www.grassvalleyelks.org BE A PROPOSER April 2015 VOLUNTEER ATTEND MEETINGS Volume 21 - Number 4 We have 114 years of continuous Charitable Contributions to the Community, and we are one of the oldest and still operating Elk Lodges in the Nation. Our Lodge History has been long and rich as we remember the valiant deeds of our Absent Members. Lodge Officers Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Esquire Chaplin Inner Guard Tiler Treasurer Secretary Organist Bill Convis Terii Dionne Eddie Haskins Bill Heck Mike Kochis Kathy Sandiforth Susan Haskins Hardy Schwarz Jerry Maxwell Julie Slaten Darlene Grenz bconvis@sierracrm.com tdionne8@gmail.com ehaskgv@yahoo.com rbheck@gmail.com n.u.miner1973@gmail.com kaylesgv@sbcglobal.net susan1659@msn.com jleeschw@hotmail.com 273-2053 secretary@grassvalleyelks.org Trustees Trustee 1 yr. Trustee 2 yr. Trustee 3 yr. Trustee 4 yr. Trustee 5 yr. Will Grenz Dan Davis Jack Johnson Ed Molineaux Jim Darnell wg7@theunion.net 272-4110 272-4559 277-2270 jdarnell71@hotmail.com Committee Chairpersons Auditing & Accounting Activities Committee Fraternal Committee Standing Relief Com Accident Prevention Birthdays for April: Vacant Bill Convis Vacant Bill Convis Jim Darnell bconvis@sierracrm.com bconvis@sierracrm.com 392-0523 P.E.R.’s William Stewart Jay Nau Ed Bourne “Red” Maurath Joaquin Aguilar Larry Aguilar James Allen Glen Chileski James George James Moore Hartmut Schwarz William Thomas PER Year 2012, 2013 2010, 2011 2009 2002 1999 1978 1967 1988 1983 1986, 2003 1998, 2007 1966 37 8 25 25 50 39 51 43 34 38 15 54 # years member April 5 April 11 April 14 April 15 April 23 April 23 April 24 April 26 Ken Cook Jerry Maxwell James George William Wilson Gary Petersen Leo Todd Lowell Robinson Martin Kijula Grass Valley Elks Lodge #538 April Birthday List Subcommittee Chairpersons Accident Prevention Americanism Apartment Manager Bar Manager Bill’s Wheels Bingo Bingo Kitchen Boy Scouts Bulletin Editor/Publisher Christmas Baskets Christmas Party Drug Awareness Elks Picnic Elk Training ENF Fire Fighter Dinner Flag Day Gov. Relations Hoop Shot Indoctrination Investigation Lapsation Law Enforce. Dinner Memorial Service Membership Mother’s Day Nat’l Veteran’s P.E.R. Assoc. Presiding Justice Purple Pig Public Relations Ritual Training Scholarship Soccer Shoot Taco Nite Web Master Youth Activities Jim Darnell 392-0523 Jim Moore Chad Wingo Bill Dobbins fuzzyroscoe39@live.com chadwingo@yahoo.com 273-1550 Brian Hoyle Jim Bowman Bill Convis Jim Bowman Lady Elk’s jim@adventurec.com bconvis@sierracrm.com jim@adventurec.com bjchallic@oro.net Cindy Homa cindyn@theunion.com Bill Convis Chad Wingo Brian Hoyle bconvis@sierracrm.com chadwingo@yahoo.com brhoyle@msn.com Julie Slaten secretary@grassvalleyelks.org Bill Convis Julie Slaten Bill Convis Bill Dobbin/Dan Davis bconvis@sierracrm.com secreatry@grassvalleyelks.org bconvis@sierracrm.com 273-1550 / 272-4110 Bill Philips Terii Dionne Cindy Homa Jim Moore Mike Kochis Darrell Echols tdionne8@gmail.com cindyn@theunion.com fuzzyroscoe39@live.com n.u.miner1973@gmail.com dwechols@gmail.com Bill Convis bconvis@sierracrm.com Bulletin Articles Deadline th Is the 15 of the Month Articles are due to Bill Convis by 15th (PLEASE!) bconvis@sierracrm.com Lodge Meetings Social Quarters Bar Open 5:00 pm Lodge Dinners – 6:00 pm Lodge Meetings – 7:00 pm (Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesdays) For reservations call 273-9228 or email: secretary@grassvalleyElks.org From the Desk of the Exalted Ruler Another late March and here I go again, standing next to a bunch of great people on a Sunday morning, taking the Oath of Office for an Elks officer’s position. The transition from Leading Knight to Exalted Ruler is a common move in Elkdom. I am honored to be your newly elected Exalted Ruler and hope my year as leader of the Lodge is a successful one. Thank you Terii, Bill, Eddie, Susan, Mike, Kathy, Hardy, Jim, Will, Ed, Jack and Dan for taking on a role in our Lodge that will make you proud and make this Lodge a pillar in our community. When I sat down to write my acceptance speech, my intention was to keep it positive, optimistic and funny. As I delivered the speech on Sunday, I could see I hit on these points. Our lodge has 114 years of Service to our Community. From the very beginning when Mr. Kidder was our Exalted Ruler our members either drove old jalopies to the Lodge or rode their horses to attend social events. Our Lodge, standing at the corner of West Main Street and Church Street has become known as a place where members can gather for a drink, game of pool, lively political debate or a game of poker. Let’s keep that tradition going. It is time to open the Lodge on Friday afternoons for Pool , Beverages, Sports on TV, and in general just great camaraderie. Right off the bat – we have two new members to be initiated this month. These will be held on April 15th. Please consider attending meetings if you have been sitting home with remote control in hand on Wednesday nights. How wonderful it would be if we had a full house in the Lodge room for two new members. The usual events along with a bunch of new happenings are planned for this April including: Lodge Meetings on the 1st and 15th Bingo on Every Thursday Taco Night on the third Thursday Boy Scout Meetings Friday night Dances Master Gardners Science Fair in the Ballroom Sportsman Meeting Kate Richiger is doing an outstanding job of booking events at our Lodge. The last weekend of the month Terii Dionne, Julie Slaten and I will be attending the DD Clinic in Susanville. See you all soon at the Lodge! Bill Convis, Exalted Ruler April Calendar 2015 The scouts held their customary Monday night meetings the 2nd and 4th Monday this month. In addition to that, the scouts helped out on Taco night. Big Brothers / Big Sisters held their Bowling tournament for a fund raiser and four of our Scouts attended this event and raised money for Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Here we have Kodi Hoyle, Zack Diltz, John Convis and John Stroop at Prosperity Lanes during the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl – A – Thon Our Scout Troop on a 5 mile hike through Empire Mine on Saturday March 14th A very busy March for our Lodge. We had our awards dinner and Initiation of new Officers. Here we have Brian Hoyle receiving his Elk of the Year award and Jodi Hoyle receiving Citizen of the Year award. Congratulations to both of them. Officer of the Year – Bill Stewart Initiation on Sunday March 29. Bob Souza from the Auburn Lodge and his team delivered the ceremony to the new crew. Thank You Bob, Phil, Gene, Kevin, Vinney, and all the rest from the Auburn and Quincy Lodges. Our new officers from left: Susan Haskins, Jerry Maxwell, Mike Kochis, Julie Slaten, Terii Dionne, Bill Convis and Eddie Haskins Our Lodge Organist – Darlene Grenz Support your Lodge Come to Meetings and Events!! Big Bucks Drawing March 18th Glen Welz - $100 Hardy Schwarz - $25.00 March Volunteers Without volunteers this Lodge would not exist. These are the people that volunteered during the Month of March. Thank you. Jerry Maxwell Kate Richiger Mike Kochis Phil English Dwayne Honey Jodi Hoyle Karen Miellar Girl Scouts Jack’s Friend Sally Convis Scotty Norris Lady Elks Debba Boles Kathy Madeiros Bill Dobbins Ed Bourne Terri Dionne Chad Wingo Julie Slaten Larry Hoyle Bill Stewart Jim Darnell Raquel Rutter Bill Convis John Madeiros Bill Heck Jim Moore Brian Hoyle Barbara Hensley Boy Scouts Jack Johnson Harry Johnson Paul Toth Joe Hernandez These are the people that make your Lodge run. We sincerely hope that no one was missed. It looks like a lot of people but we still need assistance in the kitchen on Taco Night and Bingo Night. We are always looking for assistance on Bingo night. Bingo eats up a lot of people since it’s once a week. We Thank You! The article below is a reprint from the April. 2015 Grand Lodge Newsleter Budget a financial road map to successful Lodge year Message from the Grand Exalted Ruler, John D. Amen April brings with it the start of a new Lodge year. In this month our Trustees or Board of Directors is charged with one of its most important duties: to present to the Lodge a segregated budget for the year. This important task must be approved and accepted by the Lodge at either the meeting in which it is presented or at the next meeting if revision to the budget is necessary. This budget will be the financial road map for the Lodge for the ensuing year and must be repeatedly referred to for assessing your progress. Additionally, the Lodge Officers must “buy in” to the Lodge plan for achieving a plus-one gain in membership for the year ending March 31, 2016. The earlier you start, the better your results will be. Do not rely solely on the Lodge Secretary to handle all recruitment, reinstatement and delinquency duties. These are not his or her exclusive statutory duties. In recent years many other mandatory requirements have been placed under the Secretary; so, Exalted Ruler, please appoint an active membership committee. If your Lodge has achieved my goal of $4.60 per Member in donations to Elks National Foundation, you are eligible for a Gratitude Grant, and there is still time to secure the grant. Do not let community members in need miss out on your important service! Applications are due May 31. Visit http://www.elks.org/enf/ community for details. Another duty of the Exalted Ruler and Lodge Officers is to set goals and then periodically measure your progress to ensure a successful year. Last, remember that it is imperative that you follow the Elks Statutes in your Lodge. It is of utmost importance in achieving fidelity to your sworn Obligation. If you are confused with the requirements of the Statutes then first check with your Exalted Ruler who may need to touch base with the District Deputy, who may need to consult with a District Leader, District Advisor, Special Deputy or the Area Committee on Judiciary Lawyer. All troubles can be avoided by adherence to the Statutes. Marcia and I hope to see you during our visits. April 2015 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 13th 14th 15th 20th 23rd 24th 26th 30th Lodge Dinner – 6PM Lodge Meeting – 7PM Bingo Dance – 6PM – Midnight Wood Carvers 9-5:30 Master Gardeners Science Fair Science Fair Family Night Dinner Science Fair Bingo Girl Scouts Daddy / Daughter Dance 5PM – 8PM Private Party Boy Scout Meeting – 6:30 House Committee Meeting 6PM Girl Scouts – 6:30 PM Sportsmen Meeting 5:00 pm – Trustees Meeting 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Meeting Taco Night / Girl Scouts Bingo Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts – 6:30 Ritual Contest – Susanville DD Clinic – Susanville Bingo 1st 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting 15th 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner 7:00 pm – Lodge Meeting Scout Meetings April 6th, April 13th and April 27th 6:30-8 PM House Committee Meetings April 13th – 6:00 PM Trustee Meeting April 15th– 5:00 PM April Menu 1st Lodge Dinner Chicken Asparagus Salad Desert 8th 15th Family Dinner Fish and Chips Lodge Dinner Initiation Dinner Steak Dinner 20th Taco Night 23rd Spaghetti Kate Richiger Grass Valley Elks Lodge #538 109 S. School Street Grass Valley, CA 95945
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