Final Steps for Graduation Degree to be awarded May 2015 You are required to register at both campuses spring 2015. Register at SDSU for ED 899 Doctoral Dissertation (6 units) and register at CGU for ED 499 (8 units) spring 2015. January 7, 2015: Draft of dissertation due to Co-‐Chairs February 3, 2015: SDSU deadline to apply for graduation Apply for graduation at SDSU through your WebPortal account ( by clicking the "Apply to Graduate" menu option, there is a $55.00 fee. February 7, 2015: Final rough draft of dissertation due to ALL Committee Members February 20, 2015: CGU deadline to apply for “Intent to Receive a Degree”: Submit an Intent to Receive a Degree form to CGU’s Registrars office. The form may be found under the Degree Completion Checklist at, there is no fee. April 10, 2015: Deadline to hold dissertation defense We recommend you schedule this no later than March 23, 2015. April 20, 2015: Final date to file dissertation to CGU Final dissertation must be submitted to the Registrar at CGU electronically. Please review the Dissertation Procedures at for instructions. Steps to Follow Contact Rita Baumann (619-‐594-‐1504/ with SDSU Graduate Affairs prior to your dissertation defense to make sure you receive the necessary filing information at SDSU. After your dissertation has been reviewed and accepted at CGU, Edris Stuebner, Assistant Registrar at CGU will email Rita to let her know your dissertation was approved. Please schedule an appointment with Rita to submit the following documents: 1. A copy of the title page and the Approval of the Review Committee page (or the listing of your committee members) 2. An extra copy of the Approval of the Review Committee page for Montezuma Publishing 3. Proof that the dissertation was accepted at Claremont (an email from Edris at CGU) 4. A copy of the Certificate of Completion of the Survey of Earned Doctorate (you can find the survey at, the certificate of completion is at the end) 5. Your dissertation, either on a flash drive or you can submit it electronically to Montezuma Publishing Sign the Rights to Thesis/Dissertation Data and Publication Authorship addendum with Rita. Get the Clearance Sheet from Rita verifying that you are registered in 899 for the fall term. Take the Clearance Sheet, the extra Approval form, the signed addendum and your dissertation to Montezuma Publishing and pay to have it processed to ProQuest ($48.49 + tax). If you are planning on having your dissertation embargoed, you will need to submit the request prior to submitting your paper work to Rita. Please see page 101 in the thesis/dissertation manual for the procedures. You can contact Montezuma Publishing at or (619) 594-‐7551 for information on submitting the dissertation electronically. Submit an electronic copy to the Joint Doctoral Program Office at SDSU. SDSU adheres to the CGU deadline, April 20th. As long as you have submitted your dissertation to CGU by that date, you will be eligible for the spring 2015 graduation. coe:CGU:SHARE:Graduation:Final Steps for Graduation:Spring Graduation:Final Steps for Graduation May 15.docx
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