B eginning & A dvanced O bedience C anine G ood C itizen C er tification P uppy C lasses & P rivate L essons R attlesnake A voidance Changing the Dog World, One Owner at a Time No metal choke chains or pinch collars allowed. We don’t need them! Founded by Bob Burkhardt in 1983, Good Dog Training School has been an integral part of dog obedience training in Poway for over 25 years. Contact Lynne Moore WEBSITE: gooddogtrainingschool.com PHONE: (858) 748-7943 EMAIL: gooddogtrainingschool@gmail.com In cooperation with Poway Community Services and the San Diego Park and Recreation Department, training is conducted at locations in Poway and Rancho Bernardo. Poway Tuesday Evening classes held at Old Poway Park Gazebo, 14134 Midland Road, Poway, CA 92064. Saturday Morning classes held at Garden Road Park, 14901 Garden Road, Poway, CA 92064. Wednesday Evening classes held at Poway Dog Park, 13094 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064. Rancho Bernardo Thursday Evening classes are held at the Rancho Bernardo–Glassman Recreation Center Gazebo, 18448 West Bernardo Drive, San Diego, CA 92127. Puppy Kindergarten This 4-week class lays the groundwork for a wellbehaved adult dog and provides an opportunity for appropriate socialization with other puppies. Introductory (Basic Obedience) Beginning obedience 6-week class for puppies and adult dogs. You and your dog will learn to walk without pulling, come, sit, down, heel, and stay. A printed manual accompanies the class so you can do homework exercises outside class. Behavioral problems, including jumping, nipping, digging, and chewing will be discussed during class. Intermediate (Canine Good Citizen) You and your dog will experience more in-depth distraction training. Turn your dog into a canine good citizen, a joy to you, your friends, and neighbors; welcome everywhere, with no barking, biting, jumping, or pulling. Dogs will always come happily and want to be with you. Class is 6 weeks in length. Advanced (Off Leash) 6-week off-Leash classes are held at Poway Dog Park. You will learn to work with your dog off leash and build an even stronger bond when your dog is not under leash control. Rattlesnake Avoidance Clinics Protect your best friend — whether hiking, camping, or sitting in the backyard, you can encounter rattlesnakes. Proven techniques teach your dog to avoid rattlesnakes and warn you of their presence. This training is priceless. Private lessons If you have special needs or your dog is exhibiting problem behavior, we can schedule a private lesson in your home or a nearby public park. For class dates, registration, and other information, please go to gooddogtrainingschool.com All Dogs participating in Dog Obedience classes must have updated shots and current dog license if 4 months or older. A copy of the San Diego County Department of Animal Control license form must be presented at time of registration.
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