GLAD TIDINGS “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.” Luke 2:10 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 146 West Utica Street Buffalo, NY 14222-2085 716.882.9485 (24 Hours) 716.886.9151 fax APRIL 2015 VOL 47/NO. 4 . PARISH COUNCIL . IN THIS ISSUE . Proistamenos - Rev. Dr. Christos B. Christakis 716.882.9485 (church) 716.839.0495 (h) 716.319.0099 (c) . . Assistant Priest - Rev. John Sakellariou 716.882.9485 (church) George Danakas 716-730-1982 (c) President - Dean Mellas Vice President - Barbara Kuvshinoff Treasurer - Patrick Markey Secretary - Paula Schembri . Douglas Davis . Peter Hiczewski . Thomas Jousma . Fotini Koutsandreas Maria Papafagos . Dina Turecki . Dean Paul Vallas PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Choir Directors Adult (832.9971 or 835.3882) Tom Krestos Byzantine (689.2464) George Marinides Youth (433.5950) Beth Mellas Protopsaltis (689.2464) George Marinides Altar Boys Advisor (681.5841) Brian Cervi Sunday School Coordinator (433.5950) Beth Mellas Cultural Committee (694.8201) Ellene Phufas Greek Language School Principal (568.0371) Ria Andreadis P.T.O. Presidents Niki Varvakis, Angela Klentos Buffalo GreekFest (882.9485 church) Hellenic Senior Club (885.1729) Barbara Kelly Women’s Philoptochos Committee (553.5722) Barbara Kuvshinoff Youth Council JOY/HOPE Lea Cervi GOYA Ben Rossiter YAL Irini Faltas Orthodox Action (565.3630) Mary Danakas OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) John Mellas Campus Ministry Orthodox Book Shop (688.5816) Tina Colaizzo-Anas, Coordinator Orthodox Gift Shop Helen Giokas Iriny Faltas Lynda Mermigas Stacey Scime Litsa Koutsandreas Diane Schlabig Wedding and Baptism Accessories Lynda Mermigas Martyrikca (lapel pins) & Lambathes (decorated candles) Vickie Malamas Library (688.8036) Aglaia Polisson, Coordinator Pat Papafagos Joanne Liaros Patricia Christian Jean Botsoglou Tina Colaizzo-Anas Church Secretary (882.9485 (O) or Ria Andreadis . . . . . . . SERVICES . Sunday Services: 9:00 a.m. Orthros (Matins)/10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Sunday School: Begins following Communion until 12:00 p.m. Weekday Services: 9:00 a.m. Orthros (Matins)/10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 2 Easter Sacraments 3 Go Paperless 3 Youth News 4 Parish Council President 6 Land Development 7 Mobile Apps 7 Calendar 8-9 Lent & Pascha Schedule 10 Easter Egg Hunt 10 Holy Week Events 11 Sunday School 12 Greek School 13 OCF 14 Women’s Philoptochos 15 Library 18 Orthodox Action 19 GreekFest 20-22 Hellenic Seniors Club 23 Book Discussion Group 23 Adult Choir 24 Living Water 25 Scholarship Trust 26 Scholarship Applications 26-27 Memorials 28-29 Community Register 29 Daily Bible Guide 30 Glad Tidings is published by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church monthly in January, February, March, April, May, June/July/August, September, October, November, and December. Editor Fr. Christos B. Christakis Designer Jennifer Gogos Contributing Photographers Presvytera Lisa Christakis SCHEDULE OF EASTER SACRAMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS SACRAMENT OF HOLY CONFESSION: Contact Fr. Christos to schedule a time for Holy Confession. SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION: We could receive Holy Communion at the following services: April 9 - Holy Thursday Liturgy – 8:00 am April 11 - Holy Saturday Liturgy – 10:00 am April 11 - Paschal Liturgy – 11:00 pm SACRAMENT OF HOLY UNCTION: There will be one service for Holy Wednesday, April 8 at 6:00 PM for everyone EASTER OFFERING ENVELOPE: A “Special Easter Offering Envelope” will be mailed to all parishioners. The financial needs of our Church are dependent on the generosity of all of our parishioners and friends, especially during this Holy Season. Please make an offering of love - God Bless you! HOLY WEEK and EPITAPHIO FLOWERS: Every year, parishioners and friends request an opportunity to contribute to the cost of the Holy Week and Easter Flowers, and especially for the flowers to decorate the “Epitaphio,” which signifies the Burial Tomb of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For those who wish to contribute, a SPECIAL OFFERING TRAY for FLOWERS will be passed by our Women’s Philoptochos on several Sundays. A number of parishioners have expressed an interest in going paperless in regards to the Glad Tidings, parish council information, and other parish correspondence. If you are interested in going paperless, please contact Fr. John at 3 YOUTH NEWS Fr. John Sakellariou | 716-730-1982 | Greek Fest Reminder! The Greek Fest is around the corner and we need your help! Please contact Karoline Faltas if you are interested in volunteering. To sign up, simply contact Karoline @ or visit Your help is much appreciated. Dear Youth and Parents, As the weather warms and Holy Week is upon us the Youth Council has plenty of activities planned. As for Easter, we are very fortunate that many of the public schools will be observing a Spring Recess during Holy Week. This provides us with a great opportunity to take advantage of more of the Church services with our family and friends. With that being said, we will hold our annual Holy Friday Retreat here at the Church on April 10th. The retreat will begin at the end of the Royal Hours service at 11 A.M. All youth ages 5-18 are invited and encouraged to attend. We will have various crafts and sessions throughout the day. In addition, confession will also be offered. The retreat will be a good opportunity to come together with friends and to learn more about why we celebrate Easter and the significance it has for us. Palm Cross Making Since many of the public schools will also have the day off on Friday, April 3, we are asking all of our youth to be present and help make Palm Crosses. Myrrh-Bearers All young ladies ages 5-12 are invited to participate in the MyrrhBearers ministry this year for Holy Friday. Please contact the Church office to sign up ( Easter Egg Hunt All kids are invited to participate in the Easter egg hunt following the Agape Service on April 12. Please check Facebook and for the latest times and details on the following events: • Palm Crosses Making - Fri, April 3, 10am – 11am • Holy Friday Youth Retreat - Fri, April 10, 11am – 1pm • Easter Egg Hunt – Sun, April 12, after 12pm Also, here are more potential events that we are planning for this spring and summer: • Niagara Falls outing/Maid of the Mist • GOYA Olympics • Greek Night • Trivia Night • Bake Off • Zip-lining • Bandits Lacrosse 4 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015 at our church Following Royal Hours (10:00 AM) until 3:00 PM Confession • Lunch • Teaching Presentations • Crafts If you plan to attend, please sign up with Fr. John ( 5 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT’S REPORT CG Dean Mellas Pascha, The Joy of the Resurrection! I believe addressing these 5-Challenges are paramount to simply finding ways to spend or save the gift; in that spirit I encourage your input. Please share with me and the Parish Council your thoughts or how you envision us meeting the 5 Parish Challenges listed here. At the General Assembly I presented these challenges, passed out a form, asked each person to give it some thought and write your response to these challenges and then send it to me or the Church office. Your voice and opinion is important but I ask that you write your response because it’s a more thought provoking task. You can ask for a copy of the form or simply write a letter; in either case, think of how do we Honor, Foster, Fulfill, Display and Create! Χριστός Ανέστη, Christ is Risen! For the next 40 days as Orthodox Christians we greet each other with this truly glorious proclamation. Having prepared ourselves through the Triodion, endured the Great fast, attended Liturgies, Pre-Sanctified’s, Akathist’s, Vespers, chanted Lamentations, processed with candles, scattered rose petals, bay leaf and basil, adorned our Church in flowers, participated in Holy Week, having controlled our passions and tongue, shared in book groups, given alms, served others, read scripture, increased our prayer life, offered our confessions, received Holy Unction, listened to great Homilies, chanted the Χριστός Ανέστη, received Holy Communion, after all these and so much more; we are handed a simple red egg - the symbol of the blood of Christ (His sacrifice for us), the empty tomb (His defeat of Death) and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and God (our eternal Hope). I love red eggs. With these challenges at the forefront, we will make every effort to study our options and perform our due diligence. We hope by the fall General Assembly to present the full scope of the endowment and propose an action plan on its use. In the meantime, I welcome your comments, questions and service in the spirit of our Orthodox Christian love. Red eggs is the primary purpose we are all here. Indeed, there are other worthy reasons we come to Church; fellowship, friendship, family and more, but only in our Church can we receive the Gift of the Red Eggs. I hope and pray your Lent and Pascal season was a blessing for you and your family. Χριστός Ανέστη, Truly He is Risen! Speaking of Red Eggs and Great Gifts, since our last Glad Tidings an exciting announcement was made about a truly wonderful gift to the Church by the late Helen Vafiopoulos (may her memory be eternal). Although at this writing all of the details are not yet known, we do know her endowment to the Church will be over $3 million. What a great gift of Stewardship! It will be our responsibility of the Parish Council and our community as a whole, to be wise Stewards of this gift. At the General Assembly in March I outlined 5-Challenges of our community and asked; “How do we …” 1. Honor the Gift: In other words, how best do we use it as she intended? 2. Foster Growth with the gift: Can it motivate and inspire our own stewardship? 3. Fulfill the call of Ministry & Salvation: Can this help the true Red Egg mission of our Church? 4. Display Responsibility and Prudence: Can we manage it wisely to perpetuate the blessing? 5. Create a Model: Will our responsible action motivate others to follow her gift example? 6 THE LANCASTER CAMPUS LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Andrea T. Manyon, Co-Chairperson There is continuing activity by the volunteers of the committee to bring the project of a suburban Family Life Center and a Chapel to reality. getting out of our shell and offering a vision for the future of Orthodoxy in WNY. With the open phase of fund raising now in effect, new donations have come into the LDC account. Eight parishioners have sent money and more have promised to do the same. A thermometer of funds raised will soon be placed in the Church parlors. The LDC members are in continual negotiations with regard to the architectural and project managerial contractors for the project. We may be able to start the process of obtaining permits from the town of Lancaster (as a first step) by late May. Once the site work starts and as the parishioners rally around the cause we could have the Family Life Center and the Chapel completed before the end of 2016. In a recent meeting the LLC formally voted to donate the remaining western half of the 30 acre lot to the Church. This process will be completed by a formal request to the parish council to accept the donation and any other steps needed. Further development of that lot will be done from within the Church through the Land Development Committee (LDC). We would greatly appreciate it if members of our community with technical and professional expertise participate as well as all of our Orthodox community to join in the realization of this project. We are planning sweepstakes and other fund-raising events. We also want to ask parishioners who pledged during the silent phase and haven’t fulfilled their pledge to please do so. This project is critical for the future and growth of our Greek Orthodox community. Introversion and lack of faith in our abilities will only lead to stagnation and decline. We will bring more people (and especially the younger generations) to our church by 7 8 5 1 - 9/10:00am Matins/ Divine Liturgy - Sunday School - WPC General Mtg - 9/10:00am Matins/ Divine Liturgy - Sunday School -Youth Choir Rehearsal -WPC Coffee Hour Pascha -12:00 Noon – Agape Service -1:00pm –Easter Egg Hunt 26 19 12 - Palm Sunday - WPC tray for flowers - Palm Sunday Luncheon - WPC Baked Goods Pick up - Greek School Bake & Lambades Sale - 7:00pm – Bridegroom Service Sunday 6 2 27 20 13 - 7:00pm – Bridegroom Service APRIL Monday - PC Meeting - PC Meeting 28 21 14 -7:30pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal 29 22 15 - Holy Wednesday - 6:00pm - Holy Unction - 10:00am – Easter Eggs Dye - 7:00pm – Bridegroom Service -7:30pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal 1 8 3 Wednesday 7 Tuesday 30 -The Feast of St. George -9/10:00am Matins/Divine Liturgy -12:00 noon - Seniors’ Membership Luncheon 23 16 -Holy Thursday - 8:00am –Divine Liturgy - 7:00pm - 12 Gospels - NO Adult Greek Lang. Class 9 22 - 6:30pm – Adult Greek Language Class Thursday 33 MAY 1 24 - Life Giving Font -9/10:00am Matins/Divine -7:00pm - WPC Board Mtg 17 10 -Holy Friday -10:00am Royal Hours -11:30am – Holy Friday Retreat -3:00pm Apokathelosis -7:00pm Lamentations - Office Closed - WPC Baked Goods Pick up -10:00am – Palm Cross Making Friday 4 -10:00am – Greek School 2 -10:00am – Greek School -11:00am-12:30pm -Orthodox Action Soup Kitchen 25 -10:00am – Greek School 18 11 - Holy Saturday - Proti Anastasis - 9/10:00am Matins/Divine Liturgy -11:00pm - Vigil of Pasch -1:30am – Easter Meal - No Greek School - No Soup Kitchen -Sat. of Lazarus -9/10 Matins/Divine Liturgy 10:00am – Palm Cross Making -10:00 - Greek School Saturday 9 10 3 - Mother’s Day - 9/10:00am Matins/ Divine Liturgy - Sunday School -WPC No kid hungry Bake Sale - 9/10:00am Matins/ Divine Liturgy - Sunday School - Youth Choir Sunday Monday 11 4 12 5 7 - 6:30pm – Adult Greek Language Class 14 - 6:30pm - Adult Greek Lang. Class Thursday Friday 15 8 - 6:30pm - GreekFest 5K Run Any questions, comments, or corrections can be directed towards Fr. John. Our parish address is: In addition, the site is updated daily to show the latest news, events and liturgical services. An integrated photo gallery has also been added to showcase many of our vibrant events and ministries. OUR PARISH WEBSITE HAS A NEW LOOK! -7:30pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal 6 13 - 7:30pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Saturday 9 -10am – Greek School -WPC Board Mtg 16 -10:00am – Greek School -11:00am-12:30pm -Orthodox Action Soup Kitchen We are pleased to announce that our parish website has a new look and that the site has been reprogrammed so that it is more compatible with mobile devices! Tuesday LENT & PASCHA 2015 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday, April 4 Saturday of Lazarus - Matins 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Sunday, April 5 PALM SUNDAY - Matins 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Service of Nymphios – 7:00 pm Monday, April 6 HOLY MONDAY - Service of Nymphios – 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 7 HOLY TUESDAY - Service of Nymphios – 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 8 HOLY WEDNESDAY – Holy Unction – 6:00 pm Thursday, April 9 HOLY THURSDAY – Divine Liturgy of the Mystical Supper 8:00 am - followed by Community Paschal Egg Preparation (Demakos Community Center) - Reading of 12 Gospels – 7:00 pm Friday, April 10 HOLY (GOOD) FRIDAY – Royal Hours 10:00 am – followed by Holy Friday Youth Retreat (Grades K-12) – Removal of Christ’s Body 3:00 pm – Service of the Lamentations with Flower Girl Presentation 7:00 pm Saturday, April 11 HOLY SATURDAY – Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 9:00 am – Resurrection/Paschal Vigil Divine Liturgy 11:00 pm – followed by Pascha Community Meal Sunday, April 12 GREAT & HOLY PASCHA – Agape Service 12:00 Noon – followed by Youth Easter Egg Hunt Friday, April 17 Feast of the Life Giving Font (Zoodochos Pegi) - Matins 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Thursday, April 23 Feast of St. George - Matins 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 10 April 5, 2015 $12 Adults | $6 Children 11 SUNDAY SCHOOL Beth Mellas, Coordinator | Dr. Barbara Kuvshinoff and Peter Hiczewski, Assistant Coordinators Thank you to the following students who assisted during Liturgy on Youth Sunday in March: Katerina Schlabig (Epistle reader), Basil Christakis and Zoi Mastoras (assisted in the Narthex), Dominic Cervi and Sofia Davis (read Antiphons). SAVE THE DATES Last Sunday, students in grades 7th through 12th attended our parish-level St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival in the Chapel. Two students participated, both in the Senior Division (grades 10-12). They were: Julianna Schlabig and Basil Christakis. Congratulations for taking the time to share and confess your faith with us. Both students said they spent between 8-10 hours to research and write their speeches. Thanks goes to Ellene Phufas-Jousma, Irini Faltas, and Dean Mellas for judging; Effie George for time-keeping; Tina Anas for selecting gifts for the participants. Both students will now continue to the District Festival in April which will be at St. Sophia, Syracuse, NY. We wish them the best! Apr. 5 Palm Sunday. Classes in session. Apr. 12 Pascha (no classes) First Sunday each month is Youth Sunday Parents, please continue encouraging your children to “Train for the Race” in Sunday school, just as you would for physical education and other life skills. That means to bring them to classes, to church, to special services, to assist in the soup kitchen, to GOYA/JOY events, etc. Teach them these habits of good skills and practices, and they will have those gifts their whole life. Again, here are the definitions for each ‘race’: • 5-k: for students who attend Sunday school • 10-k: for students who attend Sunday school and JOY/GOYA/Youth Choir activities • Half-marathon: for students who attend Sunday school, JOY/GOYA/Youth Choir activities, and participates in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Senior Division Oratorical Speakers for 2015: Basil Christakis and Julianna Schlabig, above; Father Christos speaking with students, below. • Marathon: for students who attend Sunday school, JOY/GOYA/Youth Choir activities, participates in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, and attend at least one Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Wednesdays in Lent. St. Luke recorded Christ as saying, “If any one of My servants, who is baptized in My name and remains faithful, confesses Me before men, if any brave athlete competes in the contest of My name and proclaims that I am the True God Who came in the flesh, Who was crucified and resurrected for the love of man, I will also confess him before the angels of My Father, before the angels in Heaven” (Lk. 12:8). Blessed is the child whose parents encourage action and live by this Faith. Sunday school is here to help. Facebook: Sunday School Parents at Annunciation Orthodox Buffalo 12 13 OCF NORTHEAST REGIONAL RETREAT Fr. John Sakellariou The Regional Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) held in our parish was a great success. Our parish hosted many Orthodox Students from the surrounding colleges as well as from other colleges in parts of New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Canada to name but a few. We even had a few students among us who are in the process of joining the Orthodox Church! The retreat provided a great opportunity for fellowship, fun, and meeting new friends. Since this retreat was a great success, I received a lot of feedback from some of the local students in having an OCF chapter started in their college. If you are in college or soon to be, please contact me ( if you are interested in being a part of OCF. What is OCF? Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official collegiate campus ministry program under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. OCF is charged with connecting Orthodox college students—and those interested in the Orthodox Christian faith—to Christ and His Church. OCF realizes this mission by: • Supporting fellowships on college campuses, whose mem- 14 bers experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others, and study of the Faith; • Providing a variety of thoughtful and innovative programming including College Conference and Real Break domestic and international service projects; and, • Training lay and clergy volunteers as well as our students for leadership roles on campus and beyond. Finally, I would like to extend a thank you to all the students who came from far and near for this great retreat. In addition, I would like to thank our very own OCF Regional Coordinator Alex Kuvshinoff and his mother Barbara Kuvshinoff for their help in making this event a success. WOMEN’S PHILOPTOCHOS COMMITTEE Barbara Kuvshinoff, President Membership: Our membership drive for 2015 ends this month. We send the list of our members to the Metropolis of Detroit and to the National Philoptochos by April 30th. Last year we had 115 members – at this time we have 61. Any Orthodox woman over the age of 18 may join as a member. Orthodox men may also join as associate members. Those who are not Orthodox, but are married to an Orthodox spouse may join as associate members. Philoptochos is the right arm of philanthropy in the church and is a “friend to the poor.” We support many worthwhile causes in our parish, in our local neighborhoods, in our metropolis, our nation and in the world. Become a part of it! Philoptochos Elections to the Board: This year is an election year for Philoptochos. That means that it’s time for a new board. We have several ladies who have served on the board for lengthy periods of time who would like to step down and give new people a chance to serve. I encourage anyone who is interested to speak to a current board member and ask what it is like to serve. It can be a very rewarding and eye-opening experience. The by-laws of the Philoptchos state that the president and treasurer cannot remain in office for more than two 2-year terms. We need new Board members to help us shape the future of Philoptochos and to adapt it to the busy schedules we have today. A new board means new ideas, new ways of doing things, and even some growing pains as some traditions change and new traditions are begun. Please consider serving on the board if you are eligible – you may nominate yourself for the board. Who can serve on the Philoptochos Board? There are two criteria for serving on the board: 1. You must be a full member (not an associate member), thus you must be an Orthodox woman over the age of 18. and assist at Philoptochos events. This doesn’t mean you have to be at EVERY meeting or EVERY event. We understand that we all have busy lives and multiple commitments. Who are the officers and what do they do? Officers on the Board are elected by the directors on the Board. They include the president, vice president, secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and advisor. To be president you must have served on the Board for 2 years before you are elected to that position. The previous president automatically becomes the advisor to the new president. The by-laws state that no officer shall hold an office for more than two consecutive 2 year terms. When are elections? Elections will be held in May, most likely on Sunday the 10th or the 17th. After the elections, the new Board will take the Oath of Office and be installed at our Installation Luncheon on May 31st following Liturgy. ALL members are invited to the Installation Luncheon which will be held a short distance from the church at the Brooklyn Room on Delaware Avenue. We are working to put together a menu with a cost of $25 – look for information next month. At the Installation luncheon, the newly elected Board members will elect the officers that will serve from 2015-2017. How long do I have to serve if I am a Board member? Board members serve for 2 years. They are elected in May and assume their responsibilities July 1 and serve for two years until the next Board is elected and assumes their responsibilities. While it is true that many Board members have served for multiple years in a row. It is not required. In fact, several Board members have expressed a wish that they would love to step off the Board and be replaced by members of the next generation of Philoptochos members. 2. You must have been a member of Philoptotchos in the year prior to the election – in this case 2014. How many people are on the Board? Chapters of 50-99 members should have not less than 7, nor more than 17 board members. Chapters of 100-199 members shall not have more than 19 board members. Last time we had elections, our chapter elected 13 board members. What are the duties of a Board member? What does the Board do? The Board generally meets once a month to plan and organize events and fundraisers, allocate charitable donations, and determine how we as a group can help those in need. As a Board member you should attend the monthly meeting, contribute your ideas, 15 If I’m on the Board, do I have to bake? NO! Don’t be afraid to be on the Board! We are a great sisterhood and strive to do charitable work. It is a great feeling to be able to assist those in need. While baking is usually our biggest and best fundraiser, you don’t have to bake to be on the Board! I’m interested…what do I do now? If you are interested or have further questions, contact anyone on the current Board. You can call or email Barbara Kuvshinoff 553-5722, OR you can call Ria in the office 882-9485. 16 17 LIBRARY Aglaia Polisson .Each chapter features a saint (special agent), a brief explanation Holy and Great Lent is a time of spiritual preparation and growth. We have the opportunity through daily prayer, fasting and service to others to reach spiritual blessings. of why each is a special agent and prayers for children on the theme of each agent. LENTEN PRAYER OF ST. EPHRAIM Lord and master of my life, deliver me from the spirit of laziness, meddling, ambition and gossip. Give me , Your servant, the spirit of prudence, humility, patience and love. Lord and King grant that I may see my sins and faults and not judge my brother, for You are blessed forever and ever. Why it’s notable: this book introduces pre-teens to serving Christ in the real world and gives targets for the young to aim for as they live life as an agent. LIBRARY EVENTS • Story Time: Second Sunday of each month. We introduce new books. Come – enjoy! The Library has an abundance of Lenten and prayer books: • Daily Lenten Meditations for the Orthodox Christian - by • Orthodox Book Discussion Group: The Art of Salvation by Elder Ephraim. The discussion has been very inspiring and informative. Thank you to all who participated. Presbytera Harakas. • Holy Week and Easter • First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty Day Journey through the THANK YOU Canon of St. Andrew Thank you to the following for their donations • Margaret Manos in memory of Nicholas Economou • The Meaning of Great Lent by Bishop Kallistos Ware • Elizabeth Degen in memory of Nicholas Economou • The Lenten Triodion - Translated by Mother Mary and • Patricia Papafagos in memory of Alexander Papafagos and Mary Krestos Kalistos Ware • Meditations for Great Lent – Reflections on the Triodion by Vassilios Papavassiliou. Contains powerful meditations emphasizing humility, repentance, ascetic love, fasting , not judging , the passions of virtues, joy, the cross and resurrection to the journey to Pascha. • Orthodox Lent, Holy Week and Easter by Hugh Wybrew: describes the observances of Lent Holy Week and Easter in the Orthodox tradition by presenting selected liturgical texts from the services of the most significant days. • Great Lent by Alexander Schmemann: the author explores the riches of the Lenten liturgical journey within the Orthodox Church • The Orthodox Way by Fr. Kallistos Ware Be the first to review one of our library books: Special Agents of Christ: A prayer book for young Orthodox Saints by Annalisa Boyd What it’s about : Readers are invited to become special agents 18 ORTHODOX ACTION Mary Danakas “Share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless and poor into your house.” Isaiah 58:7 Christos Anesti! Alethos Anesti! any lukewarm Christians to follow Him. He demands us to give Him our whole heart, to give 100% of ourselves. Wishy-washy Christians is not what Jesus wants. To follow our Lord is a lifelong journey of continually recommitting our whole life to Christ. This is why we repeat 10 times during each Divine Liturgy, with all the saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God. Throughout Great Lent and the glorious celebration of Pascha we are reminded that to be a true disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ isn’t easy. True discipleship requires sacrifice, perseverance, and struggle. There is a definite COST, COMMITMENT, and a FIRM RESPONSE needed to follow Christ. To truly follow Christ is hard! It involves a demanding COST, COMMITMENT, and RESPONSE. Yet the fruits that follow such a path are incomparable – deep union and intimate love with our Savior. The life of a true follower of Christ is a struggle, but during that struggle we experience inexpressible love, a peace that surpasses all understanding, as well as a radiant joy and hope which sustains us through all of life’s struggles, and ultimately eternal salvation. This is why people choose to walk down this narrow path. COST: I remember the words of my New Testament professor at seminary, Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, who would say, It costs nothing to become a Christian, but once you become one, it costs you everything. There is no cost to be baptized and join Christ’s Holy Church. Once we are baptized and become members of the Church, however, then we are expected to live our entire life for Christ and according to His Gospel. Throughout Great Lent and the glorious celebration of Pascha Jesus invited each of us to follow Him – to accept the COST, to make the COMMITMENT, and to RESPOND in a firm manner. It is then that we will discover the most joyful and exciting life possible! How will you respond? To be an Orthodox Christian implies that we have asked Jesus to enter and control our life. We choose to live under the reign of God. Being a follower of Jesus should affect everything we do in our lives – how we act in our home, in the work place, at school, in our hobbies, and in the street. If we have allowed Christ to live in our hearts, than His light of love should radiate from our words, our actions, and our very being. People should understand our identity as Christians not by what we say, but by who we are! One way of responding is to volunteer and join Orthodox Action at one of it’s twice a month Saturday Soup Kitchens. Volunteers are needed from 10 AM-1 PM on the second and last Saturday of each month. Just as Christ invited His first disciples, we, too, would like to invite you to Come and See! To volunteer, please call Mary Mastoras, the Volunteer Coordinator at 440-2130. COMMITMENT: After we accept this cost, then comes the commitment. We need to understand the big difference between simply believing in God and committing our lives to Him. It’s Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! easy to say, I believe in Jesus. I believe that He was a wonderful teacher, a miracle worker, and even the Son of God. How hard, though, to say I am comA Special Thank You from Orthodox Action to: mitted to Christ. I will follow Him in all that I do. My lifestyle and my values will • Women’s Philoptochos Committee for their very kind and generous donation of chili, reflect the teachings of Jesus. I will try to tomato sauce, cheddar cheese and sour cream for our February 14, 2014 Soup Kitchen! imitate His life of love, of forgiveness, of mercy, of compassion, or care for all peo• Milton, Sophia, and Foti Koutsandreas, of Alton’s Restaurant for their very generous ple. In other words, believing is not donation of baked ziti, salad and sliced bread for our February 28, 2015 Soup Kitchen! enough. Actual commitment is the Their donation was made in loving memory of Konstandinos Koutsandreas and authentic sign of true belief. Konstandinos Bousdas. May their memories be eternal! RESPONSE: Following such a • Nicole Marcello and the Olmstead PTA for their donation of spaghetti, meatballs, rolls, commitment needs to come a wholebutter pats, salad, and 10 gallons of sauce! hearted response. Jesus doesn’t want May God bless you all for your service and generosity! 19 BUFFALO GREEKFEST 2015 Jeff Gianiodis, Chairperson Website: | June 5, 6, 7 2015 YiaYia’s Attic: To Volunteer: Online at:, or via email:, or see the form on page 21. You can also reach Karoline Faltas by phone, 716-880-4303. We are always looking for donations of gently used household items, toys, jewelry, handbags, etc. Please, no clothing, shoes, and bedding or computer items. Contact Barbara Kelly at 885.1729 to arrange delvery (or pick up) of your items. Please volunteer! We still need help in all areas. If you have already signed up, thank you, for serving the church in this way. Our festival needs you to be successful. Continue checking the website, bulletin and Glad Tidings for news and updates. 5th Annual 5k Run: This year’s race will take place on Friday, May 15, 2015. Sweepstakes Drawing/Cocktail Party: Thursday May 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Demakos Community Center. 500 tickets will be sold; cost is $150 per ticket. If you wish to purchase tickets, please see the form on page 22, or contact Andrew Gianiodis: 510-6068. 6th Annual a run for the annunciation greek orthodox church of buffalo friday, may 15, 2015 at 6:30 pm annunciation greek orthodox church 146 w. utica street buffalo, ny 14222 fee is $20 (pre-race day), $25 (day of race) us funds only, please post race awards party with greek food, music and beer for registration and race information, visit 20 21 22 HELLENIC SENIOR CLUB OF STS. JOACHIM & ANNA Barbara Kelly, President • No May Coffee Klatch due to Festival Preparations I hope you are all enjoying some spring weather after such a long and severe winter. Please mark your calendars for our membership luncheon, details below. You can include your dues with your luncheon payment, or send $10.00 to Joyce McDaniels, 199 Columbia Ave., Williamsville, NY 14221. If you are a member please renew. If you aren’t, please consider joining and supporting our club. We are the only organization in our church that provides fellowship and activities designed for seniors. We are really more of a social club than a senior club, so if you are over 50, please join us. We need new ideas and new energy. • June 30 - Coffee Klatch celebrating all of our birthdays MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Thursday April 23, 2015 at 12 Noon The Columns Banquets, 2221 Transit Road Hors d’ oeuvres and cash bar followed by lunch Menu choices: Chicken Piccata with a lemon caper wine sauce Baked Haddock topped with tomato bruschetta and spinach Vegetable Lasagna with Alfredo sauce It is that time of the year again for collecting things for Yiayia’s Attic. If you are de-cluttering, downsizing, or moving please donate your unwanted items. Dishes, glasses, serving pieces, kitchenware, pictures, books, decorative items, costume jewelry, handbags all sell well. I will be happy to pick up your donations. Call me, Barbara Kelly, at 885-1729. Please, no clothing, shoes, and bedding or computer items. Cost: $25.00 (if you haven’t paid your dues, add $10.00, total $35.00) To reserve call Helen Curtis, 833-3741, by April 15 Make checks payable to Hellenic Senior Club and UPCOMING EVENTS mail with your menu choice to: • April 23 - Membership Luncheon, 12:00 at The Columns Helen Curtis, 58 Lenore Road, Amherst, 14226 • No April Coffee Klatch Orthodox Book Discussion Group june discussion book Sacred Parenting: How Raising Kids Shapes our Souls by Gary Thomas Parenting is a school for spiritual formation—and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children will profoundly alter us forever. Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book you have ever read. This is not a “how-to” book that teaches you ways to discipline your kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of discussing how parents can change their kids, Sacred Parenting turns the tables and demonstrates how God uses our kids to change us. You’ve read all the method books. Now take a step back and receive some much-needed inspiration. You’ll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent—and how their children transformed their relationship with God. Sacred Parenting affirms the spiritual value of being a parent, showing you the holy potential of the parent-child relationship. Join us on June 22nd at 7:00 P.M. in the church garden for a discussion of this highly anticipated book. Copies are available in the church bookstore and library. For Book Discussion Group updates visit: . To join the book group email list, email 23 ADULT CHOIR Tom Krestos The members of the ADULT CHOIR express their gratitude for the following memorial donations given to them: • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Betty-Lou Diebold Frangooles: Nicholas & Priscilla Candiliotis Louis & Deanna Diakos Mary Eyler Sam & Stella Gikas Sterios & Maria Gogos Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Angie Page Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis William G. Siradas Mrs. Hope Vallas • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Thalia Bechakas Kafasis Louis & Deana Diakos • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Mary Voulgaris Krestos Terry Abraham Roger & Donna Amati & Family Michael & Maria Antoulinakis John & Toula Bechakas Maria & Ken Bork & Family Diana Pappas & Gerald Aquilina & Family Dean Pappas Angeline “Angie” Krestos Brown Crist & Katie Brown and John & Jim Kennie & Kelly Brown Jerry & Christina Candiliotis Nicholas & Priscilla Candiliotis Mrs. Soula Clark Sue Marie Clark Louis & Deanna Diakos Fr. Jim & Pres. Goldie Doukas Mary Eyler Katherine, Adonis, Michele Nicholas & Danielle Falkides Sam & Stella Gikas Sterios & Maria Gogos George & Jennifer Gogos & Family Demetria (Doukas) & Mike Greenwood Gary Anthony Halicki Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Fr. Demetrios & Pres. Diana (Doukas) Kazakis & Family Barbara E. Kelly George & Clara Kosmas Nicole Krestos Drs. Boris & Barbara Kuvshinoff Michael & Artemis Likoudis Patrick & Anna Manning Margaret M. Manos Navene & Jerome Maragliano Ann Martin Carol Szczepanski Claire & Al Nelson Paul & Marie Nogowski Angie Page Gerry & Mary Jo Parker Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis Mark & Lisa Phillips Peter Plumpis & Family Mrs. Regina M. Sapona William G. Siradas Bill & Madonna Strom Stephen & Karen Turner Mrs. Hope Vallas Anthony & Barbara Veanes Gregory & Elaine Weber John & Amy Zavitz & Family • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Helen Yianilos Parish Barbara E. Kelly Navene & Jerome Maragliano Valentinos & Sophia Salonikis • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Hercules Pappas Margaret M. Manos • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +John Pavlakis - Greece: Michael & Maria Antoulinakis Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Anthony G. “Tony” Perdicas: Mary Eyler Margaret M. Manos 24 Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis Valentinos & Sophia Salonikis • We thank the following for donating In Loving Memory of: +Lula Siradas The Siradas Family APRIL is here, and Soon it will be Summer…pretty soon... think MUSIC, think SONGS, think HYMNS, think about… Singing with the Adult Choir and praising His Holy Name together! Christos Anesti Alithos Anesti ~ Christ is Risen Truly He has Risen ~ LIVING WATER ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! ΑΛΗΘΩΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ! CHRIST IS RISEN! TRULY HE IS RISEN! The following text is a translation from an article that Archbishop Anastasios of Albania wrote for a Greek newspaper in 2005. It is one of those texts that never lose their value with the passage of time. The word Pascha comes from the Aramaic pasha or the Hebrew pesah, and among other things it means passage, crossing over, “passover.” The Israelite tradition connected this term to the commemoration of the exit of the Hebrews from the bondage to Pharaoh. The Christians adopted it singing the new Pascha that Christ inaugurated with His Passion and His Resurrection. Through this He validated the “new covenant” of love, leading the new people that would follow Him to a life of freedom, and final overcoming of the powers of darkness and death. “Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha - we chant joyfully - for Christ our God has out of death passed us over into life, and likewise from earth to heaven, as we now sing a triumphal hymn.” Through His resurrection, Christ not only destroyed the machinations of His crucifiers and undid the plans of the political and religious establishment of His time, but he mainly opened a way to a different kind of life, where everything is illumined with hope. “The universe is illumined by Your resurrection, O Christ” intones the hymnodist. “We celebrate that death has been put to death, Hades has been overthrown, and another everlasting life has begun, and exulting we praise and extol the Cause...” Therefore, in order to truly celebrate Pascha, we must not limit ourselves to a conventional shell of customs, to the external frame of the feast, to well-wishes, fireworks, red eggs, dancing and songs. It behooves us to attempt to access its core. To absorb the deeper meaning of Orthodox Pascha. We truly celebrate by passing over from a superficial view of Pascha to an experience that is personal, spiritual and faithful to Tradition. At the same time the paschal feast urges us to attempt another exit: from the realm of fear and discouragement to the domain of hope. Holy Week has reminded us of envy, plots, machinations, unbelievable pettiness of many individuals such as the Pharisees, the leaders, the anonymous masses, and even the disciples. It shed light in a particular manner to something that we are so familiar 25 with in our personal lives: sorrows, persecutions, slander, lies, injustice, that even the Most Innocent One experienced. Thus, these days reminded us that Christ hasn’t not promised to His own a life of comfort and quiet. He spoke of a path full of demands and challenges. The new thing that Christ brought to the world was not the cross. The cross pre-existed. The new thing is the transformation of the cross to resurrection. Under this perspective, the sorrow that God allows in our lives acquires a special meaning. The Risen Christ is near us in order to lead us to an exit from the Lie with its various permutations to the transparent Truth, from pain without hope to the peaceful acceptance of pain with hope. Pascha invites us to yet another crossing over. From our little or great loneliness to a relationship of love with those that surround us, with all those that Christ loved. Fatigue, distrust, the bitter taste of life push us to isolation. Usually, as we grow older, our trust on people grows less, and finally many of us end up looking like small deserted islands, isolated by the waves of melancholy. We revolve around ourselves, our problems, our interests, our strong points or our weaknesses. The Feast of the Resurrection urges us to move to a saving breakout from the fortress of our ego to the meeting of our fellow men. The distrust toward others that often poisons our life must be overcome by the joy of the Resurrection. It is urgent these days of Pascha to contribute to the opening of hearts to relatives, to coworkers, to friends, to enemies, to “those near and to those afar,” to dissolve the clouds of dislike that shadow interpersonal relationships and to transfigure mere coexistence to a communion of love. Every Pascha constitutes a challenge by the Risen One to a saving passing over from every kind of indifference, hypocrisy and convention to a personal relationship with the living God of truth and love, from the area of multifaceted death to the space of endless life, from what we are now to what the resurrected Christ wants us to become: people with a paschal conscience and with a paschal mindset. $ THEODORE G. AND FREDA DANAKAS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission: April 23, 2015. All required items in the checklist below must be received in the church office by this deadline for your application to be considered. YOU CAN APPLY IF: 1. You or at least one parent is in good standing of the parish at the time of graduation and at the time of college entrance, based on the Church’s stewardship policy. 2. You have been active in Sunday School and parish-related activities such as Altar Server, Byzantine-Adult or Youth Choir, Holy Friday Retreat Participant, Greek Festival Volunteer, Library, Gift Shop, Foreign Missions, Orthodox Action, or other ministry. 3. You must have been accepted as a matriculating student by a two-year college or university, four-year college or university, or a vocational tech school. You may apply before any year of the program. 4. You can apply if you have received this scholarship before Required documents: APPLICATION CHECKLIST: FINANCIAL: All other factors being equal, the student with the greatest financial need will take precedence based upon an official copy of the “FAFSA – EFC Application Verification” (AV) form. This form does not include income information but does include the Expected Family Contribution. See enclosed example. Do not include Tax Returns or other personal financial information. FAFSA, EFC APPLICATION VERIFICATION Please include the FAFSA “Expected Family Contribution” statement. The EFC statement is a one page document that can be printed from the FAFSA website at the successful completion of your FAFSA application. DO NOT SEND ANY TAX RETURN OR OTHER PERSONAL FINANCIAL DATA WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Below is an example of what the EFC statement page may look like. If you have any questions regarding this page, contact the Church office or a Scholarship trustee: ___ This instruction sheet with this checklist filled out. ___ The completed scholarship application form ___ Statement of reasons for applying and any additional information ___ Proof of admission to a university, college, community college, or This is the EFC number. Do not black out your name or schools. vocational/technical school ___ High School Transcript, including class ranking ___ One Academic reference ___ One Personal reference ___ FAFSA – EFC Application Verification form – see below. Required, will be prepared by the church office: ___ Parish Priest’s Certification that a parent is a member in good standing SCHOLARSHIP TRUST The Committee thanks the following who have donated to the Church’s Scholarship Fund. We can think of no better way for our Church, in a tangible way, to show its appreciation to the members of our parish for their hard work, dedication, and devotion. The Church Scholarship Committee Rev. Dr. Christos B. Christakis • Dean Mellas (Parish Council President) • Dean Pavlakis • Boris Kuvshinoff Betty-Lou Frangooles William H. & Judy Gorman, Jr. Margaret M. Manos Mary Voulgaris Krestos Mrs. Tina Tzimas Leo & Niki Pullman Leo Bindert and Elise Bindert Hercules Pappas Christ A. Ravenas 26 Helen Yianilos Parish Peter & Joan Pullman Peter Pullman, Jr. Richard & Karen Wagner CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission: April 23, 2015. All required items in the checklist below must be received in the church office by this deadline for your application to be considered. YOU CAN APPLY IF: 1. You or at least one parent is in good standing of the parish at the time of graduation and at the time of college entrance, based on the Church’s stewardship policy. ___ Proof of participation in other church activities - see the list, below 2. You have been active in Sunday School and church activities such as Altar Server, Byzantine-Adult or Youth Choir, Holy Friday Retreat Participant, Greek Festival Volunteer, Library, Gift Shop, Foreign Missions, Orthodox Action or other ministry. The committee will take into account financial need based upon an official copy of the “FAFSA – EFC Application Verification” (AV) form, if the family would like to provide it. This form does not include income information but does include the Expected Family Contribution (see example). Do not include Tax Returns or other personal financial information. ___ FAFSA – EFC Application Verification form – see example on page 26. FINANCIAL: 3. You must have been accepted as a matriculating student by an accredited four-year college or university within two years of high school graduation. 4. You have not previously received this scholarship, unless you are a seminary student. Actual or prospective seminary students should contact the Parish Priest for instructions. CHURCH ACTIVITY AND PARTICIPATION CHECKLIST The following is a list of Church organizations, activities and services. It is provided as a guide to assist you in preparing your scholarship application and improving your candidacy. If you have participated in a listed activity ascertain the signature of the responsible chairperson or leader in the space provided. You may wish to include any additional written documentation or letters of recommendation by that chairperson as desired to further enhance your application. IMPORTANT QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates who fulfill the following qualifications will have priority consideration for the Scholarship. Sunday School: An aggregate attendance record in Sunday School (SS) of 75% from grades 9-12. (The Sunday School Coordinator provides this information directly to the Committee). Activity Essay: An essay, in accordance to the rules of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, as completed during any grade 9-12, and approved by the Festival Chair. The candidate will be encouraged but not required to compete in the oration portion of the Festival. Advisor or adult contact 1. Altar Server _____________________________ 2. Choir – Adult _____________________________ 3. Choir – Byzantine _____________________________ 4. Choir – Youth _____________________________ 5. Community Christmas Pres. _____________________________ Required documents (all must be received in church office by the deadline to be considered): 6. Cultural Comm. Volunteer _____________________________ ___ This instruction sheet with this checklist filled out. 7. Foreign Miss. Fundraising _____________________________ ___ The completed scholarship application form 8. Gift Shop Volunteer _____________________________ GOYA: A four-year aggregate participation record in GOYA sponsored activities of 50% from grades 9-12, as evidenced in a letter signed by the GOYA advisor. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: ___ Statement of reasons for applying and any additional information 9. Greek School Grad/Participant _____________________________ ___ Proof of admission to a four-year university ___ High School Transcript, including class ranking ___ One Academic reference ___ One Personal reference Required, will be prepared by the church office: ___ Parish Priest’s Certification that a parent is a member in good standing Optional documents to support priority consideration: ___ An essay in accordance with the rules of the St John Oratorical Festival ___ Evidence from GOYA Advisor indicating participation of 50% or more. 27 10. Greek Festival Volunteer _____________________________ 11. Holy Friday Retreat Partic. _____________________________ 12. Library Volunteer _____________________________ 13.Orthodox Action Volunteer _____________________________ 14. Philoptochos Volunteer _____________________________ 15. Other Activity (please list) _____________________________ MEMORIALS We gratefully acknowledge donations received by our memorial funds in loving memory of the following: Michael Boubaris Joanna Nicholas Paulette Vergos Cesana Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Russell E. Coran Helen Coran Lynne & Sanford Bookey Lisa & Steven Massaro and their Families Kostas G. Desminis Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Nicholas Economou (Brother of Aggie Polisson) Margaret M. Manos Donald K. Peebles John P. Falkides Katherine, Adonis, Michele, Nicholas & Danielle Falkides Betty-Lou Diebold Frangooles Robert W. Frangooles Anne Reif Debbie Speidel Mary Tarnowski Mrs. Anne Mastoris Colleen Lambros Hellenic Seniors Club Sam & Effie Gikas Nicholas & Priscilla Candiliotis Mr. George Antoulinakis Mrs. Hope Vallas William G. Siradas Katherine, Adonis, Michele Nicholas & Danielle Falkides Sophia Sykas Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Louis & Deanna Diakos Sotirios & Joanne Gogos Anthony & Barbara Veanes Dr. Alan & Athena Meholick George & Elenie Basil Barbara E. Kelly Angie Page Regina M. Sapona Sterios & Maria Gogos Mary Eyler Gerry & Mary Jo Parker Valentinos & Sophia Salonikis Margaret M. Manos Michael & Artemis Likoudis Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis John & Mary Lewlew Dr. Brian & Madeline Cushing William & Judy Gorman, Jr. Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Louis & Deanna Diakos Sotirios & Joanne Gogos Anthony & Barbara Veanes Peter Plumpis & Family George & Elenie Basil Angie Page Mark & Lisa Phillips Regina M. Sapona Paul & Marie Nogowski Angie Krestos Brown Sue Marie Clark Kennie & Kelly Brown Stephen & Karen Turner Annunciation Adult Choir Sterios & Maria Gogos Mary Eyler Ann Martin Carol Szczepanski Maria & Ken Bork & Family Diana Pappas & Gerald Aquilina & Family Dean Pappas Gerry & Mary Jo Parker Gary Anthony Halicki Helen Coran Margaret M. Manos Michael & Artemis Likoudis George & Jennifer Gogos & Family Tina Tzimas Michael & Maria Antoulinakis Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis Crist & Katie Brown and John & Jim Robert W. Frangooles & Family Bessie Diakos Halkias (Sister of Clara Kosmas and Louis Diakos) Nick & Gina Bechakas Stacy Diakos Maria Gerakios Mariam Mashni Harb Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Thalia J. Bechakas-Kafasis (Mother of Nina Krestos) Louis & Deanna Diakos Mary Voulgaris Krestos Mrs. Anne Mastoris Colleen Lambros Hellenic Seniors Club Sam & Stella Gikas Nicholas & Priscilla Candiliotis George Antoulinakis John & Amy Zavitz & Family Robert & Donna Amati & Family Jerry & Christina Candiliotis Terry Abraham Soula Clark Fr. James & Pres. Goldie Doukas Fr. Demetrios & Pres. Diana Kazakis & Family Demetria & Mike Greenwood Claire & Al Nelson John & Toula Bechakas Barbara E. Kelly Mrs. Hope Vallas Gregory & Elaine Weber Patrick & Anna Manning Nicole Krestos Drs. Boris & Barbara Kuvshinoff William G. Siradas Bill & Madonna Strom Navene & Jerome Maragliano Patricia Papafagos Katherine, Adonis, Michele Nicholas & Danielle Falkides The Rybnys – Judi, Buddy, Scott & Keri George & Clara Kosmas Sophia Sykas Peter A. Krestos Katherine, Adonis, Michele, Nicholas & Danielle Falkides Charles J. Liarakos (Brother of Joanne Liaros) Mrs. Hope Vallas Anna Faturos Liaros Sotirios & Joanne Gogos Mary Triantafillou Mandilas John Velianou & Family Nick & Daphne Christou Mrs. Melpomeni Triantafillou Mark Milanoski Ann McNamara Eric M. Manos Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Andrea Georgeades Migliore (Daughter of Paul & Roberta Georgeades) Paul & Roberta Georgeades Spiros N. Nicholas Joanna Nicholas Alexander “Alex” Papafagos Patricia Papafagos Hercules Pappas (Brother-in-law of Margaret M. Manos) Margaret M. Manos Matthew & Dorothy Forest Christ A. Ravenas Michael P. Paravalos (Brother of Christina P. Miller) Emily R. Klinski Helen Yianilos Parish Mrs. Helen Vergos Mr. George Antoulinakis Mrs. Hope Vallas Anthony & Barbara Veanes Mrs. Anne Mastoris Colleen Lambros Hellenic Seniors Club Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Navene & Jerome Maragliano Paul W. Siradas Valentinos & Sophia Salonikis Peter & Joan Pullman Peter Pullman, Jr. Richard & Karen Wagner Clyde & Helene Drake William G. Siradas Benjamin & Alice Henneberger Helen Yianilos Chaffee & Family Bertha Quinn Gorge Elenie Basil Beatrice Yianilos Sterios & Maria Gogos Joe & Debbie Gibbs Robert W. Frangooles & Family Continued on page 29 Please remember: All memorial donations must be received by the 10th of every month to appear the following month. 28 George S. Piatov Robert W. Frangooles & Family John Pavlakis – Greece (Cousin of Peter Pavlakis) Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis Michael & Maria Antoulinakis Leo & Niki Pullman Anthony G. “Tony” Perdicas Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Valentinos & Sophia Salonikis Sterios & Maria Gogos Mary Eyler The Meholick Family Margaret M. Manos Gerry & Mary Jo Parker Anthony & Barbara Veanes Mrs. Jeanne Lawless Weber Peter & Elizabeth Pavlakis Leo Bindert Elise Bindert (Great-great-grandparents of the following:) Lula Siradas William G. Siradas Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Helen Coran Lynne & Sanford Bookey Lisa & Steven Massaro and their families Angelo J. “Lee” Yeostros Katherine, Adonis, Michele, Nicholas & Danielle Falkides Bessie Poulos Petrakis (Sister of Stella Pappas & Mother of Helene Petrakis) May their memories be eternal Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma Emmanuel & Fallia Michopoulos Phufas (Parents of Ellene Phufas-Jousma) Thomas & Ellene Phufas Jousma COMMUNITY REGISTER BAPTISMS • Joseph (Christian) –February 28, 2015 Son of Joseph Sutfin & Anastasia Stark Godparent: Ann-Marie & Avery Brooks DEATHS • Mary Mandilas – February 18, 2015 • Mary Krestos – February 21, 2015 • Betty-Lou Frangooles – February 22, 2015 29 DAILY BIBLE GUIDE Researched from: 4/1/2015 .............Orthros OT: Isaiah 58:1-11; Vespers OT1: Genesis 43:26-31; 45:1- 4/20/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 3:19-26; Gospel: John 2:1-11 4/2/2015 .............Orthros OT: Isaiah 65:8-16; Vespers OT1: Genesis 46:1-7; Vespers 4/22/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 4:13-22; Gospel: John 5:17-24 ...........................16; Vespers OT2: Proverbs 21:23-22:4 ...........................OT2: Proverbs 23:15-24:5 4/21/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 4:1-10; Gospel: John 3:16-21 4/23/2015 ...........Matins: Luke 21:12-19; Epistle: Acts 12:1-11; Gospel: John 15:17...........................27; 16:1-2 4/3/2015 .............Orthros OT: Isaiah 66:10-24; Vespers OT1: Genesis 49:33-50:26; ...........................Vespers OT2: Proverbs 31:8-31 4/24/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 5:1-11; Gospel: John 5:30-47; 6:1-2 4/5/2015 .............Matins: Matthew 21:1-11; 15-17; Epistle: Philippians 4:4-9; Gospel: 4/26/2015 ...........Matins: Luke 24:1-12; Epistle: Acts 6:1-7; Gospel: Mark 15:43-47; 4/4/2015 .............Epistle: Hebrews 12:28-29; 13:1-8; Gospel: John 11:1-45 ...........................John 12:1-18 4/25/2015 ...........Epistle: 1 Peter 5:6-14; Gospel: Luke 10:16-21 ...........................16:1-8 4/6/2015 .............Gospel: Matthew 21:18-43; Gospel: Matthew 24:3-35 4/27/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-5, 47-60; Gospel: John 4:46-54 ...........................25:1-46; 26:1-2 4/29/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 8:18-25; Gospel: John 6:35-39 4/28/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 8:5-17; Gospel: John 6:27-33 4/7/2015 .............Gospel: Matthew 22:15-46; 23:1-39; Gospel: Matthew 24:36-51; 4/30/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 12:1-11; Gospel: Luke 9:1-6 4/8/2015 .............Gospel: John 12:17-50; Gospel: Matthew 26:6-16 5/1/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 8:40; 9:1-19; Gospel: John 6:48-54 4/9/2015 .............Matins: Luke 22:1-39; Epistle: 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; Gospel: 5/2/2015 .............Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16; Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19 ...........................Matthew 26:1-20; 5/3/2015 .............Matins: Luke 24:13-35; Epistle: Acts 9:32-42; Gospel: John 5:1-15 4/9/2015 .............John 13:3-17; Matthew 26:21-39; Luke 22:43-44; Matthew 26:40- 5/4/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 10:1-16; Gospel: John 6:56-69 ...........................75; 27:1-2 5/5/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 10:21-33; Gospel: John 7:1-13 4/9/2015 .............12 Gospels: The Twelve Gospels of the Passion of Our Lord and 5/6/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 14:6-18; Gospel: John 7:14-30 ...........................Savior Jesus Christ 5/7/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 26:1, 12-20; Gospel: John 8:12-20 4/10/2015 ...........Epistle: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; Gospel: Matthew 27:62-66 5/8/2015 .............Matins: John 21:15-25; Epistle: I John 1:1-7; Gospel: John 19:25- 4/11/2015............Matins: Matthew 27:62-66; Epistle: Romans 6:3-11; Gospel: ...........................28, 21:24-25 ...........................Matthew 28:1-20 4/12/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 1:1-8; Gospel: John 1:1-17 5/9/2015 .............Epistle: Acts 12:1-11; Gospel: John 8:31-42 4/14/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 2:14-21; Gospel: Luke 24:12-35 5/11/2015............Epistle: Acts 12:12-17; Gospel: John 8:42-51 5/10/2015 ...........Matins: John 20:1-10; Epistle: Acts 11:19-30; Gospel: John 4:5-42 4/13/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 1:12-17, 21-26; Gospel: John 1:18-28 5/12/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 12:25; 13:1-12; Gospel: John 8:51-59 4/15/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 2:22-38; Gospel: John 1:35-52 5/13/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 13:13-24; Gospel: John 6:5-14 4/16/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 2:38-43; Gospel: John 3:1-15 5/14/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 14:20-28; 15:1-4; Gospel: John 9:39-10:9 5/15/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 15:5-12; Gospel: John 10:17-28 4/17/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 3:1-8; Gospel: John 2:12-22 4/18/2015 ...........Epistle: Acts 3:11-16; Gospel: John 3:22-33 4/19/2015 ...........Matins: Matthew 28:16-20; Epistle: Acts 5:12-20; Gospel: John ...........................20:19-31 HOW TO SUBMIT ARTICLES, TEXT, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISEMENTS FOR GLAD TIDINGS Limit articles, reports and features to ONE page. All articles should be submitted in electronic format as a Word document or a text file. Digital photographs, graphic arts and advertisements should be submitted in electronic formats as a jpeg, tiff or pdf file. Printed photos should be originals, no photocopies will be accepted. If you do not have camera ready art, we can set up artwork for you at a minimal charge. Business advertising in Glad Tidings is patronized by members and friends of our Greek community. Advertising rates for ten (10) issues are: Full page: $500.00 Quarter page: $250.00 Half page: $350.00 Business Card: $150.00 Contact the church office at 882.9485 or office.hoca@ to submit your ad. Deadline for the next issue: April 10, 2015 30 Materials submitted for publication may be edited for brevity, space and errors. All materials must be received by the deadline to be included in the next issue. Materials received after the dealine will be published on a best effort basis. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 146 West Utica Street Buffalo, NY 14222-2085 “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” 40 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage P A I D Buffalo, NY Permit No. 3358
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