Team Ride (and other stuff) Schedule DATE DAY EVENT 3/7/2015 Saturday Team Ride 3/20/2015 Friday Bowling! 3/22/2015 Sunday Team Ride 4/11/2015 Saturday Music! 4/12/2015 Sunday Team Ride 4/25/2015 Saturday Race 4/26/2015 Sunday Team Ride 5/3/2015 Sunday Team Ride 5/16/2015 Saturday Tour 5/17/2015 Sunday Team Ride 5/25/2015 Monday Team Ride 5/31/2015 Sunday Team Ride 6/6/2015 Saturday Tour 6/7/2015 Sunday Team Ride 6/14/2015 Sunday Team Ride 6/21/2015 Sunday Team Ride 6/27/2015 Saturday AM Tour 6/27/2015 Saturday PM Race 6/28/2015 Sunday Tour 7/5/2015 Sunday Team Ride 7/11/2015 Saturday Team Ride 7/12/2015 Sunday Tour 7/18/2015 Saturday Tour 7/19/2015 Sunday Tour 7/23/2015 RIDE WEEKEND - Burlington 7/25/2015 Saturday Team Ride 8/2/2015 Sunday Team Ride 8/8/2015 Saturday Tour 8/9/2015 Sunday Team Ride 8/13/2015 RIDE WEEKEND - LaCrosse INFO Sietsema Orchards - Indoor Wenger's Lanes, 7pm-10pm 3CC - Indoor, 2pm roll time Jake's Music Festival, 5pm, Wealthy Theater 3CC - Outdoor, 2pm roll time HellKaat Hundie - Ride and/or Work Grandville Clarks - 2pm Roll Time Ada Park - 2pm Roll Time Zoo-de-Mac, Up North Casa de Clark, Holland - NOON roll time Memorial Day Ride 100 Grand - GR area, many options, good food! Eldean Shipyard, Holland INDIANA! Combine with MOST tour? MSU GranFondo, which you should do Herman Miller Brickyard Criterium Allegrina 100, which you should totally do Lowell Covered Bridge Tour Holland Hundred - Ride and/or Work Ride Around Torch tour (up north) ODRAM - Ride and/or Work MARDO Meetup Ride - great fun! Every TUESDAY at 6:30 pm (roll time) - 3CC Tuesday Night Ride Every SATURDAY at 8 am (roll time) - 3CC Saturday Morning Ride PEOPLE YOU NEED TO KNOW & THINGS YOU NEED TO DO Coach Contact Info: Mike Clark Derek Dykstra Kaat Tahy Sarah Andro Mark Macheca Find all of us on Facebook and be our friends, because A) it will make it sooooo much easier to communicate, and B) we need the constant validation of new friends to feel whole. JDRF Michigan Great Lakes West chapter office info: Address: 4595 Broadmoor Avenue SE, Suite 230 Kentwood MI 49512 Phone: 616-957-1838 Web: Useful Online Stuff to Bookmark or Like or whatever The Blog Our team on FB Ride Calendar Event Calendar Notes About Stuff It's always a challenge to get information out to a team that's this big and this diverse, so we need your help! PLEASE - make sure we've got a good email address that you check regularly, and Friend the coaches on Facebook. Ride-team-specific emails will come from For team rides, we'll create a Facebook event at least a week in avance. That will have the schedule for the day, with the location, distances, and what you'll need to bring (if anything). We'll also send out an email with that info, and we'll put up a post on the blog. We'll do our rootingest, tootingest best to keep all that information consistent! If you EVER have concerns about anything JDRF related, contact one of us coaches. That goes for riding stuff, bike stuff, fundraising stuff, scheduling stuff, or pretty much anything else. If we can't help, we'll at least be able to get you to people who can! Our goal is to make this thing as
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