, such as Reformation Sunday and the Elder Picnics where cooking skills can be put to
use. Take a look at your special skills or hobbies or things you love to do and see how those can be put to work to serve God and
share the love, joy and peace of Jesus.
4 week month
General Fund Monthly Revenue
General Fund Cumulative Need
General Fund Cumulative Revenue
Monthly Expenditures
Fiscal Year Cumulative Expenditures
Surplus/Shortfall to Ministry Plan
Surplus/Shortfall to Expenditures
1st, Mark 5:1—6:56
2nd, Mark 7:1—8:38
3rd, Mark 9:1-50
4th, Mark 10:1-52
5th, Mark 11:1-33
6th, Mark 12:1—13:37
7th, Mark 14:1-72
8th, Mark 15:1-47
9th, Mark 16:1-20
10th, Luke 1:1-80
11th, Luke 2:1—3:38
12th Luke 4:1—5:39
13th, Luke 6:1-49
14th, Luke 7:1—8:56
15th, Luke 9:1-62
16th, Luke 10:1-42
17th, Luke 11:1—12:59
18th, Luke 13:1-35
19th, Luke 14:1-35
20th, Luke 15:1—16:31
21st, Luke 17:1—18:43
22nd, Luke 19:1—20:47
23rd, Luke 21:1—22:71
24th, Luke 23:1—24:53
25th, John 1:1—2:25
26th, John 3:1-36
27th, John 4:1-54
28th, John 5:1—6:71
29th, John 7:1—8:59
30th, John 9:1—10:42
1st, John 11:1—12:50
2nd, John 13:1—14:31
3rd, John 5:1—16:33
4th, John 17:1-26
5th, John 18:1—19:42
6th, John 20:1—21:25
7th, Acts 1:1-26
8th, Acts 2:1-47
9th, Acts 3:1—4:37
10th, Acts 5:1-42
11th, Acts 6:1—8:40
12th Acts 9:1-43
13th, Acts 10:1—11:30
14th, Acts 12:1-25
15th, Acts 13:1—14:28
16th, Acts 15:1-35
17th, Acts 15:36-16:40
18th, Acts 17:1—18:22
19th, Acts 21:17—23:35
20th, Acts 24:1—26:32
21st, Acts 27:1—28:31
22nd, Romans 1:1—2:29
23rd, Romans 3:1—4:25
24th, Romans 5:1-21
25th, Romans 6:1-23
26th, Romans 7:1-25
27th, Romans 8:1-39
28th, Romans 9:1—11:36
29th, Romans 12:1-21
30th, Romans 13:1—14:23
31st, Romans 15:1—16:27
Jessica Ann Vollrath
Philip Richard Vollrath
Seanessy Ann Vollrath
Blair Elizabeth Baldree
Yalixia Lymar Stallings
April 4, 2015
Pastor Farnsworth
Arianna Raquel Plaza
April 12, 2015
Pastor Farnsworth
Transfer Out
Melvin & Veronica Meyers
Stephanie & Tiffany
To: Apostles Lutheran Church
Brandon, FL
John & Sarah Taylor
To: Hiltons Memorial United Methodist Church
Hiltons, VA
Transfer In
Lowell Pretzer
From: Christ the King Lutheran Church
Riverview, FL
Tammy Martin, Katelyn & Brian
From: Christ the King Lutheran Church
Riverview, FL
Our Board for Property Management have their gang of
‘Wednesday Warriors’ who work diligently every
Wednesday morning on many projects around the church &
school. Help is always appreciated and there are always more
projects to be worked on.
Please consider your time & talents in helping out the
BFPM on Wednesday mornings.
See Pictures on Page 11
A big thank you from the Wednesday Warriors to all who have
contributed to the food & drinks for them on Wednesday mornings.
It is very much appreciated!!!
In Christ All Things Hold
Together: The Intersection of
Science & Christian Theology”
A report of the Commission on Theology
and Church relations LCMS
This report aims to serve as a constructive resource for
thoughtful Christian reflection on the complex questions
arising from the intersection of science, faith, and Christian
theology. Each of its five chapters provides conceptual tools
and examples that should aid Christians in forming a
faithful response to these questions and, it is hoped, will
encourage more young people to pursue scientific careers
in full knowledge of the nature and significance of the
scientific vocation.
$3.49 on cph.org
So how do I go about watching this Podcast?
One of 2 ways:
Go to www.godsoloved.org and see the Two Big Guys
picture on right of home page. Click on it and start watching.
Go to facebook.com/2BigGuys
Scroll down to Two Big Guys 1 podcast, click on
and start watching.
Children’s Activity Bags hanging
in Narthex for your child to enjoy during service.
Please return after service– Some have been disappearing lately—if your child
has accidentally taken one home, please bring back as soon as
possible so they won’t have to replaced by making more.
We will gladly take any donations of Christian oriented coloring books/activity books
(and crayons.) Monetary donations are also welcome.
Thank you to Kathy & Del Zimmerman for creating and maintaining
Men, Did you know…
If you have been confirmed you are welcome
to come to any of the Men’s events.
Here are a couple pictures of our first Men’s
Steak Night:
Our thanks to Phil Morrissey for hosting our
last Men’s Paella night at his house. Looking
forward to planning the next Men’s night .
For the last few months two men's groups have
been meeting at various restaurants in the
Brandon area? Perhaps you heard of it. Have you
been invited? Would you like to take part?
There's only one stipulation: You have to get up
early. One group is known as Wednesday Men's
group East and meets at the Panera Bread South
of Bloomingdale on Lithia Pinecrest at 6:30 AM on
the first and third Wednesday of each month. The
other group, Wednesday men's group West meets
at Starbuck’s Regency at 6:30 on the second and
fourth Wednesday of the month.
The School Board is accepting applications for the
2015/16 school year for the position of
Extended Care Director to supervise all aspects of the
Extended Care Program, ensuring the safety,
security and Christian care of our students.
Term of service from August 17, 2015 – June 3, 2016.
Part-time position, no benefits.
25-30 Hours per week
(6:15 – 8:00 am, 2:15 – 6:15 pm).
If interested, contact the
School Office at
Register Now for
Immanuel Lutheran School
8th Grade Graduates
All current Immanuel Lutheran School families can now
register for the 2015-2016 school year. We encourage all
families to register for next year as soon as possible.
Registration is also open to new families. Classroom
placement will only be confirmed when re-enrollment has been
completed in Sycamore and registration fees are paid in full.
Jack Brosseau
Bobby May
Cole Crawford
Kevin Nilsen
Marissa Diaz
Makayla Price
Jacob Hofman
Natalie Sciesinski
Lauren Johnson
Devion Smith
Aryanna Lee
Gwen Smith
The Mission of Immanuel Lutheran School is to
equip our students and their families to share the
love, joy, and peace of Christ among themselves
and with those around them.
Immanuel Lutheran School will be
participating in the Brandon 4th of July
Parade. If anyone in the congregation would
also like to participate, they are welcome to
join the fun. If interested, they can contact
Jenny West in the school office.
Chloe Macon
Please go to this link for the latest Love and Logic
article on
“Self-Concept Builders & Stealers”
Immanuel Lutheran School loves and appreciates
our volunteers. So this is for all the volunteers
who help make our school great!
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) publishes a
monthly article entitled Parent Pages. Each month features
a different topic with information and resources for parents.
We hope that you find the information helpful.
Go to http://www.lcms.org/search?q=parent%20pages
THANK YOU Volunteers!
To show our support for our nation's military, the students, faculty and staff
wear red shirts on Fridays. It is not mandatory to do so, but it has become a
small way to remind us that without these brave people we would not have many
of the freedoms we cherish. This includes the freedom to worship and thank
our Lord for his many blessings. Red shirt Fridays will continue throughout the
school year. So join us for RED SHIRTFRIDAY
SCRIP NEWS - SCRIP CARDS MAKE GREAT GIFTS!! Order forms in breezeway next to Scrip box. Have your Scrip
order in the box by 7am Monday morning and they will be available each Friday for pick up
INK & TONER CARTRIDGES - Great way to earn money for the school—save all ink cartridges/toner from home or
Business - drop in box in the breezeway or take to school office. Call Chris Wolfe at 672-8113 for more information, and
if you would like a box for your office/business or want them picked up.
CELL PHONES - The School is also collecting cell phones. These can also be placed in the ink cartridge box.
ILS recycles all types of old cell phones, including smart-phones (Blackberries and I-Phones, etc). When you
recycle your old cell phone with us, we receive a percentage back from the recycling company. Please bring your old
cell phones to the school office. Update - Thank you to all those who have already donated a phone to be recycled.
(We received a check last year for $98.00. Please keep sending in your old phones.)
BOX TOPS - Pick up a list in the breezeway or school office of products from which you can collect and turn
in box tops. You can also visit btfe.com/bonus each month for bonus opportunities. (The school received a check for
$290 last year. Each school can receive up to $20,000. At $.10 a piece, that’s a pile of boxtops! Thank you to everyone for clipping and sending in
KNOW??? That Box Tops Marketplace offers gift cards for purchase to many retailers? ILS will earn eBox Tops dollars every
time you shop and designate Immanuel Lutheran School for your earnings. Sign up today at www.btfe.com and shop on
line to earn eBox Tops for our school!
CAMPBELL’S & TYSON LABELS - We collects these too! Don’t forget to clip and send these into the
school office along with the Box Tops for Education.
MY COKE REWARDS - Special codes can be found on the caps of 20 oz and 2-liter bottles and on the inside of
the carton of 12-pk fridge packs of Coca-Cola products. Send in those bottle caps and carton flaps to the School
Office. We will log the codes into our account and earn points for ILS.
your Box Tops this year!. We just received a check for $787.40 from Box Tops for Education. Please continue sending these in)
Let Your Summer loose with Dr. Seuss
Second Semester Chapel Offerings
To Hearts for Jesus– Rebecca’s Garden of Hope-to
help children in need grow stronger in Christ
The goal of Rebecca’s Garden of Hope, Inc. Tutoring and
Mentoring Program is to provide a template for other
organizations free of charge, to help develop strong
tutoring and mentoring programs where children feel safe
and are encouraged to grow. Through your support we
can continue to multiply these learning environments
across the country. When that growth is anchored in
Christ and reflects the qualities of love, perseverance,
discipline, and structure, the programs will succeed.
Immanuel Lutheran Preschool presents its part time
summer camps for children aged 3 through kindergarten.
Your child will have a fantastic time at our summer camp full of
wacky Dr. Seuss themed fun. All activities are designed to build
on literacy, math, science, and motor skills. Each day will feature
a different Dr. Seuss book and themed activities. Each week long
camp will end with a Fun Friday Field Day (weather permitting)
with activities that may include yard bowling, baseball toss,
balloon pops, relays, obstacle courses and sand and water play.
Each day will follow a consistent daily schedule with circle time,
ILS PTL has set up a Page on Facebook to share things that are
going on with PTL at ILS. We intend to put info about events such small group activities, craft time and outdoor play. Camp will
as Spirit Nights, Oktoberfest, etc. This is intended as a quick,
begin promptly at 9 am and end promptly at 12 pm. Camps are
easy way to share information, and another way to keep everyone
$65 per week and must be paid upon registration.
informed and involved. To find us on Facebook go to:
June 1st—5th / 15th-19th and 22nd—26th.
www.facebook.com/immanuellutheranschoolptl to
Enrollment is on a first come first served basis. You may reach Mrs.
Holly at hmclean@ilsbrandon.com or at 813-685-1787
follow us.. Hit "like"
SPEEDING HAZARD– Please slow down in the school parking lot when kids are being dropped off or picked up. We are having a
real problem with vehicles speeding through the lot. Please maintain a safe speed of 10 mph when driving on school property. Also
remember that the driveway between the FLC and Sanctuary is a one-way street. Do not enter here from John Moore at any time!
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is continuing its grant program called Thrivent Choice Dollars. Please consider directing your Thrivent Choice Dollars to Immanuel Lutheran School, Brandon, FL. Keep in mind that there may be more
than one eligible member in your household and each person individually needs to direct the distribution of their own
Choice Dollars.
See Pg 4 to find out how to participate.
Immanuel Lutheran Pre-School
Home of the Little Eagles
Preschool Enrollment
ILS Preschool/VPK offers a well rounded program that adapts to the individual needs of
the student, while maintaining the goal of kindergarten readiness. Our children love to
learn! We encourage social and emotional growth, emergent literacy and beginning
math skills through a play-centered, hands-on curriculum. Art and music are an integral
part of the program. Self-respect, respect for others, sharing, independence and success
are modeled by our staff and nurtured in the children.
Do you have a VPK student or a 3 year old that you feel is ready for Preschool?
This class will meet Monday-Friday from 8:15am to 12pm, with an option for extended care for an additional fee.
This program offers:
 Music
Arts and Crafts
Theme based curriculum
Social Development
Character Development
Faith based environment
The Mission of Immanuel
Lutheran School is to equip
our students and their
families to share the love,
joy and peace of Christ
among themselves and with
those around them.
Congratulations !!!
2015 ILC members & ILCS Alumni—Graduates
Helena Farnsworth graduating from Riverview High School
Kimber Eaton is graduating with high honors from Lennard High School and will be attending the University of Tampa
for a B.S. in Pre-Veterinarian Medicine
Christine Russo is graduating from Riverview High School and going on to UF to major in Civil Engineering
Jessica Sawicki graduated from UF with a BS in Communication Sciences and Disorders and will be attending USF in
the fall to pursue a Doctorate in Audiology.
Caitlin Dumke graduated Summa Cum Laude from USF Honors College with a B.A. in Communication and Women’s and
Gender Studies
Brooke Heinkel is graduating from Riverview High School and will be attending Florida Atlantic University
Kaitlyn Grice is graduating from Bloomingdale High School with a 5.78 GPA and will be attending the University of
New Orleans on a Volleyball Scholarship
Rebekah Talley graduated from Samford University with a degree in Business major in Finance
Christopher Nilsen graduated Riverview High School and will be attending Purdue University in the fall
No meetings for Ladies Guild in June, July or August
We will meet again on September 21st
Questions regarding Ladies Guild can be directed to Edith Mattson—677-0592
NIFTY 50’s- Luncheon!
Everyone is invited to join us for lunch at Bubbaque’s—957 East Brandon
Blvd. on Monday, June 29th and July 27th at 1pm
The details for July will be published in the Sunday Bulletin and a
sign up sheet will be in the breezeway.
Nifty 50’s wants to thank everyone who has donated to the Sunday coffee cart this last year.
Again, we want to thank everyone for your past donations and for your continued support.
And we want to remind you that the coffee cart is a wonderful way to make visitors feel welcome.
If you see a visitor, invite them to join in a cup of coffee
For those who signed up , we are looking forward to dinner and then
on to seeing the play Nunsense on Saturday, June 13th.
Watch for information on our summer activities that will be published in the Sunday Bulletin.
For information contact Robert Petrosky at 681-5110 or FLBOBP@VERIZON.NET
Pastor Farnsworth—
Pastor Brammeier—
Marsha Doon —
Beverly Lowe—
Principal Dave Geidel —DGeidel@ilsbrandon.com
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School Website: www.ilsbrandon.com
Church Website : www.godsoloved.org
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Email: wecare@godsoloved.org
School Fax: 813-681-6852
School Phone: 813-685-1978
news, eck the web
www.g nd Christia larly for new
loved. resources
Church Fax: 813-681-1526
Church Phone: 813-689-1787
Principal David Geidel
Kathy Hogue—Organist / Music Director
Pastor Daniel Brammeier - Family Life and Youth Pastor
Pastor Kenneth Farnsworth, Administrative Pastor
2913 John Moore Road
Brandon, FL 33511-7139
Saturdays, June 6th
& July 11th & August 1st
8am to 12pm
Coffee & Doughnuts will be served
(Normally first Saturday of each month)
If you can spare an hour or two please come help
with some of the many chores needed to be done
around the church and school.
Be sure to check your mailboxes in the
breezeway regularly!
Tuesdays beginning on June
“A Faith For Today” is designed for those people who
would like to become members, those people who would
like a refresher course or those transfers who would also
like to have a refresher course.
If you are interested in becoming a member or
taking this class please sign up in the breezeway
or call the church office—813-689-1787.
It is not too late if you missed a class or two.
Having the carpets cleaned in
the Sanctuary is an
expensive job to have done.
In order to keep the carpets
looking good we ask that you
please be extra careful with your coffee and drinks in the
breezeway and refrain from bringing any coffee, drinks or
food into the Sanctuary.
For various community events check out the
bulletin board on the South side of the breezeway
Immanuel Lutheran Church on Sunday,
June 14, 2015 from 9:30am to 12:30pm
All donors will receive a OneBlood Tervis Tumbler and a wellness
checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count and
cholesterol screening!
You may sign up for an appointment time in the breezeway or go
online at www.oneblooddonor.org and use sponsor code#13874
Donate blood or platelets two times between May 1-August 31,
2015 and be entered to WIN a TV, iPad or an Apple Watch.
A total of 20 prizes will be given!