*Manuscript Running head: CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 1 Does Cortisol Influence Core Executive Functions? A Meta-Analysis of Acute Cortisol Administration Effects on Working Memory, Inhibition, and SetShifting Grant S. Shields,1 Joseph C. Bonner,1 & Wesley G. Moons2 1 University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, United States of America 2 Moons Analytics, San Diego, CA 92101, United States of America Address correspondence to Grant S. Shields, Department of Psychology, University of California Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616; gsshields@ucdavis.edu Word Count: 5,780 Introduction Word Count: 942 Discussion Word Count: 1,821 References (not including those used in the meta-analysis): 40 CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS Abstract The hormone cortisol is often believed to play a pivotal role in the effects of stress on human cognition. This meta-analysis is an attempt to determine the effects of acute cortisol administration on core executive functions. Drawing on both rodent and stress literatures, we hypothesized that acute cortisol administration would impair working memory and set-shifting but enhance inhibition. Additionally, because cortisol is thought to exert different nongenomic (rapid) and genomic (slow) effects, we further hypothesized that the effects of cortisol would differ as a function of the delay between cortisol administration and cognitive testing. Although the overall analyses were nonsignificant, after separating the rapid, nongenomic effects of cortisol from the slower, genomic effects of cortisol, the rapid effects of cortisol enhanced response inhibition, g+ = 0.113, p = .016, but impaired working memory, g+ = -0.315, p = .008, although these effects reversed over time. Contrary to our hypotheses, there was no effect of cortisol administration on set-shifting. Thus, although we did not find support for the idea that increases in cortisol influence set-shifting, we found that acute increases in cortisol exert differential effects on working memory and inhibition over time. Keywords: Cortisol; Executive Function; Meta-analysis; Working Memory; Inhibition; SetShifting; Executive Attention; Response Inhibition; Cognitive Inhibition; Interference Control; Stress 2 CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 3 1. Introduction 1.1 Executive Function When studying complex cognition in humans, executive function—the construct that underlies our ability to flexibly control our thoughts and actions—comes to the forefront. Executive function is a general ability comprised of three interrelated core processes (Miyake et al., 2000; Diamond, 2013). To enhance clarity, we will use the term ―executive function‖ only to reference the general factor of executive function (that is, the latent ability facilitating performance across all executive function tasks) and use the name of each core executive function when referencing that specific function. The first core executive function is working memory, which allows people to integrate new and old information. Second, inhibition enables both cognitive inhibition (the ability to inhibit irrelevant information and selectively attend to goal-relevant information) and response inhibition (the ability to inhibit a prepotent response). Third, set-shifting allows people to flexibly shift between modes of thought. Core executive functions are assessed using multiple tasks (cf. Diamond, 2013). For example, a common working memory task is the n-back, which requires participants to indicate whether a given stimulus was the same stimulus they were shown n trials previously—thus requiring constant updating of working memory. A common inhibition task is the flanker task, which requires a participant to report the direction of an arrow in the center of the screen, which is flanked by irrelevant arrows either pointing in the same direction or pointing in the opposite direction as the target. The cost in reaction time when the target is flanked by arrows pointing in the opposite direction is an inverse index of inhibition. Finally, a typical set-shifting task is the trail-making test, which requires participants to draw a line connecting numbered circles (e.g., 1-2-3-4-5-6) in one part of the task and a line connecting circles that alternate between numbers and letters (e.g., 1-A-2-B-3-C) in the second part of the task. The difference in time taken to complete the different parts of the task indicates a participant’s mental flexibility. 1.2 Stress, Cortisol, and Executive Function Previous research consistently indicates that stress tends to impair performance on tasks that CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 4 make use of working memory (e.g., Schoofs et al., 2008; Schoofs et al., 2009) and set-shifting (e.g., Alexander et al., 2007; Plessow et al., 2011), although the effects of stress on inhibition are less clear (Scholz et al., 2009; Schwabe et al., 2013). One promising explanation of stress-induced influences on core executive functions is found in the stress hormone cortisol (i.e., Butts et al., 2011). Thus, a discussion of the system governing cortisol is in order. The stress response occurs the moment the brain detects a physical or perceived threat, resulting in the initiation of ―allostasis,‖ or the maintenance of bodily stability through change (McEwen, 2004). Activating one pathway of allostasis, stressors upregulate activity in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, which then secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH); CRH then acts on the pituitary gland and promotes the release of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH); ACTH in turn acts on the adrenal gland to stimulate the synthesis and release of the cortisol (Ulrich-Lai and Herman, 2009). This is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and it is primarily through this system that cortisol is regulated. Acute increases in glucocorticoids—the class of hormones to which cortisol belongs—function primarily to mobilize the body’s resources in order to combat or evade the stress-provoking stimulus. Receptors for glucocorticoids exist throughout the brain and, notably, they are concentrated within brain regions supporting core executive functions (Reul and de Kloet, 1985). The effects of glucocorticoids are variable, however, as glucocorticoids can exert both rapid-acting, nongenomic effects—effects of cortisol brought about without modulation of gene expression—and slow, genomic effects—effects of cortisol brought about by modulation of gene expression—(cf. Joëls et al., 2011). Thus, cortisol can act through multiple pathways to enable the body to combat or evade the stress-inducing stimulus. Despite the interconnection of stress, cortisol, and neural activity, it is unclear whether cortisol actually influences core executive functions. Previous research has indeed found correlations between cortisol and working memory, both at baseline (Li et al., 2006; Franz et al., 2011) and in response to stress (Oei et al., 2006; Taverniers et al., 2010). However, these data are inconsistent: some studies have found CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 5 an inverse relationship between cortisol and working memory (e.g., Oei et al., 2006), whereas others have found a positive relationship (e.g., Stauble et al., 2013). One potential reason for these discrepancies is that cortisol may interact with other components of the stress response to exert effects on cognition (e.g., Schwabe et al., 2012). In contrast, the mediating effects of cortisol in the effects of stress on inhibition are slightly more established, as one previous study found that blocking a receptor for cortisol blocked the effects of stress on inhibition (Schwabe et al., 2013). Nonetheless, it is unclear from the prior study if cortisol is both necessary and sufficient to improve inhibition or if it is simply necessary (and thus not a true cause). Finally, the impairing effects of stress on set-shifting are related to salivary cortisol (Plessow et al., 2011), but the correlational nature of these data preclude causal inferences. Experimentally manipulating cortisol through exogenous administration is a useful method for determining if acute increases in cortisol actually influence core executive functions. Because endogenous cortisol is synthesized outside the brain and readily crosses the blood-brain barrier, exogenously administered cortisol should influence neural processes in the same way as endogenously synthesized cortisol. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis demonstrated that exogenously administered cortisol significantly impairs long-term memory retrieval (Het et al., 2005), illustrating the validity of this methodology for uncovering the effects of cortisol on cognitive processes. 2. Current Research 2.1 Main Hypotheses A number of studies have already investigated the effects of cortisol administration on one or more core executive functions. Thus, our goal in this study is to aggregate these results using metaanalytic techniques in an attempt to determine the true effect of acute cortisol administration on each of the core executive functions. Given the heterogeneous nature of the stress and working memory or inhibition literatures as well as the nascent stress and set-shifting or inhibition literatures, one could argue that no strongly supported a priori hypotheses could be made regarding the effects of stress on core executive functions. Nonetheless, drawing on both rodent and stress literature (Schoofs et al., 2009; Butts CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 6 et al., 2011; Plessow et al., 2011; Schwabe et al., 2013), we hypothesized that acute cortisol administration would impair working memory and set-shifting but enhance inhibition. 2.2 Proposed Moderators Whether or not cortisol evidences an effect on core executive functions may depend on moderating factors. Importantly, the timing of cortisol administration relative to cognitive testing should be considered. As previously mentioned, cortisol is thought to have differential fast and slow effects; as such, analyses exploring the effects of cortisol should consider the delay between cortisol administration and cognitive testing. We also considered a number of additional moderators in this meta-analysis including cortisol dose, participant age and sex, mode of administration, whether the task included an affective component,1 time of day for cognitive testing, outcome type (time or accuracy-based), and study design. We only included studies that employ a methodology of acute cortisol administration to participants. This is in part because effects of acute increases in cortisol likely differ qualitatively from effects of chronic elevations of cortisol (e.g., McEwen, 2004). Consequently, any inferences made from the findings reported here should be constrained to acute increases in cortisol, not chronically high levels of cortisol. 3. Method 3.1 Study Selection and Inclusion Criteria 3.1.1 Literature review. Our search terms for obtaining studies relevant to this meta-analysis consisted of ―hydrocortisone‖, ―cortisol treatment‖, ―cortisol administration‖, or ―exogenous cortisol‖ and ―executive function‖, ―working memory‖, ―updating‖, ―response inhibition‖, ―set-shifting‖, ―attention‖, ―cognitive‖, or ―cognition.‖ We queried and performed an exhaustive search of the following databases: PsycINFO, PsycArticles, PubMed, Proquest Theses and Dissertations: Social Sciences, Web of Science, 1 There was an insufficient number of studies assessing detection/activation but not suppression of emotional material to determine differences of cortisol administration on detection vs. suppression of emotional material. CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 7 University of Alabama Theses and Dissertations, and U.C. Davis Theses and Dissertations. PubMed returned 1,684 results. ProQuest was used to index PsycINFO, PsycArticles, ProQuest Theses and Dissertations, and U.C. Davis Theses and Dissertations, which collectively returned 1,643 results. Similarly, Web of Science returned 218 results, while the University of Alabama Theses and Dissertations returned 64 results. References from relevant articles were reviewed, and studies that were potentially relevant were examined from those references. For all articles considered, we followed Dickerson and Kemeny (2004) in reviewing abstracts and examining full texts whenever an article had the potential to include a relevant effect (that is, whenever a study within an article administered cortisol to participants, the full-text of the article was reviewed to ensure that a relevant effect was not omitted from the abstract and thus this analysis). We also posted announcements to a number of listservs and reviewed conference proceedings for an extensive number of conventions. Corresponding authors of all studies with unpublished relevant results were emailed with a request for unpublished statistics. Authors who responded with these unpublished statistics are listed in the acknowledgements section. 3.1.2 Inclusion criteria. Our seven inclusion criteria for this study were as follows: studies had to (1) acutely (2) administer (3) hydrocortisone—without coadministration of another substance—and/or a placebo to (4) healthy (5) human participants, who then completed (6) a task utilizing one of the core executive functions. (7) If a study used a within-subjects, crossover design, performance on the task utilizing one of the core executive functions had to be separated by at least one day (to reduce confounding the effects of cortisol on learning and practice from the effects of cortisol on core executive functions). We chose these inclusion criteria to best isolate the relationship between cortisol and core executive functions.2 2 Inclusion criterion (1) was chosen to avoid confounding acute increases in cortisol and likely interactions with extant glucocorticoid receptor resistance. We chose criterion (2) because we were interested in the effects of exogenous cortisol administration, not endogenous changes due to other factors. We chose criterion (3) because this allows direct comparison of cortisol administration alone to a control condition. We chose criterion (4) because CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 8 3.1.3 Selected studies. Our search and study inclusion criteria led to the incorporation of 30 studies,3,4 27 of which were published.5 3.2 Coding of Covariates and Moderators Tasks that make use of executive function were coded as one of the three core executive functions based upon previous empirical or theoretical literature suggesting that a given task loaded on one of the factors (working memory, inhibition, or set-shifting) primarily. See Table S3 in the online Supplementary Material for a complete description of task coding. Tasks were considered including an affective component if the task employed affective characteristics or if the task incorporated faces as stimuli. The covariate of dose of hydrocortisone required some conversion between studies, as studies using an intravenous drip provided doses in μg/kg rather than the more common single dosages given in oral form. We thus converted doses given in μg/kg to the equivalent mg dose for typical individuals. To test for differences among moderators, most potential moderators were dummy-coded, including whether the task included an affective component, whether the effect size was derived from repeated measures, mode of cortisol administration, and whether the outcome was a reaction-time or performance-based measure. One potential moderator was contrast-coded—time of cortisol administration—because none of the three groups (morning, early afternoon, and late afternoon) could suitably serve as a reference for the others. Finally, average age of participants, percentage of males, dose of hydrocortisone, and delay in minutes from hydrocortisone administration to cognitive testing6 were mental and physical illness has been linked to glucocorticoid receptor dysregulation. We chose inclusion criterion (5) because executive function in animals, which is an extensively trained ability, may be influenced in different ways than executive function in humans, which is a natural ability. 3 One study was reported in two separate papers (Henckens et al., 2011; Henckens et al., 2012) and was treated as one study for this analysis. 4 One study (Newcomer et al., 1999) explored the effects of chronic cortisol administration. However, we used only the data presented for the effects of cortisol on day 1, presented in a table within the paper. 5 6 A study was considered ―unpublished‖ if the effect was not reported in a published paper. Adding 15 minutes (or similar values) to studies employing intravenous rather than oral cortisol administration did not alter any of the findings presented here. CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 9 treated as continuous variables and centered their respective lowest obtained values, making the intercept (which is the effect size estimate at the lowest value of the covariate) interpretable while controlling for the covariate. If the average participant age was not given in the article, the median participant age was used if it was reported; if neither of these statistics were listed, the midpoint of the reported participant age range was used. 3.3 Analytic Strategy Standardized mean differences were used as the effect size measure of interest. For effect size estimates, we used Hedges’ g rather than Cohen’s d, given that the former is a relatively unbiased estimate of the population standardized mean difference effect size while the latter is a biased estimate. To obtain Hedges’ g, we calculated the effect size from the means, standard deviations, and sample sizes presented in the article. If means and standard deviations were not reported and the design was between-studies, we used t or one-way F statistics to calculate the effect size. If none of these statistics were reported, we emailed corresponding authors for these statistics. If we were unable to contact the corresponding authors for necessary statistics for a study, that study was excluded. For within-studies designs, we converted effect size estimates and their variances into the between-study effect size metric following Morris and DeShon (2002).7 Given the multifaceted nature of executive function, most studies often report more than one outcome for any given task that makes use of a core executive function.8 Multiple outcomes are a 7 We emailed the authors of studies using a repeated-measures design with a request for the correlation of the outcomes under cortisol with the outcomes under placebo. Multiple authors responded with these statistics, but not all. We used RVE to estimate the population correlation from the coefficients emailed to us and used the estimate as the correlation between measures for the repeated-measures studies in which we had not obtained the correlation coefficients. The estimated correlation between all tasks utilizing a core executive function under cortisol with all tasks utilizing a core executive function under placebo was .69, 95% CI [.50, .81]. We conducted sensitivity analyses by using the upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval as the correlation between repeated measures for which we had not obtained the actual correlation. None of the results were significantly from those using the point estimate. 8 Some might suggest that instead of incorporating all reported effect sizes we should select only the critical effect size from each study. However, this approach is only valid if a strong case can be made for doing so (Scammacca et al., 2014). In our meta-analysis this case cannot be made; many of these studies found effects within different CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 10 problem for conventional meta-analytic methods, as averaging effect sizes within studies without accounting for their correlations can alter or obscure true effect size estimates (Scammacca et al., 2014). Thus, we employed the meta-analytic technique of robust variance estimation, a random-effects metaregression that can account for dependence between effect size estimates (Hedges et al., 2010; TannerSmith et al., 2013). This technique robustly estimates effect size weights and standard errors for the given effects, allowing for multiple outcomes within studies (Hedges et al., 2010). We employed the robu() function of the robumeta package in R, version 3.1.1, to conduct these analyses, using the small sample corrections suggested by Tipton (2014) and the correlated weights given by Hedges et al. (2010). To account for dependency between the effect sizes, ρ was set to the recommended .80 (Tanner-Smith and Tipton, 2014).9 Because we were more interested in understanding factors that influenced the relationship between cortisol administration and core executive functions than we were in understanding factors contributing to heterogeneity, covariate analyses do not separate covariates into within- and betweenstudy covariates. Degrees of freedom for all analyses were estimated using the Satterwaite approximation, where df=2/cv2 and cv represents the coefficient of variation, as simulation studies have indicated that this method of estimating degrees of freedom is most analytically valid with the RVE meta-analytic technique (Tipton, 2014). Because of how the degrees of freedom are estimated, if the degrees of freedom are less than four, then there is a heightened risk of a Type I error and the analysis results cannot be trusted to represent population values (Tipton, 2014). For all of the following analyses, a positive effect size indicates that cortisol improved performance on the outcome relative to placebo, whereas a negative performance indicates that cortisol subgroups, and many of these effect sizes reflect a study’s use of multiple measures assessing core executive functions with multiple outcomes. As such, a justification cannot be given for the use of a single effect size from a given study. 9 Because of how the RVE meta-analytic method estimates effect size weights, the designation of ρ at .80 is largely non-consequential; indeed, sensitivity analyses with values of ρ ranging from 0 to 1.0 evidenced no change greater than 0.0001 in absolute value in estimates. CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 11 impaired performance on the outcome relative to placebo. In addition, because the outcome in these analyses is the standardized mean difference between groups (the effect size), a significant covariate means that the effect size estimate depends upon levels of that covariate. In other words, if a covariate is significant, it means that as the covariate increases or decreases, the mean difference between the effect of cortisol compared to placebo on core executive functions increases or decreases. 4. Results 4.1 Preliminary Analyses 4.1.1 Study characteristics. The final sample consisted of 30 studies, each of which is represented by m. Twenty-seven of these studies were published. There were 260 total effect sizes,10 each of which is represented by k. Of these studies, 18 assessed working memory, with k=119. Similarly, 12 of these studies assessed inhibition, with k=59. Finally, 6 of these studies assessed set-shifting, with k=23. 4.1.2 Assessment of publication bias. To assess publication bias, we first compared effect sizes from unpublished work (m=3,k=11) to those of published work (m=27,k=249). This analysis indicated that unpublished studies were of the same magnitude as published studies, t(2.5)=-1.49, p=.25. Second we conducted Egger’s test (Egger et al., 1997) for funnel plot asymmetry on both the overall study set and each core executive function individually. Egger’s test returned nonsignificant results when looking at the overall study set, t(28)=-0.17, p=.87, working memory, t(16)=0.04, p=.97, inhibition, t(21)=-0.45, p=.66, and set-shifting, t(4)=0.61, p=.57, indicating a lack of bias. These results therefore indicate that any effects observed in this meta-analysis are unlikely to be due to publication bias. 4.2 Primary Analyses 4.2.1 Working memory. The overall effect of cortisol administration on tasks primarily utilizing working memory (m=18,k=119) was nonsignificant, g+=-0.043, t(15.4)=-0.69, p=.50, 95% CI [-0.175, 0.090] (Figure 1). There was substantial heterogeneity within studies, I2=67.91, albeit with relatively low 10 Although this may seem like a large number of effects per study, the number of effect sizes per study we obtained is relatively common in social science research (Scammacca et al., 2014). CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 12 between-study heterogeneity, τ2=0.08. This heterogeneity illustrates that the effects exhibited within-study discrepancies that did not translate into between-study differences, as the effect was relatively homogenous between studies. Despite a nonsignificant overall effect, however, after separating the genomic effects of cortisol from its nongenomic effects by controlling for the delay between cortisol administration and cognitive testing, the non-genomic effects of cortisol significantly impaired working memory, g+=-0.315, t(3.8)=5.15, p=.008, 95% CI [-0.488, -0.142]. Although the degrees of freedom in the previous analysis do not quite reach 4.0, the likelihood of making a Type I error only increases at most twofold with df<4 (Tipton, 2014), and given that p<.025 (half of .05) in the previous analysis, inferences are applicable. Similarly, a longer delay between cortisol and cognitive testing improved working memory, B=0.005, t(1.8)=6.07, p=.03 (cf. Figure 2); thus, the unstandardized slope estimate indicates that 74 minutes after cortisol administration, cortisol begins to improve working memory, whereas from 15 to 73 minutes following cortisol administration, cortisol impairs working memory. In the previous significance test, however, the restricted degrees of freedom preclude definitive inference—given an increased likelihood of a Type I error. Notably, however, the effects of cortisol dose did not influence the effect size of cortisol administration on working memory, B=-.001, t(2.1)=-0.78, p=.51. Similarly, there was no evidence for a quadratic relationship between cortisol dose and the effects of cortisol on working memory, B<-.001, t(9.3)=-0.15, p=.88. This lack of association held even when controlling for the time of cortisol administration. Moderator analyses determined that cortisol administration impaired accuracy relative to reaction time outcomes, t(9.9)=2.22, p=.051, as accuracy was significantly impaired after cortisol administration, g+=-0.12, t(12.3)=-2.91, p=.01, while reaction times were not significantly affected, g+=0.13, t(7.5)=0.56, p=.60. However, even when only considering accuracy-based outcomes, the dose of cortisol did not influence the effect size of cortisol on working memory, B=.001, p=.44, nor was there any evidence of a quadratic effect, B<.001, p=.58, indicating that cortisol lacked a dose-response effect for CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 13 influencing accuracy-based working memory performance. Further analyses did not reveal any additional significant covariates (Table 1) or moderators (Table 2) with df>4. 4.2.2 Inhibition. The effect of cortisol administration on tasks primarily utilizing inhibition (m=12,k=61) was nonsignificant, g+=0.055, t(12.9)=1.6, p=.138, 95% CI [-0.020, 0.130] (Figure 3). There was low heterogeneity within the effects, I2=30.80, and low between-study heterogeneity, τ2=0.01, indicating that effect sizes were fairly consistent between studies. Despite a nonsignificant overall effect, however, after separating genomic from nongenomic effects by controlling for the delay between administration and inhibition testing, the fast, nongenomic effects of cortisol administration significantly improved inhibition, g+=0.113, t(9.5)=2.92, p=.016, 95% CI [0.026, 0.201]. Conversely, a longer delay in minutes between cortisol administration and inhibition testing marginally impaired inhibition, B=-0.001, t(1.5)=-4.49, p=.080 (cf. Figure 4). The unstandardized slope estimate is centered at 15 minutes (the lowest obtained value for the delay between cortisol administration and inhibition testing), and it represents the change in the effect size for each minute increase between cortisol administration and inhibition testing. As such, this slope estimate indicates that cortisol improves inhibition from 15 to 135 minutes post-administration, but cortisol begins to impair inhibition after 136 minutes post-administration. However, the restricted degrees of freedom preclude definitive inferences regarding the effect of the delay between cortisol and cognitive testing—given an increased likelihood of Type I error. Notably, however, cortisol dose did not influence the effect size estimate, B=-.003, t(7.0)=-1.89, p=.10, nor was there a quadratic relation between cortisol dose and the effect size, B<-.001, t(3.5)=-0.26, p=.81. This lack of association held even when controlling for the time of cortisol administration. Further analyses did not reveal any additional significant covariates (Table 1) or moderators (Table 2) with df>4. 4.2.3 Set-shifting. Analyzing only the effect sizes related to set-shifting (m=6,k=23) revealed a negligible effect, g+=-0.011, t(4.2)=-0.12, p=.91, 95% CI [-0.266, 0.244] (Figure 5) with low heterogeneity between effects, I2=31.53, τ2=0.03, indicating that the effects of cortisol administration was CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 14 relatively consistent both within and between studies. There were no significant covariates (Table 1) or moderators (Table 2) of the effect size. 4.3 Supplementary Analyses Analyses exploring the effects of cortisol administration over all tasks utilizing one of the core executive functions are presented within the online Supplementary Material. 5. Discussion This is the first comprehensive meta-analysis of the effects of cortisol administration on core executive functions. As hypothesized, we found that acute increases in cortisol impaired working memory but enhanced inhibition, and these effects reversed over time. Contrary to our hypothesis, though, there was no effect of cortisol administration on set-shifting. There was little heterogeneity between effect sizes in analyses of inhibition, and although there was moderate heterogeneity between effect sizes in analyses of working memory and set-shifting, most of this heterogeneity was due to within-study (not betweenstudy) variability—likely reflecting the variety of tasks used within studies—illustrating that the observed effects were largely consistent across studies. Thus, we observed remarkable consistency in the effects of cortisol administration on core executive functions across various studies. We found that the rapid, nongenomic effects of cortisol enhanced inhibition, but the slow, genomic effects of cortisol impaired inhibition. Similarly, the rapid, nongenomic effects of cortisol impaired working memory, whereas the slow, genomic effects of cortisol enhanced working memory. These effects coincide with stress research, which has linked the rapid effects of acute increases in cortisol to enhancements in inhibition (Schwabe et al., 2013) and impairments in working memory (Schoofs et al., 2008). Additionally, the observation that the effect of cortisol on these processes reverses over time may also help to explain some inconsistencies in stress literature, given that some studies have found stress-induced cortisol predicts enhanced working memory (Stauble et al., 2013) or that stress impairs inhibition (Scholz et al., 2009). Thus, the overlap of our working memory and inhibition results with stress literature validates the assumption in much of this literature that cortisol is causally related to CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 15 the effects observed in those studies. 5.1 Discussion of Moderators Despite the overlap with stress research, there was no significant effect of cortisol dose. Although the reasons for this lack of dose-dependent effect are unclear, one potential explanation is that the lack of dose-dependent effects is due to a lack of dose-response studies (with only five included in the above analyses); however, a meta-analysis allows comparisons of effects across studies with different doses of cortisol. Thus, the lack of a dose-response effect is likely as reliable as other potential moderators, such as delay between cortisol administration and cognitive testing. An alternative explanation is that the dosages given in this study do not approximate endogenous cortisol increases following exposure to a stressor. This explanation may have some validity. Although a dose of 10mg produces an increase that approximates a mild stressor (Taylor et al., 2011)—illustrating that the lower range of cortisol doses obtained in this meta-analysis index relatively typical endogenous levels following mild stress—the upper range of dosages given in this meta-analysis are much larger than dosages that approximate moderate to severe stress (i.e., 30mg‒ 40mg). Indeed, after a post hoc restriction of cortisol dose to the upper range approximating a moderate to severe stressor (less than 40mg), marginally significant linear or quadratic (i.e., inverted U shaped) effects emerged for inhibition and working memory, respectively (data not shown). Thus, although this distinction was post hoc, it may be the case that cortisol exerts dosedependent effects to the extent that the increase is relatively typical of an endogenous increase, and, moreover, these dose-dependent effects are eliminated with enormous cortisol increases, potentially due to aberrant recruitment of additional processes to dampen the enormous cortisol response. Other proposed moderators that were not related to the effects of cortisol on core executive functions this study included age, sex, or time of day during cortisol administration. This lack of association was surprising, given how many of these variables influence the effects of cortisol on cognition (e.g., Het et al., 2005). It is tempting to offer speculative explanations for this (e.g., age may interact with health status to alter the association between cortisol and cognition), but these explanations CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 16 go beyond our data. Future research could address this finding by attempting to determine additional moderators influencing another given moderator’s effects on the association between cortisol and working memory or inhibition. 5.2 Caveats One important caveat in interpreting these results is that the effects of cortisol in this metaanalysis are considered in isolation, whereas in the typical stress response cortisol exerts its effects in tandem with alterations in catecholamines, the sympathetic nervous system, and the immune system (Allen et al., 2014). Thus, it may be the case that cortisol interacts with other biological processes to further influence core executive functions. Indeed, there is preliminary support for the idea that cortisol may interact with stress-induced increases in noradrenergic (one type of catecholamine) activity to exert its effects on cognitive processes (Roozendaal et al., 2006; cf. Lupien et al., 2007), perhaps due to effects of noradrenergic activity on attention (cf. Robbins and Arnsten, 2009). For example, studies investigating the conjoint effects of cortisol administration with a noradrenergic agonist have found synergistic effects of administration of these substances on decision-making (Schwabe et al., 2012), although similar interactive effects were not observed for memory encoding or, notably, inhibition (Vasa et al., 2009; van Stegeren et al., 2010). Similarly, stress also increases dopaminergic activity (Robbins and Arnsten, 2009), and dopamine both interacts with cortisol (Mizoguchi et al., 2004) and follows an inverted U to enhance or impair working memory (Robbins and Arnsten, 2009). Put together, these studies provide preliminary support for the idea that the effects of cortisol on core executive functions may be more complex in vivo than is captured in studies of cortisol administration, and therefore the true effects of cortisol on core executive functions may be stronger in magnitude than effects of cortisol administration given in isolation. Thus, it is possible that cortisol may indeed influence set-shifting when considered within the context of the typical stress response. Nonetheless, it is important to note that many studies (i.e., Oei et al., 2006; Plessow et al., 2011) have found associations between cortisol and performance on tasks that make use of core executive functions in the absence of noradrenergic activity. Moreover, the effects CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 17 obtained in our meta-analysis show that cortisol can exert effects on working memory and inhibition independent of other interactive effects. It is also important to note that the effects of cortisol considered here are specific to acute increases. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol contribute to dysregulation of the immune system, multiple hormonal systems, and neural function (McEwen, 2004; Silverman and Sternberg, 2012). This multiple-system dysregulation is thought to bring about structural alterations in neural systems contributing to cognitive impairments (McEwen, 2004; Silverman and Sternberg, 2012). Thus, it is quite likely that chronically elevated cortisol may influence core executive functions, presumably through different pathways than acute elevations in cortisol. Currently, only two studies exist that have considered the effects of chronic cortisol administration in healthy individuals, and they have presented mixed results regarding effects on working memory (Young et al., 1999; Newcomer et al., 1999). Thus, future research should attempt to examine whether sustained stress-related elevations in cortisol might contribute to impairments in core executive functions. Finally, altered performance on tasks that make use of core executive functions does not necessarily imply that performance on tasks that make use of global executive resources, such as planning, playing chess, dieting, or going Christmas shopping will be altered. It is interesting to speculate how the differential influences of cortisol on working memory and inhibition may contribute to performance in tasks common to everyday life. For example, our data could suggest that cortisol may produce a more phenotype of more control (enhanced inhibition) but less capacity (impaired working memory), resulting in perhaps a more cautious action orientation, which may increase success in things such as dieting but decrease success in things such as winning a game of chess. However, these speculations go beyond our data. Future research could thus extend these findings by examining effects of cortisol on tasks common to daily life. 5.3 Limitations This meta-analysis has limitations. First, the substantial heterogeneity of within-study effect sizes CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 18 in working memory and set-shifting analyses coupled with the paucity of evidence for significant covariates or effect size moderators indicates that important covariates may have not been considered. Although both the small heterogeneity in inhibition analyses and small between-study heterogeneity in working memory and set-shifting analyses alleviates the concern of this limitation inasmuch as the inferences made are pertinent to this meta-analysis, this limitation highlights the need to understand additional factors that may influence the relationships of cortisol and the core executive functions of working memory and set-shifting. Second, the diversity of tasks that make use of core executive functions throughout the various studies may have obscured potential effects on a specific task. Third, the study set size of 30 might be thought to lack power to detect an effect. However, the low between-study heterogeneity illustrates remarkable consistency in the observed effects (indicating that more studies would not produce an effect unobserved here), and a study set size of 30 is relatively large in comparison to other similar meta-analyses (e.g., Het et al., 2005; Steptoe et al., 2007). As such, while 30 studies is less than ideal, it represents a sizeable number of studies that can be used to make inferences about effects of cortisol administration. Fourth, the neural substrates underpinning core executive functions may be more sensitive to the effects of cortisol administration than are tasks that make use of core executive functions, and these neural substrates may evidence an effect that is hidden by performance on broad cognitive tasks—given that the neural substrates are closer to the source of potential modulation. Fifth, this metaanalysis could not assess potential differences in detection versus suppression of emotional material following cortisol administration due to an insufficient number of studies assessing detection of emotional information without also assessing suppression of that information; thus, this meta-analysis cannot determine whether cortisol differentially modulates detection versus suppression of emotional information. Sixth, some might suggest that different core executive functions should have been chosen for analysis, since it is possible a different analytic strategy would have returned different results. However, the core executive functions chosen for analysis are each and every core executive function discussed in a major recent review of executive function (Diamond, 2013; see also Miyake et al., 2000); CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 19 as such, while a different strategy may have produced different results, the strategy chosen for analysis is the most theoretically supported strategy. Finally, the effects examined in this study were restricted to acute administrations of cortisol given in isolation. As discussed previously, cortisol may interact with other components of the stress response to modulate cognitive function, which is not something this metaanalysis can address. 6. Conclusion We found that acute increases in cortisol impair working memory and enhance inhibition, and these effects reverse over time. Contrary to our hypothesis, however, there was no effect of cortisol administration on set-shifting. These findings inform future research by suggesting a timescale in which experiments should assess working memory and inhibition following stress, depending upon the effect of cortisol desired. CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS Acknowledgments This research was supported by a U.C. Davis Provost’s Fellowship to Grant S. Shields and a Hellman Foundation Fellowship to Wesley G. Moons. The authors wish to thank Heather Abercrombie, Claudia Buss, Mark Ellenbogen, Dirk Hellhammer, Robert Kumsta, Sonia Lupien, Christopher Monk, Peter Putman, Catherine Symonds, Veronique Taylor, Marieke Tollenaar, Oliver Wolf, and Stefan Wüst for providing us with requested unpublished or additional statistics from their work. 20 CORTISOL AND CORE EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS 21 Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis Abercrombie, H.C., Kalin, N.H., Thurow, M.E., Rosenkranz, M.A., Davidson, R.J., 2003. [Unpublished data referenced in the published paper, ―Cortisol variation in humans affects memory for emotionally laden and neutral information‖]. Unpublished raw data. Bertsch, K., Böhnke, R., Kruk, M.R., Richter, S., Naumann, E., 2011. Exogenous cortisol facilitates responses to social threat under high provocation. Horm. Behav. 5, 428-434. Breitberg, A., Drevets, W.C., Wood, S.E., Mah, L., Schulkin, J., Sahakian, B.J., Erickson, K., 2013. 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Covariate effects on the relation between cortisol and core executive functions. Variable B β .001 .02 g+ (SE) Controlling for Covariate t df p 0.37 11.4 .72 -1.24 6.6 .24 6.07 1.8 .03 -5.15 3.83 .008 0.76 2.1 .52 -1.86 2.6 .17 -0.78 2.1 .51 -0.17 10.8 .87 -0.15 9.3 .88 -0.21 7.2 .84 -2.2 2.6 .13 0.57 12.6 .58 0.14 11.1 .89 0.86 4.9 .43 -4.49 1.5 .08 2.92 9.5 .02 0.73 3.6 .51 2.10 8.5 .07 -1.89 7.0 .10 2.85 7.6 .02 -0.26 3.5 .81 2.12 5.1 .09 0.97 3.4 .40 0.51 16.1 .62 0.95 2.4 .43 -0.75 1.4 .56 Working Memory Percent Male Participants Range: 0‒100 Delay Between Cortisol and Test -.07 (.06) .005 .12 Range: 15‒240 Quadratic Delay -.32 (.06) < .001 -.05 -.24 (.13) Cortisol Dose -.001 -.03 Range: 3.567‒120 Quadratic Cortisol Dose -.01 (.08) < -.001 -.04 -.03 (.14) Participant Age -.006 -.05 Range: 20.4‒75.5 .05 (.09) Inhibition Percent Male Participants < .001 < .01 Range: 0‒100 Delay Between Cortisol and Test .05 (.05) -.001 -.12 Range: 15‒540 Quadratic Delay .11 (.04) < .001 .10 .14 (.07) Cortisol Dose -.003 -.08 Range: 10-100 Quadratic Cortisol Dose .11 (.04) < -.001 -.10 .10 (.05) Participant Age .002 .02 Range: 20.1‒75.5 .03 (.05) Set-Shifting Percent Male Participants Range: 0‒100 .003 .13 -.20 (.27) Delay Between Cortisol and Test < .001 .06 Range: 60‒540 Quadratic Delay -.04 (.11) < .001 NAa .14 (.10) Cortisol Dose -.004 -.13 Range: 13.33‒120 Quadratic Cortisol Dose .11 (.06) < -.001 -.25 .06 (.14) Participant Age Range: 22.2‒75.5 .001 .01 -.03 (.19) 0.56 1.2 .66 -0.36 3.4 .74 1.62 2.2 .24 1.37 1.0 .40 -2.54 1.8 .14 1.87 2.4 .18 -0.40 2.1 .73 0.45 2.5 .69 0.19 2.7 .86 -0.13 3.0 .90 Note: B = unstandardized slope; β = standardized slope; g+ = effect size; SE = standard error of the effect size; t = t test statistic for test determining whether the effect size differs from zero; df = degrees of freedom for t test; p = p value for t test. Marginal or significant p values are in boldface. If df < 4, there is up to an 10% risk of Type I error, given how df are estimated. Linear associations are reported without controlling for quadratic effects. Superscript a entails that the model was unsolvable. Table 2. Moderator analyses of the effects of cortisol on executive function. g+ SE df p m k Nonemotive -.03 .05 15.0 .57 18 107 Emotive .11 .56 2.0 .86 3 12 Reaction Time .13 .23 7.5 .60 9 74 Accuracy -.12* .04 12.3 .01 15 45 Repeated Measures -.05 .03 3.9 .15 12 38 Between Groups .11 .24 5.0 .67 6 81 Intravenous/Injection -.15 .09 3.1 .19 5 68 Oral -.01 .08 11.1 .86 13 51 Morning -.12 .11 3.4 .33 5 53 Mid-Afternoon .09 .17 4.9 .60 6 38 Late Afternoon -.06 .09 5.3 .52 7 28 Nonemotive .01 .05 10.5 .89 14 72 Emotive .12† .05 6.0 .06 11 46 Reaction Time .07 .04 6.6 .13 15 58 Accuracy -.03 .05 11.5 .58 15 60 Repeated Measures .07† .04 6.9 .07 14 73 Between Groups -.05 .10 7.5 .64 9 45 Intravenous/Injection -.02 .06 2.4 .82 4 42 Oral .06 .04 11.0 .13 19 76 Variable Working Memory Emotive Task Reaction Time vs. Accuracy a Study Design Mode of Administration Time of Treatment Inhibition Emotive Task Reaction Time vs. Accuracy Study Design Mode of Administration Time of Treatment Morning .03 .03 1.2 .42 4 16 Mid-Afternoon -.05 .10 5.2 .63 7 41 Late Afternoon .08 .05 7.7 .13 12 61 Nonemotive -.02 .09 3.1 .86 5 7 Emotive <.01 .07 1.0 .96 1 16 Reaction Time .04 .18 1.9 .83 3 10 Accuracy -.08 .11 3.6 .49 5 13 Repeated Measures -.08 .11 2.8 .54 4 20 Between Groups .22 .06 3.9 .16 2 3 Intravenous/Injection <.01 <.01 1.0 .56 2 17 Oral -.02 .15 2.5 .91 4 6 Morning .04 .04 1.0 .51 2 2 Mid-Afternoon <.01 .07 1.0 .96 1 16 Late Afternoon -.04 .24 1.9 .88 3 5 Set-Shifting Emotive Task Reaction Time vs. Accuracy Study Design Mode of Administration Time of Treatment Note: †p<.10; *p<.05; Superscript a indicates that the two groups differ at p = .051. g+ = effect size of the respective group; SE = standard error of the effect size; ; t = t test statistic for test determining whether the effect size differs from zero; df = degrees of freedom for t test; p = p value for t test; m = number of studies in the analysis, k = number of effect sizes in the analysis. If df < 4, there is up to an 10% risk of Type I error, given how df are estimated. Figure(s) Working Memory Figure 1. Forest plot of working memory study-average effect sizes by weight. The grand effect was nonsignificant, g+= -.04, p=.50. Numbers on the Y axis correspond to the studies listed below. 1 7 13 2 8 14 Breitberg et al. (2013) Entringer et al. (2009) 3 Henckens et al. (2011; 2012) 4 Kuhlmann and Wolf (2005) 5 Kuhlmann et al. (2005) 6 Kumsta et al. (2010) Lupien et al. (1999) Monk and Nelson (2002) 9 Oei et al. (2009) 10 Porter et al. (2002) 11 Symonds et al. (2012) 12 Terfehr et al. (2011) Tollenaar et al. (2009) Tops et al. (2006) 15 Vaz et al. (2011) 16 Wingenfeld et al. (2011) 17 Wolf et al. (2001) 18 Yehuda et al. (2007) Figure 2. Association between the study-average, non-centered delay of cortisol administration and the study-average effect size for working memory. Size of point represents the effect size weight. Cortisol administration impaired working memory at short delays but enhanced working memory over long delays. Inhibition Figure 3. Forest plot of inhibition study-average effect sizes by weight. The grand effect was nonsignificant, g+=.05, p=.14. Numbers on the Y axis correspond to the studies listed below. 1 9 17 2 10 18 Abercrombie et al. (2003) Bertsch et al. (2011) 3 Breitberg et al. (2013) 4 Buss et al. (2004) 5 Carvalho Fernando et al. (2013) 6 Henckens et al. (2011) 7 Hsu et al. (2003) 8 Kuhlmann and Wolf (2005) Kuhlmann et al. (2005) Monk and Nelson (2002) 11 Newcomer et al. (1999) 12 Porter et al. (2002) 13 Putman and Berling (2011) 14 Putman et al. (2007) 15 Putman et al. (2010) 16 Schlosser et al. (2013) Taylor et al. (2011) Tollenaar et al. (2009) 19 Tops et al. (2006) 20 Vasa et al. (2009) 21 Vaz et al. (2011) 22 Wolf et al. (2001) 23 Yehuda et al. (2007) Figure 4. Association between the study-average, non-centered delay of cortisol administration and the study-average effect size for inhibition. Size of point represents the effect size weight. Cortisol administration enhanced inhibition at short delays but impaired it over long delays. Removing the outlying study did not influence the results; this outlying study thus provides a nice illustration of the accuracy of the slope estimate. Set-Shifting Figure 5. Forest plot of set-shifting study-average effect sizes by weight. The grand effect was nonsignificant, g+= -.01, p=.91. Numbers on the Y axis correspond to the studies listed below. 1 Breitberg et al. (2013) 2 Newcomer et al. (1999) 3 Porter et al. (2002) 4 Vaz et al. (2011) 5 6 Wingenfeld et al. (2011) Yehuda et al. (2007)
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