COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 Big Local Eastern Sheppey Partnership (BLESP) Consultant Brief March 2015 SW 16.3.15 1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. About Eastern Sheppey and the local Community 4. About the Partnership 5. Policy Framework 6. Overall Aims and Objectives of the Project 7. Deliverables 8. Timeframe and Budget 9. Submission requirements 10. Assessment of submissions 11. Copyright and Confidentiality 12. Fee Structure and Payment Schedule 13. Contact SW 16.3.15 2 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 1. Introduction The Big Local Eastern Sheppey Partnership (BLESP) and Swale Community and Voluntary Services (SCVS), as the accountable body and local trusted organisation (LTO) for the grant agreement are seeking the services of a suitable and appropriately experienced consultant/organisation to undertake the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Year 2 deliverables in accordance with BLESP’s Big Local Plan together with the partnership and its members. 2. Background Big Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m each to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. Big Local brings together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live. The Big Lottery Fund chose areas across the country that had been overlooked for funding in the past, particularly by the Big Lottery Fund. The selections were discussed with key local partners and local authorities to ensure that local issues and views on priorities were taken into account. Big Local is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and managed by Local Trust . Local Trust’s mission is to enable residents to make their communities and their areas even better places in which to live; Big Local is its first and initiative. A Big Local partnership is a group of people, who together are responsible for guiding the overall direction of Big Local in their area. A Big Local plan describes how each area will work towards becoming an even better place to live. Big Local partnerships and plans are endorsed by Local Trust. 3. About Eastern Sheppey and the local Community The Eastern Sheppey Big Local area is on the eastern end of the Isle of Sheppey, and made up of a cluster of small rural villages, including Warden Bay, Eastchurch and the seaside resort of Leysdown-on-sea, all based within the wards of Leysdown and Warden, and Sheppey Central. - See more at: 4. The Partnership SW 16.3.15 3 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 The Eastern Sheppey Big Local Partnership is designed to reflect the specific needs and characteristics of our area. Local residents interested in participating in the Big Local pathway have been meeting since April 2012 and the partnership was officially formed in November 2013.The BLESP plan was endorsed in May 2014 and the first round of funding was released in August 2014. Year One deliverables are underway and making steady progress.The partnership is made up of local residents (voting members) and local organisations and service providers (non-voting members). A minimum of 51% of the partnership must be made up of local residents. The partnership currently meets once a month and has designated champions for themed projects in year one. 5.Policy Framework BLESP vision ‘Providing sustainable and inclusive opportunities to drive positive change for the Eastern Sheppey Community’ o Realising Swale’s Ambitions o Swale’s Sport and Physical Activity Framework (SPAF) o Green Grid Strategy and a Biodiversity Action Plan o Swale Borough Council’s Corporate Plan ( also takes into consideration added value of the individual and community) o Swale Tourism Action Plan for 2015/16 o Local First o Swale Borough Council’s Volunteering Strategy 6. Big Local outcomes o Communities will be better able to identify local needs and take action in response to them. o People will have increased skills and confidence, so that they continue to identify and respond to needs in the future. o The community will make a difference to the needs it prioritises. o People will feel that their area is an even better place to live. SW 16.3.15 4 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 7. Deliverables Consultants are to provide a programme showing the duration required for individual tasks and dates anticipated for the delivery of the Year 2 plan. From the plan projects are separated into seven key themes: Community Safety - Provide a safe, inclusive environment for Eastern Sheppey community and its visitors Employment - To improve employment for young people and to encourage entrepreneurship within the local area. We want more local employers and reduced unemployment levels. Health and well-being - Bring about improvements in our community`s physical and mental health Leisure and tourism - Organised and sustainable multi sports opportunities that are accessible to the whole of the Eastern Sheppey community Local economy - To promote and enhance sustainable opportunities for the community through partnership working Natural and built environment - Protect and develop the environment, involve the community in the countryside, develop links to the farming community Transport - A better informed and connected community Examples of Deliverables within the key themes Community Chest facilitation and associated administration Manage ‘Cycle Hire Service’ Project including Doctor Bike Surgeries Communications and Social Media Community engagement and development Manage employability theme project Additional Signage Support local shopping and markets ( Year 1 – 10) Develop Social Enterprise Opportunities ( Year 1 – 5) Identify funding streams and submit funding applications to ‘grow’ the original Big Local monies. Approach 3 Parish Councils to identify funding opportunities Year 1 - 10 Use the Youth Advisory Team to explore ideas Year 2 - 10 Approach allotment and gardening clubs to develop plans Identify spaces that could possibly be used as a dog park Look into other areas with dog parks for pros / cons Explore possibilities for natural wood play areas Year 2 Explore possibilities for natural wood play areas Year 2 Set up groups locally Year 1 - 10 Local business network formed 8. Time frame and Budget SW 16.3.15 5 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 The timeframe will be from 1st June 2015 – 31st May 2016 (option to extend). Consultants are invited to submit a quotation for the delivery of the year 2 plan. Consultant fees and expenses should not exceed £25,000.00 (including VAT) There is an additional travel, expenses and venue budget of £4k. 9. Submission requirements Applicants should supply the following material to register an Expression of Interest: 1. A cover letter of no more than 1 page 2. A curriculum vitae 3. A supporting statement which will: o Outline how you would approach this project (maximum of 2 pages) including Full fee structure (all fees are to be VAT inclusive) o Project timeline • Capacity to undertake project in the required timeframe o Details of personnel to be engaged on the project o Demonstrate how you meet the position criteria (maximum of 4 pages) including o References to similar works performed o 2 testimonials/ references: one current and one previous. 10. Assessment of submissions Submissions will need to demonstrate: o Previous experience and a successful track record in achieving quality outcomes in similar projects. o A good knowledge of the development of Big Local projects o Strong community engagement, consultancy, communication and research skills. o A good understanding of budgeting and financial management o A high level of verbal, written and visual communication. o A good understanding of Eastern Sheppey In consideration of the above the following criteria and weighing will apply: SW 16.3.15 6 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CONSULTANT BRIEF VERSION 1 o Relevant experience (previous work of this type) o Track record (general reputation for work competence, capacity) o Technical skills (people systems, specific abilities) o Management (organisation, acceptance insurance, economic stability, quality systems) o Methodology (how the project is going to be tackled, scope of work) o Time performance (as proposed for the project – likelihood of meeting it) 11. Copyright & Confidentiality BLESP and SCVS will retain ownership & publishing rights of all documentation and the right of inclusion in other works. All information pertaining to the project will remain confidential until BLESP and SCVS approves release. 12. Fee Structure and Payment Schedule The fee structure for the consultancy is to be based on key staging, outputs and timeframes denoted. Payment will be made by staged payments upon the successful completion of tasks. 13. Contact The agreement will be managed by Sarah Williams (on behalf of the accountable body SCVS) Deadline for submission of applications: 5pm Fri 17th April 2015 Interviews will take place on Friday 24th April For further enquiries contact: Sarah Williams, Assistant Director, Swale Community and Voluntary Services 01795 473828 SW 16.3.15 7
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