The Yunus Inside – Social Intrapreneurship Dr. Heiko Spitzeck Dr Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Divides Realities Opportunities 1 Demographic The world is heading to a population of 9 billion by 2050, with 95% of growth expected in developing countries. To meet the needs of billions of people affected by market failures in both developing and developed countries. 2 Financial 40% of the world’s wealth is owned by 1% of the population while the poorest 50% can claim just 1% of the wealth. Help the have-nots become bankable, insurable and entrepreneurial. 3 Nutritional The world now produces enough food for everyone, but over 850 million people still face chronic hunger every day. Address the needs of those with too little food — and too much. 4 Resources 60% of ecosystem services, such as fresh water and climate regulation, are being degraded or used unsustainably. Enable development that uses the earth’s resources in a sustainable way. y droughts, g and the destruction of 5 Environmental The loss of biodiversity, coral reefs are just some of the challenges facing the globe. Create markets that pprotect and enhance the environment. 6 Health Some 39.5 million people live with HIV/AIDS in the world, now the fourth largest killer disease. Create markets that encourage healthy lifestyles and enable equal access to healthcare. 7 Gender Two-thirds of the world’s 1 billion illiterate people are women. Enable and empower women to participate equally and fairly in society and the economy. 8 Educational About 100 million children within emerging economies are not enrolled in pprimaryy education. Provide the mechanisms to transfer knowledge and learningg that empowers p all levels of societies. 9 Digital Internet users worldwide topped 1.1 billion in 2007, but only 4% of Africans and 11% of Asians have internet access. Develop inclusive technology that enables all levels of society to tackle each of these divides 10 Security Between 1994 and 2003, 2003 the majority of the 13 million deaths caused by intra-state conflict took place in sub Saharan Africa and western and southern Asia — regions that are home to 75% of the world’s 37 million refugees and displaced people. Work to promote security and reduce conflict based on inequity and exclusion The Success of Social Entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship has been defined as a combination of “economic benefits of entrepreneurship with the delivery of social and environmental outcomes” and is p perceived as holding “the potential to assist the economic and social development of individuals and societies around the world” (Haugh, 2007: 743). Grameen got more than 2 Mio people out of poverty In 2006 Muhammad Yunus received g the Peace Nobel prize – for founding a bank! … overlooking what is happening inside of corporations Social Intrapreneur Organization Idea Impact Nick Hughes Susie Lonie Vodafone Telecom M‐PESA Societal Mobile Phone Money Access to safe and affordable ff d bl banking b ki T Transfer f Service S i services. Business 200,000 , new customers in the first year of operation. Luis Sota CEMEX Patrimonio Hoy y Cement and Provide low‐income construction housing solutions to Mexican customers by business offering microfinance, microfinance and architectural and technical advice. Societal Home ownership for about 200,000 families in Mexico. Business The programme today is CEMEX’s most profitable as it represents 35% of the total market for cement in Mexico. A Social Intrapreneur - is clearly driven by a societal mission - uses entrepreneurial and social skills - uses the h organization i i as a lleverage for f societal benefit - aims for any innovation promising large scale impact - has to satisfy profitability considerations of the employer - cannott share h th the iinnovation ti ffreely l d due to competitiveness issues Help needed… needed Social intrapreneurs are a rare breed, however, so your help in spotting them is vital to the success of our research. If you know someone who would be interested in participating in this research – or if you are a social intrapreneur yourself you se – p please ease co contact tact us Heiko Spitzeck p Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Cranfield University – School of Management
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