March 20, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Friday, March 27, 2015 (5) CONSENT CALENDAR: (A) Approve the Minutes of the following Meetings: (1) Building and Operating Committee meeting of September 25, 2014; (2) Board of Directors meeting of January 16, 2015; (3) Transportation Committee meeting of February 19, 2015; and, (4) Finance-Auditing Committee meeting of February 20, 2015. Motion BOX 9000, PRESIDIO STATION ♦ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129-0601 ♦ USA THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK September 25, 2014 Honorable Board of Directors Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Honorable Members: FT MINUTES OF THE BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (1) (2) R A A meeting of the Building and Operating Committee/Committee of the Whole (Committee) of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) was held in the Board Room, Administration Building, Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza, San Francisco, CA, on Thursday, September 25, 2014, at 10:10 a.m., Chair Rabbitt presiding. Call to Order: 10:10 a.m. Roll Call: Secretary of the District Amorette M. Ko-Wong. D Committee Members Present (8): Chair Rabbitt; Vice Chair Moylan; Directors Cochran, Fredericks, Reilly, Stroeh and Theriault; President Eddie (Ex Officio). Committee Members Absent (1): Director Belforte. Other Directors Present (2): Directors Arnold and Sobel. Committee of the Whole Members Present (10): Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. Committee of the Whole Members Absent (9): Directors Belforte, Breed, Campos, Pahre, Sears, Snyder Wiener and Yee; Vice President Grosboll Staff Present: General Manager Denis Mulligan; Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire; District Engineer Ewa Bauer; Secretary of the District Amorette Ko-Wong; Attorney David Miller; Attorney Kimon Manolius; Deputy General Manager/Bridge Transit Division Kary Witt; Deputy General Manager/Ferry Transit Division James Swindler; Deputy General Manager/Administration and Development Kellee Hopper; Deputy District Engineer John Eberle; Assistant Clerk of the Board Patsy Whala. Visitors Present: Mark Prado, Marin Independent Journal; Fire Chief Jim Irving and Captain Kai Pasquale, Marin Fire Protection District. BOX 9000, PRESIDIO STATION ♦ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129-0601 ♦ USA BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 2 (3) Approve Actions Relative to Professional Services Agreement No. 2015-B-10, Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Environmental Revalidation Services, with AECOM (a) Staff Report FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to Professional Services Agreement No. 2015-B-10, Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Environmental Revalidation Services, with AECOM. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Presentation of Staff Report D R A At the meeting, Ms. Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. She mentioned that the obligation of federal funds programmed for the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project is contingent upon FHWA approving the project’s final design. Prior to issuing such an approval, the Code of Federal Regulations 23 CFR 771.129(c) requires that the adopted Final EIR and FONSI be evaluated for their validity in the context of the project’s final design. The District is required to conduct the project revalidation and submit it for approval to Caltrans, acting on behalf of FHWA in order to carry out FHWA's responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act. The revalidation involves an assessment by qualified technical specialists of the technical areas covered by the original project environmental documents. Ms. Bauer recommended waiving the competitive procurement process and authorizes a sole source procurement and execution of Professional Services Agreement (PSA) No. 2015-B-10, Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Environmental Revalidation Services, with AECOM of Oakland. AECOM’s in-depth knowledge of the FEIR for Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project will provide the most expeditious and cost effective completion of the environmental revalidation. Another firm would have to use additional time and expend significant effort to review the project environmental documentation previously prepared by AECOM, requiring needless duplication of effort. Additionally, Staff has negotiated with AECOM a not-to-exceed cost of these services in the amount of $30,000, which staff finds reasonable. (c) Discussion by the Committee Director Rabbitt inquired whether there is any change in notice to proceed. Ms. Bauer responded that there is no change. Director Stroeh inquired the about the link between FHWA and the suicide deterrent project. Ms. Bauer responded that federal funds come with oversight from the federal government, which means the District must comply with its requirements. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 3 (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors THERIAULT/STROEH to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION i. Approve a determination that it is in the District’s best interest to waive the competitive procurement process and authorize a sole source procurement and execution of Professional Services Agreement No. 2015-B-10, with AECOM of Oakland, CA, in the not-to-exceed amount of $30,000; Authorize a $3,000 contingency for this Agreement; and Authorize a budget increase in the FY 14/15 Bridge Division Capital Budget, in the amount of $33,000, to be funded with District reserves, for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project, subject to the concurrence of the Finance- Auditing Committee at its meeting of September 25, 2014. R A ii. iii. FT The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve actions relative to Professional Services Agreement No. 2015-B-10, Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Environmental Revalidation Services, with AECOM, as follows: Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (10): NOES (0): Approve Actions Relative to Professional Services Agreement No. 2011-B-2, Design Services for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System, with HNTB Corporation D (4) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy General Manager/Bridge Transit Division Kary Witt, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) No. 2011-B-2, Design Services for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System, with HNTB Corporation. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 4 (b) Presentation of Staff Report FT At the meeting, Ms. Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. She indicated that the federal funding participation in the Project requires that the District comply with Caltrans and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) project review and approval procedures. She further indicated that one of the Caltrans and FHWA requirements for the Project is to perform a Value Engineering (VE) study. A VE study is required for all projects on the National Highway System utilizing federal funds with a total project cost of $50 million or more. The study must be performed prior to the FHWA approval of the final design and obligation of federal funds for construction. Moreover, Ms. Bauer mentioned that staff has negotiated with the consultant a scope of work and cost in an amount not to exceed $75,227 to perform such a study with the establishment of $7,600 contingency. D R A Ms. Bauer continued her presenting the staff report with a PowerPoint presentation. She acknowledged Fire Chief Jim Irving from Marin Fire Protection District and Captain Kai Pasquale reported that the District reached out to local fire departments, the California Highway Patrol, and the United States Coast Guard, and is developing a coordinated and detailed Bridge Net Rescue Plan (Plan). She mentioned that the steps that are taken are similar to other bridges with suicide deterrent installations, which have encountered suicides. She also mentioned that bridges that have installed suicide deterrent nets have not encountered suicides to date. Moreover, Ms. Bauer indicated that the net that will be installed is hard metal and will significantly hurt someone that may jump. The District is working with the fire department to rescue any person that may jump and will need medical assistance. Although the fire department has experience in rescues in the Marin Headlands, which will help recue any person that jumps, the rescue off the net on the bridge will be different. Additionally, Ms. Bauer mentioned that similar to Ithaca training tower, in order to facilitate development of rescue techniques and to aid in the training of rescue and law enforcement personnel, it is proposed that a rescue training net, simulating the Bridge suicide deterrent net, be designed and installed on the training tower at the Southern Marin Fire Department’s training facility in Mill Valley. She also mentioned that FHWA would not release funds until the final approval. (c) Discussion by the Committee Discussion ensued, including the following inquiry: Director Reilly inquired whether this installation would eliminate the use of trucks. Ms. Bauer confirmed. Mr. Witt added that type of rescues required would be within the scope of other rescues. He further added that there is tremendous amount of maintenance required and possibly super trucks may not be necessary for rescues. Mr. Mulligan added that we might have to look into purchasing smaller trucks for debris. Director Reilly followed up with when would the District look into purchasing trucks. Mr. Witt responded that the District would not wait until the net has been installed. He also added that the District would receive travelling scaffolds to get access to the net. Ms. Bauer added that staff will need access on both sides of the bridge and part of the training initiative is to address these issues. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 5 R A Director Stroeh inquired why the design cost was over $65,000. Ms. Bauer responded that there are a lot of details involved with designing the practice net. Director Sobel inquired with regard to the response time. Mr. Witt responded that the fire department’s response time is very fast. He indicated that the staff hopes to have procedures in place. He also mentioned that staff wants to store the equipment at the bridge so that any response engine could assist medically or otherwise. Ms. Bauer added that staff would evaluate what is required for a fast response time. Mr. Mulligan mentioned that based on bridges worldwide with safety nets, it is extremely rare for any attempts when the net is installed. Director Cochran inquired that since District will be building part of the tower, staff will be back with construction costs. Ms. Bauer confirmed and added that the sooner the training is conducted then the rescue plan will be established. Director Rabbitt inquired will the movable median barrier affect the response time. Mr. Witt responded that staff would focus on sidewalk rescue plan, so the rescue is not depended on a fire engine. Ms. Bauer added that staff would consider the bridge with the movable median barrier. Director Rabbitt followed with whether maintenance will have access to clean the debris. Mr. Witt confirmed and stated that the staff will be trained. Ms. Bauer added that tasks would be discussed with all participating parties. Director Moylan inquired how the public would be notified of the net. Mr. Mulligan responded that there would be public outreach with regard to the net and work with different groups. FT (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors EDDIE/STROEH to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION D The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve actions relative to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) No. 2011-B-2, Design Services for the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System, with HNTB Corporation as follows: i. Authorize execution of Fifth Amendment to PSA No. 2011-B-2 in the not-toexceed amount of $75,227 for the Value Engineering Study and a $7,600 contingency for this Amendment; ii. Authorize execution of Sixth Amendment to PSA No. 2011-B-2 in the not-toexceed amount of $65,492 for the design of a training rescue net and a $6,600 contingency for this Amendment; and, iii. Authorize a budget increase in the FY 14/15 Bridge Division Capital Budget, in the amount of $154,919, to be funded with District reserves, for the design of the Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Deterrent System Project, subject to the concurrence of the Finance-Auditing Committee at its meeting of September 25, 2014. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 6 AYES (10): NOES (0): (5) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. Approve Actions Relative to the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol, Relative to Request for Qualifications/Proposals No. 2015FT-1, Berth and Channel Dredging and Pile Rehabilitation Design and Permit Support Services at Larkspur Ferry Terminal, Marin County (a) Staff Report Presentation of Staff Report R A (b) FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy General Manager/Bridge Transit Division Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to the execution of a professional services agreement with Moffatt & Nichol, Relative to Request for Qualifications/Proposals No. 2015-FT-1, Berth and Channel Dredging and Pile Rehabilitation Design and Permit Support Services at Larkspur Ferry Terminal, Marin County. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. D At the meeting, Mr. Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. Ms. Bauer reported that the four lay-up berths, navigational channel, and turning basin at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal require dredging every three to five years to remove built-up sedimentation; and to maintain safe operating depths and widths of the waterway in the berths, turning basin and the 2-mile long navigational channel. Ms. Bauer further reported that in Summer 2014, On June 3, 2014, the District advertised a Request for Statement of Qualifications and Proposals to environmental engineering consultants to provide professional services for designing and preparing plans and technical specifications for the dredging and pile rehabilitations, obtaining regulatory agency dredging permits, and providing technical support during construction. The Selection Committee selected Moffat & Nichol based on their qualifications, which complied with state and federal regulations to perform these services. Ms. Bauer indicated that cost was not discussed during the interview process. Initially, the project was divided into two projects; however staff recommends combining the projects to save time and money. Mr. Mulligan added that there was no protest to the staff’s decision, however, one of the firms wrote a letter to one of the Directors. (c) Discussion by the Committee Discussion ensued, including the following inquiry: Director Theriault inquired when would the survey be conducted. Ms. Bauer responded that survey would be conducted with weather taken into consideration. Director Stroeh inquired whether permits would be required from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard. Ms. Bauer confirmed. President Eddie inquired where would the waste be taken. Ms. Bauer responded that the staff will work with different groups with regard to dumpsite location. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 7 (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION i. Amend the FY 14/15 Ferry Division Capital Budget by combining the Larkspur Ferry Terminal Berth Dredging, Piling and Rehabilitation Facilities Project, with a budget of $3,400,000, and the Larkspur Ferry Terminal Channel Dredging Project, with a budget of $11,500,000, into one project entitled Larkspur Ferry Terminal Berth and Channel Dredging and Pile Rehabilitation with a project budget of 14,900,000; Authorize the execution of a Professional Services Agreement, PSA No. 2015FT-1, with Moffatt & Nichol, Walnut Creek, California, not-to-exceed $530,000; and, Authorize a contingency for this Agreement in the amount of $53,000 with the understanding that requisite funds are available in the FY 14/15 Ferry Division Capital Budget to finance these actions. R A ii. FT The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve actions relative to Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals (RFQ/RFP) No. 2015-FT-1, Berth and Channel Dredging and Pile Rehabilitation Design and Permit Support Services at Larkspur Ferry Terminal, Marin County, as follows: iii. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (10): D NOES (0): Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. (6) Approve Actions Relative to the Award of Contract No. 2015-BT-1, San Rafael Bus Facility Main Shop Roof Replacement, to Andy’s Roofing Co., Inc. (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to award of Contract No. 2015-BT-1, San Rafael Bus Facility Main Shop Roof Replacement to Andy’s Roofing Co., Inc. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 8 (b) Presentation of Staff Report At the meeting, Ms. Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. She reported that The Bus Main Shop building is over 40 years old and the last roof replacement on the building was done in 1987. The roof is at the end of its useful life and it has been patched over the last several years to repair leaks. Furthermore, Ms. Bauer recommended that a contingency in an amount of $98,490, or 15% of the construction contract total price be established for Contract No. 2015-BT-1 in anticipation that such roofing work is often associated with uncovering many unknown site conditions while work progresses, which may require compensable changes to the contract in excess of the customary 10% of the original contract price. Discussion by the Committee FT (c) R A Discussion ensued, including the following inquiry: Director Theriault inquired whether companies always mathematical errors. Ms. Bauer responded that the bidding process has been challenging. Director Rabbitt inquired whether the facility would have skylights. Ms. Bauer responded that the facilities would have Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system and skylights, and the project will continue during business hours. Mr. Mulligan added that there would be solar panels on some parts of the roofs. (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors COCHRAN/STROEH to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION D The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve the following actions relative to award of Contract No. 2015-BT-1, San Rafael Bus Facility Main Shop Roof Replacement, as follows: i. ii. iii. Authorize award of Contract No. 2015-BT-1 to Andy’s Roofing Co., Inc., San Leandro, CA, in the amount of $656,600.29; Establish a construction contingency for Contract No. 2015-BT-1 in the amount of $98,490, equal to 15% of the contract award amount; and, Authorize a Project budget decrease in the FY 14/15 Bus Transit Division Capital Budget in the amount of $310,000, to be reprogrammed to support other transit capital projects, for a revised total project budget of $990,000, with the understanding that sufficient funds are budgeted in the FY 14/15 Bus Transit Division Capital Budget for this Project. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 9 AYES (10): NOES (0): (7) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. Approve an Increase in Contingency for Contract No. 2014-BT-1, Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility Construction (a) Staff Report (b) FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation approve an increase in contingency for Contract No. 2014-BT-1, Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility Construction with West Bay Builders, Inc. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Presentation of Staff Report R A At the meeting, Ms Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. Ms. Bauer reported that the District began utilizing parcel between Third, Fourth, Perry and Stillman Streets in San Francisco for the new San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility. She further reported that to facilitate bus storage and operations at the new site the District had to make improvements to the parcel. Moreover, Ms. Bauer indicated that during construction, various changes and modifications were required in order to resolve conflicts between the existing field conditions and the Contract Drawings. The District and Designer developed revised details to resolve the conflicts and the District and Contractor were able to reach an agreement on the costs associated with all of the changes and modifications except for costs associated with modifications to the perimeter security fence foundation details due to the presence of buried man-made objects. (c) Action by the Committee D Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/REILLY to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve an increase in contingency for Contract No. 2014-BT-1, Golden Gate Transit San Francisco Mid-Day Bus Parking Facility Construction with West Bay Builders, Inc., by $26,260, from the original amount of $490,630 to $516,890, with the understanding that sufficient funds are available in the FY 14/15 Bus Transit Division Capital Budget for this Project to finance the increase. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 10 AYES (10): NOES (0): (8) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2014-BT-4, San Rafael Bus Administration Building Improvements (a) Staff Report (b) FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to Contract No. 2014-BT-4, San Rafael Bus Administration Building Improvements. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Presentation of Staff Report R A At the meeting, Ms. Bauer briefly summarized the staff report. She reported that the project ongoing renovates the payroll and scheduling offices to better utilize the space, and modifies and improves both the bus driver and administration staff restrooms. She further reported that the removal of walls, ceilings and floors has uncovered conditions that were unanticipated. Moreover, she reported that improvements to the electrical, drainage and flooring are needed to mitigate the uncovered conditions. Ms. Bauer indicated that capital budget increase funded with FTA grant funds and District reserves is required to fund the proposed changes to the contract work. (c) Action by the Committee D Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/FREDERICKS to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve actions relative to Contract No. 2014-BT-4, San Rafael Bus Administration Building Improvements, as follows: i. ii. Approve a $70,000 increase in the construction contract contingency from the original $109,000 amount to $179,000; and, Approve a FY 14/15 capital budget increase for this Project in the amount of $70,000, to be funded with 80% Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant funds (56,000) and 20% District funds ($14,000), subject to the concurrence of the Finance-Auditing Committee at its meeting of September 25, 2014. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 11 AYES (10): NOES (0): (9) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. Approve Actions Relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-15, Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry, with Marine Group Boat Works, LLC (a) Staff Report (b) FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Ferry Division Christian N. Stark, Deputy General Manager/Ferry Transit Division James P. Swindler and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve actions relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-15, Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry, with Marine Group Boat Works, LLC. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Presentation of Staff Report R A At the meeting, Mr. Swindler briefly summarized the staff report. Mr. Swindler reported that the refurbishment is fifty to sixty percent complete. He reported that largest Change Order No. 1000 pertains to the redesign and replacement of the entire HVAC system. He reported that Change Orders Nos. 1002 and 1006 both relate to repairs and replacement of major engine room framing and girders. He further mentioned that design and installation of new engine girders and supporting structure was a better alternative, and would avoid fabrication challenges, resulting in areas that would create ongoing maintenance and cleaning difficulties. Additionally, Mr. Swindler discussed Change Order No. 1009, which accounts for the modifications to the vessel’s rub rails (sponsons) and installation of the new main deck loading doors. The boat will be delivered in April 2015. Mr. Mulligan explained the vendor’s contract numbering sequence. Discussion by the Committee D (c) Discussion ensued, including the following inquiry: Director Cochran inquired whether the vessel would have two entrances, one on the top deck and one on the bottom deck with new doors. Mr. Swindler confirmed and responded that one of the doors would be installed on sight when all the work is done. (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 12 RECOMMENDATION The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve actions relative to Contract No. 2013-FT-15, Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry, with Marine Group Boat Works, LLC as follows: ii. iii. Authorize execution of Contract Change Orders No. 1000 and 1006 with Marine Group Boat Works of Chula Vista, CA; Authorize an adjustment to the contract contingency budget in the amount of $300,000, to fully fund currently pending change orders in addition to unanticipated items that may be discovered as the project is completed; and, Authorize a budget increase in the FY 14/15 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget in the amount of $300,000, for a total project budget of $20,300,000, for the Refurbishment of the M.S. San Francisco Ferry Project, subject to the concurrence of the Finance-Auditing Committee at its meeting of September 25, 2014, with the understanding that this project is 100 percent grant funded. FT i. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR NOES (0): (10) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. R A AYES (10): Authorize Execution of Change Orders Nos. 1000, and 2001 – 2004 to Contract No. 2014-FT-17, Routine Dry-Docking of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, with Marine Group Boat Works, LLC (a) Staff Report D In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Ferry Division Christian N. Stark, Deputy General Manager/Ferry Transit Division James P. Swindler and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to authorize execution of change orders Nos. 1000, and 2001 – 2004 to Contract No. 2014FT-17, Routine Dry-Docking of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, with Marine Group Boat Works, LLC. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Presentation of Staff Report At the meeting, Mr. Swindler briefly summarized the staff report, which recommends authorizing the execution of change orders nos. 1000, and 2001-2004. Mr. Swindler indicated that all five-change orders are needed and the line items exceed the original Contract contingency budget by $36,198.92. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 13 (c) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/EDDIE to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION FT The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors authorize execution of Change Orders No. 1000, 2001 to 2004, in the cumulative amount of $51,198.92 with Marine Group Boat Works of Chula Vista, CA; relative to Contract No. 2014-FT-17, Routine Dry Docking of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, with the understanding that requisite funds are available in the FY 14/15 Ferry Transit Division Operating Budget. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (10): (11) R A NOES (0): Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. Authorize Execution of Sole Source Contract No. 2015-FT-4, Gearbox Rebuilding and Re-Ratioing for the M.V. Mendocino Ferry Mid-Life Refurbishment, with Karl Senner, Inc. (a) Staff Report D In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Ferry Division Christian N. Stark, Deputy General Manager/Ferry Transit Division James P. Swindler and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to authorize execution of sole source Contract No. 2015-FT-4, Gearbox Rebuilding and ReRatioing for the M.V. Mendocino Ferry Mid-Life Refurbishment, with Karl Senner, Inc. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Presentation of Staff Report At the meeting, Mr. Swindler briefly summarized the staff report. He indicated that when the project was originally scoped and budgeted, it did not include the replacement of the gearboxes. He further mentioned that as a result of the 2008 installation of EPA Tier II environmentally friendly engines, the vessel's gross weight has increased and the existing gearboxes have sustained premature failures. Additionally, he mentioned that after consulting with the vessel designer, it was determined that replacement of the gearboxes is required to achieve the required level of performance and reliability. BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 14 (c) (d) Discussion by the Committee President Eddie inquired whether New Orleans was the only place to have the gearboxes replaced. Mr. Swindler confirmed. Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors EDDIE/THERIAULT to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: FT RECOMMENDATION The Building and Operating Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve the following actions relative to Contract No. 2015-FT-4, Gearbox Rebuilding and ReRatioing for the M.V. Mendocino Ferry Mid Life Refurbishment: i. R A ii. Authorize the General Manager to enter into a Sole Source Contract with Karl Senner, Inc. of Kenner, Louisiana in the estimated amount of $485,424.00; and Establish a contingency budget in the amount of $69,576 to cover sales tax, shipping and unanticipated items for a total contract budget of $555,000. Action by the Board at its meeting of September 26, 2014 Meeting - Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (10): NOES (0): Status Report from Board Appointee(s) on Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Board The Committee received a verbal update on matters relating to Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Board (SMART Board) meetings. D (12) Directors Arnold, Cochran, Fredericks, Moylan, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sobel and Theriault; Second Vice President Stroeh; President Eddie. None. (a) Report by SMART Board Member Barbara Pahre President Eddie reported that replacement projects at Novato Creek Bridge, Hannah Ranch Slough Bridge and Miller Creek Bridge were completed. He further reported that San Rafael station is being rebuilt. He also mentioned that the pilot car would be delivered in Spring 2015. Additionally, Chair Rabbitt reported that Northern California received very little tiger funds. He further indicated that SMART builds platforms and stations are built by the cities. Copies of the August 27, 2014 Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting Agenda Packet, September 17, 2014 SMART Board Packet and the September 2014 General Manager’s Report are available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Action by the Board – None Required BUILDING AND OPERATING COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 25, 2014/PAGE 15 (13) Status Report on Engineering Projects In a memorandum to the Committee, Deputy District Engineer John Eberle, District Engineer Ewa Bauer, and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on current engineering projects. Ms. Bauer briefly reported that the movable median barrier project is on schedule and tollbooth eight is under construction. A copy of the report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Action by the Board – None Required (14) Public Comment (15) Adjournment FT There was no public comment on items not in the agenda. All business having been concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. R A Respectfully submitted, D DR:AMK:ab David Rabbitt, Chair Building and Operating Committee THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2015-01 GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT MEMORANDUM OF MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015 The Board of Directors (Board) of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) met in regular session in the Board Room, Administration Building, Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza, San Francisco, CA, on Friday, January 16, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., President Grosboll presiding. (1) CALL TO ORDER: (2) ROLL CALL: 10:00 a.m. Secretary of the District Amorette M. Ko-Wong. Directors Present (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll. Directors Absent (1): Director Weiner. Staff Present: General Manager Denis Mulligan; Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire; District Engineer Ewa Bauer; Secretary of the District Amorette Ko-Wong; Attorney Kimon Manolius; Deputy General Manager/Bridge Division Kary Witt; Deputy General Manager/Bus Division Teri Mantony; Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Ferry Division Christian N. Stark; Public Information Manager, Priya Clemens; Assistant Clerk of the Board Arit Butani Visitors Present: Sacramento County Resident Kymberlyrenée Gamboa (3) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Second Vice President David Campos. (4) PUBLIC COMMENT: Kymberlyrenée Gamboa, Sacramento County Resident Ms. Gamboa commented in support of the funding and construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier. Ms. Gamboa spoke about her son, Kyle. She thanked the Board for its efforts. She concluded by requesting that the Board insert an early completion incentive for the contractor that is chosen to construct the suicide barrier. BOX 9000, PRESIDIO STATION ♦ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129-0601 ♦ USA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 2 (5) CONSENT CALENDAR: Directors STROEH/EDDIE moved and seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. All items were approved by the following vote of the Board of Directors: AYES (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll. NOES (0): None. ABSENT (1): Director Wiener. (A) (B) (C) (6) Approve the Minutes of the following Meetings (1) Transportation Committee meeting of October 9, 2014; (2) Building and Operating Committee meeting of November 13, 2014; (3) Finance-Auditing Committee meeting of November 13, 2014; (4) Governmental Affairs and Public Information meeting of December 19, 2014; and (5) Finance-Auditing Committee meeting of December 19, 2014. Carried Attorney’s Report Denial of Claims (1) Claim of Abdullah Khoshaim Carried (2) Claim of Luke Park Carried (3) Claim of Kimberly Knight Carried (4) Claim of Robert Del Santo Carried (5) Amended Claim of GA Technical Services, Inc. Carried Ratification of Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller: (1) Ratify Commitments and/or Expenditures (2) Ratify Previous Investments (3) Authorize Investments (4) Accept Investment Report, November 2014 REPORTS OF OFFICERS: (A) General Manager, Denis J. Mulligan (1) Presentation of Awards Presentation of Twenty Year Service Award to James C. Eddie, Board Director President Grosboll presented a Twenty Year Service Award to Director James C. Eddie, for twenty years of dedicated service to the District, and expressed his congratulations on behalf of the Board of Directors. (2) Report of the General Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 3 Mr. Mulligan stated that all items contained in the written General Manager’s Report are informational. A copy of the General Manager’s Report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (B) Attorney, Kimon Manolius (1) Report of the Attorney Attorney Kimon Manolius reported that all items contained in the written Attorney’s Report are informational. A copy of the Attorney’s Report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (2) Closed Session Attorney Miller also reported that a Closed Session will take place just prior to the conclusion of this meeting, to discuss the following matters, listed on the Board Agenda as Item No. 6.B.1.a and 6.B.1.b: “Closed Session (C) (a) Conference with Legal Counsel – Pending Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) (i) Report of George Hills Company, Inc. (a) Esteban Lopez Maldonado vs. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (b) Ondrae Burns vs. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (ii) Report of Athens Administrators, Inc. (a) Tracy Rein vs. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (b) Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 (i) Negotiations with the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local No. 1575 (ii) Negotiations with various Labor Coalition Unions” District Engineer, Ewa Z. Bauer (1) Report of the District Engineer Ms. Bauer briefly presented a PowerPoint presentation with regard to movable median barrier closure during the weekend of January 10, 2015, and had mentioned that closure was the longest in the history of the Bridge. She thanked the staff and the Board members for their help and support during the moveable median barrier construction and the bridge closure. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 4 Ms. Bauer reported that all items contained in the Engineer’s Report are informational and a copy of the Engineer’s Report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Mr. Witt commended Bridge Captain Lisa Locati and Chief of Bridge Services William San Gregory. President Grosboll, First Vice President Stroeh and Directors Moylan, Sobel, Eddie, Pahre and Theriault thanked the staff for their hard work and effort with the success of the moveable median barrier closure. (7) OTHER REPORTS: There were no “Other Reports” to discuss. (8) REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: (A) Meeting of the Building and Operating Committee/Committee of the Whole January 15, 2015 Chair Rabbitt (1) Approve Actions Relative to the Advanced Communications and Information System Project for Post-Implementation Support Services Directors RABBITT/STROEH Resolution No. 2015-002 approves actions relative to the Advanced Communications and Information System (ACIS) project, as follows: (a) (b) (c) Authorize the General Manager to execute an Eleventh Amendment to Contract No. 2007-BT-1, Consultant to Provide Design Services for Radio Replacement and Intelligent Transportation System, with CH2M Hill, for operational performance testing and consultant project management support, for the period of October 2014 through June 2015, in an amount not to exceed $197,933.00; Authorize the General Manager to execute a First Amendment to Contract No. 2015-D-07, INIT System Administrative Support for ACIS System Availability Testing (SAT), with INIT, Inc. USA, for technical assistance during the deployment of the MOBILE-ICTS system, for the period of November 2014 through April 2015, in an amount not to exceed $313,460.00; and, Authorize the General Manager to execute an Eighth Amendment to Contract No. 2008- MD-1, Advanced Communications and Information System, with General Electric Transportation Systems Global Signaling, LP (GETS), in the amount not to exceed $110,438, for the purchase of four additional Avtec consoles with associated peripherals, and installation and support services; with the understanding that sufficient funds are available in the project budget to support these contract amendments. Adopted BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 5 AYES (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll. NOES (0): None. ABSENT (1): Directors Wiener. (2) Authorize Execution of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with AMD Marine Consulting PTY Ltd, for U.S. Coast Guard Required Structural Calculations on the M.V. Del Norte, M.V. Golden Gate and M.V. Napa Ferry Vessels Directors RABBITT/COCHRAN Resolution No. 2015-003 authorize an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with AMD Marine Consulting Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, to increase the not-to-exceed Contract amount by $75,000 to $135,000 with the understanding that requisite funds are available in the FY 14/15 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget for M.V. Del Norte and M.V. Napa Engine Vessel Improvements and Dry Dock Projects. The increase will fund additional United States Coast Guard-required structural calculations on the M.V. Del Norte and M.V. Napa ferries. Adopted AYES (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll. NOES (0): None. ABSENT (1): Directors Wiener. (B) Meeting of the Rules, Policy and Industrial Relations Committee/Committee of the Whole January 16, 2015 Chair Barbara Pahre (1) Approve Revised and Restated Human Resources Guide, and Related Actions Directors PAHRE/STROEH Resolution No. 2015-004 approves the revised and restated Human Resources Guide, and authorize the General Manager to update and revise the Human Resources Guide as appropriate to conform to applicable law and Board policies. Adopted AYES (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll. NOES (0): None. ABSENT (1): Directors Wiener. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 6 (9) ADDRESSES TO BOARD: There were no “Addresses to Board” to discuss. (10) CLOSED SESSION: a. Remarks by the Attorney Attorney Kimon Manolius, at the request of President Grosboll, stated that the Board would convene in Closed Session, as permitted by the Brown Act, to discuss the matters listed under Closed Session, as outlined above in Item No. 6.B.1. After Closed Session, President Grosboll called the meeting to order in Open Session with a quorum present. Attorney Manolius reported that the Board had met in Closed Session, as permitted by the Brown Act, to discuss the matters listed above in Item No. 6.B.2. Attorney Manolius reported that the Board provided appropriate guidance and authority in the pending matter listed under 6.B.1.a.i.b. and authorized settlement in worker’s compensation matter listed under 6.B.1.a.ii.a in the amount of $60,408.29. Furthermore, he stated that the Board rendered appropriate guidance and direction with regard to pending labor negotiations with the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local No. 1575, and the Union Coalition, relative to Item Nos. 6.B.1.b.i. and 6.B.1.b.ii. (10) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: A. Ratify Board Member Appointments by the Board President to Represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on Other Boards Directors STROEH/COCHRAN Resolution No. 2015-005 ratifies Board member appointments by the Board President to represent the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District on other boards, effective immediately to fill two vacanices, as follows: a. Golden Gate Transit Amalgamated Health and Welfare Trust and Retirement Board (3 seats), for a term effective immediately until January 31, 2017, to fill two vacancies: 1. Trustee Alice Fredericks (a current member of the District Board of Directors) 2. Trustee Brian M. Sobel (a current member of the District Board of Directors) 3. Trustee Michael Theriault (a current member of the District Board of Directors) b. Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District (2 seats), for a two-year term, effective February 1, 2015 to January 31, 2017: 1. Director James C. Eddie (a current member of the District Board of Directors) 2. Director Barbara L. Pahre (a current member of the District Board of Directors), with the understanding that appointees to other Boards shall present reports on a regular basis to the District’s Board of Directors, as codified in Rule VI of the Rules of the Board. Adopted BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JANUARY 16, 2015/PAGE 7 AYES (18): Directors Arnold, Belforte, Breed, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Moylan, Pahre, Rabbitt, Reilly, Sears, Snyder, Sobel, Theriault and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; First Vice President Stroeh; President Grosboll NOES (0): None ABSENT (1): Director Wiener (11) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no “Unfinished Business” to discuss. (12) NEW BUSINESS: There was no “New Business” to discuss. (13) COMMUNICATIONS: A copy of Board Agenda Item No. 13, “Communications,” is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (14) ADJOURNMENT: All business having been concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 10:53 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Amorette M. Ko-Wong Secretary of the District AMK:AB:ab THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK February 19, 2015 MINUTES OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE/ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Honorable Members: FT Honorable Board of Directors Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District A meeting of the Transportation Committee/Committee of the Whole (Committee) of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) was held in the Board Room, Administration Building, Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza, San Francisco, CA, on Thursday, February 19, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., Chair Sobel presiding. (2) Call to Order: 10:00 a.m. R A (1) Roll Call: Secretary of the District Amorette M. Ko-Wong. Committee Members Present (6): Chair Sobel; Vice Chair Arnold, Fredericks, Pahre, Rabbitt and Sears. Committee Members Absent (2): Directors Snyder; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). Other Directors Present (4): Directors Cochran, Eddie, Reilly and Stroeh. D Committee of the Whole Members Present (10): Directors Arnold, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Pahre, Rabbitt, Sears, Sobel and Theriault; First Vice President Stroeh. Committee of the Whole Members Absent (9): Directors Belforte, Breed, Moylan, Reilly, Snyder, Wiener and Yee; Second Vice President Campos; President Grosboll. Staff Present: General Manager Denis Mulligan; Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire; Secretary of the District Amorette Ko-Wong; Attorney Kimon Manolius; Deputy General Manager/Bridge Division Kary Witt; Deputy General Manager/Ferry Transit Division James Swindler; Director of Planning Ron Downing; Assistant Clerk of the Board Arit Butani. Visitors Present: None. (3) Report of District Advisory Committees (a) Advisory Committee on Accessibility The Advisory Committee on Accessibility did not meet in the month of January 2015, and no new materials are available at this time. BOX 9000, PRESIDIO STATION ♦ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129-0601 ♦ USA TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FEBRUARY 19, 2015/PAGE 2 (b) Bus Passengers Advisory Committee The Agenda Packet for meeting of January 21, 2015 and All Route Performance for November and December 2014 are available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (c) Ferry Passengers Advisory Committee The Agenda Packet for meeting of January 12, 2015 is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (4) FT Action by the Board – None Required Authorize the Setting of a Public Hearing to receive Public Comment on the Establishment of Regular Off-Peak and Reverse Commute Service on Golden Gate Transit Routes 4 and 27 (a) Staff Report R A In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Planning Ron Downing, Deputy General Manager/Bus Division Teri Mantony, Deputy General Manager/Bus Division Teri Mantony, and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to authorize the setting of a public hearing to receive public comment on the establishment of regular off-peak and reverse commute service on Golden Gate Transit Routes 4 and 27. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Presentation of Staff Report D At the meeting, Mr. Downing briefly summarized the staff report. Mr. Downing reported on December 20, 2013, the Board adopted the implementation of a nine-month demonstration project to provide off-peak service on two Golden Gate Transit routes between the San Francisco Financial District and Central and Southern Marin County. The demonstration project expanded service on Route 4 from Mill Valley to San Francisco and Route 27 from San Anselmo/San Rafael to San Francisco so that the routes would operate hourly bi-directional service throughout the day on weekdays beginning in June 2014. He further reported that with exclusion of fourteen deadhead trips excluded from the demonstration project calculations, the average ridership was 9.4 passengers per trip overall on the remaining 21 trips; Route 4 averaged 9.7 passengers per trip and Route 27 averaged 9.2 passengers per trip. Moreover, Mr. Downing reported that the estimated farebox revenue for the nine months would be $236,000 and the estimated operating cost remains the same as the initial estimate of $243,000, for a net nine-month cost of $7,000. Additionally, Mr. Downing mentioned that because this would be new service, the final recommendation to the Board after the public hearing would include the results of a required Title VI equity analysis. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FEBRUARY 19, 2015/PAGE 3 (c) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors STROEH/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION AYES (10): NOES (0): FT The Transportation Committee recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the setting of a public hearing on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. in the Board Room, Administration Building, Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza, San Francisco, CA, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the establishment of regular off-peak and reverse commute service on Golden Gate Transit Routes 4 and 27. Directors Arnold, Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks, Pahre, Rabbitt, Sears, Sobel and Theriault; First Vice President Stroeh. None. (5) R A Action by the Board at its meeting of February 19, 2015 – Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR Monthly Report on Bridge Traffic, Transit Ridership Trends and Transit Service Performance (a) Monthly Report D The monthly report on “Bridge Traffic, Transit Ridership Trends and Transit Service Performance,” updated to reflect May 2014, was furnished to the Transportation Committee. A copy of the report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (6) Action by the Board – None Required Monthly Report on Activities Related to Marin Local Service Contract with the Marin County Transit District (a) Monthly Report The monthly report on activities related to the Marin local service contract with the Marin County Transit District (Marin Transit) was furnished to the Transportation Committee. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE/COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FEBRUARY 19, 2015/PAGE 4 (b) Presentation of Staff Report At the meeting, Mr. Mulligan reported that negotiations are ongoing with Marin Transit and he continues to meet with Marin Transit General Manager Nancy Whelan.. Action by the Board – None Required (7) Public Comment There was no public comment on items not on the agenda. Adjournment FT (8) All business having been concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 10:14 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Brian Sobel, Chair Transportation Committee D R A BS:AMK:AB:ab February 20, 2015 MINUTES OF THE FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE Honorable Members: FT Honorable Board of Directors Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District A meeting of the Finance-Auditing Committee (Committee) of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) was held in the Board Room, Administration Building, Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza, San Francisco, CA, on Thursday, February 20, 2015, at 9:20 a.m., Chair Stroeh presiding. (2) Call to Order: 9:20 a.m. R A (1) Roll Call: Secretary of the District Amorette M. Ko-Wong. Committee Members Present (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). Chair Stroeh appointed Directors Eddie and Fredericks Committee Members Pro Tem for this meeting only. Committee Members Absent (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. Other Directors Present (0): None. D Staff Present: General Manager Denis Mulligan; Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire; District Engineer Ewa Bauer; Secretary of the District Amorette Ko-Wong; Attorney Kimon Manolius; Deputy General Manager/Bridge Division Kary Witt; Deputy General Manager/Bus Transit Teri Mantony; Deputy General Manager/Administration and Development Kellee Hopper; Director of Risk Management/Safety William Stafford Assistant Clerk of the Board Arit Butani. Visitors Present: Nancy Jones, PFM Asset Management, LLC; Marlie Cook. (3) Ratification of Previous Actions by the Auditor-Controller: (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on the commitments, disbursements and investments made on behalf of the District. The report also included a copy of the District’s “Investment Report” for January 2015 from PFM Asset Management, LLC (PFM). BOX 9000, PRESIDIO STATION ♦ SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129-0601 ♦ USA FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 2 A copy of the staff report, with attachments, is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Presentation by the Staff (c) FT PFM Managing Director, Nancy Jones briefly reported on the Investment Report from January 2015. She reported that the federal government is optimistic about the economy and the have experienced eleven consecutive months of job growth. She further reported that District’s portfolio remains well diversified among U.S. Treasuries, Federal Agencies, negotiable certificates of deposit, commercial paper, high-quality corporate notes, municipals, and LAIF. Additionally, she reported that the portfolio is in compliance with the California Government Code and the District’s Investment Policy. Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors COCHRAN/EDDIE to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION D R A The Finance-Auditing Committee recommends that the Board of Directors take the following actions, as detailed in the staff report: (a) No commitments and/or expenditures for the period January 1, 2015, through January 31, 2015; (b) Ratify investments made during the period January 6, 2015, through February 9, 2015; (c) Authorize the investment, within the established policy of the Board, of any investments maturing between February 10, 2015, and March 16, 2015, as well as the investment of all other funds not required to cover expenditures which may become available; and (d) Accept the Investment Report for January 2015. Action by the Board at its meeting of March 13, 2015 – Resolution CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). NOES (0): None ABSENT (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. (4) Authorize Budget Adjustment(s) and/or Transfer(s) (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Planning Ron Downing, Deputy General Manager, Ferry Division James P. Swindler and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation in concurrence with the recommendation of the Building and Operating Committee at its meeting of February 19, 2015, that the Board of FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 3 Directors authorize budget increase in the FY 14/15 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget Relative to Award of Contract No. 2015-FT-05, Mid-Life Refurbishment of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, to Marine Group Boat Works, LLC. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. (b) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors EDDIE/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: FT RECOMMENDATION R A The Finance-Auditing Committee recommends, in concurrence with the recommendation of the Building and Operating Committee at its meeting of February 19, 2015, that the Board of Directors authorize a capital budget increase in the FY 14/15 Ferry Transit Division Capital Budget in the amount of $2,380,000, for a total project budget of $5,980,000, to be funded with Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement and Service Enhancement Account Program (PTMISEA) State grant funds; and, to fund the Contract and staff time relative to the award of Contract No. 2015-FT-05, Mid-Life Refurbishment of the M.V. Mendocino Ferry, to Marine Group Board Works, LLC. Action by the Board at its meeting of February 20, 2015 – Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). NOES (0): None ABSENT (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. Authorize Actions Related to Grant Programs D (5) There were no actions requiring authorization. (6) Approve Renewal of the Marine Insurance Program (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Risk Management/Safety William Stafford, Deputy General Manager/Administration & Development Kellee Hopper, Auditor-Controller Joseph Wire and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve renewal of the Marine Insurance Program. A copy of the staff report, with its attachments, is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 4 (b) Presentation of the Staff Report (c) FT Mr. Stafford briefly summarized the staff report. He indicated that the District’s Marine Insurance Program renews on February 28, 2015, which is comprised of the Hull and Machinery/Protection and Indemnity Insurance, Vessel Pollution Insurance, and Excess Marine Liability Insurance. He briefly mentioned the following changes in terms and condition of the renewal: the current Annual Aggregate of $350,000 would increase to $500,000; the deductible would increase from $20,000 to $50,000; and, the underwriters would approve a panel of Marine Attorneys to represent the District in the event legal representation is required. Moreover, he mentioned that the District only had one Jones Act claim last year. He mentioned that the reason for staying with the same company is due to their lower rate. Additionally, he went over the six-year Protection and Indemnity (P&I) losses. Discussion by the Board Discussion ensued, including the following comments and inquiries: President Grosboll made the following inquiries: He inquired with regard to the total P&I losses, which amounted to $3,764,288. Mr. Stafford responded that the P&I losses included Jones Act claims and legal expenses. He inquired for an example of a Jones Act claim. Mr. Stafford responded that accident claims that take place on the vessels. He further inquired whether the District would continue using the same attorney, Rex Clack. Mr. Stafford responded that based on the new terms and conditions there will be a panel of lawyers that the underwriters will choose from. R A Director Pahre inquired whether the claims were employee related or passenger related. Mr. Stafford responded that there was one passenger claim and remainder of the claims was employee related claims. D (d) Action by the Committee Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors GROSBOLL/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION The Finance-Auditing Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve renewal of the District’s Marine Insurance Program, as follows: i. Renew the Hull & Machinery/Protection and Indemnity Insurance policy with AGCS Marine Insurance Company (50%), National Union (25%), and Starr Indemnity (25%), with an annual aggregate deductible of $500,000, and a limit of liability of $1,000,000, including Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) endorsements for the 2015 Policy Year, at an annual premium of $463,301, for a one-year term, effective February 28, 2015; FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 5 ii. Renew the Excess Marine Liability Insurance policy (including Terminal Operator’s Legal Liability and Excess Protection and Indemnity Insurance) with Starr Indemnity, National Union, AGCS Marine, Liberty Mutual, United States Fire, Atlantic Specialty and Great American, with a limit of liability of $100 million, including TRIA endorsements for the 2015 Policy Year, at an annual premium of $175,809 for a one-year term, effective February 28, 2015; and, iii. Renew the Vessel Pollution Liability Insurance policy with Great American at an annual premium of $6,751, for a one-year term, effective February 28, 2015; with the understanding that $645,861 will be split between FY14/15 and FY15/16 with $215,287 available in the FY14/15 Ferry Transit Division Operating Budget and $430,574 included in the FY15/16 Ferry Transit Division Operating Budget. FT Action by the Board at its meeting of February, 20, 2015 – Resolution NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). None NOES (0): ABSENT (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. Approve Suspension of the Planned Special Event Ferry Fare Increase Until February 1, 2016 R A (7) (a) Staff Report In a memorandum to the Committee, Director of Planning Ron Downing, Deputy General Manager/Administration & Development Kellee Hopper, Auditor-Controller Joseph M. Wire and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve suspension of the planned Special Event Ferry Fare increase until February 1, 2016. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Action by the Committee D (b) Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors GROSBOLL/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION The Finance-Auditing Committee recommends that the Board of Directors suspend the previously authorized $0.50 fare increase to the basic AT&T Park Special Event ferry fare, scheduled to take effect July 1, 2015, until February 1, 2016. Action by the Board at its meeting of February, 20, 2015 – Ordinance NON-CONSENT CALENDAR FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 6 AYES (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). NOES (0): None ABSENT (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. (8) Approve Suspension of the Planned Marin Local Fare Increase on Golden Gate Transit Regional Routes Effective July 1, 2015 (a) Staff Report (b) FT In a memorandum to the Committee, Director Planning Ron Downing, Deputy General Manager/Administration & Development Kellee Hopper, Auditor-Controller Joseph M. Wire and General Manager Denis Mulligan reported on staff’s recommendation to approve suspension of the planned Marin local fare increase on Golden Gate Transit Regional Routes effective July 1, 2015. A copy of the staff report is available on the District’s web site or upon request from the Office of the District Secretary. Action by the Committee R A Staff recommended and the Committee concurred by motion made and seconded by Directors GROSBOLL/COCHRAN to forward the following recommendation to the Board of Directors for its consideration: RECOMMENDATION The Finance-Auditing Committee recommends that the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance to suspend the planned local fare increase effective July 1, 2015, for Marin local riders who use Golden Gate Transit regional service and amend the Master Ordinance accordingly. D Action by the Board at its meeting of February, 20, 2015 – Ordinance NON-CONSENT CALENDAR AYES (7): Chair Stroeh; Vice Chair Pahre; Directors Cochran, Eddie, Fredericks and Yee; President Grosboll (Ex Officio). NOES (0): None ABSENT (3): Directors Moylan, Reilly and Sobel. (9) Monthly Review of Golden Gate Bridge Traffic/Tolls and Bus and Ferry Transit Patronage/Fares (for Seven Months Ending January 2015) (a) (b) Statement of Revenue and Expenses Statement of Capital Programs and Expenditures Discussion of this item was postponed to the Finance-Auditing Committee meeting scheduled for March 26, 2015. FINANCE-AUDITING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 20, 2015/PAGE 7 (10) Monthly Review of Financial Statement (for Seven Months Ending January 2015) (a) (b) Statement of Revenue and Expenses Statement of Capital Programs and Expenditures Discussion of this item was postponed to the Finance-Auditing Committee meeting scheduled for March 26, 2015. (11) Closed Session Attorney Kimon Manolius stated that the Committee would convene in Closed Session, to discuss the following matter, listed on the Agenda as Item No. (11)(a): Conference with Legal Counsel – Pending Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Report of Athens Administration, Inc. (1) Angela Washington v. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (2) Sheila Davis v. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District FT (a) (12) R A After Closed Session, Attorney Manolius called the meeting to order in Open Session with a quorum present. Attorney Manolius reported that the Committee had met in Closed Session as permitted by the Brown Act to discuss and vote on the matter listed under Closed Session, outlined above. He stated that the Committee heard a report from Athens Administration, Inc. and made a recommendation which will be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration at its meeting of February 20, 2015. Public Comment There was no public comment. Adjournment D (13) All business having been concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 a.m. Respectfully submitted, J. Dietrich Stroeh, Chair Finance-Auditing Committee JDS:AMK:AB:ab
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