6 ADULT PROGRAMS Pruning Techniques 101 for Deciduous Trees & Emerald Ash Borer Identification adults WE’RE IN THE HEART OF GREENDALE Caring for your deciduous trees, shrubs and bushes can be easy. Preventive pruning helps to promote good structure, making trees more resistant to disease and other natural forces. Learn the proper techniques for pruning using methods such as thinning, crown raising, reduction pruning, bracing and cabling (including a demonstration on an actual tree), safe and effective methods of pruning, while using the correct tools for the job. Pruning schedule will also be discussed. Retirement Planning Specialists Consider your 401(k) or 403(b), your IRAs, Social Security, Pension Plan. Identification and care with the Emerald Ash Borer will also be covered in this program. Date: Saturday, June 6 #110581.1 Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m. Place: Village Education Center 5680 Broad Street Fee: Resident Free Non-Resident $5.00 Presenters: Rod Damask, Forestry Division of the Greendale Department of Public Works and Robby McFaul, Director of DPW Note: Pre-registration is required to attend this class. Contact Park and Recreation Department at 414.423.2790 to register for this program. Will your assets provide enough income during your retirement years? Will you have some dollars left over for travel? • • • • • Investment Planning for the Long Term. Saturday, June 6, 2015 So you can retire and relax! John A. Bill CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ :HGRQRWFHDVHSOD\LQJEHFDXVH ZHJURZROGZHJURZROGEHFDXVH ZHFHDVHSOD\LQJ -RVHSK/HH 5623 Broad Street • Greendale (414) 421-1500 johnbill@manchesterinvestments.com www.manchesterinvestments.com Securities and Advisory Services Offered Through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC PROUD SPONSOR OF GREENDALE COMMUNITY THEATRE American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers adults This course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. Learn the critical concepts of highquality CPR plus the American Heart Association Chain of Survival. Skills covered are for adults, children and infants and include: 1 rescuer and two rescuer CPR, bag-mask, rescue breaking and choking. Date: Session I Wednesday, June 17 #110504.1 Session II Tuesday, July 14 #110504.2 Session III Monday, August 10 #110504.3 Session IV Wednesday, September 16 #110504.4 Time: 6:00-10:00 p.m. Place: Greenfield City Hall Room 206 Fee per session: Resident $58.00 Non-Resident $68.00 Instructor: Sue Stadler, AHA Authorized Note: Program fee includes textbook, pocket mask, supplies and certification card (valid 2 years). 6DIHW\ )LUVW American Heart Association American Red Cross ages 16 years and older and adults ages 16 years and older and adults Learn how to manage illness and injury until professional help arrives and takes over. Course content includes how to respond and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until EMS (emergency medical services) arrives. Learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other first aid emergencies. Learn how to be prepared for emergencies that involve a dog and how to protect yourself and the animal from further harm, injury or suffering during emergencies. You will learn prompt, effective first aid actions and how to provide care. This course is designed for immediate and temporary care given to an injured animal until it can be taken to a professional veterinarian for medical care and attention. Heartsaver First Aid Date: Session I Wednesday, June 24 #110522.1 Session II Monday, September 21 #110522.2 Time: 6:00-10:00 p.m. Place: Greenfield City Hall Room 206 Fee per session: Resident $30.00 Non-Resident $40.00 Instructor: Sue Stadler, AHA Authorized Note: Program fee includes textbook, all supplies, and certification card (valid 2 years). Dog First Aid Date: Wednesday, July 8 #110572.1 Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. Place: Greenfield City Hall Room 206 Fee: Resident $40.00 Non-Resident $50.00 Instructors: Sue Stadler & Nancy Jo Grochowski Note: Class fee includes textbook, DVD, bandage pack and American Red Cross course completion card. Concealed Carry Permit Course ages 21 years of age and older The Greendale Park and Recreation Department is sponsoring the NRA Home Firearm Safety Course. Upon completion of this 4-hour, non-shooting course, students will receive a certificate. Each student will personally handle various types of firearms. The student is then qualified to apply to the State of Wisconsin for a concealed carry weapon permit and will be subject to a background check by the State of Wisconsin/ Department of Justice at that time. This course is not intended for interpretation of the Concealed Carry Weapons law. Thursday, June 25 #120584.1 6:00-10:00 p.m. Greendale High School Room 11 (use back eastern entrance #12) Fee: Resident $50.00 Non-Resident $60.00 Instructor: Ken, NRA Certified Instructor Note: Do NOT bring any firearms or ammunition to the class. All materials are included in the class fee. Date: Time: Place: Have you set up your household account for online registration? Please set up your household account if you intend to use our online registration process. You may do so by going to the website below and clicking on “Create Account.” Fill out the information and we will then assign your household a pin number and you will be ready to register for classes online! https://webtrac.greendale.k12.wi.us/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/wbsplash :HFUHDWHFRPPXQLW\WKURXJK SHRSOHSDUNVDQGSURJUDPV 7 Greendale Park & Recreation Department b Summer 2015 • gpr . g r e e n d a l e . k 1 2 . w i . u s 8 NEW! “Mommy (or Daddy) & Me” Freezer Bag Workshop Spring Wild Foraging & Spring Detox ages 7 through 12 years accompanied by a parent Cooking is MUCH more fun when it’s quick, easy, and done together! Together, in one afternoon, let’s make enough meals to fill your freezer! Mom (or Dad) and child will bring their designated “protein” and go home with 6 freezer meals which each meal will provide dinner for 4-6 people. You will also go home with side dish recipes to either accompany your freezer meals or use with other meals…and the peace of mind of knowing that dinner is already DONE…and we did it together! Enjoy your summer evenings without spending hours in the kitchen. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 – Register and receive a grocery list of supplies), “Come” with your bags filled, and “Go” home with six delicious freezer meals (ready, thaw, cook and eat!). In addition to discussion on healthy eating and understanding measurements, etc., we’ll be prepping…Busy Day Lasagna; Shrimp & Broccoli Scampi; Italian Meatballs; Seasoned Chicken; Lemon Pepper Chicken; and Curly Noodle Pork…along with Wild Goldfish Crackers for a snack! Note: Registrants will be required to bring Date: Monday, June 29 #112905.1 their own meats and some fresh ingredients Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m. for this class…a list will be provided at time Place: Greendale High School Room 135 of registration…all other supplies are included Fee per pair: Resident $66.00 in the cost of the program (Wildtree products, Non-Resident $76.00 recipes-packs, labels, bags, etc.). Registrants Instructor: Jennifer DeLaura, will also go home with leftover Wildtree Wildtree Representative products to make more freezer recipes or use on their own. NEW! Cooking with Wild Edibles ages 16 years and older and adults adults Spring foraging is some of the best foraging around! There are many reasons to incorporate wild edibles into your diet from saving money on groceries to adding nutrients and minerals to your diet. Walk through Konkel Park and discover some of the many spring edibles that this wonderful park showcases! Learn how to identify and prepare some amazing plants as well as a few medicinal qualities that these plants have to offer. Class discussion will also include plants that have been used traditionally as spring tonics or detoxifiers. Meals prepared with wild edibles are quickly growing in popularity across the United States. The reason why so many restaurants are incorporating wild edibles into their menu is because they are packed full of nutrients, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Many of the wild plants we will be identifying are growing in your backyard but you may know them better as weeds. You’ll learn about the best time to harvest these plants, and then prepare them in delicious recipes. Plan to prepare a beverage, appetizer, and a dessert. Date: Time: Place: Date: Time: Place: Fee: Instructor: Saturday, May 16 #110595.1 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Konkel Park South Shelter (enter off 51st & Edgerton Avenue) Resident $22.00 Non-Resident $29.00 Shannon Francis, Resiliency Training LLC Freezer Bag Workshops adults Cooking is MUCH more fun when it’s quick and easy! Together, in one evening, let’s make enough meals to fill your freezer! You will bring your designated “protein” for each class and go home with 6 freezer meals which each meal will provide dinner for 4-6 people. You will also go home with side dish recipes to either accompany your freezer meals or use with other meals…and the peace of mind of knowing that dinner is already DONE! Enjoy your summer evenings without spending hours in the kitchen. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 – Register (and receive a grocery list of supplies), “Come” with your bags filled, and “Go” home with six delicious freezer meals (ready, thaw, cook and eat!). Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School, Room 135 Fee per session: Resident $66.00 Non-Residents $76.00 Instructor: Jennifer DeLaura, Wildtree Representative Note: Registrants will be required to bring their own meats and some fresh ingredients for this class…a list will be provided at time of registration…all other supplies are included in the cost of the program (Wildtree products, recipes-packs, labels, bags, etc.). Registrants will also go home with leftover Wildtree products to make more freezer recipes or use on your own. Light & Healthy Session I Here’s what we’ll be prepping…Ranch Chicken Chili; Shrimp & Avocado Soup; Vegetable Stromboli; Spicy Thai Chili Shredded Pork with Broccoli Slaw; Cilantro Thai Chili Skewers; and Greek Tacos. Date: Monday, June 22 #111006.1 Get Your Grill On Session II Here’s what we’ll be prepping…Herb Grilled Chicken; Savory Grilled Tilapia; Rodeo Blue Cheese Burgers; Grilled Shrimp Skewers; Hickory Grilled Rodeo Chicken; and Asian Ginger Chicken Skewers. Date: Thursday, August 20 #111007.1 Thursday, August 6 #111351.1 6:30-8:30 p.m. Greenfield Community Center Kitchen Fee: Resident $27.00 Non-Resident $32.00 Instructor: Shannon Francis, Resiliency Training LLC Dehydrators….. A Yummy Summer without Turning on the Oven ages 16 years and older and adults Dehydrators….this class will help you learn about brands to consider, why they are so beneficial to good nutrition, and how to use them….no hot kitchen this summer! “Sample” products will be made in a dehydrator, such as corn crackers, easy dessert wraps, and power bars to grab that will give you that needed energy boost when you are on the go. You will receive recipes to make these and many more at home (with or without a dehydrator-yes, they can be adapted for your oven). Date: Time: Place: Monday, June 15 #110652.1 6:00-8:00 p.m. Greendale High School FACE Room 135 Fee: Resident $30.00 Non-Resident $40.00 Instructor: Pat Molter is a raw food instructor and a certified aroma therapist. As a result of her personal battle with cancer that had spread into her lymph system, she was introduced to a raw food diet. She has regained her health by eating raw and using aromatherapy and has been cancer free since this lifestyle change. NEW! Demo Cooking All About Rhubarb NEW! ages 16 years and older and adults There is more to Rhubarb than just pie. Join Staci for this fun and delicious demo-style class and learn about the history of Rhubarb, different varieties of Rhubarb and how to use them in creative recipes. You’ll sample… Shaved Rhubarb Salad with Almonds and Cheese and a Strawberry-Rhubarb Vinaigrette, Seared Chicken Breasts with Rhubarb Sauce, Pork chops with Sweet Onion- Rhubarb Sauce and Strawberry-Rhubarb Quinoa Pudding. Date: Time: Place: Fee: Instructor: Tuesday, May 19 #111005.1 6:30-8:30 p.m. Greendale High School Room 135 Resident $23.00 Non-Resident $33.00 Staci Joers, Cooking with Class Demo Cooking NEW! Gluten-free Fabulous Food for Summer ages 16 years and older and adults ages 16 years and older and adults Gluten-free is clearly more popular than ever. More and more people are becoming aware of it. Google searches for “gluten” have been trending higher month over month for years, and thirty percent of American adults are actively trying to reduce or eliminate gluten from their diets. So, if you are among these folks looking to lower your gluten intake but have no idea about how to do so, join Staci in this informative class where you will receive lots of information on the gluten-free lifestyle. You’ll sample several delicious and gluten free recipes such as… Lemony Basil Chicken, Baked Tilapia, Grilled Corn Salad, Baked Sweet Potato Fries, and Herbed Quinoa. Date: Tuesday, June 16 #111001.1 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 135 Fee: Resident $23.00 Non-Resident $33.00 Instructor: Staci Joers, Cooking with Class Greendale Open Market VHUYLQJ*UHHQGDOHDQGVXUURXQGLQJFRPPXQLWLHV 6DWXUGD\V %URDG6WUHHW9LOODJH&HQWHU EHWZHHQ1RUWKZD\6FKRROZD\ DPSP -XQH -XO\ $XJXVW 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU NEW! Demo Cooking Herbs & Spices Join Staci for this fabulous class that features fresh from the garden herbs and produce for light and healthy summer eating. You’ll sample dishes such as… Chilled Herb Soup, Parsley Salad, Tabbouleh, Chicken Margherita, and Individual Almond Tortes with Fresh Summer Berries & Spiced Cream. Date: Time: Place: Fee: Instructor: Tuesday, July 21 #111002.1 6:30-8:30 p.m. Greendale High School Room 135 Resident $23.00 Non-Resident $33.00 Staci Joers, Cooking with Class Demo Cooking Dishes From Your Garden ages 16 years and older and adults This class features more light summery recipes that are perfect for lunch on the patio. You’ll sample…Feta, Herb & Chive Scones, Spinach-Pesto Chicken Salad Wraps, Roasted Sweet Peppers stuffed with Goat Cheese, Colors of Summer Salad, and Berries-n-Yogurt on Angel Food. Date: Tuesday, August 18 #111003.1 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 135 Fee: Resident $23.00 Non-Resident $33.00 Instructor: Staci Joers, Cooking with Class Demo CookingNEW! Summer Grilling! Bacon-n-BBQ Bonanza! ages 16 years and older and adults Tired of the same outdoor grilling recipes and menus? Come experience this all new Grilling class that is all wrapped up in BACON—literally. Even dessert! These creative recipes will get you out and grilling through the remainder of your summer and into fall. If you are a bacon lover (and even if you’re not), you’ve got to join Staci as she shows you some great grilling techniques and some even better food. You’ll sample…Moinks! (Moo-n-Oink, get it?!?- Bacon-wrapped BBQ Glazed Meatball Appetizer), Bacon Explosion! (Staci’s version of a recipe that became an internet sensation… simply put, it’s a Smokedn-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Sausage Roll), Sun-dried Tomato & Bacon filled Zucchini Boats, Bacon-wrapped Corn on the Cob, and a Smoked Twinkie Treat with Nutella and Sugar-pepper Bacon. Date: Wednesday, July 29 #111004.1 Time: 6:00-8:15 p.m. Place: Community Center Park Pavilion (6200 S. 76th Street) Fee: Resident $24.00 Non-Resident $34.00 Instructor: Staci Joers, Cooking with Class Note: In the past, some participants have brought a lawn chair for easier seating than at a picnic table. Plan to do what will be most comfortable for you! IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH*UHHQGDOH3DUN5HFUHDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQWDW 9 Greendale Park & Recreation Department b Summer 2015 • gpr . g r e e n d a l e . k 1 2 . w i . u s 10 Introduction to Food Preservation Pickling Summer’s Fare This class will explain the benefits and challenges of various food preservation techniques with an emphasis on hot-water-bath canning. The class will provide a lecture and demonstration with plenty of handouts, recipes and helpful tips. This class is the basis for all other canning classes this year. Canning fruits and vegetables in a vinegar-base is an age old practice for preserving summer’s harvest. The instructor will guide participants in their hands-on efforts to preserve such vegetables as green beans and pickles. Demo Cooking Back-to-School Healthy Snack Fun and Nutrition! ages 16 years and older and adults Come join us for some quick, easy and fun approaches to snacks for the kids. Demonstration will include creation of some homemade protein bars, which you can prepare an entire pan in minutes and use for days, even freeze, if you would like. Discover what a nutrient tasty smoothie is made with. We will create a trail mix or two; some baggie butterfly’s to take on the go. Also, we will look at some quick and easy ways to make nutrient based lunch food the kids will love and be satisfied with. Lastly, for more fun we will create some creative vegetable art…the kids will be more willing to eat those veggies after this fun approach to creating vegetable art. Date: Tuesday, August 4 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 135 Fee: Resident $25.00 Non-Resident $35.00 Instructor: Tracey Camier, Nutrition Health Coach Bricks 4 Kidz® Bricks 4 Kidz (at heart)! adults (must be 21 years of age or older to attend) Remember how much fun you had building with LEGO® bricks in your youth? Indulge your “inner child” and join the staff for an evening of building and creating with Bricks 4 (grown-up) Kidz! We’ll bring some of our most challenging motorized LEGO® models to put your engineering and creative skills to the test! Date: Friday, July 24 #122807.1 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale Panther Pub 5651 Broad Street Fee: Resident $20.00 Non-Resident $35.00 Instructor: Staff of Bricks 4 Kidz® Note: Participants will be able to purchase, ala carte and on your own, beverages and food during the program if so interested. #111014.1 adults Thursday, June 4 #111345.1 6:00-7:30 p.m. Greendale High School, Room 135 Resident $12.50 Non-Resident $22.50 Instructor: Jeanine Becker, life-long preserver with commercial food license, Master Food Preserver certified. Owner of Madam J’s Sticky Finger Jams and Jellies. Note: There will be no hands-on participation in this class. Date: Time: Place: Fee: Bridge II adults If you’ve been learning the fundamentals of Bridge, you know it is one of the greatest card games of all, and it provides immense challenge and can be enjoyed at many skill levels. This class is a continuation of the Beginning Bridge class. All instruction is through hands-on play. Dates: Thursdays June 4-July 2 #110582.1 Time: 1:00-2:30 p.m. Place: Greenfield Community Center Activity Room B Fee: Resident $21.75 Non-Resident $31.75 Instructor: Michael Grimmer Note: Participants must have completed the Beginning Bridge class, or have Bridge playing experience, to enroll. NEW! adults Thursday, August 27 #111347.1 6:00-7:30 p.m. Greendale High School, Room 135 Resident $27.00 Non-Resident $37.00 Jeanine Becker, life-long preserver with commercial food license, Master Food Preserver Certified. Owner of Madam J’s Sticky Finger Jams and Jellies. Note: Included in the price of the class are all the canning materials, produce and handouts with instructions, recipes and helpful tips. Date: Time: Place: Fee: Instructor: Jammin’ for the Season Tomatoes Salsa Fest adults Learn how to preserve fruits of the season to enjoy in the dark days of winter. This class will be a hands-on class where participants will experience canning seasonal fruit into jams. Date: Thursday, August 13 #111015.1 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 135 Fee: Resident $27.00 Non-Resident $37.00 Instructor: Jeanine Becker, life-long preserver with commercial food license, Master Food Preserver certified. Owner of Madam J’s Sticky Finger Jams and Jellies. Note: Included in the price of this hands-on class are all the canning and fruit supplies, along with handouts with instructions, recipes and helpful tips. adults At the end of summer, tomatoes are delicious and plentiful — the perfect combination to put up jars of tomato sauce, tomato paste and whole tomatoes. In class, we’ll make one or two kinds of salsa while also realizing how great your winter soups and stews will taste with your own preserved summer tomatoes. Thursday, July 30 #111346.1 6:00-7:30 p.m. Greendale High School, Room 135 Resident $27.00 Non-Resident $37.00 Jeanine Becker, life-long preserver with commercial food license, Master Food Preserver Certified. Owner of Madam J’s Sticky Finger Jams and Jellies. Note: Included in the price of this hands-on class are all the canning materials, fruit and handouts with instructions, recipes and helpful tips. Date: Time: Place: Fee: Instructor: Greendale Senior Social Club adults The Greendale Park and Recreation Department’s Greendale Senior Social Club meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (6705 Northway). Club activities include holiday celebrations, guest speakers, sing-alongs, exercises, movies, cards, craft table, games , and special events. Blood pressure screenings, provided by public health nurses, are held the third Tuesday of each month from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Lunches are served at each meeting or you may bring your own lunch. Reservations for lunch must be called into the Park and Recreation Department by 1:30 p.m. the day before the meeting (414-423-2790). Lunch fee: $3.75. Any Questions, Ideas, Suggestions? Annual Fee: Residents $35.00 per year Contact the Park and Recreation Department Non-Residents $45.00 per year at (414) 423-2790 (July 2015-June 2016) Club will be closed on July 3rd Note: During the summer months (June 12-August 28), members need to bring bag lunches. No hot lunch (and no need to call in a reservation) during these summer dates. Cleaning Without Chemicals Skin Care Without Chemicals Do your cleaning the healthy way, and save money, too! Many of us tend to think anything sold in a supermarket must be safe, but often labels do not contain complete and accurate information. Many common household cleaning products are actually classified as hazardous waste! Our skin is our largest organ, weighing seven to ten pounds and covering about 29 square feet! It is composed of two main layers; the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outermost protective layer of skin. The epidermis is covered by a thin layer made up of a combination of oils and natural secretions called the acid mantle-our bodies’ first defense against bacterial invasion. It also maintains a balance between acidity and alkalinity known as the pH balance. In a healthy person ages 15-25 years of age, the cells of the epidermis renew themselves about 20 days; in our 30’s renewal takes place every 28 days; and it continues to slow as we age. What essential oils can we use and what foods can we eat to help us keep our skin healthy? What foods do we have in our kitchen that will make facial cleaners, exfoliants and more? You will make and take home a toner. Date: Tuesday, August 11 #110651.1 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale Middle School FACE Room (Home Econ) Fee: Resident $30.00 Non-Resident $40.00 Instructor: Pat Molter is a raw food instructor and a certified aroma therapist. As a result of her personal battle with cancer that had spread into her lymph system, she was introduced to a raw food diet. She has regained her health by eating raw and using aromatherapy and has been cancer free since this lifestyle change. ages 16 years and older and adults There is another side to this issue besides the pollution of our environment--our health and the safety of our children. Chemical levels can be up to 70 times higher inside the home than outside. In this class, you will learn how to make products that not only clean but smell heavenly!! You will make and take home an all-purpose spray. Thursday, August 27 #110650.1 6:00-8:00 p.m. Greendale Middle School FACE Room (Home Econ) Fee: Resident $30.00 Non-Resident $40.00 Instructor: Pat Molter is a raw food instructor and a certified aroma therapist. As a result of her personal battle with cancer that had spread into her lymph system, she was introduced to a raw food diet. She has regained her health by eating raw and using aromatherapy and has been cancer free since this lifestyle change. Date: Time: Place: 11 ages 16 years and older and adults NEW! Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Food adults Do you find yourself confused and overwhelmed by all the conflicting stories you hear every day regarding food? If so, you are not alone. We are continuously inundated with the latest and greatest “healthiest” way to eat. From Paleo to Vegan, from full fat to no fat, they all claim to be healthy. So, what is the truth? One truth is we are all unique and what works for one may not work for another. However, there are underlying truths that cannot be ignored. In this workshop, we will cut through the hype and give you the facts and get back to the basics. Come with an open mind and be ready to learn. Date: Monday, June 15 #110699.1 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 176 Fee: Resident $7.50 Non-Resident $12.50 Instructor: Monica A. Judge, L. Ac., MSOM, BS Nutrition “The Clutter Coach” Clutter-free Home Office adults Do you have piles of paper? It is possible to get rid of those piles permanently. In this course, you will learn an easy system for managing all your paperwork, whether you run a business from your home, or are just trying to keep track of your mail. Reduce stress and increase productivity. You can use the system the very next day and never have another pile of papers laying around again! The course information applies to the home and to the workplace. Date: Tuesday, June 30 #111112.1 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School IMC/Library Fee: Resident $18.00 Non-Resident $23.00 Instructor: Kathi Miller, Clutter Coach Clean & Green Day ‘”Help Me Day” “For Greendale Seniors and Shut-ins” Greendale Middle School 7th Graders Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Greendale Middle School 7th grade students and their teachers would like to help you do your household chores! If you need help planting bulbs, putting up screens, hanging a picture, or sweeping a walk, this is the day for you. You will need to provide all supplies for the clean-up or planting project you request and the kids will provide the labor. You must be home during this time period. The students will spend from 30-45 minutes at each home so they can help out as many seniors as possible. Plan your projects by importance so the major one gets done first. Obtain a form at the Greendale Middle School Office or at the Greendale Park and Rec office, or contact Lee Burish or Clint Weishaar at (414) 423-2800, ext. 3277 or 3278. REDUCE~REUSE~RECYCLE Greendale Park & Recreation Department b Summer 2015 • gpr . g r e e n d a l e . k 1 2 . w i . u s 12 NEW! Reader’s Circle Series adults Join this group of “Book Discussion” aficionados for an informal discussion revolving around these current titles…. Dates/Facilitators: Wednesdays #110576.1 June 10: A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner (Laurie Kovacic) July 8: Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler (Faye Campbell & Marie Mullarkey) August 12: “Readers Choice” That Used to Be Us by T. Friedman & M. Mandelbaum (Dee Dixon) or The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kierman (Cheryl Davies) September 9: The Resurrection of Tess Blessings by Guest Author Lesley Kagen (Heidi Endicott) Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m. Place: Village Education Center 5680 Broad Street Fee per four date series: Resident $10.00 Non-Resident $10.00 Note: Registrants must obtain and read the books prior to the program meeting. NEW! For the Love of Things Hawaiian ages 12 years and older and adults Have you always wanted to go to Hawaii? Did you feel a deep sense of connection while visiting this magical island chain? A fun gathering and casual discussion on anything Hawaiian including food, dance, music, the Aloha spirit, stories, books, and travel experiences will be included in this program. Dates: Tuesdays Session I June 16-July 21 #110590.1 Session II August 11-September 15 #110590.2 Time: 5:30-6:15 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 58 Fee per session: Resident $30.00 Non-Resident $40.00 Instructor: Malia Chow, Director of Hale O Malo Note: Students will be provided a schedule of weekly topics and are encouraged to bring photographs or items related to the weeks’ subject. Got Pain? Try Acupuncture! adults Do you have back pain, sciatica, shoulder or neck pain, or suffer from headaches? Try acupuncture. It works! Acupuncture is the fastest growing healthcare method in America. Acupuncture is a form of therapy that promotes natural healing of the body, and is drug-free therapy. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture can successfully treat allergies, dental pain, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and asthma. Acupuncture can even help to combat addiction and depression. Do you want to know more? Would you like to see a live demonstration? If so, this workshop is for you! Take a journey and explore the true benefits of Acupuncture. Discussion to include how does it work, how will it improve my health, are the needles safe, what do the needles look like, does it hurt, how many treatments will I need, and is acupuncture covered by health insurance. Come, sit back, and relax and listen about the acupuncture phenomenon and how it can improve your quality of life. Date: Tuesday, August 18 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 176 Fee: Resident $7.50 Non-Resident $12.50 Instructor: Monica A. Judge, L. Ac., MSOM, BS Nutrition AARP Smart Driver Program ages 50 years and older Done in a day…four hours of classroom instruction with NEW and UPDATED material. The course enables drivers to refresh their knowledge of driving skills and understand how to adjust to age related challenges. Produced by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the Smart Driver program teaches preventive measures that save lives. Some insurance companies offer discounts for completion of class—check with your insurance agent for details. We believe strongly in the individual and community benefits that come from this course. Date: Session I Session II Session III Session IV Time: Place: Fee per session: Tuesday May 26 #110510.1 June 30 #110510.2 July 28 #110510.3 August 25 #110510.4 12:30-4:30 p.m. Greenfield Community Center AARP Member $15.00 Non-AARP Member $20.00 (Bring check payable to AARP to class and your AARP membership card to receive discount.) Instructor: John Graber, AARP Certified Note: Participants MUST pre-register for this class at the Park and Recreation Department. This is an AARP sponsored classroom program. The Power of a Healthy Digestive System Is Your Diet Making You Crazy adults adults Nutrition is one of the most influential determinants for long-term health and wellness. In fact, research shows that most of the chronic diseases you treat every day are preventable with good nutrition. Being healthy isn’t just what you eat or how you eat it, it is also whether your digestive system can process it and eliminate the waste. The quality of your digestion is directly related to the ability of your body to absorb nutrients required to build healthy tissue. Few people today experience a healthy digestive system. If you cannot digest your food, you cannot get the nutrition you need to get healthy! By changing your digestion, you change your health! Symptoms of gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, and irregular bowel movements, are so commonplace they are considered normal. In this class, ways will be discussed as to balance your digestive system and restore your health using acupuncture, nutritional supplements, healthy eating guidelines, and lifestyle modifications. Nutrition is one of the most influential determinants for long-term health and wellness. In fact, research shows that most of the chronic diseases you treat every day are preventable with good nutrition. Imagine waking up without an ache or pain, cruising through your day with energy and ending it by enjoying a refreshing night’s sleep. Then, imagine waking up to do it all over again. Think it’s impossible? Think again! #110634.1 Date: Tuesday, July 14 #110654.1 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 176 Fee: Resident $7.50 Non-Resident $12.50 Instructor: Monica A. Judge, L. Ac., MSOM, BS Nutrition The key is eliminating toxins from your body and your life. Toxins can leave you feeling sluggish, achy, heavy, and out-of-shape and can also be a factor in the development of chronic diseases. Benefits of cleaning your body out include clear minds, decrease in body pain and inflammation, decreased cravings AND increased energy as well as achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. In this class, discussion will include perceptions of detoxification, what type of detox is right for you, and how to eat for health. NOTHING could taste as great as feeling great! Date: Tuesday, July 28 #110622.1 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 176 Fee: Resident $7.50 Non-Resident $12.50 Instructor: Monica A. Judge, L. Ac., MSOM, BS Nutrition Bits & Bytes NEW! Photography with Your Mobile Device ages 12 years and older and adults These days digital cameras are found in a variety of other gadgets – including cell phones and tablets. Cell Phones/Tablets are one of the fastest growing segments of the digital camera market. Unfortunately, many of the pictures being taken with Cell Phones/ Tablets are poor in quality. In this workshop, learn ways to compose pictures, take pictures, download FREE apps (and how to use them), use dropboxes, and what to do with the pictures once you’ve taken the pictures. Date/Time: ages 12-15 Tuesday, July 21 #113019.1 1:30-3:00 p.m. ages 16+ adults Wednesday, July 22 #113019.2 1:30-3:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 178 Fee: Resident $15.00 Non-Resident $25.00 Instructor: Kristine Bertling Note: Bring your mobile device and know your log in and password for the app store. We will be downloading free apps to your device. NEW! Game App Class adults Warning…this class is only for those who like to have fun! Do the game “Candy Crush”, Angry Birds”, “2048”, “Farmville”, or “:Ruzzle” sound familiar? Are you wondering what all of the hullabaloo around them is about? Find out when you learn how to use your smartphone or tablet device for hours of effortless entertainment with these games and more in this comprehensive class. In this course, you will learn how to download a variety of game apps onto your device, and then learn how to use them to maximize enjoyment at a comfortable beginner’s pace. Hope to see you there! Date: Time: Place: Thursday, July 9 #113020.1 6:30-7:45 p.m. Greendale High School Room 178 Fee: Resident $13.00 Non-Resident $23.00 Instructor: Celia Gonzaleiz Note: Please bring your smartphone or tablet (Apple or Android) charged to class. 13 Google and You! iMovie adults grades 5 through 8 2015-16 school year iMovie is a skill that every student should have in their cyber tool belt. It is helpful in creating a comprehensive, attention catching presentation that will set your student apart from his or her peers. In this course, your student will be creating an iMovie presentation with music and transitions while also learning how to search quality images to insure a professional final product. Dates: Monday and Wednesday #120804.1 June 29 and July 1 Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m. Place: Greendale High School Room 178 Fee: Resident $20.00 Non-Resident $30.00 Instructor: Celia Gonzalez Note: Please bring a CD or flash drive with a song/songs on it to be used in adding sound to an iMovie presentation. Facebook adults Why are so many people using Facebook, and why has it left many people with questions on what exactly it can be used for? This comprehensive class is geared to resolve any of those questions for beginners with Facebook and show you the ins-and-outs of why it can be used as a very powerful communicative tool. Here’s your opportunity to learn how Google interacts with Mobile Devices (Tablets, Smartphone and iPad). Did you know that google can be used far more than as a search engine? This program is geared towards bringing unexperienced students to an advanced level of understanding dealing with the ins and outs of google apps so that you can learn how Google can transform your tablet or Smartphone (Apple or Android) into a GPS, Calendar, and messaging device all under one account. No need to remember handfuls of passwords when you know how to use Google to its fullest potential, as all of these helpful features are housed under a single account. Specifically in this course you will be learning how to use Google Calendar, Google Maps, Google Plus/Chat, Google Images, Google Search, Shortcuts, and Gmail on your Mobile Tablet or Smartphone. Because this is a cloud program (you’ll be learning about that too), it is completely compatible with both Apple and Android devices. Learn how to use the powerful and free resource of Google to increase efficiency in both your personal and professional life. Hope to see you there! Dates: Tuesdays #110866.1 June 30 and July 7 Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. Place: Greendale High School, Computer Lab 178 Fee: Resident $26.00 Non-Resident $36.00 Instructor: Celia Gonzalez Note: Bring your electronic Tablet, Smartphone, or iPad (fully charged) to class. In this course you will be learning how to create an account, find friends and family with pre-existing accounts, set your profile picture, set your privacy settings, write posts, upload pictures, send personal messages, personalize your account, create (and send invitations to) an event. Hope to see you there! Date: Session I Session II Time: Place: Fee per session: Instructor: Tuesday June 30 July 7 6:45-8:15 p.m. Greendale High School Computer Lab 178 Resident $13.00 Non-Resident $23.00 Celia Gonzalez #110867.1 #110867.2 Greendale Park & Recreation Department ❂ Summer 2015 • gpr . g r e e n d a l e . k 1 2 . w i . u s
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