The Response South Carolina JUNE 2015 Governor Nikki Haley is calling all churches in South Carolina to gather for a day of prayer and to see the name of Jesus exalted. The Response South Carolina will take place at the North Charleston Coliseum from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, and this is to be a day of united prayer and fasting for South Carolina and our nation. Please go to to learn more and to let us know you will be joining us together, praying to God in unity and repentance, acknowledging our need for His presence and mercy, asking Him for the wisdom and strength we need to bring hope, revival, and renewal to the people and communities of South Carolina. Together with God and each other, we can do this! A great big “thank you” to the pastor, Michael Jennings, and all the crew that blessed me so in the home repairs you all did for me on Saturday, May 9. You gave up your precious time and day – the day before Mother’s Day – in the heat to bless me. I didn’t know how I was going to get this work done, so you will never know how humbling that was for me. You all did such a beautiful job. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I pray God’s blessings upon all of you. God is SO good! In Christ, Martha Miles Again, we’ll be hosting a Seeds of Hope Farmer ’s Market each Saturday in our picnic shelter, beginning June 6 and ending the last Saturday of August, from 8:00 a.m. until noon each week. This market enables our Grace neighbors and surrounding communities to purchase fresh produce at prices comparable to supermarkets. In addition, qualified seniors may obtain free produce with vouchers disbursed by us through the S.C. Department of Social Services. Through this outreach program, an area family farmer is able to bring his produce to market. Our farmer continues to be Oscar Stevens from Saluda County. We will need volunteers from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. and from 10:00 a.m. to noon, to serve as cashiers and to bag the produce. We will have sign-up sheets in the narthex if you would like to help. It’s fun and easy, and a great way to meet and greet our neighbors, and invite them to worship with Grace! W e are gearing up for Vacation Bible School and looking for volunteers!! The dates are June 21-26!! Please join us in all the fun, even if you can only commit to one night!!! Dinner will be served each night from 5:00 to 5:45, and VBS will run from 6:00 to 8:30! Page 2 June 2015 Uganda Update The Apostle Paul put it this way: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, always giving thanks.” I want to thank each and every one of you that have shared your love and support by giving to the Uganda Mission trip. Our goal is now reachable. A special thanks to the UMW for their outpouring of support. There is still time left for those who have waited or maybe just have been undecided. We will be collecting through the second week of July. Please continue to pray for the mission team as we prepare ourselves to be servants. Remember – God is good, all the time. Pastor Walt June 2015 UMW Happenings!! Spiritual Growth Retreat at Lake Junaluska… “Fill My Cup, Lord” was the theme for the Spiritual Growth Retreat held at the beautiful Lake Junaluska, N.C., Methodist Retreat Conference Center. Yvette Richards, National President of the United Methodist Women organization and member of the 2012-2016 General Board of Global Ministries, is a very busy and proud United Methodist Woman who truly delivered messages that filled our hearts with love and the desire to go and share her message with others. Our unit purchased CDs of her messages and songs to be played during our July meeting. Watch for details of the meeting’s date and time in the bulletin in the very near future. I am very proud to share that the Song Leader for our retreat was our GREAT Music Director Elizabeth Nance-Coker. She did an excellent job! I heard nothing but positive comments from ladies attending the conference on how uplifting and heartwarming her selections of music were for this event. The theme song, “Fill My Cup, Lord,” is still being heard in my head. This was a truly a “SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT.” Our cup was filled with love, hope and renewed faith to lead us in putting our Love in Action and supporting our missions. Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your skills and talents with the Conference. We are so very proud that you are a part of the Grace Family! Health Kits – Church Women United Project… Ernestine Stone and Sandra Love attended the Church Women United Friendship on May 1 at St John Episcopal Church. There were a total of 2,077 health kits from churches around Columbia. Thank you so much to our UMW and Grace members for providing and donating 22 of these kits. Thank you very much for your donations. Fourteen social service agencies in four counties (Aiken, Lexington, Newberry, Richland) received the kits: Children’s Garden, Cooperative Ministry, Epworth Children’s Home, Free Medical Clinic, Lexington Interfaith Community Services, the Nurturing Center, Palmetto Place Children’s Emergency Shelter, Providence Home of Columbia, St. Lawrence Place / Trinity Housing Corporation, Telamon Corporation, Transitions, the Women’s Page 3 Shelter, Christ Gate, and Southside Residential Care Center. Vacation Bible School… The UMW will provide supper for VBS attendees on Monday, June 22. We are excited and working on a menu that hopefully will be perfect for the evening. We are planning subs with chips, cookies and drinks. Join us the week of June 21-26, 2015, for a great week of Vacation Bible School. Upcoming Events… June 7 – Book Club Meeting & Salad Lunch – immediately following 11:00 a.m. service (Category: Nurturing in Community) June 17 – UMW Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Scrapbooking July 15 – UMW Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Watch Video from Spiritual Growth Retreat The following items are needed by Sharing God’s Love: Jelly; Grits; Tea; Sugar; Flour; Oatmeal; Cereal; Canned Fruit; Pasta Sauce; Canned Tomatoes; Canned Meats (tuna, salmon & ham); Deodorant; Toothpaste & Toothbrushes; Toilet Paper; Shampoo; Bar Soap; Feminine Products; Laundry Detergent; Dish Detergent; Backpacks; Children’s Shoes, Underwear, Socks & Clothing; Towels; Wash Cloths; Bed Linens; Dishes; Pots & Pans; Used but Working Household Appliances Page 4 15 Susan Addis 17 George Fox III David Abstance IV 18 Richard Love 19 David Abstance III 20 Violet Casper JUNE 21 Rebecca Coker 1 Dan Drociuk 23 Charlene Kearse 4 Nathan Coker 3 5 Janet McKissick 24 Kim Lott 6 7 Kathy Jennings 27 Margaret MacDougall 8 Shara Merritt Tod Pash 10 Jennifer Smith 9 Ashley Buzzard 28 Jeff Doidge John Chiles 12 10 Trey Merritt JULY 12 Salena Doidge 1 Jayne McDaniel 13 13 Casey Smith 14 Jim Graham 14 David Rotholz June 2015 JUNE 22 Dennis Coker & Elizabeth 4 Benjamin & Ashley Buzzard Nance-Coker 6 Walt & Cindy Ballenger 24 Don Boyd & Heather 7 Stephen & Julie Leskoske Boyd-Ross 9 Don & Nicole Williamson 26 Ivan & Becky Bumgarner 11 Richard & Sandra Love 29 Sam & Alice Jones 14 Bill & Carol Cranford JULY 16 Clay & Kay Nelson 6 David & Rita Pardue 8 Jack & Betty Walters 16 Steven Casper Keenan Johnson 19 Ronnie & Beth Williams Nicole Williamson 18 Hannah Mount 23 Wade & Billie Thompson Jeremiah Smoak Judith Dolce 27 David & Julie Rotholz 19 Marshall Casey Ashleigh Pash 30 Michael & Kathy Jennings George Fox Alexander Winston 21 Barbara Bargery 26 Nancy Ross Alice Jones Noah Abstance 24 Robert Anderson 28 Bryson Bumgarner 20 Tim Coker Kristen Leskoske Joy Drennen 31 Alex Adams Kathy Hardee Toni Simpson Ray Merritt 20 Violet Casper 25 Connie Derrick Kathy Murphy Celebrating Our Faithfulness to Ministry & Mission By Our Presence & Participation (as of May 17) Worship Service Average: 112 Goal: 175 Sunday School Average: 44 Goal: 70 By Our Financial Support (as of May 17) Operating Income: $ 5,791.00 Operating Received: $ 139,555.00 Transfer from Capital Fund $ 15,513.00 Expenses: $ 147,088.00 Over / (Under): ($ 7,980.00) Weekly Amount Needed to Meet Expenses: GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 410 HARBISON BOULEVARD COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29212 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED $ 7,469.00 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID IRMO, SC PERMIT #73
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