How to look after your skin in Summer PG 14 TRADITION AND CELEBTRATION MUKOLI BIHU 2015 PG 08 Scarlett Johansson TO GET HER SOLO Black Widow Film Page 24 VOLUME 02 | ISSUE 28 APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 PRICE `10 Dumpers turn killing machines on city roads BIG BIHU BUCKS Business establishments cry foul over possible embezzlement PG 07 PG 04 A TRIBUTE to BIDYUT CHAKRAVARTY PG 11 JYOTI CHITRABAN Helping assamese films survive Dumpers account for the highest number of fatalities in the road accidents of the city CONTD. IN PAGE 02 PG 10 2 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Lead Story RAHUL CHANDA A thought foremost in anyone’s mind driving a car or riding a bike these days on city roads is one of utmost caution, especially while passing a dumper truck, with most people being of the view that dumper truck drivers drive very rashly, given the incidents of accidents in the city where the type of vehicle primarily responsible is a dumper. According to official records, the maximum accidents occurring in the city happens because of trucks, both moving and stationary. Dumpers are modern trucks which can move faster than any of its predecessors. But the question that remains is--Do dumper drivers rash drive as a rule or there are some reasons which forces them to drive faster on the roads? Which type of vehicle is primarily responsible in the city for maximum numbers of fatal accidents? GPlus analyses the situation and checks the accidents which occurred in last two years. The accidents According to the data available with the city traffic police, Guwahati witnessed 1,182 accidents in the year 2013 and 1,124 accidents in 2014. Among all the accidents reported, the fatal accidents caused in the city and the vehicle responsible for maximum fatal accidents were trucks. Guwahati reported 77 fatal accidents in 2013 and 67 fatal accidents in 2014 where the primary vehicle responsible fo the incidents were trucks. 81 people died in 2013 and 71 people in 2014 because of trucks. 233 accidents in 2013 and 241 accidents in 2014 were reported because of trucks. After trucks, two wheelers like bike and scooters are the next vehicles on roads which causes accidents. Accidents in Guwahati according to type of vehicles in Fatal Grievous Injured Minor Injured Non Injured Total No. of Accidents Killed Injured Motor Cycle/ Scooter 49 107 7 17 180 57 144 Moped Auto Rickshaw 8 20 2 12 42 9 46 Motor Car 14 70 10 45 139 15 114 Jeep 15 50 2 19 86 16 105 Taxi 24 51 5 26 106 27 97 Bus 25 79 9 35 148 30 183 Truck 77 120 3 33 233 81 147 Tempo 30 69 6 24 129 34 143 Articulated Vehicle 2 8 2 12 2 11 Tractor Other Motor Vehicles 22 53 3 29 107 15 112 Total 266 627 47 242 1182 286 1102 Types of vehicle primary responsible killing machines on city roads 2013 Types of vehicle primary responsible Accidents in Guwahati according to type of vehicles in Dumpers turn 2014 Fatal Grievous Injured Minor Injured Non Injured Total No. of Accidents Killed Injured Motor Cycle/ Scooter 61 114 7 16 198 69 148 Moped Auto Rickshaw / Autovan 10 23 4 37 11 42 Motor Car 27 66 5 46 144 27 105 Jeep 24 44 1 19 88 24 81 Taxi 15 26 1 15 57 15 58 Bus 29 51 5 26 111 31 80 Truck 67 133 3 38 241 71 162 Tempo 20 68 6 30 124 20 123 Articulated Vehicle 7 15 22 7 23 Tractor Other Motor Vehicles 27 50 3 22 102 29 113 Total 287 590 31 216 1124 304 935 The reasons While digging for reasons why dumpers or other modern trucks cause so many numbers of accidents in the city roads, we started talking to all the stake holders regarding the issue. An official of the DTO office said, “It is all because of competition. The dumper drivers are given incentives by the owners on every trip and if the drivers are able to complete more trips in a day, then obviously the money they earn is also more.” The official further stated that while applying for a driving license from the DTO, the drivers drive very decently following all traffic rules, but later on they drive rashly on the city roads, knowing well they always cannot be tracked. A police official from the city traffic department said, “Dumpers are built in a manner that they are huge in appearance and with power breaks and all other automated mechanism, dumpers move faster than any other trucks on the roads. At times many vehicle drivers get the impression that dumpers move very rashly and get nervous while driving when they pass by a dumper which may also be a cause of accident.” The official further stated that there are drivers in the city who do not have genuine licenses and get fake licenses from states like Nagaland where people do not even have to go to get a license. The police, from time to time checks all these issues and according to police sources, the number of heavy vehicles registered in the transport office is always higher than the number of commercial heavy vehicle licenses issued to the drivers. Other reasons Some other reasons are also responsible for so many accidents in the city, like the design of the roads which includes some very dangerous cuts, curves and turns. According to many city drivers, the cuts like while crossing the Ganeshguri flyover from the Hatigaon side and moving towards Zoo Road is very difficult to menuevour as it is difficult to see vehicles coming from the GS Road side of the road which is a cause of concern. Similarly, on the highway there is a road division just near the Hotel Radisson Blu which is very tough to identify for speeding vehicles as there is no signal and signage near the diversion which is a risk factor. There are also incidents of accidents reported on the national highway where the dumpers have hit two wheelers when they try to cross roads through dividers. A dumper owner Hemant Bey said, “I make sure that the driver get the monthly salary on time and I have given strict instructions to the drivers to drive cautiously on roads as even I feel scared of dumpers when I drive small vehicles on roads.” He said that he pays Rs 6000 as monthly salary to the driver and Rs 100 every day for food. A dumper driver Bhupen Boro said, “I know that dumpers are looked at as very rough vehicles but we drive fast as the vehicle can be controlled easily. There are many instances when people come and bang at dumpers but later the dumper drivers are blamed which is not the truth. There might be some dumper drivers who drive irresponsibly but not all drivers are same.” According to a contractor who is involved in selling the silts collected from River Bahini after the dredging of the river by GMDA, the dumpers are the only trucks which can carry such wastes and people buy this silts for earth filling. The dumpers generally ply only during the nights and therefore, all dumpers drive very fast at nights to cover maximum number of trips which can fetch them good money. The drivers are instructed by the owners to drive fast and carry as much as they can. The dumpers drive very fast which may cause accidents. There is no speed limit defined in Guwahati till now and with increasing number of dumpers, these modern trucks are gradually turning into killing machines on city roads. G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 3 In The News GMC tightens grip on litterers KALYAN DEB O ne of the first signs of a wellmanaged place be it a home, restaurant, hotel, airport, office, train station or the streets is its level of cleanliness. Although the PM’s Swachh Bharat Mission and Tarun Gogoi’s MANASA (Mukhya Mantrir Akhomor Nirmal Aru Seuj Abhijan) provided the gusto, a lot remains to be done yet. However, while the broom in hand does make a compelling photo-op and is well intentioned, it will take a lot more to clean India. The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has now decided to tighten its grip in order to fight back public littering. The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) had threatened to lodge a First Information Report (FIR) against Trend MMS, the organisers of the Rongali Festival held at the Veterinary College playground, Khanapara from 3rd to 5th April. The Corporation has also imposed a fine of Rs10,000 on Shyamkanu Mahanta, the chief functionary of Trend MMS, the organisers, for not taking up necessary sanitation and cleaning measures even after six days of the completion of the event titled ‘Rongali – Celebrating the Essence of Assam.’ In a notice issued to Shyamkanu Mahanta, the GMC said that if the playground is not cleaned within 24 hours and garbage not disposed off properly, the Corporation would be forced to lodged an FIR against him. “It has also been found that waste materials were also burnt on the playground itself. Hence, as per the GMC Act, 1971, you are imposed a flat fine of Rs 10,000,” the order issued by an executive engineer of the GMC stated. “Such acts lead to public nuisance and violators will be imposed fines of amounts of `10,000 to `25,000 and legal measures will be taken against the violators. The same is not only restricted to an organization but implies to an individual as well.” Vigilantes can go to pages/Guwahati-MunicipalCorporation/152759088150498 Or what’sapp on 8811007000 to post a complaint S Viswanathan commissioner, GMC In another incident, one Jogen Deka was imposed a penalty of Rs.10,000 for unauthorized stocking of building materials on Rajgarh Link Road. The aforementioned fine was imposed in context to the irresponsible gesture and the GMC commissioner has informed that fines will be imposed on any kind of violation or act of public littering such as dumping of garbage in a public place or discharging construction material by the road side, etc. “Such acts lead to public nuisance and violators will be imposed fines of amounts of Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 and legal measures will be taken against the violators. The same is not only restricted to an organization but implies to an individual as well”, said S Viswanathan, commissioner, GMC. “If one witnesses any kind of such incident, a vigilant citizen can go to the Facebook page of Guwahati Municipal Corporation and write a post about such happenings. One can also post a complaint on 8811007000 and What’sapp a post on the same number and required measures will be taken within a short period of time on the complaint”, Viswanathan added. Meanwhile, with the joyous festival of Rongali Bihu in play across the city, it is expected that surrounding areas of bihutolis will be littered with plastic bags and other debris. In order to meet the requirement of maintaining cleanliness in such areas, the Guwahati Municipal Corporation has issued a set of guidelines for the Bihu organisers to maintain cleanliness at the venue during the function and accommodate waste collection bins with bio degradable bags to be handed over to municipal employees. “Waste collection bins should be lined up with bio degradable bags and waste should be handed over to municipal employees in those bags only. Littering, spitting, unauthorised display of bills or posters and pet litter in and around the venue is not allowed”, stated the GMC notice. Photo courtesy GMC 4 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 In The News CITY PRIVATE SCHOOLS CONTINUE violating NORMS Juthika BARUAH A school bus parked illegally on road side A s many as 145 private educational institutions in the city are facing problem with the Kamrup District Administration pulling up institutions violating the rules of Right to Education (RTE) Act and the guidelines given by the administration. Education Minister Sarat Borkotoky, who got recently the nod from Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has instructed the School Inspectors to collect the names of private educational institutions who are running schools without necessary permission of the concerned authority and not being registered under Assam NonGovernment Educational Institutions (Regulation & Management) Act, 2006. It is mandatory for all private schools, irrespective of their board affiliation recognition from CBSE, ICSE or state education boards to be registered under the act. Meanwhile, the District Administration found many discrepancies while visiting the schools in the operation started by a team led by Additional Deputy Commissioner accompanied by the officials of the education department, police and transport department. The schools were found charging exorbitant fees for which the Government has decided to make the school fees system rigid for every school so that they can’t charge high fees from the students. Premier institutions like St. Premier institutions like St. Mary’s, Don Bosco School and Pragjyotish English Medium School were found to be violating norms as the student carrying vans are not fit and do not have fitness certificates. Don Bosco School and Shrimanta Sankar Academy, Dispur has also been issued show cause notice and the administration has instructed them to follow the guidelines otherwise, the registration of the schools will be cancelled. Mary’s, Don Bosco School and Pragjyotish English Medium School were found to be violating norms as the student carrying vans are not fit and do not have fitness certificates. Don Bosco School and Shrimanta Sankar Academy, Dispur has also been issued show cause notice and the administration has instructed them to follow the guidelines otherwise, the registration of the schools will be cancelled. Talking to G Plus, a guardian said that the initiative of the government is good but the school authorities will have to follow the guidelines as thousands of students are pursuing their education in such schools and institutions and if the registration of the school were cancelled, the parents and the students will face problems as it is often not possible to admit a student immediately in a different school. The principal of a reputed school in Guwahati while expressing his opposition to such a mission of the government, said that the government schools have to be given more importance rather than the private institutions. The schools which were issued show cause notices couldn’t furnish building safety certificates, electrical and fire safety certificates. “The schools do not have safety measures and the students are not secured and safe without such safety norms. The guardian send their children to the school trusting the school authority to take proper care of their childen but it is found that the school authorities are doing business rather than providing quality education,” said an official member of the team who is inspecting the schools. The administration has also instructed the schools to appoint quality teachers as they found that the teachers are untrained and the administration will verify the eligibility of the teachers so that they can provide quality education to the students. Lecture to be delivered on ‘Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism in India’ on April 22 A lecture on ‘Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism in India’ is going to be organised by The Omeo Kumar Das Institute for Social Change and Development (OKDISCD). The lecture will be delivered at 11 am of April 22 at the OKDISCD Conference Hall by Dr Gary LaFree, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland, United States which will be followed by an interaction with Dr LaFree. Gary LaFree is also the Director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. Dr LaFree was named a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology in 2006 and a member of the National Academy of Science’s Committee on Law and Justice in 2008. During 2005-2006, Dr LaFree served as the president of the American Society of Criminology (ASC). Anil Chauhan’s wife surrenders to city police The country-wide auto thief king Anil Chauhan’s wife, Rita Chauhan who recently surrendered to Guwahati Police may have surrendered out of fear after a Delhi Police team reached the city two days ago to interrogate Chauhan and enquired about Rita. According to Police, so far no documentary evidence against her and she may have surrendered herself out of fear after a team of Delhi police reached Guwahati to interrogate her. A huge cache of arms and ammunition along with huge quantities of documents were recovered from one of the houses of country-wide auto theft gang kingpin Anil Chauhan after police conducted a raid at a house in Mirza area that was taken on rent by Chauhan. They also recovered dozens of vehicle number plates, passport, bank passbooks, Aadhaar card and auto registration cards among other documents. National Robotics Championship at IIT Guwahati Robotics has always been a fascinating field in the vast ocean of science and technology. In this modern age of science and technology we can see robots being employed in major working areas of humans and thereby simplifying the monotonous assembly line work for the humans. With the advent of robotics, there is a lot of high-end research being carried out in this field and it’s a matter of no surprise that robotics has become a major study area in countries like USA and Germany. Seeing these advancements in the field of robotics, the students of IIT Guwahati recognized the dire need of promoting and inculcating the culture of robotics to the vast student community in India by organizing several robotics competitions through TECHNICHE. Techniche, the annual Techno-Management Festival of IIT Guwahati is going to witness its 17th edition in September 2015. From its humble beginning in 1999, Techniche has grown to become one of the premier Techno-Management festivals of the nation. Techniche organizes all India robotics competition called Escalade that has been organized successfully for the past two years (2013, 2014). The event primarily acts as a platform to promote the budding talent of robotics present in the student community of India. The finale will also be held at IIT Guwahati during its Annual Techno Management festival TECHNICHE where participants will compete with the finest Robotics enthusiasts from all over the nation. Participants will also get a chance to witness and participate in various other events which will be conducted during these 3 days. With the prize of worth rupees eighty thousand at stake, the winner also gets the tag of “NATIONAL ROBOTICS CHAMPION”. G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 5 In The News G PLUS NEWS Eve teasing incident claims one I n a gruesome incident reminiscent of February 2 Kolkata assault and murder of Arup Bhandari for protesting against eve teasing, a city student of 10th standard succumbed to his injuries on Thursday at the Guwahati Medical College and Hospital after he was attacked over a similar incident. Bikash Mahanta, a student of Blue Pine School was allegedly beaten up by a group of youths near Chandmari flyover on Wednesday night over an eve-teasing incident. Bikash had appeared in the matric examination in March and was waiting for the results. According to the police, “The severely injured Bikash was found near the Chandmari flyover with several injuries all over the body. He was immediately rushed to the GMCH in serious condition and breathed his last on Thursday morning.” Bikash was a resident of Nizarapar and had gone to attend Rongali Bihu function at Chandmari. The incident happened when Bikash’s group and the youths had a quarrel over an alleged eve-teasing case during the Bihu function. Few of his friends who witnessed the incident said, “Bikash was attacked with a knife after he tried to save one of his friends. The youths allegedly attacked one of Bikash’s friends when he protested against the foul comments passed by the youths on a girl known to him. Later the youths attacked Bikash with a knife when he tried to save his friend”. Three youths have been apprehended by Chandmari police in connection to the case. Amitava Sinha, Deputy Commissioner of Police (central) said, “Two knives have been recovered from a drain near the place where Bikash was attacked. Three of them had admitted to the crime and has been booked under Section 302 IPC (murder) in connection with the case registered in Chandmari police station”. The accused have been identified as Gautam Rajbongshi (20), Bhaskar Barua (20) and Abhijit Rajbongshi (21), hailing from Krishnanagar area in Chandmari. The occurrence of such an incident is very unfortunate where a boy was killed for opposing eveteasers. The police said, “From the preliminary investigation we have Bikash Mahanta, a student of Blue Pine School was allegedly beaten up by a group of youths near Chandmari flyover on Wednesday night over an eve-teasing incident. Bikash had appeared in the matric examination in March and was waiting for the results. come to know that one more youth was also involved in the incident and is yet to be arrested.” Though police said that Bikash was murdered during a quarrel with a group of drunken youths, the deceased family suspects it to be a pre-planned murder. Family members said, “Somebody was calling him several times before he Congress MLA Rumi Nath in police net G PLUS NEWS C ongress MLA Rumi Nath has been arrested for her alleged nexus with Anil Chauhan, the notorious key player of auto theft on Tuesday. A senior police official informed that Nath was arrested for two cases which were registered with Azara Police station and the other registered in Dispur Police station for which she was arrested from MLA hostel on Tuesday morning. Both the cases are related to auto theft racket and she was arrested under non-bailable sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Nath has declined her involvement with the auto theft racket but after the arrest of Chauhan on April 3rd, it was found that Chauhan’s car had passes which was issued by the Assam Legislative Assembly on the recommendation of Nath where she later said that she had issued the pass to Chauhan’s wife Rita. Nath had applied for anticipatory bail in High Court on Thursday and the Court has asked the police to file the case diary on 28th April. Police also arrested Nath’s second husband Jacky Zakir and her PSO after Chauhan revealed that he was helped by them in the vehicle lifting racket. She also held a press conference on Monday and said that she had not absconded and that she was not guilty and if she was found guilty by the police she was ready to go to prison. During investigations, it was found that the alleged car theft gang leader Anil Chauhan, who was arrested by Guwahati Police and was wanted in a number of cases in Delhi and Mumbai besides other states, was issued Assam Assembly car passes on the recommendation of Nath. Nath later said that she doesn’t know Chauhan but she had connection with his wife Rita who is also a Congress worker and this is a political conspiracy to defame her. Meanwhile, on further investigation, it has also been revealed that notorious car lifter Chauhan may have connections with few top state police officials. went out. Bikash’s wallet was not found from the place where the incident occurred and may be somebody attacked him after he refused to give money to them”. 6 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 City Bio-medical waste Juthika BARUAH A disposal facility needs upgradation lthough bio-medical waste of the government and private hospitals in the city are being disposed by Fresh Air Waste Management Services Pvt. Ltd, an initiative of the Pollution Control Board, Assam in Panikhaiti, the single facility entrusted with the herculean task needs expansion and upgradation. Speaking to G-Plus, Senior Environment Engineer Gokul Bhuyan said, “There is only one facility of biomedical waste disposal in the state which needs to be expanded and there is scope of expanding the facility in the areas where the medical colleges are being set up like in Dibrugarh, Silchar and Barpeta.” He said that vehicle tracker is necessary so that the transportation of the biomedical waste could be monitored in the office itself. “Financial viability is necessary to come out with a new project to dispose the bio medical waste. This unit also carries out disposal of discarded medicines which includes expired and damaged medicines and cytotoxic drugs,” said Bhuyan. Bhuyan also said the bio medical waste should be disposed within 24 hours and maximum within 48 hours so that it does not pollute the environment. Earlier, the hospitals were not aware of the disposal system but after the Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 came into effect, the hospitals disposed the waste with the help of the Fresh Air Company who also earns their livelihood through this business. The Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 states that bio medical waste treatment facility wherein treatment and disposal of bio medical waste or processes incidental to such treatment or disposal is carried out. Rules of Bio Medical Waste Act TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL •Bio-medical waste shall be treated and disposed of in accordance with Schedule I, and in compliance with the standards prescribed in Schedule V. •Every occupier, where required, shall set up in accordance with the time-schedule in Schedule VI, requisite bio-medical waste treatment facilities like incinerator, autoclave, microwave system for the treatment of waste, or, ensure requisite treatment of waste at a common waste treatment facility or any other waste treatment facility. SEGREGATION, PACKAGING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE • Bio-medical waste shall not be mixed with other wastes. • Bio-medical waste shall be segregated into containers/bags at the point of generation in accordance with Schedule II prior to its storage, transportation, treatment and disposal. The containers shall be labeled according to Schedule III. • If a container is transported from the premises where bio-medical waste is generated to any waste treatment facility outside the premises, the container shall, apart from the label prescribed in Schedule III, also carry information prescribed in Schedule IV. • Notwithstanding anything contained in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, or rules thereunder, untreated biomedical waste shall be transported only in such vehicle as may be authorised for the purpose by the competent authority as specified by the government. • No untreated bio-medical waste shall be kept stored beyond a period of 48 hours Provided that if for any reason it becomes necessary to store the waste beyond such period, the authorised person must take permission of the prescribed authority and take measures to ensure that the waste does not adversely affect human health and the environment. Incinerator the burns the bio medical waste Meanwhile, Dr. Ramen Talukdar, Superintendent of Guwahati Medical College and Hospital said that the hospital disposed off the bio medical waste according to the bio medical waste management and handling rules. There are also outstations for disposal of the waste in the hospital and there are different wastes like solid waste, liquid waste etc. and these are being disposed accordingly. Talking to G Plus, Partha Pratim Pathak, Director of Fresh Air, said that the quantity of bio medical waste are very high and the waste are being carried within 48 hours as per rules but the waste of the main hospitals where the rush is more, the waste are carried out within 24 hours. “90 per cent of the private hospitals follow the rules while the government hospitals follow less. Guwahati Medical College and Hospital, Mahendra Mohan Choudhury Hospital, B. Barooah Cancer Institute and CRPF hospital have not tied up with the Fresh Air. But GMCH has recently disposed the bio medical waste through Fresh Air as the incinerator of the hospital remains dysfunctional. 15-20 per cent of normal solid wastes are being disposed daily and approximately 1 tonne of bio medical waste are disposed daily. The Fresh Air collects the bio medical waste from 53 hospitals of the city,” said Pathak. Pathak said that a new draft bill has also been prepared in 2015 for the new rules for disposal of bio medical waste which will be made more stringent. G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 7 City BIG BIHU BUCKS Business establishments cry foul over possible embezzlement KALYAN DEB R ongali Bihu or Bohag Bihu, the biggest festival of Assam celebrated by all communities to welcome the spring season, began on Tuesday with men and women in traditional Muga silk (golden silk) attires dancing to the rhythm of Bihu tunes and beatings of the Bihu dhol across the State. Several stages are set across the city to celebrate the festival that can be witnessed throughout the month of Bohag. While some of the major venues across the city such as Latasil, Bharalumukh, Chandmari and Beltola receive the most number of footfall of Bihu enthusiasts, popular artists also get lined up to perform on those stages. But the backbone of such functions is the fund required in order to carry out the events. While most of the funds for organising such an event come in the form of donation from business organisations, the local households are also among the major contributors. Earlier the idea of corporate sponsorship was not in play as much as it is seen in most major events these days. With the donation collection frenzy grabbing everyone’s attention, several people suspect the embezzlement of the money collected during the organisation of such functions by the organisers. Local business organisations also express dissatisfaction on the demand of donation by the committee members for organising such functions. “The committee members demand money rather than asking for donations. It comes in such a way that they are imposing a levy on us and we are bound to pay as they come in large numbers and we, being mere shopkeepers, have to pay the sum of money they demand,” said a shop owner in Ganeshguri. “Donations are supposed to be asked in a humble manner rather than coming in as a demand,” he said, adding, “Shopkeepers are charged anything from a sum of Rs 500 to Rs 2000 depending upon the size of the shop.” Dismissing the asseveration of embezzlement of donation by the committee members, Ranjan Bora, president, Pub-Guwahati Bihu Sanmilan said, “The committee members are major contributors of the functions and many a times we have to pay from our own pockets. Though the entire budget is planned prior to the event, but by the end of the day the expenses are more than the estimated budget.” The entire process of holding such functions is led by a team of committee members, which is elected during a general meeting prior to the With the donation collection frenzy grabbing everyone’s attention, several people suspect the embezzlement of the money collected during the organisation of such functions by the organisers. Local business organisations also express dissatisfaction on the demand of donation by the committee members for organising such functions. event. The body consists of a president, treasurer, secretaries, executives and sub-committee members among whom the responsibilities are divided. During the meeting the required budget for carrying out the function is decided. The budget for a larger event to carry out functions for three to four days is around Rs 20 to 30 lakhs of which more than fifty percent is required to pay the artists. “The approximate budget of this year is Rs 20 lakhs, out of which more than Rs 13 lakhs are being paid to the artists out of which maestros in the field of music like Angarag Mahanta charge around Rs 5 to 6 lakhs. Other than that, Rs 5-6 lakh is paid for setting up of the venue, stage and the sound system”, Bora added. Meanwhile, following the guidelines provided by GMC on cleaning the surroundings of the venue, the committee members have included the labour charges required for the cleaning of the venue within the budget. However, the utilisation of the budget will remain a matter of suspicion among the donors until the budget and the utilisation of the fund is being publicly notified. The Bihu functions nowadays are also seen to scattered with a large number of corporate branding at the venue. Be it the entry gates, the backdrop, the banners, the standees or the backlit display boards, most of the venues have strategically placed branding all over. Speaking on this, a top marketing agency of the city, which has been handling Bihu branding for its clients for many years say that spends on each Bihu ‘toli’ can range from 50,000 to upto 3 lakhs. This can be in the form of a cash and kind combination, a cash-only sponsorship tie-up or even an exclusive branding activity, wherein the sponsor takes over all the branding opportunities at the venue. Organisers however have a different view on this citing that most of the corporate sponsorships that come in, are only in kind and includes the construction of the gate, the stage or other aspects of production. A bihu function provides massive footfall and it is hard to think that corporate would pass by any such opportunity and similarly the organisers too are not that naïve to understand this. As long as everybody gets what is deserved, the public would only love to see the tradition of the Bihu Tolis go on forever. These functions are a part of the very fabric of the entire Bihu atmosphere that surrounds Guwahati every year. 8 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 City MUKOLI TRADITION AND BIHU CELEBTRATION 2015 SUBHRAJIT ROY Dancers of Charaideo, Sibsagar Wangala Dance K eeping the tradition intact, the Mukali Bihu organised by All Guwahati Students’ Union (AGSU), showcased various cultural traditions in front of a huge crowd throughout the day on April 14, 2015 at the Judges’ Field in Guwahati. The programme began with the Bihu flag hoisting by Sabitri Das, wife of Late Purushottam Das, a pioneer of Assamese Folklore, followed by Swahid Tarpan by All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) and AGSU office bearers and along with the chorus ‘Shreemoyee Asomir...’ and ‘Hey Swahid...’ by the students of Handique Girls’ College. Noted actress Chetana Das paid her tribute to Late Indra Bania, who died last month, by enacting some dialogues from the famous Radio Play “Govardhan Charit’. Three popular singers paid their tributes to three legendary singers of yesteryears who enriched the musical arena of Assam. In this segment named ‘Esafura Sajaal Xowaran’, Mausam Gogoi, Rupam Bhuyan and Diganta Bharati paid their tributes to Late Khagen Mahanta, Late Jyotirmoy Kakati and Late Ashim Hazarika respectively by singing their popular numbers. During this Mukali Bihu function, many achievers who brought laurels to the state were felicitated by AASU advisor Dr. Samujjal Bhattacharya. The list of the persons honoured included famous filmmaker Jahnu Baruah who was honoured with Padmabhushan recently, two Padmashrees namely, noted writer Dr. Lakshminandan Bora and environmentalist Jadav Gumraag Dance Payeng, nine Sahitya Akademi Awardees namely, Ukhrau Goura Brahma, Arupa Patangia Kalita, Kaushlya Brahma, Dinesh Goswami, Bipul Deuri, Surath Narzary, Manika Devi, Shanti Basumatary and Kaushik Baruah. From the field of film making, Shankarlal Goenka, Anurag Saikia, Suraj Kumar Duara, Rajib Kalita, Hemanta Kumar Das and Manabendra Adhikari who begged National Film Awards, were also felicitated during the Mukoli Bihu. The list also included Sangeet Natak Akademi’s Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar Awardee Dr. Bhabananda Barbayan and environmentalist Madhurima Choudhury and Pragya Paramita in Mukali Bihu Chetana Das speaking during the event Tushar Senapati (Labu). Among the cultural performances, the first group Bihu was performed by the dancers from Charaideo, Sibsagar. The members of Dudhnoi Shilpi Samaj, Goalpara showcased their harvesting culture through ‘Wangala Dance’. After that, it was the time for the children. The tiny Nachonis and the Bihuwas grabbed the attention of the audiences with their elegant moves and the beats on the drums. The cultural programme also included ‘Gumraag Dance’, performed by the artists of Mukangchelek Missing Krishti Dal, Jonai, Dhemaji. The day long extravaganza concluded with the Mukali Bihu where celebrities mingled with the common masses and danced together, followed by ceremonial mass blessings sought by all and led by actress Chetana Das. Noted dancer Madhurima Choudhury, actress Barsha Rani Bishaya, Pragya Paramita, actor Jotin Bora, comedian Atul Pachoni and drummer Somnath Bora Ojha remained the focus in the final event. G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 9 Ward Watch Ward No. 10 The second best strives to be the best KALYAN DEB I n a recently concluded contest organized by the GMC in association with Confederation of Indian Industry and the Young Indians to award the best performing wards and NGOs in the Mission Clean Guwahati Contest 2014 ward number 10 along with Jiban Sathi Welfare Society won the second best ward of the city claiming a prize worth Rs 60,000. As an incentive to their feat, the ward was also awarded a development fund of Rs 6 lakh. Ward number 10, which include commercial hubs such as Panbazar, part of Fancy Bazar and Paltan Bazar areas are being thoroughly cleaned and maintained by the authorities and have witnessed development in terms of cleanliness and garbage collection in the recent times. As a center of commerce, these areas witness a large number of footfall and consist of shops and business establishments. As professed by people who have business settlements in the area, the roads are being cleaned on a regular basis in comparison to the recent past, whereas the same areas witness traffic congestion for most part of the day as the roads are narrow and there was unavailability of parking spaces. “Although no other problems are faced in the areas, traffic management requires attention of the authorities and they should also make available parking spaces in these areas. Though on the main roads there are traffic officials present, in the interior areas no traffic management can be seen”, said D Deka, a shop owner at Panbazar. Meanwhile, the Solapara area, part of which is also included in ward number 10 still lack some of the basic amenities. Like some parts of the city such as Boragaon, Devkotanagar, Motghoria and Narengi, the lack of proper drinking water is among the major concerns of the residents of Solapara. Most of the residents who live in apartments have boring facilities whereas others have to buy their share of drinking water on a daily basis. Jogender Das, a resident of Solapara asserted, “Most of the houses have to buy drinking water which cost a lot for the residents as most of them are from middle-class families. Even in those households that have wells, the water is in far too deep to be taken out for use.” “In the past, although a tubewell was installed through an As a center of commerce, these areas witness a large number of footfall and consist of shops and business establishments. As professed by people who have business settlements in the area initiative of a government official but after being used for years it is not in working condition any longer. Though pipelines have been installed throughout the area but the project is not expected to be completed any sooner”, Das added. Apart from the problem of drinking water, the streets in the area are in considerable requirement of repair as water logging is one of the major concerns of the people of the area. “The water level reaches to a height of 2 to 3ft during monsoon and rushes into most of the houses and shops in the area. Prior to the monsoon, the road need some resolute construction,” asserted BhupeshBaruah, a resident. Councilor’s Say Talking to G plus, councilor of ward number 10 Mrigen Sarania asserted, “Ward number 10 includes most of offices of government departments, hotels and commercial organisations so it requires special concern and initiative in order to maintain cleanliness and development in the area. The NGO, along with the cooperation of the ward committee members took initiative and visited the hotels and offices to manage the door-to-door garbage collection. Since the area have several hotels that discharge garbage in large quantity but with the co-operation of the people, proper garbage management could be maintained.” The councilor informed that the awarded amount will be utilized for carrying out development purposes after holding a meeting with the ward committee members and also a bank account will be opened to keep an account of the sanctioned funds and the savings could be utilized in future projects. In content to the problem of Concentrated Area Solapara sub-division 10(c) Councilor Mrigen Sarania Phone number 9864043462 Area Sabha Member Sanjay Debnath Phone number 8486512103 Population of ward number 26,000 Voters 19,900 Population of Soalapara 4.500 Voters 3,200 traffic congestion in the Panbazar area, the councilor said, “Panbazar is one of the oldest areas in the city with commercial settlements so the roads can not be widened as such initiative will hamper several settlements. The only way to decrease the traffic congestion in the area is to constitute oneway route in these areas. Also an initiative to provide parking space in the S.S Road in Fancy Bazar is underway where the cloth vendors could be moved to a market space in the area and the same would help in decreasing the traffic congestion in the Panbazar area.” The councilor also informed that in comparison to areas such as Panbazar and Fancy Bazar, the Solapara area requires necessary developmental initiatives. “The Solapara area was proposed for the FDR fund and is expected to be developed in the near future. One of the major reasons of littering in the area is the settlement of a Harijan colony that hardly consists of any locals. The people in the area litter the roads and carry out several ill activities in the area. The same leads to pollution in the Paltan Bazar area.” It needs mention that Mission Clean Guwahati for 2014 was initiated last year in November as a part of Guwahati Development Programme in which 31 NGOs of every ward of the city entrusted by the GMC to carry out cleanliness work in each ward of Guwahati took part. Ward number 14 received the best ward award on the basis of set guidelines on pre-decided parameters like garbage collection, disposal system/segregation, cleanliness, innovation carried out, public complaint mitigation, etc. The winning wards were proclaimed a development fund of Rs. 10 lakhs, Rs. 6 lakhs and Rs. 4 lakhs respectively. Out of the 31 contesting NGOs, the first, second and third prize went to Suraj of Ward no. 14, Jiban Sathi Welfare Society of Ward no. 10 and Bahnisikha Women and Child Welfare Society of Ward no. 12. The winners were presented an Alto Car, prize money of Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 60,000 respectively. 10 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Society JYOTI CHITRABAN Helping assamese films survive KALYAN DEB T heatres and films are the two most important medium through which a cultural identity is reflected and which enriches the mosaic of our pluralistic heritage. Assam, the frontier state of Northeast India has a rich cultural tradition and Jyoti Chitraban has been providing the deserved exposure to the aspirants of Assamese cinema, nationally and internationally. Government of Assam established Jyoti Chitraban, the only government sponsored studio in the year 1961 and is the only film studio in the entire northeast. Situated in Kahilipara against a scenic backdrop in the foothills of the Narakasur Hills with an area of 10 acres of land, Jyoti Chitraban came into existence as a result of demands from various quarters including cultural doyens, namely Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha, Natasurjya Phani Sharma, the queen of Bijni Late Sabita Devi, Dr. Bhupen Hazarika and Late Khiroda Kt. Bishaya among others. Even personalities from the Assamese film industry Punya Das, Tassadul Yusuf, Bijoy Sankar, Indukalpa Hazarika, Ratna Ojha, Khanin Talukdar, along with current chairman and veteran actor Nipon Goswami staged a lanten fast in front of the DC office for the establishment of a film studio in the city with a view of mitigating the various difficulties faced by the film producing entrepreneurs of the Northeast. Paying due respect to the father of Assamese cinema, Rupkonwar Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla, the name of the film studio was selected as “Jyoti Chitraban”- by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika where Jyoti stood for Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla and Chitraban — the name of the studio established by Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla in his “Bholaguri Tea Estate” during the production of Film “Joymoti”. The studio became functional in the year 1968 with one shooting floor, which was named after Pramathesh Chandra Baruah, a towering personality of Indian cinema who hailed from this part of the country. “Bhadari” was the first short feature film shot in this floor under the direction of Nip Baruah. Later in the year 1973, Jyoti Chitraban Studio was converted into a government controlled registered society, inducting various heads of departments of government of Assam as official members and reputed film personalities as non-official members. Among the stalwarts who has served in Jyoti Chitraban in its fledging days, mention may be made of Late Mahesh Malla Bujar Baruah who was in the first batch of Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, Late Pijush Kanti Roy another FTII, Pune, Diploma holder of sound engineering and also alumni of FTII, Pune, Late I.K. Hazarika, noted cameraman all of whom joined Jyoti Chitraban and trained many Assamese youngsters in the art of film making. With changing times and development in the field of film and television, production as well as digital filmmaking, Jyoti Chitraban has also equipped itself to meet the growing demand of the filmmakers. With financial support from government of Assam and government of India (under Assam Accord),the society has been well equipped with modern technology. Ever since its inception as the only film studio of its kind in the northeastern part of this country, Jyoti Chitraban has been extending laudable and indispensable technical support for the growth and sustenance of the film and television industry of the region. It may be mentioned that many of the prestigious national and international award winning film as well as television productions have been carried out on the floor of the Jyoti Chitraban. By making a series of films, Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia bagged the National Award for screen play for the film “Agnisnan’ in the year 1985. A luminary of the Indian film scenario, Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia was also the chairman of Jyoti Chitraban (Film Studio) Society. Similarly, Janhu Baruah also started his career, creating a series of socially meaningful movies starting with ‘Aparupa’ in the year 1982 and the trend is being continued by youngsters like Gautom Bora, Charu Kamal Hazarika, Jwandaw Bodosa, Bidyut Chakravorty, Sanjib Hazarika, The studio became functional in the year 1968 with one shooting floor, which was named after Pramathesh Chandra Baruah, a towering personality of Indian cinema who hailed from this part of the country. “Bhadari” was the first short feature film shot in this floor under the direction of Nip Baruah. Manju Borah, Arup Manna, Sanjib Sabhapandit etc. Jyoti Chitraban also provides various facilities to upcoming filmmakers of Assam as well as the entire northeast. Jyoti Chitrban is the largest film, video, audio and television programme production facility provider of the region is equipped with indoor shooting floor including makeup and dressing rooms, online floor, mini park and hillock with slopes for outdoor shooting. It has an auditorium with projection theatre, which also serves the purpose of filmshows, workshops and seminars. The society also has a mixing studio as well as recording floor for dubbing, background music, songs, audio and video albums. In the year 1999 a film institute formerly named as Jyoti Chitraban Film and Television Institute to provide a platform for the aspirants of the region was set up. This institute offers special training and diploma for the young people of the region to make them fully productional aspect in the line of prestigious film making profession. Presently, the JCFTI is converted to the Regional Government Film and Television Institute under the Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Assam, at Sila, Amingaon, with a new campus. 11 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Tribute I would have loved to write this tribute... - Chandan Sarmah B orn on 1st January, 1960, at Guwahati, Bidyut Chakravarty was involved with Assam’s cultural scenario since his childhood. His parents are late Bhubaneshwar Chakravarty and Smti Malati Chakravarty. A regular actor on stage and a serious theatre activist during his college days, Bidyut Chakravarty later worked as an assistant director with National Award winning filmmakers, like, the late Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia, Pulak Gogoi, Munin Barua and others. Bidyut’s maiden directorial venture was a telefilm produced by Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati, titled ‘Kukurnechia Manuh’ in 1985 based on a stage play by eminent playwright Arun Sarma. The telefilm was so well-acclaimed that it became one of the most widely appreciated and pride possessions of Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati. It was followed by his innumerable creative pursuits for Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati, and PPC (N-E) of Doordarshan. The fiction serials and documentaries produced-directed by Bidyut for television fetched him wide-range popularity. At the same time, he put significant contributions towards making of a few nationally-acclaimed Assamese films, such as ‘Haladhar’, ‘Meemanxa’, etc. In 1996, Bidyut made his debut as feature film director with much talked-about film ‘Rag-Birag’. The film ‘Rag-Birag’ was the inaugural film of the Indian Panorama Section at the International Film Festival of India, 1997, held at Thiruvanthapuram. Moreover, the film won as many as three National Awards—the India Gandhi National Award for Best First Film of a Director, Best Cinematography and Best Editor. Besides, the film earned rave reviews when it was shown at the Cairo Film Festival in Egypt as an official entry. It is worth mentioning that ‘Rag-Birag’ won as many as nine Assam State Film Awards instituted for the first time by the Govt. of Assam in 1998. ‘Nishiddha Nodi’ was his second feature film which was selected for Kolkata Film Festival and had won five Assam State Film Awards including In 1996, Bidyut made his debut as feature film director with much talked-about film ‘Rag-Birag’. The film ‘Rag-Birag’ was the inaugural film of the Indian Panorama Section at the International Film Festival of India, 1997, held at Thiruvanthapuram. BIDYUT CHAKRAVARTY (1960-2015) the Best Director in 2000. His next film ‘Gunn Gunn Gane Game’, a lightveined, well-made film of popular genre, was widely acclaimed. In 2005, Bidyut made another Assamese feature film ‘Anurag’ which also won seven Assam State Film Awards including the Best Director. His last cinematic venture, ‘Dwaar’, based on the critically-acclaimed Assamese short story ‘Bahiroloi Jowa Baat’ by Apurba Sarma, clinched three Assam State Film Awards including the Best Director in 2012. ‘Dwaar’ also won the Best Film Award in the 1st Filmfare Awards for East Zone 2013 and was nominated for the Best Director’s award. Besides being a tremendously sensitive and technically skilled film director, Bidyut Chakravarty happens to be one of the powerful stage, radio and film actors of Assam. Of the plays he came up with commanding performance, mention must be made of ‘Mrityunjoy’, ‘Antaranga Alaap’, ‘Bhoy’, etc. The films in which Bidyut displayed his superior cinematic acting include ‘Kolahal’, ‘Grahan’, ‘Prabhati Pakhir Gaan’, ‘Haladhar’, ‘Meemanxa’, ‘Dhuniya Tirotabor’, ‘Ramdhenu’, ‘TRP aru...’, etc. The television and radio productions containing Bidyut Chakravarty’s sound acting performance are many. As producer-director of a number of television productions in both fiction and documentary format, Bidyut has earned a distinguished stature. Of these, mention may be made of the Hindi television serial ‘Brahmaputra Ki Cheu Chau’ under Doordarshan’s commissioned programme category. This eightepisode serial was based on the Sahitya Akademi Award-winning Nepali novel of the same name by Professor Leel Bahadur Khatri. Bidyut’s another remarkable creative pursuit for Doordarshan was the telefilm ‘Dahan’ by an acclaimed Assamsse short story of the same name by Chandraprasad Saikia. Bidyut Chakravarty served as a member of the jury for National Award. Till his death, he was the president of ‘Surjya’, a Guwahati-based leading socio-cultural organisation committed to practice and promotion of serious theatre and other related cultural activities. A commerce graduate from Gauhati University, Bidyut Chakravarty married talented stage, film and radio actress Munmi Thakur, the elder daughter of noted Assamese filmmaker late Shiva Prasad Thakur, in 1993. He is also survived by his mother. The death of Bidyut Chakrabarty will ever remain as an irreparable damage in the truest sense for Assamese film industry. It is indeed shocking to accept the cruel reality that such an imaginative, innovative film director with enviable command over technical aspects of filmmaking and a tremendously sensitive stage and film actor, bidding adieu. I would really have loved to write this tribute after at least 30 years from now ! Weather report for the week SAT 19 April SUN 20 April MON 21 April TUE 22 April WED 23 April THU 24 April FRI 25 April Rain showers. Mostly cloudy. Passing showers. Showers late. Broken clouds. Thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy. Showery. Morning clouds. Isolated tstorms. More clouds than sun. 20 / 28 °C 19 / 28 °C 19 / 31 °C 21 / 30 °C 21 / 30 °C 20 / 29 °C 19 / 34 °C 12 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Special BIHU BOLIYA GUWAHATI As the city revelled in the joyous fervour of this colourful festival, our photo journalist Adib Zamali hid out among the crowd and managed to capture some candid shots. Home made cream being sold at the Dighalipukhuri Bihu mela A homeless family sharing popcorn at the Latasil Bihu A woman checking out the traditional food during Bihu A foreigner enjoying the traditional Bihu beats A Bihu nasoni playing the gogona G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 13 Special The Chandmari flyover filled with people during Papon’s show A packed house at one of the Bihu tolis Everybody was revelling in the Bihu spirit... everybody A group of friends, all dressed up in traditional Mekhela Chador The young ‘uns getting ready to be a part of tradition Even our Chief Minister was taken in by the celebrations 14 Health G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 How to look after your skin in Summer Summer sun and higher temperatures are loved because they provide you with the opportunity to spend more time outdoors doing the things you love. However, frolicking in the sun comes at a price and it is your skin that pays it. Sun damage can lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, marks, dry skin, and even skin cancer over time. The hottest season of the year requires careful thought for your skin even as you enjoy the heat and freedom of summer. G Plus brings you 11 tips for skin care to bear the excruciating heat this summer. G PLUS FEATURE Understand how the summer sun impacts your skin It’s important to know how the sun’s rays impact your skin, especially when you are seeking to cut through the hype on cosmetic labels. The following basics should assist your understanding: Ultraviolet A (UVA): The longest wavelength of the sun, this one penetrates the dermis, your skin›s deepest layer. Sun damage can activate free radicals and promote skin aging. Ultraviolet B (UVB): This wavelength penetrates the skin›s upper layer, the epidermis. These rays cause sunburn, allergic reactions and skin cancers. After six times of being burned, the skin has double the risk of developing a fatal melanoma. Ultraviolet C (UVC): Generally these rays are filtered by the ozone layer and they’re the most damaging rays. Scratch Test (ST): Sometimes if you scratch your skin with a back of your heel, the test will reveal your sensitivity. Infra-red (IR): This is the «heat» from the sun and too much can negatively impact collagen, elastic and your immune system. Wear sunscreen but only after assessing the need and doing your own research Not all sunscreens are made alike – some provide a physical barrier (minerals) while others provide a chemical barrier that absorbs ultraviolet rays. SPF stands for “sun protection factor” and indicates the length of time you can stay in the sun; you calculate the SPF by the number of minutes you can stay in the sun without burning normally. (For example, if your skin turns red after 10 minutes in the sun, a sunscreen with SPF of 15 should allow you to spend 150 minutes in the sun.) However, concerns have peaked about what is in your sunscreen and just how effective sunscreens really are. Many sunscreens penetrate the skin and add to the chemical overload that your body is already subjected to with daily modern living. There is no consensus that sunscreens work and there is no proof that higher SPF sunscreens are any better than lower level SPF and they may simply contain more chemicals, thereby increasing your exposure. And getting a false sense of security about your ability to stay in the sun all day because you›re wearing sunscreen is unhelpful and can result in damaged skin – indeed, some scientists worry that this false tion. Besides, it›s a lot nicer to smell neutral rather than of chlorine! If you’re going on holiday and you’re driving, then take your makeup off before you leave as it gives your skin time to breathe. Avoid spraying perfume on your skin in the sun The psoralen in perfume (especially in citrus perfumes) can permanently stain your skin when they react with the sun. During the summer time, it is recommended that you spritz your clothes with your fragrance rather than your skin. Drink plenty of water sense of security coupled with inferior UVA focused sunscreen use has actually promoted skin cancers in recent times. Thus, «how» you treat sunscreen, as a skin protectant is not very important – sunscreen should be used only as one part of your approach to guarding your skin during the summer; it cannot be the only method and it isn›t foolproof. If sunscreens trigger sensitivities, breakouts and other skin problems for you, switch from chemical sunscreens to mineral sun blocks (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide) to see if this improves things for you. If you have oily skin, don’t use an SPF higher than 20; doing so risks overloading your skin with chemicals and more oil. (Indeed, it›s recommended that whatever your skin, you think twice about high SPF values on sunscreen products). Special sunscreens are formulated for oily skin. Look at sunscreen packages carefully and see if they are labeled “Oil-Free” or “Non-Comedogenic” so they won’t clog pores or cause excess oil. Unfortunately it isn’t as simple as walking into your local drugstore and choosing a sunscreen you like the smell of or the price they›re sold at. You do need to do some online research on the chemicals each sunscreen contains and make a informed decision about the brand you choose. See the Environmental Working Group›s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database for information about each sunscreen on the market. Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm The hottest part of the day during the summer is the most damaging time. Don’t stay out in the sun for long periods of time around the hottest hours; the longer you’re outside, the longer your skin is exposed to the radiation. Get your exercise and activi- Hydrated skin is better skin and it is easy for skin to become parched during the summer months. Dehydration results in dry skin, frown-lines, spots, a sluggish complexion and a lack of “glow”. Drink water regularly throughout the day, preferably between meals (drinking during meals can dilute the nutrients from food). Water will both hydrate your skin and flush out toxins that can mar your complexion. Eat healthy foods ties done in the earlier, cooler hours, or in the later, cooler hours of the day. Note that some latitudes advise staying out of the sun between 11 am and 4 pm. Know what is advised for you in that particular location and err on the side of being cautious either side as well as during the hours suggested. Wear protective clothing over your skin. A lot of clothing in outdoor stores and fashion stores has a UV protection rating and some clothes are impregnated with a UV-absorbing colorless dye. The UV protection rating is a good indicator of how clothing can act as an excellent barrier against the sun›s rays. Cover up as much skin as you can, using lightweight fabrics when it›s really hot and uncomfortable. Choose fabrics that won›t itch, scratch, or overheat you and prefer light colors over dark ones, to keep the heat level down. Wear a hat. Your facial skin will benefit enormously from a permanent ring of shade over it in the heat of the sun. Wear sunglasses to protect your sensitive eye skin (and eyes). Eyes are prone to melanomas and cataracts, and the sensitive skin around your eyes is prone to fast aging. Ditch the obsession with a tan. Sunbathing or using a solari- um increases your chances of damaging your skin and getting skin cancers. Moreover, sunbathing will add a good 20 years to your age by dehydrating and wrinkling your skin. Do you really want that? Be careful with fake tan; these products contain a lot of chemicals that aren’t necessarily good for your skin or your whole health. Again, check the EWG Skin. Give your skin a break. By watching the weather over summer, you can work out the days when you won’t need to slather on the chemicals, such as when it is pouring rain or it is a very overcast day. Be sure to pop on your hat and cover clothing as usual because UV rays still penetrate the clouds; you can at least allow your skin a break from the sunscreen. If you’re going on holiday and you’re driving, then take your makeup off before you leave as it gives your skin time to breathe. Leave your makeup off as often as possible while on vacation. This is a great opportunity to let your skin breathe and be free from the chemicals in cosmetics. Rinse skin after swimming This is especially important when you’ve been swimming in chlorinated environments as the chlorine can dry out your skin and for some people it can even result in an allergic reac- A healthy skin comes from eating well and summer is the ideal time to make dietary changes for the better. Cut down on sugar and refined processed foods, which create unbalanced blood sugar, levels and therefore, contribute to premature aging. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, in salads, steamed, raw, or as part of a recipe dish. Choose from the rainbow of fruit and vegetable colors to ensure that you’re getting all the antioxidants and nutrients your skin needs. A diet rich in flavonoids will help to ensure a healthy and glowing skin. And include whole grains in your daily diet too, including the ancient grains. Yogurt is a healthy addition to your diet; just be sure it›s sugar free and natural. No-fat or low-fat diets will cause your skin to, wrinkle and age. You need essential fats in your diet to keep your skin moist and supple. The answer is to exclude unhealthy fats (hydrogenated, trans fats, and heat or light damaged fats) from your diet but to keep using healthy fats daily. Nuts and seeds and fresh fish are excellent sources of good fats. Examine your skin regularly At least one a month, perform a “mole patrol” to check for signs of sun damage on your skin. Be especially alert to moles that have changed shape or size or that hurt, itch, or bleed. G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 MAY I, H THANK YOU! 15 Life Meditation for Clarity of Mind P lease, Excuse me, Sorry and Thankyou! The four magic words we have learnt time and again but when time came, we forgot to use them! For example, in a crowded bus, instead of saying ‘Excuse me’ to get through, we tend to push people aside to get to the exit. However, in a crowded place, it really pays to use these magic words, not because we have to but it makes things a lot easier for us. My mother used to tell me, “There are people watching you behave even on a crowded bus”. Etiquette is something that needs to be acquired, brushed, polished and worked on every passing day. It cannot be picked up on a single day. It requires some amount of hard word to reach a level of finesse. It cannot be denied that a person well-heeled in etiquette is much appreciated by everyone. As soon as a child is sensible enough to understand, parents can take it as their responsibility to teach the ropes in etiquette, since a child is quick to pick up the four magic words and these words can sound bewitching in the lips of a toddler. However, there is a very wrong impression that we needn’t use these words with people who serve us the most, like the vegetable vendor, the rickshaw-puller, the lift-man, the door-keeper, a bus conductor and more people like them. But my question is, why not? Are they not privileged to hear these words or do we think they wouldn’t understand. Whatever the reason may be, we should on our own efforts try and bring the change that we wish to see. Instead of complaining of who behaved in what manner, why can’t we make the change starting with the one individual who matters the most in this chain;ME? And the responsibility that we take for ourselves can never be inane but one that is far more important. It’s like saving money in a bank; the more we save, the better for us. Likewise, when we invest in ourselves, the outcome is a richer person. You can start noticing the change around you the minute you take responsibility of your own actions. Why should we blame anyone when we ourselves can take charge of the situation. I have noticed that it depends on me alone to create a good, bad or ugly situation merely by thinking before I act. Many a times, my nonchalant attitude has taken a toll in a situation, which could have been averted had I thought several times before jumping into the ring. My mother used to tell me, “Think a 100 times before you speak.” I would say, think a million times before speaking one word ‘cause that one word can either make or break you. There is an adage, ‘A bullet out of a revolver and a word said is gone forever’. So, every word spoken should be carefully thought over. Why? ‘Cause it might hurt the person spoken to, devastate him/her and completely destroy a previously perfect relationship forever. Whatever may be the situation, it is very important that we maintain our calm and use the right words that we wish to be used for our own selves. We wish for more friends in our lives, don’t we, rather than enemies? And why makes enemies with words that hurt, when we can make friends with kind gentle words. In my daily life, I come across 100s of people, each with their own temperaments. On a particular day, the same person who was very nice to me may be totally unresponsive to me on another day. The person might be having obvious reasons for behaving in that way. He might be having unfathomable problems. However, as usual, having the tendency to think in a particular manner, I concoct stories in my mind. I start thinking that he is probably the uninitiated in etiquette and design a hundred and one ques- tions against him. “How can he behave like this with me? Hasn’t he been taught how to behave with people? I really don’t know who has selected him for this job? It’s best he stays at home and spare us his moody demeanour!!” Etc, etc. But jumping to conclusions however, is not the best way out! I have noticed over the years that there’s a pattern to people’s behaviour. People behave in a congenial manner one day and in another way some other day not because they dislike anyone but maybe they have a larger problem. For example, he might have had a bad start at home, his car broke down, he realised his car insurance has lapsed and so on and so forth.When we jump to conclusions about a person’s behaviour, we are not looking at the larger picture. If we try and fathom his situation, then we will stop making wild guesses about him. Good manners and etiquette start from home and the mother has to take special note of this. As parents and care-takers, it is very important that we teach young people the magic words of etiquette; Please, Excuse me, Sorry and Thankyou! For example, if the little boy of the house has completed a significantly commendable chore around the house, he deserves a very big Thank You. He will soon understand that he too needs to say Thankyou as and when someone in his family does a chore or a favour for him. As we always say, charity begins at home, so too, it is important to start the art of good manners and etiquette at home. It is not the expensive clothes that you buy for him/ her that will be of significance in the future but the manners that he/she learnt from parents that will matter in evolving as a wonderful human being. The World has its eyes on your child! tinat ATIFA MASOOD ave you ever felt that you’ve almost made up our mind, but then, from nowhere, a black cloud of doubt appears that doesn’t seem to clear? Such doubts are like ripples in the water that give us a distorted reflection of ourselves and all that are around us. But once the ripples settle down, everything becomes crystal clear. Is it possible to achieve that crystal-clear state of mind or is it just a fool’s paradise? Fortunately, it is very much possible with regular practice of meditation. Meditation, a timetested technique, is like that signboard that shows you the way out of your jungle of thoughts. It is the unseen force that settles the ripples of doubts in your mind and gives clarity in what you think and how you act. How can meditation transform the quality of our thoughts? What’s the science behind it? Let’s discover in the following sections. Meditation induces a sense of calm You might have come across this Chinese proverb: “When you feel confused, take a pillow and go to bed”. They probably knew that sleep can calm down your confused mind. But, do you know that meditation can replicate this calming effect? Did you know that when in meditation, our body’s oxygen requirement goes down by 10 to 20 percent, which otherwise goes down by only 8 percent during sleeping? A lower oxygen requirement is an indication of a heightened sense of calm, which gives our body its much-needed rest. A calm mind can think more clearly than a restless mind because it is not scattered all over the place. Meditation increases your system’s energy The mechanics of meditation we discussed in the previous point shows that meditation increases our energy levels. When this happens, all doubts and confusion give way to clarity of mind. Have you noticed that when you were sad or feeling low, you were not clear in your mind? And do you also remember being happy when you knew just what needed to be done? Clearing your mind of confusion is like clearing the dust from the window. You can see and sense better when you are happy. It can happen when our energy levels are high. This way, meditation can be your energy booster. Dust is like doubt and a clean window is like clarity of mind, which will inevitably also reflect in our actions. It will all come with a few minutes in meditation. Meditation Makes You Focused Have you observed yourself at the times you felt you were very focused on your work or whatever you were doing? At all such times, you were probably also high on energy. That is because your energy is not diverted to other wasteful thoughts. Our mind is like a computer’s RAM (the part of a computer that does all the thinking, analyzing, and interpreting). So, when there are too many programs (thoughts) running in the background on a computer, the more important programs slow down. This is a near-perfect analogy for our scattered mind, and meditation helps you shut down these unwanted programs. Meditation can clear your mind of wasteful, noisy thoughts. That undoubtedly makes us clear in the mind, and we are able to work and take decisions with clarity. Meditation improves observation, perception, and expression You undoubtedly know that your eyes are your window to the world outside? Can you see clearly when you have a speck of dust in your eye? Similarly, is it possible to perceive things clearly when you have stress in your nervous system? We start doubting ourselves and others when our mind is shrouded by the emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, fear, and/ or regret. Meditation makes us centered, and such feelings don’t bother us much. At the same time, it improves our observation of the world inside and out. We are more receptive to how we feel and how others feel about us. Once we start listening to ourselves, it becomes easier to have a say on our feelings and emotions. Clearer observation means a clearer understanding of the situation and clearer distinction of right from wrong, which inevitably affects our decision making. Undoubtedly, this is also going to improve your communication skills and make the content of your communication richer. When your perception and observation are clear, you know what to express and how to do it. Meditation retains clarity for a longer time While we’ve already understood how meditation clears the garbage from our mind and helps us grasp, think, and express clearly, it is also necessary to understand how to retain this clarity over the long term. That will come when we meditate regularly. Morning is a good time to meditate because there is less chaos and we can meditate deeply. Daily meditation sustains our energy at higher levels. It also helps us maintain a perpetual state of calm, which we can otherwise lose easily when we face difficult situations. Not just that, meditation also keeps us grounded when we are overcome with happiness. The benefits of meditation are plenty. His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji 16 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Hang Out BUZZING NOW ‘Cafe Guwahati’ sanjukta dutta (Food enthusiast) T he Food industry is changing everyday and Guwahati is also a witness to this bustling change. Now only we are exposed to eating out more, but also the amount of options that are now available for us is so incredible. From Fine Dining to value for money eating joints, to cafes, you name it and Guwahati has it. Another café that just joined this food revolution is Café Guwahati. Bright, well lit and spacious, this place offers you array of Tea, Coffee, Mocktails etc, something to munch on to something to fill your stomach with. The Menu is well thought of that will suit to every body’s palate. A wide range of food from Burgers to Sandwiches, from Humus and Pita Bread to Fish and Chips, this place will win hearts of food lovers. I quite liked their interesting mocktail called ‘AbraKa-Dabra’ The one thing that will strike you the moment you enter this café is the ambience which is friendly and lively. As Debojit Chaliha says ‘This place will set a benchmark to café culture in Guwahati’ and one can see the potential too. The servers are friendly and they take you down through the menu in case you get confused to pick their best. The music is good and the place is spacious. Debojit Chaliha tells that he has plans to bring in budding musicians for live music in the café, which would be one of a kind in the city, as most of the live music is associated with only alcohol serving lounge bars. This is a new welcoming change that Music Lovers would like to see. Listening to music read book or play pool over tea, coffee and a few bites sounds very exciting. The location of this place once again wins a brownie point because of the strategic location it is in. Ample of parking place on either side of the roads makes this place access friendly. Situated right in the crossroads of Hatigarh Charali, Zoo-Narengi Road, which is also a very impending part of the city, you cannot choose to ignore this place. So what do you think is the USP of Café Guwahati?, ‘We will serve the freshest of food to our clients, as for us reputation is what is we are looking forward to earn’ came a very confident reply from Debojit Chaliha G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 17 Travel L ying at the southernmost tip of northeast India is Mizoram, the land of blue mountains. Mizoram is famous for its evergreen hills and dense bamboo jungles. The hills are criss-crossed by gushing rivers and high, sparkling waterfalls. If you drive through the centre of the state towards the Myanmar border, you will pass through lush green paddy fields. This kind of geographical diversity makes Mizoram one of the best places to visit in north-east India. How to Reach By Air Aizwal, the capital city of Mizoram is thoroughly connected by flights from major cities like Kolkata, Imphal and Guwahati. By Rail The closest railway station for Aizwal is Silchar in Assam. There are many trains from Guwahati also which take 19 hours to reach Aizwal. By Road Aizwal is accessible from Shillong and Guwahati by road. Aizwal is connected by buses and taxies with Silchar through NH 54. Cities and Famous Destinations of Mizoram Aizwal City The capital of Mizoram, “The Home of the Highlanders”, is the hallmark of tribal culture. Endowed with immense natural beauty, it has the meandering Tlwang river, the exquisite landscape, and peaked hills of Durtlang assuming a natural boundary to the South of Aizwal. The legendary folklores, the enchanting views make the city a place abuzz with activities and liveliness. Lawngtlai City The destination is an abode of minor ethnic tribal groups of Lai and Chakma. Endowed with tropical climate, the district is ideal for the wild flora and fauna. It is covered with tropical wet evergreen, mixed deciduous forest and wild banana forests Lunglei City This tourist destination has abundant and exclusive flora and fauna along with beautiful atmosphere. The nearby picnic spots of Khawiva and district park at Zobawk attracts tourists in herds. The climatic conditions, the natural charm and the magnetic tranquil peace makes it an ideal hill station. The tropical forests of this region shelter tigers, wild boars, leopards, monkeys, barking deers, sambars and elephants, and many other migratory animals of the world. Some rare species of birds like the hombills, pen-pheasants, tragopans, flower-peckers, sun-birds and the thrush family are also found in the woods. Champai City This thronging commercial city has amazing view of Myanmar hills. The pleasant climate, picturesque charm, riotous rice fields and green hillocks attract many tourists. The major tourist attractions are Kungawrhi Puk (cave), Tiau Lui (River), Rih Dil (Lake), Lianchhiari Lunglen Tlang (Cliff), Thasiama Seno Neihna (Plateau), Manghaia Lung (Memorail Stone) and Fiara Tui. Do not miss out to check the famous Rohdil Lake close to the town. Kolasib City This small travel town is located on the way to Silchar and Aizwal. You will experience the extraordinary ways of lifestyle, traditions, legends and beliefs here. The simple people of the district are of Mongolian breed and are mainly into farming. The hot travel spots for tourists are the lavish orchids, the peaceful surroundings and the Tlawng River. Art and Craft The state tourism has a tradition of rich and exquisite art and craft productions. Among the most preferred ones are the handloom industry. You will see a Mizo lady doting her “Puan” dress which is very gaudy and vibrant. As the state has abundant bamboo forests, the people make articles of bamboo very adroitly. Cuisine of Mizoram The people of the state relish non vegetarian savories like meat. The staple food of Mizos is Rice served with pork meat. The cuisine of Mizoram has become an integral part of Mizoram tourism and travel in entire North East India due to its distinct specialities from other as the Mizos do not use spices while cooking the dishes. Their food is simple made of lentils, bamboo shoots, pork, chicken and meat. Inputs by Pushpak Air Travels 18 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Reviews vie Moview re Cast: Amyra Dastur, Nora Fatehi, Emraan Hashmi Director: Vikram Bhatt u Yo LD TEN SHOU LIS A Mov Revi ie ew Cast: Kalki Koechlin, Revathy, Sayani Gupta, Tenzing Dalha Director: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar M argarita With A Straw was earlier named Choone Chali Aasman for its Indian release & Margarita With A Straw for its International release is an Indian film directed by Shonali Bose, starring Kalki Koechlin. Laila is a rebellious young girl with cerebral palsy. She leaves her home in India after she is rejected by her crush to study on scholarship in New York University. In New York, she unexpectedly falls in love, and embarks on an exhilarating journey of selfdiscovery. When Laila gets admission to New York University, she leaves the security of her Delhi family and home, and also leaves behind heartbreak and rejection, to start a new, more independent life. While her mother (Revathy) accompanies her initially, eventually Laila must make her own decisions and find her own way around in this new world. This includes a relationship with the feisty Khanum (Sayani Gupta), who happens to be visually impaired, and fellow classmate Jared (William Moseley). At the end of the semester Laila and Khanum go to India to see the latter’s family and reveal the nature of their relationship to Laila’s mother. But the secrets and lies become meaningless when crisis and loss hit the family. In this moment, Laila finally finds her true self and strength and comes to terms with loneliness and self-worth. Director Shonali Bose succeeds in addressing important issues (portrayed cleverly in the differences between the life of a differently-abled in New Delhi and New York) while keeping the spirit of the film largely joyous, frothy and feel-good. The emotions and concerns are universal and the performances add texture to this (script by Bose and Nilesh Maniyar). Sayani Gupta makes an impact in her role as the supportive partner while Revathy delivers just the right pitch as the protective mother learning to let her child go. Kalki Koechlin’s hard work is undeniable and it’s hard to separate the actor from Laila. Barring a few overwrought moments and a cheesy ending, camerawork by Anne Misawa and music by Mikey McCleary add texture and rhythm to this surprisingly entertaining and forthright film. What worked for the film was its eccentric theme and a very refreshing approach over a real life issue. The actors played the roles wonderfully and rendered everyone speechless. We meet Laila at an age in which she is acutely aware of her sexuality, and secretly surfs internet porn, an age we can all relate to. The wonderful portrayal of characters and their enigmas, an Indian family, dealing with a daughter with disabilities and being proud of her rather than succumbing her into a world of depression is commendable. What didn’t work for the film was the fact that it was a tad bit slow in its wake. Its rich moments of joy and sadness did make a connection with the girl but in a country where homosexuality is a criminal offense, it states to differ, whether this beauty of a movie, will sail or sink. Our predicament is that this is one movie that even left our PK hero, Aamir Khan in tears, it’s a must watch for all those people who have a rich taste for films that touch your heart with a story so sensitive yet beautiful. fter lip-locking (almost) every pretty face on-screen, Emraan Hashmi returns to the big screen to seal the deal with yet another kiss, but this time, under water! And, that about sums up his latest Bollywood adventure. The fact that he plays peekaboo after consuming a blue drink from a test-tube slips in as an afterthought. Blame it on tacky visual effects, or a convoluted science theory that never quite adds up. Added to that, there’s an exasperated girl, who flares her petite nostrils, flashes her leather boots and constantly distracts us from her lover Mr X’s rather insipid revenge saga. Director Vikram Bhatt begins the show by edging us to call his new hero “Mr X” in a tune that’s not even pleasing to the ear. Looking back, that was a clear indicator on how his story would unfold. But, we are thick-skinned, so we stay on, as a strange love story unfolds between a cop, who is secretly in love with his leather jacket, and his pencil-thin co-worker, who also Album: Furious 7: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Artist: Various artists loves dressing like she’s always ready to party. Their romance is cut short, when a top politician is assassinated. The cop suddenly disappears, and his lady turns his biggest enemy. Cut to, a strange blue liquid that makes Raghu invincible, and a police squad that’s called ATD, and a bizarre tale of truth and justice unfolds. Emraan Hashmi grins and hides his utter shock at being handed his career’s most obscure and inane role, while Amyra Dastur struggles to step into the skin of a character that shrieks and glares without much conviction. The shocker of them all was how Bhatt reduces funnyman Thanmay into a silly geekboy Popo. With pretty much nothing going for Mr X, we can safely urge you to protect your mind from this idiotic mess. You SHOU Rea LD d A Margherita with a straw P op music and cars have a long history, but the Furious 7 soundtrack goes one step further, seeking out 16 tracks thrilling enough for the biggest chase movie of the decade. T.I. and Young Thug zigzag over rave synths on “Off-Set,” bachata singer Prince Royce goes deep house on the coy “My Angel,” and French Montana flows over J. Balvin’s reggaeton hit “Ay Vamos.” Naturally, Lil Jon and DJ Snake’s “Turn Down for What” makes an appearance. The resulting LP doesn’t just move between hip-hop, EDM and Latin pop — it shows all three genres trading ideas. Environmentalists, rejoice: This one is plenty of fun even if no one’s burning gas. Book: Innocent Blood Author: James Rollins vicious attack at a ranch in California thrusts archaeologist Erin Granger back into the fold of the Sanguines, an immortal order founded on theblood of Christ and tasked with protecting the world from the beasts haunting its shadows. Following the prophetic words found in the BloodGospel - a tome written by Christ and lost for centuries - Erin must join forces with Army Sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza todiscover and protect a boy believed to be an angel given flesh. But an enigmatic enemy of immense NOW SHOWING T.I., Wiz Khalifa and others get pulses racing on all-star set Fast & Furious 7 Apsara Cinema power and terrifying ambition seeks thesame child - not to save the world, but to hasten its destruction. For any hope of victory, Erin must discover the truth behind Christ’s early yearsand understand The search for the truth willtake Erin and the others across centuries and around the world, from the dusty plains of the Holy Land to the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean,from the catacombs of Rome to an iron fortress in the Mediterranean Sea, and at last to the very gates of Hell itself, where their destiny - and thefate of mankind - awaits. Mr X Ek paheli Leela Daily at 11.00 AM 2.00, 5.00 & 8.00 PM (2D) Anuradha Cineplex Daily at 8.15 PM Daily at 2.30 PM (E-3D) Daily at 9.45 AM, 11.45 AM, & 5.30 PM (3D) Fun Cinemas Daily at 8.30 PM Daily at 9.30 AM 3.00 & 8.45 PM Daily at 10.30 AM, 1PM & 6.05 PM Gold Cinema (Fancy Bazar) Daily at 11.30AM (E-2D) & 5.30AM (H-2D) Daily at 11.00 AM 2.00, 5.00 & 8.00 PM (2D) Daily at 2.30 PM Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) Daily at 11.30AM (E-2D) & 5.30AM (H-2D) Daily at 11.00 AM 2.00, 5.00 & 8.00 PM (2D) Daily at 2.30 PM Daily at 11.00 AM 2.00 & 5.00 PM (2D) Daily at 8.00 PM Gold Cinema (Narengi) Telebooking numbers: Anuradha Cineplex; 03612656968, 9954544738, Fun Cinemas: 9864800100, 9864800200, Gold Cinema (Fancy Bazaar): 03612735367, 9854077177, Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar): 9854066166, Gold Cinema (Narengi): 8811001898 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 19 Tech Watch A border village of Delhi goes Wifi I t’s like any ordinary village. Buffaloes stand tied to posts in backyards. Tractors, sings of farm wealth, line the porches. Old men bask in the afternoon sun smoking hookah. Eight kilometres away in Delhi, the plan to make the capital city a WiFi zone is still in the works, the chief minister having said that the plan will take another year. However, for the village of Tilla Shahbazpur, the idea couldn’t wait that long. A month ago, its residents pooled Rs 18 lakh to create a WiFi zone across the village that’s spread over 2.5 sq km. All this, with no government assistance. Village Pradhan Ishvar Mavi tells Newsline that during the recent elections in Delhi, he heard Arvind Kejriwal announce the WiFi project for the city. “I discussed that with the village youth and they insisted on installing WiFi here. In no time, the telecom company to implement this project had been hired and a tower installed in our backyard. Now the 2,700 mobile internet users in our village could benefit from this service,” he says. schools in the area. We have a BEd college and senior secondary schools, too,” he says. Mavi says he does not understand what Kejriwal’s government is waiting for. “We had an idea and we implemented it. All you need is the will to do something,” he says. Facebook is reviving the away message T he away message, long a staple of old-school instant messaging services like AOL Instant Messenger, is making a comeback. This week, Facebook began testing a new feature in Taiwan and Australia that lets users add a temporary status that shows up in the right panel of the social network’s flagship app. Sidebar status, as the feature is called, will only appear for 12 hours or until the user clears or updates it. By default, statuses can only be seen by users’ friends on mobile and don’t show up in the main feed of updates. Unlike a typical status update, where users might share photos or news stories, sidebar status is meant to capture what people are doing at that very moment. Indian companies What is Net Neutrality? withdraw from Facebook’s a brief A group of Indian technology and internet companies have pulled out of Facebook’s initiative, fearing it threatens the principle of “net neutrality”. This is the principle that all websites and apps should be equally accessible. Travel portal and media giant Times Group both announced they would be withdrawing from the service, citing competition fears. But Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg defended’s aims. The service aims to extend internet services to the developing world by offering a selection of apps and websites free to consumers. Participating publishers pay the data costs charged by telecoms firms. But many companies fear this distorts the market and makes it harder for small companies to get their products seen by the public. Currently, Indian visitors to can access nearly 40 stripped-down services, including job, healthcare, news and education sites. Xiaomi Mi 4 gets a price drop in India; will compete with 64GB OnePlus One at `21,999 X iaomi recently celebrated the Mi Fan festival by offering several devices for Rs 2,000 less, including the celebrated Mi 4. Now, the company has no plans to go back to the older pricing. An official statement by the company reads, “Mi India offered a special price for Mi 4 during Mi Fan Festival, and it was very well received. We have thus decided to make this price drop permanent.” The 16GB Mi 4 priced at Rs 19,999 is available for Rs 17,999 after the price cut, while the 64GB model is up for grabs at Rs 21,999, which is down from its original Rs 23,999 price tag. It is now available on Flipkart and offline via The Mobile Store. Manu Jain has revealed that the Mi 4 will also be made available on Snapdeal and Amazon soon. World’s first self-powered video camera developed T he world’s first self-powered video camera that runs without a battery and can produce an image each second has been developed by researchers led by an Indian-origin scientist. To develop the prototype camera, researchers designed a pixel that can not only measure incident light but also convert the incident light into electric power. “We are in the middle of a digital imaging revolution,” said Shree K Nayar, TC Chang Professor of Computer Science at the Columbia University, who led the study. “I think we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. Digital imaging is expected to enable many emerging fields including wearable devices, sensor networks, smart environments, personalised medicine, and the Internet of Things. “A camera that can function as an untethered device forever without any external power supply - would be incredibly useful,” said Nayar. At the heart of any digital camera is an image sensor, a chip with millions of pixels. The key enabling device in a pixel is the photodiode, which produces an electric current when exposed to light. This mechanism enables each pixel to measure the intensity of light falling on it. Nayar and colleagues used offthe-shelf components to fabricate an image sensor with 30x40 pixels. In his prototype camera, which is housed in a 3D printed body, each pixel’s photodiode is always operated in the photovoltaic mode. N et Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online. This is the definition of an open Internet. Net Neutrality means an Internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that Internet service providers should provide us with open networks — and should not block or discriminate against any applications or content that ride over those networks. Just as your phone company shouldn’t decide who you can call and what you say on that call, your ISP shouldn’t be concerned with the content you view or post online. Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the Internet into fast and slow lanes. An ISP could slow down its competitors’ content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service. This would destroy the open Internet. Why is Net Neutrality important for businesses? Net Neutrality is crucial for small business owners, startups and entrepreneurs, who rely on the open Internet to launch their businesses, create a market, advertise their products and services, and distribute products to customers. We need the open Internet to foster job growth, competition and innovation. Net Neutrality lowers the barriers of entry for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses by ensuring the Web is a fair and level playing field. It’s because of Net Neutrality that small businesses and entrepreneurs have been able to thrive on the Internet. They use the Internet to reach new customers and showcase their goods, applications and services. No company should be able to interfere with this open marketplace. ISPs are by definition the gatekeepers to the Internet, and without Net Neutrality, they would seize every possible opportunity to profit from that gatekeeper control. Without Net Neutrality, the next Google would never get off the ground. 20 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Entertainment Anurag Kashyap Clarifies about the screening of ‘Bombay Velvet’ at Cannes Special Session I’m not an item number person, says Preity P A leading French magazine ‘Paris Match’ has reported that Anurag Kashyap’s magnum opus ‘Bombay Velvet’ is listed for a special midnight screening session. This means the film will be screened out of competition. Considering prevalent speculation around ‘Bombay Velvet’ cast and crew - Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and its director, Anurag Kashyap - making it to the Cannes red carpet, this report gathers more interest. When we reached out, Anurag said, “As far as I know, our film is re- Ranveer injures himself during a horse riding sequence for ‘Bajirao Mastani’ R anveer Singh injured his shoulder after he fell from a horse while shooting for his upcoming movie ‘Bajirao Mastani’. It is said that the actor left for Mumbai for treatment. Ranveer took to microblogging website Twitter to share the news in a filmy style. He tweeted, “As for the injury, I’m fine. Mard ko Dard nahi hota....aur badi badi filmon mein aisi chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain ;) #shithappens.” He later tweeted, “Thank you all for your love and concern <3 #kisses #keepsmiling.” ‘Bajirao Mastani’ also features Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra. Ranveer will essay Maratha warrior Peshwa Bajirao, Deepika will essay his second wife Mastani and Priyanka will play the role of his first wife Kashibai. reity Zinta loves to shake a leg, but dancing to item numbers in films is not what the actress is aiming for. Asked if she would like to do another item number after “Happening” from Salman Khan-starrer “Main Aurr Mrs Khanna” (2009), Preity told IANS: “The only reason I did the last item number is because I love Salman and he is my buddy. I would do anything for him.” “Having said that, I’m not really an item number person. I’m an actor. My USP is that I can perform. I don’t mind dancing. I love to dance but I’d rather come to your house and dance or go to a club and dance,” she added. But the 40-year-old all geared up for dance, dance and more dance in her new role as a judge on Star Plus’ reality show “Nach Baliye 7”. She will share the judges’ panel with choreographer Marzi Pestonji and author Chetan Bhagat. Celebrity couples will take to the dance floor to present innovative performances week by week to win the trophy. leasing 15th may all over and is not playing at the Cannes film festival except in the market”. Apart from the competition section and special screenings at Cannes, a bustling market for international cinema simultaneously acquires films for exhibition in different countries. ‘Bombay Velvet’ will feature in this market. However, its director is not yet aware of the film being slotted for a special screening. The official Cannes website is in the process of updating all films to be screened in different sections here. How an Assamese song became part of Kalki Koechlin’s ‘Margarita With A Straw’ D usokute’, the rocking number from “Margarita With A Straw”, was originally part of composer-singer Joi Barua’s Assamese album and was included by Shonali Bose in her film as she was bowled over by its “anthemic” feel. “Shonali heard the song through a common friend Amitabh Bhattacharya, the National Award winning lyricist, and fell in love with it. She wanted something like this to kickstart a very essential part of the movie. She liked it for its anthemic feel. She felt it contained the essence of youth and optimism,” says Barua, who hails from Jorhat in Assam and is based in Mumbai. Bose fell in love with the song after hearing it. “After hearing this song by Joi I loved it so much that I asked him if we could have it for ‘Margarita’ and put it in Hindi. Prasoon penned such amazing lyrics for it lifting it to another level,” she says. “From a nar- rative stand point it fit perfectly that I found an original Assamese song. The boy Laila falls in love with - Nima - is Assamese. I made him Assamese in the script because wherever possible I try to bring in different underrepresented communities in the film. The song shows protagonist Laila (Kalki Koechlin), who is the lyricist of her college band, using the Assamese word ‘Dusokute’ meaning ‘in the eyes’ in her composition to impress Nima, a boy from Assam whom she loves. The word has been retained from the original composition, while the rest of the song has been written in Hindi by Prasoon Joshi. “’Dusokute’ was originally part of our Assamese album ‘Looking Out of the Window’ (2010). This was a song done looking back at life, when I was a student of Gauhati Commerce College. Those times gave me a terrific feeling - a kinetic energy or force. That was the genesis of the song,” 40-year-old Barua told Kangana is too modern to play my mother’s role, says Meena Kumari’s stepson M eena Kumari’s stepson, Tajdar Amrohi, feels that Kangana Ranaut will not be able to justify the veteran actress’ character in Tigmanshu Dhulia’s upcoming biopic. He further added that the ‘Queen’ star is too modern to play his mother’s role. In an interaction Amrohi said, “Kangna in no way will be able to justify her character. She is too modern to play the role.” Amrohi is also making a film on his mother and said that he has not given permission to Dhulia to make a film on the veteran actress. He said, “I am already making the film and the first rights rests with the family and my film is on floor. The film is being directed by Shashilal Nair. “Who will know her better than us and for the world to know that Meena Kumari (my chhoti ammi) and Kamal Amrohi were never divorced. We have lived with her and there are so many incidents and anecdotes that only we know and which will be incorporated in the film,” he added. Sooraj Barjatya upset with Sonam’s daring mag cover onam Kapoor stuns every mag- S azine cover she is on. But her sensuous avatar on the recent Vogue India cover has landed her in trouble. It is said that Sooraj Barjatya, who is working with her on ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’, is not happy with her daring look on the cover. The actress plays a demure character in the movie and so her April cover has left the director upset. A source said, “Sooraj was quite upset by Sonam’s ultra-modern avatar on the cover which borders on risque. In PRDP, the girl she plays is a far cry from the supreme seductress on the latest cover. He feels this sort of image will jeopardise her onscreen persona in his film.” G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 21 Events BLITZKRIEG th 15 EDITION Venue: GMC Auditorium Date: 11th April, 2015 22 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Fun Your weekly dose of TIMEPASS Today you’re going to want to shut out the world and be alone with your thoughts, Aries. You’re caught up in the introspective energies at play. You may not be very cooperative, and may even wish to spend time on more solitary activities. Indulge yourself. You might want to take time alone to meditate. Listen to yourself. You’re likely to be on the verge of a major selfdiscovery. Today indicates that you can expect to make a leap in your career, Taurus. Your intellect and communicative skills have served you well in the past months, paving the way for advancement. You may decide to try hard to be sure the promotion occurs. You might work extra hours and decide to commit to some new projects so the higher-ups can see how eager you are. You’re peerless when it comes to your ability to sway others to your point of view, Leo. Today you may be put on the spot and asked to defend a position in front of many people. You will do just fine, surprising everyone but you. You handle a microphone with ease and work an audience until they’re putty in your hands. You could sell anything! Sagittarius With today’s planetary energies, Sagittarius, you can expect a lot of contact with friends. In fact, just when you thought you’d never receive another invitation or attend another party, one comes your way. Even though you may feel partied out right now, resist the urge to decline. You’re likely to meet a very interesting person at this next bash. SUDOKU If you’ve been considering a career in writing or teaching, Gemini, this is an ideal day to put some plans into motion. Your imagination and inspiration are highlighted, as is your facility with words. This combination pretty much guarantees that you could sell anything to anyone. If you’re ready to pitch a book proposal to a publisher, do it now. You aren’t one to put much stock in the meanings of dreams, but you may have had a dream recently that was so accurate in its prediction as to be almost scary. Certainly it was uncanny. Write down everything you remember about it and then discuss the images with a friend. Don’t worry, Cancer, your friend won’t laugh at you. It’s more than likely you will receive some telling insights. Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries HOROSCOPE Don’t be surprised if you get a sudden windfall today, Virgo. It may come in the form of cash. More likely it will be an opportunity of some kind. Perhaps a business partner has suggested you branch into a more lucrative area. Perhaps you decide to go into business for yourself. Whatever it is, you’re bound to succeed. From business and creative standpoints, this is a most auspicious time for you. You have a quick mind, Libra, which you don’t use to anywhere near its full capacity. Think of your brain as a thoroughbred horse, trained to run at high speed. This type of animal is miserable if kept penned up, unable to run and stretch. Your mind needs similar room to stretch and grow. If new challenges don’t come your way, you may have to create some of your own. It’s a shame to sit idle. A day off is just what the doctor ordered, Scorpio. Try to get some rest. Spend time curled up with a good book. Only go out with friends if you’re feeling absolutely stir crazy. You should do no work. Your body and spirit crave a break. Take care of your basic need to refresh yourself. Everything else will fall into place afterward. Pisces Aquarius Capricorn You have a keen intellect and unparalleled persuasive powers, Capricorn. If you aren’t an attorney, you should be. All signs indicate that your career is about to skyrocket. Career and financial success are pretty much guaranteed with today’s planetary configuration. If you have a mate to share this good fortune with, consider yourself doubly blessed. Your mental powers should be especially acute today, Aquarius. Your mind will be quick and receptive and your communicative abilities exceptionally sharp. You feel on top of the world, as though you could sell anything to anybody! Make the most of this surge of intellectual power by beginning any new projects you’ve been considering. Your creativity will be high today, Pisces, inspiring you to paint or write. If you’re unable to take time to satisfy your muse, at least take some small steps to ensure your abilities don’t lie fallow. How about signing up for a class or joining a writing group? The ongoing contact and support will give your talents a big boost. Useful Life hacks Cable management with binder clips, what a cool idea Get rid of messy wires around your elecronics. Just tug some blinder clips on a corner of you table and you are good to go. Happy computing. JUST FOR LAUGHs A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he’s topping 100 mph. The man eventually realizes he can’t escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, “It’s been a long day and my shift is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I’ll let you go.” The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, “My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!” A bank robber pulls out gun points it at the teller, and says, “Give me all the money or you’re geography!” The puzzled teller replies, “Did you mean to say ‘or you’re history?’” The robber says, “Don’t change the subject!” Solution (Last Issue) G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 classifieds VACANCY Required Sr. Sales Executives, Showroom Sales, Accountant, Marketing Executives (F) , Office Executive. Contact-90850-78728 Hair Styler required in an Unisex salon For details contact 97076 35294 Peon Required Qly-H.S.L.C. 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FOR SALE 2 WHEELER / 4 WHEELER Vento (D) Top Model 2011 Colour: White Ph-88110-91965 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Swift VSI 2012 Model Colour: Silver 4.50 Lacs Fixed Call:88221-41557 Bajaj Pulsar 135 2010 Model Colour – M.BLK M. 98540-91738 Scorpio For Sale 2010 SLX Colour – Silver Ph.- 98599-10119 Pulsar 150 2009 Model, Colour: Black Contact- 88110-91965 Scorpio 2010 LX Colour: Black (D) Contact-98641-06333 Honda Dio 2013 Model, 2013 Model Colour: P.T. Yellow Contact-98640-21414 TVS Apache RTR 08 / 2011 Model Colour : Red 98544-01660 Scorpio Model: SLX 2004, Colour: Silver Contact- 88110-91965 Honda Activa 2012 Model, Colour- Blue Call-95773-69908 Wagon R For Sale 2009 Model Colour : Maroon Contact-98599-10119 Hundai i20 Sportz ABS CRBI Price – 5.20 Lacs Colour – Grey 88221-41557 Swift Dzire: 2010 Model, Colour: White (D), Ph- 98599-91965 3 bigha land in Thakurbari Road , Rangapara with clearcut title & sale deed. Contact- Gopal Das Phone No088768-59216 Activa, Colour: Black 2012 Model Contact: 98641-06333 For immediate sale. Brand New Flat at Kahilipara Road, 3BHK with car park and all modern ammeneties. 1560 sq.ft, 8th floor. Contact: 94351 15098 Mahindra Duro 2013 Model Colour: White Contact-98599-10119 Mahindra Duro 2011 Model Colour : Maroon Contact: 88110-91965 Pulsar 150 2012 Model, Colour Black Contact-98641-06333 Citypedia AMBULANCE Ambulance 102 Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665 Downtown Hospital 9864101111, 9435012669 GLP Social Circle 2737373 GGUMTA (Mirza) 03623-227109 Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251 BLOOD BANK Splendor 2013 Model Colour Black Call- 98641-06333 Honda Activa 2004 Model Colour : Black Call- 88110-91965 23 Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665 Ganga Blood Bank 2454742, 2455029 Lion’s Club of Ghy Central 2546611 Marwari Yuva Manch 2546470, 2547251 Saharia’s Path Lab (24 hours) 2458594 HOSPITALS Arya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665) B Baruah Cancer Institute (2472364/66) Brahmaputra Hospital Ltd (2451634/678) Chatribari Christian Hospital 0361-2600051, 9207044374 Downtown Hospital 2331003, 9864079366, 9435012669 Guwahati Medical College (2529457, 2529561) Guwahati Medical College Emergency (2263444) International Hospital 0361-7135005 Mahendra Mohan Choudhury Hospital (2541477, 2543998) Marwari Hospital & Research Centre 0361-2602738/39 Marwari Maternity Hospital 0361-2541202/01 Nemcare Hospital 0361-2528587, 2455906, 2457344 Pratiksha Hospital 0361-2337260, 2337183/84 Basistha Military Hospital (2304617/0351) Railway Central Hospital Casuality (2671025) Redcross Hospital (2665114) Sri Sankardeva Netralaya 0361-2233444, 2228879, 2228921 TB Hospital (2540193) Wintrobe Hospital 0361-2519860, 98647-77986 IHR-Institute of Human Reproduction 0361-2482619,09864103333 GNRC Hospital 0361 2227702 GNRC Life First Ambulance 9401194011 24-HOUR PHARMACIES Arya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665) DEAD BODY CARRYING VAN GLP Social Circle 2737373, 9435047046 Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251 GGUMTA 98640-16740 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Call Centre – 9678005171 OTHERS Fire Emergency 101 State Zoo 2201363 GMC Carcass Pickup 9435190720, 9864047222 LPG Emergency/Leakage 2385209, 2541118 RADIO TAXI SERVICES Prime Cabs 0361- 2222233 Green Cabs 0361-7151515 My Taxi 0361-2228888 Cherry Cabs 8876222288 Cinema Hall Anuradha Cineplex – 0361-2656968, 99545-44738 Fun Cinema (HUB)- 98648-00100, 98648-00200 Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) – 98540-66166 Gold Cinema (Salasar) – 0361-2735367, 98540-77177 Gold Cinema (Narengi) – 88110-01898 police station SP, Kamrup District: Ph- 2540278 DGP Control Room: Ph- 2540242 SB Control Room: Ph-2261511 Police Control Room: Ph-2540138, 2540113 Azara PS: Ph2840287 Basista PS: Ph-2302158 Bharalumukh PS: Ph- 2540137, 2731199 Borjhar PS: Ph-2840351 Chandmari PS: Ph- 2660204 Chandrapur PS: Ph-2788237, 2785237 Dispur PS: Ph-2261510 Fancybazar PS: Ph- 2540285 Fatasil Ambari PS: Ph-2471412 Geetanagar PS: Ph-2417323 Hatigaon: Ph-2562383 Jalukbari PS: Ph-2570587 Jalukbari Out Post: Ph-2570522 Jorabat: Ph-2896853 Khanapara: Ph- 2281501 Khetri PS: Ph-2787699, 2787220 Latasil PS: Ph-2540136 Noonmati PS: Ph- 2550281 North Guwahati PS: Ph-2690255 Paltanbazar PS: Ph-2540126 Panbazar PS: Ph-2540106 Pragjyotishpur Ps: Ph-2785237 Women PS Panbazar: Ph-2524627 24 G PLUS APR 19 - APR 25, 2015 Catching Up Lewis Hamilton under fire for spraying hostess in the face with champagne after winning Chinese Grand Prix Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow to get her Solo Film S T he woman who had champagne sprayed in her face by the Chinese Grand Prix winner Lewis Hamilton has played down the incident after the Formula One world champion was accused of sexist bullying. Liu Siying, a 22-year-old graduate of the Shanghai Institute of Visual Art who works for a real estate company, told “It lasted for only one or two seconds, and I didn’t think too much about it. “I think some foreign media are more sensitive about the topic than local media. I was just told by my employer to stand on the podium, and that’s what I did.” carlett Johansson will be returning to the role of Black Widow for her fourth outing next week with Avengers: Age of Ultron and yet there is still no word about her getting a solo project of her own - which I just happen to think would be a terrific box office success. The character and Johansson in the role have proved to be a huge hit particularly in Avengers Assemble and Captain America: The Winter Solider, and the actress reveals that she and Kevin Feige have discussed the possibility of a future solo film. Johansson also revealed that she and Feige share a similar vision for the character should a solo movie be given the green light. Black Widow is one of the most interesting characters in the Marvel universe with a rich story as well as a dark background - not to mention she has been played perfectly by Johansson. I would love to see this character given a solo film... and the sooner the better. The incident, highlighted in photographs that showed Liu recoiling as the Mercedes driver aimed a stream of champagne at her, triggered condemnation from critics in Britain and Germany as well as on Chinese social media. The tradition of F1 drivers spraying champagne on the podium dates back decades, with the Mumm brand providing the drink since 2000, and many inside the sport were bemused by the criticism. There will be no champagne to spray in Bahrain this weekend, however, with bottles of nonalcoholic rosewater known as Waard provided instead. Flying mailman becomes most famous gyrocopter pilot since James Bond Search area for Flight MH370 to double if plane not found When disgruntled Florida mailman Doug Hughes landed his ultralight gyrocopter on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol yesterday, he was hoping to stir a debate about campaign finance reform. And maybe he did. The stunt was the culmination of years of planning by Hughes, who took off from Gettysburg Regional Airport and flew a carefully plotted route to ensure he had enough gas to reach the capital. But it was an unexpected cameo for a type of aircraft that is nearly a century old, yet completely unheard of by most Americans. “I’m going to violate the no-fly zone, nonviolently; I intend for nobody to get hurt. And I’m going to land on the Capitol lawn in front of the Capitol building,” Hughes says. He said he’d have 535 letters with him, addressed to every member of Congress. “I’m trying to galvanize millions of people to do a relatively simple thing: change the government to build a wall of separation between the government and big money, so that the government will represent the people.” “No sane person would do what I’m doing,” Hughes continues in the video. But he says he’s “carefully planned it so nobody will get hurt,” and would give authorities “plenty of warning” of his arrival. “I don’t believe that the authorities are going to shoot down a 60-year-old mailman in a flying bicycle,” he says. He was correct about that — but upon landing he was taken into custody. A robot then inspected his copter to make sure it wasn’t a bomb. Government ministers from Australia, China and Malaysia on Thursday said they would double the search area for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 if wreckage is not found in the current target area. No trace has been found of the Boeing 777 aircraft, which disappeared in March last year carrying 239 passengers and crew in what has become one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history. Most of the passengers were Chinese. The extended search for the jetliner, which is believed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean off Australia’s west coast, could take up to a year, officials said at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Ka m u r of the week BIHU BLUES: Just like any other holiday, the Bihu vacation too came and went. As people struggle to get back to work, shaking off the Bihu hangover is a gargantuan task. Kamur life is back! Printed & Published by Sunit Jain on behalf of Insight Brandcom Pvt. Ltd. and Printed at Arkashish Publications (P) Ltd., Katahbari, Garchuk, Guwahati and Published at H/No. 34, K. C. Choudhury Road, Chatribari, Guwahati - 781008, Editor: Koushik Hazarika. Phone: 0361 2737737, Email:, RNI No: ASSENG/2013/52641
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