The Episcopal Church of May 2015 the Good Shepherd Newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd 400 Seabrook Rd. Tequesta, FL 33469 561-746-4674 Pennies For Heaven 746-4674 xt.112 Good Shepherd School 746-5507 The Rev. Canon Robert S. Taylor Rector The Rev. Canon G. Kerry Robb Assisting Priest The Rev. Mimi Howard Deacon The Rev. George Kinard Deacon Merike Seely Parish Administrator James J. Hoye Head of School Timm C. Johnson-Reynolds Organist and Music Director Julie Bird Winchester Youth Director Sandra O’Malley Sunday School Director Jo Wood Director of Newcomer Ministries Events and Facilities Manager Paula Fullager Parish Secretary Marcia Aydlette Nursery Director Michelle Murasko Bookkeeper Bill Jowett Sexton Tidings has Gone Green! We print on recycled paper. Tequesta, FL Dear Friends, John Hanlon, who wrote thousands of human interest columns, articles and Sunday features for the Providence Journal over a career spanning several decades, created a book which was composed of his favorite pieces from the many he had written. He entitled it, Is that all you write…one story a day? Those who have done much creative writing will smile knowingly at that title. Having to come up with something clever each day, Hanlon must have been on constant watch for ideas. No one around him, no item of interest, must have been safe from his watchful eye. Any humorous or touching occurrence could wind up in the pages of the Journal for all the world to read. Thinking of this, I realize that it is no wonder that my friends tend to become cautious around me at parties. Their behavior could very easily become a source of material for my next sermon or Tidings article. In fact, some members here are likely breathing a sigh of relief as my retirement nears. They might reason that, as my time here is short, they will have avoided being the subject of my commentary. However, I may be planning to write a book in retirement, and I have been taking notes for these many years! Actually, the creative process has been one of my great joys during our years together here. With God’s guidance, we have created programs, plans, vision, goals, atmosphere and so much more. I have had the chance to create spoken and written presentations. Many of us have enjoyed taking to the stage on numerous occasions. I know how much I will miss such opportunities. Thus, to overcome my sense of loss, I will likely turn to endeavors such as writing or painting to continue to reap the joys of creative and purposeful living. How, exactly, I will go about that process is not totally clear at this point. If I were to write, what would I write? It has been said that one should begin with writing about what one knows. I do know quite a bit about parish ministry and this parish. But, where would I begin and what would be my focus? Would writer’s block cause me to give up the whole idea? Ernest Hemingway wrote about the problem of writer’s block in A Moveable Feast: “Sometimes when I was starting a new story and I could not get it going, I would sit in front of the fire and squeeze the peel of the little oranges into the edge of the flame and watch the sputter of blue that they made. I would stand and look over the roofs of Paris and think, ‘Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest statement that you know.’” Look for a book that begins, “There is a beautiful Episcopal Church in a seaside community of south Florida which is made up of the most extraordinary and loving people.” Love, Ti d i n g s CALL FOR GRADUATE NEWS! Do you have a family member graduating from high school or college next month? We would love to know about it for the June issue of Tidings. Please give us the name of the graduate, their relationship to you, from what school they are graduating, and the graduate’s future plan of study/career no later than May 15. Thanks, and congratulations! Forward graduate news to Merike in the church office at or mail to 400 Seabrook Road, Tequesta, FL 33469. MISSION IN MADAGASCAR On Sunday, May 10, Mother’s Day, The Rev. Patsy McGregor will be our guest preacher. Following the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services, she will be available to talk to parishioners who wish to learn more about the McGregor’s mission. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about this important ministry. ARE YOU ABLE TO READ FLUENTLY IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH? We are looking for people who can read part of a Bible passage in any other language for Pentecost, Sunday, May 24. You would be reading in unison with other foreign language readers for a powerful lesson. Please call Jo Wood at 746-4674 or email for information. Don’t forget to wear red on Pentecost which represents the flames of the Holy Spirit. 2 Green Spirits activities are springing up everywhere! Be sure to join us for any or all of these great opportunities to fulfill the mission of the Good Shepherd Green Spirits. Saturday, May 30—Birding at Wakodahatchee Wetlands. Meet at 7:00 am in the church parking lot if you want to carpool or caravan, or meet the group there at 8:00 a.m. Following our field trip, we will head over to Flakowitz’s Deli for brunch! Bring your camera. This is a very fun trip. Don’t miss it! Saturday, June 13—Bike, Hike or Paddle at Riverbend Park. Let’s enjoy this amazing park in the morning and then have lunch on Picnic Island. Watch your bulletin and sign up in the Narthex for detailed information. Sunday, July 19—”Recycling for Zero Waste” : Recycling Presentation in the Parish Hall after the 10:00 service. Patti Hamilton of Southern Waste Systems/Sun Recycling will tell us how construction and demolition waste is turned into useful products, saving precious space in our landfills. Sunday, August 9—Green Spirits Summer Sunday Café. Join us for breakfast in the Parish Hall between services. Ongoing First Saturdays of Each Month—Beach Clean Up. Meet at Ocean Cay Park on Marcinski Road at 8:00 a.m. Would you like to receive reminders and information about these and other upcoming events? Email Terri McFarland and she will add your email to the list. ( ) Our Mission We the Green Spirits of Good Shepherd, are called to be faithful stewards of God’s gift of CREATION, to proclaim its beauty and goodness by word and deed, here at Church of the Good Shepherd and in our daily lives at home, at work and in the community. See it all in brilliant color on our website Ma y 2 0 1 5 SUMMER SUNDAY CAFÉ IS ALMOST HERE! Join us on Sunday, June 7 at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Beginning on June 7, we will once again begin our wildly popular breakfast between the 8:00 and 10:00 services, each Sunday of the summer. These Cafés will be hosted by various ministry groups here at Good Shepherd. Be sure to plan to stay late if you come at 8:00, or come early if you attend the 10:00 service. We look forward to seeing you there! June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Pennies For Heaven Sunday School Healing Team/Pastoral Care/Prayer Shawl LEMs Altar Guild Special Events Daughters of the King EFM Vestry Green Spirits Choir & Good Guys Newcomers & Greeters Cursillo & Coffeehouse CONSIDER ITEMS TO DONATE TO OUR MAY 9TH RUMMAGE SALE We invite all congregants to join us in the preparation of the Annual Rummage Sale. Beginning May 4th through the 8th, we meet in the Parish Hall to prepare all donated items for sale on Saturday May 9th. The set up hours are 10am. - 2 pm. Every hour you can help will be greatly appreciated. Remember, that if you need a truck pick up for larger items, call Octavia at 747-8020. The truck is available on May 4 and 5th. Thank you, Octavia Save the Date Saturday, June 27, 2015 5:00 p.m. Bob Taylor is retiring! Join the whole gang as we say… EfM (Education for Ministry) Graduation set for May 24 High School and College students aren’t the only ones graduating this month! Join us on Sunday, May 24, at the 10:00 a.m. service as we congratulate those who have completed this challenging and enriching program. EfM , based upon the core curriculum of one of our Episcopal seminaries, provides a comprehensive, experiential education in the foundations and message of our Christian faith. It is for lay people who want to continue their spiritual formation; it teaches them how to think theologically and deepens their faith and understanding of their Christian heritage. This multi-year course requires pre-registration through the office. There will be fellowship, fun, food, music and, as always, a few surprises! Save the Date! 3 Ti d i n g s VBS Volunteer Recruitment Party Wednesday, May 6 at 5:30 p.m. Support VBS and Have Fun! ●Refreshments and Program Information ●Adult and Youth Volunteers are needed ●Youth Community Service Hours will be awarded Oh, and can we borrow your artificial Christmas tree? RSVP to Sandi O’Malley or just come over to the party in the Narthex!! 561-529-1822 Pennies for Heaven Thrift Shop Volunteer Spotlight If you like to help others and help the church too, be a volunteer; we need a few. Come to Pennies Thrift today and meet one happy crew. Ann Lund is the historian, relating the humble beginnings of Good Shepherd from a church held in the structure that now houses Pennies to the beautiful new church edifice we know as "home" now. What a story! Janet is "Poet Extraordinaire" writing a humorous haiku called "Calamity." She is a cashier "extraordinaire" also! Joanne Ebner bubbles over with enthusiasm when she works in the back room. She is a cashier and greets customers in the store, hoping they will buy "just a little bit more" in our friendly store. PENNIES FOR HEAVEN THRIFT SHOP They will find more than they Tuesday–Friday 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. bargained for. Saturday 10:00a.m.—2:00 p.m. Come visit and meet all Closed Sunday & Monday (summer starting in May) the volunteers or join us and 561-746-4674, ext. 112 become one too. We need Donations are gladly accepted YOU. when the shop is open. Mary Jane Seitz SAVE THE DATE TO STOP HUNGER NOW! The plan is to work a packaging center right out of our Parish Hall. Mark your calendar for June 6, 2015, and be prepared to have some fun. Our goal is to package 30,000 meals. There will be three twohour shifts starting at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 6, 2015. Each shift will package 10,000 meals. Registration information will be available soon. Keep our youth group in your daily prayers as we prepare for the summer mission trip! Save the Date! 4 Third Thursdays on the Labyrinth: Guided Labyrinth Walk May 21, 2015, from 9:00—11:00am Join us for our final guided labyrinth walk of the season, in our beautiful outdoor Labyrinth Garden. The spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth invites us into an intimate relationship with silence. We’ll take the summer off and begin again in September. Peace for your path. Robin Hansel, Labyrinth Facilitator The next scheduled date for Holy Baptism is the Pentecost, Sunday, May 24, at 10:00 a.m. If you are interested in baptism for yourself or a family member, please call Merike in the church office (746-4674) or speak with clergy. Children’s Choir Children’s Choir meets each Sunday, at 9:00 a.m., in the Ryon Building (church office) for practice. This choir is for children in Pre-K through 5th grades. Make a joyful noise! Ma y 2 0 1 5 He is Risen, Indeed! It was a full house on Easter Sunday at Good Shepherd. We held three worship services, each with its own special attributes that bring meaning and joy to the day. From songbirds gliding overhead at the sunrise service in the outdoor chapel, to beautiful reflected light on the altar early in the morning, to a chorus of voices proclaiming “Alleluia”, it was a blessed day. Thank you to the many hands that came together to make it all work so beautifully. Bible Study & Groups Wednesday Bible Study with the Rector Meets in the Library each Wednesday at 10:30am. Book Groups at Good Shepherd Afternoon Book Group meets weekly on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. in the library of the church office building. Literary Circle meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Quiet Room of the Church building on the first Thursday of each month. Please call Merike in the office for contact info! 746-4674 The Daughters of the King will meet on Saturday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m. in the library. If you are considering becoming a Daughter. please contact Margaret Dunstan at 561-252-7879. Good Shepherd Good Guys Fridays at 8:00 AM in the Parish Hall All Good Shepherd Men Are Welcome! Join us ...and bring a friend! New to Good Shepherd? Please contact Jo Wood, our Director of Newcomer Ministries, for valuable information about Good Shepherd, our programs, activities and events. 746-4674 5 Ti d i n g s VESTRY HIGHLIGHTS Vestry Highlights from the Vestry Meeting, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 · The Vestry met in the Robert S. Taylor library at 7:30 p.m. The Rector opened the meeting with a prayer. The minutes for the March Vestry meeting were approved. · Treasurer Mike Greene presented the financials for March 2015, which were approved by Vestry. Mike noted that March was a good month with expenses under budget by approximately $11,000 however, we still ended March with a deficit of over $21,000 in pledge offerings. Mike also requested that the final amount raised through Artie’s Party, just under $30,000, be moved to the operating budget, as usual. · Bob Taylor gave an overview of the School’s Financial report for February 2015, reporting that the school is on track for the year with enrollment above the budgeted amount for this year. Also, there will be no sixth grade for the 2015/16 year, but the option to reestablish that grade will remain open for coming years, based on enrollment. · Archdeacon Thomas Bruttell, Diocesan Archdeacon for Deployment, was introduced to discuss the transition process for Good Shepherd’s search for a Rector after Bob Taylor’s retirement. Archdeacon Bruttell explained that there is a tested and detailed plan for this process and he discussed the role of Vestry in determining a suitable Interim Rector who will guide our parish family, for approximately the next 18 months, through the various stages of the search. As it stands, Vestry expects to find an Interim based on Diocesan suggestions on or about August 1, 2015. Archdeacon Bruttell also highlighted the importance of regular communication with the parish throughout the process. Vestry recognized the need for serious consideration of all aspects of the search, never forgetting to allow the Holy Spirit to help guide us as we take a close look at our evolving parish family and what our hopes and expectations are for the future. Involvement of every member of the parish is important to this process. Detailed planning for the search will be the main focus of the Vestry Retreat scheduled for mid-May. · Mike Howard reported on facility repairs, inspections and upcoming projects, including a partial fencing screen in the labyrinth area to improve aesthetics and mitigate noise from the air conditioning units. · Bob Taylor reported on the Outreach and Mission Committee which will now be overseen by Terry McFarland and includes a number of enthusiastic new members. The committee will meet regularly on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Family Promise plans were discussed by Terry McFarland for the coming week. · Bob Taylor reported on the Lenten Heifer Project to help reduce child mortality. Funds collected to date totaled $11,205.50, enough for two full arks and additional animal groups to go with them. · Closed with our Parish Prayer. FINANCIAL REPORT Our financial status through March, 2015 is as follows: Revenues Expenses Month to Date $ 73,506.45 $ 62,192.24 Net Total $ 11,314.21 Actual Year to Date $ 184,901.95 $ 195,016.64 <$ 10,114.69> Budget to Date $ 203,518.26 $ 203,518.50 Variance <$ 18,616.31> <$ 8,501.86> <$ <$ 10,114.45> .24 > Remember that you can pay your pledge on a set interval – with no additional cost to you or the church – by setting up a special payment plan either through your bank or with our bank. Just call our bookkeeper, Michelle Murasko, or Merike Seely at 746-4674 if you would like to explore that option. We also continue to accept credit cards if you prefer that option. 6 Ma y 2 0 1 5 OUTREACH AND MISSION COLLECTION FOR HEALTHY MOTHERS / HEALTHY BABIES THROUGHOUT MAY In an effort to have an impact toward achieving the Millennium Development Goal of Reducing Child Mortality, the Outreach Committee is sponsoring a collection during the month of May to benefit the Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies (HMHB) Coalition of Palm Beach County. This is a countywide organization which functions to work toward its mission of decreasing infant mortality and increasing the number of full-term, full weight babies. Our collection at Good Shepherd will benefit the Emergency Pantry of HMHB and will be held during the month of May, 2015. Look for the unmistakable collection boxes in the Narthex! Donated items sought include: - Onesies (size preemie thru 9 months in neutral colors--white, yellow, green) - Diapers (size preemie, size 1 and size 5 are most needed) - Baby wipes - Baby blankets, bibs or burp cloths in neutral colors -$10 Publix Gift Cards—for the Emergency Pantry of HMHB used to purchase necessities such as: infant formula, baby food (including oatmeal and rice cereal), baby soap/shampoo, baby laundry detergent, diaper cream and other non-perishable foods for the mother's nutrition needs. Please note that all donated items must be new and still in original packaging. DIRECT DONATION You may arrange for regular donations to Good Shepherd through an agreement with your bank to directly deposit funds to Good Shepherd. This method of giving costs us only pennies compared to credit card processing. We still gladly accept credit card payments but we would like to make you aware of this other option. Please contact Merike Seely for an authorization form, or if you have any questions. Important Request If you make a stock gift to the church for memorial gifts, for endowment, or for your pledge, please let the clergy know about it. We are unable to identify the source of such gifts unless you have told us. We want to properly recognize and allocate your gift. Is your pledge current? Quarterly statements went out in April. If you didn’t receive yours, please call Merike Seely in the office and she will email or mail it to you right away! Thanks for keeping your pledge current. BISHOP CONSECRATION IN MIAMI ON SATURDAY, MAY 9 Join our Diocese of Southeast Florida family as we come together for the Consecration of our Bishop Coadjutor-elect The Very Reverend Peter Eaton. Saturday May 9, 2015 at 12 noon. Trinity Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132 If you are unable to attend, you may stream it live from the diocesan website at, on May 9. Baptisms are generally administered on Easter Eve, Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday and the first Sunday after Epiphany. Pre-baptism classes are held the Saturday before the baptism for parents and godparents. A person of any age may receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism. The Sacrament of Marriage requires a minimum of 90 days notice to our office and includes premarital counseling. An initial conference with the clergy should be scheduled by the couple to review the process and any special circumstances before commitments may be made. Funeral or memorial services for communicants of the parish are customarily held in the church and may include the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. To transfer your church membership to Good Shepherd, please contact Merike in the office for a transfer form. Please call the church office for more information about special services. 746-4674 7 Ti d i n g s May 17, 2015 - Youth Sunday Don’t miss Jack Long’s sermon! Mark your calendar and make sure you are in church on May 17, 2015 when we will be celebrating our youth who are crossing over the bridge to young adulthood. Blessings to Emily Demboski, Kateri Balsamo, Dena Lail, Grace Long, and Matthew Taylor as they complete the first year of their faith formation. And blessings to our seniors who we say goodbye to, for now, as they head off to college: Alannah Baker, Jack Long, Robyn Morie, Justin Pitman and Alex Seely. May you all go forth with the love of God in your hearts. You all will be missed! Come and enjoy our contemporary service, Jack Long’s sermon and the blessings to our youth. MISSION TRIP 2015 IS NEXT MONTH! MISSION TRIP DATES: June 15-21, 2015 Delray to Riviera Beach to Miami! Please pray for our mission team: Kate Aydlette, Kateri Balsamo, Callie Commette, Allie Demboski, Emily Demboski, Paul Hansen, Jamie Howard, Phoenix Kral-Strahan, Austin Kendrick, Katie Kendrick, Grace Long, Kyle McCracken, Ryan McCracken, Grace Owosina, Abby Pariseleti, Anika Pariseleti, Vinnie Parrone, Christine Phelan, Paul Kirby, Richard Dunstan, Michael Howard, Richard Morie, Sue Kirby, Barbara Gustafson, Beth Bohnsack, Mimi Howard and Julie Bird O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel [in particular ___________]; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Pray for our safety and for God’s presence in all of our hearts. Please help our youth in their missions by purchasing stock. You can find stock forms on our website! Thank you for your support! YOUTH GROUP (YG) MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT - FROM 6:00 - 8:00 PM YOUTH SUNDAY MAY 17, 2015 ALL YOUTH ARE NEEDED!! VACTION BIBLE SCHOOL June 8—12, 2015 VOLUTEERS ARE NEEDED! Call Sandi O’Malley if you want to help! 561-746-4674 "Feed Me, Heal Me, Love Me” Youth Mission Retreat June 5-6, 2015 All youth & adult leaders - NEED to attend. IMPORTANT! YOUTH SUMMER MISSION TRIP June 15-21, 2015 8 YOUTH@GOODSHEPONLINE.ORG - JULIE’S CELL: 561-635-6660 Julie Ma y 2 0 1 5 Sunday School News Classes meet each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Ryon Building. Children’s Choir meets each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the Ryon Building. Children’s Choir sings in church on the first Sunday of each month. VBS Volunteer Recruitment Party Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Come and see the many ways you can support Good Shepherd as a Vacation Bible School Volunteer! Get a glimpse of “Camp Discovery” activities including “Spash –n-Dash” Games, Wilderness Crafts, S’more Fun Music, Big Timber Bible Challenge, “Tree-mendous” Story Time, group leader opportunities and much more! Refreshments will be served. Sign up in the Parish Hall or call Sandi O’Malley to say you’ll come! JUNE 8 THRU JUNE 12, VBS “CAMP DISCOVERY: Jesus at work thru us” At Camp Discovery, kids learn that God has a plan and a purpose for us right now, right where we are. Explore Bible truth that point to Jesus, our true North, and discover how He blesses us with courage and wisdom for our everyday journeys. Join us as we journey down the trails of Camp Discovery and step out into faith – guided by God’s Word and led by Jesus’ love!! “We loved because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 Peace and God’s Blessings Miss Sandi “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like the children.” Vacation Bible School June 8-12 Registration is OPEN Sign up soon! Spaces are filling up! THANK YOU TO TREASURE COAST YOUTH SYMPHONY FOR A GREAT PERFORMANCE! Once again, the very talented student performers of the Treasure Coast Youth Symphony reminded us what can be done with ability, hard work and enthusiasm. Borodin, Mahler, Smetana and Wagner were the composers featured in this program. And, a special tuba rendition of “Happy Birthday to You” was played especially for Evelyne Bates, long-time Special Events Committee member. We thank everyone who made this performance possible and everyone who braved the stormy weather to see it. 9 10 Verger Heather Graham LEVs Dave Downing Stan Connell Vestry Greeter Carol Block Flower Delivery Regine Fendler Peter Berg Verger Rob Steiner LEVs Bob Neale Vestry Greeter Margaret Dunstan Flower Delivery Marj Johnson May 3 May 10 May 17 May 31 May 24 Verger Mary-Beth Lucas LEVs Peggy Greene Althea Lewis Mary-Beth Lucas Vestry Greeter Kim Acuña Flower Delivery Marj Johnson Verger Patti Hamilton LEV Alex Lesbirel Vestry Greeter Mike Howard Flower Delivery Jim and Jerre Rannie Verger Mike Hanseter LEV Judy Springer Carol Johnson Vestry Greeter Christine West Flower Delivery Celeste and John Dysard SERVING DATE 10AM 8AM 10AM 8AM 10AM 8AM 10AM 8AM 10AM 8AM TIME Austin Kendrick Grace Long Grace Owosina Katie Kendrick TBD Elise Howard Ansley Grashof Katie Kendrick Kate Aydlette Heather Graham Vinnie Parrone Hannah Oenbrink Allie Demboski Isabelle Moyer Austin Kendrick (kite) Patti Hamilton Sam McNiff Abby Pariseleti TBD TBD Marlene Taylor Jack Long Hannah Oenbrink Grace Long Grace Owosina Gus West ACOLYTES Jim Johnson Howard Smith Larry Smith Alicia Howard Steve Pollard Marcia Pollard Christine West Heather Graham Debbie Gilbert Marj Johnson Peter Berg Diane Spero Marilyn Hall Carl Moritz Brent Murray Katharine Murray Joe D’Alessandro Dan Gilbert Stan and Shirley Connell Dale Smith Joe Pellegrini John and Celeste Dysard Jim and Carol Johnson Joan Dowrick John Prosser Youth Ushers Joe Pellegrini Barbara Barton Heather Graham Mary-Beth Lucas Dona Scoville Peggy Greene Christine Phelan Vinnie Parrone Elise Howard Sam McNiff Dan Gilbert Susan Bardin Sterling Winchester Merike Seely Rob Steiner Wendy Frezza Dona Scoville Marilyn Hall Carl Moritz Marlene Taylor Sandy Gozzo Terri McFarland Peggy Chittum Mark Chittum Marcia and Dennis Cassidy Tom and Cameille Walch Dale Smith Barbara Barton USHER Cathy Hart Suzi Heithaus Nancy Parrone Katrina Bishop Christine West Gene Paasch Marcia Pollard Heather Graham LEM Paul Kirby Sue Endler-Kirby Jerry and Jessica Rupar Tina Schmidt Danielle Salmán Barbara Barton Tom and Cameille Walch Christine West Tracy Smith Maggie Riddle Karen Rupar Jessica Rupar Paul Kirby Sue Endler-Kirby Wendy Frezza GREETER Terry McFarland Althea Lewis Eleanore Browne Stan Connell Diane Spero Mary-Beth Lucas Richard Morie Alex Lesbirel TBD Terry McFarland Carol Johnson Barbara Gustafson Diane Spero Althea Lewis Eleanore Browne HEALING SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE MAY 2015 Mike Greene John Prosser Joe DiFiglia Brian Tobin Mike Howard John Prosser Mike Greene Brian Tobin Erik Pariseleti John Prosser SOUND Susan Bardin Barbara Gustafson Barbara McGrath* Marion Downing* Carol Johnson* Shirley Connell* Marilyn Hall Catherine Moritz Ann Ballard* Marion Downing* Barbara McGrath Marilyn Hall Connie D’Alessandro* Susan Bardin* Emily Brown Catherine Moritz Julie Bohnsack Joan Fuller Eleanore Browne* Joan Fleck* ALTAR Eileen Licitra Karen and Jerry Rupar Paul Kirby Sue Endler-Kirby Wendy Frezza Nancy Parrone Scarpa Christine West Brad Brett Linda JohnsonBrett Karen and Jerry Rupar Mike Howard Diane Smith JITTERS Ti d i n g s AA - Women ’s Pastoral Care EfM Reaching Out Lunch School Chapel Holy Eucharist & Healing Al-Anon (Freedom to Grow) Bible Study with the Rector Home Delivered Meals Youth Group AA Bridge Club Afternoon Book Group Lenten Program & Supper Choir practice Good Guys AA - Women ’s Holy Eucharist Rite I Jitters Children’s Choir Rehearsal Adult Choir Rehearsal Sunday School & Nursery Holy Eucharist Rite II Jitters EfM Tuesday 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6 :00 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Thursday 1:00pm 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5—Youth Mission Retreat begins 6— Youth Mission Project: Meal Packaging Event with Stop Hunger Now in the Parish Hall 7—Summer Sunday Café begins 8-12 —Vacation Bible School: Camp Discovery 15-21—Youth Mission Trip 2015 17—Vestry Meeting 21—Father’s Day 27—Bye Bye Bobby: The Musical (in honor of Bob) June AA MEETING WEEKLY IN MAY 7:30 p.m. 25 MEMORIAL DAY Office closed 24 Holy Baptism Pentecost (wear red to church) 5:00pm EfM Graduation Party 31 18 1:00am Pennies Board Mtg. 26 19 12 Pick up of large items for Rummage Sale (appointment only) Pick up of large items for Rummage Sale (appointment only) 11 5 Tue 4 Mon 17 Youth Metamorphosis Sunday 11:30am Youth End-ofYear Party after church in the Parish Hall 10 Mother’s Day / Children’s Sunday The Rev. Patsy McGregor to speak about Madagascar Mission 3 9:00am Confirmation I Sun May 2015 27 20 4:00pm St. George’s Ministry 6:00pm Last Youth Group Wednesday Meeting 28 21 9:00-11:00am Third Thursdays on the Labyrinth 6:00pm Good Shepherd School Art and Music Show 14 7:00pm Literary Circle 5:30pm VBS Recruitment Party 6:30pm Outreach & Mission Committee Meeting 13 7 Thu 6 Wed 29 22 Last day of Good Shepherd Episcopal School classes NO CoffeeHouse in May (See you in September!) 15 6:00pm Vestry Retreat begins 8 1 Fri 8:00am Green Spirits Birding at Wakodahatchee Wetlands. (7:00am meet here to carpool) 30 Deanery Convocation at St. Marks, PBG 23 5:30pm Metamorphosis Rehearsal and Dinner 16 9:00am Vestry Retreat continues Bishop Consecration in Miami 9 8:00am—1:00pm Annual Rummage Sale 2 Sat Ma y 2 0 1 5 11 Service Schedules Sunday 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist—Rite l Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID West Palm Beach, FL Permit No. 1930 Episcopal Church of Good Shepherd 400 Seabrook Road Tequesta, FL 33469 9:00 AM Jitters Coffee Hour 9:45 AM Sunday School & Nursery 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist—Rite ll 11:00 AM Jitters Coffee Hour Current resident or: Wednesday 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist & Healing Visit us online at Camp Discovery June 8-12 Only $30 per child Includes snack and souvenir t-shirt. Forms are available in the Narthex, in the church office or you may print one from our website and return it to Good Shepherd.
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