Week 9 - The Cathedral Grammar School

Grammar Notes
Issue 9, 2015—Tuesday 31 March
The Ideal Preparation in action this week!
Wednesday 1 April
8:40am Holy Week Service
Thursday 2 April
8:40am Holy Week Service
Winter Sport
2:00pm Pre-School closes
3:00pm Junior School closes
4:15pm Prep Schools close
No Prep Room or Family Room
Friday 3 April
Good Friday—School Closed
6:00pm Good Friday Choir
Recital, Cathedral
Tuesday 28 April
Term II Begins
From the Headmaster’s
General Notices
A Great End to the Season!
You’ll probably agree it’s been cricket fever over the last fortnight and
our players have been inspired by their national heroes!
Move over Grant Eloitt! In Saturday’s final season match, Jake Grove
scored his second century of the season, a magnificent 101* in 51 balls.
That ‘s some strike rate!
Junior School
Girls’ & Boys’ Prep Schools
Friends’ Association
Enterprising Spirits
In the Boult tradition, Harrison Lund mesmerised the Hereworth
batsmen with a 5 wicket hall for 26 off 6 overs.
And last week, the 1st XI defeated Waihi for the first time in some
years. Grammar batted first posting 185/4 off 25 overs. Waihi were all
out for 79 in reply.
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
From the Headmaster’s Desk
Junior School Development
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
I am pleased to announce that Contract Construction have been
selected to build the new Junior School. The site has now been
officially handed over to them and they have started their
preliminary work. We should see action on the site in a few days.
By the time you all return after the holidays, work will be well underway!
Parent Information Evening
A reminder that you are invited to join us for an information evening tonight at
7:00pm in the hall. Dr Averil Worner and I will share some in-depth research on
modern educational practice and we will be exploring how Cathedral Grammar is
keeping pace with the demands of modern society. I hope you will make the time to
come and join with us to ensure that you are fully informed about what education
at Grammar is all about.
From the Headmaster’s Desk
ANZAC Service
You are all welcome to join us for our ANZAC Service at 10:00am on Tuesday 28
April, where we will honour the Cathedral Grammar Old Boys who lost their lives in
World Wars I and II.
Moral Citizens
Finally I want to wish you all a safe and enjoyable Easter and holiday break. I look
forward to welcoming you all back for the new term on Tuesday 28 April
(remembering that Monday 27th is a public holiday in lieu of ANZAC Day.)
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Paul Kennedy
This Week’s WIFI Password is: easter2015
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Wheels Day - Term One
Creating Moral Citizens - Virtue of the Week is: Honour
Congratulations! You are practising
Honour when you…
Moral Citizens
Moral Citizens
What is Honour?
Honour is living with a sense of respect for
Practise your virtues.
what you believe is right. It is living by the
Keep your word.
Respect the rules by which you want to live.
Do what you believe is right no matter what.
Set a good example for others.
Avoid doing things which make you feel
virtues, showing great respect for yourself,
other people, and the rules you live by. When
you are honourable, you are worthy of respect
and you set a good example. You don’t have to
Engaged Thinkers
Engaged Thinkers
feel ashamed of who you are or what you are
General Notices
Enterprising Spirits
Enterprising Spirits
NO Prep Room or Family Room ON THURSDAY
Please be aware that there is no Prep or Family Room service on Thursday. The departments go
down and close for the end of term at the following times:
Junior School:
Prep Schools:
After sport and by 4.15pm
School buildings close at 4.15pm.
Term II opens TUESDAY 28 April
This year is the first time that the legislation ‘Monday-izing’ ANZAC Day when it falls at the
weekend comes into play. Therefore, Term II starts on a Tuesday as Monday 27 April is the public
holiday in lieu of ANZAC Day on Saturday 25 April.
General Notices (cont.)
Our ANZAC Service
We will commemorate ANZAC Day and remember the Fallen Old Boys of the school at our service
on Tuesday 28 April, 10.00am.
We welcome parents and grandparents to join us in our remembrance, particularly in this special
year of the 100th commemoration of Gallipoli.
Moral Citizens
Pupils are invited to wear poppies during the week as a mark of respect.
Combined Chapel Choirs’ Rehearsal on 28 April
On the first day of Term II – Tuesday 28 April – the Boys’ and Girls’ Chapel choristers are asked to
report at 8.00am for a special rehearsal for the ANZAC service.
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Compulsory School Services
It is the policy at Cathedral Grammar that all pupils in Years 1-8 must attend the school’s major
church services, one of which is held each term. The Board holds that this compulsory attendance
is a requirement of your child’s membership of the school.
Please add these dates to your diary now to avoid conflict:
Term II:
Founders’ Day Service on Sunday 17 May, 5.00pm, at the Cathedral.
Term III:
Service of Baptism & Admission to Holy Communion on
Sunday 13 September, 5.00pm, at the Cathedral.
Term IV:
Carol Service on Monday 7 December, 7.15pm, at the Cathedral.
Uniform Shop—School Holiday Hours
The uniform shop will be open from 10:00am-2:00pm on the following days:
Thursday 9 April
Wednesday 15 April
Friday 17 April
Tuesday 21 April
Thursday 23 April
Monday 27 April
General Notices (cont.)
Future Engineers Club for Term II
We are now asking for interest in our Future Engineers Club for Term II. These club have been
highly successful and will run on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3.40-5.00pm, numbers
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Next term children will have the opportunity to:
pull apart and explore engines;
interact with University students from the Mechanical Engineering Department;
visit the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC; and
intermediate and Challenger level students will participate in the Robocup competition.
Future Engineers will run from Weeks II-IX except for Week V ( Prep Schools’ Assessments).
Please fill in the survey on or before Thursday 30 April (Week I, Term II) using the link below if you
would like your child to participate in Future Engineers in Term II. The cost of each session is $10,
i.e.: $70 for the term.
Please note sports’ practices take priority over clubs.
Code Club for Term II
After a successful first term we are going to continue Code Club in Term II.
The club will be on a Wednesday from 3.45-4.45pm, Weeks II-IX except for Week V ( Prep
Schools’ Assessments). Children who are picked up at 5:00pm can be picked up from Prep Room.
Enterprising Spirits
There is no cost for this club.
Please fill in the survey on or before Thursday 30 April (Week I, Term II) using the link below if you
would like your child to participate in Code Club in Term II.
Please note sports practices take priority over clubs.
General Notices (cont.)
Young Guns Holiday Programme
Moral Citizens
Marg Foster is running her hugely popular Netball holiday programme for those looking for a daily
fix of netball skills.
13/14/15th April
St Andrew’s College gymnasium
7-11 years
A lot of fun, challenge and game time makes this popular with the youngsters. To book, please
contact Marg or Anthony on 3562110 or email through your name, DOB, address and phone
number to motivationz@xtra.co.nz For more info, go to their website: www.motivationz.co.nz
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
From the Art Department… A School Holiday Activity
If you haven’t already been, check out the Spectrum Street Art Exhibition at the YMCA on daily
until 10 May. Some of the Y7 and 8 boys visited last week and thought it was amazing!
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
General Notices (cont.)
Allyson Gofton at the Cathedral
On 6 May, renowned Kiwi chef Allyson Gofton will be speaking in the Transitional Cathedral. As
part of a NZ tour promoting her book, she will speak on the year she and her family spent in
France. She will answer questions and sign copies of her book. Tickets are on sale now from
Ticketek and from the Cathedral shop for $20.00. This is a fundraiser for Cathedral music, and
the choir will sing.
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
General Notices (cont.)
Co-Curricular Notices
Hockey and Netball Teams
These will be announced via GrammarNet on Wednesday afternoon, after school.
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Holiday Practices for Senior Teams
There will be team practices for the Y7 and 8 rugby team, and the senior netball and hockey
teams during the last ten days of the holidays, subject to pupil availability. Individual coaches
will be in touch with their teams to confirm availability and arrange these practices if there are
sufficient player numbers to make the practices worthwhile.
After-school Practices – a General Note
If scheduled, your child’s weekly after-school practice is a requirement of his or her
commitment to the team. However, we appreciate that, since the quakes, the demands on after
-school time for other activities – swimming, ballet, gym, music, drama… – has been further
complicated by the lack of facilities in the city in which such activities can take place. Therefore,
there is much less flexibility. So, if your child’s after-school practice clashes with another activity
that you wish them to attend on that day, please advise their school coach. There may be a
school practice they could join on another day or, perhaps, they will have to miss the practice
altogether. We can only do so much! Please, just keep us informed.
Team Practice Timetable
The following team practices are in addition to Prep School sport on Thursday afternoons. Not
all teams will have an additional practice.
Netball A & B
Wednesdays, 3.40 – 4.45pm, Monday lunchtime
Netball C
Friday lunchtime
Junior Netball Y5
Friday lunchtime
Junior Netball Y3&4
Mondays 3.15 – 4.00pm
Girls’ Hockey
Girls’ Y7&8: 1st XI
Mondays, 3.45 – 5.00pm
Girls’ Y5&6 teams
Wednesday lunchtime
Girls’ Y3&4 teams
Tuesday 3.15 – 4.30pm
Co-Curricular Notices (cont.)
Thursday Y7&8 team
Mondays, 3.45 – 5.00pm
Moral Citizens
Boys’ Hockey
Boys’ Y7&8: 1st XI
+ Y5&6 choristers
Mondays, 3.45 – 5.00pm
Boys’ Y7&8: 2nd XI
Wednesdays, 3.45 – 5.00pm
Boys’ Y5&6 teams
Wednesdays, 3.45 – 4.45pm
Boys’ Y3&4 teams*
Tuesday 3.15 – 4.30pm*
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
* Due to a change in coach availability, please note that Miss Gray’s Y3-4 boys’ team will now
train on Mondays after school, 3.30-4.30pm. Miss Gray’s team will be encouraged to attend
the training on Tuesdays too, if parents wish.
If you know that your son is unavailable on Mondays, please advise Miss Tattershaw:
Cancelled Practices
In the event that the weather forces the cancellation of an after-school sports’ practice, this will be
posted on the Newsflash section on the Home Page of GrammarNet. When possible, we will make
this call by 2.00pm but the weather is unpredictable so this will not always be possible. If a sports’
practice is cancelled, please do not feel that you have to rush to ‘rescue’ your child at an earlier
time. Coaches may well run indoor tactics sessions or watch match videos with those pupils
remaining, or pupils can wait for you in the Prep Room up to 5:00pm.
Swimming has begun well and we are amazed at how quickly the children have settled into the
lessons. A very big ‘thank you’ to the group of parents helping us.
Engaged Thinkers
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Moral Citizens
On Thursday we will be having our Easter Egg hunt after lunch, before graduation. If your child does
not usually come on Thursdays, they are welcome to come back after swimming for the Easter Egg
hunt. Easter baskets will be given out at the end of the day.
Last Friday we made some friendship cake recipe into delicious muffins. We had
sufficient to extend our hand of friendship to J1W. The children enjoyed their
opportunity to visit the Junior School and share the fruit of their labour with
Thank you to the parents who came to interviews. This was a mutually beneficial exercise.
On the first day of Term II we are going to have a special ANZAC service. We have begun reading a
few appropriate stories about the ANZAC’s with the children. If you have any memorabilia from the
First or Second World Wars that you would be happy to let us borrow, eg: family photos, medals
and the like, we would be delighted to have them to show the children.
We wish Matthew Vance well as he graduates to Junior School next term.
Moral Citizens: Congratulations to Eloise Simpson and Jordyn Flintoff who received “Huggie Bear”
this week.
It has been a busy, enjoyable term and we thank you for all your support.
Enterprising Spirits
Enterprising Spirits
We wish you all a joyful Easter and happy holidays.
Adrienne Winnicott
The Blessing of the new Junior School
building development.
Evelyn Lowe, Theodore Holcroft and
Gabriella Parkinson enjoying their
swimming lesson.
Junior School
After-school sport starts straight away next term (in Week I) so please ensure that your child
comes to school prepared on the first day.
The new Term II Clubs booklet goes home this week with some changes inside it. Please read
Simone Whalley
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Term I has now almost come to an end and all of a sudden we are planning and preparing for Term
II. Thank you all so much for your support this term and thank you also to the Junior School staff
who have put in many hours of hard work.
Rev Anne blessing the ground of our new
Junior School
The Junior Choir singing at Friday’s
The J2 trip to the Botanical Gardens on Monday
Girls’ & Boys’ Prep Schools
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
As we wrap up the term and look forward to a three-week break, we reflect on what has been
another busy term at Cathedral Grammar. There have been many highlights including camps,
sport, music, club activities and class trips. When you consider that these have all gone hand-inhand with a hectic timetable of academic work, it is not surprising that children are ready for a
This week we are enjoying Holy Week in the build-up to Easter. This involves a chapel service each
morning as we recall the story of Jesus’s final days before his crucifixion. Thank you to Rev Anne
for providing wonderful leadership during all our services this term.
Congratulations to our eight swimmers who represented the Independent Schools’ Zone in the
Canterbury Primary Schools’ Swimming Championships on Monday at the Selwyn Aquatic Centre.
This is the largest team the school has sent to the top regional event.
Molly Moffat
Noor Lovatt
Annabelle Schneideman
9 yr
9 yr
William Simcock
Taiko Torepe-Ormsby
11 yr
11 yr
Charlotte Johns
George Lill
Samantha Vance
12 yr
12 yr
12 yr
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Freestyle
50m Breaststroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Backstroke
50m Butterfly
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Freestyle
50m Butterfly
Enterprising Spirits
Final results will be posted on GrammarNet as soon as they become available.
Congratulations to the following boys who were selected in Christchurch representative cricket
teams that played last weekend against either Mid or South Canterbury teams.
Tom Flavell and Jake Grove
Tim Seeto and Hugh Duston
Finally, we would like to wish you and your family a happy Easter and a relaxing and enjoyable
Kirsty Bond
David Sickling
Boys’ and Girls’ Prep Schools (cont.)
Enterprising Spirits
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
Boys’ School Merit & Values Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Ben Hamilton-Skurak
Finnian Chan-Allan
James Burt
Akira Lim
Joshua Durant
Hamish Newstead
Ben Ellis
Reis Azlan
Matthew Flint
Jack Taylor
Nicholas Rawdon
Timo Niehausmeier
William Luhrs
Benjamin Abbot
Rajan Stephens
Rupert Pett
Adam Mason
Tom Flavell
Jake Grove
James Seo
Joshua Wynne
Thomas Sunderland 8EB
Rohan Baird
Kyle Houston
Deacon McCluskey
Values Cards
Values Cards
Akira Lim
Values Cards
Lachlan Beirne
Values Cards
Finnian Chan-Allan
Lachlan Beirne
Finn McCormack-Young 4B
Matthew Flint
Jack Slaughter
James Seo
Angus Whitteker
Girls’ School Merit & Values Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Merit Cards
Namasvi Gandhi
Caitlyn Danko
Livvy Barnett
Natalya Seaward
Lucy Vance
Annabelle Schneideman 7G
Victoria de Costobadie 5G
Anna Smith
Nicole Vance
Gwyneth Walker
Ruby Hardacre
Heloise Clark
Noor Lovatt
Winifred Davis
Isabella Riley
Freddie Greening
Friends’ Association
Term I has flown by and we hope all our new families have settled into our school community
and its routines. Thank you to our Class Friends for their time and enthusiasm this term,
organizing get-togethers and social events.
Engaged Thinkers
Moral Citizens
The J3 class recently met for drinks at Louise and Ben Glossop’s house.
Please send your class photos through to us at friends@cathedralgrammar.school.nz
The Friends’ Association Quiz Night is BACK!!!!!!!
Enterprising Spirits
Put it in your diaries now
More details to follow early next term
Finally, may we wish you all a very Happy Easter and a relaxing break. Safe travels to all and
we look forward to seeing you in Term II.
Donna Sharp