Kindergarten Central Enrolment Information for 2016 The Greater Shepparton City Council coordinates kindergarten central enrolments for centres providing a funded kindergarten program in Greater Shepparton. There are currently 33 kindergarten programs offered with a variety of locations, programs and management structures. They establish their own programs, activities, fee structures etc., to reflect the needs of their community. All services welcome and encouraged parents/guardians to come and visit their preferred kindergarten, to meet with the educators and discuss relevant issues prior to enrolment. So we can ensure our educators are not disrupted from their work with the children we encourage you to ring and make a time with the educators so you have their full attention. Kindergarten Age Eligibility Table Birth dates Kindergarten year Enrol by School year Up to 30/4/2012 2016 31 July 2015 2017 The above is a guide only and parents should consult their Early Childhood professional or Maternal and Child Health Nurse for further information. KINDERGARTEN APPLICATION Principle The aim of this policy is to ensure the fair allocation of kindergarten places for those kindergartens participating in the Greater Shepparton City Council Central Enrolment, ensuring allocations meet the requirements of the Department of Education and Training (DET), the Department of Employment, Department of Education and the National Discrimination Laws. Guidelines 1. Children who will have their fourth birthday by 30 April in the year of attendance at a state funded kindergarten are eligible for enrolment. 2. Applications for Early Start kindergarten are open to children who are three (3) years old. 3.Applications for the initial allocation of places close on 31 July of the year prior to the year of attendance at kindergarten. 4. Only enrolments made on the current Kindergarten Central Enrolment Form will be accepted. Parents/ Guardians should indicate their first choice of kindergarten. Applications can be lodged: In person to: Online: Children’s and Youth Services Visit the Council website Greater Shepparton City Council 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton By post to: Greater Shepparton City Council Locked Bag 1000 Shepparton Vic 3632 Enrolment forms are only valid after being date stamped or verified by the Central Enrolment Officer at the Council Office, 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton. You will receive a letter or email stating that the Enrolment Officer has received your enrolment form. 5.Parents will be notified in writing by the kindergarten of placement by 4 September 2015. If confirmation to accept the place is not received by the kindergarten by the notified date, the place will be offered to the next child on the kindergarten waiting list. 6.Where vacancies occur at a kindergarten, a place is offered to the first child on that kindergarten’s waiting list, based on the priority of access criteria. 7.Final acceptance of a child at any kindergarten is only given after proof-of-age has been provided to the kindergarten. (e.g. Birth Certificate, Passport, Maternal and Child Health Record). 8.All enrolments received after July 31 are considered under the same conditions as late enrolments. 9. This enrolment scheme does not offer an option for deferring your enrolment, if you wish to withdraw your child for this year you will need to complete a new Central Enrolment Form for the following year. 10.Should you wish to cancel or withdraw your child’s enrolment, please contact the Central Enrolment Officer on (03) 5832 9807 or email Childrens& This will assist us to update our records and offer the place to the next child on the waiting list. 11.Due to the State Government Kindergarten Funding Guidelines, kindergartens are unable to offer more than one year of funded kindergarten, unless exceptional circumstances exist and PRIOR approval is granted by the Department of Education and Training. Their website for the Kindergarten Guide is 12.Enquiries regarding the Central Enrolment Procedure should be directed to: Central Enrolment Officer Greater Shepparton City Council Telephone: (03) 5832 9807 CRITERIA OF ACCESS FOR KINDERGARTEN The following four (4) criteria of access for priority will be considered with each application. They are listed in ranking order of priority. 1. Children at risk of abuse or neglect and children in out of home care. 2. Children who are eligible for a second year of kinder and/or children with additional needs. 3. Children of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin? 4. Children with a community connection– Fun group/long day care/sibling/school • Your child currently attends Fun Group at the kinder of first preference • Your child currently attends Long Day Care at the service of first preference • Your child has sibling/s that attended the service of first preference within the last 3 years • Your child has a sibling that attends a school with a co-located kinder/school. In the instance there are multiple enrolments meeting the above criteria, preference will be given in the order listed. When all applications eligible for priority have been allocated and the service still has spaces, all remaining names will be allocated to the service by a random ballot conducted by the Central Enrolment Officer. The ballot will occur within five (5) working days of 31 July. The ballot will continue until all names are selected. Names selected after the available places are filled, will be placed in order of selection on the waiting list for that service. Services will be required to provide information of past enrolments previous attendance at a service. Parents/Guardians of children not allocated a place in their kindergarten of first preference will be notified by the Greater Shepparton City Council Central Enrolment Officer. At this time they will be notified of available places and given the option of accepting a place at an available kindergarten, or putting their child’s name on the kindergarten of choice waiting list. However, there is no guarantee of a place becoming available at that kindergarten. It is not possible to accept a place at a kindergarten and remain on the waiting list for another kindergarten. LATE APPLICATION Applications received after the closing date will be placed on the kindergarten waiting list. All late enrolments will be allocated according to the above priority of criteria. Applications received after the closing date (late enrolments) will be placed on the central waiting list for consideration after initial enrolments are processed. Placements from the waiting list are made according to kindergarten preferences, available vacancies and priority of access. CHANGE OF PREFERENCE Should you wish to change your preference, you are required to complete a ‘Change of Preference Form’. Once you have completed this form, your new preference will be updated on the enrolment system. Change of Preference Forms are available by contacting the Central Enrolment Officer on (03) 5832 9807 or downloading change of preference form online at They are only valid after being date stamped at the Council Office and if an original enrolment has been submitted at the Council. Change of Preference forms submitted after July 31 are considered under the same conditions as late enrolments. PARENTS/GUARDIANS NEED TO CHECK WITH THEIR PREFERRED CENTRES AS TO WHETHER A FUNDED PROGRAM IS BEING OFFERED FOR THE YEAR THEIR CHILD WILL ATTEND At the time of printing, the kindergartens listed all comply with the Children’s Services National Quality Framework Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and are eligible for the Department of Education and Training Kindergarten Certificate and funding. Greater Shepparton City Council complies with the Information Privacy Principle contained in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001.
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