JULY 2015 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 3,000 HOUSEHOLDS your BANFF TRAIL howler THE OFFICIAL BANFF TRAIL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER www.banfftrailcommunity.ca Great News Publishing Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities www.great-news.ca BTCA Membership Form Name: ________________________________________ Spouse: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________________ Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _________________ Email: _______________________________________ Children under age 18: __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I am interested in volunteering with the community association: • Newsletter • Social Functions • Sports • Fund-raising • Maintenance • Other (please specify): _______________________________________________________________________ The rates for Banff Trail Community Association membership are: • Single $10 • Family & Household $15 • Business $25 Banff Trail Community Association 2115 - 20 Avenue NW Calgary, AB, T2M 1J1 Phone: 403.282.2234 contact@banfftrailcommunity.ca www.banfftrailcommunity.ca Please mail your application form to BTCA 2115 20 Avenue NW T2M 1J1 Make cheques payable to the Banff Trail Community Association Phone 403 454-7369 for more information Message from the Calgary Police 5 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Banff Trail Big Events JULY THURS 2th – Stampede BBQ with Live Music at the Hall SUN 19th – LIVE Music in the Garden at the Community Garden, 6:30pm. Bring a picnic! AUGUST MON 10th - FRI: 14th : Park n Play/Stay n Play. Check out the advertisement for more details. SUN 23th - LIVE Music in the Garden at the Community Garden, 6:30pm. Bring a picnic! SEPTEMBER SAT 19th: Harvest Festival 9am – 3pm. Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: It’s Happening in Banff Trail 6 Teen Night 7 Sharing Gardens 9 Friends of Nose Hill 10 Yoga and Arthritis 11 > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 www.martinwealth.ca > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at michael.t.martin@rbc.com Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. NEWSLETTER AD SALES Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 sales@great-news.ca | www.great-news.ca GREAT NEWS PUBLISHING HAS BEEN PROUDLY SERVING BANFF TRAIL FOR 7 YEARS! Banff Trail I july 2015 3 Banff Trail Community Association Message from the Calgary Police 2115 – 20 Avenue NW • T2M 1J1• 403 282-2234 OFFICERS Banff Trail Community Association BOARD MEETINGS are on the first Wednesday of every month from 7:00pm-9:00 pm Next meeting is September 2, 7-9pm See you there! Newsletter Submissions August Issue Deadline July 7 th Editor – Melanie Masterson howlereditor@ banfftrailcommunity.ca Drs. Grant & Craig Sabey Family Dentistry Laser dentistry Nitrous oxide New patients welcome Visit our Website www.sabeydental.com 102, 1926 - 20th Avenue NW (403) 289-6473 4 (403) 284-9390 President Peter Fahrni Vice-President Heather Spicer Treasurer Steve MacKinnon Secretary Gianna Cassell president@banfftrailcommunity.ca 403-451-6828 403 284-4947 gmcassell18@gmail.com DIRECTORS Hall Maintenance Alfred Wright 403 246-2232 Planning & Development Rob Hirsch development@banfftrailcommunity.ca Parks Advisory Louise Brisson 403-809-5036 Programs & Special Events VACANT Hall Manager Eileen Arthur 403 282-2234 hallmanager@banfftrailcommunity.ca VOLUNTEERS Memberships Natasha Freedman 403 454-7369 Soccer Coordinator Karen France soccer@banfftrailcommunity.ca Howler Editor Melanie Masterson 403-390-8732 howlereditor@banff trailcommunity.ca DIRECTORS AT LARGE Mike Legge 403-870-0185 Llyal Grummett 403-284-3622 Chris Van Egmond 403-289-0216 Jeanette Monti 403-289-4321 Mari-Anna McCargar 403-284-2808 Thalia Aspeslet 403-457-4750 Have questions about Hall rentals or availability? Contact our Hall Manager Eileen Arthur at 403-282-2234 or e-mail her at: hallmanager@banfftrailcommunity.ca. Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Check out the Banff Trail Babysitting Co-op at our next monthly social gathering. For more information about how families swap babysitting time as needed/available, and how parents enjoy a monthly evening of wine, snacks and chit-chat, contact our Coordinator Elena Rhodes at 403-202-4762 or email rhodese2013@gmail.com. Go to www.banfftrailcommunity.ca for more information. MEMBERSHIPS Community memberships are available at $10 for single, $15 for family and household, and $25 for businesses Membership year is March 1 to February28 Pay by PayPal online at www.banfftrailcommunity.ca With the arrival of warmer weather, we are reminding citizens that thieves are targeting detached garages and sheds where most outdoor valuables are stored. Thieves are stealing mountain bikes, hand power tools, snow blowers, mounted tires, license plates and anything else that has value. We recommend you photograph valuables and record the model and serial number as well as any unique markings that will identify the property as yours. Please report any suspicious individuals or activity to the police at 403-266-1234. If you see a crime in progress, call 9-1-1. If possible obtain a physical and clothing description along with a direction of travel. You may also report crime anonymously at CrimeStoppers at 1-222-8477. HELP IS AVAILABLE Do you qualify for property tax assistance? Find out if you or a family member is eligible for a credit at calgary.ca/ptap or by contacting 311. STAY CONNECTED WITH BANFF TRAIL: Check out our Website: www.http://banfftrailcommunity.ca/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/BanffTrailCommunity Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BanffTrailYYC The Property Tax Assistance Program is available to assist low-income homeowners, with the increase in residential property taxes from 2014 to 2015. Please note: Even if you apply to the Property Tax Assistance Program all property taxes must be paid in full by June 30, 2015 to avoid a 7% penalty. Application deadline Dec. 1, 2015. 2015-1301 THE CITY OF CALGARY Banff Trail I july 2015 5 IT’S HAPPENING IN BANFF TRAIL Remember, www.BanffTrailCommunity.ca is the place to look for short-notice events and more Community info. Check out our event calendar and interactive community map! We are also on Facebook now too: https:// www.facebook.com/BanffTrailCommunity Tai Chi Classes – Wednesday nights 7-8 p.m. Wednesday nights from 7-8 at the hall. A great way to relax and meet people. Feel free to just show up – wear clothes you can move in! $50 only for community members for 10 sessions. Zumba® with Andrea - Every Monday 7-8pm and Wednesdays 8:15-9:15pm. Drop-ins welcome. Monthly Passes available. For up-to-date schedule and fees please check out http://andreadawe.zumba.com or contact Andrea at andreadawe.zumba@gmail.com Come join the party and dance yourself fit! No experience necessary! HOWLER SUBMISSIONS Karate and Kobudo – Thursday nights 8 – 9 p.m. Classes available for all ages. More information can be found at: www.shinshikan.com Monday Night Music Jam – on Hold Pending Renovations The Monday Night Music Jam sessions have been put on hold pending the completion of the renovations of our basement. 17TH OF Yoga Classes A great way to enjoy the benefits of yoga and have fun too! Improve strength, coordination, posture and balance; increase your energy level and flexibility; enjoy greater vitality. The All Levels class takes place on Thursdays from 7 - 8 p.m., and the Gentle Yoga class is held on Tuesdays from 10 - 11 a.m. For more information or to register, please contact Margau at 403-585-0043 or email yogamarg@ telus.net. JULY Banff Trail Ladies’ Auxiliary Meets at the Hall the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. but is on hold until September. Enjoy your summer! Wednesday Afternoon Crib Club Do you have an interesting story you Every Wednesday from 12:30 – 3 p.m. think should be in The Howler? Know of New Players Welcome! Join a lively group of seniors ensomeone living in Banff Trail how deserves joying 9 - 12 tables The Heart of Christian Science is Love. In Christian Science, this of crib each week. Two crib tournato be featured in our newsletter? How about ments each year and several Pot Luck Luncheons each is more than it's aboutIfthe practicality of learning to photographs ofworship; our community? you do year. Feel free to drop by and join in the fun. GodMelanie supremely and to love others as ourselves.” pleaselove contact at howlereditor@banff Check out the website or the Facebook page for more trailcommunity.ca. up-to-date information. First Church of Christ, Scientist The Heart of Christian Science is Love. In Christian Science, this is more than worship; it’s about the practicality of learning to love God supremely and to love others as ourselves. 6 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO SPORTS AND CULTURE CLUB OF CALGARY PRESENTS: Join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 am and Wednesdays Join us Sunday morning at at 7:30 pm 10:00 am and Wednesday 2603-19 Street NW at 7:30 pm Contact clerkNW at: 2603-19our Street 403-266-3787 or fccs@shaw.ca Contact our clerk at: 403 266-3787 or fccs@shaw.ca www.christianscience.ab.ca july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities LOCATION BANFF TRAIL COMMUNITY CENTER 2115 20TH AVE NW. TEEN NIGHT AGES 14-17 8PM-1AM 10$ SERVING: PATTIES CHIPS POP VIRGIN PINA COLADAS VIRGIN SHIRLEY TEMPLES THIS EVENT IS ALCOHOL AND SMOKE FREE. MEET FRIENDS, SOCIALIZE AND HAVE FUN FOR UNDER $20.00 Banff Trail I july 2015 7 Calgary Fine Dentistry Calgary Fine Dentistry Fine dentistry in your own inner city neighbourhood! Warmly welcomes new patients Warmly welcomes new&patients Dr. Jennifer Maguire Dr. Christine Lilge Banff Trail Planning Committee We don’t have one! have experience in all aspects Dr. Jennifer Maguire of dentistry from simple nifer Maguire Dr. Christine Lilge fillings to crowns and bridges If you have expertise in planning, urban design, building or architecture, you are urged to consider joining this committee. This committee would meet as least four times a year and address any planning or develand extensive experience in opment matters within Banff Trail. We want to create a TMJ bite therapy. Have your calgaryfinedentistry.com 403.284.3061 committee that is a positive and pro-active force focuswhole family’s dental needs ing on the direction and development of our community. If you are interested in helping send a text to Rob met in their calm & aesthetically pleasing office at 206, 1910 - 20th Avene NW Hirsch at 403 560 6772. Calgary Fine Dentistry 20th Ave at 19th St (across ristine Lilge finedentistry.com 403.284.3061 from Edelweiss). 206, 1910 - 20th Avene NW As moms themselves, Dr Jennifer and Dr Christine love working with kids. calgaryfinedentistry.com 403-284-3061 206, 1910 - 20th Avenue NW We are in the midst of interesting times, with 19 new development permits in 2014 and the City of Calgary attempting to update and revise the Banff Trail ARP (Area Redevelopment Plan). Your community board of directors could form a planning committee from the current Advisory group. Before that happens I am asking the community at large for people with expertise to come forward. Check for more information on the Banff Trail Website, http:// www.banfftrailcommunity.ca. The Banff Trail Community Association is in need of volunteers to help with projects and events throughout the year We encourage everyone in the community to become more involved. Even if you are a short term resident you can be an engaged member of our thriving community. We need more help so please get involved! Contact Llyal 403-651-1019 8 july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Sharing Gardens In the spring of 2014, I quietly canvassed among the gardeners of the Banff Trail Community Garden group. I was avidly looking for more space in which to grow. Within one week, I met with four people in my neighbourhood who had a variety of options in their yards for garden sharing. However, much to my dismay, all of these plots required an intense effort to become arable in the spring season. After some deliberation, I chose a plot that was the closest to home, so that I could bicycle back and forth. My husband was kind enough to bend his back and lend some muscle, and we combined our efforts. It took 100 hours to remove the weeds & debris, sift the soil and roots, turn over the sod, and haul over our compost. Once that was complete, we prepared the soil, planted the seeds, set up the watering systems and cultivated hundreds of seedlings in the associated greenhouse. The owner donated the land to this endeavor and we donated our time in the trenches. We shared garden watering (not weeding) duties and eventually shared the harvest. As all parties travelled a lot, we simply arranged for help with watering during critical growth periods. We did enjoy a decent harvest and I decided to share some of my adventures. What did I learn from this experience? I learned that garden sharing and developing new relationships with my neighbours is delightful. I quickly realized that having gardens in three different geographical locations was too much stress to maintain for one busy person. I remembered that my aching back and creaking knees prefer a raised bed for most of my vegetable garden needs. I learned that trying to rejuvenate tired soil with inadequate replacement soil (and appropriate testing) leads to unpredictable and frustrating results. I also reminded myself that the most crucial period of tending the garden are the first 8-12 weeks of growth and that constant presence and monitoring is required. Clarifying the roles of responsibility and duties at the outset and throughout the seasons are required for not only good health of the plants but also good relations. The unexpected snowfall in September found us all working frantically as a team to protect the plants the best we could. What was unexpected for me was the pride that I shared with my gardening team. I found myself inviting anyone who was interested on a walking or cycling tour of the Banff Trail Community Garden, our shared garden, and my back yard container garden. We delighted in the bounty and beauty, and swapped information while getting plenty of exercise!!! In retrospect, I wish I had advertised in advance (hence this article) to let my local community know that I needed and wanted more garden space. I am a willing gardener with willing hands and looking for more green thumbs to share in my efforts. While scoping our potential plots, I realized that there were many others who wanted to grow a significant garden, and who were looking forward to the experience, but simply wanted some help and support for the process. Many of the people I contacted have gardening experience, however, were overwhelmed by the thought of starting from scratch. It was a tremendous effort to revitalize a depleted garden, and I would not recommend the above process. There are links for simple and quick transformation of your overgrown garden into a viable garden plot. And of course building raised beds is a highly desirable option, especially for those of us who would prefer not to kneel and bend while gardening. The fact that garden sharing is a community building activity is a wonderful benefit. Getting to know likeminded folks while creating a garden is like waiting for the first sprout to appear. The community work days in our shared garden were a celebration of combined energies and efforts to create something greater than what each one of us could have managed on our own. Do you want to cultivate your gardening spirit and share any of the following: enthusiasm for growing a garden this year, garden space, soil, compost, gardening tools, labour, seeds, contribute gardening expertise (including/excluding manual labour), leadership and ideas? I invite any reader that is interested to contact their Community Association. Now is the time to begin planning and meet with neighbours who are willing to play in the dirt with you! Submitted by JJ Jansen Banff Trail Community Garden Member Banff Trail I july 2015 9 Park n’ Play & Life Lessons from my Father News from the Friends of Nose Hill by Elisabeth Fayt My father passed away five years ago, leaving me with profound advice to last a lifetime. My father was very active in my business, always helping out wherever needed. One day we drove home together and for the entire journey I engaged in a hands-free phone call (business conversation) which ended just as we arrived. As I dropped him off, he said to me “Elisabeth, you are far too busy.” I laughed it off, thinking of course it was my dad’s way of telling me he was proud of me. A week later, he was gone. The longing for that time in the car again with his undivided attention left me in a state of deep introspection. I found myself asking three questions continuously: What is the point of my life? Why am I doing what I do? And who’s it all for? As the months went on, I kept getting different answers. I finally came to a conclusion far different than expected. I realized it simply didn’t matter. Instead, the message was this: The most important person is the one in front of you, and the most important task is the one you are doing. From the moment of this epiphany came a change of life. I became fully present, almost instantly; present to the one in front of me; and present to the task at hand. I became a better wife, mother and friend. My business began to flourish without effort. My intuition became heightened. I made better decisions, and less mistakes. I significantly altered what I deemed important. I do not wish this harsh lesson upon anyone, so learn it from me. “Be here now. Be somewhere else later.” The person in front of you needs your undivided attention. Only you can give that. 10 by Anne Burke The City is moving forward with implementing a 10-year plan on restoration, invasive species (weeds), and stewardship. Its success will depend on outreach with the public and communities. Some other issues are climate change and using nature for wellness. The budget is yet to be decided. The aims are to promote biodiversity, advance research, and support innovation. If the proposal is approved, there will be partnerships with researchers, governments, and institutions. There will be a new Advisory Committee on Biodiversity of 11 members appointed annually by City Council, who have expertise in industry or research, conservation planning, and City Departments on Planning, Law, Community, Transportation, and Environment. The terms of reference will go to City Council for approval. The minutes of the new committee meetings will be posted for the public at calgary.ca/biodiversity. The aspen groves on Nose Hill are protected as wildlife cover and as a natural environment park for Calgarians. There has been damage with chopping trees, building a fire pit and a lean-to shelter. There are also reports of such damage in Bowmont Park. Calgary Parks and City Bylaw have promised to follow up. Another concern is injured wildlife. There is no hunting permitted in the City, so jackrabbits and porcupines are off limits. Let's help protect nature for our children and grandchildren. july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities YOGA and ARTHRITIS Stay n’ Play By Margau Perko, Certified Yoga TeacherThe City of Calgary Community & Neighbourhood in partnership with the Banff Trail Community The CityServices of Calgary Community & Neighbourhood Association presents: Services in partnership with the Banff Trail CommuPark n’ Play & Stay n’ Play Arthritis affects more than 4 million Canadians and 60% nity Association presents: th are younger than 65. Although there are many forms of 10 – 14th August arthritis, the condition is most simply described as ‘in2115 flammation in the joints’. Arthritis is the leading cause of 20 Ave N.W August 10th – 14th disability, usually in the form of osteoarthritis, but other Stayan’close Play FREE Park n’ Play FREE 2115 20 Ave N.W types such as rheumatoid arthritis are second. Ages 3Y – 5Y Ages 6Y – 12Y Stay n’ Play FREE 10:00 am 10:00 am – 3:30pm A variety of drugs are available to treat the– noon progressive Ages 3Y – 5Y Participants must be accompanied and disabling conditions that usually result from the in10:00 am – noon by an adult/guardian flammatory changes around the joints, but many have Participants must be accompanied by an adult/guardian unpleasant side effects. To help deal with the symptoms, Park n’ Play & Stay n’ Play Play Pass many medical experts advise an integrative approach Play Faster This Summer!of Park n’ Play FREE exercise and medication and moreSave individuals areonlooktime and line-ups the first day by pre-registering Park n’ Play and Stay n’ Play. Pre-registration does not Ages 6Y –for 12Y guarantee entry. Entry to these programs is on a first-come, first-served basis. ing to yoga as a means of pain relief. 10:00 am – 3:30pm We encourage you to supply us your information program starting to help you save time filling out Park by n’pre-registering Play & Stayprior n’ toPlay For more information visit calgary.ca/communitysummerprograms. As anyone who suffers from arthritis it’s imformswill at thetestify, program when you arrive. portant to avoid jarring movements that only create more pain. Yoga helps to minimize or prevent the degeneration of cartilage that causes joint pain and immobility. Yoga poses increase the range of movement, even within joints that have undergone damage and in so doing can also slow down or prevent the occurrence of more debilitating symptoms. Physically, yoga poses guide the body through a healthy and necessary range of movement at every joint, including the spine. Locomotion is important to lubricate the joints as well as to prevent stiffness and immobility. Yoga brings awareness to the posture and habits that have developed over a period of years – and it’s never too late to introduce change. The welcome shift to becoming more in tune with how we move, stand or sit creates an empowering sense of self-awareness which is important to any form of self-care. At a more subtle level, stress is believed to be a factor that exacerbates the symptoms of arthritis. Countless students of yoga report that the very practice of moving in the poses, breath awareness exercises and meditation all make a significant difference to the management of the condition. Play Pass Play Faster This Summer! Save time and line-ups on the first day by pre-registering for Park n’ Play and Stay n’ Play. Pre-registration does not guarantee entry. Entry to these programs is on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to supply us your information by pre-registering prior to program starting to help you save time filling out forms at the program when you arrive. For more information visit calgary.ca/communitysummerprograms. th address: NOW 1908-20 Avenue NW OPEN! Calgary, AB T2M-1H5 403.542.0515 phone: 403.542.0515 lkier@shaw.ca email: 1908lkier@shaw.ca – 20th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2M-1H5 Banff Trail I 1 Pair 1/2 Leg july 2015 11 BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or sales@great-news.ca NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Banff Trail. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” RIGHTWAY PLUMBING AND HEATING: Has been happily serving the Banff Trail area with quality work, happy clients and fair pricing, with second generation experience, there is no job we can’t handle. Furnaces $3185, water heaters $715, bathroom renos and gas lines also! Installed with great warranties. Call 403-968-6630. Market/199072280220472 CERTIFIED GEL NAIL ARTIST: Home based business in New Brighton. New full set of French gel nails only $30.00. Nail polish and design $10.00. Also offer glitter tattoos and available for girls’ nail party bookings. Please call 403-464-8612. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS, DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555 or text 403-680-0611. Email: info@asapconcretecutting.com. Join us Sunday, July 5, 2015 for our annual Stampede Breakfast. 9:00 - 11:00 am 3512 Charleswood Dr. NW 12 cALGARY’S LARGEST OUTDOOR FARMERS MARKET Northland Village Mall (Northland Dr. Parking lot) 5111 Northland Dr NW, Calgary, AB JUNE 2 - SEPT 29 TUESDAYS from 3:30 - 7 pm 403-282-9299 | northlandmarket.ca www.facebook.com/pages/Grassroots-Northland-Farmers-Market NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www. communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707. YARD BUSTERS LANDSCAPING: Decks & Fences and Landscape construction including: Interlocking stone pavers, stone walks and rock walls, raised beds, fire pits, landscape lighting, water features and sod. Ask for your complimentary 2015 Outdoor Idea Book. Licensed. Insured. Phone: 403265-4769, YardBustersLandscaping.com. A MESSAGE FROM YOUR COUNCILLOR DRUH FARRELL WARD 7 ward07@calgary.ca • www.druhfarrell.ca Twitter: @DruhFarrell • Facebook: Druh Farrell Build Calgary Through most of Canada’s history, the majority of Canadians lived a rural life. After WWII Canadians left their family farms and small towns and migrated to “the big city” in record numbers. This mass movement fueled urban growth and transformed Canada into an urban country. Cities themselves have drastically changed in nature. The basket of services historically included the basics like roads, water, waste, fire, and police. Over time, what we consider basic services expanded to include recreation, planning and development, social services, affordable housing, and public transit. Funding and delivering services in a growing city, to the satisfaction of residents, is no simple task. Municipal governments have grown to become large and sophisticated organizations. It is imperative that City departments act in lock-step with one another to ensure that the machinery works as smoothly and efficiently as possible. With this in mind, the City has created Build Calgary. Build Calgary is a cross-functional approach to connecting projects, delivering services, and building the city. It is based in part on the model the City used to respond to the 2013 floods. Collaboration was essential in responding to that crisis and important lessons were learned on how to address other challenges. The City is currently facing a time of financial instability due to a lack of reliable funding sources. As a result, our debt continues to grow. While incurring debt is not always a bad thing, having too much debt can limit the ability to be flexible and respond to emerging and unforeseen issues. Build Calgary can help place greater focus on decisions that improve the City’s fiscal position. Eavestrough cleaning/repairs/installs Gutter clean & fix/Fascia/Soffit Downspouts/Drip-edge/Leak repairs SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) safetysync.com 403.668.6402 july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities This new approach will guide how the City improves its financial situation through initiatives like establishing a City Charter, improved coordination with our regional neighbours, better management of our land and how it is developed, and ensuring that the cost of development is shared appropriately with those who profit from it. As a just and prosperous city, Calgary is in a unique position. It is important that it is governed in a responsible manner by a thoughtful and effective Council. The extent to which Build Calgary is incorporated in our decisions will determine just how great Calgary can become. EMS: Heat Related Illness With the return of warmer weather, Alberta Health Services EMS would like to remind citizens to stay safe in the heat and sun this summer. While children and the elderly can be more susceptible to the effects of heat, basic prevention measures should be taken by all to avoid a heat related illness during periods of hot and humid weather. Heat exhaustion • Heat exhaustion can occur due to excessive fluid loss during periods of prolonged sweating in a hot and / or humid environment (indoors or outdoors). • Patients may suffer headaches, weakness, fatigue, nausea / vomiting, thirst, chills, and profuse sweating. • The patient is usually cold and damp to the touch and the skin may appear pale or dusky gray. Heat stroke • Heat stroke is a medical emergency that requires prompt treatment. It can be fatal. • It occurs when the body can’t cool itself naturally (e.g. perspiration). The body’s temperature will continue to rise to dangerous levels. • Due to severe dehydration and the inability to sweat the patient may appear flushed and skin may be hot and dry to the touch. First aid • First aid for all heat related illness begins with removing or sheltering the patient from the hot environment. • Remove excess or tight fitting clothing and allow them to rest in a cool environment. • If the patient is conscious and alert, provide suitable fluids such as water, juice, or a sports drink. • If you are concerned, seek medical attention or call 9-1-1. Prevention • Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. • Limit alcohol consumption as alcohol dehydrates you. • Always wear a broad brimmed hat to keep the sun off your face and neck. • Apply waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of 50+, especially for children. The sun’s UV rays peak between 10am-4pm, even on cloudy days. Banff Trail I july 2015 13 Summer is here, but is the time right? As a native Calgarian and a successful realtor in the Calgary area since 1998 I have seen the trends and various market fluctuations that have taken place in our city. Armed with the latest technology and a passion for client satisfaction I’m ready to put my 17+ years of experience to work for you. If you’re thinking of buying, selling, investing or you’re just wondering, call, email or check out my facebook page and website. I look forward to hearing from you. Dale Green Honest. Grounded. Experienced. real estate team imagination...where else can you learn to make paper or become a spy? smiles...because we like happy kids (who doesn’t?) 403.608.1410 dale@dalegreen.com www.dalegreen.com noisemakers (hands) backpack ....bring on the noise! ...load it with sunscreen, water bottle, snacks... cool kicks ...get ready to run, jump, bend, walk and explore! r e t s egi We are a grassroots, non-profit organization seeking to preserve the East Paskapoo Slopes in its natural state. r We oppose an application that has been made to the City for a residential and commercial development that would build over most of the lower section of the Slopes. For information on our new Calgary City Council Mail-In Postcard Campaign, and to sign our Online Petition, please visit: SaveTheSlopes.org @savetheslopes 14 @savepaskapooslopes THE BEST OFFICE SPACE LOCATIONS IN DOWNTOWN CALGARY Western Corporate Business Centre has 70,000 square feet of premium furnished Calgary office space in the heart of the city’s business district. july 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities www.summitkids.ca now awesome threads (shorts/pants/tees) .....there’s gonna be lots of different events- both inside AND outside! summer is here e: info@summitsummer.ca p: 403.797.1488 2210 1st Avenue NW Top 1% of Royal LePage Agents in Canada Top 5 Agent, Royal LePage Alberta $999,000 West Hillhurst Conveniently located minutes away from Kensington, river paths, downtown and hospitals! Over 3200 sqft of beautifully appointed living space. The open main floor features a unique combination of 11.5’ and 10’ ceilings. Desirable extended basement offers 10’ ceilings, an open recreation and games area, wet bar, large 4th bedroom, full bath plus a flex area. Oversized 130’ lot and a double garage! MLS# C4012638 REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW.COM Top 3 Agent, Royal Lepage Foothills 403.874.4443
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