Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS ENTRY PACK Closing date for submissions: 11 SEPTEMBER 2015 A media event Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS About the gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 What are the gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards? The gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards is the definitive benchmark for excellence in graduate recruitment, designed to identify and celebrate the recruiters who set the trend in attracting and hiring the students and graduates of Malaysia! The gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards take a uniquely holistic approach in highlighting Malaysia’s finest graduate employers. Each award focuses on a specific aspect of the recruitment process, and will be judged by a selected panel of impartial industry experts. Who can enter? Every graduate employer in Malaysia can enter regardless of size, annual intake or sector. Entries can be submitted either by the employer or by their designated agency. Which awards can I enter? All graduate employers are eligible to enter one or more of the awards. The criteria for each award is clearly laid out on the following pages. How are the awards judged? The award categories are: Best Management Trainee/Graduate Programme Best Internship Experience Best Social Media Usage Best Innovation on Campus Please see pg 4-5 for details on the four categories. All awards are shortlisted and judged by a panel of graduate recruitment media experts, career advisors and work placement professionals, making the gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards a truer reflection of employers’ standing among this all-important group of people. Each panel of judges will be moderated by GTI representatives with no vested interests in the outcome. Judges will assess all submissions purely against the criteria for each award. The decision of the panel of judges are final. Neither GTI, the adjudicators, nor the judging panel will enter into any prior correspondence on the decisions made. 2| A media event 2015 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS What are the judging criteria? Each award has different judging criteria, outlined on the following pages. It is in your interest to ensure you address all of the specific criteria in your submission for each award. How are the shortlists and winners decided? Each judge allocates points for each submission according to how nominees’ responses address the stipulated criteria for that award. Quantified outcomes, hard evidence and data are particularly valued in the judging. The judges’ scores are then collated and the top submissions in each category are discussed before a final decision is made. Supporting material can be supplied, but this will only be considered when differentiating between shortlisted entries, so your focus must be on your initial 1,000 word (maximum word count) submission. Submission word limit There is a strict 1,000 word limit on all submissions. This is a maximum which will be enforced. Any submissions which exceed this word count will be rejected (this does not apply to supporting material, although this should be kept to a reasonable minimum). How do I enter? A completed entry form (attached at the back of this entry pack) must accompany each submission (this can be photocopied for multiple entries). Each entry must contain a submission of no more than 1,000 words stating why you believe you should win the category in question (by addressing the stated criteria). Submissions and all supporting materials must be mailed to GTI in hard-copy or soft-copy form. The entry submissions and supporting materials will not be modified in any way. All entries must be received before the closing date of 11 September 2015. Please speak to your account manager in GTI Media if you require a soft copy of the MS-Word version of the entry forms. Supporting material You may supply supporting material with your submission (eg marketing materials, photographs, charts, videos, etc). GTI will make as many copies of the materials as needed so that judges can be sure to adjudicate on each entry using the same materials. Please ensure that any supporting material supplied is clearly labeled with your organisation name and the award category it refers to. If you wish to submit videos or interactive digital content, please burn it into a CD/DVD or provide specific hyperlinks to your online content. Supporting material will be used in the judging process when differentiating between shortlisted submissions, but your primary focus should be on your initial 1,000 word submission. Supporting material will not be returned unless specifically requested. Closing date All entries must reach GTI Media office by 5.00 pm on Friday, 11 September 2015. Please speak to your account manager from GTI Media for submission enquiries. How much does it cost to enter? Absolutely nothing! There is no fee to submit entries to the gradmalaysia Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015. Looking for feedback on your entry? If you are interested in receiving post-mortem feedback on your entries, please inform your account manager at GTI Media. If your entry was shortlisted, we will collate the judges’ feedback and send the collected information to your organisation free of charge after the results have been announced at the 2015 Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers Awards Night. A media event 2015 | 3 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS Best Management Trainee/Graduate Programme This award seeks to identify the recruiter in Malaysia that offers the best management training and development opportunities for their graduates. Your submission should specifically address the following criterias. Best Management Trainee/ Graduate Programme Awards 2015 Entry Criteria: In addition to examining success against your own objectives, judges will also look for evidence in the following areas: 1. Well-designed, well-planned and well-executed programmes that are tailored to both the needs of the business and the individual. 2. Positive feedback from graduates regarding their training and development opportunities. 3. Number of hours per week devoted to training during the programme, split between ‘on-the-job’ training and formal/ professional training. 4. Real business benefit and return on investment, including quantifiable results, both for the business and/or the graduate. Tips on entering: • Innovation and creativity is well-regarded in this category (eg use of technology, support, review and feedback, etc). • Being able to demonstrate a blended model combining on-the-job learning, performance management, mentoring and formal training is a good start. • On-the-job rotation and variety is also viewed favourably, as is a focus on personal as well as professional development. • Showcase a goal-oriented programme with results where possible (eg training leading to professional qualifications or formal accreditations). Best Internship Experience This award seeks to identify how well your internship programme meets its objectives and contributes to your marketing and attraction of undergraduate recruitment campaigns, through the testimonial of your current/former interns. In your submission, you will need to clearly state the objectives of your programme and to what extent they have been achieved. Best Internship Experience Awards 2015 Entry criteria: In addition to examining success against your own objectives, judges will also look for evidence in the following areas: 2. Innovation and best practice in the design, structure, implementation and evaluation of the programme. 3. The quality of the work carried out by students on the programme, and the quality and breadth of the experience the programme gives the student. 4. Response from current/former intern (ONLY ONE INTERN PER ENTRY). 5. How the programme contributes positively to your marketing and promotional campaigns. 6. How you involve or feedback to either career services or course leaders/lecturers on campus, and/or work with appropriate third parties (eg professional bodies) to create or evolve the programme. Tips on entering: • Student testimonial is mandatory for your entry to be accepted. • Show a clear focus on the student experience. • Provide statistics/data to support your entry (eg number of participants, percentage of interns who were eventually offered a place on your graduate programme, etc). 4| A media event 2015 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 Best Social Media Usage in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS This award examines how effectively your organisation has utilised social media (eg Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc) to achieve the objectives of your career marketing and promotion campaigns to students and/or graduates. In your submission, you will need to clearly outline your social media objectives (eg number of ‘likes’ targeted) as well as showcase how your social media activities and events (online) integrate with your marketing and promotional campaigns (offline). Best Social Media Usage Awards 2015 Entry criteria: In addition to examining success against your own objectives, judges will also look for evidence in the following areas: 1. Innovation and creativity in design, planning and implementation of your social media campaign. 2. How your campaign transitions between online and offline activities, how your campaign drives traffic to your job site, and how that translates in terms of measurability (eg quality or quantity of applications, or other defined objectives). 3. Data on overall traffic to your social media platforms and feedback (eg comments, posts, shares, etc) from followers. 4. Clear and measurable outcomes and indicators of success. Tips on entering: • Show that you have appropriate and engaging content that sends a clear message that represents your business, but also reaches out to the talent you wish to attract. • Demonstrate how you use a combination of technology, social media, and personal interaction to engage with students in different situations and through media. • Provide statistics and data to back up your claims. • Provide strong visuals with your entry. Best Innovation on Campus This award recognises the importance of employer brand presence on campus and highlights a specific innovative action, idea, happening or event on campus that had a real effect on students. This could be a recent one-off innovation or part of a larger marketing campaign. In your submission, you will need to clearly state the reasons, circumstances or factors that led to this recent innovation. Best Innovation on Campus Awards 2015 Entry criteria: In addition to examining success against your own objectives, judges will also look for evidence in the following areas: 1. The originality of the idea or concept. 2. How effectively it was planned and carried out. 3. Whether it received a positive response from the target audience and influencers on campus. 4. Evidence that the innovation resulted in specific objectives being met (eg increase in graduate applications, meeting recruitment goals, PR and profile raising, etc). Tips on entering: • Provide as much information as you can – images, strategic objectives, and concepts will all help the adjudication process. • All sorts of activities can be included in this category – competitions, events, awards, promotions, games, presentations, etc — provided they are promoted and/or take place on-campus and at careers events, and meet the criteria outlined above. A media event 2015 | 5 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS How to write a winning submission Here are a few tips on what you should be focusing on to maximise your company’s chances of success. In total, there are four categories you can enter. Our first piece of advice is to take a step back and carefully consider the categories, criteria and tips on the previous pages. Writing a strong submission is hard work and can be time-consuming, so focus on the categories that you think truly reflect your strengths! With that said, here are some key points to keep in mind: 1. Each award specifies entry criteria, so make sure that your submission directly addresses each of them. The judging panels will award points to your submissions against these criteria — so if you don’t address them all, there’s a good chance you won’t gain the maximum number of points. 2. Stick to the point and stick to the word limit. You should print your word count at the foot of your submission. Any submissions which exceed the 1,000 word count will be rejected. This does not apply to supporting materials although the amount of additional materials should be kept to a minimum so as not to overwhelm the judges. 3. Remember to submit any supporting material that you find interesting and useful. Submitting table after table of impressive figures or an entire portfolio of striking visuals is not going to do you much good if the judges do not have the proper context to interpret them! Your 1,000-word submission is, in essence, your gateway to being shortlisted. 4. Show the judges some real ‘wow’ factor. Start by asking someone with an objective view to read your entry and tell you whether it stands out to them. While we realise the importance of making sure your company’s corporate communications department is happy with the material before you submit it, try not to self-censor to an excessive degree. The more substance you showcase in your submission, the better your chances at being evaluated wholly. 5. Show results! Submit relevant metric and data evidence of performance to prove and justify your company’s success in 2014-2015. Your mantra here should be, ‘facts not fluff’. The more detail you can provide, the stronger your case for winning! 6. Make it easy for the judges to score your submission well. Use headings so the submission is easy to navigate. Do your best to keep your writings easy to read and to minimise the use of jargon. Reflect on the order used in listing the judging criteria in this booklet when writing your submission. Make your evidence stand out to support your claims. Some other tips for success: • Start early! Start preparing your entries today and don’t leave it all to the last minute. We will accept your entries at any time before the deadline so don’t wait until the last week before you start writing it! • Proofread, proofread, proofread! Now the boring bit: proofread and then proofread some more! It sounds obvious but the more eyeballs you can get on your entry copy, the better your chances of submitting a strong, well-argued, well-worded entry. • Check that each submission addresses each of the entry criteria specifically. Sure, it sounds simple enough right now but as anyone who’s ever written a 1,000-word long essay can tell you, it’s very easy to lose track midway! The deadline for entries is 5.00 pm Friday, 11 September 2015, so start writing your entries today! Good luck! P.S. Don’t forget to book your table for the gala awards evening to watch the results being announced! Contact your account manager in GTI Media if you’d like to save the date. We hope to see you there! 6| A media event 2015 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS Category 1: Best Management Trainee/Graduate Programme Name of company & programme _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Tell us how your management trainee/graduate programme was designed, planned and executed. Was it done to effectively meet the needs of graduates? Please use bullet points to elaborate if necessary. 2. Share some of the feedback you have received from graduates who have undergone the programme. What do they have to say about the training and development opportunities presented to them? Please use bullet points if necessary. 3. Explain the number of hours your programme has devoted to a) on-the-job training and b) formal/professional development. What were your reasons behind the time split? Please use bullet points to elaborate if necessary. 4. Elaborate in detail how the programme reflected real business benefit and return on investment. What were the quantifiable results for the business and/or the graduates? You can show how the objectives were met by providing statistics, figures, tables, etc. Please keep your entry to a word count of 1,000 words, excluding supporting material (print ads, brochures, flyers, slideshows, etc). A media event 2015 | 7 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS Category 2: Best Internship Experience Name of company & programme _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Tell us how your internship programme was designed, planned and executed. List down the qualities that make this programme unique, progressive and beneficial for the interns. Please use bullet points if necessary. 2. Explain the type and scope of work the interns were involved in. How did it contribute to their working experience and personal growth? Did the interns meet the standards and expectations of the employers? Highlight evidence that points to the interns’ experience providing them with quality insight to the industry and their future career. 3. Share feedback from your interns. Please provide us with testimonials, proof of achievement and excellence from the student (eg awards, involvement in major company projects, etc) - TO BE FILLED BY INTERN. 4. Detail how the interns were given opportunities to engage with external parties of relevance. Who are these external parties (professional bodies, influential clients, etc) and how did they contribute to the overall experience of the interns?. Please keep your entry to a word count of 1,000 words, excluding supporting material (print ads, brochures, flyers, slideshows, etc). 8| A media event 2015 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS Category 3: Best Social Media Usage Name of company & programme Social media platform(s) used 1. Present evidence of the innovation and creativity behind the design, planning and implementation of your company’s social media campaign. What were the ideas behind it? How was technology effectively used? Was there a human touch to the campaign? You can show how the ideas were generated and executed by providing statistics, figures, tables, etc. 2. Explain how your marketing and promotional campaign incorporates both online and offline activities. How does the social media campaigns increase and drive traffic to your job sites? How does it translate to quantity and/or quality of graduates applying to work in your company? Please use bullet points to elaborate if necessary. 3. Highlight the clear and measurable outcomes of your social media campaign. Please support your statement by providing statistics, figures, tables, data, etc on the overall traffic of your social media platforms. 4. Cite examples of effective use of social media to reach out to graduates? You can detail how you achieved maximum reach by stating and elaborating on each platform that was utilised in your social media campaign. Please keep your entry to a word count of 1,000 words, excluding supporting material (print ads, brochures, flyers, slideshows, etc). A media event 2015 | 9 Graduate Recruitment Awards 2015 in association with MALAYSIA’S 100 LEADING GRADUATE EMPLOYERS Category 4: Best Innovation on Campus Name of company & programme _________________________________________________________________________________ 1. State ONE activity (competition, award, promotion, game, presentation, workshop, talk, etc) that was organised by your company to attract students. Your entry will be judged based on originality of idea and concepts used in designing the event, so please cite examples clearly. 2. Describe how the particular activity was planned and carried out to attain maximum effectiveness in reaching out to students on campus. Please use bullet points if necessary. 3. How was the response from students? If possible, provide figures, graphs, statistics, etc to highlight the effects of your activity on campus. 4. Based on the activity, give evidence to show that the execution of the activity has resulted in specific company objectives being met. You can show how the objectives were met by providing statistics, figures, tables, etc. Please use bullet points to elaborate if necessary. Please keep your entry to a word count of 1,000 words, excluding supporting material (print ads, brochures, flyers, slideshows, etc). 10 | A media event 2015
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