Gondwana University, Gadchiroli ffi IIIIDC Road Complcx, Gadchiroli-442 505, Maharashtra(Ihdia) Master of Technology-Regular-Semester Jlar-5emester zul 2O12-Electrical z-Electncal Power System-FY M.Tech Sem-I Examination of Summer 2O15 Time Table Day Paper Name Date Start End Time Time Monday 18-May-201 5 EP101 - Energy Management and Auditing-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05:00: PM Wednesday 20-May-201 5 EP102 - Application of Power Electronics in Power SystemsTheory-UA 02:00:PM 05:00:PM Friday 22-May-2OL5 EPl03 - Power System Dynamics-Theory-UA 02:00:PM 05:00:PM Monday 25-May-201 5 EP104-A - Electrical Power Quality-Theory-UA 02:00:PM 05;00:PM Monday 25-May-201 5 EP104-B - Processor Applications in Power Systems-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05:00: PM Monday 25-May-2015 EP104-C 02:00: PM 05 :00 : PM - Power system Optimization-Theory-UA GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examination Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate. However, it is notified for general information of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examination Centre will be notified separately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to get the necessary information about his/hgr Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate. , n n Place : Gadchiroli A^^"t Gondwana UniversitY, Gadchiroli ffi MIDC Road complex, Gadchiroli-442 605, Maharashtra(India) Master of Technology-Regular-Semester 2O12-Electrical Power System-FY M.Tech- Sem-II Examination of Summer 2O15 Time Table Start Paper Name Date Day Tuesday 19-May-2015 Thursday 21 Saturday 23-May-201 5 -May-20 1 5 End Time Time - Advanced Power Electronics-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05 :00: PM 8P202 - Advanced Power System Protection-Theory-UA 02 ;00: PM 05 :00: PM - Computer Applications in Power Systems-Theory- 02:00: PM 05:00: PM EP201 EP203-A UA Satu rda y 23-May-2015 EP203-B - Advanced Electrical Drives-Theory-UA 02:00:PM 05:00: PM Saturday 23-May-2015 EP203-C - 02:00: PM 05 :00 : PM Tuesday 26-May-2015 EP2O4-A - AI Techniques to Power Svstem-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05:00: Tuesday 26-May-201 5 EP204-B - Power System Deregulation-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05:00: PM Tuesday 26-May-2015 EP204-C 02:00: PM 05:00: PM Power System Planning & Reliability -Theory-UA - Advanced Control System-Theory-UA PM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examinatron Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate. However, it is notified for general information of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examinataon Centre will be notified sepirately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective his/ Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to get the necessary information about his/h€r Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate, Place : Gadchiroli 71 fiontroller\r Xamii5tions (x W* u^u UniversitY, Cadchirol ifi . Gondwana University, Gadchiroli ffi MfDC Road Complex, Gadchlroll-442 605, Maharashtra(hdia) Master of Technology-Regular-Semester 2O12-Electrical Power System-SY M.Tech Sem III Examination of Summer 2015 Time Table Paper Name Date Day Start End Time Time Monday 01-Jun-201 5 EP301 - Research Methodology-Theory-UA 02: 00: PM 05 :00 : PM Wednesday 03-lun-201 5 EP303 - Renewable Energy Systems-Theory-UA 02:00:PM 05:00: PM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examination Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate. However, it is notified for general lnformation of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examination Centre will be notified separately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to qet the necessary information about his/her Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate. Place : Gadchiroli Gadch i rol i Gondwana University, Gadchiroli MtDC Road Complex, Gadchiroli-442 605. Maharashtra(lndia) W Master of Technology-Regular-Semester 2O12-structural Engineerang-FY M.Tech-Sem-I Examination of Summer 2015 Time Table Day Date Stalt Paper Name End Time Time Monday 1B-May-201 5 STC101 - Matrix Analvsis of Structures -Theorv-UA 02 : 00: PM 06: 00 : PM Wednesday 20-May-2015 STC102 - Advanced Concrete Structures-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 06:00: Friday 22-May-20L5 STC103 - New Construction Materials -Theory-UA 02;00: PM 05:00:PM Monday 25-May-2015 STC104 - Building Services -Theory-UA 02:00:PM 05:00: PM Wednesday 27-Mav-2015 STC105A - Structural Instrumentation & Material ScienceTheory-UA 02:00: 05:00: PM Wednesday 27-May-2015 STC105B - Comoutational Technioues-Theorv-UA 02:00 r PM PM PM 05:00:PM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examination Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate, However, it is notified for general information of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examination Centre will be notified separately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to get the necessary information abo_ut his/her Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate. fl Place : Gadchiroli O\J i Gondwana University, Gadchiroli iW MIDC Road Complex, Gadchiroli-442 605, Maharashtra(India) @ Master of Technology-Regular-Semester 2o12-Structural Engineering-FY M.Tech-Sem- II Examination of Summer 2O15 Time Table Day Start Paper Name Date End Time Time Tuesday 28-Apr-201 5 STC205B - Advance Design of Steel Structures-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 05:00: PM Tuesday 19-May-201 STC201 - Finite Element Method -Theory-UA 02:00: PM 06:00: Thursday 21-May-201 5 STC202 - Structural Dynamics-Theory-UA 02:0o:PM 05:00:PM Satu rday 23-May-201 5 STC203 - Design of Substructures-Theory-UA 02:00: PM 06 :00: PM Tuesday 26-May-201 5 STC204 - Advanced Construction 14anaoement and 02 : 00: PM 05 :00: PM 02:00: PM 05:00: 5 PM Tech nology-Theory- UA Thursday 2B-May-201 5 STC205A - Construction Contract and Specification-Theory-UA PM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examination Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate, However, it is notified for general information of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examination Centre will be notified separately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective hF/her aFQut hF Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to get the necessary information aFQUt Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate. _,-, ^t \-/ Place : Gadchiroli Un iversity, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli I MIOC Road comPlex, Gadchiroli-442 605, Maharashtra(India) ffiry .v_ o&*4 Master of Technology-Regular-semester zOl2-Structural Engineering-SY M.Tech - Sem III Examination of Summer 2015 Time Table Start Paper Name Date Day End Time Time Monday 01 -J un-201 5 STC301 - Design of Earthquake resisting R.C. StructuresTheory-UA 02: 00: Wednesday 03-J un-20 STC302 - Quality and Safety in Construction -Theory-UA 02:00: PM 1 5 PM 06:00: PM 05:00: PM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEATING ARRANGEMENT The name of the Examination Centre (Venue) is already printed on the Hall ticket (admission card) of each candidate. However, it is notified for general information of the candidate that the seating arrangement for the Examination Centre will be notified separately prior to the commencement of the written examination at the respective Examination Centre. The concerned candidates will also be able to get the necessary information about hif/her Examination Centre from the concerned college of the candidate. A\"1 ^ Place : Gadchiroli Controlle bndwana University, Gadchiroli
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