Gold Country German-American Club P. O. Box 571, Grass Valley, CA 95945 Promoting German Culture and Stronger German-American Ties in Northern California April 2015 Issue 367 Gold Country German-American Club 2nd Annual Wine and Cheese Tasting Event Seaman’s Lodge, Pioneer Park, Nevada City Friday, April 10th, 2015 Doors open 6:00 pm Join us for our 2nd annual Wine & Cheese gathering. A selection of cheeses will be provided by the club. Walter Grob will play his famous musik to provide the necessary ambiance for your enjoyment. Please bring a bottle of wine, an appetizer, or dessert to share. See you there. Mark Schilleman Program Director Special Notice about the April meeting The April meeting will be on the 2nd Friday, April 10, 2015, not the usual 1st Friday, due to the observance of Good Friday on April 3rd. GCGAC Benefit Yard Sale Saturday, April 25th & Sunday April 26th, 2015 8:00 am to 4:00 pm SAVE YOUR TRASH AND TREASURE DONATION ITEMS FOR THE CLUB YARD SALE IN LAKE WILDWOOD Mark your calendars for the Yard Sale! It's that time of year to clean out those closets and rid yourself of unused clutter! Our fundraising sale benefiting the club will be in Lake Wildwood, hosted by Dave & Kay Moss. Donated items for sale can be delivered the day before, Friday, April 24th, by calling our hosts at (530) 432-2236, (so they can call you in at the entrance gate). Merchandise must be in good condition and ready to sell. Some pick-ups will be available for those who are unable to deliver. Please consider volunteering at the event with our fellow club members. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL OR REVISED INFORMATION: 1) The sale will be on both Saturday April 25th AND Sunday April 26th. Bring your sale items on Friday, April 24th, to the Moss residence. Items sold on Sunday will be 1/2 price. Leftovers will be given to charity. 2) No need to pre-price items UNLESS the item is $25 or more. Items will be sold by $ amount tables. (Example: Everything $2, etc.) 3) Call Kay Moss for directions (530-432-2236) and to be admitted at the Lake Wildwood entrance gate. 4) A sign-up sheet for volunteer staffing on the sale days will be available at the club meeting on Friday, April 10th, OR call Elinor Barnes (530-273-0502). Even an hour or two of help will be appreciated. 5) For any questions or help, call Kay or Elinor. President’s Message In order to further address the discussion at our March Membership Meeting, regarding the raising of dues from $25 to $30 beginning in January 2016, please refer to the following: Dues have not been raised for quite a number of years, the last time was in 2009. I think that statement speaks for itself. However, to further clarify: Dues are used for: rental of Seaman Lodge as well as the picnic grounds; the liability insurance; printing of the newsletter/flyers, cards, etc.; rental of the Board meeting room; musicians and occasional entertainment for special events; reimbursement of ingredients for food prepared by club members for special occasions; the two dinners provided to the membership by the Club; the one yearly dinner afforded the Board of Directors’ officers ($30 max per person); maintaining supplies used at the Clubhouse for our events. Repairs and maintenance of property owned by the club. Replacement or purchase of new equipment for the benefit of the Club. Recent purchases that come to mind is new audio equipment being purchased this month; new flag carriers last year, tires for the trailer the year before; cover and recent partial replacement of same for float housed at a member’s property. Incidental items purchased by members, donations/gift certificates. Fortunately, the bar has been covering its own costs plus a bit more; aided a bit by the occasional raffle; of course, the money has to be in the account to reimburse the buyers. Should anyone want more specific details, please contact Otto Schulze, our Treasurer, who has vouchers and receipts for all purchases. Rebecca Claus, President The Happy Wanderers Walking is the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise. Carrie Latet APRIL HIKES April 2. ..... Independence Trail followed by Ananda’s tulip extravaganza Length of this trail is approximately four (4) miles with a short, steep uphill at the end. We eat our lunch at the Yuba River. After the hike we have the choice to drive over to the ‘Ananda Village’ to view 12,000 tulips in full bloom. A sight not to be missed – fantastic! We meet at the Government Center in Nevada City at 9:00 am. April 9. ....... OPEN April 16. ..... OPEN April 16. ..... OPEN Hikes on these three dates will be announced. Fred/Karen will not be available. GCGAC BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS (elected - 5 votes) President: Rebecca Claus 916-710-0033 Vice-Pres: Christa Benson 272-6095 Secretary: Margot Schulze 477-2205 Treasurer: Otto Schulze 477-2205 Program: Mark Schilleman 265-5159 DIRECTORS (appointed - 6 votes) Membership: — OPEN — Dance: Dave Moss 432-2236 Happy Wanderers: Fred & Karen Herrmann 346-7392 Newsletter: Eve Hamner 265-4732 Publicity: Karen Clark 265-6814 German Language: Conversational: Christa Benson 272-6095 Beg/Intermediate: Rebecca Claus 916-710-0033 The next Board Of Directors meeting will be held on: Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 6:30 pm Bret Harte Inn, Grass Valley ACTIVITY LEADERS (Non-voting) Refreshments: volunteer committee Get Well & Sunshine: Christel Denzler 878-0504 Anneliese Grasshof 916-783-5411 Kaffe & Kuchen: Betsy Wagner 432-2797 Inter-Club Liaison: Hank Stoffel 269-3137 Webmaster: Paul Trethewey 265-0763 Property: Dennis Naumann 477-1622 Historian: Karen Herrmann 346-7392 Page 2 Conversational German Klasse Gute Besserung Tuesday April 14 Stefan Arth Cecil Caballero Maria Caballero Erika & Bill Nickerl Otto & Margot Schulze Kim Spranger 6:30 - 8:30 pm Die Klasse Trift sich bei Christel Hermansen am 14. April um 1830 bis 2030 Uhr. Bitte ruft sie an 274-2715 oder emailet ob ihr kommet oder nicht. Wer Interesse hat der Klasse bei zutäten ruft bitte Christa an 530-272-6095. Anyone interested in joining this group, contact Christa Benson 530-272-6095 Please notify Christel Denzler when you are well or when you want to be taken off the Gute Besserung list. Thank you. April Birthdays Beginner/Intermediate German Conversation Class Jan Guevel 4/4 Laszlo Privari 4/8 Volkert Bernbeck 4/15 Elinor Barnes 4/17 Monday April 6th 6:30 pm (at Karen Clark) Monday April 20th 6:30 pm (at Kristina Wetherbee) Roger Smith 4/22 Christel Hermansen 4/26 Paul Trethewey 4/26 For information contact: Rebecca Claus 916-710-0033 Alpine Dancers Tune to KNCO radio AM 830, weekdays at 7:50 am and 5:50 pm, to hear your birthday greeting from GCGAC. Tuesday April 7th 7:00 pm Tuesday April 21st 7:00 pm The Alpine Dancers will resume practices on the first and third Tuesday at 7 pm at the Moss Home in Lake Wildwood. New dancers are invited. Please call David Moss at 530-432-2236 if you are attending the practice. Coming Events 2015 Gold Country German-American Club May 1 Fri June 6 Sat July 4 Sat Aug 7 Fri Sep 19 Sat Oct 2 Fri Nov 6 Fri Dec 4 Fri Maifest celebration Picnic - Pioneer Park (no reg Fri mtg) Nev. City Parade w/float (no reg Fri mtg) meeting & social Oktoberfest (no reg Fri mtg) German-American Day celebration meeting & social Christmas Dinner & Party GCGAC Newsletter via email The monthly newsletter can be sent to additional email addresses as an attached PDF file . If you have a spouse, relative, friend, etc. that have separate email addresses, you can request that their email address be included in a separate newsletter email distribution list. The email addresses will not appear on the Membership Roster, but will be maintained separately for newsletters only. The email is sent out as “BCC” so other email addresses are not visible to recipients. Contact the Membership Director if you would like to add an email address. Recent newsletters are also available on the club website Page 3 New Members Leslie Parker William Silva Phillip Takacs Mary Ellen Torney 1039 Sutton Way 530-272-9110 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Natural Fabrics • Made in USA • Casual to Dressy Newsletter printed at: Advantage Print & Marketing, 528 Auburn Ravine Rd., Auburn, CA 95603 530-885-0464 Dean Wood, President Gold Country German-American Club is a Member of the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® 719 Sixth St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001 “Representing Americans of German Speaking Heritage” Ph: 866-868-8422 (toll free) email: web: April 2015 Issue 367 Gold Country German-American Club P.O. Box 571 Grass Valley, CA 95945 First Class Mail
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