WELCOME,GUESTS! Today’sSermonbyDerekMcNamara We are honored with your presence and your willingness to join us in worshipping God today. An a ended nursery for 0-24 months is available in the foyer and 2 year olds meet in room 5. Children ages 3-5 will be dismissed a$er the Lord’s Supper for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance is available at the sound booth. YOU ARE MY WITNESSES Act 1:1-11 If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for a place to worship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the oversight of our shepherds and becoming part of our family in serving the Lord. If you are not a member of a church and would like to learn more about the Church of Christ, we would be honored to answer any ques-ons you may have. Please fill out an ivory visitor’s card and drop it in the offering plate. If you would be interested in a home Bible study please call Derek McNamara at 662-349-3600. MEETINGTIMES Sunday: Bible Class Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Wednesday: Bible Class 9:00AM 10:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM 1700 Goodman Rd. E • Southaven, MS 38671 MINISTERS OFFICESTAFF Dr. Derek McNamara office@goodmanoaks.com Senior Minister Derek@goodmanoaks.com Ma7hew Crowe Antoine7e Jones Antoine e@goodmanoaks.com Associate Minister Ma hew@goodmanoaks.com Alan Underwood Minister of Children’s Educa4on Alan@goodmanoaks.com Jared McCormick Youth Minister Raynee Randolph Raynee@goodmanoaks.com Office Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8AM-12PM and 1-5 PM Fri: 8AM-12PM and 1-4PM Phone: (662) 349-3600 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ GoodmanOaks ChurchofChrist 03/15/2015 05/17/2015 Vol. 4 No. 20 11 ORDEROFWORSHIP May 17, 2015 . Singing - Dan Beard “TBA” “TBA” Welcome - Derek McNamara “TBA” Prayer - Nick Eddlemon “TBA” The Lord’s Supper and Offering Bill Pounders “TBA” Message - Derek McNamara YOU ARE MY WITNESSES Act 1:1-11 Invita4on Song: “TBA” Shepherd’s Prayer - Tim Mobley Jared@goodmanoaks.com Him we proclaim, THEWEEKLYRECORD SHEPHERDS Phil Anderson Marty Brownfield David Butler Randy Denton Jimmy Eddlemon Tim Mobley Gordon Schmi7ou Jerry Winstead elders@goodmanoaks.com warning warningeveryone everyoneand andteaching teachingeveryone everyone Contribu4ons: Sunday Offering Weekly Budget $21,187 $22,900 A7endance: Bible Class Morning Assembly Midweek Class 311 636 203 with with allall wisdom, wisdom, that that wewe may may present present everyone everyonemature matureininChrist. Christ. ~Colossians 1:28
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