GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA I. GENERAL. The Great Sky pools and surrounding fenced area (collectively, the “Great Sky Pool Area”) is an amenity offered for the exclusive, private use of the Great Sky homeowners and is subject to these rules and guidelines issued by the Great Sky Homeowners Association through its Board of Directors. It is the intent of these rules and guidelines to ensure the mutual access, use, and enjoyment of the Great Sky Pool Area by all Great Sky homeowners and their guests. The Great Sky Homeowners Association through its Board of Directors has the authority and power to enforce and modify these rules and guidelines at any time without notice. Therefore, it is the duty of all Great Sky homeowners and their guests utilizing the Great Sky Pool Area to know and abide by these rules and guidelines at all times. For reference, a copy of the latest version of the Great Sky Pool Rules and Guidelines, with any revisions thereto, will be posted at the entrance to the Great Sky Pool Area and on the Great Sky HOA website ( at all times. Additionally, a copy of the latest version of the Great Sky Pool Rules and Guidelines, with any revisions thereto, will be distributed to all current homeowners along with the annual HOA meeting notices. For new homeowners, a copy of the latest version of the Great Sky Pool Rules and Guidelines, with any revisions thereto, will be distributed as part of their initiation process. The Great Sky Homeowners Association appreciates your continued cooperation in being a “Good Neighbor” by complying with these rules and guidelines at all times while within the Great Sky Pool Area. In addition, the Great Sky Homeowners Association through its Board of Directors has authorized Community Club Management (the “HOA Management Company”) and Crystal Blue Aquatic Services, Inc. (the “Pool Management Company”), and their respective trained staff, with the responsibility to enforce these rules and guidelines in a manner that allows for the proper access, use, and enjoyment of the Great Sky Pool Area by all. Please be advised the Great Sky Homeowners Association reserves the right to deny access and use of the Great Sky Pool Area to anyone at any time. Failure to abide by these rules and guidelines may result in the suspension of amenity privileges, deactivation of your amenity card key, and removal from the Great Sky Pool Area. There will be a $50.00 charge to reinstate a homeowner’s amenity privileges following a suspension. II. OPERATIONAL DATES AND TIME. The Great Sky Homeowners Association will coordinate with the HOA Management Company and the Pool Management Company to determine the pool season each year, but typically the pools will be open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. During the pool season, the pools will be open daily from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. ANYONE UTILIZING THE POOLS AT ANY TIME DOES SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Page 1 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA The Pool Management Company will provide lifeguards stationed at the Main (“Family”) Pool and at the water slide from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM when the City of Canton schools are not in session and on weekends in August and September should the pools remain open past Labor Day. The water slide may only be operated by lifeguards when on duty. No lifeguard will be stationed at the “Quiet Pool.” Anyone using the pools or in the Great Sky Pool Area after hours or during the offseason will be considered trespassing and reported to the City of Canton Police Department for arrest and prosecution. III. GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS AND GUESTS. Only Great Sky homeowners in “Good Standing” may access and use the Great Sky Pool Area. “Good Standing” means that all association dues, fees, and penalties are paid in full and no outstanding violations exist. The Pool Management Company is responsible to confirm Great Sky homeowners accessing the Great Sky Pool Area have an active and valid amenity card key. If a violation occurs, then access, use, and enjoyment of the Great Sky Pool Area will be refused. Similarly, all guests must be accompanied by a Great Sky homeowner at all times. The Pool Management Company will confirm all guests are accompanied by a Great Sky homeowner with the appropriate amenity card key. If a violation occurs, then access, use, and enjoyment of the Great Sky Pool Area will be refused. IV. AMENITY CARD KEY. Each Great Sky homeowner will be provided with an electronic amenity card key as part of the new homeowner initiation process subject to payment of the initiation fee. This amenity card key will remain active so long as the homeowner is in “Good Standing”, i.e. all HOA dues and fees are paid in full. No amenity card key will be activated for any homeowner with outstanding dues or fines. The Great Sky Homeowners Association does not re-issue amenity card keys each year so please retain your amenity card key year after year. There is a $25.00 charge to replace any amenity card key that is lost or stolen; and all other amenity card keys associated with that homeowner will be deactivated. Should you rent your home, it is your responsibility to provide your amenity card key to your renter(s). Please note that each home may have only one active amenity card key at any given time. All other amenity card keys will be deactivated. V. BASIC POOL RULES. To ensure the safety of all, Great Sky Homeowners Association has established the following rules and guidelines regarding the access, use, and enjoyment of the Great Sky Pool Page 2 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA Area. Note these rules and guidelines are in addition to those required by Cherokee County to be posted at the Great Sky Pool Area. 1. The Great Sky Pool Area may only be accessed and used by Great Sky homeowners in “Good Standing” and their guests. 2. An active amenity card key must be shown in order to enter the Great Sky Pool Area. The use of another homeowner’s amenity card key is not permitted. 3. All guests must be accompanied by a Great Sky homeowner at all times. 4. The number of guests is limited to four (4) people per household. Guests should be able to indicate their relation to the homeowner and where the homeowner lives. 5. The gates to the Great Sky Pool Area should never be left or propped open. Always confirm these gates close securely after each entry and exit. 6. Minors 17 AND UNDER must be accompanied by a guardian or supervising adult at all times. 7. No swimming alone. SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. 8. No diving is allowed in any pool. 9. Everyone is required to shower and rinse thoroughly before entering any pool. 10. Appropriate swim attire is required for all. No cut-offs, shoes, or street clothes are allowed in the pools. Swim diapers or rubber diaper swim covers are required for any persons who are not toilet trained. Fecal incidents will cause the pools to be closed for a period of time as determined by the local authorities. 11. Persons with contagious illnesses should not enter the Great Sky Pool Area. 12. No person with any skin, eye, ear, nasal infection, or open cuts, sores, lesions, infections or obvious communicable disease will be allowed in the pools. Persons with gastrointestinal illness or have had diarrhea in the past two weeks are recommended not to use the pools. 13. Please do not spit, spout, or blow your nose in the pools. 14. No food or drink in the pools. 15. No glass, sharp objects, or hazardous materials allowed in the pools or surrounding fenced area. All such items must be properly discarded immediately. Page 3 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA 16. No drugs of any kind or alcohol are allowed in the pools or surrounding fenced area. Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol are prohibited from entering the Great Sky Pool Area at all times. 17. No smoking or tobacco products of any kind will be allowed in the Great Sky Pool Area. Smoking is permitted only outside the fenced area. 18. No screaming, yelling, loud noises, or music will be permitted in the Great Sky Pool Area as a courtesy to other Great Sky homeowners and their guests. Headphones should be worn when listening to music in the Great Sky Pool Area. 19. No foul or abusive language will be permitted in the Great Sky Pool Area. Verbal abuse of others, including lifeguards, will not be tolerated. 20. No running, boisterous, or rough play will be permitted in the Great Sky Pool Area. 21. No animals or pets are allowed in the Great Sky Pool Area. 22. No skateboards, scooters, bicycles or skates are allowed in the Great Sky Pool Area. 23. At any time, the maximum number of swimmers allowed in: (a) the Main (“Family”) Pool is 250 and (b) the Quiet Pool is 50, but pool capacity may be further reduced when staffing is minimal. 24. A brief pool break may be held each hour so that the Pool Management Company and lifeguards can perform essential safety and maintenance duties. During each pool break, all guests should exit the pools as directed by the Pool Management Company and lifeguards. Always await confirmation from the Pool Management Company and lifeguards before re-entry into the pools. 25. In case of inclement weather, the pools will be closed. Always await confirmation from the Pool Management Company and lifeguards before re-entry into the pools. 26. Any person considered unruly, intoxicated, or otherwise misbehaving shall be asked to leave the Great Sky Pool Area immediately. If the person refuses to leave the premises when requested, the City of Canton Police will be contacted. VI. MINORS. The State of Georgia considers a “Minor” to be any individual under the age of 17 years. To ensure the proper use and safety of Great Sky homeowners and their guests, the Great Sky Homeowners Association requires minors 17 YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER to be accompanied by an adult or guardian responsible for their direct supervision at all times within Page 4 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA the Great Sky Pool Area. This includes use of the restrooms by minors. Any minors that are unaccompanied or unsupervised will be asked to leave the Great Sky Pool Area immediately. VII. WATER SLIDE. The lifeguards will monitor and oversee the use of the water slide at all times for safety issues. The water slide may only be operated by the lifeguards when on duty. All others are strictly restricted from operating or utilizing the water slide except under the direct supervision of the lifeguards. If the slide is closed, no one may use it and any unauthorized use will cause immediate suspension of amenity privileges. Only one (1) person will be permitted to use the slide at any time. No flotation devices (floaties, inner tube, noodle, etc.) may be worn or used on the water slide at any time. All persons desiring to use the water slide must be able to swim and pass a swim test administered by the lifeguards. VIII. QUIET POOL. The Great Sky Homeowners Association has designated a “Quiet Pool” that is strictly reserved for those who wish to read, relax and enjoy themselves in a more peaceful, quiet setting. No yelling, splashing, or loud noises or music will be permitted in this area at any time. There is NO LIFEGUARD on duty at any time at the “Quiet Pool” so we ask that only accomplished swimmers utilize this pool. All minors 17 AND UNDER utilizing the “Quiet Pool” must be accompanied by a guardian or supervising adult at all times. IX. POOL GROUNDS. The Great Sky Homeowners Association has tasked the Pool Management Company with the basic management and maintenance of the Great Sky Pool Area. Any issues should be reported to the Pool Management Company and lifeguards immediately. A. Safety. For the general safety of all Great Sky homeowners and their guests, we ask that you assist the lifeguards by keeping any areas utilized by you or your guests neat, tidy, and free of debris and trash at all times. Please utilize the trash cans available at multiple locations to dispose of all trash before you or your guests leave the Great Sky Pool Area. Additionally, please do not leave your things unattended or unsupervised for any period of time. The Great Sky Homeowners Association assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items. Any theft or vandalism should be reported to the City of Canton Police immediately. B. Noise. In consideration of neighboring homeowners, please refrain from making excessive noise in the Great Sky Pool Area, especially after dark. If necessary, the City of Canton Police may be called to enforce the noise ordinance at the Great Sky Pool Area. Page 5 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA C. Food and Drink. No eating, drinking or holding any item to be consumed is permitted by anyone while in the pools. All food and beverages must be kept at least five (5) feet away from the edge of the pools. Additionally, no glass, glass containers, sharp objects, or hazardous materials are permitted within the Great Sky Pool Area. No chewing gum is allowed in Great Sky Pool Area. No tobacco products, alcohol, or drugs of any kind are permitted in Great Sky Pool Area. Similarly, any person who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied admission to the Great Sky Pool Area. D. Pool Furniture. The pool furniture is provided for the use and convenience of those utilizing the Great Sky Pool Area on a first come basis. All pool furniture must remain on site at all times. No pool furniture will be allowed in the pools; and no outside furniture will be allowed in the Great Sky Pool Area. The intentional damage or destruction of the pool furniture will be considered vandalism and reported to the City of Canton Police. If you witness any such damage or destruction, or need to report damaged furniture, please contact the Pool Management Company and lifeguards immediately. E. Pool Bathrooms. The bathrooms are made available for the use and convenience of those utilizing the Great Sky Pool Area. The Pool Management Company is responsible to monitor the bathrooms so report any issues directly to the lifeguards. Please assist the lifeguards by cleaning up after yourself to help ensure a sanitary environment for all. F. Pump Room. The pump room is managed and operated by the Pool Management Company and their trained staff. All others are strictly restricted from entering the pump room at all times. X. EMERGENCIES. IN THE EVENT OF ANY EMERGENCY, PLEASE CONTACT 911 OR THE CITY OF CANTON POLICE IMMEDIATELY. If necessary, life preserving equipment, a first aid kit, and pool emergency phone are available on-site so please familiarize yourself with their locations. The Great Sky Homeowners Association is not responsible for any accidents or injuries while using the pools. Always report any accidents or injuries immediately to the Pool Management Company and lifeguards. Additionally, the Great Sky Pool Area is an amenity offered for the exclusive, private use of Great Sky homeowners so we ask that you promptly report any and all trespassing and vandalism to the Great Sky Homeowners Association. The Great Sky Homeowners Association is committed to report any such incidents to the City of Canton Police immediately. Failure to report may result in excess damage or the Great Sky Pool Area being closed for a longer period of time. Page 6 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015 GREAT SKY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION’S RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE POOL AREA XI. IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION. Great Sky Homeowners Association, Inc. DB Aster III, LLC Attention: A. Janelle Iturbe 250 Gibraltar Road Horsham, PA 19044 Phone: (215) 938-8265 Fax: (215) 938-8156 XII. HOA Management Company Pool Management Company Community Club Management Attention: Matthew Dudt 11735 Pointe Place Roswell, GA 30076 Phone: (770) 751-8333 Fax: (770) 751-8343 Crystal Blue Aquatic Services, Inc. Attention: Joela Smith P.O. Box 1020 Holly Springs, GA 30142 Phone: (770) 387-0666 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. SHOULD ANY GREAT SKY HOMEOWNER, MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD, OR GUEST NOT AGREE TO ALL THE RULES AND GUIDELINES STATED HEREIN, WE ASK THAT YOU IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THE GREAT SKY POOL AREA. THE CONTINUED ACCESS OR USE OF THE GREAT SKY POOL AREA BY ANY PERSON SHALL CONSTITUTE (1) THEIR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THE GREAT SKY POOL AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND GUIDELINES STATED HEREIN AND (2) THEIR AGREEMENT TO ABIDE BY AND CONSENT TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF THESE RULES AND GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. Page 7 of 7 Effective as of May 1, 2015
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