DATA SHEET Real-Time Threat Intelligence for Point-of-Sale The Challenge Why Recorded Future Security teams are working feverishly to prevent breaches, financial and data loss from Point-of-Sale (POS) systems. These experts require the best available intelligence about the threat actors, their Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), and potential indicators of compromise—and need real-time updates as this information changes. This specialized focus calls for deeper, tailored threat intelligence, specific to POS malware variants, vulnerabilities and exploits. The POS Threat Intelligence Solution Recorded Future Cyber provides real-time threat intelligence by analyzing billions of data points extracted from more than a half-million open Web sources. Recorded Future offers industry-focused templates that tailor this threat intelligence capability specifically for defense against POS compromise. Bespoke alerts and interactive visualizations surface and display connections from reports on emerging threats. Threat intelligence analysts can drill down on emerging IOCs, quickly gain an understanding of the POS-related threat in context, and empower their team to stop attacks before they happen. The POS Compromise templates apply open source intelligence (OSINT) sources and patented methods to enable organizations to meet demanding threat intelligence goals. Automate identification of: Enable analysts to become more effective with POSspecific intelligence and alerts Improve analyst productivity by relieving the burden of manually collecting POSrelated data on the Web Empower security leaders to brief their organization on emerging threats, with visually and contextually rich reports Key Features Enabled by POS Threat Intelligence Templates Live dashboards of real-time threat signals ›› New POS Malware families and known variants. ›› Incidents involving POS malware targeting specific POS systems vulnerabilities linked to specific POS systems or Remote Access Tools. Views targeting specific reported events ›› Carding pastes advertising stolen card and Track2 information. Complex alerting rules ›› POS-related findings published by notable information security sources (malware researchers, security companies, well-known security bloggers). Curated lists of potential targets and methods targeting POS Gain real-time situational awareness of: ›› Attacks and incidents involving retailers, including top retailers in many industry categories and the “long tail” of regional and Internet retailers. ›› Attacks and incidents involving POS System Suppliers. ›› High profile news that impacts brand reputation: POS-related security coverage in mainstream and business news outside the security community. Example Recorded Future alert on a POS threat delivered via email. @RecordedFuture | Recorded Future Real-Time Threat Intelligence for Point-of-Sale Next Steps Learn more on how Recorded Future Cyber can provide timely alerts and help you better defend against POS compromise threats. Contact your account executive or request a demo at Targets Recorded Future provides a convenient “Lists” capability, with turnkey POS relevant terms. Malware trends & methods Overview dashboard of POS attackers, malware and targets; drill down to get details. A timeline view of TTPs related to POS systems enables analysts to visualize emerging trends. Breaches Recorded Future automatically collects and analyzes POS threat related information from the open Web, for example pastes and forums referring to compromised information. About Recorded Future We arm you with real-time threat intelligence so you can proactively defend your organization against cyber attacks. With billions of indexed facts, and more added every day, our patented Web Intelligence Engine continuously analyzes the open Web to give you unmatched insight into emerging threats. Recorded Future helps protect four of the top five companies in the world. Recorded Future, 363 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144 USA | © Recorded Future, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks remain property of their respective owners. REQUEST A DEMO @RecordedFuture |
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