Links between Brazil & Ireland Formulários para estudantes indo para estudar na Irlanda Com os cumprimentos da escola English in Dublin - 1. International Embarkation / Disembarkation Card (preenchido no avião antes de chegar ao aeroporto de conexão) 1. 2. 1. Please Print: Surname, Given name, Date of Birth (Day Month Year), Place of birth, Nationality, Occupation, Permanent Address, Address in the country, Coming from, Going to, Passport number, Place of issue, Issued on, Date, Arrival / Departure, How long the stay >> in the country (for arriving passengers) Purpose of travelling: 1 Business, 2 Holiday-Tourism, 3 Resident 4 conference 5 Family Nationality, Country of permanent residence, After you how many people travelling on your passport? 2. Landing Card (Preenchido no avião antes da chega à Irlanda) BLOCK LETTERS - Joined this flight at, Surname, Forename, Occupation (Student), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Sex (M ou F), Nationality, Nationality of Birth, Number of Passport, Issued at, on (data), Full address in Ireland, Signature. 3. Abertura de conta bancária (só no caso de um curso de inglês de no mínimo 25 semanas com 15 hrs de aulas por semana) Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss etc.), First Name, Surname, Home Address, Home Phone No., Mobile No., Email address, Male / Female, Marital Status: Married, Single, Other. Date of Birth. Address while at College (if different to address opposite), Phone No. while at College. Please tick: First year student, Final year student, Other (Customer signature and Date on back of the form) [1] 4. Registro na Imigração - Garda National Immigration Bureau - GNIB 1 (Euros 150) 4. CAPITAL LETTERS TO BE USED THROUGHOUT – PERSONAL DETAILS Surname, Date of Birth, Firtname, Nationality, Middlename. Sex Male / Female. Date of Arrival, Place of Arrival, Current Irish Address, Contact (Tel.) Number, Occupation. Marital Status: Single / Married / Widowed / Common Law / Living with Patner / Legally Separated / Separated / Deserted / Divorced. Spouse Name, Country of Origin, Number of Children. 5. Número de PPS (Personal Public Service Number) PART 1 PART 2 5 - PART 1: Reason why PPS is required (Student work) Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Other. First Name(s), Surname, Date of Birth, Address, Sex Male / Female. Nationality, Your town and country of Birth: TOWN / COUNTRY. If you have changed your surname, please state your birth surname. Mother´s birth surname. 5 - PART 2: Name and Address of Employer; Employer´s Registered (PAYE) Number; Irish National Insturance number (if born before 1963); Your Social Security Insurance or Registration Number in abother country; If you are (or were ever) in receipt of anu Social Welfare Pension, Benefit or Allowance in this country, the EU, or the UK, please give details of type and reference number, if known; Country where you were previously employed or educated, if outside Ireland; Latest date of taking up residence in Ireland; Your Telephone No. - Code / Local Number; Marital Status: Married / Single / Separated / Cohabiting / Widowed / Divorced Your signature / Date. Signature of Witness / Date. [2] 6. Créditos de Imposto (Tax Credits) A. Personal Details: Mr / Ms / Mrs / Miss / Other; First Name; Surname; Address; Date of Birth; Nationality; PPS Number. C. Employment; Name of Employer/Pension Payer; Address of Employer; Employer´s PAYE Registration No.; Date employment commenced; Occupation; Full Time / Part time. Is this your first job in Ireland: Yes / No.; Pay Frequency: Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly; Are you related to your employer by marriage or otherwise? Yes / No; Declaration: Signature / Date / Daytime Telephone No. / E-Mail. 7. Student Travel Card (Euros 15) - 1. Personal Information: Mr. / Ms; First Name; Surname, Birth Date (dia,mês, ano); 2. Contact Information during college term: House / Apartment number, Address 1, Addess 2, County, Post Code. Skip to 4: College / School Contact Information: College / School, Town, County. Electronic information: Mobile number, Operator 02 / 3 / Vodafone / Meteor. E-mail address. Signature & date. 8. Escrevendo um Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Sample CV for temporary Jobs. Personal: Name, Address, Tel., E-mail. Education: 2008 - Present: (School or University, Subjects included, Expect to graduate with a … degree in (date). Work Experience: (By date). Positions of Responsibility. Skills: Computer skills, Language Skills, Other. Hobbies and Interests. Referees. [3]
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