Moody PTA’s “Club M” Spring Dance Friday, May 1, 2015 7:00 - 9:00 PM George H. Moody Middle School Gymnasium Admission: $5.00 The Moody PTA will sponsor an evening dance on Friday, May 1, 2015, from 7:00-9:00 pm. Only Moody students may attend. Students must return a signed permission slip (below) and purchase the $5.00 ticket in the school clinic by Friday morning, 5/1, in order to be allowed to attend. The admission fee includes music, refreshments, photos, and lots of fun! *Please read the following guidelines: 1. The guidelines found in the Henrico County Student Code of Conduct and in our Student Handbook will be enforced at the dance. 2. No student placed in MAP, suspended, or serving time in MAP on the day of the dance will be allowed to attend. Students who are absent from school on Friday, May 1st will not be able to attend the dance. 3. Inappropriate dancing will not be allowed. Parents are encouraged to review appropriate dancing and behavior before the dance. 4. Attire: Boys - nice slacks (No jeans) with a casual button-up top or collared shirt (no T-shirts). Girls - dresses or skirts no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. The appropriate clothing for this dance is from casual to semiformal, observing the dress code; however, we would like everyone to dress nicely. 5. Cell phones must be put away and not used or visible during the dance. If your child needs to use a phone, he/she will be allowed to use the school phone. 6. All students are expected to have transportation home by 9:00pm. Please respect the personal time of parent volunteers and school staff and be here before 9:00pm for pick up. Plan a location outside the school where you will meet your student. Administrators will dismiss 6th grade students at 8:50pm, 7th at 8:55pm, and 8th at 9:00pm. Cut here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My child, ________________________________________ (PRINT CLEARLY, PLEASE), has my permission to attend the PTA “Club Raider” Dance on FRIDAY, MAY 1st from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. We have read ALL the guidelines above and agree to abide by them. Student’s Signature: _________________________________________ Grade: __________ Student’s APP Teacher: ________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Parent’s Phone Numbers: __________________________/____________________________ HOME NUMBER CELL NUMBER Permission slips & money must be returned to the clinic between 8:10-8:35 AM, Apr. 22nd - May 1st.
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