GRAFTON PONDS OUTDOOR CENTER 2015 MOUNTIN BIKE & NATURE CAMPS REGISTRATION FORM REGISTER TODAY TO RESERVE A SPOT! Thank you for participating in this summer’s Mountain Bike & Nature Camp Program at Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center. Please read the following information carefully. We have tried to answer all of the questions you might have about the camps. However, if specific issues are not addressed, please contact us: Grafton Ponds: (802) 843-2400, All registrations must be accompanied with either full payment or with a 50% deposit. All outstanding fees must be paid in full by the beginning or your camp week. A 75% refund will be available if a camper must cancel two weeks prior to camp. Within two weeks, a 50% refund will be made. Space for camps will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please use one form per child. A confirmation / detailed information packet will be mailed out immediately upon receipt of your registration. The program has a limited number of camp scholarships available. If a need exists, please send a letter to the scholarship committee and mail to Grafton Ponds, Attn: Angela Comstock, PO Box 9, Grafton, VT 05146. Additional support may also be available from your local schools, church or civic organizations. Please circle the camp week or activity you would like to attend; indicate if you have a 2 nd or 3rd choice if your initial request for a camp date is filled. If a camp is filled we will contact you immediately. MOUNTAIN BIKE CAMPS CAMP #1-Beginner Mountain Bike Camp (JUNE 22ND-26TH) Minimum age 5 CAMP #2-Intermediate to Advaced Mountain Bike Camp (JUNE 29th-July 3rd) Recommended ages 7-10 CAMP #3- Intermediate to Advanced Mountain Bike Camp (JULY 20th-24th) Recommended ages 11-16 CAMP #5- Intermediate to Advanced Mountain Bike Camp (AUG. 3rd-7TH) A Recommended ages 11-16 CAMP #4- Intermediate to Advanced Mountain Bike Camp (JULY 27TH-July 31ST) Recommended ages 7-10 Camp #6-Beginner Mountain Bike Camp (AUG. 10TH-14th) Minimum age 5 CAMP #7-Advanced Mountain Bike Camp (AUGUST 17TH-21st) Recommended ages 11-16 Male / Female (circle one) ____________________________________________ Camper’s Name ________ Age ____________________________________________ Parent’s Name (print) _______________________ Home Phone & Emergency Phone _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________ Parent’s Signature _________ Date _______________________________________________________________________ *Addt’l Emergency Contact, Relationship & Phone Before 5/15 $225 RATES PAID 5/16 -6/1 $250 After 6/1 $325 $50 additional for bike rental 25% off each additional child Checks payable to: Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center Mail to: Summer Camps Attn: Becky Bryant 225 Townshend Rd, Grafton, VT 05146 Camp Fee ________ Bike Rental ________ TOTAL _______ Payment type: CC Check Money Order CC#_______________________________ Expiration ________ 2015 MOUNTAIN BIKE & NATURECAMPS Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center 783 TOWNSHEND ROAD, PO BOX 9, GRAFTON, VT 05146 802-843-2400 GRAFTONPONDS.COM INFO@GRAFTONPONDS.COM LIABILITY RELEASE FORM All parents who have children participating in the 2014 Mountain Bike & Adventure Camp Program at Grafton Ponds must read and complete a liability release form. A parent or guardian must sign and mail in the form below at least two weeks before their designated camp begins. ________________________________________________________ Parent’s name (print) ________________________________________________________ Camper’s name(print) ________________________ Phone __________________________ Email ________________________________________________________ Address Warning: the above named camper, a participant in the 2014 Mountain Bike & Nature Camp Program at Grafton Ponds, and their parent or guardian understand that mountain biking, hiking, group games, swimming and pond exploring are hazardous and physically demanding activities and recognizes that variations in weather, trails, forest growth, rocks and other hazards or obstacles exist at any outdoor recreation facility. Through the act of participating, such dangers are recognized and accepted whether they are marked or unmarked. The participant also realizes that falls and collisions do occur and injuries may result, and therefore assumes the burden of remaining under control at all times. Upon participation, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive and release any and all right s and claims for damages I may have against Grafton Ponds, their representatives successors and assignees, and will hold them harmless for any and all injuries suffered in connection while participating in activities at Grafton Ponds including those which may be attributable to acts of nature and weather conditions. All camp privileges may be revoked by the management at any time without refund and are nontransferable. ________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________ Date 2015 MOUNTAIN BIKE & NATURECAMPS Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center 783 TOWNSHEND ROAD, PO BOX 9, GRAFTON, VT 05146 802-843-2400 GRAFTONPONDS.COM INFO@GRAFTONPONDS.COM MEDICAL HEALTH & INFO. FORM All parents who have children participating in the 2015 Mountain Bike & Nature Camp Program at Grafton Ponds must complete a medical health and information form. A parent or guardian must sign and mail in the form below at least two weeks before their designated camp begins. *Please use the reverse side of this form to elaborate on any of the below.* ____________________________________________________________________________ Camper’s name(print) ___________________________________________ _______________________________ Address City, State, Zip ____________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone Email ____________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Emergency Contact #’s ____________________________________________________________________________ Doctor’s Name & Phone # ____________________________________________________________________________ Family Health Clinic & Phone # ________________________________________________________ Health Insurance Co. & Policy ## Describe any challenges your child has with hearing, vision, medications, other (physical and/or emotional) _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any allergies that your child may have to such things as bee stings or medicines like penicillin: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Will your child need to receive any medications during camp hours? YES NO If YES, please provide information on the medication, time(s) of administration and if assistance is needed from camp director. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any medical limitations we should be aware of? YES NO If YES, please provide details. _________________________________________________________________________________________ General permission to administer over the counter medications & treatment: Tylenol YES NO Benadryl YES NO Insect Repellent (deet) YES NO Calamine Lotion YES NO I authorize permission to use an emergency care provider to make the necessary decisions in the event that I am not able to be reached. YES NO __________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date 2015 MOUNTAIN BIKE & NATURECAMPS Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center 783 TOWNSHEND ROAD, PO BOX 9, GRAFTON, VT 05146 802-843-2400 GRAFTONPONDS.COM INFO@GRAFTONPONDS.COM PARENTAL PERMISSION ____________________________________________________ _______________________ Camper’s name Scheduled Camp Week All parents who have children participating in the 2015 Mountain Bike & Nature Camp program at Grafton Ponds must fill out a permission form. A parent or guardian must sign and mail in the form below at least two weeks before their designated camp begins. Traveling Out of Grafton During the camp week, participants will have an opportunity to travel outside of Grafton to explore other Southern Vermont state forests or wilderness areas. Parental permission is required to allow children to participate in this offsite program. I hereby give permission to Grafton Ponds to allow my child to travel outside of Grafton during scheduled activities associated with the 2014 Summer Camp program. ___________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature _________________________ Date Arriving/Leaving Camp Will your child arrive or leave camp with someone other than a parent or guardian? YES NO If yes, please complete the following: Caregiver’s name__________________________________________________________ Address & Phone ______________________________________________________________ I hereby give permission to Grafton Ponds to allow my child to be dropped off or picked up by a designated caregiver during the 2014 Summer Camp program. ___________________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________ Date 2015 MOUNTAIN BIKE & NATURECAMPS Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center 783 TOWNSHEND ROAD, PO BOX 9, GRAFTON, VT 05146 802-843-2400 GRAFTONPONDS.COM INFO@GRAFTONPONDS.COM PHOTO RELEASE FORM From time to time, we hire professional photographers to take photos of our facilities and guests using them. If we do schedule a photographer during camp, we ask for permission to use photos that may include your children. The photo release portion is below. If you are amenable with this, please sign the form below and include it with your completed registration forms. Thank you. I hereby give my consent to the Windham Foundation, Inc. to use any photographs taken during this photo shoot for the organization, including its subsidiaries: Grafton Ponds Outdoor Center, the Grafton Inn, Grafton Village Cheese Co., or Retreat Farm. This includes using the photos in promotional material, including its websites, print collateral and publicity materials in perpetuity. All photos will be owned by the Windham Foundation. I release Windham Foundation from any expectation of confidentiality for myself. Name of Camper:____________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________ Parent Printed name:_________________________________________________________
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