Christensen Sales Corp.,

Thursday, April 16 - 10:30 A.M.
Lunch on grounds
Located from Auburndale, WI: 1 mile West on CTH P (old Hwy 10) to Shady Rd., then
1 mile North on Shady Rd. to farm.
Note: Farm has been sold and the following farm machinery will be sold at public
(2) IH 1086 diesel tractors w/cabs, dual hyd. & pto, Farmall 656 diesel tractor w/narrow
front & 4200 hrs., Gehl 7800 Turbo diesel skid steer w/2 sp. trans. & hyd. outlets, Gehl
4835 SXT diesel skid steer, Farmall 656 gas tractor w/narrow front & 3 pt., NH 790
chopper w/hay head, NH 790 chopper w/NH 824 2 row corn head, NH 492 9’ haybine,
H&S 860 540 pto blower, Hayrite 44’ hay elevator w/transport, Meyers 3516 16’ steel
right hand unload chopper box w/Meyers 12 tn. tandem wg., Miller-Pro 3100 16’ steel
chopper box w/12 tn. wg., H&S 7+4 16’ steel right hand unload chopper box w/H&S
10 tn. wg., Miller–Pro 16’ right hand unload chopper box w/Kory 12 tn. wg., Miller-Pro
4100 16’ steel chopper box w/12 tn. tandem wg. (needs repair), Kasten 14’ WF chopper
box w/8 tn. wg., H&S 7+4 16’ steel chopper box w/Knoweles 12 tn. wg. (needs repair),
Pequea 916 steel bale throw rack w/wg., Forage King steel bale throw rack w/wg., H&S
steel bale throw rack w/wg., Sunflower 7 shank 10’ disc-chisel w/rear leveler, IH 710
4x16 SAR plow, IH 700 4x16 semi-mount plow, White 12’ S.D. grain drill w/rear grass,
Pittsburg 10’ cultimulcher, Miller 15’ wheel disk w/serrated front blades, NI 3732 tandem
axle manure spreader w/hyd. end gate, gravity box w/wg., Bush Hog RD5 5’ 3 pt. rotary
mower (exc. cond.), Gehl 5 wheel rake, 4 section spike tooth drag, 2 wheel bumper hitch
cattle trailer, 6 tn. running gear, 20’ feeder wg.
Special & Misc. Items
8’x14’ insulated chicken coop on skids (exc. cond.), 10’ hay bunk feeder on skids, (2)
Loyal poly super hutches, 750 bu. wire corn crib, 250 gal. fuel barrel w/stand, VanDale
gas bedding chopper, milk plate cooler, misc. steel feeder panels, (15) poly calf hutches,
(2) 8’ x 32” concrete culverts, 4 tn. poly bulk feed bin, Loyal 30’x9” feed conveyor
w/poly liner, old Jamesway cupola, asst. of seed (grass, Alf. & corn), (13) tie stalls
(taken out), (15) milk cans (very good cond.), 3 round bale feeders, 1 tn. poly feed bin,
misc. tires, silo pipe, barbed wire, some power & hand tools, feed carts, tractor chains,
80 trainers, bedding chopper, breeding wheel, 16’x30’ hay elevator, 16’ grain auger, 2
Alamo milker pumps, 7 pcs. 30’ SS 2” pipeline, 2 silo unloader motors, 10 Surge milking
units, Surge milk house equip., control boxes, glass balls, 8 pcs. 12’ SS 2” pipeline, 6+
pcs. 4” airline, SS tractor muffler, 1 mitre box, 2 oak interior doors, 2 oak interior bi-fold
doors, 30 sheets 5/8” used plywood, 26 gal. upright air comp. (like new), misc. 2x12
and 2x4 lumber, 8-10 misc. replacement windows, 800 gal. bulk tank, entertainment
center, other misc.
(10) lg. round bales of soybean bedding, (4) lg. round bales of straw, approx. 150 small
square straw bales,
Gordon Farms – Owner (715) 652-2491
10886 Shady Rd., Auburndale, WI
Terms: All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check. If credit is desired,
contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.
Christensen Sales Corp.,
Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers
Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191
(715) 223-6345 Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33