NEWSLETTER - Golden Gate Cymbidium Society

 NEWSLETTER Golden Gate Cymbidium Society April 2015 A branch of the Cymbidium Society of America, Inc. Next General Meeting April 22nd, Wednesday Lakeside Park Garden Center 666 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, CA Topic: New Australian Hybrids Speaker: Jeff Trimble The speaker this month is one of our members who have an interest in the new Australian hybrid cymbidiums being produced. Jeff will provide plants for the Raffle Table. President’s Message Another year of shows has come and gone for our club. As we prepare for another growing season ahead, its time for that very important detail of caring for our collections for the next event: more new growth and spikes. On the subject of renewal, we are in need of more new ideas and topics for our speaker programs. The future of our club may be uncertain in the near future. We have a few doing the work of many. It is very important for new people to get involved on our board. Please consider and get involved when the time presents itself, otherwise we are history. Thank you j Ed McLean
Board of Directors Election Schedule – from ByLaws The May meeting is for the nomination of candidates for Officers and Directors. The June meeting is for the election of Officers and Directors. Members must be present to vote. New Officers and Directors will take office at the July meeting. Cymbidium Orchid Booth at the Fair FYI – There was no response to last months request for interested members to coordinate a booth for us at the Alameda County Fair this year. Perhaps next year someone will want to take on this project for the club. Pacific Orchid Expo Awards The following plants and members received ribbons at the 2015 Orchid Expo Show in San Francisco. Congratulations to our members (and apologies for any misspellings). Plant First Place Ribbon Shifting Sands ‘Yellow Bird’ Best Cymbidium in show, Best Cymbidium – Advanced Exhibitor (Via Ambarino ‘Jim’ x Mighty Mouse) Best Novice Cymbidium in show Knockout ‘Stoplight’ x James Toya ‘G’ SeaCrest ‘Hisa’ x (San Miguel x Balkis) Mimi Sarah Lucky Gloria ‘Fukonokami’ Kirby Lush ‘Cinnabar’ Mimi Sacramento Clarisse Austin ‘Best Pink’ Second Place Ribbon Phuong Lam Mimi Sacramento Splatters ‘Red Velvet’ San Francisco ‘Dos Pueblo Special’ Gloria Streeter ‘North Shore’ Sarah Jean ‘Ice Cascade’ Dendrobium ‘Contessi’ Pure Treasure ‘Red Beauty’ Third Place Ribbon Eastern Star ‘Kawana’ Sara Jean ‘Ice Cascade’ Zygo Synchronicity ‘14’ Zygo Synchronicity ‘ 345’ Shown by Cheryl Phillipson Jim Donoso Jim Donoso Jim Donoso Cheryl Phillipson Cheryl Phillipson Nancy Starr Nancy Starr Jim Donoso Jim Donoso Cheryl Phillipson Jim Donoso Sue Davis Jim Donoso Musia Stagg Ed McLean Fred Shull Nancy Starr Musia Stagg Musia Stagg New Peloric Cymbidium Hybrids Here are just a few examples of peloric first bloom seedling crosses by Steve Thai. At the meeting last month, hybridizer Steve brought over a dozen examples of his flowers. How exciting to see the variety from his recent crosses. Thank you for sharing your results with us Steve! Photos above by Steve Thai More photos of Steve’s flowers taken by N. Justino Calendar of Orchid Events If you have online access please see the event calendar on our website: April 18, 2015 Gold Coast Cymbidium Growers Show and Sale! Saturday 10 am -­‐ 4pm. Redwood City Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Avenue, Redwood City. April 18 -­‐ 19, 2015 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Sat 10 AM-­‐ 5 PM, Sun 10 AM to 4 PM. Scottish Rite Masonic Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento. $7 Admission, Free parking. May 2 -­‐ 10, 2015 Annual Orchid Sale at Orchids Fiori D’ Amore 9am -­‐4pm, Mother’s Day: 9am-­‐2pm. 4526 Fair Ave., Oakland. 510-­‐530-­‐4884. Free Admission May 9, 2015 Santa Clara Valley Orchid Annual Open Greenhouse Tour and Sale Click on flyer for list of open greenhouse addresses and hours. Website:, or call (408) 229-­‐2747 May 10 -­‐ 11, 2015 Orchid Society of California Mother's Day Show and Sale, Sat & Sun 10 AM -­‐ 5 PM, Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Drive, Lake Merritt, Oakland. Free Admission. Items for the next Newsletter Submissions to this newsletter need to be received by the 2nd Friday of each month. Send them to: Club Officers: President – Ed McLean, 510-­‐769-­‐0444 Vice President -­‐ Jim Donoso, 510-­‐562-­‐9006 Secretary -­‐ Eileen Carlin-­‐Goldberg, 510-­‐530-­‐3966 Treasurer – Nancy Starr, 510-­‐551-­‐0618 Past President – Jim Donoso Directors: Joe Giangrasso, Mel & Val Jones, Nikki Justino and Kathy Cotta Membership and Newsletter Editor – Nikki Justino, Web Mistress – Audrey Young-­‐Tarter, CSA Rep – Florence Inserto, [Cymbidium Society of America Representative] Golden Gate Cymbidium Society 26973 Patrick Ave., Hayward, CA 94544 Next Board Meeting May 27, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m. Lakeside Garden Center Oakland, CA Next General Meeting May 27, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. Lakeside Garden Center