May 2015 Talking About Math With Your Child Talking about mathematics with your child – whatever his or her age – helps strengthen his or her mathematical reasoning and understanding. Some ways to keep the talk engaged and focused while you support your child include: Revoice - Repeat what you heard your child say, then ask for clarification (e.g., “So you are saying it’s an odd number?”). Repeat/Restate – Ask your child to restate your reasoning (e.g., “Can you repeat what I said in your own words?”). Reason – Ask your child to apply his or her own reasoning to someone else’s reasoning (e.g., “Do you agree or disagree? Tell me why.”). Adding On – Prompt your child to participate further (e.g., “What more would you add to that?”). Think Time – Wait several seconds (try five) to give your child time to think (e.g., “Take some time to think.”). You may be surprised by how hard it is to stay silent in that time! Planning Today to Energize Education for Tomorrow DSBN Trustees are supporting student success by revitalizing our public schools. An important part of this process is the role of Accommodation Reviews. On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and the DSBN has revised the Accommodation Review Policy to align with the new Ministry Guidelines. You are invited to provide your comments on this new policy. From May 6 to June 3, 2015 please go to and click on the “Accommodation Review Policy Feedback” button. You may also provide comments via mail. Please send to Lora Courtois, Superintendent of Planning, District School Board of Niagara, 191 Carlton St. St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4. Dreambox Students in KG to Grade 8 have access to DreamBox Learning's Math Program, an online, Intelligent Adaptive Learning (tm) program that helps all students work towards a better understanding of how numbers work with each other and creates an environment that fosters faster math proficiency. Reminder of how to access from home: Your student can access DreamBox Learning from any computer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using this link: OR by going to our school’s homepage: and clicking on the DreamBox link on the right side of the page. To access DreamBox on iPad, go to, or search for "DreamBox Math" in the App Store. When prompted in the app, use this school code: 42cv/granda May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Character Focus: Cooperation 3 Fri Day 2 Sat 2 Sub Lunch Day 4 Day 3 5 Day 4 6 Day 5 Int. Badminton @ Brock University Pizza Lunch Orders Due Mobile Dental Clinic @ Grand 7 Day 6 Mobile Dental Clinic @ Grand 8 Day 7 9 KG—Muffins with Mom @ 2:15 PM DSBN Education Week 10 17 11 Day 8 18 12 Day 9 24th-Grand Ave. School Council Garden Clean Up-All Welcome 9-12 31st-Grand Ave. School Council Family Picnic 1-4 PM 25 Day 6 Day 10 14 Day 1 15 16 DSBN Support Staff Recognition Day Golf Club @ Twenty Valley GC Pizza Lunch Day Professional Activity Day— No School for Students 19 20 21 Day 2 Victoria Day— No School 24/31 13 26 Day 7 School Council Meeting @ 6:30 PM Day 3 Day 4 22 Day 5 Recognition Assembly @ 11:25 AM Spirit Day— What I Want to Be When I Grow Up Golf Club @ Twenty Valley GC Regional Track Grade 5/6D and and Field Meet @ 7/8W to NOTL Niagara Olympic Trip Club in SC 27 28 Day 8 Golf Club @ Twenty Valley GC EQAO Week 23 Battle of the Books Competition AM Day 9 29 Day 10 Pizza Lunch Day 30 School Watch Program In an effort to try and reduce school vandalism, graffiti, and after-hours unauthorized activities on DSBN property, we earnestly seek your cooperation in our on-going School Watch Program. Should you observe unusual activity at the school, please call in confidence the following emergency number: 905.563.1293 The cost of vandalism comes directly from Facility Services funds-funds that maintain and improve our schools. Therefore, there is a direct benefit in reducing vandalism. Thank you. Grand Avenue Track and Field Training and Try-Outs The Track and Field try-outs have begun. Interested students in Grades 3-8 have been training and now trying out for the following events: Track: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, and 1500m Field: High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, and Shot Put (Grade 7 and 8 only) Training will be held during Fitness Breaks and students are asked to make sure they are wearing the proper athletic clothing and footwear. If your child qualifies for the Regional Track and Field Meet, held on May 22nd at Niagara Olympic Club in St. Catharines, a permission form will be sent home soon. Student Recognition April Mrs. Howe/Miss DeGraaf (KG1) Nathan F., Cayden C., Annie H., Evelyn M. Mrs. McNaugton/Mrs. Koppejan/ Mrs. Morin (KG2) Travis B., Olivia L., Taya V. Mrs. Arghittu (Gr. 1) Jackson A., Ajay C., Lucas M. Mrs. Height (Gr. 1/2) Hannah M., Thaddeus M. Miss Esau (Gr. 2/3) Lucy B-C. Miss Jones (Gr. 3/4) Kate M. Mme Lemke (Gr. 4/5) Emily B., Payton C. Mr. Dodman (Gr 5/6) Bradley J., Sarah S. Miss Whittal (Gr. 7/8) Hannah R., Colin T. Mr. Nicholls (FSP) Ashley B. Special congratulations goes to Hannah R. (Gr. 8) for her participation in the Niagara Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Hannah earned an award from the American Meteorological Society and a NRSEF Junior Bronze Medal from the Consulting Engineers of Ontario. We are extremely proud of you, Hannah!!! Safety is the Key!!! Student Entry and Exit (Student Agenda—Page 3) Students are not to arrive at school prior to 8:30 a.m. because supervision for students is not provided until this time. Students will be permitted to enter the school building after this time during inclement weather. Students are to leave the building via their assigned outside doors immediately following dismissal (12:55 p.m. and 3:20 p.m.). The parking lot is out of bounds to students for obvious safety reasons (unless accompanied by an adult). Students are to enter and exit the school grounds by walking on the sidewalk at either side of the front yard of the school. Students are further directed to use city sidewalks and street crossing guards for safe travel to and from school. School Cash Online is Here!!!! Our Goal is 100% Participation We know you have many different priorities competing for your attention each day. To respect your time, we’d like to help you save both time and effort. You’ll are able to approve permission forms and pay for school items, such as field trips, food orders, Spirit Wear, etc., online. It takes just five minutes to register for this service. You can access the service by visiting our school website and clicking on “School Cash Online”. You will need your child’s OEN number to register. It can be found on their most recent report card. You can use School Cash Online with confidence; it is a safe and secure portal. Using School Cash Online, you may never have to search for spare change again! Thanks for your support. Please contact the office if you require any support. September’s Closer Than You Think! We’re already looking ahead to the new school year and will soon begin the process of organizing next year’s classes. In developing our new class structure, our goal is to ensure your children have an outstanding educational experience and the opportunity to develop lasting friendships with their classmates. Much like a family, our classes work best when they include members of differing interests, abilities, and perspectives. This gives students the opportunity to learn from and about each other. These experiences help to open students’ minds to new ideas and new possibilities, allowing them to test limits and develop their true potential. To do this, it’s important for us to look at a number of factors, including: Learning Style: We consider how students learn best and what kind of classroom environment will best support their needs. Ability, Interests, and Talents: All children are unique and have their own set of strengths and abilities. Having a grouping of students whose strengths complement each other will help enhance everyone’s learning. Relationships: We aim to create groups that allow for strong friendships to develop and an environment for effective learning. Parent Input: As parents, you have a unique perspective on your children and their school experience. If you have any information that could help inform our decision, please send it in to the office, in writing, attention to W. Bobinski, Principal by June 1st, 2015. Your input will be considered in relation to the criteria listed above. If you are aware that you are moving over the summer and will not be returning to Grand Avenue in the fall, please let the office know as this helps in class set up. Thanks for your support! Grade 8 Graduation—Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 Mark your calendars!!!! Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 we will be recognizing our Grade 8 Graduates. 5:30 PM Graduation Ceremony 7:00-7:30 PM Reception and Personal Pictures 7:30-8:00 PM Dinner for Graduates and Staff 8:00-9:30 PM Dance Come and share this special evening in recognition of our Grade Eight Graduates. Try to set aside blocks of time at your computer every day for your child(ren) to practice math. Our most recent fundraiser, World’s Finest Chocolates, was a great success! We would like to thank all of the families that supported this fundraiser through their sales or donations. We raised $5,162 which enabled us to contribute $5000 toward technology upgrades in our school. Funds from this and all other School Council fundraising initiatives have supported the following: Classroom Allowance $2300.00 Nutrition Program $200.00 Field trip/event subsidy ($10/student) $2310.00 Playground maintenance $226.56 Technology updates $5000.00 Our School Council works together to implement several fundraisers each year. As a School Council, we discuss goals and objectives for spending the proceeds from these fundraisers. We are looking for some fresh ideas for next school year. If you are interested in being a part of our fundraising subcommittee or would like more information, please contact Marloes Barendregt at NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING SPRING GARDEN CLEAN-UP SUNDAY, MAY 24TH 9 AM—12 PM Please join us on this day to help prepare our gardens for more mulch. Any help is appreciated as many hands make light work. Let’s help keep our school looking “Grand”. Tuesday, May 26th 6:30 p.m. - In the School Library Upcoming Special Lunch Days Thursday, May 14th & Friday, May 29th Thank you to Nicolette Cullen for all of her hard work coordinating our special lunch days and to parent volunteers for making these special lunch days possible. Your commitment and hard work is greatly appreciated! Save the Calling all Grand Avenue families… Date! You are invited to our 2nd Annual GRAND FAMILY PICNIC Enjoy fun, quality family time and meet other families in our school community. There will be many fun activities like jelly bean guess, potato sack races, water balloons, and so much more. There is no cost to this event, so pack a picnic or choose to purchase from our BBQ menu options (details on food order will follow). Where: Grand Avenue School When: Sunday, May 31, 2015 Time: 1 pm to 4 pm What a great way to end a fantastic school year. Bring your family and friends! It will be a blast! More details to follow…stay tuned! Sponsored by Grand Avenue School Council Thank You to All That Attended Our First Power Hour—Math Focus It was an awesome hour of Mathematics! Special thanks to all of the parents that attended. The members of School Council combined with Grand Avenue Staff to utilize funds from the Ministry’s Parent Reaching Out Grant (PRO Grant) that we were successful in attaining through an application process. Funds were spent on providing refreshments for the evening along with the purchase of over $800 worth of Math manipulatives. These manipulatives can be signed out by parents from our School Council Parent Lending Library. More information will follow related to the sign out process and the tools you can use at home with your son/daughter to further develop mathematical skills. Special thanks to Marloes Barendregt and Jen MacDonnell for purchasing the refreshments for the evening. Thanks to our staff members that presented during the evening—Mrs. Koppejan, Mrs. Watt, and Mr. Allington (Instructional Coach). Thanks to intermediate students Emma C. and Matt A. for providing the child care for the hour. Bell Time Change for September 2015 Effective September 8, 2015 the morning school bell time will be 8:30 am and dismissal will be 2:50 pm. This represents a 20 minute shift earlier at the beginning of the school day and a 30 minute shift earlier at the dismissal at the end of the day. The two Nutrition/Fitness Breaks will be 40 minutes in length each instead of 45 minutes. Preliminary transportation arrangements will be communicated with families in May, and families are invited to visit the NSTS website in late August,, for final transportation arrangements effective the first day of school. The primary reason for altering the school day was in response to a request made by Niagara Student Transportation Services (NSTS). NSTS is responsible for planning and administering all transportation services on behalf of the District School Board of Niagara. The mandate of NSTS is to provide safe, effective, and efficient transportation and to ensure transportation expenditures are in line with Ministry of Education funding levels. One of the strategies used by NSTS to achieve efficiencies is to stagger school bell times to plan each bus route to serve two or more schools. Grand Avenue School is one school impacted by bell time changes.
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