GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Nr. Toll Booth, Ahmedabad-Mehsana Express Highway, Village : Mevad, Ta & Dist. : Mehsana - 382 710. Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 2762-285875/71/72/73 Website : TENDER NOTICE (For purchase of books) Sealed tenders on separate prescribed formats are invited on behalf of Gujarat Power Engineering & Research Institute, Mehsana, Gujarat from the reputed Publishers/Distributors/Book-Sellers for the supply of Books of various publishers as per list available at Annexure-I. The terms & conditions for supply of books are available at Annexure-II. For detailed information and annexures, please log on to the institute website : Tender No. Department Estimated Books Estimated Cost GPERI/2014-15/LIBRARY/ BOOKS/001 Library (Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Humanities and Science) 1200 nos. 7,00,000 /- Date April ,2015 21st April ,2015 Time 4.15 PM At 11.00 am in Institute Schedule Last date of submission of tender documents: Date of opening of tenders (pre-qualification bid) 20th The Tender documents/annexures may be downloaded from the institute and may be submitted in the office of Principal, Nr. Toll Booth, Ahmedabad-Mehsana Express Highway, Village : Mevad, Ta & Dist. : Mehsana - 382 710. NOTE: The Financial Bid and Documents Should be in the prescribed format duly signed should be submitted separately in sealed envelopes. Pease write TENDER/CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT on the top of the envelop. Principal (I/c) GPERI GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 1 GUJARAT POWER ENGINEERING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Annexure – 1 List of Publishers Sr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Publisher Discount Rate A&C Black Publishers Ltd (New York) Aapga Publication PvtLtd, SCF 267, Sector 16, Panchkula Abhinav Publications, Abhishek Publications, Chandigarh Academic Press AD Helfrick Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi Addison Wesley Affiliated East West Press Ahmedabad Book Depot, Ahmedabad Akshat Pub ALA,Chicago Allied Publishers, New Delhi Angus and Robertson Publisher AnupamPrakashan, Allahbad APH Publishing APH Publishing Book Centre, New Delhi Apress Pub Architectural Press, Oxford, UK Arihant Asia Publishing House Asia, New York Asia,Bombay Asian Book Centre, New Delhi Asian Publishing House, New Delhi Atira Publication AVG Parkashan, Poona B S Publications Bailey Bros & Swinfan Ltd BD Kataria and Sons, Ludhiana BeatrieZelin Publisher, New York Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai BhartiBhawan Ltd New Delhi Bingley,London Blackie and Son Blackwell Publishing Ltd UK Bombay Publiaction, Bombay Book Society of India, Bombay bookbooncom GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 2 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Bosonworth Studio, London BPB Publication, New Delhi British Textile Technology, UK BSIRSA BT Batford ltd, London Business Books Ltd, London Butterworth – Heinemann; Oxford Cambridge University Cambridge University Press; UK CBS Publications Cengage Engineering Cengage Learning Central Publishing House Chapman & Hall Ltd Chapman Hall Ltd,London Charator Publication Charotar Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi Charotar Publishing House, Anand, Gujrat Chatterjee Medical Publishers, Kolkatta Chilton Book Company,Pennsylvania Chilton Co NK Chronicle Books, SanFrancisco CRC Press Crescent Books, New York Crest pubslishing House Curchill Living Stone; London Cyber Tech Publication, New Delhi Daya Publishing House DB Taraporevala Sons, New Delhi DB Taraporewala& Sons, Bombay Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi Delhi Publishers Delhi Rainbow Book Co New Delhi Delhi Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi Design Point, Bombay Dhanapat Rai DhanpatRai Publications, Delhi DKTE Ichalkranji Society Dover Publications DPB Publications Dreamtech Eagle Parkashan,Jalandhar East West Press Publication EDII, Ahmedabad Edward Arnold GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 3 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 EEE Publication ELBS with Curchill Living Stone; UK Ellis Horwood Elsevier Engineering Book Publishing Co, Poona EssEss Publishers, New Delhi Eurasia Publishing House (Pvt) Limited, New Delhi Fair child books, New York Festo Didactic; Bangalore Focal Press, London Gala Publishers, Ahmedabad Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd Daryaganj, New Delhi Galgotia Publications Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK GATF, USA Gower Press Gower Publishing, USA Grace Parkashan , Bombay Grafton,London Graphic Arts Technical Foundation Publication, USA Green stream Publication Gulf Publishing Co, Houston, Texas Happer and Row Publishers, New York Harvard University Press, UK Hearts Book International, New York Heinmann Publishers, Oxford Hemisphere Publishing Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi HMT HougutanMiffin Co, Boston HPT Pusa Polytechnic, New Delhi Hutchinson IDG Books India (P) Ltd IEEE Publication, New York IK International Inc Publishers, India Handicraft Board India Publishing House, Jalandhar Indian Book Distributor In-Tech Workshop, Germany IPH, Jalandhar Ishan Publications, Ambala, Haryana ISTE, Publication, New Delhi Jaico publication Jain Brothers GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 4 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Jain Publishers, Delhi Janatha Publishers, Udupi Janet Ward Publisher, London JB Lupein, Philladelphia John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi JP Brothers, New Delhi Kafe books Limited, London Kala Bhawan, Merrut Kalaikathir Achchagam - Coimbatore Kalyani Publications, New Delhi Kaption Publishing House, New Delhi Katson Publishing House, Ludhiana Katson Publishing House, New Delhi Kedarnath publication Khanna Publisher, New Delhi King India Publication, New Delhi Kogakusha Publication Kohli Publishers, 34 Industrial Area Phase-II, Chandigarh, Konark Publishers Private Limited Krieger Pub Kumar and KumarPublishers (P) Ltd Bangalore-40 Lakshmi Book Store, New Delhi Lawrence King Publishing Ltd London Laxmi Publication, New Delhi LBS Ltd Faraday Close DurringtonWorthing West Sussex Lea &Febigue, Philadalphiae Learning System, New Delhi Library Association Publishing, London Longman Publishers Macmillan Education Limited MacMillan India Ltd New Delhi Macmillan Press Ltd, (UK) Macmillan publishing co, New York Mager Publisher Pocket Books, Inc New York Mapin Publishing Pvt Ltd, Ahemdabad Mapin Publishing, UK Marcel Dekker, New York McGraw Hill Book Co New York McGraw-Hills Publishers, New Delhi Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt Ltd, Bombay Metropolitan Book Co Pvt Ltd, Delhi Microsoft Press Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt of India, New Delhi MIR publishers MK Kohli Publisher, Industrial Area, Chandigarh GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 5 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Modern Publishers Morgan NA Prakashan, Bangalore Narosa Publishing, New Delhi National Building Code Navneet Publications (India) Ltd Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi New Central Book Agency New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi New Society Publishers Newnes Oxford Nirali Prakashan NITTTR Chandigarh North Publication, Jalandhar Northern Book Centre, New Delhi O’REILLY Octopus publishing group Ltd Orient Longman, Hyderabad Oxford and IBH Publishing Co New Delhi Oxford BSP Professional Books, New Delhi Oxford University Press Papyrus Pub PardeepPublications,Jalandhar PBC International, New York Pearson Eductaion, Delhi Pergamota Press Publications Pitman (ELBS Edition available), London Pitman Publishing Corporation, New York Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi Prentice Hall Press, New Jersey Prestel Publishing, ISBN: Publisher Roli Books(P) Ltd Delhi RaajParkashan Ltd, Delhi Rainbow Book Co New Delhi Raj Parkashan, New Delhi Rastogi Publications Reader’s Digest Association, New Delhi Roorkee Publishing House, Roorkee S Chand & Company Ltd, Delhi SahityaBhawan Publications Sathya Publishers, Madurai Satya Prakashan SatyaPrakashan New Delhi Scitech Publications GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 6 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Scitech Publications Sevak Publications, Bombay Shah Publisher: New Delhi SK Kataria and Sons Publishers, New Delhi SPD Springer Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi Sterling, New Delhi Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi Super Book House, New Delhi Taraporevala Sons, New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi Tech max Publications, Pune Tech Media Publication Tech Publication, Delhi Tech Publications Techmax Publishers Technical Bureau of India, Jalandhar Technical Publishers of India, Calcutta TERI Textile Committee Manual Thames & Edison London The Pragmatic Programmers Thomos and Hudson, New Delhi Thompson Learning Thomson Delmar Learning, USA Tip Top Trading Co, Ludhiana TMH /oracle press Today and Tomorrow, New Delhi Trends Today, Bombay TRUEMANN'S PUBLISHERS UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd New Delhi UGC University Press Umesh Publication Umesh Publishers, Delhi Uneek Publication, Jalandhar Unique International Publications, Jalandhar Unistar Books Private Ltd, Chandigarh United Book Corporation, Pune Universal Book Stall Universal Publishing Corporation, Bombay UPKAR PUBLICATION Usha Publishers, Delhi Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993, New York GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 7 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 VidyarthiGrahPrakashan, Pune Vijay Prakashan, Ujjain Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd, New Delhi Vishal Publication, Jalandhar VK Publishers, New Delhi Wesley Wheeler Publishing House, New Delhi Wiley Eastern India Ltd New Delhi Wiley International Edition Wiley Publishers, New York Wiley Student Edition Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated (USA) World Press Private Ltd, Calcutta Wrox publication Wykeham Publications Ltd Yes Dee Publishing YK Publishers, Agra GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 8 Annexure – 2 Terms and Conditions: 1. Supply of books will be made only by registered post/ speed post or through messenger at the cost of Firm/Agency at any place in the State of Gujarat as indicated in supply order. 2. The agreement of the terms and conditions for the supply of books shall be submitted by the firm/agency, duly signed and witnessed in case the contract is awarded. 3. Books/Publications shall be supplied in good physical condition/brand new. Damaged/defective copies shall not be accepted and will be returned at the cost of Firm/Agency. 4. The books should be supplied by the time/date specified in the order completely, failing which the order would automatically be treated as cancelled . 5. The sum of approximately Rs. 7 lacs (Rs. Seven lacs) is likely to be spent for the purchase of books during the financial year 2015. 6. Only latest editions are to be supplied even if mentioned titles are of earlier vintage in our purchase order. 7. Low priced editions shall be supplied unless otherwise specified. 8. Firm/Agency has to submit the bills in triplicate quoting our order number and date. 9. The following certificate be recorded on the bill to be submitted in triplicate: a. A certificate that authorized publisher’s prices have been charged. b. Latest editions have been supplied as per the supply order. 10. The bill should be accompanied with price proof duly authenticated by the bidder with stamp. 11. Serial number given in our order list should be mentioned against each item in the bill and in all the further correspondence of the Firm/Agency. 12. The same Indian/Asian edition of books available in the market should be supplied even if foreign edition is mentioned in our order unless otherwise specified. 13. In the case of foreign publications, the original prices in the foreign currency shall be mentioned in the bill along with the Rupee prices charged in accordance with the approved rate of exchange. 14. Supply of foreign publications at the prevailing exchange rates and attested stamped copy of the rates/certificate be attached. GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 9 15. The Foreign Books available in dual currencies should be billed in the currency by which the converted cost is the lowest in Indian rupees with certificate. 16. The details of the price shall be given in Price Bid (Schedule-B) only and nowhere else. Prices quoted shall be FIRM and on F.O.R. Destination basis (i.e. GPERI, Mevad, ,Mehsana). However, the tenderer should indicate in the Price Bid, the break-up of Unit F.O.R. Destination Prices with break-up of Unit Ex-works price, Excise duty, VAT/Sales Tax, Custom Duty, average freight, packing charges, and Insurance Charges. tenderer should quote the Freight as well as Insurance Charges both separately as shown in price bid. Please note that payment of excise duty will be made only on Ex-Work prices. Also, please mention rate of Excise duty. If this is not specifically mentioned then GPERI will have the option to take the prices as exclusive of taxes and duties (at maximum slab rates) for the evaluation of the tenders. The tenderer should invariably indicate the total unit end cost price considering all their costs / calculations in the Price bid itself for each item and all sub-items if any. This is mandatory. Cost components hidden / furnished elsewhere will not be considered and will be ignored outrightly. Only for Traders - Tender: a. In case of a trader-tender, if the quotation is furnished for all inclusive rates and the rates of taxes and duties are indicated without indicating the amount, in such cases, the price is eligible for statutory variation. b. Where the trader-tender quotes all inclusive rates without indicating the rate of Taxes and Duties included in the quoted price, the price is not eligible for any statutory variation. 17. The prices shall be inclusive of packing & forwarding charges. The Materials should be strongly and adequately packed to ensure safe arrival at destination. The materials dispatched from overseas by Air / Shipping should be packed such that it can withstand rough handling and possible corrosion due to exposure to salt laden atmosphere, salt spray or open storage. All packing must be clearly marked with order Number and consignee’s name and address. 18. All the materials will be required to be supplied up to Destination against all transit risks, such as damage, loss, theft, fire, etc. The insurance period shall cover 15 days after the date of receipt of materials at site to enable GPERI to check up stores fully. The suppliers will be responsible for free replacement of such stores which have been received short, damaged or broken within 15 days. 19. The cost of damaged, defective stores materials will however be deducted from the bills of the suppliers and will be refunded only after replacement thereof. It will be the responsibility of the supplier to lodge claim against the insurance on receiving necessary advice from GPERI. 20. Unloading of the materials shall be arranged by the vendor. 21. GPERI reserves the right to place repeat order / additional order on the successful tenderers up GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 10 to 25% of the original quantity of the P O at the same prices, terms and conditions stipulated in the original contract during three months from the date of Purchase Order. 22. The tenderers will have to quote a firm delivery period subject to the force Majeure conditions as accepted by GPERI. Tenderer should mention their delivery period. Time being the essence of this tender, delivery period shall be strictly adhered to. Delay in execution of order on account of any reasons will be subject to levy of penalty. 23. In case, the materials are not delivered within the period stipulated in the order, penalty shall be levied at ½% per week on the prices (End cost excluding taxes) subject to maximum 10% reckoned on the value of late delivered supplies. Due consideration will be given to waive levy of penalty for the reasons absolutely beyond suppliers control for which documentary evidence will have to be provided. The request for extension in delivery giving reasons and supporting documents shall have to be made available within one month on completion of the supply, and no request to waive levy of penalty will be entertained / reviewed during the execution of order. 24. GPERI shall have the right to make any changes, additions / deletions or modifications in any terms / conditions or quantity of the tender and / or specifications as may be deemed necessary by GPERI at its sole discretion at any time before the due date of opening of the tender. 25. Revision of prices or any commercial terms affecting the price after opening of technical bids shall not be considered and will be ignored. 26. In case, the supplier fails to deliver the stores / materials / equipments or any consignment thereof within contractual period of delivery or in case the stores are found a. Not in accordance with prescribed specification and/or the approved sample, GPERI shall exercise its discretionary power as under: b. [a] To recover, from the supplier as agreed, by way of penalty clause above, i. Or c. [b] To purchase from elsewhere, after giving notice of 15 days to the supplier, on his Account and his risk i. Or d. [c] To cancel the contract. i. Or e. [d] GPERI at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the qualified Bidders/Tenderer without compensation to the qualified tenderer, if he become bankrupt or otherwise, insolvent or in case of dissolution of firm or winding up of company provided that such termination will not prejudice or effect any right of action or remedy which has thereafter to the GPERI. 27. Further, “GPERI” reserves the right to terminate the Contract (i.e. Purchase order) at any time, without assigning any reasons, whatsoever, by giving a notice or not less than period of ONE month. Suppliers will not be entitled for any compensations / damages / losses, refund by PG whatsoever, on account of such termination of the Contract. GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 11 28. GPERI reserves the right to cancel any or all the offers / bids or to accept any offer without assigning any reasons. a. In case GPERI finds that there is an attempt of cartel in the prices, GPERI reserves the right to consider or reject any or all the parties offers without assigning any reasons thereof. 29. GPERI reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity against each item/s while placing the order. 30. The tenderer must give in his offer, the full name and address with phone, Fax & mobile numbers of the Authorized Representative to do liaison work with GPERI on their behalf. 31. Tenderer should invariably fill up all the details of all the Annexure/s including the prices in the Price Bid Annexure of this tender document and should be duly signed by authorized signatories with their rubber stamp and along with Company’s seal / stamp affixed on each paper. 32. All the tenderers must ensure that all the relevant documents / papers submitted with the tender should be serially numbered, properly bounded / tied together .and properly documented. 33. . One bill shall cover books pertaining to one order only. 34. The supplier undertakes to refund the amount, if charged in excess than the prices of books. 35. Payment Process: The 100 % payment shall be released after the receipt of books and their verification by the Institute. 36. If any discrepancy is found in the consignment, it will be returned at supplier’s cost. 37. Defective copies, if any supplied, will be replaced even stamped, accessioned after any length of time, when detected at the cost of supplier. 38. Conditional and telegraphic tenders shall not be accepted. Tenders received after due date and time will be rejected. 39. In case the date of receipt of tenders is declared /happens to be a public holiday, the tender will be received and opened on the next working day at the stipulated time and venue. 40. At the time of opening the Bid, the interested bidders or their duly authorized representatives may present themselves at their own cost, if interested. 41. No banned book(s) should be supplied and if any such book is supplied, it would be forfeited. 42. Institute will only release the order; if the tenderers is agreed to supply minimum 85% of books required by the Library. Once the Purchase Order released, supplier must supply the books in the quantity mentioned in the order. In case of non-supply of certain books, the supplier needs to submit the evidence of out-of-print etc... GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 12 43. Decision of the Principal, Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana, on any dispute related to this tender shall be final and binding and reserves the right to accept or to cancel/reject/modify any or all item(s) of the tender at any stage without assigning any reason. 44. If any legal dispute arises, its jurisdiction will be Mehsana, Gujarat . 45. Any query, information clarification pertaining to this tender may be referred to Purchase department Gujarat Power Engineering & Research Institute, village Mevad, Ta & Di Mehsana, Mehsana-382710 OR (email ID).Contact No:9276892833 (Signature of the Bidder with stamp) Signed by the bidder in the presence of Sh. …………………… ………………………… (Name of the witness and his / her address) GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Page 13 ANNEXURE - 3 DETAILS OF THE FIRM Tenderer shall provide all the details in this form and shall be placed as a Second Page of the bid. Supplier Name: Within Gujarat / Outside Gujarat Pvt. Firm / Public Ltd. / State Govt. (Indicate the relevant status) Under taking / Central Govt. undertaking GST No. and GST Date CST No. and CST Date Excise No. and Excise Date Financial Turnover for Past 3 Years 1st Year 3rd Year 2nd Year (Rupees in Lacs (105) Custom No. and Date (If applicable) Address of: Registered Office Contact person name: Factory / Works Authorized Representative Designation: Address: City & Pin code: State: Country: Phone Nos. (Off.): Phone Nos.(Res.): Fax Nos.: STD Code.: Mobile No.: Web site address: Email-id: Specimen signature: Seal of the Firm GPERI/2015-16/LIBRARY/BOOKS/001 Signature of the Tenderer Page 14 ANNEXURE – 4 List of Major Academic Institutions (Customer) Sr No Name of Items the institute Seal of the Firm GPERI/2014-15/LIBRARY/BOOKS Qty. Order Fully Status,If Remarks Executed Order Under Yes/No Execution Signature of the Tenderer Page 15 ANNEXURE - 5 Commercial deviations if any to be furnished in this annexure only and to be submitted We confirm that the product offered under this tender complies with all the Terms and Conditions, expect the deviations mentioned above. We also confirm that there are no commercial deviations other than mentioned above. Seal of the Firm GPERI/2014-15/LIBRARY/BOOKS Signature of the Tenderer Page 16
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