Office Order No. GPCB/R&D/1(3)/311683 Dt ‐ 23‐04‐2015 Annexure‐A A scheme on Research and Development through Ph.D. (Amended) Gujarat Pollution Control Board Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector 10‐A, Gandhinagar 382010 www. April 2015 1 Commencement:As a part of good governance the Gujarat Pollution Control Board has introduced a novel scheme on Environmental Clinic for industrial units since past two years. The representatives of the industries can visit the Environmental Clinic for their environmental issues. The Board adopts an approach in a roll of a doctor and offer guidance at this clinic for mitigating their troubles. The Board organized 41 clinic conferences during the year 2012‐13. It is felt that long term adequate Research and Development with further details are required to be found out for certain issues, immediately. In order to accomplish appropriate solutions for these environmental issues being brought to the notice of the Board, and to control pollution, candidates working on Research and Development as well as PhD may be entrusted such tasks. Thus, the objective of this issue is to acquire benefit of research for the Board, society, sustainable development and betterment of the State through the students exploring in the environmental field. These candidates can obtain knowledge, co‐operation, guidance or orientation on various subjects related to technical, scientific, legal, etc on environment problems with the help of experienced officers of the Board and other experts. They may avail infrastructure facilities of the Board for such noble research programmes. The Board has, therefore, decided a scheme to encourage such candidates undertaking Research and Development under pollution control through Ph.D. with financial assistance. Introduction:A scheme on Research and Development through Ph.D. was approved in the 190th Board Meeting held on 24.6.2013, and the Member Secretary has been delegated entire powers to implement this scheme by the Board. In exercise to powers conferred by the Board, following scheme is introduced. The provisions indicated hereunder shall be considered as guidance lines while implementing the Scheme in future. A): Definitions:‐ (1) ‘Scheme’: This Scheme may be called Gujarat Pollution Control Board Research & Development, and Ph.D. encouragement Scheme. (2) ‘Member Secretary’: means the Member Secretary of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. (3) ‘Candidate’: means a student who shall be selected conforming to the provisions under this Scheme. (4) ‘Form’: means a form stipulated as Annexure under this Scheme. 2 B): Provisions under the Scheme: (1) ‘Limit for Candidate’s number’: Number of the candidates not exceeding five shall be selected for each and every financial year under this Scheme. (2) ‘Qualification to be a Candidate’: Only fresh Ph.D. student is eligible for this scheme. The student must be enrolled with any recognized university of the Gujarat State for Environmental Engineering / Science with full time, Research & Development or PhD programmes, and with passing of PhD entrance examination and with a valid registration of not more than 3 months. (3) ‘Main stipulation for Candidate’: The Candidate shall not receive scholarship or any pecuniary assistance from any person/ institution/ university for Research & Development or PhD programmes. Moreover, the Candidate shall not be part/full time employee or anywhere conducting business. (4) ‘Financial Assistance under the Scheme’: Financial Assistance of Rs.20,000/= (twenty thousand only) per month shall be paid per student candidate. (5) ‘Pertinent Expenses’: Pertinent Expenses inclusive of expenses like typing, stationery, photography, training, visit, participating in conferences within or outside the State for PhD / Research exertion. The Member Secretary has been delegated powers to sanction expenditure not exceeding Rs.60,000/= (sixty thousands only) per year (per candidate). (6) ‘Research Advisory Committee’: The Research Advisory Committee shall be constituted under the chairmanship of the Member Secretary of the Board for candidate(s) selection, sanctioning pertinent expenses, to decide relevant functioning and to discuss salient features/ issues of this Scheme. Experts involved in the fields of academics, and industries shall be included in this Committee. (7) ‘Power to constitute the Committee’: The powers to constitute the Committee, as per point (6) (B), shall be vested in the Member Secretary of the Board. (8) The decision of the Research Advisory Committee shall be considered final and binding in respect of any issues pertaining to this Scheme. C): Terms and Conditions under the Scheme: (1) Bond: The selected candidate under the aforesaid Scheme shall furnish the Bond for 3 (three) years working on the subject preferred. The amount of this Bond shall be equal to the sum of five months’ financial assistance. (2) Duration for Financial Assistance: The selected candidate under the aforesaid Scheme shall be paid the financial assistance for the duration not exceeding 3 (three) years. (3) The Gujarat Pollution Control Board shall hold (absolute legal) rights over each information/data (acquired, derived, obtained, analyzed, generated, etc) as well as on the entire research made the Candidate. 3 (4) No person shall use directly or indirectly/ publish the information/data without permission of the Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board. (5) In case of the candidate’s demise during the period of implementation of the Scheme, no financial assistance or benefits shall be admissible (to his/her heir). (6) The selected candidate shall have no right or claim for permanent or temporary service in the Board, on completion of 3 years task assigned under this scheme. (7) The selected candidate shall furnish a progress report on the functions carried out at least during a quarter year to the Research Advisory Committee and/or to the Member Secretary of the Board through his/her controlling officer. (8) While carrying out the functions any damage done to the Board’s laboratory or property due to negligence by the selected candidate is perceived, he/she shall remit the costs, thereof. (9) The Board shall not be responsible in case any physical injury or harm is done to the selected candidate even while carrying out the functions assigned. (10) The selected candidate shall maintain cordial and considerate relations with officers/employee of the Board. (11) If during the implementation period of the scheme at any level, competency of the candidate is observed poor, or found misbehaving, the Member Secretary is authorized to stop the financial assistance to such candidate after consultation with the Research Advisory Committee, and candidate shall have to payback 50 % of total amount paid by the Board. Necessary undertaking shall be submitted by the candidates during enrollment at GPCB in this regards. (12) Subjects shall be related to the Control/reduction of the Industrial Pollution, reduction of Urban Pollution, Products or Technology substitutes to used for Pollution reduction, treatment technology, safe disposal of pollution, remediation of contaminated site, new or innovative material, process, technology etc. for better or improved treatment to prevent or reduce pollution. 4 List of Forms/ Formats 1. FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL 2. FORMAT FOR RESUME OF THE CANDIDATE 3. FORMAT FOR RESUME OF GUIDE 4. FORMAT FOR PROFILE OF THE DEPARTMENT 5. CERTIFICATE FROM THE GUIDE 6. FORMAT FOR QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT FOR GPCB FUNDED RESEARCH 5 1. 1. FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Title of Research: Key words: 1.2 Broad area: 1.3 Duration : 1.4 Guide (Principal Investigator): 1.5 Co‐Guide (if any) : 1.6 Capability of the Academic organization / University where the student / researcher is registered 1.6.1 Expertise Available 1.6.2 List of on‐going and completed researches Research Title / Subject 1.7 Start Date Completion Date Approximately Sponsoring cost of Agency research Name of the authority in whose name Cheque/Demand Draft should be drawn 2 TECHNICAL DETAILS 6 2.1 Background 2.1.1 Description of Problem 2.1.2 Review of work already done 2.1.3 Rationale for taking up the Research 2.1.4 Relevance to the Environmental Priorities of the State 2.2 Description of Research 2.2.1 Objectives of the research 2.2.2 Preliminary investigations done 2.2.3 Linkages with environmental issues 2.2.4 Methodology detailing stepwise activities and sub‐activities 2.3 Work Plan Phase‐wise plan of action up to post project activities detailing time schedule milestones may clearly be indicated. PERT/GANTT chart may be attached. 2.4 Output of the Research 2.5 Likely Impact of research outcome 2.6 Parameters for Monitoring Effectiveness of Research 2.7 Suggested Post Research Activities _______ ___________ GUIDE CANDIDATE Date: Place: 7 2. FORMAT FOR RESUME OF THE CANDIDATE Candidate Name : Father/Husband Name Current Address Permanent Address Pin Code District State E-mail Mobile No Nationality Birth Date Gender Marital Status Known Languages Languag e Speak Read Write Basic Computer Knowledge 8 Educational Qualification: Exam passed Stream Specialization % Percentage / Grade Class Year Board / University / Institution State 10th 12th / Diplom a B.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc. M.E. / M.Tech / M.Sc. Experience Details: Organizatio n Post Experience Experience Tenure Salary / Month Objectives : Achievements : Date: Place Candidate Signature 9 3. FORMAT FOR RESUME OF GUIDE 1. Name and designation: 2. Age as on date: 3. Name of the Institution: 4. Email ID and phone numbers: 5. Department: 6. Field of Specialization: 7. Academic Qualifications: 8. Technical Qualifications: 9. Academic/Research/Professional Experience : 10. Awards/ Prizes/ Certificates etc. won by the Guide/Principal Investigator: 11. No. of Projects completed/ongoing as Guide/Principal Investigator/ Co‐ Investigator. Sr. Name of No the funding agency Name Programm of the e Title Schem e Year of Funding Duratio n Amount Sanctione d Status: Completed / Ongoing 10 12.Publications: Sr. No. Title of Paper/Report/Book Author(s) Name & Vol. of Journal & Year Page No. From To Place: Date: ___________________ ______________________ Signature of the Guide Head of the Institution (Signature & Seal) 11 4. FORMAT FOR PROFILE OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. Name of the Department: 2. Name of the Head of the Department: 3. Full Address: Phone No.: Fax No.: E‐mail: Website: 4. Number of specialized subject areas available in the Department: 5. Major equipment (costing more than Rs.5.0 lakhs) available in the Department: Sr. No. Major Equipment Cost (Rs. In lakhs) Specification s Year of purchase 6. Courses available in the Department: _____________________ Head of the Institution (Signature & Seal) Date: 12 Place: 5. CERTIFICATE FROM THE GUIDE RESEARCH TITLE: 1. We agree to abide by terms and conditions of the GPCB grant. 2. We have not submitted this or a similar proposal elsewhere for financial support. 3. We are not availing any other financial assistance for the research under this proposal. 4. We have explored and ensured that equipment and basic facilities will actually be available at GPCB and also in the instituted university where the registration is made. We shall not require any additional financial support under this research proposal, for procurement of such items. 5. We undertake that spare time on permanent equipment will be made available to other users. 6. We agree that the candidate only on this research on full time basis and will not accept any other work / engagement during the period of, till completion of this research and award of degree of Ph.D. 7. If required the candidate will pursue during his research, from GPCB to get necessary infrastructure such as sitting arrangement, Computer and printing facility, laboratory and library. (Existing facilities) 8. During his spare time he will assist the Member Secretary, GPCB / the controlling officer of the GPCB for various academic and administration activities related to the environment protection. 13 9. The outcome of the research will remain in the property of GPCB, and the co‐ ordinate / guide would be entitled to use any information / data of research outcome for their academic purposes only and not for any profit motive. ______________ ________________ GUIDE CANDIDATE Date : Place : List of experts related to the subject area of the research with their name, address and communication detail may be attached with the proposal on a separate sheet. 14 6. FORMAT FOR QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT FOR GPCB FUNDED RESEARCH Date of Sanction: ____day of _______month of ________year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name & address of the Candidate Name and address of the GUIDE Research Title: Date of commencement of the Research: Duration of Research: Amount sanctioned by GPCB: Amount released by GPCB: Details of Expenditure: (IN RUPEES) ITEM 1ST YEAR 2ND YEAR BUDGET 3RD YEAR TOTAL A. Fellowship B. Contingencies GRAND TOTAL (A + B) 9. Whether there is any deviation from the purpose for which Grant was released. If so detail of amount to be given: 10. Give details of the activities carried out during the year: a. Details of individual activities: b. Outputs of significance: c. Details of training imparted: ___________ _______________ _____________________ Candidate Guide Registrar/ Director/ Principal (Signature & Seal) Date: Place: 15
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