YOU W E R E M A D E FORE UN Great River 1st Annual Golf Tournament Friday, June 12th, 2015 - Elk River CC THIS! Dear Zimmerman, Elk River, and Rogers Area Businesses: Great River Young Life currently provides opportunities to youth in our area to learn about God’s love. This is done thru the following programs and their continuation and success will be greatly enhanced by your contribution in one of the sponsorship opportunities listed below. Young Life Club and WyldLife Club — Clubs are weekly meetings within a local community that are open to any kid who wants to attend. Young Life clubs are for high school kids, and WyldLife clubs are for middle school kids. Each week they come together to sing, laugh, play games and hear a leader share great news about God’s love in terms they can understand. Camp — Young Life owns and operates 22 premier properties across the country, where kids spend a weekend during the school year or a week each summer hanging out with their friends and leaders from home, while giving them the opportunity to take a closer look at how much God loves them. Campaigners — Kids often meet in small groups with a leader during the week to discuss their ideas and questions about faith and begin exploring the Bible. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ____ = Platinum Event Sponsorship - $1500 (includes team of 5 registrations) ____ = Gold Event Sponsorship - $1000 (includes team of 5 registrations) ____ = Silver Event Sponsorship - $500 (includes team of 5 registrations) ____ = Hole Sponsor = $400 ____ = ½ Hole Sponsor = $200 ____ = Golf Cart Sponsor - $200 ____ = Scorecard Sponsor - $200 ____ = Driving Range Sponsor - $200 ____ = Lunch Sponsor - $200 ____ = On Course Contest Sponsor - $200 ____ = Cash Donation - $________ ____ = Raffle or Door Prize ______________________________ Thank you in advance for your contribution to our fundraising golf tournament. All sponsors will be recognized at the tournament and on our website. 1st A nnual G reat R iver Y oung Life G olf T ournam ent S ponsorship Form Business Name Address Contact Person City Zip Phone__________________________Email Address Please Mail the Sponsor form and Payment to: Great River Young Life - PO Box 614 – Elk River, MN 55330
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