The Chimes Grace United Methodist Church April 2015 During this week of remembrance, forgiveness, confession, repentance, mourning, and resurrection, we invite you to experience this most holy week at Grace UMC. Holy Thursday - 7 p.m. Thursday, April 2 Holy Thursday Services being at 7 p.m., will include the sacrament of Communion and the Confirmation Class will assist with the service. Good Friday - 7 p.m. Friday, April 3 Experience the seven final statements Jesus spoke from the cross during our Good Friday services at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Easter Sunday Services at 8 and 10:15 a.m. We will rejoice in the resurrection of Christ at both services Sunday morning. The 10:15 service will be by celebrating with the Flowering of the Cross during Celebrate the Risen Christ during our Easter Services. During our 10:15 a.m. service the children will participate in the Flowering of the Cross during the children’s sermon. Music will feature all choirs and orchestra. 2 The Chimes April 2015 Super Wednesday Summary, Volunteers Needed for Final Month Last month we missed two weeks of Super Wednesday due to snow and spring break. However, we continue to have fun with our state travels to Pennsylvania and Delaware, as well as with our parties for spring and for St. Patrick’s Day. We are grateful for our weekly special guest Duncan. Duncan comes with his “grandma” Susan Ryon. He is a therapy dog who belongs to Susan’s daughter, Anna. He visits each week with the kids and then heads home with Susan. We love having him in our Super Wednesday family. End-of-Year Picnic on April 29 We will continue to meet every Wednesday until April 29th. On that day we will have a picnic so join us if you’d like. We’d love to have you. Donations Needed Our program is always in need of play-dough and nonperishable snacks. If you really wanted to make our day we’d love a gift card to Michaels or to WalMart. We thank the congreation for their support of the program. Volunteers Needed Many of our volunteers at Super Wednesday are high school students. During the month of April their schedules become very busy with school work, which means we are often short of volunteers. If any adults at Grace would like to volunteer to supervise an activity table from 3:30 to 5:30 on a Wednesday afternoon we could really use your help. Please contact Patty Link at or at 515-9791697. A few of our Super Wednesday Volunteers Emerging Issues April 19 On Sunday, April 19 at 9 a.m., Teresa Bomhoff will be joining us to talk about mental health issues. She is the chairperson of the Iowa Mental Health Planning Council and President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of greater Des Moines. Some of Teresa’s family members live with severe mental illness, so she has a passion for helping people with challenges to get the help that is needed. Please reserve April 19 on your calendar and come spend an hour with us in Fellowship Hall. Join the Prayer Chain The spiritual act of prayer is an integral part of Christianity and Methodism. One way of living out this act is through our Prayer Chain. When prayers are requested the chain is activated by our UMW members through a phone tree. If you would like to be a part of praying and supporting other church members and their loved loved ones, please join the Prayer Chain by calling Maxine Robinson at 274-3075. The Chimes April 2015 3 Invitation to Vermeer Leadership Alliance Seminar on April 7 and 8 ern Seminary, NC State University and Fielding Institute. His mission is to equip the laity and clergy for more effective ministry as we discover solutions that bring personal and corporate transformation. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE All events at the Vermeer Global Pavilion in Pella Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson Join me in hearing Eddie Hammett - April 7-8. Eddie Hammett is a professional certified church & clergy coach, author of 8 books and over 400 articles that deal with how the church can be more effective in ministry in our rapidly changing world. He serves as adjunct professor, coach trainer and works with over 18 different denominations across the country. He is president of Transforming Solutions, LLC. His most recent book, released in August 2014 is “Recovering Hope for Your Church: Moving Beyond Maintenance & Missional to Incarnational Engagement.” Other books include: “Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60” and “Making Shifts Without Making Waves: A Coach Approach to Soulful-leadership.” Hammett is a graduate of Furman University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also did post-graduate studies at Duke Divinity School, Southeast- TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 7 - 8:30 p.m. You Can’t Walk on the Water Until You Get Out of the Boat! Overview five basic leadership skills needed for Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60. This is a free event that is open to the public, no RSVP required. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 All day with registration required. Reaching People Under 40 While Keeping People Over 60 8:30 - 9 a.m. – Registration 9 - 10:15 a.m. – Session 1 How a Changing Culture Im pacts the Way We Do Church 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. – Break 10:30 - Noon – Session 2 When Change is Needed, But Not Wanted Noon - 1 p.m. – Lunch 1 - 2:15 p.m. – Session 3 Creating a Win/Win for All Generations 2:15 - 2:30 p.m. – Break 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. – Session 4 Finding and Taking Next Steps for Your Church Registration Information Tuesday, April 7 – no registration required, free and open to the public Wednesday, April 8 – registration is required. Cost is $25 if postmarked by Wednesday, April 1, 2015. After April 1 registration cost will be $35. Click on the Registration Form link on the website or contact me. This event is sponsored by Vermeer Charitable Foundation. If you have further questions you may contact me or call 641-6283141 or e-mail Purchase Hammett’s books You may also purchase Hammett’s books between now and April 30, 2015 at a discounted rate: Spiritual Leadership in A Secular Age Making Shifts without Making Waves Recovering Hope for Your Church Reaching People Under 40 while Keeping People Over 60 You will receive a 30% discount on any version (paper, EPUB, EPDF) of the books by using the promotional code PELLA15. The offer is good for one use per customer (so order all the books you would like at one time). To order: M-F: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central Toll Free: 1-800-366-3383 Fax:1-770-280-4039 or online, securely, at 4 The Chimes April 2015 Laity Day on Saturday, April 25 Grace Preschool hosts Mr. Steve of PBS Kids during Week of the Young Child Laity Day will be held on Saturday, April 25, from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Aldersgate UMC in Urbandale. Grace Preschool and GUMC will be hosting Mr. Steve from PBS KIDS for a concert on Friday, April 10, at 11 a.m. in the Grace UMC Activity Center. The concert is open to the public, so please join us! Bishop Trimble will have two topics, The Marks of a Methodist, based on a new book of the same title by Steve Harper, and in the afternoon, Poverty to Opportunity. Bishop Trimble is eager for dialogue and questions from laity and there will be time allowed for that. Additionally, there will be three special presentations about exciting ministries supported by the UMC. They include: Women at the Well (prison congregation) with Rev. Lee Schott Justice for Our Neighbors (legal help for immigrants) with JFON attorneys Brynne Howard and Ann Naffler Human Trafficking with Teresa Downing, UMW resource person and ISU faculty Cokesbury bookstore will have a display and all books purchased or ordered that day will have a 30% discount plus free shipping. Morning coffee and lunch at noon will provide time for fellowship and sharing ideas. There is no fee, just a free will offering but to facilitate planning please preregister by calling the church office. There will be an incentive for all who register in advance! The Chimes April 2015 5 6 The Chimes April 2015 Premier of anthem in memory of Rev. Robert Crandall on April 19 tage Grove, Des Moines, IA 50311. The premier will be held during the 10:15 a.m. service on Sunday, April 19 at Grace UMC. We also extend an invitation to anyone who wishes to attend the premier to our 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, April 19. Our large sanctuary will accommodate all who wish to celebrate the memory of Rev. Crandall. Rev. Robert Crandall On Sunday, April 19, Grace United Methodist Church will premier the anthem “Roll Down, Justice!” in memory of the life and ministry of Rev. Robert Crandall. The anthem was written by Mark A. Miller. Grace UMC invites anyone who would like to participate in the singing of this premier to attend two special rehearsals with the Grace Chancel Choir on Wednesday, April 8 and/or Wednesday, April 15 from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Both rehearsals will be held in Wesley Hall at Grace United Methodist Church, 3700 Cot- We look forward to welcoming many friends and supporters to Grace for this special event! For additional information on the life and work of Rev. Robert Crandall, please visit #!news/c13sj or es/desmoinesregister/obituary.a spx?pid=168650933 For additional information Mark A. Miller, please visit k-miller Marriage Equality Vote Results On March 8, 2015, we held the congregational meeting and vote regarding the marriage equality proposal. The meeting included a reading of the proposal, comments were sharing by several individuals regarding the proposal, voting and gathering of the ballots for counting, comments from Ellery Duke and several hymns were sung as we waited for the votes to be counted. The vote was announced by Mary Rae McElroy, 2015 Administrative Board Chair. Results: 202 votes were cast and of the 202, 176 were "yes" votes. The proposal passed and is now church policy. Mary Rae then closed the meeting. New Member Classes Set for May Grace UMC is offering new member classes on Wednesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the church. For more information contact Margaret Borgen at 243-2400 or at United Methodist Women Unit Meeting Thursday, April 2, 9:30 a.m. Welcomed by God, Welcoming All Program: Sarai Rice, DMARC Food Pantry Devotions: Rev. Kathleen Clark Hostess: Mary Circle Special Event: Moulton School Birthday Party Please remember to collect and bring aluminum pop tabs, Campbell soup educaƟon labels and cancelled postage stamps. CollecƟon containers are in the coat room. Thank you! “Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will reveal myself to each of them.” John 14:21 NLT Annual Spring Member/Friend Art Show The annual Grace Members and Friends Art Exhibit runs from Saturday, May 2 through Sunday, May 31 in the Grace Gallery on the lower level. The exhibit is available for viewing whenever the church is open. Invite your friends and neighbors so they too may enjoy this exhibit. Grace’s Fine Arts Committee members will set up the exhibit Saturday morning, May 2. In place of the usual after church Fellowship Coffee the Hospitality Committee will serve an artists’ reception from 11:15 AM to noon Sunday, May 3 in the Grace Gallery. Everyone is invited. Meet and visit with your friends and neighbors who are displaying their creative efforts. Many types of original art will be displayed. During past exhibits we have had prints, drawings, paintings, textiles, ceramics, photographs, woodcarvings, stained glass and more. There will be a reception for participating artists after the second worship service on Sunday, May 3. The exhibit will be open anytime the church is open during the month of May. We have space for more artists and crafts persons who would like to enter up to three items of their own original work. Entry forms and additional information must be picked up in the church office, as they will not be mailed this year to church members. Entry forms must be returned to the church office by Thursday, April 30. The Chimes April 2015 9 Vacation Bible Camp Volunteers Grace UMC’s G-Force Vacation Bible Camp will be held Sunday, June 21 through Thursday, June 25 from 5:15 to 7:45 p.m. We are in need of volunteers to lead various parts of the camp including telling of the Bible Stories, preparing meals, small group leaders (no teaching involved), decorating, and lots of other fun jobs! Please contact Coreen Witke at 515-255-2131 ext. 230 or for more specific information on our needs. Our Mission Pockets Devotional Magazine “Draw the Cover” Contest The Pockets Devotional Magainze is having a drawing contest for children ages 6 to 12 years old. See the details below. The Guidelines: 1. The winning cover will be on the November 2015 issue. It can have a Thanksgiving or any kind of fall theme appropriate for November. 2. Use crayons, markers, or paint, and use white, unlined paper. Make sure you don’t leave much white space in your picture. 3. Your picture should be 7 inches wide and 11 inches tall or slightly larger. 4. Pay attention to where the Pockets logo will be on the cover. Don’t put anything really important there, such as a person’s face, but don’t leave the space blank either. Don’t draw the logo in! 5. Put your name, age, address, and phone number on a piece of paper and tape it to the back of your picture. 6. Do not bend or fold your picture. Mail it in a large, flat envelope or a tube. 7. You must be 6 to 12 years old. 8. Mail your entry on or before March 31 to: Cover contest, Pockets magazine, P.O. Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004 The artist who creates the winning cover will be paid $200. A runnerup will receive $100, and a second runner-up will get $50. The runners up will appear on a page inside the magazine. The winning entry will be the cover of the issue. Past first-place winners cannot enter again, and we are not able to return your drawing. The Prize: $200 Grace United Methodist is a community in Christ where a cross section of metropolitan Des Moines gathers for worship, study and service. At the core of our existence is Christ's vision for the world and the church. We are a servant people striving to live our lives so as to increase the Love for God and neighbor in the world. We are called: To tell God's story in fresh new ways through preaching and teaching. To practice uncommon hospitality. To equip and send servants into the larger community for Service. Our Welcoming Statement Each of us is a child of God worthy of God's love. In our diversity, we are created in God's image. In celebration of that good news, everyone is invited to join in worship and fellowship. This invitation is extended to all--people of all races, all ethnic backgrounds, all generations, all physical and mental abilities, all economic conditions, all sexual orientations--honoring the diversity of our faith journeys. We invite you to bless this church with your presence as God's grace is present in all creation. Chimes Deadline The deadline for the May 2015 Chimes Newsletter is Wednesday, April 15. Please send articles to Coreen Witke at or drop them off in the church office. View the Chimes on line and IN COLOR on our web site at: Grace United Methodist Church 3700 Cottage Grove, Des Moines, IA 50311 phone: email: web site: facebook: twitter: 515-255-2131 GraceDesMoines GraceDesMoines Worship: Saturday Vespers Sunday 5 p.m. 8 and 10:15 a.m. STAFF LISTING Senior Minister: Rev. Dr. David Swinton Associate Minister: Rev. Dr. Jackie Thompson Music Director/Organist: Josh Morgan Children and Youth Choir Director: Ann Gerdom Director of Christian Education: Coreen Witke Office Manager: Rolonda Piggee Chimes Editor: Coreen Witke
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