- Grace Chapel of Clifton Park

Grace Chapel News
Spring 2015
How to Pray with Other
Christians for an Hour
By James Pruch
Group prayer. What images and feelings does that phrase conjure up? Or here’s a better
question: when was the last time you had a meaningful, energizing time of prayer with other
Christians? Chances are those times are few and far between. I know they are for me. But I
want that to change.
A month ago, before the sun had started its day, I met with two other men to pray.
We prayed for nearly an hour.
It wasn’t awkward. It wasn’t boring. It wasn’t forced. It was genuine. It was vibrant. It
was beautiful.
Hear what I’m not saying. “We’re awesome because we prayed for an hour!” Hear what
I am saying: when we take the time to pray, especially with others, beauty happens. We
experience God, together. After all, isn’t there something to spending quantity time doing
something? We always want more quantity time with our spouse, our kids, our hobbies, our
physical fitness, our entertainment, and on and on. But then when it comes to the spiritual
disciplines, we are too quick to defend: “Well, the heart is what’s important. God wants
quality more than quantity after all!”
Really? Do you say that to your spouse on date night? Do you say that to your kids during
a family outing? Probably not. If you say that, you’d miss the point.
The goal of a good date or a family fun night or coffee with a friend is both quality and
quantity time. You want the best time for the longest time available. Prayer is no different--even (especially) prayer with other Christians. Too often, Christians gather to pray and most
of the time is taken up with requests and stories and then, at the end, we pray for several
Friends, this is not okay. This is not a matter of praying better or longer so God will love us
more. This is a matter of learning to walk in step with the God who has graciously redeemed
us through his Son Jesus Christ and because of that redemption now calls us “son” and
“daughter.” Recall how the Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father.” This is a community prayer.
Yet do we feel our need to pray in community?
So you may feel the need and carve out the time in your busy schedules. That’s a good
first step. Yet there may be another obstacle, especially when it comes to group prayer: What
in the world could possibly sustain prayer so that we are actually praying rather than watching
the clock go by? Let me share with you what my friends and I did. I hope it’s helpful.
We began by reading Psalm 92. We started with Scripture because prayer starts with
God, not us. He is the host of this feast. He starts by speaking through his word. We answer
God. (The psalms, in particular, help us here; they teach us how to respond to God. See the
good book Answering God by Eugene Peterson for more on this.)
Parables in NYC
By George Frost
We all know how Jesus gave spiritual insight
through the telling of stories; parables if you will.
Marilyn & I have recently
considered the multiple
blessings of our 47 years
of marriage. Very high on the list are our
kids, and our grandkids. Because we live
in diverse places, we obviously cherish any
amount of time we get to spend with them.
Several years ago we set in motion a
“rite of passage” for our grandsons. After
their 13th birthday we take them to New
York City, then I as the Papa (my favorite title; I can only imagine how God loves to
be called Abba) usher them around to see
sites of their choosing. Recently two of
them reached this milestone so the trip was
set. Among their list were the things young
men like to see, but also some things that
might surprise you: the Lego Store, Toys R
Us, Junior’s Cheesecake, (no surprise here)
but higher on their list, St Patrick’s Cathedral, Grand Central Station, and the Statue
of Liberty.
Knowing our time was limited, we opted to start with a visit to see Miss Liberty.
We all met at Penn Station, then “we boys”
went our separate way heading south on
the Red 1 train to the South Wharf. We
then entered a huge holding area filled with
mass humanity from every tribe and nation
waiting for the ferry to board to Staten Island. The crowd was pressing in all around
us and as we waited we had to strain to hear
people conversing in English.
I slowly read Psalm 92 (in other situations, it may have been appropriate to read it two
or three times), and after finishing, we started with adoration. I said “Let’s reflect on the
psalm considering what we see here that showcases God’s glory and power and beauty.” We
praised God for these things in short to medium length prayers back and forth. We didn’t
Fortunately we were able to press toward the front of our particular group.
When the doors finally opened this rushing
river of humanity gushed forward through
and around a bend down a ramp, where we
saw another such river converging as we all
...see PRAY on Page 3
...see PARABLES on Page 10
Grace Chapel Missions – A Look Back and A Look Forward
The Grace Chapel Missions Program had a good year in 2014. Highlights included two short term mission trips,
hosting the Justice Conference and Horizons Welcome Dinner, holding our first Ladies Mission Tea, and giving about
$165,000 to missions. Despite some financial challenges, we were able to meet all of our Strategic Fund commitments
in 2014. We also expanded our Missions Committee and began the process of reinvigorating our missions program.
We’re thankful for the support and faithfulness of so many at Grace Chapel in giving, praying, and serving in various
mission outreaches.
In 2015 our goal is to encourage more personal involvement in missions on the part of the Grace Chapel congregation, especially by strengthening the link between our congregation and our eight mission partners. We have a great group of mission partners
(see Table 1). Personal involvement happens best when we get to know our mission partners and begin to correspond with them, pray for
them, and give to support their ministries. It is the goal of the Missions Committee to provide multiple avenues to allow this to happen.
Our financial commitment to our mission partners is also shown in Table 1.
This is the same as last year. Funding for these mission partners comes from direct
designated giving from the congregation. If this giving is not sufficient to meet the
monthly commitment for each partner, then this giving is supplemented from the
General Missions Fund (also provided by the congregation), so that each mission
partner receives at least their committed amount each month.
The breakdown of designated giving to General Missions Fund giving for 2014
is shown in Figure 1. This year we have set a goal that designated giving will account for at least 40% of the total giving for each of our mission partners. The 40%
line is shown on the figure. Please help us reach this goal. You can designate your
giving to the mission partner of your choice by writing their name in the box on the
left-hand side of your giving envelope.
Mission Partner
Schenectady City Mission
Oasis (Heather & Allison Garoy)
Oasis (Ron & Linda Braaten)
Wycliffe (Dan and Mary Neville)
Young Life (Glenn & Becky Cook)
Alpha Pregnancy Center
In Touch (Tim & Ashley Keller)
Pioneers (Dave & Daphne Smith)
Table 1: Grace Chapel Mission Partners
In addition to supporting our mission partners, we also support a number of mission organizations on a pass-through basis. These mission
organizations are listed on the information that came with your giving envelopes. Note that Freedom Street Ministry (Carlos and Sidney Herrera) is one of the organizations on pass-through support this year, but will be added to the list of mission partners next year. Your pass-though
giving to them this year will help us set their support level for 2016. You can designate your giving to one of these organizations by writing
their name in the box on the left-hand side of your giving envelope.
Total Partner Giving (%)
General Missions
Finally the Missions Committee has chosen to make a number of
Strategic Gifts to our mission partners and others in 2015. These are listed
in Table 2. This is only a partial list. It is the intention of the committee to
do more as additional funds become available. Thank you again for your
support of missions at Grace Chapel. With God’s help we hope to make
2015 one of our best years ever.
~ Mark Harkness
Purpose of Gift
Garoy Braaten Neville Cook
Alpha Keller Smith
Figure 1: 2014 Designated Giving/General Missions Giving
Retreat Scholarships
City Mission
Travel Funds for Support Raising
Baby Medical Expenses
Baby Medical Expenses
Auto Replacement Fund
Table 2: 2015 Strategic Giving
PRAY.. continued from front page
go around in a circle or in order. We just
After several minutes of prayer, I said,
“Let’s consider how these things we’ve
praised God for move us to confession.
What are we like when we forget God is like
this?” We confessed our general sins related to the psalm and any particular sins we
had been dealing with. This was a profound
way to practice the command, “Confess
your sins to one another.” It was humbling,
enlightening, and powerful. I learned about
my friends. They learned about me.
After several minutes of confession, I
said “Now let’s move on to thank God for
how he has redeemed us through Christ and
how he is working his grace in us even now.
What does this psalm reveal about God’s redemption? What in this psalm moves us to
thank God for what he’s done? ” The psalm
is about God’s mighty “works.” So back and
forth we went, reflecting on God’s works in
creation and redemption and thanking him
for his mercy on us sinners.
Finally, we moved into supplication (i.e.
petitioning, making requests). I paused one
final time to say, “Let’s ask God for him to
work change in us so that we become the
kind of men this psalm is calling us to be.
Let’s also pray for our families, our friends
who don’t know Jesus, or those who are
suffering.” Thus we ended by asking God,
like children ask their father, for him to do
something. We asked him for daily bread.
We asked for protection from the evil one.
We asked God to work in our lives and in
our world.
By the time we were done, nearly an
hour had passed and the sun was up. Light
had dawned. Not just on the horizon, but
in our hearts.
You don’t need to follow this example.
It’s just a simple way to pray. But this simple
way might be something God uses to kickstart prayer with other Christians.
~ James Pruch, Associate Pastor
Stand with our Brothers and
Sisters in Need!
The Arabic letter for “N” is a tiny symbol that Islamic extremists use
to mark the homes and businesses of Christians as a sign of contempt,
much like the Nazis in World War II used the Star of David to identify Jews. But Father Benedict Kiely, a New England priest, has turned the Arabic N into a sign of hope, and given
people here in the United States a way to stand with persecuted Christians who are being
systematically exterminated or driven from the land of Jesus.
When the town of Mosul fell last summer into the hands of Islamic extremists, Christian
churches and homes were burned and destroyed, and Christians themselves had to flee or
be killed. Father Benedict says he felt helpless. He told Fox News, “It was so terrible to think
that a place where Christians had been for 2,000 years, were all driven out. And I was just
thinking, ‘What can I do? What can I do?’”
What he did was use the extremists’ own weapon against them. The N that stands for
Nasarean, marking followers of Jesus of Nazareth as a sign of contempt, is now becoming
a sign of solidarity and strength. Father Benedict, together with three parishioners, took the
Arabic N and created Nasarean.org. They attached the symbol to wristlets, lapel pins and car
magnets, and are now selling the items to raise money and awareness.
“So we’re using this symbol, the Nasarean, to show the world that we’re with our brothers and sisters and try to help them practically in some small way.” The money raised from
Nasarean.org, $35,000 so far, goes directly to a Christian charity in the Middle East called Aid
to the Church in Need. It’s a charity founded after World War II that is on the front lines in
the fight against religious persecution. The money will help build shelters and schools. The
tiny symbol created here in Stowe, VT now connects Christians’ struggle to a global community. “I’ve heard from many people, they are very happy we’re doing this because they know
that someone cares about them,” Father Benedict said. “We’re identifying with them and
showing solidarity with them.”
Open Doors USA’s latest report shows that persecution of Christians is at an all-time
high. And, says The Hudson Institute’s Nina Shea, “Christians are the most widely persecuted
group in the world today.”
For more information, check out Chuck Colsen’s BreakPoint Daily: “Edge of Extinction”
for a full report with recommendations about the situation facing minorities in Iraq, or go to
For another in-depth look at the urgent call for the church to wake-up and respond, go
online to “A Holy Experience” (Ann Voskamp); “The Wake-Up Call that is ISIS: Who in the
Church is Answering?” In this article you will not only read the names of all the 21 Egyptian
(or Coptic, which means Egyptian) Christians who died for their faith, but also powerful perspective on their martyrdom and what it means for us today.
~ Information summarized from a Fox News report
Submitted by Sue Groh
The Justice Conference Simulcast
(from Chicago)
One Day Event - Saturday, June 6th
Loudonville Community Church
Speakers list found on
Details and registration info to come
An ‘Interview’ with the Apostle Paul
on Faith, Works, Law, and Gospel
Here’s an “interview” I did
with the Apostle Paul based
on Galatians 3. Enjoy!
James: Thanks for joining me this morning
as I interview the one and only, Apostle
Paul. Paul, thanks for joining me today
and helping me understand Galatians 3 a
bit better. What a wonderful section, by
the way! Well, anyway, let’s get started.
Can you tell me the audience you have
in mind?
Paul: Those who have been bewitched and
are deserting him who called them in
the grace of Christ and are turning to a
different gospel.
J: Wow, strong language. Why is this such
an important issue to you?
P: It was before their eyes that Jesus Christ
was publicly portrayed as crucified.
J: Interesting.
“different” gospel lacks the grace of Christ
and the cross of Christ. I’ll remember
that. What was your central concern as
you wrote this portion of the letter?
P: Let me ask you...do we receive the Spirit
by works of the law or by hearing with
faith?...Having begun by the Spirit, are
you now being perfected by the flesh?
Did you suffer so many things in vain—
if indeed it was in vain? Does he who
supplies the Spirit and works miracles do
so by works of the law or by hearing with
J: I see. Let me try to sum that up: your
central concern seems to be that faith,
not works, is the foundation for the
Christian’s life in the Spirit and progress
toward perfection. Why is this the case?
P: [It was this way for]…Abraham [who]
believed God, and it was counted to him
as righteousness.
J: What does Abraham have to do with this?
P: Know then that it is those of faith who
are the sons of Abraham.
J: Now Paul, I’m a Gentile (Polish, German,
and Italian mainly, with a bit of Serbian).
And the Galatians, they were Gentiles
too. Why involve this Jewish patriarch?
P: [Because] the Scripture, foreseeing
that God would justify the Gentiles by
faith, preached the gospel beforehand
to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all
the nations be blessed.” So then, those
who are of faith are blessed along with
Abraham, the man of faith.
J: Earlier, you mentioned that we do not
receive the Spirit by works of the law.
What would happen if I relied on works
of the law?
P: All who rely on the law are under a curse.
J: Why?
P: It is written, “Cursed be everyone who
does not abide by all things written in the
Book of the Law, and do them.”
J: But aren’t the most righteous people in
the world those who live by the letter of
the law? I mean, doesn’t their morality
merit favor with God?
P: It is evident that no one is justified before
God by the law, for “The righteous shall
live by faith.”
J: But isn’t the law of faith?
P: The law is not of faith, rather, “The one
who does them shall live by them.”
J: This all seems like terrible news--no one
can be perfect. How then can we be
redeemed from this curse of the law?
P: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the
law by becoming a curse for us.
J: How did Christ become a curse for us?
P: [As] it is written, “Cursed is everyone
who is hanged on a tree.”
J: Of course! But going back to Abraham
again: what then does this have to do
with him and his children?
P: [This was] so that in Christ Jesus the
blessing of Abraham might come to the
Gentiles, so that we might receive the
promised Spirit through faith.
J: Can you give an illustration or example
By James Pruch, Associate Pastor
to help me understand?
P: Even with a man-made covenant, no one
annuls it or adds to it once it has been
J: I’m not following you.
P: The promises were made to Abraham
and to his offspring. It does not say, “And
to offsprings,” referring to many, but
referring to one, “And to your offspring,”
who is Christ.
J: I’m still lost, Paul. Can you explain
P: This is what I mean: the law, which came
430 years afterward, does not annul a
covenant previously ratified by God,
so as to make the promise void. For if
the inheritance comes by the law, it no
longer comes by promise; but God gave
it to Abraham by a promise.
J: Now I understand. So, just as a human
covenant cannot be changed, so God’s
promise (his covenant) to Abraham
cannot be made void just because of
the law--which came more than four
centuries later anyway. In light of this,
what is the purpose of the law?
P: It was added because of transgressions.
J: How long would the law be in effect?
P: Until the offspring should come to whom
the promise had been made, and it
was put in place through angels by an
J: Paul, I get the Abraham tie-in. But,
angels? What gives? An intermediary
implies more than one, but God is one.
J: Alright, so the law, given by angels, is not
the fullest and final revelation of God.
God’s ultimate revelation of himself
comes from himself—in Christ—not
from someone else. If all this is true, then
wouldn’t it seem that the law is contrary
to the promises of God?
P: Certainly not!
J: Why?
...see PAUL on Page 5
PAUL.. continued from page 4
Focusing Our Faith
P: For if a law had been given that could
give life, then righteousness would
indeed be by the law.
It is hard to believe some days that we are now the
parents of two precious daughters; two girls whose upbringing and lives are going to be largely shaped by our
choices as parents and believers. We are finding this
truth to be overwhelming and humbling all at once. Allison and I have really felt the Lord speaking to us about
loving our girls and not being so caught up in ministering to others, that we neglect our marriage, daughters, and home. Thus far in our marriage,
many in the States have told us how monumental it is that we are modeling a Christian
marriage and family in this culture we live in, and I think now we are beginning to truly recognize the impact our lives are having in this way. Literally every day there are others in our
home, maybe sometimes a quiet Sunday, and they are asking questions. These young adults
and teens are watching us, they are checking to see if we are living what we are preaching.
J: Why didn’t God establish a law that
could give life and righteousness?
P: The Scriptures imprisoned everything
under sin, so that the promise by faith in
Jesus Christ might be given to those who
J: That brings it back to your central concern:
faith is foundational in the Christian life.
Those who trust in Christ receive the
blessing promised to Abraham. You sure
do tie up all your loose ends, Paul. But
what about before Christ came and the
possibility of faith in him?
P: Before faith came, we were held captive
under the law, imprisoned until the
coming faith would be revealed. So then,
the law was our guardian until Christ
came, in order that we might be justified
by faith.
J: Since we now know Christ and have faith
in his finished work, does that change
things with the law?
P: Now that faith has come, we are no
longer under a guardian.
J: Does that change the way God views us?
P: In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God,
through faith. For as many of you as were
baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
J: This is wonderful! What then are the
implications of this for everyday life?
P: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither slave nor free, there is no male
and female, for you are all one in Christ
J: Marvelous. Beautiful. To close, can you
sum up your argument in 140 characters
or less? (That’s a popular way people
express themselves in the 21st century.)
P: If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s
offspring, heirs according to the promise.
J: Thanks, Paul, for joining me! Again,
Galatians 3 and this interview have
proved beneficial to me, and I trust it will
do the same for our readers. Praise God!
We are holding these relationships so dear to us. Some of these relationships are deepening through Allison’s workout ministry with the young men, or ‘boys’ as Evana calls them.
Sometimes there are 2, other times 7, young men. But its’ not really about the numbers,
but rather the conversations that take place on our veranda. Some of these relationships are
deepening with the university students who come to our home during the weekdays to do
their school work and ponder life. They wonder where the money will come from to reach
school the following week, and it always comes as two students in particular faithfully serve
the Lord and stay focused on Him. Or the afterschool hours when we help primary students
and high school students with their school work. The afternoons are often filled with laughter
and conversations as we help these young people do their school work. Sometimes there are
2 students, other times 10. But it’s not really about the numbers, it’s about the opportunities
and rights we are earning to share our faith.
One such young man, Barney, who frequently comes to
do his school work came to the gate. Evana was very sick and
we had no printer ink, so I nearly turned him away. But he
said he needed to speak to me a moment. As I reached the
gate, he shared how after months of asking from Allison, he
was thinking of going to youth group the following night. He
was scared. He wanted to know what it was going to be like.
I think Barney wanted to know if this Jesus we keep telling
him about is really worth giving up a Saturday night of plans
or squashing fears of rejection. What a blessing to our hearts
when the following day I saw him on my walk with the girls.
He said it was great, with a smile that ranged ear to ear. He said he loved it. This is a focus
of our faith. Some of these relationships are with other young adults who are leading youth
ministry alongside us and learning to be husbands, wives, and parents along with us. Some
of these relationships are with three older couples who have taken us under their wings to
encourage and mentor, to pray with us and share their mistakes in faith that we might not
repeat them, but rather learn through them. We so appreciate their attention and honesty.
We ask that you keep these youth and relationships in your prayers as we prepare to
spend several weeks in the US visiting family and friends, raising our committed monthly
support (prayers and financial), and as we rest. Allison especially needs rest and reflection as
he was not able to come away with us this past summer, and has not really had a break since
nearly two years ago. Thank you for your unwavering love and commitment to us, our family
and our ministry here in Belize. We are beyond blessed by it and appreciate your grace.
See you next month!
In Christ, Allison, Heather, Evana, and Chiara
2nd Annual Ladies of Grace Missions Tea
The focus of the Ladies’ February Tea was GOD’S HEART FOR THE WORLD. We were
touched as we listened to stories from Freedom Street Ministries in Costa Rica building relationships with sexually exploited men, women, and children in order to help them discover
truth, value, and salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We also heard about the
need for free mammograms at the Salam Medical Center in Egypt, Alison and Heather Garoy’s ministry to young people who want to continue their education in Belize but lack the
resources, and lastly the Alpha Pregnancy Center in Schenectady wanting to train nurses to
use a newly acquired high-tech ultrasound machine. A love offering was taken to meet these
specific needs. The offering totaled $5970.00 and was distributed equally. Thank you
Jesus! Thank you ladies for your sacrificial gifts!
With much gratitude to the following:
Missions Presenters: Sue Groh, Sara Jaeger, Aubrey Lovelace, Kathy Rosecrans
Devotional: Carly Pruch
Table Hostesses: Tabitha Bandy, Sharon Case, Mary Dahler, Ginger Deering, Sue Groh,
Kim Johnson, Colleen Keihm, Christie LeVake, Peggy Linnenbach, Jackie Marshall, Sheri
McCarthy, Michelle Payette, Theresa Ringrose, Dawn Ryckman, and Dawn Zipp
Music: Maria Ku
Food Preparation: Mary Dahler and Peggy Linnenbach
Prayer Bookmarks: Sheri McCarthy and Shannon McCarthy
Gift baskets/Door Prizes: Sharon Case and Dawn Zipp
Much help from the Women’s Committee
….until next year! Kim Johnson
Discipleship Study
God’s Word is alive and powerful to
change our hearts and guide our paths. Join
our small band of women as we encounter
the challenge of selected passages that will
make us stronger disciples of Jesus.
We started in Genesis with God’s perfect plan, noticing how the fall changed everything except God’s redemptive prophecy
(3:15). In Genesis 12 God called Abraham
to walk in faith, pitching his tent between
Bethel (“house of God”) and Ai (“ruins”),
challenging us to consider “which way our
tent is pitched”? Genesis 22 had Jacob
running from the wrath of Esau, with good
reason! God confronted Jacob in a dream
at Bethel as his head rested on a rock. In
the morning Jacob turned the stone to see
it from God’s perspective, where it became
his altar for worship. We considered “What
is your stone...your Bethel...and if need be,
your Peniel (Gen 32:22), where Jacob wrestled with God. The last recorded time that
God spoke to Abraham was the fiery test of
his love for God recorded in Genesis 28.
We considered Jesus’ similar command
to us in Mark 12:30, “love the Lord your
God with all your heart...soul...mind...
strength”, and if our hearts could (or wanted
to) give up our most treasured possessions.
This study is interactive so we are accountable to one another and God. We
meet most Saturday mornings at Michelle
Payette’s “Shop,” Your Walls Can Talk,
60 Blue Barns Road, Ste. 1, Rexford, NY
9-11AM (Coffee & Fellowship 9-9:30 ).
For more information and dates for our
next meeting, contact Sue Groh or Michelle
Payette through the church office.
Women’s Ministry Report:
To the Glory of God!
2014-15 is a new year in which to notice the hand
of God on a number of ministries, and to catch a
fresh vision of what the Lord would have us pursue to
His glory! The following events are listed in our newly revised Women’s Ministry brochure available in the wall rack at church.
Back in the fall, on Sept 21 we launched Women’s Ministries
with our traditional Fall Lunch, welcoming almost 90 women to
come together for fellowship and to learn about the many ministries offered for spiritual growth and fellowship. Wednesday mornings saw Heart and Hand offer two choices for studies, two evening
studies, and a Saturday morning discipleship small group. The quarterly Night of Praise and Promise under the new leadership of Liz
Chamberlain and Skye Heritage premiered Oct 17 for an intimate
evening of worshipful heartfelt sharing and perspective from Jesus.
The second Night of P&P was a snowy evening in January, and our
most recent evening was March 6!
Fall quickly turned to the holiday focus with Decorating for
Christmas, the magic that transforms our building with many willing
hands - old and young alike! This important event ushered in the
Christmas Dinner that welcomes Jesus’ birth and the preparation
of our hearts for Advent. And it didn’t seem but a blink of the eye
before it was time to take them all down again, as New Year rolled in
and the decorations became passé!
Winter’s bitter hold was softened by the sparkle of the second
annual Missions Tea where our focus turned to the ways God is
working to bring hope and healing through our missions endeavors. This year we focused on 4 ministries: Locally we helped finance
training of nurses for the Ultrasound machine for Alpha Pregnancy
Centers; Globally we financed breast cancer screening for women
in Egypt through Salam Medical Clinic, tutorial help and tech support for eager students to attend and thrive in high school in Belize,
and seed-money for reaching out to prostitutes who choose a path
toward freedom and healing in Costa Rica, AND WE OUTDID OUR
Our much anticipated Retreat is postponed to fall (Oct 16-18)
as we were not able to reserve accommodations this spring at Camp
of the Woods, so patience is requested. The retreat committee feels
this might be a better time for the retreat after all - we shall see!
Spring showers bring May flowers, but our Shower of Blessings
bring babies!! Come join women of all ages as we celebrate with
praise to God for more than 16 babies, born and yet to be born,
since our last Shower of Blessings! Sunday, April 19 after church,
a luncheon will be followed by gift baskets for all the moms, made
possible by donations taken ahead of time (details to follow).
For more information on these and other ministries, contact any
members of the committee: Judy Bellamy, Connie Blakelock, Mary
Dahler, Willie Frederick, Sue Groh, Kim Johnson, Carol Ann McCarthy,
Carly Pruch, Sarah Romlein (Retreat Chairwoman) and Dawn Zipp.
Get Ready for VBS 2015!
This year’s Vacation Bible School will
take place Monday, July 6th through Friday,
July 10th, 9am till noon.
Our big theme reveal will be coming soon.
Just to ‘peak your interest’…this year’s theme
will take us to majestic heights as we learn how
to Conquer Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. We will depend
on five able and compassionate guides as we trek ever onward to
learn how God empowers kids to overcome obstacles. Our guides
will be a snow leopard, a marmot, a bar-headed goose, a markhor
and a brown bear. Each day they will share Bible points, Bible stories,
key verses and songs that help us to see God’s mighty power.
To make VBS possible, we need dozens of kids to attend each
day. Plan on bringing your kids and also use this as a chance to reach
out to neighbors, classmates, and teammates. We need dozens of
teen and adult volunteers to help make VBS possible. There is
truly something for everyone to do, so please fill in the response form
in the bulletin, if you would like to help. Don’t worry, if I don’t hear
from you, you will probably hear from me! “And God will provide all
you need.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
~ Christine Muller, VBS Director
Making a Difference for Kids
We at Grace Chapel are privileged to have the family of Glenn Cook, one of our missionaries we support, as a
part of our local congregation. As an Area Developer for Young Life in Eastern New York (ENY) and Western New
England (WNE), Glenn’s purpose is to help create environments where teams of trained and fully-supported leaders
build relationships with adolescents, in order to communicate to them their own worth as people, and more importantly, the worth, uniqueness and greatness of Jesus Christ. What does that mean? Following is an entry that Glenn has written that describes
just a small portion of what he does:
About a year ago I was in Burlington, VT, with nothing to do for a few hours between meetings. I decided to drive to all the local
high schools and pray for the kids, the community, the faculty, parents and coaches. It’s a small thing. I’m not the first Young Life
staff person to do that in the area, and I know there are hundreds if not thousands of people in those communities praying for young
people. One specific thing I prayed for was for the Young Life leaders who would someday walk on to each of those campuses to
build relationships with teenagers. I pictured them stopping by to pick a kid up after school, showing up to see a game, or to watch a
concert. I asked Jesus to provide leaders to do this work, and to open doors for us to start ministry in those communities. One prayer
prayed while driving on frigid day in January. A small thing. Now fast forward one year more or less….
Another small thing happened recently. Last Friday, a small group of Young Life leaders showed up at a high school hockey game
in Burlington. Our Young Life team has been working on building the proper foundation to start the Young Life ministry in Burlington,
and after a lot of work and prayer, it was time to start contact work. Contact work is just a fancy name for “showing up.” The main
job of a Young Life leader is to show up in the lives of kids and build friendships. The model for this is Jesus himself, who showed up
in our world and spent time with people, and who also equipped and commissioned his disciples to do the same.
“Showing up” sometimes looks and feels like a small thing. Hopefully soon, bigger things will happen in kids’ lives in Burlington
and Chittenden county. We are planning to take kids to camp this summer, and start weekly meetings with kids. Perhaps sometime
soon our leaders will know dozens of kids, and through their friendship, make lasting impacts in their lives. Perhaps kids who didn’t
know Christ before will come to follow him and grow in their faith. These would be big things. But in my experience, big things start
small. And the small things have begun.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full
of grace and truth. – John 1:14 (ESV)
So, does this spark even a little bit of interest? I would invite you
to do three things:
Take a look at the local Young Life website; http://ylcr.younglife.
org/Pages/default.aspx You can also dig around for other sites
with the assistance of a search engine such as Google.
If that captures any of your interest, why not as an adult, visit a
Young Life Camp? We have a limited number of accommodations available for the week of July 5 through July 11. I promise
that you will be amazed. For more information contact George
or Marilyn Frost at frosty9001@aol.com, or call 518-371-4530.
Thirdly, you could pray. Here are two possibilities:
a. Continued development of Young Life in Burlington
b. Leaders to step forward for Young Life in Clifton Park, perhaps starting with a “Wyldlife” group for middle-school kids
Finally, on your offering envelope at the box on the left under
missions, why not designate an additional small amount for the
local Young Life efforts to reach local kids for Jesus. “You were
made for this.”
Locally, Young Life Clubs are active in Burnt Hills and Saratoga
Springs areas. If you would like to see a Young Life club started in
your area, and are willing to participate at some level, feel free to
discuss this with Glenn.
~ George Frost
Grace Chapel’s Annual
- SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH 1:00-3:00 PM
Easter Egg Hunt for Multiple Age Groups
Fun Raffle & Craft
Photo Booth
Special Easter Message just for Kids—Parental Supervision is Required
Grace Chapel of Clifton Park
996 Main Street
Clifton Park, NY 12065
The Value of a Cup of Coffee
Do you ever wonder where strategic missions funding gets used? For the last couple of
years, Young Life has received strategic funding from Grace Chapel, and we have used it
to help support one of our volunteer leaders,
Kristan. The funding has helped Kristan be
more available to kids than she ordinarily would have been without some financial
assistance. For the past 3 school years, Kristan has logged a lot of hours with kids as
a Young Life leader. This past year, she did something different and spent most of the
summer in the area as well. I asked her to report in so you could share in the joy of
resources invested well. ~ Glenn Cook
I am from Greater Boston and attend Siena College. This summer,
rather than heading home to work and spend time with my family, I had the
privilege of spending my summer here investing in the lives of local teenagers.
I would like to take a few moments to share with you what I saw and learned.
Much of my spiritual focus at the time was centered on the book of Isaiah and
as I look back on the summer, these words echo in my heart:
“Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you,
I will give men in exchange for you and peoples in exchange for your life.”
I have always found this verse, especially the latter part, to be an encouragement and affirmation to my call. The prophet Isaiah expresses so well
what my heart can never find the words to say, and I have begun to realize
how true these words are for our high school friends. How much their hearts
long to hear that they are loved! How much they long to hear they are precious and honored in the sight of the Creator. How important it is for them
to know their lives have value and are honored by a King! The Lord rejoices
when one lost sheep returns home, and is willing to “give men” in exchange.
I have learned that the Lord desires me to be one of those given in exchange,
and what a privilege it is to be anointed for such a purpose! True victory is
seen in watching kids pass from death to life.
I was able to spend a lot of my time over the summer with a girl named
Lauren. In the short time I have known Lauren, I have watched her discover
the joy of letting others into her life, struggle with depression, light up as she
recounts the adventures she had with close friends, deal with less than ideal
issues at home, and open her first Bible. I had the privilege of being her leader
at Young Life camp this summer and witness her decision to let Jesus into her
heart. It happened on July 11 at 11:45 in the morning. I could have been a
lot of other places on July 11, but because of your support, I was with Lauren.
Although Young Life camp is a safe and loving environment that allowed
Lauren and many like her to process the love of Jesus Christ, it was not that
week that made the difference. What really made the difference was every
cup of coffee, every late walk, every thrift store adventure, every movie night,
and every one of her friends who loved her into the kingdom. Love, expressed
consistently over time, before and after that week made all the difference.
The Lord certainly did not need me here last summer, but had graciously
allowed me to be a part of what He is doing in kids lives. As a result, I continue to fall more deeply in love with Christ. Watching him at work makes every
cup of coffee, broken car, and summer break worth it. Thank you for being a
part of it with me. ~ Kristan
For the Love
of Heaven
The imagination of men is a
wonderful thing. We can imagine a world free of
poverty and abuse, medicines that will clear up serious illnesses with a single dose, spacecraft that
can travel between stars or galaxies in reasonable
periods of time, or computers that could accurately predict the weather months in advance. We may
not be able to figure out how to do these things,
but we can imagine them. The world we can imagine is in a sense bigger than the world we can see
and experience.
We can imagine being able to see the face of
Jesus as often as we want. We can imagine a world
where we can see every thought in each other right
down to our very hearts, and still love unconditionally. Yet scripture says that heaven is “better than
the best of all worlds we can possibly imagine,
apart from what is revealed to us by His Spirit.” (1
Cor 2:9).
“For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
but when completeness comes, what is in part
disappears….For now we see only a reflection as
in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I
know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am
fully known.” (1 Cor 13:9, 10, 12) What can this
“when” and “then” refer to but heaven?
Even in the richest country on earth, we feel
the pain of living on this earth. We hunger and
thirst for righteousness. We see or feel illness (mental and physical), all kinds of abuse, addictions,
poverty, infidelity, violence, and extortion. We can
read about human trafficking, genocide, and terrible religious persecution.
In “The Great Divorce” by CS Lewis, he says
that “…all [the] loneliness, angers, hatreds, envies,
and itchings that (Hell) contains, if rolled into one
single experience and put into the scale against the
least moment of the joy that is felt by the least in
Heaven, would have no weight that could be registered at all. Bad cannot succeed even in being bad
as truly as good is good.” Another way of saying
this is that all the bad things in the world, if rolled
into one, are no bigger than the period at the end
of this sentence compared to the goodness of God.
I can’t imagine any pain on earth that would
outweigh what we’ll feel and know and experience
in heaven.
~ Frank Augustine
Church Library Update
The breaking news is that in a few short
weeks, the library will be moving from its walkin closet space to a new location in the back lefthand corner of the sanctuary (as you face the
front). The move will allow greater visibility and
access to our collection. These include not only
books but also DVDs and CDs. Of special interest are the newly cataloged Family Resources materials. Any of these
may be checked out NOW since the library has reopened.
If no attendant is present, please follow the directions posted
in the present library.
Books should be returned to the bin clearly marked
“RETURNS,” which sits on the counter.
Eventually, we plan to add new materials. Pass on to us titles
you think we should purchase, especially young adult and children’s
you can donate books, CDs, and DVDs.
And finally, more volunteers are needed to serve in a number of areas: signing out materials, re-shelving returns, cleaning on
a scheduled basis, and following-up on over-due materials. A big
thank-you to those who have already signed up, and we welcome
more helpers.
~ Ulla Flavin, Marge Skinner
and Judy Bellamy
Seeking ‘the Lost’ (Media that is)
A number of CDs and DVDs are missing from the church library.
We ask that if you have had even a passing acquaintance with them
sometime in the recent or distant past, please return them promptly
to the bin on the library counter. No questions will be asked and all
will be forgiven--for after all, you are dealing with “Grace” Chapel.
BURNING EMBER (music) by Steve Bell
JONAH (a Veggie Tales movie)
PARABLES.. continued from front page
then turned toward the gangplank. We boarded and found a place
by the window and soon after departure we found that the boat was
bi-directional; it did not turn around, so we found ourselves on the
side opposite the object of our main interest. As we made our way
around to the other side we discovered an open area at the back of
the boat where only an expandable gate way was stretched across;
this was very much like the sort of thing one would install to prevent
a toddler from escaping up a stairway. As we stood and looked we
saw the skyline of lower Manhattan fall away behind us. The sparkling feature was of course the new 9/11 memorial. We soon realized that if we held our ground we would be passing by the Statue of
Liberty… and soon there she was. Majestic, clean, & tall, reaching
skyward… a revered sight that leaves one breathless.
After about 25 minutes of being on the sea, we came into the
docking area of Staten Island. Off to our left was the return ferry
already with the masses of people boarding. If we didn’t catch that
one we had to wait till the next one for the return trip, something
we obviously did not want to do. As our boat locked into place we
noticed that the adjacent boat had already taken on most of the
people; the flow had slowed to a steady but calm stream. Could
we make it? The boat was about 120 yards away but there were
hundreds of people in front of us. Finally the crowds started to exit
through two large sets of doors. As we made our way forward we
saw off to the left a narrow side door to a hallway through which only
a few people were exiting. We took “the road less traveled by” and
found that it deposited us along the edge of the vast holding hallway
where the crowd was just emerging. “Run Jared… go.” We made
our way around the people to the next open area that proved to be
the ramp to the boat. We passed through the electronic equivalent
of turnstiles, which I am certain also performed as scanners. As we
made it through that barrier, Jared said, “we made it Papa”. Luke
looked back and said “they closed the gates… Papa! Some of the
families got separated… some made it and some didn’t.”
His comment was a vivid reminder of:
“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the
Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered
the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the
flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken
and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one
will be taken and the other left.” (Matthew 24:37-41)
Somewhere in the trip to NYC, there is a message. Is it “the
mass of humanity from every tongue and nation‘, is it “Miss Liberty,
majestic clean and tall reaching skyward”, is it “the narrow door to
‘the road less traveled by’”, “run Jared… go”, is it “they closed the
gates… Papa! Some of the families got separated… some made it
and some didn’t.”
Have you ever had an experience where you wondered if God
were allowing you to live through a parable? Just thinkin’.
Recovery/Support Groups Within the Southern
Saratoga County Coalition of Churches
Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (4 Northcrest Dr. Clifton Park 371-2226)
Young Adults AA Sunday Evening 6:00
Women of Hope AA Tues. Evening 5:30
Without Fear NA Friday Evening 7:00
Turning Point AA Saturday Evening 7:00
Shenendehowa United Methodist Church (971 Rt. 146, Clifton Park 371-7964)
AA Meetings Monday - Friday 5:30
St. George’s Episcopal Church (912 Route 146, Clifton Park 371-6351)
Al Anon Meetings Thursdays 10 - 11:30
Jonesville United Methodist Church (963 Main St. Clifton Park 877-7332)
AA meets Monday (1pm) Wednesday (12:30pm) Friday (10am) Saturday (9am)
Al Anon (Fridays 7:00 pm)
Care Givers Support Group
Christ Community Reformed (1010 Rt. 146, Clifton Park 371-7654)
1st and 3rd Tuesday: 12:30 - 2:00
Celebrate Recovery
Northway Fellowship (1208 Route 146, Clifton Park 899-1200)
Mondays 7:00-7:45 (sign-up) and groups begin 8pm
Confidential support for anyone with hurts, hang-ups, habits,
www.celebraterecovery.com for more information
Child Adoption Support for Families
Faith Baptist Church (Corner Glenridge and Bradt Rd., Rexford 399-2220)
Contact Courtney 396-9313 or Amy 399-7143
Divorce Care
Temple Baptist (142 Lower New Town Rd. Waterford 664-8759) Wednesday 6:30
Families Anonymous
St. Edwards Catholic Church (569 Clifton Park Center Rd. 371-7372)
Mondays 7:00 Twelve Step Fellowship for Families or Friends of those
with drug, alcohol or behavioral issues
Grief Support
Shenendehowa United Methodist Church (971 Rte.146, Clifton Park 371-7964)
Meets Sundays, from 2 - 4 pm
Memory Loss Support Group — Sponsored by CareLinks)
Christ Community Reformed (1010 Route 146, Clifton Park)
2nd and 4th Wednesdays 1 - 2 pm (Carol Beauregard 399-3262)
Separated/Divorced/Widowed Support
“A Healing Place” St. Edwards Catholic Church (569 Clifton Park Ctr. Rd.)
2nd Saturday of the month 7 pm Laurie Obrien 371-3831
Single and Parenting Support Group
Mission Community Church (Fire Rd. Clifton Park 745-9912)
Tuesdays 6 - 8 p.m. Includes family dinner plus support group for parents and
Divorce Care 4 Kids
Homework Help
Needs Volunteers
At 2:30, Monday through Thursday,
the school bus pulls up to Cheryl’s Lodge in
Halfmoon Heights and the kids get off chattering like a little flock of birds. They know
they are there to have a snack, some fun
and get help with their schoolwork. This is
the Homework Help program run by CAPTAIN and it needs YOUR help. The program offers computer learning, crafts and
other enrichment programs as well as help
with the day’s homework. The hope is that
these children will do better in school and
feel part of a caring learning environment
which will help them persist on through
high school and maybe beyond!
I volunteer with the elementary school
children and we could use more tutors,
men and women, to help out. Most days
I am assigned two kids to work with but on
the days I have three, it is difficult to give
each one the attention he/she deserves.
More adults would mean more one-on-one
attention. Men, the boys really need a male
role model to look up to. No teaching experience is required and all you have to have
is kindergarten through fifth grade reading
and math skills. It is a fun program to be a
part of as well as a very worthwhile volunteer experience.
Homework Help is only open when
Shenendehowa schools are. The hours
are from 2:30-3:45 on Monday through
Thursday; you can volunteer one or more
days a week. If this sounds like something
you would like to do you can contact me
through the church office with any questions or Mary Duclos, Volunteer Coordinator at CAPTAIN, at mary@captaincares.org.
~ Jenny Zimmerman
Palm Sunday/Processional
March 29th 10:30am
Good Friday Service
April 3rd at 7pm
Easter Sunday ~ April 5th 10:30am
(No Sunday School)
Mark Your
17 Legislative Day
21 Children’s Ministry Pizza Dinner
22 Membership Class Begins
28 Children’s Easter Celebration
29 Palm Sunday
Spring Break
Good Friday Service
YG Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
12 YG Parent Mtg - Chicago Mission Trip
18 Children’s Ministry Pasta Dinner
19 Shower of Blessings
National Day of Prayer
HS 24-hr Bible Study@Schroon Lk
10 Mother’s Day
Child Dedication
16 Men’s Breakfast
MS Paintball Event
Children’s Ministry Family Dinner
17 Last Day of Sunday School
24 Summer Service Change - 9:30am
Missions Goes High Tech
There are plans afoot for a high tech missions display wall
at our church, a place where our missionaries will come alive
and share us their work among people far away, or locally but
different from Clifton Park.
But we need help!
The model for missions is given in Acts 1:8: Jerusalem,
Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. All are called to
spread God’s good news, and those who leave the comforts of home and family to go to far
away places that are unreached with the gospel, we call missionaries. But, all too often they
feel disconnected; too often the saying is true, “Out of sight, out of mind”.
This missions display wall will help to alleviate this disconnect by visualizing God’s heart
for missions, bringing our missionaries to life through touch screen computers, and being a
place where literature is available for up-to-date information.
But we need help!
We have a sketch of how this wall will look. We have permission to begin building. We
even have volunteers who can build this wall, and some of the funds we need. We are in the
process of determining the best screen computers for what we want.
What we lack are volunteers who know how to program these computers, or are
willing to be trained. They will be needed to program these computers on a regular basis, about every other month.
We are praying for several people to be part of this tech team. Are YOU the answer to
our prayer? Please let us know if you are wiling to be part of an exciting team that programs
the touch screen computers with current videos, pictures, information, newsletters, and even
set up Skype connections!
Just think, YOU could be part of God’s design for our church to be vitally connected to
missions, and sensitive to the leading of God’s Spirit to speed-up the evangelization of the
Those interested can call Sue Groh or contact the church office.
Upcoming Spring Children’s Ministry Events
March 21 - Family Pizza Dinner and Fort/Craft Making Fun 5-6:30pm
March 28 - Easter Celebration 1-3pm
April 18 - Family Pasta Dinner and Music Night 5-6:30pm
Coordinator Needed
Each summer, Grace Chapel hosts a blood drive at the church. If you
are interested in coordinating or co-coordinating, please contact the
church office.
Summer Newsletter Deadline is Monday, May, 4th
Early Submissions ALWAYS appreciated!