The Shepherd Talk Good Shepherd Worship Our Worship Schedule May 10, 2015 This week’s schedule… Sunday (5/10): Mother’s Day 9:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday’s: 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Education Hour at 9:20 a.m. Holy Communion is served on the first and third weekend of each month Fellowship SS – Jr Youth – Youth - BC Speidel Journey Group Monday 6:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Geiger Journey Group Bible Information Class Tuesday Weekly Report Attendance 5/03 /15: 330 8:00 - 192 10:45 – 138 Visitors: 30 SS: 52 Youth: 7 BC: 111 Offerings Weekly Need: $13,967.00 Gifts 5-03-15: Gen Fund $14,304.57 Stepping Up: $ 7195.00 VISION 2020 Equip and empower the saints of God to influence their world for Christ! MISSION In Christ, Grow with Purpose and Go with Passion Top in the News! Mission Moments Please remember to pray for: The joy of Easter to overflow in the hearts of believers Safety of missionaries and their families Zeal for WELS churches to seek out mission opportunities Patience in sharing Jesus with those who resist him LES News Preschool Enrollment For Fall Of 2015 We have started taking registrations for next fall for our Preschool Program. If you need a spot, don't delay contacting Mrs. Streckert. The nonrefundable registration fee is $110.00. We offer several options to meet the various needs of our families. These include morning, or extended-day sessions, September through May. 4-yr. olds have the option of enrolling 3 days/week on Mon./Wed./Thurs. or enrolling in all 5 days, Mon.Fri. The program is available to 3-yr. olds 2 days/week on Tues./Fri. Please check the school web site for more detailed info or contact our Director, Mrs. Streckert. BoxTops For Education Thank you to all those who continue to cut out those box tops from General Mills cereals and other participating products. This past week the school received a check for $430.40. Although each box top is only worth $0.10, the amount totals up quickly when many people work together. This money will be deposited into our school's PTO account and used to help fund various school projects and needed classroom items. Thank you to all those who continue to make this program a success for our school! Garage Sale 2015 Garage Sale Save The Date and Save Your Goods! Thursday, June 25th Friday, June 26th Saturday, June 27th All proceeds will benefit our Kitchen remodeling project and a WELS mission project. Scrip Tired of cooking? Feel like a night out? Applebee's Chili's, Outback, Red Robin, Panera Bread, Taco Bell, Noodles & Company, Pizza Hut, Arby's, Papa Murphy's, Subway, KFC and many, many more are part of the scrip program. You pay the face value of the gift card and they make a donation to Good Shepherd. It's that easy! A complete list of participating retailers is available at Orders are due by 12:30pm Sundays and generally ready by the end of the week. Order forms are available at school or online at ort-good-shepherd-school. Questions? Contact Bobbi Retzlaff at 952-8080508 or Annual Voter’s Meeting/Forum 75 members attended the meeting last week between services! The Voters gave approval to extend provisional calls to Becky Birr for Grade 2 and Leah Samuelson for PreK 3 yr olds for another year. The following men were elected for two year terms on our Executive Board/ Leadership Team: Vice-President/Elder Chair: Dr. Ron Hunt, Treasurer: Paul Wirth, Stewardship: Dr. Nate Samuelson, Outreach: Open, Child Discipleship Chair: Dan Krueger, Member Support: Rick Osberg, Board of Child Discipleship: Dr. BJ Anderson, Monty White, (appointed Ben Bushaw-1 yr term). Updates were given on the progress of Stepping Up!, three Vision 2020 goals and transition as Pastor Dave announces his retirement effective June 30, 2016. A follow up meeting will be held June7th…watch for more details. Special Worship Opportunities In May Ascension Service: We will be celebrating Christ’s Ascension into heaven on Thursday, May 14, at 6:30 p.m. The Lord’s Supper will also be celebrated in this service. Please join us for this festival service. Concert: Chris Driesbach is a WELS singer/songwriter who will be leading our worship on Sunday, May 24, and presenting a concert between services. Come and hear his incredible story of going from an atheist to a Christian. LES Graduations: The preschool graduation is Wednesday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. The Kindergarten/8th grade graduation is Thursday, May 28, at 6:30 p.m. Please join us in celebrating with and honoring these students. Summer Education Hour You are invited this summer Sundays May 31 – Aug 30 9:30 -10:30 am Rainforest Kids Hour 14 weeks of: Bible Story Center on Parables of Jesus Art Center Activities Center Coloring/Puzzle Center Worship Center Make this summer memorable and fun as kids GROW! Study for Adults on Parables of Jesus at the same time! Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School 151 E Co Rd 42, Burnsville, MN. 55306 952-432-5527 952-953-0690 Served by Pastor David Tiarks 612-889-1789 Pastor Michael Geiger 612-381-4334 David Retzlaff, Principal 612-381-4355 6:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Class – “Romans” Pastor’s Circuit Meeting Square Dance) Getting Connected Worship Team Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. LES Worship BC – “I Peter” Red Cross Bloodmobile Thursday 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Bible Class – “Romans” ASCENSION WORSHIP with Lord’s Supper Executive Board Friday Men’s Softball TBD Sunday (5/17): 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. DIVINE WORSHIP with Lord’s Supper Fellowship Education Hour DIVINE WORSHIP with Lord’s Supper LES Bowling SS Recognition Dinner Tiarks Journey Group LES Award’s Night Speidel Journey Group C Serving Today Organist: K. Scislow 5-17: J. Bousley Ushers (8:00): C&J Christenson, R&R Mehlberg, E&M Prokop Ushers (10:45): J. Buller, C. Hagen, E, Kiecker, F. Malina, C. Meyer Altar Guild: G. Biggerstaff/S. Kiecker Greeters 8:00: T&K Speidel 5-17: Needed Greeters10:45: S. Eckhardt 5-17: Needed PowerPoint Presenters: E. Prokop/S. Garrett 5-17: B. Arndt/K. Meyer Nursery: S. Cairney/B. Berg 5-17: S. McTarsney/K. Dombrock & Grace Prayer Requests Please share your prayer requests by visiting and simply click on Prayer Request. Or complete your request on a Prayer Request card and place in the offering plate or in MB# 9. Fellowship Volunteers We wish to thank the Prokop/Copland families for serving refreshments today. Fellowship leader for the month is Lisa Carmichael. Coming weeks: May 10 Open May 17 Open May 24 Open We can always use more volunteers…sign up by the mailbins if you would like to help! Dawn Prokop and Kathy Taylor will help you get started if you haven’t served before. Stewardship Thot Most of us won’t be drafted by professional football or basketball teams, but, as Christians, we receive a greater calling. We, in essence, are God’s draft choices. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16) God has made us part of His team. We are not chosen by God because we are successful in our careers, great athletes, or wealthy. God chooses ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things. Adult Discipleship with Corey Krieger Come! Join Us In The Word On Sunday Morning! Education Hour For Adults:“The Story” & “Micah” Come! Join Us In The Word During The Week! Journey Groups: “The Story” Tues AM Men’s Breakfast Bible Study: “Romans” Wed PM Small Group: “I Peter” Thurs AM Small Group: “Romans” “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Member Support with Rick Osberg Board of Member Support is looking for members to fill some open spots on our committees. Please speak to Rick Osberg to find out what opportunities we have! Stewardship with Scott Garrett Goals From Stewardship Innovations Wkshp 1. Communicate impact of outreach events after event to show impact of event – (School open house, Easter Eggstravaganza, etc.) Begin with Open House (Jan 24) and Easter Eggstravaganza (Mar 28). 2. Build an effort to educate youth (teens) in financial stewardship/money management – implement Fall of 2015. More coming next week…….. Give It A Try with Judy Bousley We have 4 spots open on our Sunday Morning Nursery Schedule. Won’t you consider helping…the need is urgent! You can chose either for 8:00 or 10:45 service. If you we get enough volunteers, your turn comes up about once every six weeks. Contact Jane Tiarks ASAP! HUB News with Susan Wilmes HUB People: To find out a person’s address, phone and/or email. ) Log-on the HUB. 2) On left, select PEOPLE or fifth icon (2 heads) from the top. 3) In the search box begin entering the person’s LAST name. 4) When their name appears, select it. 5) The address, phone and/or email will be displayed if the person entered it into their HUB profile. 6) To send an email, on right select SEND AN EMAIL. 7) Complete the information and select SEND (lower right). Youth Group with Edie Stellick Youth - we will be planning more activities soon - if you are not on our email or text blast list, please text or email Edie at 952-594-4391 or email to get the updated info. Sunday School with Angie Koch SS Recognition Luncheon ALL GS members invited! May 17, 2015. 12 noon – 2 pm Enjoy some fellowship, thank our Sunday School volunteers and thank our parents and GS members for their support throughout the year! Please bring a side dish/salad to share. Menu includes nacho/salad bar, dessert bar, drinks. RSVP by Call/Text 507-319-4551 or email or SS blog – evite. Ministry Happenings Senior Recognition Sunday Sunday, June 7, (**Note the change in date) is the day set aside to recognize our graduating Seniors from respective schools in our area. Join us for light refreshments and fellowship between our services in the gym/fellowship area in honor of our graduates. The graduates are: Joshua Arndt, Rachel Bravo, Jacob Buller, Paul Camichael, Colin Fackler, Joshua Galkowski, Alex Hager, Bethany Hennen, Jenna Klatt, Isaac Krieger, Sara Lehne, Kody Lemcke, Ashley Malina, Lucas Sortor, and Jon Tollefson. The Lord's richest blessings on you and your future endeavors! Camp Croix Youth Bible Camp dates: (Session 1) July 12-18; (Session 2) July 19-25; (Session 3) July 26-Aug1. Staff applications and online registration at Camp Croix Clean-Up Weekends – Apr 24-26 & May1-3. For more information please contact us at SC News Call For New SCL President Extended The Board of Regents voted unanimously to extend a call to Mr. Todd Ross, current academic dean at SCL, to serve as the new president. Please keep Mr. Russ, his family, and the SCL family in your prayers as he deliberates this call. Open House & Dedication Ceremony You are cordially invited to attend the Open House & Dedication Ceremony officially signaling the completion of St. Croix’s new, three-story dormitory on Friday, May 29, 2015. 5:00 pm Dormitory Tours Begin and 6:00 pm Dedication Ceremony. Ceremony will be held outside in the front of the new dormitory, or in the lower level dining hall if weather is inclement. Following the ceremony, you are welcome to stay for the Annual Spring Concert at 7:00 pm in the St. Croix gymnasium featuring the Crusader Choir, Chorus, Croixaliers, Concert Band and Jazz Band. LES News Tuition Assistance Application We will now be accepting applications for the families that are signed up for the 2015-2016 school year. We have a limited amount of funds available in our Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) that can be awarded to families to ensure Christian education at Good Shepherd. To help the TAP committee manage the funds available, an application deadline of May 15 has been set for all current families. After May 15, the committee will look at the number of families requesting assistance, review each family's request and report from FAIR, and allocate awards as needed based upon the amount of funds available. In early June, someone from the committee will contact each family and update them on their award amount so that financial plans can be made for next school year. Applications after May 15 will not be reviewed until the middle of July. If you will be requesting tuition assistance, please keep that in mind and be sure to meet the May 15 deadline. Don’t forget to bring your aluminum cans to the “Trash-ma-hall” in the West parking lot. Please note: Cans Only…not bottles, aluminum foil, etc.! Get your cans in NOW! Funds collected support special projects! Book Club Next meeting: June 3 Where: Church Nursery Time: 6:30 p.m. Facilitator: Judy Bousley Book: “The Shoemaker’s Wife” by Adriana Trigiani with Steve Berg Gardeners still needed! We want the outside of our church to be as welcoming as the inside. Can you help with planting and watering flowers or lawn mowing this summer, please see Jerry Christenson 952-431-6919 or Worship with Warren Backer New Series “Connecting My Story To His Story… “Under Construction” May 17 “God’s Story..My Story.. A Story Of Grace” May 24 Special Service by Chris Driesbach Outreach Open Have you met someone new recently? Almost every Sunday at worship we have individuals visit. Friendly first impressions are so important. How about be the one to make a positive first impression in someone’s life each Sunday! Child Discipleship with Brian Schultz I would like to say "Thank You" to all the parents who have turned in the 2015 - 2016 school year enrollments forms. It is a GREAT blessing to have so many children in our school where they are able to receive the true word of God and a great education on a daily basis. Our school setting allows us to make God the center of their worlds, which can not be done in the public school setting. Don't forget we have now expanded our Pre-K offerings to optional full day classes. Pioneers Pioneers will hold their Awards Night, Monday, May 18, at 6:30 p.m. This is the night the boys and girls will be recognized for the work they have accomplished on their requirements for the year. After the Awards ceremony refreshments will be served in the gym. It will be a great night! We hope everyone will be able to attend! OWLS Join us for our next activities: Jun 2 Jun 24 OWLS Polka Fest at Bloomington Luth. Twins Game To help the TAP committee in making allocations, please begin the 2-step application listed below. All information is kept confidential. Step 1: Complete general questions found at the following link: TAP Form Step 2: Log into the FAIR website (information is provided at the top of the survey) and complete your financial information. We will need your recent tax information and a listing of monthly expenditures. You Are Invited May 15-17 Art A Whirl at St. John’s, NE Minneapolis May 16 Sing-a-long at Lutheran Home, Belle Plaine Respecting this deadline will help the committee respond to all requests in a timely fashion so that families can properly make their financial plans for next school year. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Retzlaff ( / 612.381.4355). Did You Know? Recycling Church Properties Every Sunday one of our members worships with us from 4800 miles away! Andrew Copland and his wife, Abby, worship with us through our streaming efforts every week. Andrew & Abby are stationed at the Aviano Air Force Base in Italy. If you would like to drop them a note or email them their address is: Copland, Andrew & Abby PSC 103 Box 4699 APO, AE 0960 or Give us your news: St. Croix LHS May 25 No School – Memorial Day May 29 Dormitory Dedication 6:00 pm Spring Concert 7:00 pm May 31 Graduation 2:30 pm Spring sports (baseball, clay target, lacrosse, softball, track&field, golf) are in full swing at SC. Check out the complete schedule at Stay Connected Follow Good Shepherd! *Facebook *Twitter *Linked In *Google Groups
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