Built up to a standard, not down to a price. Champion Safes Are Built Bank-Vault Tough I n today’s marketplace not all safes are created equal. In the quest for corporate profits, safes have become lighter with thinner walls. Many safes are now constructed of thin-gauge metal bent to look thick, offering little more security than your old high school locker. These cleverly disguised products may look substantial but can be pried open in only a few minutes. Even reputable American safe companies are providing cheap, China-built imports with inferior designs and substandard materials. You’ll find these inadequate safes offered at big retail stores for less than $1,000. The security offered by cheap, light-weight safes is often merely an illusion, lulling many unsuspecting buyers into a false sense of security. Remember in the old movies how the bank robbers used dynamite to blast safes open? That’s because those were heavy, tough safes—too tough to break into using conventional tools. Unfortunately, dynamite is no longer needed to enter many of today’s lightweight home safes; all a thief needs is a couple of large screwdrivers. Champion still builds safes the old-fashioned way—heavy and tough! Our safes are “built up to a standard, not down to a price.” That’s why our safes are the heaviest, strongest safes on the market. HOW CHAMPION BUILDS EXTREME QUALITY BODY A Champion safe body is pressure-formed from thick, American-made steel plate, with fully welded top and bottom caps—not from smaller pieces of steel skip-welded together. Unlike our competitors, all our welds are continuous. Door Bolt Frame Fire Insulation (5⁄ 8" Layers) Outer Steel Body DOOR Every Champion safe door (except the Model T) is constructed of two thick, American-made steel plates with doublesteel door edge reinforcement. This exclusive design offers up to four times greater door strength and rigidity. Fire insulation is sandwiched inside the door. In the Crown and Triumph Series, Champion’s exclusive Double-Step™ door design provides extra door rigidity and increased fire resistance. MECHANISM Champion has developed two precision mechanisms for operating the safe’s boltworks. Both mechanisms have clutching devices, which prevent handle pressure from damaging the safe’s internal parts. 1. Four-Way Cam with Cam-Lock. Rugged all-steel components provide smooth, precise operation. The Cam-Lock prevents pressure on the door bolts from affecting the lock. The Big Yellow Safe The world’s largest gun safe is an example of our design and engineering capabilities. t GFFUUBMMGFFUXJEF t MCT t HVODBQBDJUZ Available as a custom order. Door Bolt Additional Bends for Increased Rigidity Double-Steel Door Casement DOOR CASEMENT To add strength and rigidity to the safe’s door opening, Champion adds a DoubleSteel Door Casement.™ This casement is formed from two layers of steel and is welded around the perimeter of the door opening. It provides a more secure and pry-resistant door mounting. Most safe companies do not offer this reinforcement. Inner Door Panel Door Bolt Bar Inner Door Steel Plate Intumescent Fire Seal Gaskets (Two Places) Double-Steel Door Edge Reinforcement Door Front Crown/Triumph Series Door and Casement Detail (Top View) 2. Pinion-Driven Radial Gear. To operate the larger boltworks on the Crown Series, Champion developed the Pinion-Driven Radial Gear. This system is unsurpassed for strength, precision, and smoothness. BOLTWORKS The term boltworks refers to the mechanical system that secures the door. A quality boltworks comprises four critical factors: 1. Bolt Count, Bolt Diameter and Bolt Guides. The more and bigger the door bolts, the better. Our Roughneck™ bolt guides eliminate metal-to-metal contact, ensuring smooth, precise bolt movement. 2. Four-Way Boltworks. To provide the highest level of security, door bolts must be positioned on all four sides of the door. 3. Active Bolts. Unlike deadbolts, active (movable) door bolts provide “bolt cinch,” which tightly secures the door against the door casement. 4. Bolt-Detent™ System. When the safe’s door is open the Bolt-Detent™ prevents bolt movement, eliminating damage to the safe’s exterior. HINGES Champion uses heavy-duty ball-bearing internal hinges. Internal hinges cost more but provide additional security. LOCK PROTECTION Even the best locks are vulnerable to attack and need internal protection. Champion bonds industrial diamond to ¼"-thick through-hardened tungsten steel to create our Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate,™ the ultimate in lock protection. Most safe companies use only case-hardened mild-steel or ballbearing plates. RELOCKERS Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate™ When a safe’s lock is attacked, most quality safes have internal systems that automatically lock up the boltworks to prevent entry. Champion uses two systems: 1. Auto-Relock™ System. This is activated when the safe’s lock is attacked by punching or drilling. 2. Glass-Guard™ Relock System. Champion uses a tempered-glass, bank-vault type relocker to protect the lock on all Crown Series safes. (Available as an option in the Triumph Series.) Auto-Relock™ System Glass Relocker FIRE PROTECTION How well a safe performs in a fire depends on four variables: (1) the type and amount of insulation, (2) how well the fire insulation is installed (no cutouts for internal hinges), (3) door steel thickness and rigidity, and (4) door seal effectiveness. (See the Phoenix Fire Protection page for details of Champion Safe’s superior fire protection.) Crown Series CROWN FEATURES 1750°F two-hour fire rating THERE’S ONLY ONE CROWN Only one safe can be the best. Champion’s Crown Series has won its title for being the crowning achievement in safe manufacturing. The Crown is the perfect synthesis of strength, fire protection, precision, and elegance. The Crown’s thick 3/16-inch body and its massive Double-Step™ door work together with the Glass-Guard™ relock system to create the ultimate standard in security. The precision radial gear–driven boltworks possess unsurpassed strength and smoothness. The Crown’s 1750° two-hour fire rating is the best in the industry. The plush velour interior features LED lighting and a custom door organizer for convenience. Four two-tone and five high-gloss mirror finishes add a final touch of class. Only one safe can be the best—it’s the Crown. Double-Step™ door BODY INTERIOR Radial gear–driven boltworks t 6QUPáUIJDLDPNQPTJUFXBMMT t 3⁄'' steel walls t 6QUPGPVSMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t %PVCMF4UFFM%PPS$BTFNFOUÎ t %VBMmSFTFBMT t 1MVTIWFMPVSJOUFSJPS t -&%MJHIUJOHXJUINPUJPOTFOTPS t *OUFSOBMWPMUPVUMFU t %FMVYFEPPSPSHBOJ[FS 1½"-diameter locking bolts MAXIMUM– SECURITY DOOR t ×UXPIPVSmSFSBUJOH t 1IPFOJYÎ$MBTT7mSFQSPUFDUJPO t 5FTUFEJOBO"4.&DFSUJmFEGBDJMJUZ t security rating t -JGFUJNFXBSSBOUZ 3/16" steel walls Double-Step™door w/ dual fire seals Glass-Guard™relock system LED lighting with motion sensor Internal 120-volt outlet ✔ Four-way active boltworks ● ✔ Double-Steel Door Casement™ ● ✔ Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate™ ● ✔ Auto-Relock™ system ● ✔ Bolt-Detent™ system ● ✔ Plush velour interior ● RATINGS t &YDMVTJWFmWFJODIUIJDL%PVCMF4UFQÎEPPS t 5XPGVMMMBZFSTPGEPPSTUFFM t 5ISFFMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t *OUFSOBMCBMMCFBSJOHIJOHFT t 'JWFTQPLFDVTUPNIBOEMFXJUITMJQDMVUDI BOLTWORKS t 3BEJBMHFBSoESJWFOCPMUXPSLT t 'PVSXBZBDUJWFCPMUXPSLT VQUPÜEJBNFUFSCPMUT t #PMU%FUFOUÎTZTUFN t 3PVHIOFDLÎCPMUHVJEFT Deluxe door organizer LOCK PROTECTION t 4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG ® Group II dial lock standard t (MBTT(VBSEÎSFMPDLTZTUFN with remote relockers t $IBNQJPOT"VUP3FMPDLÎTZTUFN t %JBNPOE&NCFEEFE"SNPS1MBUFÎ COLORS Granite INTERIOR: Radial gear–driven boltworks HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE M Burgundy Forest Green M M Beige Beige Sandstone EXTERIOR: ✔ Deluxe door organizer ● Black TEXTURED FINISH = metallic paint color Platinum Ivory M Gray TWO-TONE HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE Silver Birch M Gold Dust M Beige = metallic paint color Gunsmoke M Cherry M M Exclusive five-spoke custom handle Gray Model C-60 SHOWN WITH t (VOTNPLFUXPUPOF metallic paint t #MBDLDISPNFMPDLBOEIBOEMF t 4UBOEBSEMPDL Gray Beige EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS SAFE MODEL C- C- C-40 C-30 WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH TOTAL DEPTH* 44" 38" 32" 72¼" 72¼" Ý Ý 27" 27" 24" 30" 30" 29" 27" Gray INTERIOR VOLUME APPROXIMATE WEIGHT DVGU DVGU 38 cu. ft. 30 cu. ft. MCT MCT 1300 lbs. MCT Beige Gray ACTIVE BOLTS COUNT DIAMETER 24 22 20 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" Beige MAXIMUM GUN CAPACITY 42 28 *Total Depth includes 3" for handle. Triumph Series TRIUMPH FEATURES 1650°F 90-minute fire rating 10-gauge steel walls Double-Step™door w/ dual fire seals 1½"-diameter locking bolts Cam-Lock™ LED lighting with motion sensor Internal 120-volt outlet ✔ Four-way active boltworks ● ✔ Double-Steel Door Casement™ ● ✔ Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate™ ● ✔ Auto-Relock™ system ● ✔ Bolt-Detent™ system ● ✔ Plush velour interior ● MAXIMUM PROTECTION Champion has dared mighty things to produce the Triumph Series. Until now maximum security has not been available in a safe of the Triumph’s class. Its heavy 10-gauge steel body with a Double-Steel Door Casement™ provides a pry-resistant fortress. The Triumph’s thick Double-Step™ door and precision cam-driven boltworks with 1½"-diameter locking bolts provide maximum security. Double fire seals assist with a 1650° 90-minute fire rating—unsurpassed in its class. Add to this a velour interior, LED lighting, and a deluxe door organizer, and you complete the masterpiece. BODY INTERIOR t 5XPJODIUIJDLDPNQPTJUFXBMMT t HBVHFTUFFMXBMMT t 6QUPUISFFMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t %PVCMF4UFFM%PPS$BTFNFOUÎ t %VBMmSFTFBMT t 1MVTIWFMPVSJOUFSJPS t -&%MJHIUJOHXJUINPUJPOTFOTPS t *OUFSOBMWPMUPVUMFU t %FMVYFEPPSPSHBOJ[FS MAXIMUM– SECURITY DOOR t ×NJOVUFmSFSBUJOH t 1IPFOJYÎ$MBTT*7mSFQSPUFDUJPO t 5FTUFEJOBO"4.&DFSUJmFEGBDJMJUZ t security rating t -JGFUJNFXBSSBOUZ RATINGS t &YDMVTJWFmWFJODIUIJDL%PVCMF4UFQÎEPPS t 5XPGVMMMBZFSTPGEPPSTUFFM t 5ISFFMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t *OUFSOBMCBMMCFBSJOHIJOHFT t 'JWFTQPLFIBOEMFXJUITMJQDMVUDI BOLTWORKS t 'PVSXBZBDUJWFCPMUXPSLT up to 20 1½''-diameter bolts t #PMU%FUFOUÎ4ZTUFN t 3PVHIOFDLÎCPMUHVJEFT t $BN-PDLÎ Deluxe door organizer COLORS TEXTURED FINISH LOCK PROTECTION t 4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG ® Group II dial lock standard t $IBNQJPOT"VUP3FMPDLÎTZTUFN t %JBNPOE&NCFEEFE"SNPS1MBUFÎ Double-Step™ door HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE M Burgundy Forest Green M M Beige Beige Sandstone Gray Beige EXTERIOR: INTERIOR: ✔ Deluxe door organizer ● Black Granite = metallic paint color Platinum Ivory M TWO-TONE HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE Silver Birch M Gold Dust M = metallic paint color Gunsmoke M Cherry M M Five-spoke custom handle Gray Model T-40 SHOWN WITH t (PME%VTUUXPUPOF metallic paint t #MBDLDISPNFMPDLBOEIBOEMF t 0QUJPOBMFMFDUSPOJDMPDL Gray Beige EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS SAFE MODEL T- T- T- T-40 T-30 T- WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH TOTAL DEPTH* 44" 38" 32" 32" 72¼" 72¼" 72¼" Ý Ý Ý 32" 27" 27" 24" 24" 30" 30" 29" 27" 27" Gray INTERIOR VOLUME APPROXIMATE WEIGHT DVGU DVGU DVGU 38 cu. ft. 30 cu. ft. DVGU 1800 lbs. MCT MCT MCT MCT MCT Beige Gray ACTIVE BOLTS COUNT DIAMETER 20 20 18 14 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" Beige MAXIMUM GUN CAPACITY 84 42 28 28 *Total Depth includes 3" for handle. Trophy Series TROPHY FEATURES NO COMPROMISE FOR GREATNESS Built with the same exacting precision and superiority as Champion’s higher-end models, the Trophy Series offers elegance and rugged protection. Its 11-gauge steel body and thick composite door with numerous 1¼"-diameter four-way active door bolts provide excellent security. To protect from the hottest fires, it boasts a 1500° 75-minute fire rating. The Trophy Series comes in high-gloss and textured finishes, with a velourcovered interior and convenient door organizer. 13⁄8"-thick door edge 1500°F 75-minute fire rating 11-gauge steel walls BODY LOCK PROTECTION 1¼"-diameter locking bolts t 6QUPUXPJODIUIJDLDPNQPTJUFXBMMT t HBVHFTUFFMXBMMT t 6QUPUISFFMBZFSTmSFJOTVMBUJPO t %PVCMF4UFFM%PPS$BTFNFOUÎ t 4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG ® Group II dial lock standard t $IBNQJPOT"VUP3FMPDLÎTZTUFN t %JBNPOE&NCFEEFE"SNPS1MBUFÎ ✔ Four-way active boltworks ● HIGH – SECURITY DOOR INTERIOR t ÜUIJDLDPNQPTJUFEPPS t 5XPGVMMMBZFSTPGEPPSTUFFM t *OUFSOBMCBMMCFBSJOHIJOHFT t 5ISFFMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t Five-spoke handle with slip clutch t 1MVTIWFMPVSJOUFSJPS t %FMVYFEPPSPSHBOJ[FS 13⁄8"-thick door edge ✔ Double-Steel Door Casement™ ● ✔ Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate™ ● ✔ Auto-Relock™ system ● ✔ Bolt-Detent™ system ● ✔ Plush velour interior ● ✔ Deluxe door organizer ● RATINGS t ×NJOVUFmSFSBUJOH t 1IPFOJYÎ$MBTT***mSFQSPUFDUJPO t 5FTUFEJOBO"4.&DFSUJmFEGBDJMJUZ t security rating t -JGFUJNFXBSSBOUZ BOLTWORKS t 'PVSXBZBDUJWFCPMUXPSLT VQUPÝhhEJBNFUFSCPMUT t #PMU%FUFOUÎTZTUFN t 3PVHIOFDLÎCPMUHVJEFT COLORS Deluxe door organizer TEXTURED FINISH Granite HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE Sandstone Black M Burgundy Forest Green Platinum = metallic paint color Ivory M EXTERIOR: Five-spoke handle INTERIOR: Gray Beige Gray EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Model TY-42 SHOWN WITH t #MBDLHMPTTQBJOU t $ISPNFMPDLBOEIBOEMF t 4UBOEBSEMPDL SAFE MODEL TY- TY- TY-42 TY- TY- TY-19 WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH TOTAL DEPTH* 43" 43" 37" 31" 24" 72¼" 72¼" Ý Ý Ý Ý 28" 28" 28" 24" 20" 31" 31" 31" 29" 27" 23" Beige INTERIOR VOLUME APPROXIMATE WEIGHT DVGU DVGU 42 cu. ft. DVGU DVGU 19 cu. ft. MCT MCT MCT 800 lbs. MCT MCT Gray Gray ACTIVE BOLTS COUNT DIAMETER 14 14 14 12 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" 1¼" Beige MAXIMUM GUN CAPACITY 44 24 12 *Total Depth includes 3" for handle. Medalist Series MEDALIST FEATURES BEST IN CLASS The Medalist Series is our most popular safe—and for good reason. It offers excellent security, fire protection, and quality at an attractive price. Features include: 12-gauge American-made steel body, precision four-way active boltworks, and a 1350° 60-minute fire rating. After careful examination, you’ll find the Medalist surpasses all other safes in its class. In fact, you’ll find it superior to most higher-priced products on the market. One-inch thick door edge 1350°F 60-minute fire rating 12-gauge steel walls BODY LOCK PROTECTION One-inch diameter locking bolts t 6QUPUXPJODIUIJDLDPNQPTJUFXBMMT t HBVHFTUFFMXBMMT t %PVCMF4UFFM%PPS$BTFNFOUÎ ✔ Four-way active boltworks ● HIGH – SECURITY DOOR t 4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG ® Group II dial lock standard t $IBNQJPOT"VUP3FMPDLÎTZTUFN t %JBNPOE&NCFEEFE"SNPS1MBUFÎ One-inch thick door edge ✔ Double-Steel Door Casement™ ● ✔ Diamond-Embedded Armor Plate™ ● ✔ Auto-Relock™ system ● ✔ Bolt-Detent™ system ● ✔ Plush velour interior ● INTERIOR t ÜUIJDLEPPS t 5XPGVMMMBZFSTPGEPPSTUFFM t *OUFSOBMCBMMCFBSJOHIJOHFT t 5XPMBZFSTPGmSFJOTVMBUJPO t 5ISFFTQPLFIBOEMFXJUITMJQDMVUDI t 1MVTIWFMPVSJOUFSJPS t %FMVYFEPPSPSHBOJ[FS RATINGS t ×NJOVUFmSFSBUJOH t 1IPFOJYÎ$MBTT**mSFQSPUFDUJPO t 5FTUFEJOBO"4.&DFSUJmFEGBDJMJUZ t security rating t -JGFUJNFXBSSBOUZ BOLTWORKS t 'PVSXBZBDUJWFCPMUXPSLT up to 14 one-inch diameter bolts t #PMU%FUFOUÎTZTUFN t 3PVHIOFDLÎCPMUHVJEFT ✔ Deluxe door organizer ● Deluxe door organizer COLORS TEXTURED FINISH Granite HIGH-GLOSS POLYURETHANE Sandstone Black M Burgundy Forest Green Platinum = metallic paint color Ivory M EXTERIOR: Three-spoke handle INTERIOR: Gray Model M-45 SHOWN WITH t #VSHVOEZHMPTTQBJOU t (PMEMPDLBOEIBOEMF t 0QUJPOBMFMFDUSPOJDMPDL Beige Gray EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS SAFE MODEL M- M-41 M-31 M-22 M-19 WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH TOTAL DEPTH* 40" 40" 30" 24" 72½" Ü Ü Ü Ü 24" 21" 20" 29" 29" 27" 24" 23" Beige INTERIOR VOLUME APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 44 cu. ft. 37 cu. ft. 31 cu. ft. 22 cu. ft. 17 cu. ft. 900 lbs. MCT MCT MCT MCT Gray Gray ACTIVE BOLTS COUNT DIAMETER 14 12 12 12 12 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" Beige MAXIMUM GUN CAPACITY 28 24 12 *Total Depth includes 3" for handle. Phoenix Fire Protection -RXIVMSV'SRÁKYVEXMSRW DO YOU NEED FIRE PROTECTION? Choose the interior configuration that best meets your needs. Executive: for general-purpose storage. Standard: for storing guns and other items. Collector: for storing mostly guns. The lower shelves are adjustable or removable. 3. Door Steel Thickness and Rigidity. Heat causes metal distortion. Temperatures BCPWF×'RVJDLMZEJTUPSUUIJOMJHIU weight doors in only minutes, causing premature fire seal failure. 4. Door Seal Effectiveness. Intumescent (heat-expanding) fire seals, when heated BCPWF×'DBOFYQBOEVQUPUFOUJNFT their original thickness, sealing out heat. Double seals are especially effective at achieving ratings of over an hour. Rope or other types of seals are not as effective. Papers and documents char at temperatures BSPVOE×(VOTBSFEBNBHFECZ UFNQFSBUVSFTFYDFFEJOH×5PQSPUFDU documents and other possessions during a home fire, the internal temperature of a safe TIPVMESFNBJOCFMPX×5IJTJTXIZXF include Phoenix Fire Protection standard on all models—so your safe’s contents will be protected from fire as well as theft. FIVE LEVELS OF FIRE PROTECTION t1IPFOJY$MBTT*NJOVUFTBU ×'TUBOEBSEPO.PEFM5 t1IPFOJY$MBTT** NJOVUFTBU ×'TUBOEBSEPO.FEBMJTU and SS Series t1IPFOJY$MBTT*** NJOVUFTBU ×'TUBOEBSEPO5SPQIZ4FSJFT t1IPFOJY$MBTT*7 90 minutes at ×'TUBOEBSEPO5SJVNQI4FSJFT t1IPFOJY$MBTT7 Two hours at ×'TUBOEBSEPO$SPXO4FSJFT FIRE PROTECTION DETAILS A safe’s fire resistance depends on four main variables: 1. Type and Amount of Insulation. Gypsum is the most commonly used material in home safes. When heated to ×'JUSFMFBTFTXBUFSWBQPSXIJDIDPPMT the safe’s interior. Until the moisture is baked out of the gypsum the interior UFNQFSBUVSFPGBTBGFXJMMSFNBJOJOUIF× UP×SBOHF.VMUJQMFMBZFSTPGHZQTVN provide longer and higher ratings. 2. How Well the Fire Insulation Is Installed. The inside of the safe should be fully covered with fire insulation—no bare metal or hinge pocket cutouts. The legendary bird would be proud of Champion’s fire protection systems that bear its name. With Champion’s exclusive Phoenix™ Fire Protection, a towering inferno or even Hell, Fire and Brimstone with scorching temperatures up to 1750° for two hours won’t damage the interior of a Crown Series safe. Maybe the conflagration will scorch the outside paint, but inside your treasures won’t turn to clinkers and ashes. Crown and Triumph Series Fire Certification Results TIME FURNACE TEMP. EXTERNAL METAL TEMP. Start NJO 30 min. NJO NJO NJO 90 min. NJO 120 min. × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × RATING CROWN UPPER LOWER × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×IST The Crown and Triumph series were tested simultaneously at an ASME-certified facility. Four unshielded temperature sensors positioned near the top and bottom of each safe were connected to two separate temperature recorders to verify internal temperatures. The test continued for two hours, heating the steel exteriors to cherry red. Afterward, when examining the burned safes, we found the intense heat had buckled and deformed the safes’ bodies but the doors remained straight and sealed. TRIUMPH UPPER LOWER × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×NJO TROPHY, MEDALIST, AND MODEL T TEST PROCEDURE The Trophy, Medalist, and Model T series were tested simultaneously at an ASME-certified facility. Four unshielded temperature sensors positioned near the top and bottom of each safe were connected to two separate temperature recorders to verify internal temperatures. The test DPOUJOVFEGPSNJOVUFTXJUIGVSOBDF UFNQFSBUVSFTFYDFFEJOHEFHSFFT The results prove that you can’t find better fire protection in an internal-hinge safe. A A A A A A CROWN AND TRIUMPH SERIES TEST PROCEDURE In Egyptian mythology, the Phoenix was a legendary, eagle-like red-and-gold bird which was supposed to come every 500 years from Arabia to Hierapolis. Here it built its nest on the altar of the Sun God, was consumed by fire, and rose again from its ashes, young and beautiful. The Phoenix was a symbol of immortality. A A A A A Standard interior Crown Series Triumph Series Trophy Series Medalist Series Model T A = adjustable shelf EXECUTIVE STANDARD COLLECTOR Number of Shelves Gun Capacity Gun Capacity C-60 C-50 C-40 C-30 C-60 C-50 C-40 C-30 C-60 C-50 C-40 C-30 44 40 28 42 N/A T-75 T- 60 T- 50 T-40 T-30 T-25 T-75 T- 60 T- 50 T-40 T-30 T-25 T-75 T- 60 T- 50 T-40 T- 30 T-25 4 44 40 28 28 84 42 N/A N/A TY-60 TY-50 TY-42 TY-35 TY-25 TY-19 TY-60 TY-50 TY-42 TY-35 TY-25 TY-19 TY-60 TY-50 TY-42 TY-35 TY-25 TY-19 4 4 4 4 40 40 32 24 12 44 N/A N/A M-45 M-41 M-31 M-22 M-19 M-45 M-41 M-31 M-22 M-19 M-45 M-41 M-31 M-22 M-19 4 4 4 4 38 38 28 24 12 N/A N/A N/A 4 24 N/A Options & Accessories Trophy, Medalist, and Model T Fire Certification Results TIME FURNACE TEMP. Start NJO 30 min. NJO NJO NJO × × × × × × TROPHY MEDALIST / SS MODEL T UPPER LOWER UPPER LOWER UPPER LOWER × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × RATING ×NJO ×NJO ×NJO EXTERNAL METAL TEMP. *To receive fire certification, the maximum internal temperature NVTUSFNBJOCFMPX×' All temperatures listed are in Fahrenheit. Standard Electronic LOCK OPTIONS All Champion safes come standard with B4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG mechanical dial lock. "4BSHFOU(SFFOMFBG or LaGard electronic lock is available as an option. “HOT ROD” ELECTRIC DEHUMIDIFIER The Hot Rod protects your guns and other valuables from rust by controlling internal humidity. Our 12" universal rod easily installs in the bottom of your safe. L.E.D. LIGHTING Illuminate your safe’s interior with our motion TFOTPSoBDUJWBUFE-&%MJHIU system. Bright 24" LED light bars allow for adjustable placement. The system comes standard on the Crown and Triumph Series and is optional on other models. Champion’s Premium Lifetime Warranty Many companies claim to have the “best” warranty, but here’s what makes our warranty the most comprehensive: t -JGFUJNFNBUFSJBMTBOEXPSLNBOTIJQ t -JGFUJNFQBJOUFETVSGBDFZFBSTGPS.PEFM5 t -JGFUJNFVOMBXGVMCSFBLJO t -JGFUJNFmSFDPWFSBHFPO homeowner’s safe t 0QFOJOHBOESFNPWBMPG damaged or defective safe t %FMJWFSZBOEJOTUBMMBUJPOPGSFQMBDFNFOUTBGF t 3PVOEUSJQGSFJHIUGPSSFQMBDFNFOUTBGF t -PDLXBSSBOUZNFDIBOJDBMZFBSTFMFDUSPOJDZFBST t 5SBOTGFSBCMFXBSSBOUZ After careful examination you will find that our warranty is unsurpassed by other safe companies. OPTIONAL EXTENDED LOCK WARRANTY Champion Medalist 19 after unsuccessful 6-hour break-in attempt The Champion owner received a new replacement at no charge. Extended warranties are available from Champion Safe for both standard and electronic locks. Choose from a 10-year or lifetime extended warranty to ensure that you will never have to worry about the high cost of repairing or replacing your lock. For details, see full written warranty at www.championsafe.com Authorized Dealer Champion safes are available exclusively through BVUIPSJ[FE$IBNQJPO4BGFEFBMFST Champion Safe Company 4PVUI5SBDZ)BMM1BSLXBZ1SPWP65 info@championsafe.com www.championsafe.com © 2013 Champion Safe Company
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