miltex hi-light sharpening stones ®

miltex ® hi-light
sharpening stones
Milt ex sharpening stones and honing oil provides clinicians with the proper tools for reest ablishing an instrument’s proper cut t ing edge. The sharpening stones are available in
the most popular t ypes and shapes: Arkansas No. 4 f ine f la t stone, Arkansas f ine conical
stone, India No. 1 f ine f la t stone, India No. 6 medium wedge, India No. 309 f ine stone and
a variet y of Thompson Precision™ synthet ic stones.
Milt ex honing oil should be used in conjunct ion with the Arkansas and India stones. The
honing oil helps f acilit a t e movement across the stone, reducing f rict ion and the problem
of met allic par t icles embedding into the stone surf ace. The Thompson Precision synthetic stones do not require any lubrica t ion. All stones should be st erilized af t er use.
toll f ree 866 854-8300
f ax 866 854-8400
DescriptionProduct Picture Key
Stone, Arkansas No. 4 Flat
Stone, Arkansas Conical
Stone, India No. 1 Flat, Fine Grit 3
Stone, India No. 309 Fine Grit
Stone, India No. 6 Wedge, Medium Grit
Thompson Precision™ Double Grit 6
SPC Thompson Precision™ Synthetic-Coarse 7
SPM Thompson Precision™ Synthetic-Medium 8
SPF Thompson Precision™ Synthetic-Fine 9
DTS Delron test sticks - Black -
DTST Delron test sticks - Clear 10
For additional information, an in-office demonstration, or to place an order, please contact your local Miltex, Inc. authorized
Distributor or Miltex, Inc. Customer Service at 1-866-854-8300, email, or visit us at
Instrument Sharpening Instructions
Why sharpen instruments?
Instruments should be kept as true as possible to their original design. Sharp instruments can reduce hand and wrist f at igue,
improve calculus removal, save t ime, improve t act ile sensit ivit y, and minimize pat ient discomfor t.
When to sharpen instruments?
Instruments should be sharpened before each use; however, please consider the following when deciding to sharpen instruments:
• Dull instruments require exc essive pressure t o remove calculus
• Dull instruments require multiple stro kes t o remove calculus
• Dull instruments d o no t “grab” or “bite”
• The number of uses between sharpening
• Eva luation of the cutting edge against a Delron™ stic k
• Pa t ient c o mf ort and evaluation
Instruments can be sharpened by using several dif f erent t ypes of stones and dif f erent shapes of stones
• Arkansas stones – Natural st one (used f or routine sharpening and finishing)
a. Flat st one – used in routine sharpening and finishing of the edge and t o e of an instrument
b. Conical st one – used in routine sharpening and finishing of the t o e and fac e of an instrument
• India stone – Synthetic st one (used f or re-c ont ouring a dull instrument)
a. Flat st one – used in re-c ont ouring dull edges and t o es of an instrument
b. Cylindrical – used in re-c ont ouring dull t o es and fac es of an instrument
c. Wedge – used in re-c ont ouring dull edges, t o es and fac es of an instrument
• Ceramic stones – Synthetic st one (used f or routine sharpening and finishing of an instrument)
a. Flat st one – used in routine sharpening and finishing of the edge and t o e of an instrument
b. Cylindrical st one – used in routine sharpening and finishing of the t o e and fac e of an instrument
How to sharpen instruments?
Stone moves while instrument is held st at ionary
1. Plac e 1 dro p of Miltex Honing Oil on the Arkansas or India st one. No lubrication required on c eramic st ones.
(Only apply o il if o il was no t previously applied t o st one or if more lubrication is needed)
2. Ho ld the instrument in one hand, while applying the st one t o the lateral surfac e of the p o int t o f orm a 110° angle with
the fac e of the blade
3. Po s ition the st one t o c ontac t the heel of the blade and work t oward the tip, keeping the st one in c ontac t with the blade
thr oughout the sharpening proc edure
4. Move the st one up and d own with short stro kes, plac ing more pressure on the d own stro ke (Do no t move the instrument,
ke e p the instrument still)
5. Finish sharpening the instrument with a d own stro ke, this will prevent a rough edge fro m f orming
a) Metal particles and lubricant will accumulate on the blade; this can be wiped off with sterile gauze. (This is a ls o
an indication that the right angulation was maintained during the sharpening proc ess)
6. For sic kle scalers, c ontinue sharpening t o the p o int. For curettes, c ontinue around the t o e t o maintain its curved sha p e
7. Tes t f or sharpness with a plastic Miltex Delron stic k. If the blade is sharp, it will grab int o the stic k. If the blade is dull,
it will slide over the stic k without grabbing. If the blade is still dull, re-evaluate the angle of the st one and repeat the
sharpening proc edure (steps 2-6)
8. Re p eat the proc edure t o sharpen the o ther side of sic kle scalers and universal curettes
Rounding the toe of curet t es
1. Plac e 1 dro p of Miltex Honing Oil on the Arkansas or India st one. No lubrication required on c eramic st ones.
(Only apply o il if o il was no t previously applied t o st one or if more lubrication is needed)
2. Plac e st one at a 45° angle t o the fac e of the instrument
3. Us ing d ownward stro kes, ro tate the st one around the t o e of the instrument
Sharpening the f ace of dent al instruments
Sharpening the f ace of periodont al instruments is only recommended for removing a roughened edge because extraneous
grinding of the f ace can weaken the instrument blade.
• For curet t es and cur ved sickles, use a conical or cylindrical stone
(Arkansas Conical, par t number: STN-ARK-CON or India No. 309 par t number: STN-IND-CON-309)
1. Plac e 1 dro p of Miltex Honing Oil on the Arkansas or India st one. No lubrication required on c eramic s t ones.
(Only apply o il if o il was no t previously applied t o st one or if more lubrication is needed)
2. Plac e the st one at the junc tion between the fac e and shank of the instrument
3. Ro ll the st one across the fac e of the instrument, moving t oward the t o e of the instrument
4. Use as few stro kes as p ossible and light, even pressure
• For straight sickle instruments, use a f lat stone
(Arkansas No. 4 f lat, par t number: STN-ARK-FLT-4 or India No.1, par t number STN-IND-FLT-1)
1. Plac e 1 dro p of Miltex Honing Oil on the Arkansas or India st one. No lubrication required on c eramic s t ones.
(Only apply o il if o il was no t previously applied t o st one or if more lubrication is needed)
2. Plac e the st one on the entire fac ial surfac e of the instrument
3. Move the st one across the fac ial surfac e in a bac k/f orth mo tion
4. Use as few stro kes as p ossible and light, even pressure