May 2015 May 2015 MISSION/MISSION Newsletter Newsletter Vision: The General Education Leadership Network will be seen as a proactive, key decision-­‐making group that develops collaboration and efficiencies on projects, issues, and policy regarding student learning. Mission: The General Education Leadership Network’s mission is to provide leadership and direction focused on teaching and learning among Michigan’s ISD/RESAs. GENERAL EDUCATION GELN Accomplishments: LEADERSHIP NETWORK •
2014-­‐2015 Meeting Dates May 14, 2015 Ithaca, MI June 16 & 17, 2015 Traverse City, MI 41 participants with 38 ISDs represented at the April meeting. *GELN Meetings provide a forum for ISD Gen Ed Administrators to collaborate and focus support to LEAs. Please encourage your neighboring ISD/RESAs to participate. *Resources: www.gomaisa.org •
GELN is making plans for statewide Professional Development for SAT GLEN Research committee is conducting a book study on Collaborative Inquiry For Educators by Jenni Donohoo o GELN provided feedback on Science and Social Studies Standards process to MDE and feedback for Brad Biladeau on SB 103 GELN SSRC Work Group o GELN SSRC Work Group reported to MASA/MAISA SSRC Study Team st
on April 21 – next steps were discussed GELN RAG Task Force o Sharing ISD implementation processes and resources GELN partners with the Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Assessment Consortium, REMCAM, TRIG, MI ASCD, and others CONTENT LEADERSHIP TEAMS TALKING POINTS: MAISA ISD ELA Leadership Team: Facilitator, Erin Brown, Muskegon ISD 1.
ISD ELA Leadership Team met on April 28 . They have a plan for 2015-­‐2016 leadership and clarifying Operating Procedures. 4.
MAISA ISD Math Leadership Team: Facilitator: Dana Gosen, Oakland Schools th
ISD Math Leadership Team met on April 24 and finalized leadership for next year and meeting times. If you have ELA or Math Consultants you want to have involved in this group please contact Karen M or Karen S see emails below. 5.
SAT has shared their cost projections – see GELN 15-­‐04-­‐16 Meeting Notes KHAN Academy will be providing free test prep resources GELN has set a work group to plan for regional statewide training for SAT and will be reaching out to coordinate with MDE, CTE, Sp Ed, GenNET and TRIG Continue to remind local districts about the Michigan State Standard Curriculum resources and professional development resources – found on www.gomaisa.org Please share bit.ly/pilotgrammar2015 with K-12 teachers interested in
piloting the grammar resources being created to pair with the MAISA writing
units. “Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -­‐ Lou Holtz Mike Yocum, Chair -­‐ Michael.Yocum@oakland.k12.mi.us Karen Mlcek, Co-­‐Director -­‐ karenmlcek@gmail.com and Karen Szcodronski, Co-­‐Director -­‐ karenszc22@gmail.com