Yorkshire Agricultural Society Tuesday 14 July - Thursday 16 July 2015 Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales President: Lord Crathorne Honorary Show Director: W V Cowling SCHEDULE OF SHEEP Sheep Entries Close: Tues 12 May 2015 LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Please send your entries to: Livestock & Entries Dept., Yorkshire Agricultural Society, Regional Agricultural Centre, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 8NZ. Enquiries: Amanda Stoddart-West (01423 546231) amandaw@yas.co.uk Polli Appleyard (01423 546236) pollia@yas.co.uk Emma Rankine (01423 546206) emmar@yas.co.uk Tel: 01423 541000 Fax: 01423 541414 www.greatyorkshireshow.co.uk Registered Charity No: 513238 Company Reg No: 1666751 VAT Reg No: 613048081 INDEX SHEEP Entry Fees and Prize Money Page 38 Any Other Pedigree - Native Page 39 Any Other Pedigree - Primitive Page 39 Any Other Pedigree - Cont. Pages 39/40 Beltex Page 40 Blackface Page 41 Bleu du Maine Page 41 Bluefaced Leicester Page 42 British Berrichon Page 42 British Charollais Page 43 British Rouge Page 43 British Vendeen Page 44 Butchers Lambs Page 44 Commercial Carcases Page 45 Commercial Female Champ’ship Page 60 Dalesbred Page 46 Derbyshire Gritstone Page 46 Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Page 47 Half Bred Female x Terminal Sire Page 47 Hampshire Down Page 48 Hebridean Page 48 Herdwick Page 49 Housewives’ Choice Page 63 Interbreed Sheep Championships Page 60 Page 61 EXHIBITOR TICKET ALLOCATION Livestock exhibitors are issued with 3 day wristbands; they will be issued on the following basis: Sheep Exhibitors: 2 for the first pen and 1 for every pen thereafter A maximum of 4 (of the 3 day wristbands) will be sent to those eligible. Please contact the office if you require, and are eligible to receive more than 4 and this will be considered. Interbreed Pairs Championship Jacob Page 49 Leicester Longwool Page 50 Lincoln Longwool Page 50 Lleyn Page 51 Lonk Page 51 Masham Page 52 Mule Page 52 North Country Cheviot Page 53 Oxford Down Page 53 Rough Fell Page 54 Ryeland Pages 54/55 Shetland Page 55 Suffolk Page 56 Supreme Championship Page 61 Swaledale Page 56 Teeswater Page 57 Texel Pages 57/58 Wensleydale Page 58 Whitefaced Woodland Page 59 Wool Fleeces Pages 64/65 Wool on the Hoof Pages 62/63 Young Stock Handlers Pages 61/62 Zwartbles Page 59 REGULATIONS General Show Regulations Pages 66-73 Sheep Specific Regulations Pages 76-77 Emergency Procedures, Health & Safety, Organisational Responsibilities, Special Arrangements, Risk Assessment and Other Arrangements Pages 78-80 SHEEP This section has been kindly sponsored by Marks and Spencer Plc The Showground will be open for the acceptance of animals from 11am on Saturday 1 1 t h July. Animals entered in the Sheep classes must be in the Showground no later than 6pm on Monday 13th July and remain in the Showground until 4pm on Thursday 16th July. Prize money may be forfeited by any Exhibitor leaving before the time stated above. Please Note: Unless otherwise stated, untrimmed means no interference with the fleece at all. TIMETABLE (Subject to change) TUESDAY 8.00am Commercial Lamb Carcase Classes 8.30am Sheep Breed Classes 9.00am Wool Fleece Classes WEDNESDAY 9.30am Interbreed Longwool/Hill/Shortwool/Terminal Breed Championships followed by Commercial Female Championship followed by Supreme Championship followed by Interbreed Sheep Pairs Championships followed by Trophy Presentation to Wool Fleece Champion 1.30pm Young Handler Classes followed by Housewives’ Choice THURSDAY 10.00am Wool on the Hoof Competition PSGH SHEEP AND GOAT HEALTH SCHEME Please would exhibitors take careful note of the designation of each breed. We regret that we can only accept entries of MV Accredited or Non Accredited stock in the Any Other Pedigree classes. MV Accredited Beltex Bleu Du Maine British Berrichon British Charollais British Rouge British Vendeen Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Hampshire Down Leicester Longwool (For 2015) Lleyn Suffolk Texel Zwartbles Non Accredited Blackface Oxford Down Bluefaced Leicester Rough Fell Butchers Lambs Ryeland Dalesbred Shetland Derbyshire Gritstone Swaledale Halfbred Femal x Terminal Sire Teeswater Hebridean Wensleydale Herdwick Whitefaced Woodland Jacob Lincoln Longwool Lonk Masham Mule PENS Please note a pen restiction has been introduced of 4 pens per breed, per exhibitor. Pens (6’ x 6’) Members £14.00 Non-Members £28.00 ENTRY FEES Exhibitors may make as many entries as they wish but pens must be booked to accomodate the entries. Please state clearly on the entry form if pens are required for more than one breed. Sheep/Carcase Classes per Entry Members Non-Members (including Group classes) £11.00 £22.00 Wool Fleeces £3.00 £3.00 £5.00 £5.00 Wool on the Hoof Breed Champions Reserves £60 £30 1st £55 PRIZE MONEY 2nd 3rd £41 £31 4th £23 5th £17 6th £13 Prize money will be paid from 1st to 6th regardless of the number of entries. Where there are 20 or more entries in a class Very Highly Commended, Highly Commended and Commended rosettes & prize cards will be awarded. Wool Fleeces 1st 2nd 3rd Wool on the Hoof 1st 2nd 3rd £12 £9 £6 £20 £15 £10 Please Note: Any Breed with less than 3 separate bona-fide breeders having less than 20 sheep between them, will be cancelled and the entry will be moved into the relevant Any Other Pedigree section. Fans are NOT permitted in the sheep sheds, see reg. 93. ANY OTHER PEDIGREE NATIVE BREED Judge: Mrs E A Stokeld, Middlesborough, Cleveland Class 491 RAM, two shear or over. Class 492 RAM, shearling. Class 493 RAM LAMB, born in current year. Class 494 ADULT EWE, having reared lambs. Class 495 SHEARLING EWE. Class 496 EWE LAMB, born in current year. Class 497 GROUP OF THREE, one ram and two females. entered in this section. Open to animals previously CHAMPION PRIZE CH496 For the Champion Native Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH497 For the Champion Native Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH498 For the Any Other Pedigree Native Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP498 For the Best Non-Primitive Sheep - Special Rosette offered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. ANY OTHER PEDIGREE PRIMITIVE BREED Judge: Mr C Sully, Taunton, Somerset Class 498 MALE, must be from one of the following Primitive breeds: Boreray, Castlemilk Moorit, Manx Loaghtan, North Ronaldsay, Soay. Class 499 FEMALE, must be from one of the following Primitive breeds: Boreray, Castlemilk Moorit, Manx Loaghtan, North Ronaldsay, Soay. CHAMPION PRIZE CH499 For the Any Other Pedigree Primitive Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SP499 For the Best Primitive Sheep - Special Rosette offered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SPECIAL PRIZES ANY OTHER PEDIGREE CONTINENTAL BREED Judge: Mr A Brown, Darwen, Lancashire Class 500 RAM, shearling or over. Class 501 RAM LAMB, born in current year. Class 502 ADULT EWE, having reared lambs. Class 503 SHEARLING EWE. Class 504 EWE LAMB, born in current year. Class 505 GROUP OF THREE, one ram and two females. entered in this section. Open to animals previously CHAMPION PRIZE CH500 For the Champion Continental Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH501 For the Champion Continental Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH502 For the Any Other Pedigree Continental Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. BELTEX Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only and must be birth notified or fully registered with the Beltex Sheep Society. Judge: Mr D Findlay, Leyburn, North Yorkshire Class 506 RAM, two shear or over. Class 507 RAM, shearling. Class 508 RAM LAMB. Class 509 EWE, to have reared a lamb in current year. Class 510 EWE, shearling. Class 511 EWE LAMB. Class 512 GROUP OF THREE, one ram and two females. entered in this section. Open to animals previously CHAMPION PRIZE CH503 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH504 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH505 For the Beltex Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP500 For the Best Homebred Female - BLACKFACE Judge: Mr P Teasdale, Hexham, Northumberland Class 513 SHEARLING RAM. Class 514 RAM LAMB. Class 515 EWE. Class 516 SHEARLING GIMMER. Class 517 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH506 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH507 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH508 For the Blackface Breed Champion - A Yorkshire Agricultural Rose Bowl. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. BLEU DU MAINE Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. This Show is the National Show for the Bleu Du Maine Sheep Society. Judge: Mr S Norman, Taunton, Somerset Class 518 RAM, two shear or over. Class 519 RAM, shearling. Class 520 RAM LAMB. Class 521 SINGLE BREEDING EWE, two shear or over. Class 522 SHEARLING EWE. Class 523 EWE LAMB. Class 524 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH509 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH510 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH511 For the Bleu du Maine Breed Champion - The Julia Goldie Memorial Trophy. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP501 For the Bleu du Maine Reserve Breed Champion - The T S & E J Goldie Memorial Trophy. BLUEFACED LEICESTER Judge: Mr C Armstrong, Carlisle, Cumbria Class 525 RAM, two shear or over. Class 526 SHEARLING RAM. Class 527 RAM LAMB. Class 528 AGED EWE. Class 529 SHEARLING EWE. Class 530 EWE LAMB. Class 531 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH512 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH513 For the Champion female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH514 For the Bluefaced Leicester Breed Champion - The Sunderland Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by Mr T F Dent and a Championship Rosette offered by the Bluefaced Leicester Sheep Breeders Association. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. BRITISH BERRICHON Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. Judge: Mr T Pritchard, Worcester, Worcestershire Class 532 RAM, shearling or over. Class 533 RAM LAMB. Class 534 AGED EWE. Class 535 SHEARLING EWE. Class 536 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH515 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH516 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH517 For the British Berrichon Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. BRITISH CHAROLLAIS Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. All sheep entered in this section must be registered in the British Charollais Sheep Society’s Flock Book. Judge: Mr T Greenfield, Nuneaton, Warwickshire Class 537 AGED RAM. Class 538 SHEARLING RAM. Class 539 RAM LAMB, born on or after 1 December 2014. Class 540 EWE, two shear or over. Class 541 SHEARLING EWE. Class 542 EWE LAMB, born on or after 1 December 2014. Class 543 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH518 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH519 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH520 For the British Charollais Breed Champion The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP502 For the Best British Charollais animal bred and exhibited at Show by a & YAS Special Rosette. Yorkshire Breeder - SP503 For the Best Group of three British Charollais Animals a YAS Special Rosette. BRITISH ROUGE Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. Judge: Mr J Hall, Dalston, Cumbria Class 544 Class 545 Class 546 Class 547 Class 548 RAM, shearling or over. RAM LAMB. EWE, two shear or over. EWE OR GIMMER, shearling. EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH521 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH522 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH523 For the British Rouge Breed Champion - The Lyngarth Cup offered by Mrs G Teasdale. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. BRITISH VENDEEN Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. All sheep entered in this section must be birth notified or registered with the British Vendeen Sheep Society. Judge: Mr T Butcher, Edenbridge, Kent Class 549 RAM, shearling or over. Class 550 RAM LAMB. Class 551 EWE, two shear or over. Class 552 EWE, shearling. Class 553 EWE LAMB. Class 554 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH524 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH525 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH526 For the British Vendeen Breed Champion The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette &£60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. BUTCHERS LAMBS All animals to be shown in the judging ring and untrimmed except for the squaring of the tail. Judge: Mr P Nicholson, Malton, North Yorkshire Class 555 PEN OF THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, average live weight up to 38kg. Class 556 PEN OF THREE CROSSBRED LAMBS, average live weight of 38.1kg or over. CHAMPION PRIZE CH527 For the Champion Pen of Butchers Lambs - The Champion Pen will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP504 For the Champion Pen of Butchers Lambs - £200 offered & administered by the Beltex Sheep Society, if the Champion is sired by a Beltex ram. SP505 For the Reserve Champion Pen of Butchers Lambs - £50 offered & administered by the Beltex Sheep Society, if the Champion is sired by a Beltex ram. SP506 For the winner of class 555 - £50 offered & administered by the Beltex Sheep Society, if sired by a Beltex ram. SP507 For the winner of class 556 - £50 offered by the Beltex Sheep Society, if sired by a Beltex ram. SP508 For the Champion Pen of Butchers Lambs - £100 offered & administered by the Texel Sheep Society, if the Champion is sired by a Texel ram. SP509 For the winner of class 555 - £100 offered & administered by the British Rouge Society, if sired by a British Rouge ram. SP510 For the winner of class 556 - £100 offered by the British Rouge Society, if sired by a British Rouge ram. COMMERCIAL LAMB CARCASES Entries must be delivered to the Showground between 2pm to 4pm on Thursday 9 July, where there will be a steward in attendance. Lambs will be taken to Penny’s Butchers for killing on Friday morning. Carcases will be returned to the Showground for judging on Monday evening and Tuesday morning. The carcases will be on public display from Tuesday lunchtime (approx) until 5.30pm on Wednesday. Exhibitors wishing to take their carcases home must either mark it on the entry form or inform the Steward in charge at the Showground on the day of initial delivery; the carcases that are being taken home by the exhibitors can be collected between 5.30pm and 6pm on the Wednesday of Show. Please note: Dependant on the number of entries, it may not be possible to display all of the carcases. Judge: Mr A Finch, Preston, Lancashire Class 557 ANY CROSS BRED LAMB, open only to indigenous and down breeds, up to a maximum of 43kgs. No Continental Crosses. Class 558 ANY CROSS BRED LAMB, open only to indigenous and down breeds, between 43kgs and 50kgs. No Continental Crosses. Class 559 ANY OTHER CROSS, live weight under 40kgs. Class 560 ANY OTHER CROSS, live weight 40kgs to 44kgs. Class 561 ANY OTHER CROSS, live weight over 44kgs up to a maximum of 50kgs. CHAMPION PRIZE CH528 For the Champion Carcase - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP511 For the First Prize Winners in any of the above classes - £10 offered and administered by the British Vendeen Sheep Society for any exhibitor gaining a first prize with a Vendeen cross lamb carcase. The Winner/s of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP512 For the Champion Carcase - £50 offered and administered by the Suffolk Sheep Society provided it is sired by a Suffolk Ram. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP513 For the Champion Carcase - £100 offered and administered by the Beltex Sheep Society provided it is sired by a Beltex Ram. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP514 For the Reserve Champion Carcase - £50 offered and administered by the Beltex Sheep Society provided it is sired by a Beltex Ram. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP515 For the Champion Carcase - £100 offered and administered by the Texel Sheep Society provided it is sired by a Texel Ram. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. DALESBRED All entries in these classes must be clipped with the exception of the “HOGG, in wool” class. Judge: Mr R W Suttill, Leyburn , North Yorkshire Class 562 AGED OR SHEARLING RAM. Class 563 HOGG, in wool. Class 564 EWE. Class 565 SHEARLING GIMMER. CHAMPION PRIZE CH529 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH530 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. CH531 For the Dalesbred Breed Champion - Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. DERBYSHIRE GRITSTONE Exhibits must be certified shorn on or after 1 April. The Breed Champion Derbyshire Gritstone sheep will be eligible for entry to the Derbyshire Gritstone Champion of Champions at the Hope Show, (no entry fee). Contact Mrs H Morris: Tel 01663 750318. Judge: Mr J Bowler, Macclesfield, Cheshire Class 566 RAM, shearling or over. Class 567 RAM LAMB. Class 568 SHEARLING EWE. Class 569 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH532 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH533 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH534 For the Derbyshire Gritstone Breed Champion - A Perpetual Trophy offered by the DGSBS with a Rosette for the Champion and the Reserve. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. DORSET HORN/POLL DORSET Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. All sheep over 12 months old must be shorn on or after 1st February of the current year. Judge: Mr J Duffosee, Warminster, Wiltshire Class 570 RAM, shearling or over. Class 571 RAM LAMB, born in 2015 or from the September to December 2014 breeding season. Class 572 ADULT EWE, having reared lambs. Class 573 SHEARLING GIMMER. Class 574 GIMMER LAMB, born in 2015 or from the September to December 2014 breeding season. Class 575 GROUP OF THREE, one ram and two females. entered in this section. Open to animals previously CHAMPION PRIZE CH535 For the Champion Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a Y YAS Championship Rosette. SPNDBC1 For the NDBC Champion Male - A NDBC Champion Rosette & £15 offered and administered by NDBC. This championship is to be competed for by members of NDBC Y exhibiting male sheep that have been shown in this section; sheep must have been bred by the exhibitor. The 3 highest placed eligible sheep in each of the male classes to qualify. CH536 For the Champion Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. SPNDBC2 For the NDBC Champion Female - A NDBC Champion Rosette & £15 offered and administered by NDBC. This championship is to be competed for by members of NDBC exhibiting female sheep that have been shown in this section; sheep must have been bred by the exhibitor. The 3 highest placed eligible sheep in each of the female classes to qualify. CH537 For the Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPNDBC3 For the NDBC Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Breed Champion - A NDBC Champion Rosette & £30 offered and administered by NDBC. This championship is to be competed for by the winners of the NDBC Male and Female Championships. HALF BRED FEMALE X TERMINAL SIRE Open to animals by the following Terminal Sires: Beltex, British Berrichon, British Charollais, British Vendeen, Hampshire Down, Oxford Down, Suffolk and Texel. Judge: Mr C Symons, Kelso, Roxburgshire Class 576 PEN OF TWO SHEARLING GIMMERS. Class 577 PEN OF TWO MATURE EWES, having reared lambs in current year. Class 578 PEN OF TWO GIMMER LAMBS. CHAMPION PRIZE CH538 For the Half Bred Female x Terminal Sire Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. The Champion is eligible for the Commercial Female Championship. HAMPSHIRE DOWN These classes have been kindly sponsored by Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Ltd Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. Any artificial colouring is prohibited. Judge: Ms J Ritchie, Chard, Somerset Class 579 RAM, two shear or over. Class 580 SHEARLING RAM, to be shorn bare in current year. Class 581 RAM LAMB TRIMMED, born on or after 1 December 2014. Class 582 RAM LAMB UNTRIMMED, born on or after 1 December 2014. All animals entered in this class to be untrimmed or carded, except for head and tail. Failure to adhere to this will lead to disqualification. Class 583 SHEARLING EWE, to be shorn bare in current year. Class 584 EWE LAMB, born on or after 1 December 2014. CHAMPION PRIZE CH539 CH540 CH541 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Hampshire Down Breed Champion - A Challenge Trophy offered by the Hampshire Down Sheep Breeder’s Assocation. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. HEBRIDEAN All animals must be registered pedigree Hebrideans and must be shorn during the current year. Sheep must not be trimmed, backed down, carded or excessively brushed. With the exception of the rams, the judge may wish to have halters/headcollars removed. Judge: Mrs H Brewis, Newport Bagnell, Buckinghamshire Class 585 RAM, two shear or over. Class 586 RAM, shearling. Class 587 RAM LAMB, born in current year. Class 588 EWE, two shear or over and must have reared a lamb in current year. Class 589 EWE OR GIMMER, shearling. Class 590 EWE LAMB, born in current year. CHAMPION PRIZE CH542 For the Champion Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH543 For the Champion Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH544 For the Hebridean Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP516 For the highest placed exhibitor, (not having shown at the Great Yorkshire previously) - A Hebridean Sheep Society Special Rosette. SP517 For the highest placed multi-horned sheep at Show - HERDWICK Sheep must be shown in their natural colour or with Herdwick Show Red. Judge: Mr P Edmonson, Borrowdale, Cumbria Class 591 RAM, two shear or over, shorn. Class 592 RAM, shearling, shorn. Class 593 RAM LAMB. Class 594 EWE, to show milk, shorn. Class 595 EWE, shearling, shorn. Class 596 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH545 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH546 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH547 For the Herdwick Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. JACOB To be shown according to Breed Society Rules. Judge: Mr S Harrison, Grange over Sands, Cumbria Class 597 RAM, two shear or over. Class 598 RAM, shearling. Class 599 RAM LAMB, born current year. Class 600 EWE, that has reared a lamb in current year. Class 601 SHEARLING EWE. Class 602 EWE LAMB, born in current year. Class 603 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH548 For the Champion Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH549 For the Champion Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH550 For the Jacob Breed Champion - A Silver Trophy offered by the the Northern Region of the Jacob Sheep Society. A Championship Rosette offered by the Jacob Sheep Society. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. LEICESTER LONGWOOL For the 2015 Show, entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. Judge: Dr T Cole, Belfast, Northern Ireland Class 604 SHEARLING RAM. Class 605 RAM LAMB. Class 606 EWE, that has suckled a lamb in current year. Class 607 SHEARLING GIMMER. Class 608 SHEARLING EWE, in full wool. Class 609 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH551 For the Champion Male - Rosette offered by the Leicester Longwool Breeders Assoc. and a YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH552 For the Champion Female - Rosette offered by the Leicester Longwool Breeders Assoc. and a YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH553 For the Leicester Longwool Breed Champion - The Malton Agricultural Society Trophy. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP518 For the Best Animal of Opposite Sex to the Champion - LINCOLN LONGWOOL Judge: Mr M Coney, Grantham, Lincolnshire Class 610 SHEARLING RAM, bare clipped on or after 1 March in the current year. Class 611 RAM LAMB. Class 612 SHEARLING GIMMER, bare clipped on or after 1 March in the current year. Class 613 YEARLING EWE, shown in full wool. Class 614 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH555 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH556 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH557 For the Lincoln Longwool Breed Champion - The Bradford Chamber of Commerce Cup. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. LLEYN Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. All animals to be shown untrimmed. Light brushing ONLY accepted. Any washing must be confined to the head and legs. All animals sheared bare after 1 May. All lambs must be tagged. Judge: Mr J Dugdale, Settle, North Yorkshire Class 615 RAM, two shear or over. Class 616 SHEARLING RAM. Class 617 RAM LAMB. Class 618 EWE, must have reared lambs in current year. Class 619 SHEARLING EWE. Class 620 EWE LAMB. Class 621 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH558 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH559 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH560 For the Lleyn Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. LONK Classes 622 & 624 to be certified shorn bare between 1 - 14 April in the current year. Judge: Mr J Spence, Clitheroe, Lancashire Class 622 RAM, shearling or over. Class 623 RAM LAMB. Class 624 GIMMER SHEARLING. Class 625 EWE LAMB, born in the current year. CHAMPION PRIZE CH561 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH562 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH563 For the Lonk Breed Champion - The T A Lye Centenary Cup. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. There will also be a Champion & Reserve Rosette given by the Lonk Breeders Association. MASHAM Judge: Mr W Atkinson, Preston, Lancashire Class 626 PEN OF TWO SHEARLING GIMMERS. Class 627 PEN OF TWO EWES, having reared lambs in current year. Class 628 PEN OF TWO EWE LAMBS. Class 629 SINGLE SHEARLING GIMMER. Seperate sheep must be entered in this class. Animals entered in the “PEN OF TWO SHEARLING GIMMERS” are not allowed to enter this class. CHAMPION PRIZE CH564 For the Masham Breed Champion - A Yorkshire Agricultural Society Rose Bowl. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. The winner of this championship is eligible for the Commercial Female Championship. MULE Judge: Mr J Vickers, Alnwick, Northumberland Class 630 PEN OF TWO GIMMER LAMBS, bred by the exhibitor. Class 631 PEN OF TWO SHEARLING GIMMERS. Class 632 PEN OF TWO SHEARLINGS, which have reared lambs. Class 633 PEN OF TWO EWES, having suckled lambs in current year. Class 634 SINGLE MULE EWE, with its own twin lambs. CHAMPION PRIZE CH565 For the Mule Breed Champion also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Champion will NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT All exhibits must have been clipped bare in accordance with Breed Society rules. Judge: Mr R McKenzie, Munlochy, Ross-Shire Class 635 RAM, shearling or over. Class 636 RAM LAMB. Class 637 EWE, that has reared a lamb in the current year. Class 638 GIMMER. Class 639 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH566 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a Championship Rosette. CH567 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH568 For the North Country Cheviot Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. The NCCSS offers a Special Prize Rosette for the Champion from a registered flock. SPECIAL PRIZES SP519 For the Highest placed North Country Cheviot Animal owned and shown by an Exhibitor residing in England - NCCSS offer a Special Prize. OXFORD DOWN All sheep, excluding lambs, must have been shorn bare after 1 February in the current year. Judge: Mr J G Owen, Rhyl, Denbigh Class 640 RAM, shearling or over. Class 641 RAM LAMB. Class 642 EWE, shearling or over. Class 643 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH569 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH570 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH571 For the Oxford Down Breed Champion - A Rose Bowl offered by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. ROUGH FELL Judge: Mr S Huck, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria Class 644 RAM, two shear or over, shown out of wool. Class 645 RAM, shearling, shown out of wool. Class 646 RAM LAMB. Class 647 EWE, rearing lamb, in wool. Class 648 SHEARLING EWE, shown out of wool. Class 649 EWE LAMB. CHAMPION PRIZE CH572 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH573 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH574 For the Rough Fell Breed Champion - The Emmerdale Farm Trophy offered by Yorkshire Television. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette &£60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. RYELAND Judge: Mr N Morgan, Crymych, Dyfed Class 650 AGED RAM. Class 651 SHEARLING RAM. Class 652 RAM LAMB. Class 653 BREEDING EWE, having reared a lamb in current year, shorn bare after 1 May 2015 and untrimmed. Class 654 SHEARLING EWE. Class 655 EWE LAMB. Class 656 GROUP OF THREE, one ram and two females. Open to animals previously shown in this section. CHAMPION PRIZE CH575 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH576 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH577 For the Ryeland Breed Champion - The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP520 For the best Animal of Opposite Sex to the Champion - Challenge Trophy in memory of Harold Holdsworth offered by Northern Ryeland Breeders Group. SP521 For the Winning Group of Three - SHETLAND A primitive breed must be shown in natural state, i.e. cosmetic washing and trimming (except dagging) is not allowed. Judge: Mrs K Sharp, Humbie, East Lothian Class 657 RAM, two shear or over. Class 658 RAM, shearling. Class 659 RAM LAMB. Class 660 EWE, two shear or over. Class 661 SHEARLING EWE. Class 662 EWE LAMB. Class 663 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH578 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH579 For the Champion Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH580 For the Shetland Breed Champion . Plus a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP522 For the Best Group of Three Animals - A YAS Special Rosette. SP523 For members of the Shetland Sheep Society exhibiting for the first time - A Special Shetland Sheep Society Rosette. SP524 For highest placed young handler, 17yrs or under - Shetland Sheep Society Rosette. SUFFOLK Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. Judge: Mr R F Holmes, Exeter, Devon Class 664 Class 665 Class 666 Class 667 Class 668 Class 669 Class 670 SHEARLING RAM. RAM LAMB - TRIMMED. RAM LAMB - UNTRIMMED. EWE, two shear or over, having reared lambs in the current year. SHEARLING EWE. EWE LAMB. GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. Open to animals previously entered in this section. CHAMPION PRIZE CH581 CH582 CH583 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Suffolk Breed Champion - The Sir Prince-Smith Cup offered by his sons and daughters, and The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP525 For the Best Animal of Opposite Sex to the Champion - The Superverm Challenge Trophy offered by the Northern Counties Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society. SP526 For the Best Animal Show of Suffolk Sheep in their Pens - SP527 For the Best Group of Three - SWALEDALE Judge: Mr M Watson, Barnard Castle, Co Durham Class 671 RAM, two shear or over, to be shown out of wool. Class 672 RAM, shearling, to be shown out of wool. Class 673 EWE, any age, to be rearing a lamb in current year, to be shown out of wool. Class 674 EWE, shearling, to be shown out of wool. CHAMPION PRIZE CH584 CH585 CH586 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. For the Swaledale Breed Champion - The Yorkshire Farmers Trophy and Championship rosette offered by the Swaledale Sheepbreeders’ Association. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP528 For the Best Swaledale Sheep shown by a “Small Breeder” - SSBA Perpetual Trophy offered by the Chairman of the Swaledale Sheepbreeders’ Association. SP529 For the Best Pair of Swaledale Sheep, one male and on female, age considered - Special Prize offered by the Swaledale Sheepbreeders’ Association. TEESWATER Points gained towards the Ciba Geigy Trophy. This trophy is awarded each year to the exhibitor achieving the most points over a series of shows. Judge: Mr D Pilkington, Clitheroe, Lancashire Class 675 AGED OR SHEARLING RAM. Class 676 RAM LAMB. Class 677 HOGG IN WOOL. Class 678 EWE, that has suckled a lamb in current year. Class 679 SHEARLING GIMMER. Class 680 GIMMER LAMB. Class 681 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS. Open to animals previously entered in this section. CHAMPION PRIZE CH587 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH588 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH589 For the Teeswater Breed Champion - A Rose Bowl offered by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. TEXEL Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. All exhibits to be shown according to Breed Society Rules. Judge: Mr P Kermode, Ballasalla, Isle of Man Class 682 AGED RAM. Class 683 SHEARLING RAM, exhibitor bred only. Class 684 SHEARLING RAM, open to all exhibitors. Class 685 RAM LAMB. Class 686 THE SIGNET SHEEPBREEDER PERFORMANCE RECORDED RAM LAMB, lambs must be recorded and produced in the flock of a current Signet Sheepbreeder client in GB. Class 687 EWE, having reared a lamb in current year. Class 688 SHEARLING EWE. Class 689 EWE LAMB. Class 690 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH590 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH591 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH592 For the Texel Breed Champion - The Ciba-Geigy Top Clip Trophy. The Texel Sheep Society offer Rosettes to the Champion and to the Reserve. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. WENSLEYDALE Judge: Mrs S Leech, Mayfield, East Sussex Class 691 AGED RAM. Class 692 SHEARLING RAM. Class 693 RAM LAMB. Class 694 YEARLING EWE, in full wool. Class 695 SHEARLING EWE. Class 696 EWE LAMB. Class 697 GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. previously entered in this section. Open to animals CHAMPION PRIZE CH593 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH594 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH595 For the Wensleydale Breed Champion - The Leeds Smithfield Club’s Trophy. The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP530 For the Winner of the “Yearling Ewe in Full Wool” class - WHITEFACED WOODLAND Judge: Mr C Sully, Taunton, Somerset Class 698 RAM, two shear or over. Class 699 RAM, shearling. Class 700 RAM LAMB, born in current year. Class 701 EWE, two shear or over. Class 702 EWE, shearling. Class 703 EWE LAMB, born in current year. CHAMPION PRIZE CH596 For the Champion Male - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH597 For the Champion Female - YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH598 For the Whitefaced Woodland Breed Champion - The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Rosette & £60. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette & £30. ZWARTBLES Entries must be from MV Accredited Flocks only. This Show is hosting the National Zwartbles Sheep Association Show and as such the extra lamb classes have been kindly supported by the Zwartbles Sheep Association. Judge: Mr A Lloyd, Llanrwst, Conwy Class 704 Class 705 Class 706 Class 707 Class 708 Class 709 Class 710 Class 711 Class 712 RAM, two shear or over. RAM, shearling. RAM LAMB, born on or between 1 December 2014 and 14 February 2015. RAM LAMB, born in 2015, on or after 15 February. EWE, two shear or over. EWE, shearling. EWE LAMB, born on or between 1 December 2014 and 14 February 2015. EWE LAMB, born in 2015, on or after 15 February. GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS, one ram and two females. Open to animals previously entered in this section. CH599 For the Champion Male - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH600 For the Champion Female - A YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will also receive a YAS Championship Rosette. CH601 For the Zwartbles Breed Champion - CHAMPION PRIZE The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette and £60 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £30. SPECIAL PRIZES SP531 For the Best Zwartbles Animal bred and exhibited by a Yorkshire Breeder - INTERBREED SHEEP CHAMPIONSHIPS These Championships have been kindly sponsored by Marks and Spencer Plc The Interbreed Longwool, Hill, Shortwool/Lowland, Terminal Breed Championships are to be judged simultaneously at 9.30am on Wednesday 15 July. The winners from each of the four Championships listed below will be eligible to go forward for the Supreme Championship. Judge: Mr R Field, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire CH602 For the Longwool Breed - to be competed for by the Champion animal from the following breeds: Bluefaced Leicester, Leicester, Lincoln, Teeswater, Wensleydale and the Any Other Pedigree Breed Section (where eligible, at the discretion of the Chief Steward). The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Sash & £65 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Sash & £35. Judge: Mr M Horsfield, Nelson, Lancashire CH603 For the Hill Breed Champion - to be competed for by the Champion animal from the following breeds: Blackface, Dalesbred, Derbyshire Gritstone, Hebridean, Herdwick, Lonk, North Country Cheviot, Rough Fell, Swaledale, Whitefaced Woodland, and the Any Other Pedigree Breed Section (where eligible, at the discretion of the Chief Steward). The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Sash & £65 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Sash & £35. Judge: Mr R Richardson, Beverley, East Yorkshire CH604 For the Shortwool/Lowland Champion - to be competed for by the Champion animal from the following breeds: Bleu du Maine, British Rouge, Jacob, Lleyn, Ryeland, Shetland, Zwartbles and the Any Other Pedigree Breed Section (where eligible, at the discretion of the Chief Steward). The Champion will receive a YAS Champion Sash & £65 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Sash & £35. Judge: Mr J Earle, Richmond, North Yorkshire CH605 For the Terminal Breed Champion - to be competed for by the Champion animal from the following breeds: Beltex, British Berrichon, British Charollais, British Vendeen, Hampshire Down, Oxford Down, Suffolk, Texel. The Champion will receive the Grafton Trophy, a YAS Champion Sash & £65 prize money. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Sash & £35. COMMERCIAL FEMALE CHAMPIONSHIP This Championship has been kindly sponsored by Marks and Spencer Plc This Championship is to be competed for by the Champions of the following; Mule, Half Bred and the Masham breeds. To be judged following the Interbreed Championships. Judge: Mr M Horsfield, Nelson, Lancashire Judge: Mr R Field, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire Judge: Mr R Richardson, Beverley, East Yorkshire Judge: J Earle, Richmond, North Yorkshire CH606 For the Commercial Female Champion The Champion will also receive a YAS Champion Rosette, £65 prize money. The Reserve will also receive a Championship Rosette and £35. INTERBREED SHEEP PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP This Championship has been kindly sponsored by Marks and Spencer Plc To be judged following the Commercial Female Championships on Wednesday 15 July. The Male and Female Breed Champions from the Breed sections will be eligible to compete in these Championships. Animals from the AOP are not eligible for this competition. Judge: Mr J Aiken, Dromore, County Down CH607 For the Interbreed Sheep Pairs Champion - The Champion Pair will both receive £60 prize money, YAS Champion Sash. The Reserve Champion Pair will both receive £30 and a YAS Championship Sash. SUPREME SHEEP CHAMPIONSHIP This Championship has been kindly sponsored by Marks and Spencer Plc To be judged following the Pairs Championship on Wednesday 15 July. Judge: Mr J Aiken, Dromore, County Down CH608 For the Supreme Champion Sheep - The Supreme Champion will receive £100 prize money, YAS Supreme Champion Sash together with the Great Yorkshire Show Supreme Championship Trophy. The Reserve will receive £50 and a YAS Championship Sash. SHEEP YOUNG STOCK HANDLERS COMPETITION These classes have been kindly sponsored by Farmers Guardian To be judged at approximately 1.30pm on Wednesday 15 July. All lambs or sheep must be halter trained and must have been shown in the breed classes at this Show. Rosettes & Prize cards are awarded in this section. The winner/s of the Junior Handling Classes will be eligible to take part in the RBST Young Shepherd Competition 2015. (If the Class winner has already qualified the next highest placed competitor not previously qualified can go forward.) The Grand Final for the RBST Young Shepherd competition will be held on Sunday 20th September 2015 at the Royal County of Berkshire Show where classes for the following age groups will be judged: 8-12 years 13-16 years. The winners of each section will receive a Champion Rosette & £50.00 with the Reserve Champion receiving a Reserve Champion rosette & £25.00 and they will then go on to compete for the RBST Champion Young Shepherd Title. Note: Sheep classes at the Royal Country of Berkshire Show are offered for both Maedi Visna non-accredited and accredited sheep. Contact Harriet Bunning at RBST (02476 698763 or harriet@rbst.org.uk). Judge: Mrs G Brown, Darwen, Lancashire Class 712 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 7 years of age or under on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. The handler is to be supervised by an adult at all times. Class 713 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 8-12 years of age on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. Class 714 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 13-16 years of age on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. Class 715 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, Non-MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 7 years of age or under on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. The handler is to be supervised by an adult at all times. Class 716 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, Non-MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 8-12 years of age on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. Class 717 LAMB OR SHEEP, any breed or cross, Non-MV Accredited, shown by a young handler 13-16 years of age on show day. To be judged on presentation and turnout of both lamb/sheep and handler. CHAMPION PRIZE CH609 For the Champion Sheep Young Stock Handler - The YAS Championship Rosette and prize card. The Reserve Champion will also receive a YAS Championship rosette and prize card. WOOL ON THE HOOF To be judged at 10am on Thursday 16th July Judge: Mr D Swinton, Galashiels, Selkirkshire Class 718 LUSTRE LONGWOOL BREEDS, including: Lincoln, Teeswater, Wensleydale. Bluefaced Leicester, Leicester, Class 719 MASHAM AND MULE BREEDS. Class 720 HILL BREEDS, including: Derbyshire Gritstone, Lonk, North Country Cheviot, Shetland (white fleece only), Whitefaced Woodland. Class 721 MEDIUM BREEDS, including: Beltex, Halfbred, Lleyn, Texel. Class 722 MOUNTAIN BREEDS, including: Blackface, Dalesbred, Rough Fell, Swaledale. Class 723 NATURAL COLOURED BREEDS, including: Shetland, Zwartbles. Hebridean, Herdwick, Jacob, Class 724 DOWN BREEDS, including: British Berrichon, British Bleu du Maine, British Charollais, British Rouge, British Vendeen, Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset, Hampshire Down, Oxford Down, Ryeland, Suffolk. CHAMPION PRIZE CH612 For the Champion Wool on the Hoof - Championship Trophy donated by SGS Wool Testing Services International Limited, a YAS Champion Rosette and £75. The Reserve will receive a YAS Championship Rosette and £35. SPECIAL PRIZES SP532 For the Winner of the Lustre Longwool Breeds - Trophy donated by G R Isbecque Limited, Bradford. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP533 For the highest placed Leicester Longwool entry in the Lustre Longwool Breeds The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP534 For the Winner of the Masham and Mule Breeds - A Trophy donated by H Dawson, Sons and Company. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP535 For the Winner of the Hill Breeds - A Trophy donated by D B Holdsworth Limited, Bradford. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP536 For the Winner of the Medium Breeds - A Trophy donated by Curtis Wool Holdings Limited. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP537 For the Winner of the Mountain Breeds - A Trophy donated by L J MacDonald Limited, Bradford. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP538 For the Winner of the Natural Coloured Breeds - A Trophy donated by R E Dickie Limited. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP539 For the Winner of the Down Breeds - A Trophy donated by Prestige Fibres, Bradford. The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP540 For the Highest placed Ryeland in the Down Breeds class of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. The Winner HOUSEWIVES’ CHOICE SHEEP COMPETITION This competition has been kindly sponsored by Towergate AIUA To be judged on Wednesday 15th July following the Young Handlers Classes. This competition has been organised to entertain and educate the general public whilst promoting British Agriculture, particularly in relation to high welfare standards, pride in stockmanship, animal husbandry and to explain the role of farming in managing the countryside. Rosettes and prize cards will be awarded from 1st to 6th place and prize money will be awarded as follows: 1st: £30 and 2nd £15. Prize money will be paid direct to the Breed Societies and not to individual owners. Six ladies from the audience will be invited to judge the sheep in pairs, each pair under the guidance of an expert judge. Each lady will receive a YAS Special Rosette as a momento of the day. Entries will be allowed on the day from competitors with animals that have been exhibited in previous classes in the sheep section. Class HS1 LONGWOOOL BREEDS. Class HS2 HILL BREEDS. Class HS3 SHORTWOOL/LOWLAND BREEDS. CHAMPION PRIZE CH613 Champion Group of Sheep - Prize money of £60, YAS Rosette and prize card. The Reserve Champion group will receive £30 with Rosette and prize card. WOOL FLEECES This section has been kindly sponsored by the Company of Merchants of the Staple of England To be judged at 9am on Tuesday 14th July Each wool fleece exhibit shall consist of one fleece from the 2015 clip; entries must have been grown on the sheep that are the property of the exhibitor, and must be delivered to the Wool Steward before 9.00am on Tuesday 14 July. These classes are based on the wool type and not where a particular breed of sheep originated; the object being that similar types of wool are classified together. Fleeces may only be entered in one class. The fleece must not be artifically stained or fastened with binder or baler twine. Please note: Any class with less than two entries may be cancelled. Please note: No exhibitor may win more than one monetry prize attached to the Championship or Special Prizes listed in the Wool Fleece Section. Judge: Mr M Hudson, Shipley, West Yorkshire Judge: Mr D B Holdsworth, Ilkley, West Yorkshire Class 725 BELTEX. Class 726 BLACKFACE. Class 727 BLEU DU MAINE. Class 728 BLUEFACED LEICESTER. Class 729 BRITISH CHAROLLAIS. Class 730 BRITISH VENDEEN. Class 731 DALESBRED. Class 732 DERBYSHIRE GRITSTONE. Class 733 HEBRIDEAN. Class 734 HERDWICK. Class 735 JACOB. Class 736 LEICESTER LONGWOOL. Class 737 LINCOLN. Class 738 LLEYN. Class 739 LONK. Class 740 MASHAM. Class 741 MULE. Class 742 NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT. Class 743 ROUGH FELL. Class 744 RYELAND. Class 745 SHETLAND, white fleece only. Class 746 SHETLAND, moorit fleece only. Class 747 SHETLAND, black fleece only. Class 748 SHETLAND, any other coloured fleece, not covered in the other Shetland classes. Class 749 SWALEDALE. Class 750 TEESWATER. Class 751 TEXEL. Class 752 WENSLEYDALE. Class 753 WHITEFACED WOODLAND. Class 754 ZWARTBLES. Class 755 ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BREED, not listed in the current classification. Class 756 DOWN BREEDS, open only to British Berrichon, British Rouge, Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset, Half Bred Female x Terminal Sire, Hampshire Down, Oxford Down, Suffolk. Class 757 NATURAL COLOURED - LOWLAND AND HILL BREEDS, to include COLOURED wool from all down breeds: Bluefaced Leicester, British Bleu du Maine, British Charollais, Coloured Ryeland, Derbyshire Gritstone, Jacob, Lincoln, Lonk, Masham, Mule, North Country Cheviot, Teeswater, Texel, Wensleydale, Whitefaced Woodland, Welsh Black and Zwartbles. Class 758 NATURAL COLOURED - MOUNTAIN, to include COLOURED wool from all mountain breeds: Blackface, Dalesbred, Herdwick, Rough Fell, Swaledale and any other course or lustre breed. CHAMPION PRIZE CH614 For the best Fleece in Show - Perpetual Bronze Trophy offered by The Company of Merchants of the Staple of England, £60 & YAS Champion Rosette. The Reserve will receive £40 & a YAS Championship Rosette. SPECIAL PRIZES SP541 For the best Exhibit of Shetland Fleece - open to any entries from the white or any of the coloured classes. Also £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP542 For the best Exhibit of Shetland Fleece of opposite colour to the winner of best overall Shetland Fleece (SP537) The Winner of this award will also receive a YAS Special Rosette. SP543 For the best Exhibit of Shortwool - £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP544 For the best Exhibit of Longwool - £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP545 For the best Coloured Fleece - £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. SP546 For the Shepherd of the Best Exhibit of wool - YAS Special Rosette. SP547 For the Best Fleece from a Yorkshire Producer - Open to any exhibitor producing more than 200kgs. YAS Special Rosette. SP548 For the best Fleece Exhibit of Mountain Bred Wool - the best mountain bred fleece will receive £30 and a YAS Special Rosette. YORKSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION Please observe the following rules for your safety, the smooth running of the Show and the enjoyment of all who visit the Show in any capacity. Show Opening Times Tuesday and Wednesday: 7.30am to 7.30pm Thursday: 7.30am to 6.30pm 1. Entry Fees/Forms Entry fees and closing dates are stated at the front of the schedule and on the entry form. Full payment must accompany all entry forms. Payment methods include: Cheque, made out to Yorkshire Agricultural Society and Debit or Credit cards. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER CLOSING DATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Owners of livestock and equine are eligible for reduced entry fees providing they are a current, Single, Joint or Life Member of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society i.e. have paid the current years’ membership subscription or are paying it on their entry form. 2. Accommodation Sir John Dunnington-Jefferson House The Sir John Dunnington-Jefferson House has 10 twin rooms and 60 single rooms, each with basic furniture, bed and a mattress. Shower, toilet and clothes drying facilities are in the same building and available only to residents. A £130.00 (Single – one person only) warden is in attendance and all rooms are lockable. The £260.00 (Twin – two people only) rooms are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. (fully booked at print date) Residents must supply their own bedding. (No more than one twin room or two single rooms can be booked perE Exhibitors must vacate their room by 12 noon on Friday 17th July 2015. exhibitor) Please Note: Sir John Dunnington-Jefferson House is NOT suitable for young children or people of 16 years or under. Members Non-Members Pig and Goat Cubicles Single cubicles with beds and mattresses provided. Exhibitors must provide their own padlocks. £22.00 £32.00 Exhibitor Camping Park: Open to all livestock exhibitors and Show staff/contractors. Tents permitted Exhibitors must vacate this park by 8pm on Thursday 16th July. ONLY ONE CAR SPACE IS ALLOCATED PER TENT £65.00 £65.00 £65.00 £65.00 £145.00 N/A Exhibitor Caravan Park: Open to all equine & livestock exhibitors and Show staff/contractors. Caravans and Motorhomes permitted. Exhibitors must vacate this park by 8pm on Thursday 16th July. ONLY ONE CAR SPACE IS ALLOCATED PER CARAVAN Harrogate Caravan Park: Open to YAS Members Only. Caravans permitted. Awnings permitted for an additional £55.00. Please on 01423 541000 for reservations. (fully booked at print date). Harrogate Rugby Club Caravan Park (Rudding Lane): Open to all exhibitors and visitors and close to the Showground. Full facilities and bar/light meals available. Pitches available from £20 per night booking directly with HRUFC 01423 815420 www.harrogaterugby.com 3. Washing Facilities Showers are available as follows: next to the Stockperson's Accommodation near the Forestry Pavilion on Sixth Avenue on Fourth Avenue near the Stables between Sheep and Red Gate at the Yellow Gate end of Avenue E 4. The Littondale Restaurant (Stockmen’s) The Littondale Restaurant is under the management of Gilbert Thomson’s Country Refreshments will be open as follows: Food Bar Saturday 11 July 11.30am – 6.00pm Sunday 12 July 8.00am – 7.00pm Monday 13 July - Wednesday 15 July 6.30am – 8.00pm 12.00 noon – 8.00pm Thursday 16 July 6.30am – 8.00pm (Tues & Wed Only) A mobile catering unit will be near the Littondale Restaurant from Thursday 9 July onwards 5. Exhibitors’ Facilities The following facilities are available. (a) Tack boxes for horse exhibitor Stabling (b) Penning Sleeping cubicles for pig and goat exhibitors (c) Storage/Tack areas for cattle exhibitors (these will be communal areas within the cattle sheds) 6. Bedding Straw will be provided in each stable/stall/pen on arrival. Straw will be available for exhibitors to collect from the Forage Yard. The Forage Yard will be open between 6.00am and 10.00pm, Saturday 11 July Thursday 16 July. There will be a daily delivery (after 7.30pm) in the cattle lines. Limited green fodder will be available FOC. Hay is NOT provided and NOT available to buy at Show. 7. Acceptance of Entries The Society reserves the right to refuse any entry without providing reasons. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure entries are posted well in advance of the entry closing date. Closing dates are final and will be strictly enforced, entries received after the closing date will be returned. 8. Cancellation or Combining of Classes The Society reserves the right to cancel or combine any classes if it is decided that there are insufficient entries or exhibitors. If classes are cancelled all entry fees will be refunded in these circumstances. 9. Checking of Entry Details Exhibitors are entirely responsible for the eligibility of their animals for the classes entered and should check that all details are complete and accurate before mailing the form to the Livestock & Entries Department. Requests to amend incorrect details may attract an admin fee. Entry Fees will not be refunded to exhibitors who enter ineligible animals. 10. Substitution of entries is NOT allowed. (Unless stated separately in the Breed Specific Regulations or within the individual section regulations). 11. Competitor/Exhibitor Declaration By completing the entry form (in any section), you agree to abide by the regulations of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. Any exhibitor who breaks any of the Society’s rules or uses unfair means to win a prize, will be subject to the rules on Disqualification, Sanctions and Banning Orders contained herein and, as a result, may forfeit all prizes and prize money and may be barred from attending future shows. 12. Disputes In the event of any dispute, parties are directed to the procedure contained under Disqualification, Sanctions and Banning Orders contained herein. (Sections 34 -52). 13. Breed Society/Governing Body Regulations Any exhibitor competing under breed society or governing body affiliation will be considered to have agreed to abide by the rules of that society in addition to the show rules. 14. Emergency Veterinary Treatment It is a condition of entry that the Society’s Veterinary Surgeons may treat any animal in an emergency whether or not the owner/exhibitor is present. If emergency veterinary treatment is required at the Show, exhibitors will be responsible for the cost of any medication or drugs used in the treatment of their animal and payment must be made direct to the Vets at the time of treatment. Any animal that is receiving veterinary treatment at the time of the show should not be entered unless the owner has had the animal examined by their own Vet and it is safe for them to enter the show. However, animals still showing evidence of disease will not be permitted to be shown. 15. Fitness to Travel / Transport of Pregnant Animals Animals must be fit for the intended journey prior to beginning the journey and must remain sufficiently fit throughout the travel period. This means the animal should be healthy enough to tolerate the entire journey it is about to make (including loading, unloading and any journey breaks) with no or very little adverse effect on it and the journey should not cause the animal any suffering or injury. The means of transport must be designed, constructed, maintained and operated so as to avoid injury and suffering and ensure the safety of the animals. A journey includes the period from the loading of the first animal to the unloading of the last animal. Any animal entered in the Show that is not fit to travel should be left at the holding premises. The transport of pregnant animals for whom 90% or more of the expected gestation period has already passed, or who have given birth in the previous week is prohibited. Any animal entered to which these criteria apply should not be brought to the Show under any circumstances. [Council Regulation (EC) 1/2005, implemented by The Welfare of Animals (Transport)(England) Order 2006] 16. Entry to the Show Exhibitor tickets in the form of wristbands will be allocated in accordance with the details on the entry form. Additional day tickets may be purchased in advance – please order with your entry form. Advance prices are as follows: Adult £23.00 Child £10.00 (5yrs to 18yrs) Concession £22.00 (60yrs+) Family (2 adults & 3 children) £56.00 17. Prize Money Prize money will be paid by cheque within 6 weeks of the end of the Show. Prize cheques must be cashed within 6 months from the date of issue. Please indicate on the entry form who the prize money cheque should be made payable to if it different to the exhibitor name. Any outstanding accounts will be off-set against any prize money or other amount owed to the exhibitor. Prize winners who are required to parade in the Main Ring or elsewhere, must do so, or be prepared to forfeit all prize money. 18. Display of Exhibits No exhibit may be covered during show opening hours. No rosettes or prize cards except those won at the Great Yorkshire Show in the current year may be displayed and are displayed at the owner's risk. Duplicates will not be supplied. 19. Showing Ring Dress Guide All exhibitors, stockpersons, and grooms must be appropriately dressed. Exhibitors are under the jurisdiction of the Judge until the class has been completed and must stay in the ring throughout the class unless instructed otherwise by either the Judge or the Steward. 20. Merit The Judge has discretion to withhold any prize where he/she considers there is insufficient merit. 21. Protests Any protest must be lodged in writing within two hours of the class being judged and accompanied by a deposit of £50. The protest must be handed in at the Show Office. The protest will be considered by a Committee chaired by the Honorary Show Director or the Chief Executive and the Committee’s decision is final. If the protest, in the view of the Honorary Show Director, is deemed to constitute a Dispute then it will be dealt in accordance with the procedure under Disqualification, Sanctions and Banning Orders, contained herein. If the protest is not sustained then the deposit may be forfeited at the Society’s discretion. Please note: This is a general regulation and individual section regulations regarding protests may differ to the above. 22. Cups and Trophies All YAS Society cups and trophies are perpetual and cannot be won outright. Cups and Trophies may be collected from the Show Office on show days on production of the winner’s slip which will be handed to the winner in the ring. Cups and Trophies will not be posted after the Show. Cups/Trophies must be returned to the Society’s Office no later than 30 April 2016 at the expense of the exhibitor. THIS IS A CONDITION OF TAKING THE CUP/TROPHY. When returning trophies to the Society please ensure the correct details are supplied for engraving purposes. All engraving will be carried out on return of the YAS cup/trophy and must ONLY be at the appointment of the Society. PLEASE DO NOT HAVE YAS SOCIETY CUPS/TROPHIES ENGRAVED. Please note: Due to the age and value of a few of the cups and trophies listed in the schedules, a keepsake/tankard may be offered by the Society instead of that particular cup or trophy, although the winner’s details will be added to any such cup or trophy for posterity. 23. Dogs/Pets are not allowed on the Showground with the exception of Assistance Dogs and those taking part in competitive classes or events. 24. Any exhibitor removing their exhibit before the permitted time as detailed in the relevant schedule shall be deemed to have breached these rules and it will be categorised as a Major Breach (as defined) and will be subject to the rules governing Disqualification, Sanctions and Banning Orders. 25. Responsibilities of Exhibitors It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure they arrive on the showground in sufficient time for the commencement of their classes. Any ring timetables publicised are provisional and may be subject to change. The Society will not accept responsibility for any exhibitor missing their class(es). 26. Conditions of Admittance Persons are admitted to the showground and car parks at their own risk and vehicles, together with their accessories and contents, are parked at the owner’s risk. While every care is taken to ensure the safety of people and vehicles the Society will not accept liability for any loss or damage or personal injury however caused. 27. No Smoking All enclosed areas on the Showground are Smoke Free; this includes the use of E-Cigarettes. Smoking is NOT allowed in any indoor area including the Grandstands, the Stockman’s accommodation, the stables, livestock buildings and Forage Yard at any time. Any persons breaking this rule may be banned from future shows. 28. Animal Welfare Any person causing suffering or any form of cruelty to animals will be deemed to have committed a Major Breach of these Rules. Both the first instance adjudicators and any subsequent Appeal Panel will rely on the proposed sanctions below as guidance when considering any decision: (a) A lifetime Banning Order preventing you from ever exhibiting and/or attending the Show; (b) An Order to forfeit of entry fees, prizes and prize monies; (c) YAS reserve the right to report any cruelty to animals to any relevant prosecuting authority including but not limited to; the Police, RSPCA or any Breed Association. 29. Health and Safety Any exhibitor who fails to comply with health and safety or fire safety legislation may be liable to enforcement action by Harrogate Borough Council Environmental Health Officer and the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Fire Safety Officer. It is the responsibility of all exhibitors to familiarise themselves with the Health and Safety Policy for the Show and to comply with any requirements placed on them whilst competing at the Show. Livestock must be under the control of a competent handler at all times and they must use approved restraints which are safe and fit for purpose. Movements on the Showground include areas used by the public and from the cattle lines into the judging rings and handlers must ensure adequate safeguards are in place to prevent an animal from escaping. If the handler is a junior handler (under 18 years of age) they must be supervised by an experienced adult handler who is able to restrain/control the animal in an emergency. Livestock exhibitors will indemnify the Yorkshire Agricultural Society for any losses suffered as a result of their failure to provide competent handlers in accordance with these regulations and the GYS Health and Safety Policy. 30. Disclaimer The Society and its officers shall not be responsible for any person whatsoever while upon the Society’s premises, or while entering and leaving the same, for any damage or loss however caused to the property of any such person or for any injury, fatal or otherwise, to any such person. 31. The Society and its officers shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss however caused that may occur to any exhibitor or his servant or to any animal, article, or property exhibited or brought onto the showground by him. Each exhibitor shall indemnify the Society from and against all actions, suits expenses or claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury however caused. 32. Insurance By completing the entry form you warrant to YAS that on or from the date of application up to and including the end of the Great Yorkshire Show the applicant will hold valid insurance to insure against loss or damage caused to any person or property to a minimum value of £2 million. 33. By completing the entry form you are confirming to the following: You are stating that you understand, confirm and agree to the following statement: “To the best of my knowledge and belief, the animal(s) I have entered is/are free from any clinical disease at the time of entry. I further declare that all necessary precautions will be taken to prevent the said animal(s) from being exposed to infectious or contagious diseases from the time of entry to their arrival on the Showground. Each and all of the particulars given are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that these animals are my own property; and that they are duly qualified, according to the Society’s regulations and conditions, to compete for the prize or prizes for which they are entered. To conform, as an exhibitor, to all the Regulations, Conditions and Orders the Great Yorkshire Show; to hold the Society blameless in the event of any illness, loss or damage occurring to, or through, any animal I may enter or exhibit at the Show, or of mis-delivery of the same: and to indemnify the Society against any legal proceeding arising from any such illness, loss, damage or mis-delivery”. Disqualification, Sanctions and Banning Orders 34. Disputes In the event of any dispute between you and any other person attending the Show (other than persons connected with, employed by or representing the Show/YAS) regarding any matter relating to the Show, the parties shall refer the matter to the Honorary Show Director or Chief Executive who will make a decision which shall be binding and exclusive. 35. In the event of a dispute between you and the YAS (or any officer, member, associate or employee of the same) the matter will be directed to the Honorary Show Director, in the first instance. The Honorary Show Director will, at his sole discretion, decide the appropriate procedure necessary to achieve resolution. The procedures available to the Honorary Show Director are contained in this section alone and by entering this agreement, you agree that the dispute resolution procedures contained herein will be final and binding on the parties. 36. Rule Breaches Upon the YAS becoming aware of any breach of this agreement (the Rules), the matter will be put before the Honorary Show Director who will, at his sole discretion, decide whether the breach is deemed to be Minor or Major. 37. Disputes under these Rules will be deemed to fall into 3 categories: (a) Disputes arising out of Minor Breaches; Minor Breaches The following examples are intended to be illustrative only and this list is not exhaustive. The Honorary Show Director will, at his sole discretion, determine whether any breach is Minor or Major: i. ii. iii. Procedural misdemeanours in pre-showing organisation; Late arrivals for Showing; Any other act deemed to be a Minor Breach by the Honorary Show Director. (b) Disputes arising out of Major Breaches; Major Breaches The following examples are intended to be illustrative only and this list is not exhaustive. The Honorary Show Director will, at his sole discretion, determine whether any breach is Minor or Major: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Any act of cruelty to animals or acts that may cause suffering to any animal; Any act of dishonesty in competing, showing or exhibiting; Any other act that could reasonably be regarded as “cheating”, to be determined by the Honorary Show Director; Any breach of any laws, statute, regulation, statutory instrument or bylaw from time to time in force governing any of the following: transport of animals/livestock, care of animals, presentation of animals, breeding of animals, prevention of disease in animals; Any other act deemed to be more than a Minor Breach, as determined by the Honorary Show Director. (c) Disputes not relating to a breach of the Rules. 38. Disputes arising out of Minor Breaches Disputes arising out of Minor Breaches will be dealt with at hearing chaired by the Chief Executive or the Honorary Show Director. The decision of the hearing will be final and binding and there will be no right of appeal. No representation, legal or otherwise, will be allowed at such a hearing and submissions will only be heard from you. 39. Sanctions handed down at a hearing regarding Minor Breaches will be limited to any of the following, singularly or together: (a) Formal written warnings. Repeated breaches may lead to a matter being re-categorised as a Major Breach and will be dealt with accordingly; (b) A fine of up to £1000 to be paid to YAS; (c) A direction that you leave the Show immediately and not partake in any showing or competition for the remaining duration of that year’s show. (N.B this will not impact on any Show, Prize or Remuneration already achieved, prior to the breach, and will not equate to a lifetime ban. Refusal to leave the Showground may constitute a Major Breach and will be dealt with accordingly); (d) An Order to forfeit prizes and prize monies. 40. Disputes arising out of Major Breaches Disputes arising out of Major Breaches will be dealt with at a hearing, in private, chaired by the Chief Executive or the Honorary Show Director, in the first instance. Evidence will be heard from any witness(es) and submissions will only be allowed from you. 41. No representation legal, or otherwise will be allowed at such a hearing. 42. The hearing will make a decision which shall be binding on all parties. 43. Decisions made in the first instance regarding Major Breaches will be subject to a right of appeal. Should you wish to appeal, you must set out your grounds (reasons) for appeal in writing and these must be lodged with the YAS Chief Executive within 48 hours of the first instance decision. 44. Appeals Upon receipt of validly served grounds of appeal, YAS will form a panel of between 3-5 appropriate representatives to hear the appeal (The Appeal Panel). The panel may include Council Members, current and former Presidents and any appropriate expert as the appeal may require. The panel will set an appeal date to take place not before 28 days from the date of the first instance decision and elect a person to chair the Appeal Panel. 45. The Appeal Panel at their discretion can appoint a suitably qualified person to provide the Appeal Panel with legal advice, if this occurs and only if this occurs you, the appellant, will be allowed legal representation at any future hearings. All appeal decisions shall be final, binding and exclusive. By entering this agreement you agree that any decision of the Appeal Panel shall be final. 46. The Appeal Panel may make any order to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the appeal hearing. This includes: the adjournment of the appeal hearing in order to gather further evidence; request further information or disclosure from you; an order that skeleton arguments or any other documents are provided by the parties to the Appeal Panel; and any other reasonable order. Failure to adhere to any reasonable order will be a waiver of your right to appeal and the first instance decision shall be enforced. 47. At the appeal hearing evidence may be heard from witnesses, both in person and in writing. Any witness whose evidence is in dispute must give evidence in person and any other parties will have the opportunity to ask further questions of that witness. 48. Opening and closing submissions will be allowed from any party involved in the appeal. 49. At the end of the appeal proceedings the Appeal Panel will make a decision. This may be in writing or verbally. 50. Sanctions handed down at first instance hearing or any subsequent appeal hearing concerning a Major Breach will be limited to any or all of the following: (a) A lifetime Banning Order preventing you from ever exhibiting and/or attending the Show; (b) A Banning Order for a term of years prescribed by the first instance hearing or Appeal Panel at their discretion. (Any Banning Order prescribed by an Appeal Panel will be final and binding); (c) An Order to forfeit of prizes and prize monies; (d) A fine not exceeding £10,000 to be paid to YAS; 51. Costs relating to Minor Breaches or Major Breaches, in the first instance, will be borne by the parties. An Award of costs in relation to appeal proceedings will be decided by the Appeal Panel at the conclusion of the appeal and in the event of a dismissal of the appeal may include any costs incurred by the YAS in relation to the appeal hearing. Publicity and Data Protection 52. The Society shall have permission to do the following: a) store, process and retain, including electronically, all data and personal information provided by exhibitors, for the purposes of operating the Show, maintaining appropriate records and communicating with the exhibitor in future concerning any of the Society’s activities; b) publicise the names and home locations of exhibitors, including but not limited to prize winners, in Show catalogues, on the Show website and elsewhere as part of the operation and promotion of the Show and future shows; c) photograph any exhibitor or other person on the Showground and store and use the resulting image (including edited or altered versions) for any of the Society’s commercial or non-commercial purposes in all and any media, including, without limitation, use in promotional materials and on the Society’s website, or supply to carefully selected third parties for use for their own purposes. The Society shall own the copyright in any such images; d) Publish the details and results of any disputes and/or appeals. SHEEP The general conditions and regulations of the Show also apply to this section. All movements to and from the Show must be reported using the Form ARAMS 1 The Showground will be open for the acceptance of animals from 11am on Saturday 11th July. PREMIUM SHEEP & GOAT HEALTH SCHEME (PGHS) Please would exhibitors take careful note of the designation of each breed. We regret that we can only accept entries of MV Accredited or Non Accredited stock in each breed as stated below with the exception of the Any Other Pedigree Breed; Native, Primitive or Continental. MV Accredited Beltex Bleu Du Maine British Berrichon British Charollais British Rouge British Vendeen Dorset Horn/Poll Dorset Hampshire Down Leicester (For 2015) Lleyn Suffolk Texel Zwartbles 80. 81. Non Accredited Blackface Bluefaced Leicester Butchers Lambs Dalesbred Derbyshire Gritstone Halfbred Female x Terminal Sire Hebridean Herdwick Jacob Lincoln Lonk Masham Mule Oxford Down Rough Fell Ryeland Shetland Swaledale Teeswater Wensleydale Whitefaced Woodland A valid PSGHS Health Status Report must be produced for inspection before unloading. The HSR must be signed and dated and the expiry date must be later than the date of the movement and within all dates of the Show. Ear Tag numbers of all sheep entered must be listed on the HSR. All sheep must be on the showground by 6pm on the Monday 13th July and may not be removed until 3.30pm on the Thursday 16th July 2015. 82. Separate accommodation, access and loading points will be provided for each category of sheep. MV Accredited and Non Accredited Sheep must travel separately or with a solid partition between each category and must have separate loading/unloading facilities. 83. If an MV Accredited sheep comes into contact with a Non Accredited sheep it must then be kept separate from other MV Accredited sheep from then on, otherwise all the MV Accredited sheep and the premises from which they came will lose their MV Accredited status. 84. MV Accredited sheep must be accompanied to the show by a Current Health Status Report which must be handed in at the Reception point. Photocopies will not be accepted. 85. MV Accredited stock must be led by halter or collar at all times. 86. Copies of the rules of the MV Accredited Schemes are available from SAC Veterinary Services. 87. PSGHS SCRAPIE MONITORING SCHEME Exhibitors attending Show must either:a) Produce a certificate proving that they are scrapie monitored. or b). Produce a declaration that the sheep are:ii. Have not lambed within 30 days prior to the show i. Non pregnant 88a All Sheep entered at show must have been treated with an approved scab control product carried out to the manufacturer’s specification. 88b Short Tail Docking - The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007 Exhibitors must comply with the above regulations when showing Sheep at the Show. The regulations state it is illegal to: “Cause, or permit to be performed” an operation short-tail docking sheep unless sufficient tail is retained to cover the vulva in the case of a female sheep and the anus in the case of a male sheep. APHA staff will report and trace incidents on every occasion where short tail-docking of sheep has been seen. A visit to the farm of holding of origin will be undertaken to identify and deal with any problems on the farm. If an owner is found to have short tail-docked their sheep they will be liable to prosecution under the above legislation and any breaches reported to the RPA. 89. Every pedigree animal entered for competition must be entered, or certified as eligible, to be entered in the flock of its breed. 90. “Two-shear” is an animal that was born in the year 2013. A “Shearling” is an animal that was born in 2014. 91. All aged ewes must have reared a lamb/s during the current year; an “aged ewe” is any ewe that is two shear or over. 92. No sheep shall be marked and/or shorn except in accordance with the rules of there respective breed society. 93. FANS ARE NOT PERMIITTED IN THE SHEEP SHEDS. THE 2015 GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY This policy is a legal requirement and outlines the roles and responsibilities within the Yorkshire Agricultural Society (YAS) to ensure compliance with its statutory and moral obligations for health and safety at the Great Yorkshire Show. All Staff (permanent, temporary and contracted), Exhibitors, Stewards, Judges and Visitors are expected to comply with the Show Health and Safety Policy and any legal obligations placed upon them. This policy conforms to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other relevant legislation. Organisational Responsibilities Operations Manager – Nigel Morgan Facilities Manager – Garry Leahy Show & Trade Stands Coord. – Michelle Mackey Event Safety Advisor – Phil Atkinson Show & Trade Stands Officer – Emma Donnelly Livestock & Ents Coord. – Amanda Stoddart-West It is the overall responsibility of the Operations Manager to ensure that the policy is implemented and individual responsibilities are fulfilled so far as is reasonably practicable. The Operations Manager will ensure that all activities under the management and control of the YAS fulfil their statutory requirements with regard to health and safety at the Great Yorkshire Show. The Operations Manager is responsible through effective planning in ensuring that risks involved in work activities and the control measures to minimise these are in place and are communicated through a process of briefings and a guidance booklet so far as is reasonably practicable. The Operations Manager will ensure that the locations under the control of the YAS and used in connection with the GYS are maintained in a safe condition, entrances and exits used for the movement of people, animals and vehicles are safe and without risk so far as is reasonably practicable. The Operations Manager assisted by the Facilities Manager will provide up to date safety information for staff, exhibitors and visitors if individuals are exposed to new or increased risks or are exposed to any substance that may be hazardous to health. The use of all hazardous substances will be supervised by a competent person at all times. The Facilities Manager is responsible for the management of all Facilities Department staff, contractors and activities at the Show. Livestock Exhibitors The YAS reserves the right to suspend any activity or remove any contractor or exhibitor from the showground if they are considered to be unsafe or in direct contravention of health & safety legislation or Show Regulations. All trade, equine, livestock and other exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that plant and machinery is safe and that safe systems of work are set out and followed particularly in respect of the movement of horses and livestock around the showground and they follow any directions given to them by YAS Stewards. All exhibitors must ensure that they maintain a safe working environment and that all articles, substances are moved, stored and used safely and that health and safety and fire safety legislation is complied with. Any exhibitor who fails to comply with health and safety or fire safety legislation may be liable to enforcement action by Harrogate Borough Council Environmental Health Officers and/or the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Fire Safety Officer. Prize money will also be withheld and exhibitors may be removed from the Show. Livestock and Equine exhibitors are reminded that a show environment can be extremely stressful for their animals and animals with unpredictable temperament or character should not be brought to the Show. Livestock and Equine exhibitors will be responsible for carrying out their own risk assessments for the control, movement and conduct of their animals at all times and in the case of livestock applying reasonable controls to ensure that they do not escape or pose a danger to the public whilst being moved around the Showground for grooming, washing, milking, exercise or during loading and unloading. Livestock must be under the control of a competent handler using approved restraints when being moved around the public areas on the showground and into the judging rings and safeguards are in place to prevent an animal from escaping. If the handler is a junior handler (under 18 years of age) they must be supervised by a competent adult handler who is able to restrain/control the animal in an emergency. In the interests of public safety livestock exhibitors will keep the movement of livestock to a minimum when the show is open to the public and during transfers from their stalls to judging rings and back and will restrict movement of livestock to controlled areas designated by the organisers. Livestock must not be left unattended at any time in public areas whether restrained or otherwise unless in a secure stall and it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that stalls are secure and livestock cannot escape when they are being viewed by the public. Livestock exhibitors will indemnify the Yorkshire Agricultural Society for any losses suffered as a direct result of their failure to provide competent handlers and/or any negligent act on the part of the handler or owner which is in direct contravention of this policy or the Show Regulations. Livestock exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that any workers under their control or direction who are engaged in disinfecting activities are made aware of the risks and the control measures in place. Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own personal protective equipment and that they or their agents use this equipment. The organiser reserves the right to restrict the movement of people through the cattle lines whilst judging or livestock movement is in progress. First Aid First aid and medical facilities for the Great Yorkshire Show are provided by Show Med who will provide extensive coverage for the three days of the show. First aid points are clearly identified on the showground and on maps and in catalogues. All Show Med personnel are qualified first aid or Emergency Care Practitioners. Persons needing hospital care will be transported to Harrogate District Hospital. There is a dedicated Medical Centre on the Showground. Emergency Procedures In the event of a major incident during the Great Yorkshire Show the YAS/GYS emergency procedures will be put into effect. See supplementary document GYS Major Incident Plan (December 2014 Revised) Fire Precautions All staff, temporary workers, contractors and exhibitors must comply with the requirements of the Show Fire Risk Assessment which conforms to the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 including persons in charge of activities within temporary structures and marquees including multi-occupancy units. All fire exits will be clearly marked and the route to them will be kept clear at all times. No person shall place an obstruction in aisles, corridors or walk ways that are designated escape routes at any time. Fire extinguishers and other safety equipment will be located at easily accessible points and will be clearly visible and identified as fire safety equipment. No person should attempt to use any fire safety equipment which places themselves or others at risk. Fire safety equipment must not be moved or tampered with. Any person who discovers a fire should dial 999 and inform Event Control or Black Gate Security Reception Point ‘out of hours’. Smoke Free Regulations/Policy All enclosed and substantially enclosed areas on the Showground are Smoke Free (No Smoking; this includes the use of E-Cigarettes). This includes all permanent buildings, temporary structures, tents, marquees or similar, stables, cattle sheds, sheep, pig and goat lines and the Main Ring and White Rose Ring Grandstands. Smoking is only permitted on the road networks inside the Showground and on clear open spaces that are not substantially enclosed. Local Authority Inspectors have the power to levy a fixed penalty fine on individuals who contravene these regulations. The requirements apply to all smoking 24 hours a day and the Safety Stewards/Security will be responsible for enforcing these regulations on behalf of the Society. Vehicle Movements/Speed Limits on the Showground Vehicle movements are not permitted on the Showground when the Show is open to the public except essential service and emergency vehicles. The maximum speed limit on the showground for any type of mechanically driven vehicle including ATV’s and Quad bikes is 20 mph. This should not be exceeded under any circumstances and due care and consideration should be demonstrated by the drivers of all vehicles when the show is open to the public particularly in crowded public area’s and when livestock and horses are moving or visible. In public area’s if the volume of the public in these area’s is so great as to be a hazard or risk to the drivers of mechanical vehicles they should not enter these area’s until it is safe to do so. The safety of the public and workers on foot is of primary consideration at all times regardless of the purpose that the vehicle is being used for. Risk Assessment A Risk Assessment has been prepared by the Society that identifies potential hazards that could pose a risk during the build-up, breakdown and when the Show is open to the public. A copy of the risk assessment is available on request. The Risk Assessment is a legal document and will be made available in the event of any subsequent claim or investigation against the YAS or an exhibitor or contractor for negligence or damages arising from any act or incident at the Great Yorkshire Show. Other Arrangements Disinfection of Livestock Transport All workers involved in the disinfection of livestock vehicles must be made aware of the risks by the contractor responsible. The designated area used for disinfection is maintained in a safe condition and any machinery used must be safe with safe systems of work set out for the operation including the provision and use of personal protective equipment. A risk assessment must be prepared that conforms to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations as hazardous substances are in use in this area. Storage Exhibitors or contractors are not permitted to store items or equipment on the showground particularly hazardous substances unless prior agreement has been reached with the Show and Trade Stands Coordinator prior to the show or it forms part of the contractual arrangements for the show. Any items that are stored must be stored in accordance with specific instructions outlined by the YAS and must be stored safely. Exhibitors and contractors must ensure that the storage of any items or equipment does not contravene fire safety regulations. Use of Barbecues The use of barbecues by exhibitors or contractors is not permitted within the showground perimeter unless they form part of a legitimate trade stand demonstration and the necessary safety controls are in place. The Trade Stands Officer must be notified prior to the Show if a barbecue is to be used and approval given in writing. The use of barbecues in the cattle sheds is strictly prohibited. Furniture in the Cattle Sheds Only flame retardant folding picnic chairs are permitted in the cattle sheds. Settees and other items of bulky furniture are not permitted as they pose a significant fire risk. Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 October 2014 www.countrysidelive.co.uk Competitive Sections for Beef, Sheep, Equine, Pigeons, Poultry, Honey, Fruit & Veg. Livestock & Entries: Amanda Stoddart-West Tel: 01423 546231 amandaw@yas.co.uk For enquiries please contact: Trade Stands: Michelle Mackey Tel: 01423 546204 michellem@yas.co.uk
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