GRANAB SUBFLOOR SYSTEMS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Granab Subfloor Systems 3000 and 7000 have been tested and certified by the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. Welcome to Granab AB GRANAB manufactures subfloor systems for homes, offices, schools and public buildings. The systems feature steel floor girders with dampening elements for effective impact and airborne sound insulation. Granab subfloor systems are patented and type-approved with respect to sound-dampening properties, dynamic loads and strength. About 4 million m2 have been installed in various projects. Granab's main office is in Vårgårda, Sweden with production facilities in both Vårgårda and Lindköping. Bygg- och Miljöteknik Granab AB Phone: +46 (0) 322-66 76 50 Fax: +46 (0) 322-66 76 55 E-mail: Mailing address: P.O.Box 172 SE-447 24 Vårgårda Sweden Street address: Verkstadsgatan 4 Vårgårda, Sweden 2 CONTENTS: Granab Subfloor System 3000 4 Design Granab Subfloor System 7000 5 Design Planning instructions 6 For various load conditions Alternative floor coverings 7 Chipboard & carpet, chipboard & parquet, floating parquet Planning 8-9 Drawings, delivery optimisation and installation drawings This is what you need 10 - 11 Installation tools, girder spacers, height adjustment, trimming girders, ergonomic tools Installation, step by step 12 - 20 Support blocks and dampening elements 12 Laying out girders 13 Height adjustment, frame girders 13 Attachment of frame girders 14 Height adjustment and attachment of other girders14 Trimming and adjustment of adjustment screws 15 Recessing adjustment screws 15 Adjustment of adjustment screws 16 Recessing adjustment screws 17 Door openings, thresholds, cover mouldings 18 Installation for high levels, 250 – 420 mm 19 Installation of masonite beams, 420 – 1000 mm 19 Installation of skirting 19 Installation of plastic film on Granab girders in moist environments 20 Ventilated subfloors 20 Moisture, mould, radon Tiled surfaces, bathrooms Checklist 1 – 2 21 22 – 23 Installer's inspection of Granab Subfloor Systems 3000/7000 3 Granab Subfloor System 3000 for adjustable heights 30-180 mm, excl. floor covering 26,5 17 45 17 79 MIn. height 30 mm Max. height 180 mm Section with support block and dampening element, level adjustment screw and concrete anchor Construction heights: Flexible construction heights from 30 to 180 mm, excl. floor covering With supplementary sheet between the girders 22-mm parquet, alternatively 22-mm chipboard & 15-mm parquet or carpet 20 600 600 General installation drawing, Subfloor System 3000 – Residential 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 400 NB: The c/c distance between girders is determined by the choice of floor covering. For other premises, see the c/c distance between floor girders on page 6. 4 Granab Subfloor System 7000 for adjustable heights 70-420 mm, excl. floor covering Special heights up to 1000 mm (see page 19) 40 Adjustment heights 70-420 mm 45 Construction heights:Flexible construction heights from 70 to 420 mm, excl. floor covering Special heights up to 1000 mm with masonite beams on girders (see page 19) Section with support block and dampening element, level adjustment screw and concrete anchor 22-mm parquet, alternatively 22-mm chipboard & 15-mm parquet or carpet 20 600 600 General installation drawing, Subfloor System 7000 – Residential 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 400 20 NB: The c/c distance between girders is determined by the choice of floor covering. For other premises, see the c/c distance between floor girders on page 6. 5 Planning instructions for various load conditions, Granab Subfloor Systems 3000 and 7000 Recommended c/c distance between floor girders (sections) and support blocks, Systems 3000/7000: 1. Rooms in dwellings, hotels, hospital rooms and staff rooms, c/c distance, girders (sections), 600 mm. 2. Assembly rooms such as classrooms, rooms in childcare centres, lecture halls, office rooms, premises for restaurants, cafes and dining halls, c/c distance, girders (sections), 400 mm. 3. Open areas in libraries, spaces with fixed seating such as in churches, theatres and cinemas, c/c distance, girders (sections), 400 mm. 4. Spaces without fixed seating in churches, concert halls, theatres, cinemas, museums, exhibition halls, retail areas in department stores and shops, gyms, sports centres, dancehalls, corridors in schools, etc., c/c distance girders (sections), 300 mm. Load capacity For girder spacing for homes, c/c distance 600 mm = 4 tons/m2 The point load capacity and distributed load of various floor coverings installed on Granab systems are calculated according to the specifications of the respective flooring manufacturers. System 3000 1st – 2nd girders, 400 mm c/c distance between floor girders (sections), 600 mm c/c distance between support blocks, 600 mm Distance from wall, approx. 40 mm System 7000 1st – 2nd girders, 400 mm Distance from wall, approx. 20 mm 6 c/c distance between floor girders (sections), 600 mm c/c distance between support blocks, 600 mm Examples of alternative floor coverings Follow the instructions for installation and laying from the respective chipboard and parquet manufacturers. 22-mm chipboard & 15-mm parquet NB: Use flooring paper as an interlayer between the chipboard and parquet. 22-mm chipboard & carpet Gluing/screwing chipboard NB: Casco Superset no. 3879 or equivalent 22-mm parquet, floating or glued to the girders Floating Gluing, parquet NB: Use intermediate strips of flooring paper. NB: Casco Superset no. 3879 or equivalent WC/Bathroom Entrance/Hall Tiles 7 Planning, logistics efficiency Delivery optimisation Granab systems are packed and delivered with pre-cut and dimension-adapted floor girders and factory-fitted support blocks and dampening elements. Each girder is labelled with a room name and length that matches the information on the installation drawing for each flat or other agreed-upon space subdivision. Granab systems are packaged in bundles on EUR pallets with a maximum length of either 2600 mm or 3800 mm. BALKONG CA 6,5 m2 2600 2600 1360 670 380 760 1520 1620 820 2360 300 830 1460 1360 300 360 2600 1080 2600 1080 2210 2600 310 500 2040 500 320 2600 2600 SOVRUM 3 2210 CA 11,5 m2 2210 1080 2600 2600 SOVRUM 2 CA2600 8,5 m2 2520 2210 1080 2600 2370 500 440 1360 2600 300 2450 1570 1100 1240 1620 2600 300 500 300 2460 450 2690 1520 2600 KÖK/V-RUM CA 30 1080 2600 m2 2600 (V-RUM CA 20 m2) 1080 2600 2460 2600 1630 1520 2600 730 2600 950 2530 2090 300 300 250 2000 1520 1470 1500 1500 650 850 1700 990 300 2360 300 530 300 2360 SOVRUM 1 CA2360 12,5 m2 300 500 2360 2360 300 2360 1970 HALL 2000 850 300 2600 850 2820 SOVRUM 2360 1 CA 11,5 2360 m2 300 1460 300 2360 1110 2450 2360 2600 2600 2600 510 1110 300 2600 1110 2600 300 2360 2600 1110 2600 2360 850 2600 1110 300 1520 2600 2600 2450 2600 BALKONG CA 6,5 m2 1110 300 2480 2600 2600 850 2600 500 1520 2600 2600 2600 1470 300 1110 2600 HALL1510 2380 2600 1110 2600 2600 1520 2600 2600 750 850 1460 1510 2600 WC/DUSCH CA 5,5 m2 KLK 1220 WC CA CA 2,5 m21310 E 1,5 m2 2820 1110 2390 2600 450 2600 340 1110 580 850 1550 1550 850 300 1230 2600 2600 1520 2600 2000 2450 WC/DUSCH CA 5,5 m2 1220 FRD 1430 2600 1460 2600 1520 2600 760 1310 8 520 30 2 m2 E CA 1520 1410 2450 WC/DUSCH CA 5,5 m2 1370 2600 KÖK/V-RUM CA 33 2600 m2 (V-RUM2600CA 23 m2) 2600 2380 640 2600 310 2600 500 360 2600 1320 1360 850 2430 950 1370 380 1370 2600 1070 2600 2600 1560 2600 1070 2600 2600 2430 1070 370 740 500 300 1320 1320 2600 1320 1320 950 2390 1070 2600 2600 2600 2340 850 KLK CA 23403,5 E m2 2340 520 m2 2580 850 HALL 2600 1550 2600 2600 300 850 2600 1460 850 KLK 1530 1070 KÖK/V-RUM CA 30 1070 m2 2600 (V-RUM CA 20 m2) 1070 640 1500 300 300 2450 2600 2600 1,5 E CA 1430 2120 310 1120 HALL WC/DUSCH CA 5,5 m2 2360 340 960 1070 2600 2030 1370 2600 500 300 2350 2600 1620 2600 2600 1590 2460 2600 1200 500 2480 300 1460 1460 2280 2480 300 1370 2600 500 330 300 300 990 2010 2600 300 2360 2600 500 310 1370 2480 2360 2600 2290 2450 2600 2480 SOVRUM 1 2480 CA 11 m2 2480 300 2600 380 1370 300 1880 500 300 1500 1370 2600 2360 SOVRUM 2 CA 12,5 m22360 850 1740 850 570 300 2460 950 490 650 2600 300 2360 2460 2600 1320 1580 2600 530 2360 1810 1090 300 1810 2600 2250 2600 1090 1770 500 2600 2600 1320 2350 1520 1980 500 1090 2600 720 2250 2350 2600 300 2460 SOVRUM 1 CA 12,5 m2 2460 2250 1090 300 2600 2600 850 2600 1090 720 500 1600 2600 1090 330 2460 0 2600 KÖK/V-RUM CA 33 2600 m2 2600 CA 23 m2) (V-RUM 2250 SOVRUM 2 CA 2250 9 m2 500 2460 49 1090 2250 400 2250 2250 2260 2600 2160 BALKONG CA 6,5 m2 1090 1540 1090 2600 720 2600 2600 340 950 1080 500 300 960 2210 1930 BET ANT ÄNDRINGEN AVSER SIGN DATUM KV.UGGLAN VEIDEKKE SVERIGE BALKONG CA 6,5 m2 GRANAB AB BOX 172 447 24 VARGARDA UPPDRAG NR RITAD AV HANDLÄGGARE Claes-Goran Andreasson DATUM ANSVARIG SKALA NUMMER 071116 GRANAB S-7000 PLAN 2-5 HUS 1 GR 1:75 1:50(A1) Packaged and labelled for each flat 8 BET Planning, logistics efficiency Interior walls for finished Granab subfloors Walls for flats or other subdivisions are first erected from floor to ceiling. It is advisable to erect interior walls within a flat or subdivision on finished Granab subflooring, including the chipboard. Erection of interior walls in this manner permits the chipboard to be installed quicker and entails less waste in that one is working with larger, continuous floor surfaces. Material consumption for the interior walls is lower and installation of both the Granab floor and interior walls goes significantly faster. 10x21M 10x21M 2600 2600 2600 2600 SOV2 6.6 m² 1 1 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1910 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1910 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1910 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1960 2600 2600 1960 2600 2600 1960 2600 1960 BOD 4.5 m²270 8x21M 2600 2600 2600 2600 1950 2600 SOV1 6.9 m² 9 2600 2600 2600 1 1950 2420 10x21M 2600 BAD/VASK/OMKL. 2600 7.5 2600 m² 0 53 32 2600 1880 2570 00 26 300 300 2600 300 300 24102520 2410 800 28x21M 6 380 2530 2460 300 2460 300 2460 300 TERRASSE 9.9 m² 300 BAD/VASK/OMKL. 7.4 2410 m² 300 10x21M 300 2410 300 2410 300 300 300 2 2600 300 600 2600 950 80 2600 SOV1 11.8 m² 2 2420 2420 2520 2510 2560 2440 410 560 660 2380 300 1400 2600 4 300 41 0 2380 2500 2520 1810 950 2600 950 2270 0 300 430 2600 1200 2600 2600 2140 1 350 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1 1960 1960 2600 2 1480 10x21M 2600 2410 300 2 2600 1740 2600 1740 2600 1740 2330 1 2600 2600 2600 2600 SOV2 10.4 1740 m² 2600 1740 2600 2600 1740 2600 2600 1810 1960 SOV2 6.6 1960 m² 8x21M 2460 2600 10x21M 80 20 18 TERRASSE 920 2600 2600 2120 10x21M 11 m² 2410 11 2000 1680 2410 1430 2560 2600 9 1960 5 2600 STUE/KJØKKEN 37.8 m² 1960 2600 1950 2600 2600 1950 2600 2600 2600 2600 BET ANT ÄNDRINGEN AVSER SIGN DATUM KV.RONNVIKVEIEN 1950 2020 GVJ 9x21M 16 390 1970 9x21M 870 2600 2600 260010x21M 1480 2600 2410 300 143010x21M 1230 2600 1 2600 2600 1480 1 1430 1430 300 2 300 300 1960 1950 2600 2600 STUE/KJØKKEN 28.4 2600 m² 8x21M 2600 430 2600 1960 2600 STUE/KJØKKEN 2600 39.5 m² 300 300 2600 5 2600 2600 2600 2600 430 2600 2600 2600 2600 6 2600 8x21M 1 2600 430 2500 1 2600 340 HALL 1480 4.7 m² 2600 2600 2400 2600 2600 5 2600 2600 2600 SOV2 6.6 2600 m² 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 1580 4 1190 9 2600 HALL 7.8 m² 2600 2400 10x21M 300 410 1410 2330 1 2140 1430 2540 10x21M 2600 1430 2600 10x21M WC 3.9 1680 560 2470 2600 940 1 2600 2600 1680 SKAP 2.6 2600 m² 940 2600 1880 1680 10x21M 2600 GANG 13.8 m² 10x21M 2600 940 1680 2400 2400 1010 2600 1430 HALL 7.8 m² 2600 1230 80 420 1 2600 2600 8 1500 EL-SKAP 0.6 m² 10x21M 1430 2600 2 1800 1680 2400 2600 1170 2600 2180 SKAP/BOD 3.2 m² 2600 11 300 2600 m² 1430 12 2600 8 SKAP 2600 2.6 2600 2600 1100 1170 2600 20 300 300 2520 1100 2470 2600 10x21M 1320 GANG 10.3 m² 2600 10x21M 2600 300 2410 2410 1100 10x21M 1100 1720 300 2410 10x21M 1100 1910 2600 12 300 2410 2 430 1500 10x21M 300 1100 680 2 1910 1910 8x21M 2600 440 STUE/KJØKKEN 40.7 m² 2600 11 820 2600 2600 950 2310 300 10x21M 820 2600 800 10x21M 2600 4.1 m² 400 300 2410 4.1 m² 10x21M 1600 820 2600 HALL 1100 HALL 1100 820 820 2600 9 1 820 820 820 BAD/OMKL. 2600 8.6 2600m² 2330 2410 1100 2600 950 2310 300 300 300 2410 1170 2600 2 600 950 24102520 1100 2400 SKAP/BOD 3.2 m² 2600 BAD/VASK/OMKL. 2410 7.4 m² 12 2600 2 1170 690 2400 9 9 2600 2400 2600 870 2600 10x21M 2600 10x21M 300 300 2600 2460 2600 90 660 10x21M GANG 10.3 m² 2600 2380 300 10x21M 2600 2 680 2440 520 270 6 2380 2460 SOV1 11.8 m² 560 300 300 820 820 10x21M 560 4 300 10 1720 2530 2460 2440 m² 1870 1280 300 1890 2500 WC 1870 3.9 0 380 300 TERRASSE 40 0 53 2600 2600 1870 11 800 820 2600 2600 0 1400 2600 2600 32 00 26 2600 28x21M 820 8.6 m² 2600 2600 820 2600BAD/OMKL. 2 2600 880 TRAPPEROM 21.1 m² 2600 940 1320 1870 2000 820 2600 11 1870 2600 820 1810 2600 2180 1870 2 1970 1900 1010 820 2310 1 2560 2 2600 2600 950 940 2600 2600 2600 10x21M 2600 430 2600 10x21M 2600 2600 2600 880 400 2600 1 940 2420 2600 2600 950 10x21M 1550 2600 STUE/KJØKKEN 40.7 m² 2560 2600 1910 SOV11910 6.9 m² 1 2600 2600 2600 2600 SOV3 8.4 m² 9 10 2600 1980 SOV3 1910 8.4 m² 1 1790 1910 2600 2600 8x21M 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600 SOV2 6.6 m² 1 12 2600 390 2600 2600 2260 2600 410 2600 2600 2600 2600 1 6.9 m² 2600 2600 SOV1 2560 2600 2600 300 1980 TERRASSE 11.3 m² TERRASSE 9.5 m² GRANAB AB BOX 172 447 24 VARGARDA UPPDRAG NR RITAD AV HANDLÄGGARE Claes-Goran Andreasson DATUM ANSVARIG SKALA NUMMER 080214 GRANAB S-7000 PLAN 1-4 HUS C 1:50(A1) GR 1:73 BET Intra-transport in conjunction with framework construction Because Granab systems consist of non-organic materials and are not affected by moisture or temperature variations, they can be delivered while the framework is still under construction. Granab girders can be produced with a maximum length of 2600 mm – the same length as for a bundle of plasterboard. The plasterboard for the walls can be moved in along with the wall girders, which are placed on stands above the Granab girder packages. By lifting the materials into place during framework construction and erecting the interior walls above the Granab system, workflow is more efficient and costs for logistics are minimised. Girders are pre-cut to the correct lengths according to the drawing for each room unit. 9 Installation tools, Granab Subfloor Systems 3000 and 7000 Mandrel for recessing in predrilled holes Screwing tool for adjusting floor girder heights For screwdrivers Short model: Cat. no. 8100 Long model: Cat. no. 8200 Drill bit for recessing adjustment screws in girders Cat. no. 8600 Mandrel for final fixation Mandrel for installation of concrete anchors (1 of each included) Cat. no. 850 A Length 250 mm Cat. no. 850 B Length 500 mm Cat. no. 850 C Length 1000 mm Screwing tool for manually adjusting floor girder heights Short model: Cat. no. 8300 Long model: Cat. no. 8400 Concrete drill bits for concrete anchors. Cat. no. 8700, 250 mm, short Cat. no. 8800, 460 mm, long Installation pipe for concrete anchors Cat. no. 8900 Accessories Girder spacers Cat. no. 9300 9400 9500 9600 Tool Girder spacing 300 mm Girder spacing 400 mm Girder spacing 500 mm Girder spacing 600 mm Automatic screwdriver Chipboard flooring screws Insulation anchor, system 7000 För isoleringstjocklek A 20 Automatic screwdriver type HILTI, 4000 rpm unit. For chipboard flooring screws. Contact Granab. 10 Self-tapping screws for chipboard. Contact Granab. 70 Insulation thickness, A mm: 40, 80, 120 or as agreed. Cat. nos. 7040, 7080, 7120 Insulation bracket System 3000 Insulation bracket System 7000 System 3000 with built-in insulation bracket in the section for 25-mm insulation Insulation thickness, A mm: 40, 80, 120 or as agreed. Cat. nos. 7040, 7080, 7120 Level adjustment Trimming girders with laser levelling with compass saw Ergonomics during installation Screwing tool, long Cat. no. 8200 Mandrel, long Cat. no. 850C Installation pipe for concrete anchors Cat. no. 8900 All installation tasks can be carried out in comfortable working positions using the long screwing tool model, long mandrel model and installation pipe for concrete anchors. (Contact Granab.) 11 Installation, step by step Granab Subfloor Systems System 3000 System 7000 1. Support block and dampening element Sections with support blocks and dampening elements, level adjustment screws and concrete anchors Important general joints: NB: Always ensure that the flooring manufacturer's requirements are fulfilled regarding expansion joints, gaps against walls, etc. Both prior to installation and after installation, all surfaces must be carefully cleaned. All adjustment screws must be carefully secured in the subfloor with concrete anchors. If all adjustment screws are not properly secured, there is risk for creaking and unevenness in the floor covering after installation. Adjustment screws must always be recessed into the floor girders so that the upper edges of the adjuster screws do not come in contact with the floor covering, which would cause “bridging” in the sound insulation. When installing chipboard or chipboard/parquet on the girders, it is very important that the chipboard or parquet is not in contact with walls. There must always be a gap of about 5 mm between the walls and chipboard/parquet so that the floor is able to move freely. This is necessary to ensure that the planned sound insulation is attained. Furthermore, relative humidity in the room is very important to take into consideration when using wood-based flooring, both during and after laying. The manufacturer's instructions must be carefully followed. Carefully follow the points on the installer's checklist on pages 22–23. 12 If blocks and dampening elements are not ordered factory-installed in the girders, these shall be fitted in the girders according to the general drawings on page 4, alternatively, page 5. 2. Laying out girders 3. Height adjustment, The girders are laid out according to the general drawing on page 4, alternatively page 5, depending on the choice of system – 3000 or 7000 (residential). For offices, schools and assembly rooms, see c/c distance, girders, on page 6. When using installation instructions prepared by Granab for specific projects, follow the specifications for girder locations on the layout drawing. frame girders Height adjustment, first frame girders, using a laser. The height is adjusted to 10 mm lower than the final girder height. Begin with the adjustment screws that are to be fitted at each end and at the middle of the girder. The girders are adjusted upwards with the screwing tool in an electric drill. See page 10. To facilitate installation and obtain the correct c/c spacing between the girders, use a Granab girder spacer. Girder spacers are available in the following lengths: 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm. See page 10. 13 4. Attachment of frame girders Begin by attaching the frame girders. Drill through the adjustment screw down into the base about 30 mm when using a 25-mm long concrete anchor (also available in 40-mm lengths). NB: Begin with three points of attachment (at the ends and middle of each girder). Drop the concrete anchor through the screw. Secure the concrete anchor using an installation mandrel, cat. no. 850. See page 10. The frame girders are now in place, adjusted to 10 mm below the final girder height. 14 5. Other girders Follow the same attachment and height adjustment method for all other girders as used for the frame girders (10 mm lower than the final height with three points of attachment). 6. Trimming and adjustment of 7. Recessing adjustment screws adjustment screws Once all girders have been adjusted to 10 mm under the final height with three points of attachment in each girder, the girder screws must be trimmed even with the tops of the girders. Trim the screws using a chisel. Once the screws at the three points of attachment in each girder have been trimmed, all girders are adjusted 10 mm upward to their final height. NB: The reason for trimming the adjustment screws and for the girders being adjusted upward 10mm only after trimming is to prevent the upper edges of the adjustment screws from coming in contact with the overlying floor covering installed later. This procedure ensures that they are recessed into the sections. “Bridging” in the sound insulation would otherwise occur if the upper edges of the screws were in contact with the floor covering. 15 8. Adjustment of adjustment screws Approximately 10 mm of clearance between adjustment screw and subfloor 10 mm After the girders have been installed and adjusted upwards at their three points of attachment to the final, correct height, attachment of all other adjustment screws in the girder holes is begun; the blocks with the dampening elements are pre-fitted. NB: The screws are threaded down into the respective girders with the blocks so that there is about 10 mm remaining to the subfloor (see the figure at the upper right). The screws are thereafter trimmed and threaded down towards the subfloor. 16 9. Recessing adjustment screws Lastly, the screws are secured using the same method as previously described for the concrete anchors. After all girders are properly secured to the subfloor and adjusted to their final height, all points of attachment must be checked to ensure that all screws are recessed into the girders. NB: If any screw projects above a girder (so that it can come in contact with the subsequently laid floor covering), it must be recessed. This is done using Granab's cutting drill bit for recessing adjustment screws, cat. no. 8600, that is included in the standard set of installation tools (see the accessories on page 10). Lastly, check that all screws are properly secured to the subfloor. 10. Alternative attachments On some projects, concrete anchors can be replaced with concrete screws, alternatively concrete nails, set in place using a bolt gun. (NB: Not recommended for prefab subfloors of the type HDF) Wood screws are used with wooden subfloors. Carefully follow the points on the checklist for the installer's inspection on pages 22–23. 17 11. Door openings, thresholds, cover mouldings, System 3000 A board is placed on the girder flanges as a foundation for subsequent installation of a door threshold or cover moulding (NB: Not chipboard). 18 12. Door openings, thresholds, cover mouldings, System 7000 The girder is installed at the centre of the door opening so that the board has the same height difference as other girders. The board must be screwed and glued to the girder in the door opening. The board is used for subsequent installation of a threshold or cover moulding. 13. Installation at high height For construction heights over 250 mm, the floor covering can be attached at the room corners for lateral stabilisation. 14. Installation at extra high height As standard, the level of the Granab Subfloor System 7000 can be adjusted up to 420 mm. If heights are preferred up to approximately 1000 mm, masonite beams are fitted to the Granab girders. Masonite beams are available in various heights and lengths. Masonite beams are secured to Granab girders with Superset no. 3879 or equivalent and self-tapping screws. NB: Mounting screws may not come in contact with adjustment screws/blocks. 15. Installation of skirting When attaching the skirting, it must be pressed hard down against the floor covering. 19 16. Installation of plastic film on Granab girders in moist environments NB: The plastic film is installed above the girders – not directly on the concrete subfloor. Installation, floating parquet Granab systems, including girders, are entirely non-organic and not affected by moist environments. By placing the plastic film over the girders, effective, long-lasting moisture protection is obtained against the floor layer above. Installation, floating 22-mm chipboard Granab systems, including girders, are entirely non-organic and not affected by moist environments. By placing the plastic film over the girders, effective moisture protection is obtained against the floor layer above. Masonite beam installation Plastic film used in installation of masonite lightweight beams. NB: The plastic film is placed under the masonite beam. Ventilated subfloors when moisture, mould or radon is present Granab subfloor systems entail: • Free airflow between floor girders and bottom slab. • Attachment to mechanical negative pressure ventilation equipment ensures good ventilation between the bottom slab and floor. • To protect the floor covering against moisture, plastic film is laid above the galvanised steel girders, which in combination with mechanical negative pressure ventilation ensures an environment free from moisture. • Granab subfloor systems are also used in radon decontamination. 20 Order our ventilation pamphlet for more information. Tiled surfaces Granab systems are installed as subfloor systems for tiled areas in halls and wet rooms in various construction projects. Granab systems – which consist entirely of non-organic materials – are not sensitive to moisture and at the same time, provide effective impact and airborne sound insulation. The girders are installed with c/c spacing of 300 mm. Example, remodelling: Granab subfloor system, c/c 300 mm, with 22-mm chipboard, sheet of non-organic material, moisture barrier, tiles Bathrooms C B A A: Chipboard flooring, 22 mm B: Sheet of non-organic material C: Floor levelling compound General drawing for tiled area 21 C C B A CHECKLIST 1 – Installation, subfloor system Installer's inspection of Granab Subfloor System 3000/7000 Company: Installer: Object: Flat no.: Subfloor system installation Inspection (check off) 1. The installation surfaces for the subfloor system must be carefully swept and vacuumed so that no organic or other residual materials remain on the subfloor/floor surfaces. 2. All adjustment screws are threaded (recessed) into the floor girders by at least 10 mm (after any trimming) so that no adjustment screws come in contact with the floor covering. 3. The heights of all floor girders are adjusted so that they are the same. 4. There is clearance of at least 10 mm between the floor sections and adjoining walls. 5. There is clearance of at least 5 mm after trimming the sections. 6. All adjustment hardware is secured to the subfloor. 7. Installations in and beneath the subfloor system have at least 5 mm of clearance to other components of the the subfloor system. 8. Installation of the subfloor system has been conducted according to the provided installation instructions. Date 22 Supervising installer CHECKLIST 2 – Installation, floor covering Installer's inspection of Granab Subfloor System 3000/7000 Company: Installer: Object: Flat no.: Installation, floor covering Inspection (check off) 1. Cleaning is to be carefully checked prior to installation of the floor covering so that no organic or other residual materials remain under the subfloor system. 2. NB: Trimming and other tasks involving the floor covering may not be conducted so as to cause contamination (such as with sawdust) of the cleaned floor surface. 3. There is clearance of at least 5 mm between the floor and adjoining walls. 4. Chipboard flooring: When attaching chipboard, no glue has come in contact with the adjustment hardware. The instructions from the manufacturer have been observed for the used flooring sheet. NB: Ensure that the screws used to secure the chipboard do not extend into the underlying adjustment unit and dampening pad. 5. Parquet: Instructions from the manufacturer for the parquet used have been followed. Flooring paper has been used as an interlayer between the chipboard and parquet. 6. For construction heights above 250 mm, the chipboard sheets are attached at the room corners so as to attain lateral stability (see point 13 on page 19). Date Supervising installer 23 Bygg- och Miljöteknik Granab AB Phone: +46 (0) 322-66 76 50 Fax: +46 (0) 322-66 76 55 E-mail: Mailing address: P.O.Box 172 SE-447 24 Vårgårda Sweden Street address: Verkstadsgatan 4 Vårgårda, Sweden
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