GREATER GREEN BAY FIGURE SKATING CLUB TESTING APPLICATION Test Date: Friday, August 21, 2015 Cornerstone Community Center GGBFSC Members Application Due Date: Aug. 3, 2015 (received date, NOT post mark date.) Application Due Date: Aug. 10, 2015 or until test session is full. NAME USFS # ADDRESS CITY MUST BE PROVIDED! ST ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________PHONE #_______________ CLUB _________________________________ SKATER’S SIGNATURE(OR PARENT IF SKATER IS UNDER 18)_____________________ PRIMARY COACH’S SIGNATURE ____________________ AND USFS #_____________ E-MAIL ____________________________ DANCE COACH’S SIGNATURE ____________________ AND USFS #_____________ E-MAIL ____________________________ Coaches must be registered as a coach with USFS to coach at all USFS events– registration will be checked with USFS - Pick up credentials at registration – must be worn in all coaching areas) All GGBFSC member families having one or more skaters participating in this test session must put in at least 1 service hour in support of this test session, regardless of the number of tests being taken. If a member family does not complete 1 hour of service, you will be billed $15.00, per club policy. If you think you will have a conflict with volunteering, please contact a test chair as soon as possible. We may have other ways for you to fulfill this requirement. Check or highlight the box(es) of the test(s) you wish to take: Test Cost Moves Pre-Preliminary Preliminary/Adult pre-bronze Pre-Juvenile/Adult bronze Juvenile/Adult silver Intermediate/ Adult gold Novice Junior Senior Freestyle Pre-Preliminary Preliminary/Adult Pre-bronze Pre-Juvenile/Adult bronze Juvenile/Adult silver Intermediate/Adult gold Novice Junior Senior Test Cost Partner Fee Test Cost Partner Fee $35 $35 Preliminary Dutch Waltz Canasata Tango $35 $35 $15 $15 Silver American Waltz Tango $55 $55 $25 $25 $45 Rhythm Blues $35 $15 Rocker Fox Trot $55 $25 $45 Pre Bronze $55 Swing Dance $40 $15 Kilian $60 $25 $55 $65 $65 $40 $40 $15 $15 $25 $25 $25 $45 $45 $45 $20 $20 $20 $70 $70 $30 $30 $35 Pre-Silver Blues Paso Doble Starlight Waltz Gold Viennese Waltz Westminster Waltz Quick Step $60 $60 $60 $25 $30 Cha Cha Fiesta Tango Bronze Hickory Hoedown Willow Waltz Ten Fox $70 $30 $40 Fourteen Step $50 $20 Argentine Tango $70 $30 $45 European Waltz $50 $20 International $50 $55 $60 Foxtrot $50 $20 List Name below $755 $35$ Pre Gold . List Name of International Dance or test not listed above:_____________________ Dance partner: Andrew Beck I choose to provide my own dance partner. Name of partner: _____________________________. If you choose your own partner you are responsible for your own practice time and payment of partner fees directly to your partner. Page 1 of 2 Practice Ice: Practice ice will be available at the De Pere Ice Center on Wednesday and Thursday. Cost is $20.00 per hour for non-GGBFSC members, and $13 per hours for GGBFSC members. Partner Practice: Partner Practice will be scheduled between on Wednesday or Thursday. If there is a time of day you cannot practice, please mark the off the box below. We will do our best to accommodate, however, if you do not show up for your scheduled time, without contacting a test chair, you will still be charged and must pay the balance due prior to testing. Mark the time you CANNOT practice: Wednesday Thursday 9am – 12pm 1-4pm 4-8pm Payment: Payment must be received with the testing application. Application must be completed fully, or will not be a valid test application. No changes to your testing application will be accepted after Aug. 3, 2015. Also, no refunds will be given for tests that are withdrawn after this date (unless your spot can be filled with another skater.) Please note that partner practice fees are in addition to the test and partner fees. The fee is approximately $20 per 15 minutes of lesson time and will be determined at the time of scheduling. More time is given for high dance test levels, thus the fee will be higher. Test Cost $ Partner Fees $ *Non-Wisconsin $ Figure Skating Council Club Fee $20.00. Late Fee if received $ after the closing date. Judge Fee $10.00 (required) Total Due $ *Please pay this fee if your club is NOT a member of the Wisconsin Figure Skating Council. Make checks payable to the GGBFSC and mail forms to: Jennifer Kreuser 1661 Happiness Circle Green Bay, WI 54311 All payments for testing and practice times should be made by check. This is so we can keep better track of who pays what. This is for you protection. If the test session fills and you are not able to test, your check will be shredded. Questions: email Kristin at (preferred) or call 920-639-1914 before 8:30pm. ***NON-GGBFSC or NON-VFSC testers*** PERMISSION TO TEST MUST must be obtained from your home club test chair. Permission to test: (Skater in good standing with Club/USFS and Eligible to test according to 2014 USFS Rulebook criteria) as indicated by signature of Test Chair. (Email permission is acceptable)Home Club Test Chair’s Signature _____________________________________Date_________ Page 2 of 2
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