Grafton Lutheran Church (ELCA) Meal “To Tell of God’s Love and Serve All God’s People” Confirmation 10:00am God feeds us with the presence of Christ. May 3, 2015 Welcome to our Worship Celebration! We join together as God’s people to be nourished by God’s gifts and to offer our thanks and praise. Let us extend a warm welcome to our new and familiar friends in Christ. Gathering The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God. *Please stand if able Prelude Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship *Thanksgiving for Baptism pg.97 *Gathering Hymn “Borning Cry” #732 *Greeting pg.184 *Kyrie Eleison pg.184 *Song of Praise “You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)” screen *Prayer of the Day screen Word Offering “Jesus Only Jesus!” *Offertory Prayer *The Great Thanksgiving *Eucharistic Prayer / Words of Institution *The Lord’s Prayer Holy Communion Distribution “Amazing Grace” Special Music “All in All” “Be Thou My Vision” Worship Choir screen pg.190 pg.190 pg.191 pg.191 #779 Danika Flanders Lydia Severson #793 Sending God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world. *Prayer & Blessing *Sending Song *Dismissal Postlude “Lord, Reign in Me” The Radio Broadcast today is given in memory of Glenn Coulthart from Hazel & Family. God speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching and song. Scripture Song Scripture Reading Psalm *Gospel Acclamation *Gospel Reading Sermon *Song *Affirmation of Baptism *The Prayers *Peace “Ancient Words” Romans 1:1-17 Psalm 86 Matthew 9:9-13 “Sanctuary” screen insert #86 pg.188 insert screen pg.234 pg.189 pg.189 Serving Today Pastor ....................... Chris Gaule Music........................ Carol Brekke-Lessard Audio Visual ............ Doug Johnson Greeters ................... Ken & Diane Gebhardt Ushers ...................... Preston & Krystle Thiele, Ken Gebhardt, Wally Olson Lector ....................... Krystle Thiele Comm. Asst.............. Deb McKay, Harlan Brekke, Confirmands Coffee ....................... Ken & Diane Gebhardt, Pat Brekke Acolytes .................... Wyatt Demers, Ella Thompson Chairpersons ........... Glora Halliday & Maxine Andrews pg.191 screen ANNOUNCEMENTS What’s Happening at GLC Today 10:00am Worship Service / Confirmation 11:00am Coffee, Tea & Fellowship with confirmands 11:00am Youth Board meets 11:00am Congregational Care meets Wed. 5/6 9:00am Circle #4 meets at Avis Birkeland’s 5:30pm 6th grade Catechesis 5:30pm JuBellation Practice 7:00pm 7th-10th grade Catechesis Fri. 12:30pm Quilters meet 5/8 Sun. 5/10 9:00am Sunday School 10:00am Worship Service 11:00am Coffee, Tea & Fellowship Affirming their baptism today are: Michaela Jocelyn Rose Anderson, daughter of Teresa Anderson & Scott Kelley Jarrod Joel Berger, son of Janet & Gary Berger Dylan Michael Brown, son of Mike & Traci Brown Landen James Einarson, son of Mylo Einarson & Darcie Einarson Trenton John Eliason, son of Marty Eliason & Traci Brown Danika Ruth Flanders, daughter of Jason & Michelle Flanders Gabrielle Olivia Gaustad, daughter of Dan & Stacey Gaustad Amy Gwen Horter, daughter of Clay Horter & Gwen Horter Triston Joseph Nelson, son of Jason & Jessica Nelson Gabrielle Alexis Pfingsten, daughter of Derek & Kelly Pfingsten Lydia Marie Severson, daughter of Corbett & Brenda Severson Wyatt Allen Skjerven, son of Cory Skjerven & Miranda Finley Wyatt Chad Wardner, son of Chad & Kelsey Wardner Graduating students, if you have not dropped off your wallet size photo to the church office please do tomorrow. Graduate Recognition Day is May 17th. Congratulations to all of the graduates, Hunter Baldwin, Ross Domier, Devin Flanders, Tanner Grinde, Cody Kingsbury, Weston Lopez, Luke Monson, Joseph Pich, Raylee Sangrait. The Grafton Post Office will be conducting their annual Food Drive on Saturday, May 9th. Leave your non-perishable food items, in bags near your mailbox for your mail carrier to pick up during the week of May 9th, or drop your donation off at the post office. Thank you! Community Events Today Piano recital for Cathy Tweten’s students at Grafton Lutheran at 4pm & 7pm. May 12 Unity Medical Center Auxiliary Silver Tea, 2-4pm at Unity Hospital’s Conference room. Free will offering & Drawing for door prizes. May 16 Spring Brunch at Trinity Lutheran Church of Edinburg come for music, prizes, wonderful food, & Great fellowship cost is $7. June 12-13 Be the Change Retreat - Red Willow Bible Camp of Binford, ND. Join us for 23 hours of fellowship, music, worship, and conversation about hunger. $45 includes food & lodging. ($50 for private room) register at Grafton Lutheran Church 143 W. 5th St. Box 622 Grafton, North Dakota 58237 Office - 352-2638 Fax - 352-4965 Pastor Chris’ cell # -(701)732-0065 Office email - - Pastor’s email - Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9-12pm & 1-4pm
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